Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon heard the faint voice of Ferra calling to him, but he ignored her. His opponent wasnt too impressed with him. He snorted some smoke and flapped his wings, rising up. As he rose he picked up Ferra so she would be safe, once high enough he attacked. He opened his masive beak and shot out a stream of fire, bathing the street below in flames. @Colt556 @Mitchs98

The dress was really pretty, almost so much that she forgot about where she was. It wasn't like she was totally spacey or anything. But what did bring her attention was the random question, causing her to almost jump straight out of her dress. Her head snapped to look at him with wide eyes, much like the classic dear in the headlight look. But her face soon softened as she let out her pent up breath, clutching her chest softly with a loose fist. "You scared me!" she replied, his actual words not quite clicking in her mind. After a moment of smiling and softly chortling, she stopped and looked at him with her frozen smile. "Wait, what did you just ask me?" she asked, more for him to just repeat what he said rather than for actual clarity. The dress was almost completely forgotten when he asked that question. Who asked that? That wasn't a normal question or phrasing, was it? Come to think of it, wasn't this the guy from earlier? She knew she felt unnerved by something...

Alice Liddell

Liddell Orphanage

As Alice slowed the dance down as she looked back to Livian, seeing his face tinted with pink made Alice bubbly inside. She stopped once Livian mentioned her clear, clear, out burst of emotional distress in her face. Crap he was on to her, what was she gonna do. She's never been in a position of complete and utter awe about a guy before, what would she even do now. She quickly took her hands off his back and out of his hand, the. She placed her hand on his chest and slightly pushed him away. " U-um, yes of corse I'm fine. Thank you, I have to go and, Uh, finish the plans for the parade."

With that Alice left the stage, as she did she reaquiped in to a more casual attire, sporting jeans and a loose tee-shirt. She clumsily opened the door and walked though. Her hand collapsed into each other, each fiddling with nervous movements.
" Oh great I have feelings for a man I just met, what would mummy say about this." She muttered under her breath, soon after she chuckled. " She would probably dance around me and yell happily that I found a man."

@The Dinkster

Kimberly Lock


Kim let her self float down on to the ground, her feet making a slight this sound as she landed. " Eias, dear, I'm not omniscient. I don't know everything that is happening, wish I did but that's besides that point." She stuck on her tounge as she finished her sentence. Eias now needed a reference for the Fairytail mark, alright let me just. " Ok don't freak out, but I have my Gould mark on my back." Kim turned around, she took off her red leather jacket and slipped of a strap of her dress. There on her left shoulder blade was the Fairytail Mark.

Honoka Redfox


Honks took note that the man kept ogling over her breast, this was less than appealing to her. Infact those shard in his body could just rip him to shreds at any moment. She plotted this for a few seconds, but she ceased her fantasy once the goon threw two more razor sharp air attacks at her. With out anywhere to go she had to guard. She placed her hands in first of her, open palm. Magic flowed out into her arms and was ready to be expelled as a spell. " Soild script, Guard!" A Large word spelling out guard appeared infront of her, the attacks connected with her sheild and threw her back. The word splitting and falling apart from the impact.

That was a spell she had never used, so it took a lot of magic to actually active the spell. Ontop of that the song is almost over and she still needs to get the guy down. She stood up, she raised her hand.
" Your going to tell me why you are doing this. Or your gonna bleed out in this place, your choice." Honoka's fringers were on the snap postion, ready to make the shards go deeper into his body. She could only take it so far as an inch but it could still do some damage.

Metaphysics said:
"That's interesting." Raa said as he surveyed the ground. "Didn't know a dragon slayer could be pretty." He commented. After a while he suddenly spotted something...a fight? Could be. "So...your sister...wouldn't happen to be a twin sister?" He asked as he pointed down to a girl that kind of looked like her and was fighting someone.
Just as the first blush had went away Haruhi found it returning at Raa's words. He once again went out of his way and called her pretty despite him asking her to stop. It's not that she hated being called pretty, it was just that she found it embarrassing. "T-there's no need to do that Raa. You're just embarrassing me..." She said, looking back down at the ground below. Was this man flirting with her, or just being nice? The blue haired girl wasn't going to push him away though, as he did just save her life. Just as Raa spoke of her sister, Haruhi's eyes locked onto a shirtless Honoka. She had no idea why she had her shirt off or who she was fighting, but she did know that if Donald was the one to do that, he'd be a dead man. Yes, that's her right there. The shirtless one!"
Lavender Gray

Lavender had snapped out of her thoughts as she turned her full attention to Mika who had been handed a fake gun which was there to use to shoot down the item you'd want. Though, he hit the bear all three times but for some reason, it hadnt fallen. Teddy bears are not that heavy... Unless they put weights in the poor animals now. The warrior thought to herself as Mika had now been speaking with the vendor, only to be handed the teddy bear and saying how he was closing up. Before she could say anything, Mika handed her the bear which held no weight when she had taken it from his hands "I thank you." looking at the bear, it only seemed to make her smile a little before glancing at the vendor "I do have one question for you, why are you running a stall in which is not fair to the public?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.d83cf55b868f042d7303ce5d11529f0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.d83cf55b868f042d7303ce5d11529f0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Streets

Noah whistles surprised about how far the lackey went flying. Damn he went further than expected. He looks towards the unconscious female and walks towards her. Well can't talk to her. I should still bring her anyway. He squats down and picks her up throwing her over his left shoulder. Now let's go find that other guy. Noah starts walking in the direction the male lackey landed. During his walk there he heard statements about how other wizards could end that fight much quicker than that. Those comments only made him want to fight them and see what they bring to the table. He stands over the unconscious male and takes a drink from a random bystander, and pours it on him hoping he'll wake up. @Mitchs98



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Kayzo said:
Haruhi squeaked loudly in surprise as the board started moving up into the air. Her arms instinctively and tightly wrapped around his chest, the girl making sure that she wouldn't let go. Her favored mode of transportation was by train, not by a slim surfboard high up in the sky. Even though she could just turn into a hunk of metal and hit the ground unharmed the height they were at still scared her. The worst part was that she had to look down to find her sister and the sushi shop. Fortunately Raa was starting a conversation, which would hopefully take her mind off falling to her death. "Actually it's dragon slayer magic. Tesla form to be exact." She explained, tightening her grip on his body. "Basically it's iron magic and lightning magic. I really like it."

Mizuki nodded when Alicia decided to go to the sushi place. She was surprisingly ok with this and was actually willing to eat due to the small serving size. "Yes Alicia, we will go there." She said, following the little girl into the sushi place. When they were there the dark Mage requested a darker or shady spot, and there they were led. She didn't want to sit in the sun for a long time and it would hurt her skin and heat her up too much. She let go of Alicia's hand and took a seat in the darkest spot, which wasn't even that dark. "I wish it was a little darker..."
Alfie sat down in the shade near Alicia and Mizuki, observing all the tiny rectangular tables and notable amount of bonsai plants dotting the area. He thought everything was fine, but the dark haired mage had to find something wrong with it. Apparently the umbrella over the table wasn't enough for her. Alfie would roll his eyes as he tapped the table with a glowing finger. The pink magical energy would surge through the wood and then the pole of the umbrella, then its thin paper covers, and soon, the shade would get dramatically darker as delicate spindles of pink ribbon extended outward above the three. "Better?" he asked Mizuki.

Kayzo said:
Just as the first blush had went away Haruhi found it returning at Raa's words. He once again went out of his way and called her pretty despite him asking her to stop. It's not that she hated being called pretty, it was just that she found it embarrassing. "T-there's no need to do that Raa. You're just embarrassing me..." She said, looking back down at the ground below. Was this man flirting with her, or just being nice? The blue haired girl wasn't going to push him away though, as he did just save her life. Just as Raa spoke of her sister, Haruhi's eyes locked onto a shirtless Honoka. She had no idea why she had her shirt off or who she was fighting, but she did know that if Donald was the one to do that, he'd be a dead man. Yes, that's her right there. The shirtless one!"
"Alright hang on tight we're coming in hot. " He said, giving her ample time to hang on tightly. The board gently tilted forward as a lance made of darksteel formed."Here. We. Go." He announced before they rushed in from above towards the man fighting Haruhi's sister. @Mitchs98 @purplepanda288
Kameal let a small smirk play on his lips when the girl almost jumped out her skin. He had to admit it was pretty funny. He watched her expression soften and studied her features. Her dark hair framed her face nicely. Her eyes were an odd color that Kameal hadn't seen before. There was something there he couldn't pinpoint.

The girl asked him to repeat himself. Kameal stared at her a moment. He knew he had asked a strange question but he was never one for formalities. "What are you?" He repeated.

Eias Baole - Colors!

She inspected the mark closely. She wondered what she could do to make this flashy. She also started to wonder what color she would get and where if she made it in.
All right! She said as she took a step back. She once again blew here bubbles as they placed themselves in the form of the guild symbol. One by one they started to pulse with small explosive energy. Not the best for battle but I like this anyway! She said through a bubble as the rest started to pop in different colors. The colors stayed in place just like the rainbow before. It needed just one more thing to make it spectacular. The Baole traveling band was all about spectacular. This one was for them! She gave Kim a wink and smile before turning back to the colors. She blew A large bubble that engulfed the rainbow symbol. All of a sudden, the colors started to move, they streamed different colors as it moved around. It WORKED!!! She let out while jumping up and down. The excitement itself made the bubble pop and the colors ceased to exist. As she bounced up and down, she lost her footing and slipped right off a petal of the giant flower. Ahh crud..

Haruhi's arms tightened around Raa strangely feminine hips as they prepared to dive down to her sister. She knew that whatever happened that she'd be safe on this board. Besides, she's done things similar to this, the only difference being she was in control. "I-if I die here, it's your fault." She said,closing her eyes tightly and taking in a deep breath as Raa began counting down. Before she knew it Haruhi was plummeting down towards the ground at a breakneck speed, and even if she couldn't see it was still terrifying. As the two plummeted, she was screaming the whole way.

Mizuki rubbed her hands together as Alfie darkened the area some more, making it a perfect environment for the girl. The pink haired guy was just so helpful in many ways, and the dark Mage was very glad that she became acquaintances with him. He provided wonderful tight ribbons, changed environments to her needs, and acted as some sort of guide. It was truly a shame that they'd be parting ways the next day making it hard to actually talk with each other. How would she get a set of ribbons when she needed one? By kidnapping Alife, of course. And that's what she was planning on doing. Before she left for Sabertooth, the dark Mage would knock him upside the head and drag him onto the train with her. Then she'd chain him up in her room and break him into submission, or just let him wander around. Either way she wasn't going to let him escape. Especially not after he said that he wouldn't do such a thing. "Yes Alfie, this is much better. Thank you..."

Talon said:
Talon heard the faint voice of Ferra calling to him, but he ignored her. His opponent wasnt too impressed with him. He snorted some smoke and flapped his wings, rising up. As he rose he picked up Ferra so she would be safe, once high enough he attacked. He opened his masive beak and shot out a stream of fire, bathing the street below in flames. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Her opponent didn't seem to take her advice and soon rose into the air. However as he went he made sure to grab the girl she rescued, eliciting a deathly cold glare from her. Any mage who would willingly use an innocent as a human shield deserved neither pity nor mercy. She had little time to think about it as the giant bird came in for an attack, spewing a stream of fire along the street she was in. Acting quickly she used a burst of explosive fire from her palms to send her flying back away from where the fire hit. Even for her the heat radiating off the flames was a bit much, she could only imagine what it felt like for the civilians. And that was just one more thing she had to deal with, not only was this creep using human shields but he was recklessly endangering civilians with such over-the-top attacks. Even she wouldn't fill an entire city street with fire after all.

As she slid to a halt she once again reached behind her, grasping the hilt of her sword as the hilt's lock popped with a hydraulic hiss. With her blade released she pulled it out, giving it a quick twirl before leveling it towards her airborne opponent. As she looked at the inferno raging before her she let out a sigh. "It's either some weak lackey or some over the top villain who'll kill everyone. Can't I just get a nice one-on-one with someone who wont demolish the entire city?" No matter how she looked at it she was at a huge disadvantage. She would have to rescue the girl, again, and deal with the giant bird all while protecting the people of the city. This really wasn't her area of expertise but unless some other mages showed up she'd just have to make due.

While she desperately wanted to go on the offensive again she couldn't just recklessly fire up at the bird circling overhead. She knew all to well that she'd end up frying the very person she was trying to rescue. She couldn't exactly fly, either, so that left her with only one option and that was to try and bait the chicken back near the ground where she could reach it. She wasn't exactly sure how she'd go about doing this and so lifted her sword, pointing it directly at the bird as a small orb of fire gathered before it's tip. After a few seconds the orb shot off, exploding in a loud puff of smoke once it got in proximity of the bird. She continued to fire off orb after orb, filling the sky with small puffs of black smoke all around her target. While they wouldn't really cause damage she was hoping her opponent may mistake them for the same rounds she used earlier.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Her assault forced her opponent back and she was right on him to continue her attack when a sudden cyclone of fire drove her back. She took several steps back and glared at the fiery tornado as it grew in size. As the boy seemed to meld with the flames an grow into a large bird she couldn't help but quirk a brow at the sight. "Well this is a first..." She had seen quite a few things in her travel, some really weird magic, but a fire-based takeover was new to her. She crossed her arms over her chest as she stared up at the large bird before her, seeming genuinely unimpressed beyond her initial surprise. Of all the things you could transform into, why the hell would you choose an overgrown chicken? Didn't make a bit of sense to her. "I don't mean to be too rude but you should look into branching into other areas for your transformation. I've fought a few rather large birds in my time and they are really lacking in the offense department." She closed her eyes and gave a nod to her own statement before continuing. "I mean for one thing birds can only really do one attack pattern and when you have the timing down it's really easy to deal with them, y'know?"

She opened her eyes to look back at her opponent, giving the large bird a good look-over. No matter how she looked at it, it really was just a normal bird. Well, besides the whole being made out of fire bit. She was tempted to stop pulling her punches with the boy however one look around at the crowds in the distance and the buildings that surrounded them dissuaded her of that notion. As much as she liked fighting she was still suppose to be the good guy here. The only saving grace with the boy's transformation is it would open up a few new avenues and to capitalize on that she once again ignited her fists and charged forward. As long as he remained on the ground her usual assault of explosive hits would do the trick.
Talon said:
Talon heard the faint voice of Ferra calling to him, but he ignored her. His opponent wasnt too impressed with him. He snorted some smoke and flapped his wings, rising up. As he rose he picked up Ferra so she would be safe, once high enough he attacked. He opened his masive beak and shot out a stream of fire, bathing the street below in flames. @Britt-21


Kayzo said:
Haruhi squeaked loudly in surprise as the board started moving up into the air. Her arms instinctively and tightly wrapped around his chest, the girl making sure that she wouldn't let go. Her favored mode of transportation was by train, not by a slim surfboard high up in the sky. Even though she could just turn into a hunk of metal and hit the ground unharmed the height they were at still scared her. The worst part was that she had to look down to find her sister and the sushi shop. Fortunately Raa was starting a conversation, which would hopefully take her mind off falling to her death. "Actually it's dragon slayer magic. Tesla form to be exact." She explained, tightening her grip on his body. "Basically it's iron magic and lightning magic. I really like it."

Mizuki nodded when Alicia decided to go to the sushi place. She was surprisingly ok with this and was actually willing to eat due to the small serving size. "Yes Alicia, we will go there." She said, following the little girl into the sushi place. When they were there the dark Mage requested a darker or shady spot, and there they were led. She didn't want to sit in the sun for a long time and it would hurt her skin and heat her up too much. She let go of Alicia's hand and took a seat in the darkest spot, which wasn't even that dark. "I wish it was a little darker..."

Alicia: Sushi Restaurant

Alicia only grinned and led them inside as Mizuki said they could go there. She really liked sushi, and the place was right there, plus she wanted to hurry and eat and either get back to the hall or maybe do a few of the stand games. The idea of winning a stuffed animal of some kind appealed to her. Of course, Mizuki chose a darker spot, which confused Alicia somewhat but honestly she didn't mind. The waiter came by shortly after Mizuki complained that it wasn't dark enough for her and dropped the menus off. Alicia instantly picked it up and started looking through the various sushis and combo plates listed. She looked up as Alfie poked the awning and made it get darker. "
Oooh, cool." She commented, watching as the ribbons finished expanding.

Once that was done she smiled and looked between the both of them, "
What are you guys gunna get? I can't decide." She asked them.
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

He remained silent as the spy was questioned. In fact he hadn't said a word since his initial accusation of Ms. Kaiser's members. He simply stood there, gently stroking his beard with one hand as he stared at the whimpering man. Despite what the man claimed he couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that information of their meeting had been leaked. If that was the case then he couldn't exactly leave the spy with anyone in this room, as they all were potentially in on this plot. It even put into question how much of this intel was valid and how much of it was fabricated to throw them off the trail. Finally he broke his silence with a deep breath, letting his hand drop back down to his side. "One way or the other I do believe we're done here. It is abundantly clear that we can not continue our meeting at this point." As he spoke he stepped towards the spy, gazing sternly at each of them before settling his gaze back down on the man. "From what we discussed I do not believe it wise to hand this man over to the Council. As such I will take him with me back to Sabertooth." He paused briefly, once again looking at the others. "Unless any of you have any objections...?"

Kayzo said:
Haruhi's arms tightened around Raa strangely feminine hips as they prepared to dive down to her sister. She knew that whatever happened that she'd be safe on this board. Besides, she's done things similar to this, the only difference being she was in control. "I-if I die here, it's your fault." She said,closing her eyes tightly and taking in a deep breath as Raa began counting down. Before she knew it Haruhi was plummeting down towards the ground at a breakneck speed, and even if she couldn't see it was still terrifying. As the two plummeted, she was screaming the whole way.
Mitchs98 said:
Lackey #82
The man frowned as his attack did little more than send Honoka flying back thanks to her guard spell. He still had the magic energy to attack, however he wasn't immune to the pain from all the glass in his body so finding room to attack was a bit hard. He only shook his head and laughed darkly at her question, "
You'll all see soon enough. Trust me.." He replied as cryptically as one could. Did she really think he'd just give up information like that? Surely not. If it weren't for Haruhi screaming he wouldn't of heard Raa moving towards him at all. Though, of course, she still screamed. Thus he managed to dodge out of the way of impalement, though doing so caused the glass to jostle its way around inside him causing him to writhe in pain on the ground rather than actually stand back up.
Raa started to slow down the moment that he missed and stepped of the board the moment it stopped, helping Haruhi get off like a perfect gentleman. "Did not go as planned but hey, it worked. Sorry for the bumpy ride Haruhi." He commented as he approached the fallen man. "Hello! I see your hurt." He said as he jostled the glass a bit more just to keep the man disoriented in pain. Well that and pain. "Stay down if you know what's good for you." He warned as he lead Haruhi to her sister. @purplepanda288
Kelica Zefara

Kelica watched the unconscious girl and got no response, not even a flicker of a eyelid. Adrian came back moments later and she gave him a friendly smile, setting the cool water and cloth to the side. She had already started to brush the girls face down, adjusting her so she was resting on Kelica's thighs while she knelt. She was debating using her magic when low and behold the blue haired healer Sora appeared.

Kelica took a strong breath outwards. Mizuki might like it, but Kelica didn't much like her patients writhing and screaming in agony.

As Sora healed Sakura, Kelica saw the sweat running down the side of her face and offered her the damp cloth. "I know you are a healer but, sometimes it's just as important to look out for the medic to..."

Kelica instantly remembered Sora struggling to heal the intensity of her own wounds after Chris and her's mismatch. So it was a small gesture too keep an eye on her to.

As Sakura squirmed about Kelica instantly slipped back a pace or two, placing her head gently onto the ground. "It's ok sweety! I'm sure it was a shock... Do you know where you are?" Then the emerald eyed girl blinked. " Attackers? I didn't see any one try and chase you..." Eyes flicking up to Sora in a haunting manner, as she was the closest. "What did they look like?" Some shifty looking characters around Fairytail definitly did not bode well.

@Kyuubey @Genon @Mitchs98 @Isune @Rhodus
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Lloyd Kirby

Location: Magnolia, Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lloyd heaved a sigh as he stood up from his seat. He had to admit, he was rather disappointed. This meeting had been a waste of time. There had been nothing conclusive decided, only his own decision to look into the matter because as of now, all they had were theories and suspects, nothing conclusive enough to actually decide on a form of action. At least the others were now aware of the conspiracy though, and would probably do what they can do safeguard their guilds from the oncoming onslaught. At least, that was what he was planning to do. There were some people he could approach, and he knew that some of them at least hated the Empire as much as he did. That was a step he could take.

He regarded the spy with some disinterest as Master Acturus called his attention to him by declaring his intention to handle the spy. "I've no objections," he said with a shrug. "Deal with him as you see fit." As long as he was not actually witnessing what was bound to ensue. As for he himself, well... he had no interest in the spy. And he trusted that Arcturus would probably be more effective in forcing out information than he would, though it did mean that a future trip to the Sabertooth Guild Hall would be in the works later.

He inclined his head. "If that is all, then I would take my leave. I wish you all all the best, and hopefully more information may come to light. If any new information comes up, I would update you all, and I too would like to be updated if you learn of anything new." And with that, he opened the door, and stepped out of the room. Once out, in the corridor outside, he gave another sigh and shook his head. He rested his arms on the nearest railing and stared unseeing into the distance, barely noticing all the commotion that was going on below. The question now was, how much information should be disclose to his guild? He ought to warn them at least, convince them to get stronger in expectancy of what was to come. He would certainly need to hold a Guild meaning the moment the Festival ended.

Being a Guild Master sure was hard work, and even now he was not sure if he was truly right for the job. But still... if they were expecting him to lead, he would have to do his utmost to live to their expectations.

@Colt556 @Salt Lord @Zuka
Haruhi stepped off the board with great caution as if it was still up in the air. Whatever just happened was terrifying and she never wanted to do it again. However it got her to Honoka and that's all that mattered. The blue haired girl slowly walked towards her sister, her legs shaking crazily and slowing down her walking speed. It took a few, but she reached her twin and hugged her tightly. "In so glad that you're ok Honoka!" She said, lifting up the girl momentarily before putting her back down. "I got kidnapped or something, but this guy Raa saved me. He's a hero!"

@Metaphysics @purplepanda288
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/98096fe43ebd79afb42be2885ebc18ce.jpg.7d20dae59aab05ae4a46ba37275e83d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/98096fe43ebd79afb42be2885ebc18ce.jpg.7d20dae59aab05ae4a46ba37275e83d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Streets-Hospital

Seeing that he didn't wake up from the liquid he poured on him, Noah started kicking him lightly seeing if he'll budge. Not even that happened. Noah exits his Djinn soul going back to his regular appearance. He looks around looking for a cart or something to help transports the bodies. Lucky for him he found an empty cart. He walks over towards the cart whistling and lightly puts the girls body inside of it. Still whistlung he grabs the handles and pushes it towards the male lackey. He stops approaching the body and walks over, lifts him up and places him in the cart. After calmly placing the bodies in the cart he takes a deep breath grabbing the handles. He exhales and starts taking off running towards the hospital yelling. Move, move, move, get out the way!!! They need medical attention!!! Move!!! Move!!! He ran all the ways towards the hospital within magnolia yelling and taking whatever type of evasive actions he needed to.

Outside there were nurses and doctors that saw Noah coming towards them running and yelling. Expecting it to be arm emergency they quickly grabbed two gurneys ready to transport the bodies. Noah stops reaching the hospital doors and places the bodies onto the gurneys. The nurses take the lackies inside while a nurse walks towards him.
What happened to them? She asked being very concerned. Oh nothing I just knocked them unconscious, for kidnapping my friend. The nurse rolls her eyes and sighs. Gosh you wizards are all the same. Follow me She walks back inside and Noah follows. She lead him to the lackies rooms were they were getting medical attention. Noah sits down outside and awaits for them to wake up. @Mitchs98



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She blinked a few times before snorting. This guy was a bit clueless, but she sort of understood where he came from. In her perspective, he was like her before she became somewhat acclimated to this culture. "Well, my name is Aurelie. What's yours?" she asked, turning her attention back to the dress. She frilled it out a few times just to see what it was like in different positions. This one looked like it would be good even for in the wind, which was a plus. She wasn't too concerned with showing off too much skin, as it was rather brittle and didn't protect against much. She wasn't very comfortable with someone following her just to ask her such silly questions, so she was understandably uncomfortable with him standing right there. Though she tried to ignore him in favor of the dress. Nevertheless, she planned on leaving the store momentarily regardless. Perhaps she could slip somewhere private and get away from this situation there. After all, she was here to gather information about the festival, not make small talk with some random stalker.

Ferra started saying something about a mistake which had gotten Talons attention and he was about to put her down on a rooftop so she wouldnt get hurt, when a bunch of blasts came at them, startling him. This set him of once again and he shot another stream of fire at Tanari followed by an angry roar. He flew up higher and then dived down with a piercing shriek. He shot another stream of fire as he dived and then reached out to grab her with his other talon. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
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Livian Azul

Livian tilted his head slightly to the right as Alice looked a bit comical at the moment, almost like she had walked in on something she wasn't supposed to or was being blamed for something she didn't do. Sadly, or maybe for the better of things this made Livian smile and then chuckle, a bright smile and soothing chuckle as he looked at Alice. Tears almost formed in the corners of his eyes before he slowly stopped chuckling, a thin smile on his face afterwards. Livian offered a nod and took his hands away from her, just as she did to him. The push surprised him a bit but he had a feeling that she was just flustered or did it accidentally, "Alright, Miss Alice. If you need me I will probably be in the garden." He offered her a courteous bow before watching her walk out, "Oh. Wait. Miss Alice, would you like to attend the Parade with m-" He was cut off as she had walked out of the room, hearing the door close.

Livian let out a heavy breath, standing in the limelight before walking off the stage and out of the room. He made his way through the halls, smiling and greeting anyone he came pass. As he walked he couldn't help, but wonder what was wrong with Miss Alice, perhaps she wasn't feeling well or... maybe she liked him... No, impossible. Livian pushed aside that thought, but it always crept back up to him, causing him to question if he liked her. Finally, he made it to the garden, where he found Alice's pupil, Henry, who offered Livian a nod.

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Talon said:
Ferra started saying something about a mistake which had gotten Talons attention and he was about to put her down on a rooftop so she wouldnt get hurt, when a bunch of blasts came at them, startling him. This set him of once again and he shot another stream of fire at Tanari followed by an angry roar. He flew up higher and then dived down with a piercing shriek. He shot another stream of fire as he dived and then reached out to grab her with his other talon. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Skies of Magnolia

She stopped her flak barrage as the bird turned towards her, clearly coming in for another attack run. She bent her knees slightly, small flames licking at her feet as she stared intently at the bird. As soon as it unleashed the stream of flame the fire at her feet exploded, rocketing her to the side as the fire streaked past her and into the building behind her. Sliding to a halt she looked back at where she had been, the fire melting everything around it. While she was resistant to heat one hit from that and it would all be over. She had to count her blessings that he was a bird and not something with more versatility. Turning her attention back to her opponent she saw him turning around, coming in for another attack run. Like before she dodged out of the way at the last second, the stream of fire racing past her. Even it's ambient heat was getting to be a bit much for her. Luckily her plan bore fruit as the giant bird flew down towards her, reaching out with it's talons to grab her.

A wry smirk crossed her lips as she prepared for her move. "I told you birds were predictable." As the talon drew close she suddenly leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding the bird's grasp as she grabbed hold of it's ankle. If she couldn't shoot the thing down with long-range attacks she'd simply have to get in close to finish the job. However first she had to verify the safety of the girl. Looking over at the bird's other talon she saw the girl, eyes open and wide awake. That should hopefully make it easier to deal with and she called out to her. "Don't worry! I'll get you out of here!" Of course how she'd actually do that was still up for debate. One way or the other, the first order of business would have to be getting on the ground. Holding onto the bird's leg with one arm she held the other out towards it's wing, blue flames engulfing her fist. At this distance she didn't have to worry about hitting the girl and as such poured her magic into a powerful stream of fire that shot out of her fist and at the bird's wing.
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL]
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Float Holding Area

Clair smiled and crossed her arms "Well I wasn't really planning to go on any missions unless of course the contractor asked for me personally". Clair had been gone for quite a while before the dragon slaying mission and she was planning on heading home for a week after the festival , so the idea of taking on a mission hadn't really crossed her mind. "I guess I could possibly take one on if Sora wanted me to tag along with her but otherwise your looking about next month before i head out again. Whats with the rush anyway ? your dead !"

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