Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

rbshinichi said:
"yey! Let's do that." he rushed over from stall to stall to find where the catching of fish is. And after a few stalls he tried he found it with children gathered round a small pool of water with several fishes swimming unsuspectingly around. He called to the keeper and asked him for a set of 3 and he obliged. "Say, why don't we make it interesting? Let's make it into a competition." he said and grin at the two ladies. "One with the fewest haul will treat the others with octopus balls (takoyaki). " he said offering a challenge.
@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
Lavender Gray
She followed her friends over to this fish stall and the warrior raised her eyebrow. Wondering why that her friends would want to play such a game. Especially when kids were all over it. Her eyes caught a child trying her hardest to catch a fish but she couldnt and this made Lavender frown just a little bit. As Mika asked for three rods for each of them, Lavender looked at Mika "I have a better idea, Sir Mika." once she was handed her rod, she moved over to the little girl who no longer had a rod to catch a fish and looked like she was about to burst into tears "Hello."s he said softly as she crouched down next to her "I spotted that you were having a hard time catching a fish..please..let me help you." taking the little girl's hand, she handed her the rod and then moved behind her, helping her cast it and letting it sit in the water "Now we wait till we get a nice tug on it. Then we pull, okay?" all Lavender really wanted to do was help this girl and make her day nice.

Sera: Magnolia Streets

Sera giggled to herself at Mika's excitement and followed him to it, albeit at a more leisurely place. Really his excitement fit that of the children practically swarmed the stand. Her herself wasn't that excited to play, but Mika had his heart set on it so she'd tolerate it. She arched a brow as he mentioned a challenge, shaking her head as she watched what Lavender was doing. "No thanks, besides, it'd be kinda mean to take that many fish from these kids after all." She replied. "I still might catch one since you paid for the rods though, I'll probably give it to one of the kids that didn't catch one though." She added. With her lazy nature the poor fish would probably die anyway despite her kind of wanting one. Regardless she soon walked over to the pool and cast her rod in, staring intensely at the fish while she concentrated.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia SkyFerra noticed Talon actually somewhat listening, but he seemed to of been set off by the blasts. "Talon! Stop!" She shouted, of course she WOULD of said more, had Talon not dive-bombed towards Tanari and overridden any sound she could of made by screaming and covering her face as the ground rushed to meet them. Talon clearly couldn't control himself well in this form, that much was certain at this point. Or at-least she HOPED he wasn't dumb enough to purposefully attack with her in danger of being hit. She looked to Tanari as she called out to her, at this point she was convinced knocking Talon out was the only way to make him regain his senses. "Okay! Please try not to hurt him to much though! I don't think he has control of this form at all!" She shouted back. If only Talon would of listened to her instead of looking to fight Tanari, this wouldn't of happened. But he didn't, and it did...and she'd really have to talk to him about NOT doing this kind of thing again later. If she managed to make it out relatively unharmed, that is.
Talon said:
Tanari grabbed onto him instead of the other way around. She blasted flames at his wings and if he could, he would have laughed. The fire did nothing to his already flaming wings other than make an updraft. He barrel rolled and then regained control before flying even higher. They were now a very prominent figure in the sky as the soared above Magnolia. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Drakerus said:
Tokine had been strolling around the town helping people set up the parade with her strength since early morning. It felt nice to provide assistance but she was becoming a bit bored. That was when she noticed a giant flaming bird in the sky some distance away. She would've been a bit apprehesive towards attacking it but after looking a bit more carefully she saw that it was carrying a girl. Of course she could take the sight in a bad perspective and quickly made her way to the top of a random roof to get a better position.

In a cascade of blue light, a giant hammer appeared before her. It was a bit heavy, even for her but she managed. With careful aim, she began spinning rapidly to create momentum before launching the weapon at the creature at high speed. Of course, she had taken the girl into account and was prepared to dismiss the construct should it put her in danger.

@Mitchs98 @Talon @Colt556
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Skies of Magnolia

Her attack was cut short as the large bird began taking evasive maneuvers, twirling through the sky in an attempt to shake her off. She held tightly onto the birds ankle, barely managing to keep from being thrown off until it stabilized and began climbing higher into the sky. She looked over at the other girl who had been being tossed around along with her. A grimace crossed her face as she realized she would have to end this in a far harsher way than she had intended. At this point her only option was to get the girl out of the bird's grasp and get them both back to the ground. The idea cooking in her head left her less than thrilled, but at the rate this was going the girl was going to snap her neck or something equally silly. It wouldn't exactly reflect well on her if she couldn't even protect a single little girl. As such she shifted her position slightly, holding onto the bird's leg with her free hand as she prepared to strike at the other leg with her sword. Not about to let them get any higher she thrust her sword at the bird's ankle in an attempt to force it to release the captive girl.
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Kayzo said:
Haruhi smiled brightly and returned the hug her sister gave, pressing her cheek tightly against hers, not really caring that she was shirtless right now. Besides, they were both sisters and girls, so it wasn't bad. She had never been so happy to see her sister before or see her unharmed. It was a great relief and reminded her that she could take care of herself. "That was only my first time being kidnapped and you're talking about it like its a common thing." She said, releasing her sister and putting her hands on her shoulders. "But I promise it'll never happen again." Haruhi jumped slightly as Raa threw his coat at her sister, the blue haired girl completely forgetting him. "Oh, this is Raa! He saved my butt today. Speaking of that, how can I repay you?"
@Metaphysics @purplepanda288
Raa - All in all just a generally nice person

"There is no need to thank me! I was simply around when I saw a pretty girl being carried away unwillingly, anyone would've done the same thing." Raa humbly replied. "Just keep an eye out for yourselves okay?" He added, the burning orange gaze of his softened. "Well it has been fun but now I should-" He suddenly trailed off as he finally got a good look at the sky above. "What in the name of the Night Sky is THAT." He stated, pointing at the huge creature in the sky. Right now it felt like a Friday to him, yup, a regular Friday for the most unfortunate person. "On second thought I'm going to need a drink after this." He mumbled. "Good Door Inn, later tonight then?" He said.

He had to make the trips fast. He boarded his board and sped rapidly towards the guild hall with the captured criminals in tow, riding the board up the stairs and knocking loudly on the guildmaster's door. "Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon." He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the door to open. @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Colt556 @Salt Lord @Talon
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Livian Azul

Livian was out in the garden, looking at all the flowers and trees and bushes. All looked like they were in tip top shape, well taken care of. Funny enough that caused a small smile to creep on Livian's face. Everything about this place seemed good, the people, the housing and atmosphere and it was all due to Alice's generosity and courage to open up the orphanage and take in so many people. Livian couldn't really take his mind off of Alice, causing him to shake his head as he tried to. No matter what, he couldn't stop thinking of her, and not in a bad way either.

Finally, Livian managed to think about other things, mostly the parade and how amazing it was going to be, but soon enough Alice crept back into his thoughts. While in these thoughts Alice had come out to speak with him and upon him hearing her voice he jumped up a bit, starlted at her voice. Livian was looking at a tree, admiring the color of its' bark and its' healthy leave, slowly he turned his head towards Alice, "Yes, Miss Alice?"


Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown took a moment before responding to what Clair had said, "Uh, are you sure about that Clair? Last time I checked a true lady is modest. Your just bragging and showing off your abilities. Not to mention how breast size doesn't matter." he shrugs and shakes his head, "I will never understand the living's obsession over such pointless things. Anyway, what are the outfits for? You two doing a duet together or something?" he chuckles. "If the two of you need any help just ask. I got nothing else to do, like, almost always." he pauses for a moment, "I'm really bored." he shrugs again.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica let the girl Sakura stand up on her two feet, the blonde girl soon following suit as she stood by her. Her emerald eyes continued to wash over her, almost still making sure she was ok despite Sora assuring her she would be fine. When she introduced herself, Kelica smiled warmly and took it upon herself to introduce everyone.

She gestured behind just as a normal human Chris approached.
"The man who looks like he had bench press a building is Chris, a beast soul user. The mage with the funny hat is Adrian an arcane mage, and the brooding ninja in the background is Ryu... My name is Kelica Zefara and I'm a Forest Guardian! I talk to plants and animals mostly..." Smiling. "The pink decorations were probably due to our pink-haired mage Alfie. He loves ribbons."

She turned to face Chris as he walked up and offered to track the kidnappers. "Ahh...I'm not sure that's a good idea...remember we have to say out of sight, a rampaging Draco through the streets probably would not help... She is safe if she says with us... We wouldn't let anything happen to her.." Smiling and placing a warm hand on her shoulder.

@Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
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Chris Lengheart(Chillin' at the guildhall)

Chris let out a short huff as Kelica told him that they were trying to keep hidden. He sat down at a nearby stall and muttered,"Why did I have to lose control? Now I can't even show my face anymore!" before cupping his forehead with his head and staring down at the table. Honestly, Chris felt sorry that he made Kelica go through all of this. There was no reason why she should be going through the same ridicule that Chris was. But Chris suddenly looked at as he went over Kelica's statement once again in his head. "Rampaging" that stupid word. Chris punched the table in anger just at the mention of that word. The table, unfortunately, went out once it came in contact with Chris' fist. The poor table left behind a loving chair and stool.

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Honoka Redfox


Honks smiled at the hooded man, so his name was raa. Mabye he could join them in the festival, but who knows at this point. She took off the cloak, put it on with the hood in front of her. She took the arms and tied the sleeves across her back, creating a small bow. Honks bent over and picked up a knife that had fallen on the ground and with it cut a section of the front, reavling her legs. " There, I can't bring out any more outfits. Especially become most of them are for the parade show." As Honoka straightened her back she saw a flash of light, radiating heat down onto them. She peered up only he sky, seeing the gaint Fire bird in full glory. It was attracting attention of all the mages in the area, this was bad. " Donald!? You might want to see this."

Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica blinked as Chris walked away, she took a quick nod and soft squeeze on Sakura's shoulder, before she slipped from them all to stand beside Chris in the corner of the room. Her timing pretty much watching Chris's fist connect with the table and suddenly the table was no more. She came behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head ontop of his head with a soft outward sigh.

"You know that wasn't your fault... right?... and so what if I don't go outside? In a few days they will forget all about it... They are the beasts, not you, and frankly I find people much more confusing and unpredictable then animals... You were threatened, you lashed out... They were the bullies..." Pulling her face forward and around past his ear to kiss at his cheek in a soothing manner. "Why don't we ask if we can help any floats or displays for the parade? A muscle man is sure to be a help to lift or reach..." Giggling.

@Isune @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98
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Chris Lengheart(...)

As Kelica went on her usual rant on her the real beasts were the people Chris bit his tongue slightly as he finally said,"But I'm not supposed to lash out! How do I put this...when I use beast soul, I'm basically just wearing that beast's skin. I'm not supposed to lash out like that beast would. I'm supposed to be me, just in a different skin. The most I'm supposed to pick up is their voice or speech patterns. But's that's obviously not the case since in all my forms I still retain a part of that beast that's always growling in the back of my head for me to kill...go wild and take everything on as prey until I either kill everyone or die trying." with a dark look on his face. "There's been times where I wanted to kill you. For that brief moment during our match back at the tournament when I was a werecat I wanted to rip your throat out and eat you in front of the entire crowd." he continued his fists clenching so tightly his knuckles began to turn a ghastly white. He honestly felt better after letting everything out. As she began to snuggle him, Chris only pulled away after being kissed on the cheek. By the time she mentioned setting up a float Chris was already sitting at another table, both of his massive hands cupped around his face.

@Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98
Talon screeched in pain as Tanari hacked at his leg with her sword. To make matters worse a hammer was flying straight at him. He dodged the hammer and then turned his attention to Tanari. He flew towards the Fairy tail guildhall as fast as he could before lying Ferra gently down on the roof and then began to bash Tanari against the roof in rage and pain. @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Drakerus
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica's eyes widened slightly. When he yelled out and broke from her grip to move away, again, she honestly didn't know what to do. She had her hands hanging awkwardly by her hips. Not sure how to help.

She knew she had to comfort him, but it seemed all he wanted was to go away. The hug didn't work, the kiss, not even the half joke. Kelica had tears starting to whell in the corners of her eyes. The supposed 'Guardian of the Forest' couldn't even calm or protect the man she had grown to love.

She gingerly stepped forward and to the side of him, placing a hand on his knee then.

"Think back, Chris. Think to every single time you lost control after we had controlled your Full Take Over... The tournament, I snapped first. I had encased you in thorns and vines, intent to kill you first. Kill or be killed. It was self defense. Then with the wolf beast form, those villages were throwing rocks at you... the only reason you transformed was because they had kicked me down and broken my ribs... you were protecting me... Don't you remember?..."

Here Kelica took a sad little sigh and pushed her back against the table leg, bum to the floor and hand still resting on his knee. "I'm not scared of you, Chris. I never have been. And if you think an occasional swing at my head is going to turn me away you are sadly mistaken..." Looking up to him with a smile. "I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I am the most stubborn. If you run, I'll just follow. If you hit me, I'll just get back up. So stop worrying about me. I'm not going anywhere..."

@Isune @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98
Raa - Take a bow.

Raa grew impatient with waiting for the masters to open so he opted for another tactic. He set the two weirdos down and pulled lemons our of his cloak before setting it on them. "Move and you know what happens." He stated before climbing out the window and scaling to the roof. "Hey bird brain!" He taunted loudly as he reached the roof. "Feathehead! Wormeating, groundscratching, self coooking chicken! Over here!" He rapidly taunted. Good thing that Niur was just downstairs. "Did your momma throw you out the nest while you hatched!?" @Talon @Mitchs98
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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica let the girl Sakura stand up on her two feet, the blonde girl soon following suit as she stood by her. Her emerald eyes continued to wash over her, almost still making sure she was ok despite Sora assuring her she would be fine. When she introduced herself, Kelica smiled warmly and took it upon herself to introduce everyone.

She gestured behind just as a normal human Chris approached.
"The man who looks like he had bench press a building is Chris, a beast soul user. The mage with the funny hat is Adrian an arcane mage, and the brooding ninja in the background is Ryu... My name is Kelica Zefara and I'm a Forest Guardian! I talk to plants and animals mostly..." Smiling. "The pink decorations were probably due to our pink-haired mage Alfie. He loves ribbons."

She turned to face Chris as he walked up and offered to track the kidnappers. "Ahh...I'm not sure that's a good idea...remember we have to say out of sight, a rampaging Draco through the streets probably would not help... She is safe if she says with us... We wouldn't let anything happen to her.." Smiling and placing a warm hand on her shoulder.

@Isune @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Chillin' at the guildhall)

Chris let out a short huff as Kelica told him that they were trying to keep hidden. He sat down at a nearby stall and muttered,"Why did I have to lose control? Now I can't even show my face anymore!" before cupping his forehead with his head and staring down at the table. Honestly, Chris felt sorry that he made Kelica go through all of this. There was no reason why she should be going through the same ridicule that Chris was. But Chris suddenly looked at as he went over Kelica's statement once again in his head. "Rampaging" that stupid word. Chris punched the table in anger just at the mention of that word. The table, unfortunately, went out once it came in contact with Chris' fist. The poor table left behind a loving chair and stool.

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica blinked as Chris walked away, she took a quick nod and soft squeeze on Sakura's shoulder, before she slipped from them all to stand beside Chris in the corner of the room. Her timing pretty much watching Chris's fist connect with the table and suddenly the table was no more. She came behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head ontop of his head with a soft outward sigh.

"You know that wasn't your fault... right?... and so what if I don't go outside? In a few days they will forget all about it... They are the beasts, not you, and frankly I find people much more confusing and unpredictable then animals... You were threatened, you lashed out... They were the bullies..." Pulling her face forward and around past his ear to kiss at his cheek in a soothing manner. "Why don't we ask if we can help any floats or displays for the parade? A muscle man is sure to be a help to lift or reach..." Giggling.

@Isune @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(...)

As Kelica went on her usual rant on her the real beasts were the people Chris bit his tongue slightly as he finally said,"But I'm not supposed to lash out! How do I put this...when I use beast soul, I'm basically just wearing that beast's skin. I'm not supposed to lash out like that beast would. I'm supposed to be me, just in a different skin. The most I'm supposed to pick up is their voice or speech patterns. But's that's obviously not the case since in all my forms I still retain a part of that beast that's always growling in the back of my head for me to kill...go wild and take everything on as prey until I either kill everyone or die trying." with a dark look on his face. "There's been times where I wanted to kill you. For that brief moment during our match back at the tournament when I was a werecat I wanted to rip your throat out and eat you in front of the entire crowd." he continued his fists clenching so tightly his knuckles began to turn a ghastly white. He honestly felt better after letting everything out. As she began to snuggle him, Chris only pulled away after being kissed on the cheek. By the time she mentioned setting up a float Chris was already sitting at another table, both of his massive hands cupped around his face.

@Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica's eyes widened slightly. When he yelled out and broke from her grip to move away, again, she honestly didn't know what to do. She had her hands hanging awkwardly by her hips. Not sure how to help.

She knew she had to comfort him, but it seemed all he wanted was to go away. The hug didn't work, the kiss, not even the half joke. Kelica had tears starting to whell in the corners of her eyes. The supposed 'Guardian of the Forest' couldn't even calm or protect the man she had grown to love.

She gingerly stepped forward and to the side of him, placing a hand on his knee then.

"Think back, Chris. Think to every single time you lost control after we had controlled your Full Take Over... The tournament, I snapped first. I had encased you in thorns and vines, intent to kill you first. Kill or be killed. It was self defense. Then with the wolf beast form, those villages were throwing rocks at you... the only reason you transformed was because they had kicked me down and broken my ribs... you were protecting me... Don't you remember?..."

Here Kelica took a sad little sigh and pushed her back against the table leg, bum to the floor and hand still resting on his knee. "I'm not scared of you, Chris. I never have been. And if you think an occasional swing at my head is going to turn me away you are sadly mistaken..." Looking up to him with a smile. "I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but I am the most stubborn. If you run, I'll just follow. If you hit me, I'll just get back up. So stop worrying about me. I'm not going anywhere..."

@Isune @Genon @Rhodus @Mitchs98
@Genon @Rhodus

Sakura: Fairy Tail Hall

Sakura looked to each of the people Kelica was introducing with a smile on her face, she was a bit surprised that everyone was being so nice after she was fine. "
Nice to meet you guys. I really appreciate the help." She told them warmly. She had to agree with Kelica, though she didn't know anything at all that happened she doubted the citizens of Magnolia would like Chris rampaging through the streets after people that may or may not still be around. Chris then seemed to leave, a bit mad about it. Sakura wasn't sure why, but, still. She winced as he smashed a table and she listened to their coversation, a sad frown forming on her face as she did. Did people seriously do all of that to them? To the people that constantly protected Magnolia and Fiore itself? That just wasn't right at all. She didn't really have anything to add or say, seeing as she barely knew these people and she didn't fully understand what had happened. Thus she sighed and found a chair to sit at. She then turned to Ryu, "Soooo. How long have you been in Fairy Tail?" She asked, trying to make conversation and distract herself from the depressing conversation between Kelica and Chris.

Ferra: Fairy Tail Roof

@Talon @Colt556 @Drakerus

Ferra's eyes widened as she saw Tanari draw a sword. Surely she wasn't going to kill Talon? She doubted it, but she couldn't be to sure. She really hoped not, but she wasn't in any posistion to go against it with him holding her. She wrenched her eyes shut as Tanari stabbed him in the leg and at Talons' pained shrieks. She hoped the pain woulf be enough to knock Talon back into his senses but she was arong. At-least he'd sat her down on the roof...before proceeding to bash Tanari into it. "Talon! Talon calm down! Listen to me! She's only attacking you because she thought you were the one trying to kidnap me!" She shouted. She really didn't want to see him injured further, she had no idea how injuries would transfer over once his take-over wore off.
Raa Well okay then.

Raa blinked at the situation. "Okay then you got this girl! I believe in you." He called out, relieved that he actually didn't need to deal with a flame bird on a rampage. He sneakily went down to his captive criminals, took one look at them before burying them headfirst into the wall, gagging them with cloth from his cloak. "Well this is done. I've gotta go now." He said before he head down the steps, stopping near Niur to give a message. "I'm heading out for tonight, stand by will you? There's a tussle going on on the roof." Niur nodded as he left.

He swiftly made his way to the Good Door Inn and ordered one of their strongest ales. @Kayzo
Haruhi nodded at Raa's request to share a drink soon. The blue haired girl wasn't much of a drinker herself, but it was the least she could do to repay him for saving her life. Unless of course his plan was to booze her up and kidnap her for himself. She couldn't help but giggle slightly at that thought, her head shaking slightly. There was no way Raa would do something like that. Besides, he could've just taken her from the bad guy and ran rather than bringing her back to Haruhi. "Alright Raa, I'll have a drink with you. Give me a few minutes to talk with my sister." She explained, smiling at him before turning back to Honoka and Donald. It seemed that her sister had covered herself up with his cloak, and she was rocking it. "You look cute in that!"

Haruhi kinda spaced out from the drugs for a moment while the big fire bird kinda ran rampant. She came back to earth when Ferra seemed to have taken control of the situation and her gaze caught sight of Raa heading to the bar. "Bye Honoka, I'm going to go see Raa. Stay safe!" She said before running after her new friend. The blue haired girl took a seat beside the cloaked man. "Hello there..."


Talon said:
Talon screeched in pain as Tanari hacked at his leg with her sword. To make matters worse a hammer was flying straight at him. He dodged the hammer and then turned his attention to Tanari. He flew towards the Fairy tail guildhall as fast as he could before lying Ferra gently down on the roof and then began to bash Tanari against the roof in rage and pain. @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Drakerus
Metaphysics said:
Raa - Take a bow.

Raa grew impatient with waiting for the masters to open so he opted for another tactic. He set the two weirdos down and pulled lemons our of his cloak before setting it on them. "Move and you know what happens." He stated before climbing out the window and scaling to the roof. "Hey bird brain!" He taunted loudly as he reached the roof. "Feathehead! Wormeating, groundscratching, self coooking chicken! Over here!" He rapidly taunted. Good thing that Niur was just downstairs. "Did your momma throw you out the nest while you hatched!?" @Talon @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Fairy Tail Roof

@Talon @Colt556 @Drakerus

Ferra's eyes widened as she saw Tanari draw a sword. Surely she wasn't going to kill Talon? She doubted it, but she couldn't be to sure. She really hoped not, but she wasn't in any posistion to go against it with him holding her. She wrenched her eyes shut as Tanari stabbed him in the leg and at Talons' pained shrieks. She hoped the pain woulf be enough to knock Talon back into his senses but she was arong. At-least he'd sat her down on the roof...before proceeding to bash Tanari into it. "Talon! Talon calm down! Listen to me! She's only attacking you because she thought you were the one trying to kidnap me!" She shouted. She really didn't want to see him injured further, she had no idea how injuries would transfer over once his take-over wore off.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Roof

The shriek that came from the bird let her know she was on the right track, just a little more and it'd have to let the girl go. Unfortunately the sudden evasive maneuver forced her to halt her attack and cling tightly to the creature's leg as it dove towards the ground. While not exactly as she had planned, the bird did release the girl and set her down atop a building rooftop. Her momentary relief at finally getting the girl free was cut short as a wave of pain rushed through her body as the bird slammed her into the rooftop. Not about to let that continue she was quick to let go of it's leg, rolling across the roof as the bird continued forward. It was hardly the graceful landing she had hoped as she finally came to a stop, slowly pushing herself back up to her feet. A groan of pain slipped past her lips as she stood straight, the impact leaving her in less than stellar shape. If she didn't put an end to this soon she'd be too roughed up to continue.

She gave a quick glance to the cloaked man who threw insults at the bird before taking his leave. "Well that was more than a little pointless.." She looked over her shoulder at the young girl as she cried out towards the bird, seemingly trying to calm it down. "I don't know what your relationship with that guy is but he's way too dangerous. I wont kill him but I can't guarantee he'll come out of this in one piece." With that she raised her sword and turned her gaze back onto her opponent. She was thankful that her opponent was a giant bird, given the amount of magic he showed had he been in his human form this fight could have gone very differently. But with such a large and predictable foe she was confidant she would come at victorious. She took a deep breath, regaining her focus before quickly lunging forward towards her opponent. She held her sword low and to her side, drawing it up in an uppercut swing at the bird's wing as she drew close.
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Kayzo said:
Haruhi nodded at Raa's request to share a drink soon. The blue haired girl wasn't much of a drinker herself, but it was the least she could do to repay him for saving her life. Unless of course his plan was to booze her up and kidnap her for himself. She couldn't help but giggle slightly at that thought, her head shaking slightly. There was no way Raa would do something like that. Besides, he could've just taken her from the bad guy and ran rather than bringing her back to Haruhi. "Alright Raa, I'll have a drink with you. Give me a few minutes to talk with my sister." She explained, smiling at him before turning back to Honoka and Donald. It seemed that her sister had covered herself up with his cloak, and she was rocking it. "You look cute in that!"

Haruhi kinda spaced out from the drugs for a moment while the big fire bird kinda ran rampant. She came back to earth when Ferra seemed to have taken control of the situation and her gaze caught sight of Raa heading to the bar. "Bye Honoka, I'm going to go see Raa. Stay safe!" She said before running after her new friend. The blue haired girl took a seat beside the cloaked man. "Hello there..."

" Hello again. " Raa happily greeted back as he turned to look at her. He was pleasantly surprised that she actually showed up." You want anything? My treat. " He offered her as the bartender placed two glasses of their strongest ale in front of them. Quietly, Raa picked up one glass and downed it quickly." Another. " He requested as he put the glass down.
Tanari escaped from his punishing hits and retreated back a bit before charging him again. Talon glanced at Ferra who was still tryng to reason with him. He decided now was a good time to make a getaway and breathed a stream of fire at Tanari before taing flight, leaving Ferra with a sorry look. He sped off as fast as he could in the direction of the forest. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Roof

The shriek that came from the bird let her know she was on the right track, just a little more and it'd have to let the girl go. Unfortunately the sudden evasive maneuver forced her to halt her attack and cling tightly to the creature's leg as it dove towards the ground. While not exactly as she had planned, the bird did release the girl and set her down atop a building rooftop. Her momentary relief at finally getting the girl free was cut short as a wave of pain rushed through her body as the bird slammed her into the rooftop. Not about to let that continue she was quick to let go of it's leg, rolling across the roof as the bird continued forward. It was hardly the graceful landing she had hoped as she finally came to a stop, slowly pushing herself back up to her feet. A groan of pain slipped past her lips as she stood straight, the impact leaving her in less than stellar shape. If she didn't put an end to this soon she'd be too roughed up to continue.

She gave a quick glance to the cloaked man who threw insults at the bird before taking his leave. "Well that was more than a little pointless.." She looked over her shoulder at the young girl as she cried out towards the bird, seemingly trying to calm it down. "I don't know what your relationship with that guy is but he's way too dangerous. I wont kill him but I can't guarantee he'll come out of this in one piece." With that she raised her sword and turned her gaze back onto her opponent. She was thankful that her opponent was a giant bird, given the amount of magic he showed had he been in his human form this fight could have gone very differently. But with such a large and predictable foe she was confidant she would come at victorious. She took a deep breath, regaining her focus before quickly lunging forward towards her opponent. She held her sword low and to her side, drawing it up in an uppercut swing at the bird's wing as she drew close.

Talon said:
Tanari escaped from his punishing hits and retreated back a bit before charging him again. Talon glanced at Ferra who was still tryng to reason with him. He decided now was a good time to make a getaway and breathed a stream of fire at Tanari before taing flight, leaving Ferra with a sorry look. He sped off as fast as he could in the direction of the forest. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Ferra: Fairy Tail Roof > Fairy Tail Forest

Ferra frowned as she saw Tanari roll onto the roof, honestly she looked like shit from getting smashed into the roof. She seemed mostly alright though, which was good. Her eyes widened slightly, though she nodded slowly at her words. She was kind of right, it seemed that her trying to calm him down wasn't working. As long as he lived and could be healed, she was fine with it as long as it calmed him down. "Okay.." She mumbled lowly. She watched as Tanari started her attack, turning away as she saw her continue to use her sword; she really didn't want to watch her dismember him. Luckily, Talon seemed to take the option to flee. She watched as he flew off towards the forest. She sighed with relief, it might of taken a bit but her words had gotten through it seemed. Now she had the choice of running after him as best she could, or making sure Tanari was alright. Honestly it was a hard decision. On one hand he might opt to leave and never come back, on the other Tanari might think she was a bitch for not sticking around to check on her.

She hoped she'd understand, but she really didn't want Talon to leave. "
I'm sorry, but, I'm gotta go after him and make sure he's alright. Thank you a lot for helping me, I'm sorry all of this happened." She told her. With that she found an exit off of the roof, climbed down a bit, and hopped down the rest of the way running to the forest at full speed. It was significantly slower than Talon was flying, but still, she had the general direction he went in. Shoving through a few crowds and making some shortcuts she made her way through the park and to the forest. "Talon! Where are you!" She called out, trying her best to look around the dark forest to spot him, unsure if he transformed back or not.
Talon said:
Tanari escaped from his punishing hits and retreated back a bit before charging him again. Talon glanced at Ferra who was still tryng to reason with him. He decided now was a good time to make a getaway and breathed a stream of fire at Tanari before taing flight, leaving Ferra with a sorry look. He sped off as fast as he could in the direction of the forest. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Fairy Tail Roof > Fairy Tail Forest
Ferra frowned as she saw Tanari roll onto the roof, honestly she looked like shit from getting smashed into the roof. She seemed mostly alright though, which was good. Her eyes widened slightly, though she nodded slowly at her words. She was kind of right, it seemed that her trying to calm him down wasn't working. As long as he lived and could be healed, she was fine with it as long as it calmed him down. "Okay.." She mumbled lowly. She watched as Tanari started her attack, turning away as she saw her continue to use her sword; she really didn't want to watch her dismember him. Luckily, Talon seemed to take the option to flee. She watched as he flew off towards the forest. She sighed with relief, it might of taken a bit but her words had gotten through it seemed. Now she had the choice of running after him as best she could, or making sure Tanari was alright. Honestly it was a hard decision. On one hand he might opt to leave and never come back, on the other Tanari might think she was a bitch for not sticking around to check on her.

She hoped she'd understand, but she really didn't want Talon to leave. "
I'm sorry, but, I'm gotta go after him and make sure he's alright. Thank you a lot for helping me, I'm sorry all of this happened." She told her. With that she found an exit off of the roof, climbed down a bit, and hopped down the rest of the way running to the forest at full speed. It was significantly slower than Talon was flying, but still, she had the general direction he went in. Shoving through a few crowds and making some shortcuts she made her way through the park and to the forest. "Talon! Where are you!" She called out, trying her best to look around the dark forest to spot him, unsure if he transformed back or not.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Roof

She was forced to halt her advance, sliding to a stop and bringing her sword up just in time to block the stream of fire sent her way. She grit her teeth as she held her blade ahead of her, deflecting the fire around her until the attack ceased. Through the shimmering heat she saw the bird flap it's wings and once again become airborne, this time heading for the forest. Out of desperation she fired off several heat blasts at the fleeing creature but it was soon out of range of any of her attacks. She was about to chase after it when the girl she rescued spoke up, apologizing for what happened and saying she was going to run off after the bird. She let out a long breath as she stabbed her blade into the roof and allowed herself to fall to her ass beside it, mumbling quietly to herself. "Whatever, do what you want." With the girl being conscious it was her choice whether she went after the bird or not.

Once alone on the roof she tentatively brought her hand to her side, wincing in pain at the contact. "Well I really screwed that up." She gave her side a rather forceful poke, eliciting a small yelp at her self-induced punishment. Allowing herself to have such a hard time and to get so roughed up by an over-sized bird was rather inexcusable. She brought her arms up over her head, interlacing her fingers as she placed her hands behind her head and allowed herself to fall back onto the roof with a tired groan and stared up at the night sky above her. "I really do need to stop doing charity work." The light of the city did well to wash out all but the brightest stars so it wasn't exactly the most beautiful view but it was good enough.
Alice Liddell

Orphanage gardens

The usual coldness that Alice felt started to ment away, due to the fact that she had become increasingly nervous. She began to fiddle anxiously, waiting to be acknowledged by Livain. He had jumped when she called his name, was he exploring his subconscious? No mabye she just took him by surprise. Alice stopped fiddling and moved stray strands of hair out of her vision. This was it, she formulated what she was going to say. " Livian, I was wondering if you would accompany me to the parade?" A steam harmmer started to pound in her chest, it felt so loud that she feared that mabye the man would hear it.

@The Dinkster
Metaphysics said:
" Hello again. " Raa happily greeted back as he turned to look at her. He was pleasantly surprised that she actually showed up." You want anything? My treat. " He offered her as the bartender placed two glasses of their strongest ale in front of them. Quietly, Raa picked up one glass and downed it quickly." Another. " He requested as he put the glass down.
Haruhi gave the bartender a brief smile as he placed the mug in front of her. She wasn't a big drinker and didn't have a very high alcohol tolerance so she tried to steer clear of this. However tonight was an exception, and she didn't want to seem rude in front of Raa after everything he had done. Her soft hands reached out and wrapped themselves around the cold mug, bringing it up to her lips and taking a sip. She probably looked like an idiot only taking sips from a mug but she'd never gone social drinking before. Her eyes widened in surprised when Raa had finished his entire drink when she had only taken a sip. "Wow Raa, I've never seen someone drink so fast!" She said with a smile, taking another sip from her drink.
Livian Azul

As Livian turned his head to look at Alice he noticed for a brief moment that she was fiddling, most likely out of being nervous, for what reason Livian had no clue. He offered a small yet bright smile as she stood there, moving a few stray strands of hair out of the way. Livian's smile soon left his face and was replaced withe a surprised look. He didn't know Alice had any feelings for him, maybe it was just a casual thing and not a date of sorts. Yeah, surely it was just casual friend things. Still... the idea that it wasn't sounded nice. Offering another smile, this time accompanied by a nod, he replied, "Of course, I would be honored to attend the parade with you, Miss Alice."

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Chris Lengheart(I'm sorry)

"I know YOU aren't scared of me but what difference can one person make?" Chris said at last. He only gripped his own shoulder very tightly as he basically growled at the idea of Kelica standing in front of a angry mob. As Kelica went on and on about how Chris could basically lead her to the depths of hell but she'd still follow him out of sheer love. Chris bit his lip slightly as he said,"But I don't want you to go through any of this! I want us to be happy together like a normal couple, not the object of ridicule in the eyes of society!"


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