Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kayzo said:
The drugs that Haruhi was given really did their job as she was out throughout most everything that happened. She had no clue that she had been kidnapped, that people were fighting over her, or that Raa was on her side. But just now as she was being carried by him, being saved by him, she was beginning to wake up. The blue haired girl found herself slung over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Whoever this man was is a stranger to her and she actually believed that he was the kidnapper. "Let go of me!" She screeched, turning her fist into an iron hammer and hitting the back of his legs. "I'll hit much harder next time!"
Raa stumbled with the girl on his back, pulling the grunt down for the ride. "Lady calm down. I'm helping you!" He explained loudly before yanking the man towards him and wrapping him up with more string. "I get that you're dazed but please read the situation." He said as he stood and offered his hand to help her up. "Names Raa, hope you don't mind if I string this fellow along." He said casually. "And please don't hit me again." It was fortunate that his legs were armored in darksteel. "Last time I do anything nice." He grumbled.

Donald Houns

The Restaurant

Donald picked up a piece of sushi with his hands, sniffing it before placing it in his mouth. His mouth twisted into a frown at the texture, but the taste made it a tad better and easier to get down his throat. He had wanted to go somewhere he could get some good cooked food, like beef or something along those lines, but he was still stuck doing what Honoka told him to do. Thus, he had no choice but to follow her around. Not that he didn't enjoy going around to the market, but the choice in food was surprising, and slightly revolting.

When the goons showed up and stole Haruhi, Donald jumped out of his chair to pursue them. But the two lackeys that stayed back blasted him away with wind magic. As he flew backwards, he collided into a table that broke under his weight. He hit his head as he fell tot he floor, and layed dazed in the wreckage.

When he regained his bearings, he groaned, standing up. He looked at the marks on his arms from the wood of the tables cutting him, and groaned. Not deep cuts, but they left little itchy marks. He shook his arms, loosening up, as he stretched his neck from side to side. "Well...this day got even more exciting, hasn't it?" DOnald cracked his knuckles. "Watch your back, Honoka. Don't want you getting zapped."

Donald rubbed his hands together, lightning jumping along his arms as power built up. When he stopped, lightning arced along both his arms. Bringing his arms up, he brought them with tremendous force onto the ground. The wood beneath him split apart, and the lightning danced erratically as it followed the cracks he made along the ground towards his attacker. He noticed Honoka was dealing with her own opponent, and noticed that he shirt had apparently been torn up. He would worry about that afterwards.

@Mitchs98 @purplepanda288
Metaphysics said:
Raa stumbled with the girl on his back, pulling the grunt down for the ride. "Lady calm down. I'm helping you!" He explained loudly before yanking the man towards him and wrapping him up with more string. "I get that you're dazed but please read the situation." He said as he stood and offered his hand to help her up. "Names Raa, hope you don't mind if I string this fellow along." He said casually. "And please don't hit me again." It was fortunate that his legs were armored in darksteel. "Last time I do anything nice." He grumbled.
Haruhi almost immediately stopped hitting Raa in the legs as he explained the situation. She felt really bad for hurting someone trying to help her. "I-oh my, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you were helping!" She said with a frown, going limp and falling of his back not so gracefully onto her butt. She watched as her kidnapper was tied up by her unknown hero. The blue haired girl was still very confused on what had happened with the whole drug situation, but she didn't do anything to stop Raa. Reaching up she took his hand and got to her feet, brushing off whatever dirt was on her dress. "Oh, I won't hit you again. I'm so sorry, Raa? I was just confused and scared. My name is Haruhi."
Talon said:
Talon jumped up and flipped over Tanari. He landed fcing Tanars back, standing over Ferra. "Dont worry Ferra ill protect you from this kidnapper." He told her before before throwing multiple fireballs at his opponent, distracting her. He immediatly charged forward and jumped up. "Pheonix air strike!¡!¡" He cried before shooting towards Tanari, both flaming fists first. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

As the boy leapt over her she kept her aim after him, spraying a beam of fire high into the sky and only ceasing her attack once he landed before the girl she rescued. She couldn't exactly torch the very person she saved after all. Her opponent wasn't one to let her relax and he quickly threw several fireballs her way. In response she gave several quick punches at the air, each one launching off a condensed orb of flame that hit the fireballs, causing them to detonate mid-air. However the boy made use of the explosions to mask his approach, diving down on her with a powerful punch. While she managed to bring her arms up to block the blow the force of the impact sent her flying back, tumbling across the ground until she managed to get her footing and slide to a halt. As she rose to her feet she shook her arms, wincing in pain as she did. "Son of a..." It wasn't often she was on the defensive like this and it wasn't something she enjoyed. It was clear to her that he rivaled her in terms of power and both of them being fire mages just further enhanced the stalemate they'd find themselves in.

In times like this it all came down to experience and outside influence. These were two areas she was confidant that she bested him. She reached down back behind her waist, grasping the hilt of her sword. She let her hand linger there for a few moments before ultimately pulling away. This was a fight she'd have to win on experience alone. The boy's attack had forced her a fair distance away and so she began slowly began walking back towards him, keeping a careful eye on him as if studying him. Once she had closed the gap she gave the boy a wry grin, tilting her head every so slightly as the flames around her fists reignited. They weren't her usual crimson flames, the fire that licked at her fists was a deep blue. Without warning she lunged forward, aiming a series of rapid punches and kicks at the boy. Each impact, whether blocked or otherwise, would set off a small explosion which greatly enhanced the force of her blows.
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia smiled at both Alfie and Mizuki before turning to Kelica and Chris, wondering if they'd be coming too. Her plan worked, which was great. She was sure Mizuki would probably try to do it some other time without her..but as long as she didn't know about it it couldn't really affect her she guessed. She frowned slightly as Kelica said they'd stay behind. Honestly from what she'd said before it was probably for the best. "Awh. Okay! Cya later!" She called out waving as Kelica ran off. She jumped slightly at Adrian shouted, somewhat confused. Though, everyone else was going to check so she figured it'd be fine. "Let's go guys!" She told them, grabbing each of their hands and attempting to urge them along. She glanced over at the girl Kelica was holding and thought she somewhat recognized her, but Kelica was handling it sooo..food.
Mizuki looked down at her hand as Alicia took it along with Alfie's and began to lead them away from the guild hall. The way the three were walking probably made them look like some big happy family, Mizuki being the abusive mother, Alfie being the over happy dad, and Alicia being the sweet cinnamon roll. The dark Mage wasn't going to tell Alicia to stop as she didn't care what others thought she was doing or who she was with, plus she didn't have the heart to tell her off. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that people were beginning to gather around someone who seemed to be hurt, but she decided to ignore them and kept walking. She had no healing magic so it wasn't her problem. Kelica could just heal him up in a jiffy. However she did somewhat envy the injured man due to the fact that he'd get a taste of painful healing rather than her. He probably didn't even like painful healing. "Where do you plan on leading us?.." She asked Alfie and Alicia, squeezing the little girl's hand gently.

@Salt Lord
Kayzo said:
Haruhi almost immediately stopped hitting Raa in the legs as he explained the situation. She felt really bad for hurting someone trying to help her. "I-oh my, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you were helping!" She said with a frown, going limp and falling of his back not so gracefully onto her butt. She watched as her kidnapper was tied up by her unknown hero. The blue haired girl was still very confused on what had happened with the whole drug situation, but she didn't do anything to stop Raa. Reaching up she took his hand and got to her feet, brushing off whatever dirt was on her dress. "Oh, I won't hit you again. I'm so sorry, Raa? I was just confused and scared. My name is Haruhi."
Raa - Ironing out the details

"It's cool, you know, not every I get hit by a pretty girl with a hammer. Happens to me a lot more frequent than you'd think." Raa explained coolly, this was a regular Wednesday for him. The man as secured to Raa's back to ensure he doesn't get away. "Okay so he was running with you on his shoulder..." He said before a larger surfboard appeared in front of him. "Anyone else need help or a ride? Get on and lead the way." He offered as he stepped onto the board. If she got on the ride would start and he'd allow her to lead the way. (Just tell him where to go for autopathing)
purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox

Honks stopped her attack as the man went flying, she had a small celebration in her mind that she took him down with one attack. But that soon ended as her regained thier selves and prepared another attack, unfortunately for the goon she bent back matrix style. Honoka wasn't fast enough to fully dogged the attack so most of the front of her shirt was cut away by the slice of air. A blush creeped onto her face, she thankfully had bra on that covered her breasts. " I'm going to kill you!"

Honks reached back into her pocket, hand finding a score. Her eyes shown with a deathly glare, she was out for his blood. First his sister and now her favorite shirt?! If there wasn't a body on the floor after she's done then she missed. As she bright out the score it began to glow a blinding light. She traced her finger around the edge of the parchment, her lips parted. " Song of the moving earth!" The parchment began to fall apart, until her hand was the only thing left.

Honoka raised her left hand, and with that movement all the porcelain plates in the restaurant lifted into the air. Two snaps from her and the plates shattered, another snap and the shards launched them selves at the goon. Sure he could blow them away, but there probably more plates in the kitchen. Honks was gonna get her sister back, even if it means bringing someone close to death.

Alice Liddell

And those who were seen dancing were though to be insane by those who can't here the music

Alice locked eyes with Livian's, green lost in orbs of deep blue. Alice felt something jump in her chest, something she never felt before. This man, blue in clad, this man has some how stolen something that had stopped beating since the fire. " J-Just follow my lead. It's easy, we'll go from where you can." She began to do a simple walce, back and forth, back and forth a few times before she started to add small spins as the walked on the stage. Simply speaking that they seemed to glide across the stage. Alice grew closer Livian, he was much much taller than her, as she looked up once again once she felt her heart jump. Her chest thighten, constricting her. Even with the new rush of emotions she continued with following though the steps of the simple dance.

@The Dinkster
Lackey #82

The man was sort of distracted by the fact he'd cut his opponents shirt off. How was that even possible? Though, he was sort of depressed it didn't...ah..fully bring everything into view. The brief moment of distraction was all it took for the majority of the porcelain shards to find their way into and all over his body. He staggered and coughed up blood, mentally cursing to himself how he could possibly be so stupid. He was injured, but not out. He decided to go with his last attack, though two this time. "Wind Slash." He said twice, sending two arcing blades of wind at Honoka this time. One at her legs, one at her chest.

Metaphysics said:
Raa blinked at the fast approaching shards of rock. Earth magic was annoying to deal with. The shards of rock were caught and crushed by darksteel strings from his left hand while those on his right snake their way around the grunt's neck. "Twitch a bit and you're not going to like what happens next." He stated moving to carry the girl on his back. "So please. Twitch." He added menacingly.
Metaphysics said:
Raa stumbled with the girl on his back, pulling the grunt down for the ride. "Lady calm down. I'm helping you!" He explained loudly before yanking the man towards him and wrapping him up with more string. "I get that you're dazed but please read the situation." He said as he stood and offered his hand to help her up. "Names Raa, hope you don't mind if I string this fellow along." He said casually. "And please don't hit me again." It was fortunate that his legs were armored in darksteel. "Last time I do anything nice." He grumbled.
Kayzo said:
The drugs that Haruhi was given really did their job as she was out throughout most everything that happened. She had no clue that she had been kidnapped, that people were fighting over her, or that Raa was on her side. But just now as she was being carried by him, being saved by him, she was beginning to wake up. The blue haired girl found herself slung over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Whoever this man was is a stranger to her and she actually believed that he was the kidnapper. "Let go of me!" She screeched, turning her fist into an iron hammer and hitting the back of his legs. "I'll hit much harder next time!"
Metaphysics said:
Raa stumbled with the girl on his back, pulling the grunt down for the ride. "Lady calm down. I'm helping you!" He explained loudly before yanking the man towards him and wrapping him up with more string. "I get that you're dazed but please read the situation." He said as he stood and offered his hand to help her up. "Names Raa, hope you don't mind if I string this fellow along." He said casually. "And please don't hit me again." It was fortunate that his legs were armored in darksteel. "Last time I do anything nice." He grumbled.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi almost immediately stopped hitting Raa in the legs as he explained the situation. She felt really bad for hurting someone trying to help her. "I-oh my, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you were helping!" She said with a frown, going limp and falling of his back not so gracefully onto her butt. She watched as her kidnapper was tied up by her unknown hero. The blue haired girl was still very confused on what had happened with the whole drug situation, but she didn't do anything to stop Raa. Reaching up she took his hand and got to her feet, brushing off whatever dirt was on her dress. "Oh, I won't hit you again. I'm so sorry, Raa? I was just confused and scared. My name is Haruhi."
Lackey #9001

The man glared as he was pretty much tied up in extremely sharp wire. He couldn't move in fear of well, death. Leave it to outside help to be his downfall, his comrades may well leave at this point seeing as kidnapping Haruhi was a failure. He simply tensed his body, ready to be killed and assuming Raa would. Though, he figured he was a Light Guilder so he doubted he would. Mission failed, he simply remained silent.

Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

The Restaurant

Donald picked up a piece of sushi with his hands, sniffing it before placing it in his mouth. His mouth twisted into a frown at the texture, but the taste made it a tad better and easier to get down his throat. He had wanted to go somewhere he could get some good cooked food, like beef or something along those lines, but he was still stuck doing what Honoka told him to do. Thus, he had no choice but to follow her around. Not that he didn't enjoy going around to the market, but the choice in food was surprising, and slightly revolting.

When the goons showed up and stole Haruhi, Donald jumped out of his chair to pursue them. But the two lackeys that stayed back blasted him away with wind magic. As he flew backwards, he collided into a table that broke under his weight. He hit his head as he fell tot he floor, and layed dazed in the wreckage.

When he regained his bearings, he groaned, standing up. He looked at the marks on his arms from the wood of the tables cutting him, and groaned. Not deep cuts, but they left little itchy marks. He shook his arms, loosening up, as he stretched his neck from side to side. "Well...this day got even more exciting, hasn't it?" DOnald cracked his knuckles. "Watch your back, Honoka. Don't want you getting zapped."

Donald rubbed his hands together, lightning jumping along his arms as power built up. When he stopped, lightning arced along both his arms. Bringing his arms up, he brought them with tremendous force onto the ground. The wood beneath him split apart, and the lightning danced erratically as it followed the cracks he made along the ground towards his attacker. He noticed Honoka was dealing with her own opponent, and noticed that he shirt had apparently been torn up. He would worry about that afterwards.

@Britt\-21 @Britt\-21

Sera: Magnolia Streets

Sera was extremely glad Lavender had tagged along. Sure, she would of enjoyed alone time with Mika very much, but the way Lavender had left would of left things to be awkward had she not tried to get Lavender to tag along. Besides, he'd be staying with her. She would have plenty of time where it could be just them later. Right now it was the festival and she was with friends, that's all that mattered and honestly it made her very happy. She smiled and nodded at his statement, "Yup. Fairy Tail doesn't believe in the word 'overboard'." She replied. Which was very true, for no matter what Fairy Tail did it was almost always over the top and excessively flashy. Before she could answer his question he'd already ran over to one of the games like a little kid in a candy store. She chuckled and looked over to Lavender, shrugging before she started walking over. "Okay, okay. We'll do this first." She assured him with an amused grin on her face. She paid enough for all of them, though insisted that Lavender went first.
Lysander Connell

Location: Magnolia - Float Making Area

Lysander gave a sad smile. "Yes, he is a great person to be with, and I highly admire him. Maya said he would be attending the festival on the third day, and I'm hoping to bump into him at least." Once again, he welcomed the physical contact with Sora. It was strange... he liked physical contact from people but at the same time he was nervous around it, because other than his parents and grandmother, no one usually touched him. Lloyd too, was not one for physical contact so hugs were out of a the question, just a gentle squeeze on the shoulder that made Lysander beam from the comfort it brought. But other than those, he very rarely had physical contact from people and it was a natural instinct to move away if people reached for him. But Sora was very different. She seemed to be a very physically affectionate person, and he hoped that she would continue to be so.

He was also rather curious about Sora's mentor figure. Sora and Maya were in different guilds, and he was curious to know how they met. But before he could post the question, Sora had to go to the Guild Hall to get ready for the parade; her costume apparently was there. He was rather disappointed that their time today would be coming to an end, but still, he smiled (it was easy to smile as he was rather proud of the float and very pleased that Sora liked it if her compliments were any indication) and said cheerfully, "I'm glad to be of help! I'll meet you after the festival is done. Have fun, and I'm definitely going to watch out for you and your float." The thought of accompanying Clair though, made him balk. He barely knew her, and he was quite sure that she distrusted him, if the threat of castration was anything to go by.

At that, Lysander's eyes went wide, and he just stared at Clair. He wanted to laugh, but he forced himself to hold it in; he did not want to create any trouble between himself and any of Sora's friends, even despite his personal opinion of them. He just thought it was rather rich that Clair would threaten him for looking at her inappropriately while she had been the one to get a complete stranger to comment on Sora's breasts, and he had not missed how upset that had actually made her. His stunned silence turned into a displeased frown, but he said nothing, not even deigning to reply to that.

Well, hanging out with Clair and her friend was completely out of the question, and anyway there was something he wanted to do first while waiting for the festival, and this was his chance. He would have to apologize later to Sora for not hanging out with Clair as she had asked, and he did not want to disappoint her. It was just... he had other pressing matters that he needed to attend to. Plus, the thought of hanging out with people he was unfamiliar with and being a third wheel and all the awkwardness that would ensue made him extremely reluctant to do so. He did not even want to interrupt Clair and the other man's conversation... the awkwardness of that action terrified him, so he quietly made his exit. He did not even think they noticed him going.

Fortunately, he knew where the Magnolia Cemetery was located, so he headed in that direction, weaving his way through the crowds of people.

@Kyuubey @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots

Livian Azul

Livian looked down at Alice as they stood there momentarily before he looked away, a small amount of pink coming across his cheeks and face. Livian remained silent and offered a nod as she told him that they would follow her lead while dancing. He followed Alice as the danced, back and forth a few times, he was a bit surprised that she started to add some spins into the dance, luckily Livian was a fast learner and continued to follow Alice. The dance continued to go on, and it felt nice, as it was a bit new to him. As they continued to dance he looked down at her, noticing she herself seemed to be a bit flustered, "We can stop, Miss Alice... you seem a bit flustered..."

Kayzo said:
Mizuki looked down at her hand as Alicia took it along with Alfie's and began to lead them away from the guild hall. The way the three were walking probably made them look like some big happy family, Mizuki being the abusive mother, Alfie being the over happy dad, and Alicia being the sweet cinnamon roll. The dark Mage wasn't going to tell Alicia to stop as she didn't care what others thought she was doing or who she was with, plus she didn't have the heart to tell her off. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that people were beginning to gather around someone who seemed to be hurt, but she decided to ignore them and kept walking. She had no healing magic so it wasn't her problem. Kelica could just heal him up in a jiffy. However she did somewhat envy the injured man due to the fact that he'd get a taste of painful healing rather than her. He probably didn't even like painful healing. "Where do you plan on leading us?.." She asked Alfie and Alicia, squeezing the little girl's hand gently.
@Salt Lord
Alfie looked around as they tread around the streets of Magnolia (I'm just assuming that they left the Guild Hall already), searching for the perfect food stand. Though since he wouldn't be eating, he'd need to ask for their opinion. Mizuki probably didn't care, or was more likely to ask Alicia, so he decided he'd ask the little girl himself. "Wherever sells what Alicia feels like eating," he said, hoping it didn't need to be in question form in order for Alicia to understand that the decision was hers.

The festival was very beautiful in Lavender's eyes. It was lively and filled with happy children. This made the warrior smile gently as Mika ran over to a stall and stared at it. She glanced at sera and then back at Mika, slowly approaching the stall. Lavender wasn't a big game person. She just loved to watch rather than play, Because if she missed, or did something wrong, her pale skin would turn red out of embarrassment. Something still bugged Lavender deeply and wouldn't go away. The feeling of her stomach twisting and turning wasn't helping at all. If only she was able to rid such a feeling.

She just had to ignore it right now. This feeling was running any fun that she could potentially have with Mika and Sera. Lavender needed some fun in her life, something light hearted and fun. Especially with children around laughing and holding a type of sweet in their hand. She needed more friends, that's what she needed. The guild hall she hasn't been to in a while. She had to go back and catch up with what happened.
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Ironing out the details

"It's cool, you know, not every I get hit by a pretty girl with a hammer. Happens to me a lot more frequent than you'd think." Raa explained coolly, this was a regular Wednesday for him. The man as secured to Raa's back to ensure he doesn't get away. "Okay so he was running with you on his shoulder..." He said before a larger surfboard appeared in front of him. "Anyone else need help or a ride? Get on and lead the way." He offered as he stepped onto the board. If she got on the ride would start and he'd allow her to lead the way. (Just tell him where to go for autopathing)
Haruhi found herself blushing as Raa had called her a "pretty girl" who wielded an iron hammer. She was pretty flustered now as she still wasn't used to getting complimented. You could tell her that the white button on her shirt was pretty and she'd still be just and flustered. "T-thank you, but you didn't mean to s-say that. I liked it, b-but is wasn't necessary." She said lamely, looking everywhere besides Raa. When haruhi was told to get on the board she transformed her iron hammer hand back into a normal hand and shakily got onto the board. "I need to find my sister! She's at some sushi place probably worried sick..."
Kayzo said:
Haruhi found herself blushing as Raa had called her a "pretty girl" who wielded an iron hammer. She was pretty flustered now as she still wasn't used to getting complimented. You could tell her that the white button on her shirt was pretty and she'd still be just and flustered. "T-thank you, but you didn't mean to s-say that. I liked it, b-but is wasn't necessary." She said lamely, looking everywhere besides Raa. When haruhi was told to get on the board she transformed her iron hammer hand back into a normal hand and shakily got onto the board. "I need to find my sister! She's at some sushi place probably worried sick..."
Raa - Hm.

"Alright, hang on tight." He said before the board started moving on air, truthfully he was just using air to move the bored. "Were going high enough so we have a good view of your sister ok?" He said before the board rose above the roofs and started to move forward. He decided that it would be best to head back at the grunt's direction of origin, they might encounter Haruhi's sister in the way. "So...metal magic? Seems nice." He said trying to start a conversation.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki looked down at her hand as Alicia took it along with Alfie's and began to lead them away from the guild hall. The way the three were walking probably made them look like some big happy family, Mizuki being the abusive mother, Alfie being the over happy dad, and Alicia being the sweet cinnamon roll. The dark Mage wasn't going to tell Alicia to stop as she didn't care what others thought she was doing or who she was with, plus she didn't have the heart to tell her off. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that people were beginning to gather around someone who seemed to be hurt, but she decided to ignore them and kept walking. She had no healing magic so it wasn't her problem. Kelica could just heal him up in a jiffy. However she did somewhat envy the injured man due to the fact that he'd get a taste of painful healing rather than her. He probably didn't even like painful healing. "Where do you plan on leading us?.." She asked Alfie and Alicia, squeezing the little girl's hand gently.
@Salt Lord
Alicia: Magnolia Streets

Alicia shrugged at Mizuki's question. Really, she had no clue. The only food stand she'd been to with Ophelia was the now self-destructed corndog stand. Too bad too, those corndogs were great. Thus she left the decision to Alfie, who then left it to her. "Uhhh..." She hummed in thought, scanning the stands that remained for food. She didn't really want stand food though..but if she had to she would. Then she spotted a sushi restaurant. Sold. "Perfect! Lets go there!" She told them excitedly, briefly breaking hold on Alfies hand to point at the place. Then she grabbed hold of his hand again and walked towards the place, sushi definetely sounded better than stand food.
Talon was knocked back, surprised by her quick attack. He was stronger physicaly but she was definitely more experienced. He jumped back from her attack and grinned. "Sorry but I have to win this..." He punched his fist together and a miniature cyclone of fire started to swirl around him. "SPECIAL MOVE, PHEONIX TAKEOVER!¡!¡" He yelled as his eyes glowed an intense white and his body was enveloped in fire. within moments his body rose off the ground and fire started growing out from him into the shape of a giant bird, a Pheonix. Soon his bodydissapeared behind the flames as they started to appear to became solid. The pheonix sent a piercing shriek into the sky and then turned its burning gaze on Tanari. @Colt556 (Think AToT when he tuns into the pheonix. the transformation is similiar)
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Hm.

"Alright, hang on tight." He said before the board started moving on air, truthfully he was just using air to move the bored. "Were going high enough so we have a good view of your sister ok?" He said before the board rose above the roofs and started to move forward. He decided that it would be best to head back at the grunt's direction of origin, they might encounter Haruhi's sister in the way. "So...metal magic? Seems nice." He said trying to start a conversation.
Haruhi squeaked loudly in surprise as the board started moving up into the air. Her arms instinctively and tightly wrapped around his chest, the girl making sure that she wouldn't let go. Her favored mode of transportation was by train, not by a slim surfboard high up in the sky. Even though she could just turn into a hunk of metal and hit the ground unharmed the height they were at still scared her. The worst part was that she had to look down to find her sister and the sushi shop. Fortunately Raa was starting a conversation, which would hopefully take her mind off falling to her death. "Actually it's dragon slayer magic. Tesla form to be exact." She explained, tightening her grip on his body. "Basically it's iron magic and lightning magic. I really like it."

Mitchs98 said:

Alicia shrugged at Mizuki's question. Really, she had no clue. The only food stand she'd been to with Ophelia was the now self-destructed corndog stand. Too bad too, those corndogs were great. Thus she left the decision to Alfie, who then left it to her. "Uhhh..." She hummed in thought, scanning the stands that remained for food. She didn't really want stand food though..but if she had to she would. Then she spotted a sushi restaurant. Sold. "Perfect! Lets go there!" She told them excitedly, briefly breaking hold on Alfies hand to point at the place. Then she grabbed hold of his hand again and walked towards the place, sushi definetely sounded better than stand food.

Mizuki nodded when Alicia decided to go to the sushi place. She was surprisingly ok with this and was actually willing to eat due to the small serving size. "Yes Alicia, we will go there." She said, following the little girl into the sushi place. When they were there the dark Mage requested a darker or shady spot, and there they were led. She didn't want to sit in the sun for a long time and it would hurt her skin and heat her up too much. She let go of Alicia's hand and took a seat in the darkest spot, which wasn't even that dark. "I wish it was a little darker..."
Kameal said nothing when the girl spoke to him. He felt that tug in his gut get stronger once he saw her. She definitely wasn't human. He could see it in her eyes. He had to admit, she made him curious. He watched her leave. It looked like she was heading into the town with a purpose. He wondered what business could a being who wasn't human have in a human city. Kameal followed her, not bothering to hide his presence.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

As the boy leapt over her she kept her aim after him, spraying a beam of fire high into the sky and only ceasing her attack once he landed before the girl she rescued. She couldn't exactly torch the very person she saved after all. Her opponent wasn't one to let her relax and he quickly threw several fireballs her way. In response she gave several quick punches at the air, each one launching off a condensed orb of flame that hit the fireballs, causing them to detonate mid-air. However the boy made use of the explosions to mask his approach, diving down on her with a powerful punch. While she managed to bring her arms up to block the blow the force of the impact sent her flying back, tumbling across the ground until she managed to get her footing and slide to a halt. As she rose to her feet she shook her arms, wincing in pain as she did. "Son of a..." It wasn't often she was on the defensive like this and it wasn't something she enjoyed. It was clear to her that he rivaled her in terms of power and both of them being fire mages just further enhanced the stalemate they'd find themselves in.

In times like this it all came down to experience and outside influence. These were two areas she was confidant that she bested him. She reached down back behind her waist, grasping the hilt of her sword. She let her hand linger there for a few moments before ultimately pulling away. This was a fight she'd have to win on experience alone. The boy's attack had forced her a fair distance away and so she began slowly began walking back towards him, keeping a careful eye on him as if studying him. Once she had closed the gap she gave the boy a wry grin, tilting her head every so slightly as the flames around her fists reignited. They weren't her usual crimson flames, the fire that licked at her fists was a deep blue. Without warning she lunged forward, aiming a series of rapid punches and kicks at the boy. Each impact, whether blocked or otherwise, would set off a small explosion which greatly enhanced the force of her blows.
Talon said:
Talon was knocked back, surprised by her quick attack. He was stronger physicaly but she was definitely more experienced. He jumped back from her attack and grinned. "Sorry but I have to win this..." He punched his fist together and a miniature cyclone of fire started to swirl around him. "SPECIAL MOVE, PHEONIX TAKEOVER!¡!¡" He yelled as his eyes glowed an intense white and his body was enveloped in fire. within moments his body rose off the ground and fire started growing out from him into the shape of a giant bird, a Pheonix. Soon his bodydissapeared behind the flames as they started to appear to became solid. The pheonix sent a piercing shriek into the sky and then turned its burning gaze on Tanari. @Colt556 (Think AToT when he tuns into the pheonix. the transformation is similiar)
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

The fog in Ferra's mind slowly cleared as the rest of the drugs did. She shook her head to further clear it before opening her eyes to Tanari and Talon fighting. She knew one thing, Tanari definetely wasn't the one that kidnapped her. Unless she was dropped off to her for reasons unknown, most of them leaning towards some form of slave trade. She stood up, albeit shakily, around the time Talon transformed. She looked up at his Phoenix form in awe, "Woah.." She mumbled her mouth parted slightly as she stared up at him with wide eyes. Focusing, she shook her head. She could admire the awesome transformation later, right now Talon was mistakenly fighting the girl who probably saved her. "Hey! Talon! Wait! I don't think she's the one that took me. She's kinda too short and stuff, plus I don't think she'd be dumb enough to take her robes off either." She shouted up to him, unsure if he'd even be able to pay attention the way he was.

She hoped so. If not, well, she'd have one heck of a fight to spectate.

Aurelie felt the cool, crisp air brush past her face as she mindlessly meandered towards the city. She was hopelessly lost in thought, mainly just dwelling on the possible outcomes of her own future. She tried several times to try to bring her focus back to the present and what was happening to her right then and there, but she had a difficult time of it until she reached the city gates. From there, her vision snapped back into the reality she was living in. She blinked a few times as she readjusted to all the different colors and people running around during the last of the festival. She was acutely aware that she was unnerved, but she couldn't tell by what. Nothing here seemed particularly threatening, save for the blatant magic being used in the distance. Though she simply attributed those happenings as making the floats for this parade thing she'd heard so much about. Shaking it off, she walked into the city, though with no particular goal in mind.

After a bit of wandering, she stopped in her tracks and backed up to the window she had just passed. There was a pair of beautiful amber gloves that she thought might go well with her magic. Of course, she didn't even think of any magical alterations it might have on her abilities. Rather it was all aesthetic for her. For a few moments, she looked at how pretty they were, simply dreaming about how she would look in them. Granted, they wouldn't really go with her black outfit, but she figured it would be fine. With those, it would look almost as if her powers might stem from the gloves themselves, thus making the effect even cooler! At this, she made up her mind; she had to see if she could get them. She cast her glance lazily to the side, seeing some random man walking in her direction. But she shrugged it off and attributed it to her paranoia. It wasn't like he was following her or anything, right?

As she pushed the front door open, the bell chimed to signal her entry, and she was greeted by the smile of an older gentleman behind the counter. She smiled and nodded her acknowledgement, but went straight for the gloves. She looked at them for a few moments, simply awestruck by their intricate designs. It looked as though they were ballroom gloves; they would probably go most of the way up her forearm. She carefully touched them with her hand, feeling the soft fabric touch her finger. This kind of sensation was foreign to her, as she had never touched anything so soft before. She gingerly picked them up and took them to the counter, careful to take good care of them. "Excuse me, but how much are these?" she asked, smiling at the man.

"Those are 3,000,000 jewels, miss," he replied, just nonchalantly throwing the number out there.

Aurelie's eyes widened and her mouth drew slightly agape from his response. She may not know much, but she knew that that amount was a lot! "Why are they so expensive?" she asked aghast. She was blunt, but she didn't see why gloves would be all that jazz.

"Why, because they're enchanted of course! This is a magic apparel shop," he said, just in case she for some reason didn't understand the concept.

"Really? What do they do?" she asked, intrigued by the notion.

The man grunted and held one in his hand. There appeared to be no damage to it, so he could let this one off with a warning. "Look, missy. You obviously don't have enough to pay for these, or most things in my store for that matter. Don't go touching things you can't buy," he warned her sternly, glancing back to her.

Aurelie nodded regrettably and left the gloves for the man to deal with. "Don't worry, I'll just look," she responded, then walked over to the pretty dress on a mannequin nearby. So these were all enchanted? How peculiar. She wondered if she would ever get enough money to buy one and see what they did. She bet they were really cool! But for now, she could live without such finery. After all, it wasn't really necessary for her to have in the first place. But she could always dream.

Talon said:
Talon was knocked back, surprised by her quick attack. He was stronger physicaly but she was definitely more experienced. He jumped back from her attack and grinned. "Sorry but I have to win this..." He punched his fist together and a miniature cyclone of fire started to swirl around him. "SPECIAL MOVE, PHEONIX TAKEOVER!¡!¡" He yelled as his eyes glowed an intense white and his body was enveloped in fire. within moments his body rose off the ground and fire started growing out from him into the shape of a giant bird, a Pheonix. Soon his bodydissapeared behind the flames as they started to appear to became solid. The pheonix sent a piercing shriek into the sky and then turned its burning gaze on Tanari. @Colt556 (Think AToT when he tuns into the pheonix. the transformation is similiar)
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Her assault forced her opponent back and she was right on him to continue her attack when a sudden cyclone of fire drove her back. She took several steps back and glared at the fiery tornado as it grew in size. As the boy seemed to meld with the flames an grow into a large bird she couldn't help but quirk a brow at the sight. "Well this is a first..." She had seen quite a few things in her travel, some really weird magic, but a fire-based takeover was new to her. She crossed her arms over her chest as she stared up at the large bird before her, seeming genuinely unimpressed beyond her initial surprise. Of all the things you could transform into, why the hell would you choose an overgrown chicken? Didn't make a bit of sense to her. "I don't mean to be too rude but you should look into branching into other areas for your transformation. I've fought a few rather large birds in my time and they are really lacking in the offense department." She closed her eyes and gave a nod to her own statement before continuing. "I mean for one thing birds can only really do one attack pattern and when you have the timing down it's really easy to deal with them, y'know?"

She opened her eyes to look back at her opponent, giving the large bird a good look-over. No matter how she looked at it, it really was just a normal bird. Well, besides the whole being made out of fire bit. She was tempted to stop pulling her punches with the boy however one look around at the crowds in the distance and the buildings that surrounded them dissuaded her of that notion. As much as she liked fighting she was still suppose to be the good guy here. The only saving grace with the boy's transformation is it would open up a few new avenues and to capitalize on that she once again ignited her fists and charged forward. As long as he remained on the ground her usual assault of explosive hits would do the trick.

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown jumps slightly and quickly says "Oh, no no no. I didn't mean that. I don't want to have to put myself back together again so soon." The thought of fighting Clair again distracted him and didn't notice when Lysander left the room. He begins to explain himself "I meant the offer from before to go on a S ranked mission with you at some point. I was wondering if your guild master was available to see about joining your guild." he chuckles, "I'd say I'd have a better chance staying in one piece that way." he shrugs, "I can wait anyway, I doubt you would be heading out for any missions before the festivities end."

@Mr Swiftshots
Kayzo said:
Haruhi squeaked loudly in surprise as the board started moving up into the air. Her arms instinctively and tightly wrapped around his chest, the girl making sure that she wouldn't let go. Her favored mode of transportation was by train, not by a slim surfboard high up in the sky. Even though she could just turn into a hunk of metal and hit the ground unharmed the height they were at still scared her. The worst part was that she had to look down to find her sister and the sushi shop. Fortunately Raa was starting a conversation, which would hopefully take her mind off falling to her death. "Actually it's dragon slayer magic. Tesla form to be exact." She explained, tightening her grip on his body. "Basically it's iron magic and lightning magic. I really like it."
"That's interesting." Raa said as he surveyed the ground. "Didn't know a dragon slayer could be pretty." He commented. After a while he suddenly spotted something...a fight? Could be. "So...your sister...wouldn't happen to be a twin sister?" He asked as he pointed down to a girl that kind of looked like her and was fighting someone.

Mikael La Viere



"Here. Just try to hit any of the display and knock them down with this." the store keeper gave Mikael a replica of a gun. He looked down the barrel and there were corks stuck in it. He figured they were the bullets supposed to be.

"Anything, you say?" Mikael said with a smile.

"Yeah." the keeper said.

Mikael then raised the gun with one eye closed. He pointed it directly towards the keeper's head. The keeper raised both of his hands as if surrendering and explained he was not included with the targets which made Mikael clicked his tongue.

He then raised his gun again and pointed and targeted a stuffed toy in a shape of teddy bear atop the shelves. He took a deep breath, closed his left eye and squeezed the trigger as fast and as hard as he could. The cork flew out the barrel of the gun and hit the teddy right between its eyes. But it didn't even move, not even a budge. He targeted it again and hit it on the middle of its nose. Nothing. Tried again and hit the center of the tummy. Nothing. He put the gun down the counter and called out to the keeper.

"Wait a minute. I think there's something wrong with this. I hit all the critical parts and nothing happened. There's not much force in this thing. I think this is designed to not do anything. Are you sure you are not cheating us?" he asked with a brow raised. The store keeper froze there standing, perspiring cold sweat. "You wouldn't mind if somebody from the town hall would check your games right?" Mikael continued.

"Oh, yeah, I know. You wanted that bear right? Here I'll give it to you. I'm closing the stall now." the keeper said and gave the bear to Mika. He then turned to Lavenderwho looked troubled. He reached out with the bear on his hand. "Since I am living with Sera now, here. Take it, he'll keep you company." Mika said with a smile.


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

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Kameal watched the girl as he stalked her. She seemed to be in a daze, yet somehow she never vered off track. The homunculi wondered why he seemed to be drawn to her. Maybe it was because they both weren't human. Yeah that was probably it. If she wasn't human then what was she?

As Kameal pondered, the girl backtracked a bit to look at a pair of gloves. She seemed to be infatuated by them. She eventually entered the store and Kameal followed after her, not caring that he was being a full on stalker. He was just too curious.

Eventually, Kameal approached her. Tilting his head to the side slightly, he asked, "what are you?"


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