Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Metaphysics said:
"Guess not then..." Raa said as the wall split apart to let him through. He figured that he should return the favor by blocking the man's paths by encasing him in a thick walled box of solid air. Burning orange eye gazed at the man. "Who could you be?" He asked as he approached with a long cleaver made of darksteel that dragged menacingly. "Surrender or I will be forced to harm you."
Lackey #9001

The man smacked directly into the solid wall, though couldn't fall as the space was too small. What the hell? He glared at Raa and sighed. He wasn't sure what magic he used, but it was annoying. "Afraid not." He replied. He receeded into the earth, Haruhi in tow, before popping up on the other side of the air box thing and resuming his run. He wasn't ready to give up quite yet.
Mizuki's mind and gaze were taken off of Kelica and her own masochist fantasies when she felt a gentle poking at her leg. Glancing down she saw sweet little Alicia looking up at her wth the most innocent and cute expression she had ever seen. The little one was starving evident by her stomach making noises, plus she was asking for food. The dark Mage assumed that it was some plot to distract her from the bone breaking seeing that Alfie was in on it too. However as much as she wanted to stay and hurt herself, there was no way she could say no to that face. No one, no matter how evil or edgy could deny something so pure. "Yes... I suppose that we can go and get some food, though we just arrived here at the guild hall. But I can't keep your small stomach empty. Let us go..."

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Isune @Zuka
Talon said:
Taln finaly spotted what looked like Ferra, well an unconcious Ferra, being carried by someone. He dashed over. "Hey wait up!¡!¡" He called atfer them as he tried to catch up. This person didnt look like the guy who had kidnapped Ferra which was a relief. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

As she walked down the street she couldn't help but feel the stares on her. Perhaps carrying the girl like a piece of luggage under her arm wasn't the most inconspicuous way of handling it. Nevertheless she pushed on undaunted in her quest to reach the Fairy Tail guild. Her journey was interrupted as one of the passer-by's was brave enough to speak up. All she wanted to do was deliver the girl and be on her way and some goody two-shoes had to try and get in her way. The sooner she gets him to buzz off the sooner she can get to the guild hall. As such she came to a halt and spun on her heel to face the man, speaking quickly. "Look, I don't have time to deal with your questions. It's fine. Everything's fine. No we don't need any help." As soon as she finished she raised her free hand and flicked it in the man's direction, offering a quiet 'shoo, shoo' before turning around and continuing on her way.
Mitchs98 said:
Lackey #9001The man smacked directly into the solid wall, though couldn't fall as the space was too small. What the hell? He glared at Raa and sighed. He wasn't sure what magic he used, but it was annoying. "Afraid not." He replied. He receeded into the earth, Haruhi in tow, before popping up on the other side of the air box thing and resuming his run. He wasn't ready to give up quite yet.

"Well I tried being nice." Raa said before leaping forwards towards the man, air box long gone now. "Increasing damage output." He said before the ground around the running man was littered with bear traps made of air. He moved some of them to slide under his feet before they touched the ground. Raa, now aboard his surfboard once more steadily rode towards the man, waiting for him to slip up, darksteel cleaver now in the form of many strings, ready to reach out a moment's notice.
Kelica Zefara

Kelica blinked momentarily as the weasel on her shoulder nudged her and squeaked at her. To be honest she has almost forgotten the little (normally very big) guy, so she reached up and scratched his chin. "Of course you can! We are inside the Guild Hall, no one will hurt you here... "

She turned and only blinked more stupidly as Mizuki was still hell bent on trying Kelica's magic for herself to which the girl threw her hands up with an awkward laugh. Then Alfie and the adorable little girl Alicia stepped in and suggested food.

Kelica put a finger to her chin in thought. "Well, we might continue to hang around here, Chris might just be reaching his limit of control now and being squished up in such a tiny form will probably give him a back ache... " Not very well aware on just how his transformations worked.

"Just grab us something on the go, if you don't mind Alfie! We owe you one!" Stepping up to kiss the pink-haired mage on the cheek and ruffle his hair before bowing to Mizuki and bending down to slip her hand into Alicia's to give it a gentle, friendly squeeze. "Catch ya on the flip side, homies! " Doing probably the world's worse interpretation of a fly girl one had ever heard in their life.

Kelica lifted Chris up and off her shoulder in case he wanted to transform back, before she heard a panicked voice nearby the doorway. She glanced over seeing it was Adrian, she hadn't really talked to him but she recognised him from Fairytail. (Really if the girl was smarter she should just assume everyone here was from Fairytail until proven otherwise.)

So the blonde jogged on over and put a hand onto his shoulder as he tried to call someone. "Hey, what's the matter-"

Glancing as she saw the crumpled heap of a person on the floor, immediately gasping and dropping to her knees before her and scooping the girl up into her arms gently, brushing the hair from her forehead to study her better.

"Hey sweety? Can you hear me?"

The words soft, non-threatening, but more importantly she was focusing on the girl's reactions if there were any. Eye movements under eyelids, eyelashes fluttering, body twitches. As she brushed her forehead feeling her body temperature, any bruises or weirdly placed limbs due to breaks.

Kelica for all her ditzy nature could read body language better then anyone else. She really was the Mother Hen of Fairytail (aside from Sora that is).

She looked to Adrian then. "A bowl of cold water and a cloth, now!" She said in a no-nonense tone she always used with her Forest Guardian magic.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @PeteTSs

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Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown was wandering the streets yet again. Until he eventually decided to see about taking Clair up on her offer from before. Casually walking into the Fairy Tail guild hall he quickly noticed Clair, and what appeared to be a float. "Oh! Is there going to be a parade?" he questioned walking up to her, a grin on his face. He realized that she was a bit distracted, staring up at something or someone intensely. As he got closer he could see it was Sora who had Clair's gaze. With Lysander with her. Unknown waved up at the two and said "Hey guys! Remember me?" with a chuckle.

@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey
Lysander Connell

Location: Magnolia - Float-making area

Lysander looked rather sheepish himself, when he realised that his disappointment had been obvious enough to Sora, and how guilt was added to the mix. He truly did not want to disappoint her, especially since she simply wanted to please him as much as he wanted to please her, and he did not want her to feel any unhappiness in her actions at all. "I'm sorry," he said finally, hardly able to meet her eyes himself, but forcing himself to face her at least, or at least her lips. "Perhaps I should have showed more initiative too." And he would. The next time such an opportunity occurred, he would seize it.

Plus, he only backed away very slightly as she made a sudden move to hang from a tree beside him. It was instinctive, really; if anything made a sudden movement towards him, his instict was to step back quickly for a change to guage the situation. It had been how he had grown up after all. He was constantly alert and on edge, especially as a gunslinger who depended on speed and stealth rather than strength. At least that was a slight improvement. He gave a rather apologetic grin in her direction, hoping she was not too hurt by his instinctive action.

And it was not at all difficult to answer her questions; it was as if the answers were right there on his lips. "Lloyd," he said, suddenly sounding a lot more cheerful. If Sora had Maya, he had Lloyd. " I actually stayed with him when I first joined Lamia Scale. I was about ten then, and he had been around twenty one, an average A-class mage at that time. I did not have a place of my own, and everyone was surprised when he offered to take me in, because Lloyd was such a loner. I don't think he even had conversations with his guild members, at least, at that point in time. But... I really learnt a lot from him. I learnt how to track and cartograph from him because sometimes he would even let me accompany him for missions, which was a major thing for Lloyd. He always wandered off on his own to do his own things so often. I live alone now, of course, but... we still hung out." That was, until Lloyd was promoted to Guild Master, and suddenly Lysander did not know how to talk to him. The awkwardness around them was all his fault, he was aware of that. And right now, he could not help feeling a little lonely. He sighed, a forlorn look coming onto his face. He only hoped it was not too late to repair things with Lloyd.

Hence, he was quite relieved when Clair made her entrance. He watched her inspect the float, and could not help feeling a touch pleased when she pronounced the float a good job done, especially since he had his own hand in it's creation... perhaps most of it, since his craftsmanship was adequate enough. He gave a small bow, a pleased look on his face, before he took a few steps back to let Clair and Sora talk. Obviously Clair wanted to discuss something with her, and Lysander wanted to give them both the space to do so.

And another person joined them. Lysander stiffened slightly when he recognized the man from earlier, the one who had disclosed the age gap between himself and Sora. But on the other hand, the man had been helpful during Sora's collapse, so Lysander was somewhat grateful to him. In addition, by disclosing their age gap, he had admittedly saved them an awkward conversation for later, so there was that too. The man deserved a courteous nod at least, so Lysander gave him just that. And then he remained quiet and observant, in case any conversation was directed at him. But... he would need to go soon though. There was something else he wanted to do before the parade started, and going by the position of the sun in the sky, he would need to leave soon.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.f19ff51c02a390c587da449028decb46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123899" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.f19ff51c02a390c587da449028decb46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Streets

Noah smiled as the male lackey got back up challenging him again. He was weak but Noah couldn't help but admit that he has heart. When the orbs shifted, he also shifted forward towards the lackey running towards him. He slams his palm onto the ground. Ice Shards. A ice white spell circle appears on the ground and a many crystallized shards of ice burst out the ground heading towards the male lackey at a rapid pace, and launching the lackey back into the air. @Mitchs98



  • c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg
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Lloyd Kirby

Location: Magnolia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lloyd blinked. "Oh, that was the source of all the noise outside?" If so, he had formed too negative an opinion of Fairy Tail it seemed. He nodded to Valken and eyed the spy with some interest. It seemed that things were going to be getting quite interesting around here. Plus, it was just what they needed too. He was admittedly out of ideas, and so far, no one else had volunteered any suggestions, but perhaps this might change with the information that they spy might provide. Especially since Master Kaiser seemed to be taking charge of the interrogations. Considering this was her office after all.

Valken spoke then, and Lloyd's eyes widened when he heard that Millie had been taken hostage, though Valken had managed to defuse the situation. "I do hope Millie was not hurt?" he asked Valken. That was probably the most important thing. He seriously did not want any of his guild members getting injured, not if he could help it. And it looked like things might get darker still for them, for all the guilds really, not just Lamia Scale. He knew full well that he could not always be there to protect his guild because more likely than not they would all be off doing their own battles, and he could only hope that they were strong enough. And now it seemed that Valken was a target too. Who else could be a target? And... what if they ended up targeting Lysander because of his Western connections (though admittedly weak) and his proximity to Lloyd? Should he warn Lysander too?

"I'm... not sure what we can do at this point in time," he said finally. "This spy here is pretty useless right now. We don't know enough at this point in time. We don't even know who are the saints, council members and government officials involved in this... though I suspect a few." He sighed and rubbed at his forehead with his right hand, a frown on his face. "I think all we can do right now is to compile a list of those whom we think are involved, and... I suppose investigate their involvement through any means necessary. I think though, that this meeting should not go beyond this room. But we should definitely push our guild members to strengthen themselves in case we really do end up in a war. At least, that's my take on this. I'm betting you all have better ideas though."

@Zuka @Colt556 @Salt Lord
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

Kelica blinked momentarily as the weasel on her shoulder nudged her and squeaked at her. To be honest she has almost forgotten the little (normally very big) guy, so she reached up and scratched his chin. "Of course you can! We are inside the Guild Hall, no one will hurt you here... "

She turned and only blinked more stupidly as Mizuki was still hell bent on trying Kelica's magic for herself to which the girl threw her hands up with an awkward laugh. Then Alfie and the adorable little girl Alicia stepped in and suggested food.

Kelica put a finger to her chin in thought. "Well, we might continue to hang around here, Chris might just be reaching his limit of control now and being squished up in such a tiny form will probably give him a back ache... " Not very well aware on just how his transformations worked.

"Just grab us something on the go, if you don't mind Alfie! We owe you one!" Stepping up to kiss the pink-haired mage on the cheek and ruffle his hair before bowing to Mizuki and bending down to slip her hand into Alicia's to give it a gentle, friendly squeeze. "Catch ya on the flip side, homies! " Doing probably the world's worse interpretation of a fly girl one had ever heard in their life.

Kelica lifted Chris up and off her shoulder in case he wanted to transform back, before she heard a panicked voice nearby the doorway. She glanced over seeing it was Adrian, she hadn't really talked to him but she recognised him from Fairytail. (Really if the girl was smarter she should just assume everyone here was from Fairytail until proven otherwise.)

So the blonde jogged on over and put a hand onto his shoulder as he tried to call someone. "Hey, what's the matter-"

Glancing as she saw the crumpled heap of a person on the floor, immediately gasping and dropping to her knees before her and scooping the girl up into her arms gently, brushing the hair from her forehead to study her better.

"Hey sweety? Can you hear me?"

The words soft, non-threatening, but more importantly she was focusing on the girl's reactions if there were any. Eye movements under eyelids, eyelashes fluttering, body twitches. As she brushed her forehead feeling her body temperature, any bruises or weirdly placed limbs due to breaks.

Kelica for all her ditzy nature could read body language better then anyone else. She really was the Mother Hen of Fairytail (aside from Sora that is).

She looked to Adrian then. "A bowl of cold water and a cloth, now!" She said in a no-nonense tone she always used with her Forest Guardian magic.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @PeteTSs


Adrian immediately hung up the phone, before Sora got a chance to pick up. How did he not notice Kelica in the Guild Hall? For that matter, Alfie was also there, along with...Mizuki and Alicia? Huh, what were they doing together? He thought they were all still at each other's throats, but he guessed that Alfie had snapped out of his evil mode and was back to his old self. Good.

But back to the matter at hand. Adrian promptly ran off to go get a washcloth and and a bowl of cold water. Coming back with the appropriate items, he handed them to Kelica. "Here they are," he said, holding them out for her to take.
Talons eyes narrowed and he grabbed Ferra from the girl. "Excuse me but this is my friend your carrying around like a sack of potatoes." He said, trying to keep from punching this know it all in the face. @Colt556 @michs98

Sora Marvell - Fairy Tail HQ

Sora had flipped onto her stomach and scooted back a bit upon the float, palms serving to prop her face up as she listened to Lysander speak, head tilted ever so slightly. It was almost like a distant far off memory, the fight in Malnia with the dragons, but all this mention of the Lamia Scale guild master warranted the few images of him to flicker into her mind. That was the man Lysander spoke so highly of? Truthfully, without Gilad or Lloyd the fight would've proven much more difficult or even a fight she may have perished attempting had they not been there to assist so heavily. Quite a few people had aided all around and the team effort was what had initially allowed them all to leave victorious. And Lloyd had been the one whom saved Nami from falling to her death so a thank you of sorts was still in store for him, regardless if he knew at the time what a meaningful act that had been to Sora. A smile tugged at her lips then at the way Lysander indulged more on the question, going from facts to a small uncertainty at the end.

Perhaps the two had become more distant over the years? Sora didn't want to assume but when one did step into a position such as Guild Master things always seemed to change for that person or the people in their lives; it had with Maya after-all. Maya and Sora had been extremely close and spent a lot of time together until she'd risen in ranks and obtained a seat upon the Magic Council, then they went years without seeing one another. The prospect made the blue haired girl a tad bit sad, enough to warrant her eyes to slip to a thoughtful close of their own. "
He sounds like an amazing mentor and friend, Lysander. I'm glad you have someone like him in your life and surely he feels the same way in reverse. " Sora spoke rather softly, those words meant for the both of them to hopefully be of reassurance. A hand reached itself out then to touch his hair, fingers absentmindedly curling some of his locks around them.

It was odd how many thoughts and questions seemed to flutter around in her mind at a constant pace when she was around Lysander. Not all of them were revolved around him though, it was simply as if his presence made her take a step back and see her life from a different perspective; an out of body experience per-se. It could be overwhelming but Sora was beginning to see how necessary it was to ponder on matters more instead of being so jubilantly spontaneous and borderline reckless. It seemed to be trait for dragon slayers to be daring and careless at times, relying on their power more to get them through things but Sora always mixed that power with the emotions that swirled about so strongly in her heart. Even if it wasn't practical to use both your heart and mind in a battle, Sora had practiced using both in the heat of the moment, trying not to falter or have her decisions weigh too heavily on just one over the other.

Sora simply laid there for a few more moments, eyes flashing open as she picked up the familiar smell of Clair. The hand in Lysander's hair quickly retreated back to cupping her own cheek as if it'd remained there the entirety of the time. A small grin crept onto her face as she watched the red head inspect the float that Lysander and her had been working on, cheeks puffing out proudly even if she hadn't done most of the work. Most of the credit would have to go to Lysander however seeing as Sora's 'artistic thumb' wasn't anywhere near as skillful as his. The mention of the suit somehow changed Sora's expression completely, eyes widening with an unreadable expression. Her petite frame slid off the float then, feet gently placing themselves upon the ground as she stared up at Clair with a serious expression of her own. If Clair's stare was intimidating, Sora was surely giving her a run for her money, eyes narrowing themselves as a thick aura encased her body. Not many would understand their relationship as it was quite odd to outside eyes, the two usually bickering or poking fun at one another but they did have their inside jokes that they shared and this was one of them. As her arms crossed snugly across her chest she lifted up onto her tippy-toes and got so close that one might think they were about to do something uncanny until Sora's face halted inches away from Clair's. " Oh but of course... We both know I'm going to look better in it though. " Her smile widened to a terrifying point, a wink slowly following her words. The two truly did act like sisters that fought and harassed one another.

A few moments of staring at one another, electricity almost seen sparking between them, passed and she laughed suddenly, the sound so joyous that she knew it'd illicit a laugh from Clair as well. " It's in the Guild Hall though so I'll go fetch it now that the float is done and looking magnificently beautiful, I must add! " Sora turned to glance at Lysander with that childish smile still spread upon her features. " Thank you for all your help! I have to go get ready for the parade but I'll be sure to look for you while I'm on the float, okay? Please be safe. " The last part couldn't be stressed or expressed enough through words alone so she pulled him into a close embrace, almost instinctively. " I have something I want to give you later so let's meet up after the parade, okay? Enjoy the festival! " Her eyes flickered down past his shoulder to the backpack on the ground and a reminiscing smile replaced the previous childish one. She leaned in slightly after pulling back tentatively and planted a gentle kiss upon his cheek, not minding that strands of his hair were in the way, they simply got pressed into his skin from the soft pressure to act as a slight barrier. Her arms slowly uncoiled themselves from around his frame, the hesitance quite noticeable as she swiveled about to stare at Unknown whom had just arrived.

" Of course, how could we forget? " Sora replied in response to the man's greeting, eyes refraining from falling into a mocking eye roll type action. The man had undoubtedly been there for her when she had collapsed and that in turn granted him a sliver of respect to atone for his previous comments even if Clair had put him up to them. " I was just about to go fetch my costume for the float, so I'm not leaving just because you showed up, promise! " She skipped a few steps back to bend down and grab her bag, slinging it over her shoulder in a nonchalant manner. " And please keep Clair company if you don't mind. I'll return shortly! " Sora's voice was dripping with a sing song tone, clearly happy. A quick motion was made to the small group, gaze lingering on Lysander's face for a few moments before she flashed him a smile meant only for him and ran off, backpack bouncing rhythmically behind her.

Sora was extremely close to the guild hall, thankfully, seeing as all the float work was done in close proximity. It was actually a miracle that nobody had seemed to destroy anything yet, usually there was a float or two being obliterated from the usual argument or drunk mage feeling a little too festive. The air in the guild hall was automatically sensed to have a diluted small edge of panic in it and her gaze fell upon the group surrounding what seemed to be an unconscious girl. She recognized a few of the mages circled around and Sora soon found herself to be one of them, bag being deposited by her side. "
Sabertooth mage, Sakura Hayano. " Sora made an audible mention of the identity of the girl before her, mostly for herself though it was able to be heard by the rest of them. Sora didn't truly care what guild the girl was a part of, an ill or unconscious person was something that she didn't have the heart to ignore. They may have questioned how she even knew that information but Sora knew the name of every member of Sabertooth, newer or not, seeing as they were rivals for the most part, or at least everyone portrayed it that way.

The blue haired girl remained calm as her knees bent and left her at a kneeling position, gaze only flickering about for a few seconds to gauge the injuries for herself. "
Please give us some space. " She said in a tone that wasn't harsh, but merely one coated with a tone that insisted it was necessary for them all to take a step back or two. Without looking at Kelica she continued to speak, hands hovering over Sakura in preparation, " You should continue to hold her, I don't want her to wake upon the ground. " Sora's eyes drew to a concentrated close as a glow enveloped her hands, only brightening in strength as the light began to flow from her palms and over the young girl. It felt like they were frozen in time, not even a twitch of movement being seen upon her form as the healing process continued and finally came to an end. The light around her hands dimmed down until it completely vanished just like the injuries that were once visible upon Sakura's body. Of course Sora had questions as to how this happened or who might be the culprit but as a medic all she could focus on was how the young girl might be feeling. Sora didn't make any attempts to move from her position though her hues had taken to curiously reading the expressions of those around them. Both hands reached out to cup one of Sakura's, fingers almost protectively curling in a secure yet loose manner around the hand that seemed so small, similarly like her own.

" All of her injuries are healed, including the ones unseen. " She informed the group whilst releasing a content sigh, almost as if the news was being delivered to herself instead of them. Sora refrained from examining Sakura further, not wanting to intrude on someone's personal space too much, even if she was unconscious which shouldn't be for much longer. One of the hands upon the Sabertooth mage's hand retracted, the other remaining there, as she reached up to her own face to brush a few damp strands of hair that had plastered themselves upon her forehead off to the side. It was hard not to break a sweat when healing and it'd seem the past few days had been abundantly filled with her magic coming to good use which was a relief to Sora in itself. Being able to help people, guild member or not, was gratifying. Thankfully there seemed to be enough time before the parade for her to stay and make sure Sakura woke up in a more pristine condition than she was left in before. A small smile was sent towards those in her guild, thankful they were such amazing people and had rushed to help this girl regardless of her affiliation. Sora was truly proud to call them all family; they could be destructive at times, sure, but they were equally as compassionate and didn't hesitate to assist those who needed it. " Thank you. " Sincerity was heard in those simplistic two words, the dragon slayer clearly grateful for them. Hopefully they'd get answers soon though since it was only natural to want some after seeing someone in such a wounded state.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo @PeteTSs @Salt Lord @whomever else around xD
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Talon said:
Talons eyes narrowed and he grabbed Ferra from the girl. "Excuse me but this is my friend your carrying around like a sack of potatoes." He said, trying to keep from punching this know it all in the face. @Colt556 @michs98
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The boy didn't take long to ignore her words and immediately moved to grab at the girl she was carrying. Right before he could lay hands on her luggage she spun around, a flaming fist slamming into the boy's face as he was distracted by his attempted seizure. Following up her surprise attack she hopped back, putting some distance between the two. Her annoyed expression was now a deep glare as she raised her free hand into a some-what ready stance. "I don't know what your problem is, buddy, but I already fended off one creep tonight and I sure ain't against doing it again." Despite his claim of friendship she felt the boy's aggressive actions more than a little dubious. Or perhaps she simply didn't understand because she didn't have friends, either way he was off-putting and she wasn't about to relinquish her prize that easily. Besides, what kind of friend lets a cute girl get lolinapped anyway?
He took a flaming fist to the face and stumbled backwards. He laughed and fell into a fighting stance. "A fellow fire mage huh?¿?¿" His fists flared up and he had a a dangerous look in his eyes. "This will be fun!¡!¡" With that said he charged forward aiming a masive fire punchat the girl. @Colt556
Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Float Holding Area

Clair could hear Unknown approach and wanted to great him however she couldn't let Sora get the upper hand now , no that was out of the question. Once the girl had decided to take Clair's stare on there was no backing down. The tension between the two seemed to rise with every passing second , both party's displaying monstrous auras. Sora however was the first to break into a laugh , Clair falling into a fit of giggles just seconds after her "We'll just have to see about that won't we".

Once Sora had gone off to change Clair turned to Lysander with devilish smile on her face "Lysander~ If i catch you looking at Sora inappropriately when she returns..... I will personally castrate you and then hand you over to Maya". Clair quickly shifted the topic by addressing unknown afterwards "so Unknown how have you been ? Are you back for a rematch or something ?"

@HuorSpinks @Unknown Falling @Kyuubey

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

As Sora leaves and Clair greets Unknown to turns to her and chuckles, "Same old, same old. Wandering around town meeting new people, they either ditch me or attack me, sometimes both." he shrugs, and sarcastically says "I'm starting to get impression people don't like being around walking corpses. But I think there just jealous because the dead can party forever nonstop. Also castration is a bit far there Clair." after he moment he speaks again, "Anyway, I'm here to both check in and see about talking you up on your offer. I see your friend Sora is doing well after what happened at the milkshake place which is good to see." he then claps his hands together "So is your guild master available? Seeing there is a float I assume there are still some more festivities that could be taking up there time."

@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey
@PeteTSs[/URL] @Salt Lord @whomever else around xD
Sakura: Fairy Tail Hall

Sakura laid there near the entrance of the hall, luckily out of the way of it good enough so she wouldn't get trampled by the foot traffic. She had a pained expression on her face, though her breathing was normal. She whined slightly as she was shuffled around by Adrian and Kelica, though she didn't regain conciousness fully. She wasn't sure if it was someone trying to help or her would-be captors caught up to her. Either way, she was too weak to move, so she was forced to accept either outcome. As Sora started healing her she soon found her answer, her pained expression softening to a more calm and neutral one. She groaned lightly and looked blinked groggily at the people around her. First mental reaction was to scream and try to squirm out of their grasp, then after a few minutes she mentally slapped herself into remembering they were trying to help her. And actually had helped her.

She reddened slightly from her minor outburst and looked between them silently. "Thank you..I..Sorry about freaking out." She told them, finally breaking the silence. "Are..are they still after me? They didn't follow me here did they?" She asked frantically, peeking around to see if the masked men that she'd fought off had managed their way here.

Metaphysics said:

"Well I tried being nice." Raa said before leaping forwards towards the man, air box long gone now. "Increasing damage output." He said before the ground around the running man was littered with bear traps made of air. He moved some of them to slide under his feet before they touched the ground. Raa, now aboard his surfboard once more steadily rode towards the man, waiting for him to slip up, darksteel cleaver now in the form of many strings, ready to reach out a moment's notice.
Lackey #9001

The man ultimately stepped on...an invsible bear trap? He didn't have much time to deliberate what it was as he tumbled to the ground shouting in pain trying to get the damn thing off. Haruhi was of course flung from his shoulder to land unceremoniously on the ground a few feet from them. It didn't take him long to get the thing off before he stood up, tossing the invisible thing off to the side. He stomped on the ground, a chunk of said ground jutting up. "Earth Shatter." The man spoke, punching the solid chunk of ground before it could receed back into the earth. As the name implied it shattered and sent a multitiude of extremely sharp spears of rock towards Raa.

Lackey #69

The ice shards connected with the man, him being far to wounded to dodge the attack. He was effectively sent backwards quite a bit, landing a few yards from where he stood previous unconcious. The first team had pretty much failed altogether, though in all fairness it wasn't their fault. The three of them would of been able to take on Ferra with relative ease.

Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The boy didn't take long to ignore her words and immediately moved to grab at the girl she was carrying. Right before he could lay hands on her luggage she spun around, a flaming fist slamming into the boy's face as he was distracted by his attempted seizure. Following up her surprise attack she hopped back, putting some distance between the two. Her annoyed expression was now a deep glare as she raised her free hand into a some-what ready stance. "I don't know what your problem is, buddy, but I already fended off one creep tonight and I sure ain't against doing it again." Despite his claim of friendship she felt the boy's aggressive actions more than a little dubious. Or perhaps she simply didn't understand because she didn't have friends, either way he was off-putting and she wasn't about to relinquish her prize that easily. Besides, what kind of friend lets a cute girl get lolinapped anyway?
Talon said:
He took a flaming fist to the face and stumbled backwards. He laughed and fell into a fighting stance. "A fellow fire mage huh?¿?¿" His fists flared up and he had a a dangerous look in his eyes. "This will be fun!¡!¡" With that said he charged forward aiming a masive fire punchat the girl. @Colt556
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

If Ferra had ever had a 'wtf' moment in her life, this would take the cake out of all of them. Cue half awake drugged Ferra being effectively shaken around by Tanari due to Talon overreacting to the situation. She was somewhat panicked, not knowing if Tanari was the one that had taken her due to the only the she saw was either the ground or her butt; depending on the angle she inclined her head due to kind of still being effectively limp due to the drugs. All she knew was, she didn't like her current posisition and chance of injury from either Talon directly by accident or Tanari by accident. Thus she weakly smacked her hand on her back, "Lemmeh gu.." She slurred, still very drugged. Honestly if they wanted to fight once she was a safe distance away they could have at it.
Talon said:
He took a flaming fist to the face and stumbled backwards. He laughed and fell into a fighting stance. "A fellow fire mage huh?¿?¿" His fists flared up and he had a a dangerous look in his eyes. "This will be fun!¡!¡" With that said he charged forward aiming a masive fire punchat the girl. @Colt556
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She really didn't have much in the way of luck, all she wanted to do was drop the girl off and suddenly had to deal with another lolinapper. "Well, I don't know why you guys are so hell-bent on getting this girl but you wont get to her on my watch." After she finished speaking she could feel a squirming coming from below as the girl slowly regained consciousness. The sooner the girl came too the sooner she could stop guarding a glorified paper-weight. It was clear that this man wasn't going to back down, and she couldn't exactly fight with one arm dealing with a squirming child so she gave her luggage a toss behind her, allowing the girl to flop to the ground a few meters away. Bringing her arm back to her front she donned her proper combat-stance, glaring at her opponent as he revealed himself to be a fire mage same as her.

"Peachy..." The only thing worse than an ice or water mage was a fire mage. While she was resistant to their attacks, that also meant they were resistant to hers. The boy didn't exactly leave her much time to formulate a plan as he charged in, aiming a punch in her direction. She brought both both arms in front of her, clasping her hands together and aiming them above the charging boy as fire engulfed her interlaced fists. As he drew near the fire grew in intensity, shifting from it's usual crimson to a vibrant blue. When he was only a short distance in front of her she called out "Incineration!" which was promptly followed up by a massive cone of blue flame erupting from her fists. The cone of fire raced forward, engulfing everything it's path as it streamed into the night sky.
Talon jumped up and flipped over Tanari. He landed fcing Tanars back, standing over Ferra. "Dont worry Ferra ill protect you from this kidnapper." He told her before before throwing multiple fireballs at his opponent, distracting her. He immediatly charged forward and jumped up. "Pheonix air strike!¡!¡" He cried before shooting towards Tanari, both flaming fists first. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She really didn't have much in the way of luck, all she wanted to do was drop the girl off and suddenly had to deal with another lolinapper. "Well, I don't know why you guys are so hell-bent on getting this girl but you wont get to her on my watch." After she finished speaking she could feel a squirming coming from below as the girl slowly regained consciousness. The sooner the girl came too the sooner she could stop guarding a glorified paper-weight. It was clear that this man wasn't going to back down, and she couldn't exactly fight with one arm dealing with a squirming child so she gave her luggage a toss behind her, allowing the girl to flop to the ground a few meters away. Bringing her arm back to her front she donned her proper combat-stance, glaring at her opponent as he revealed himself to be a fire mage same as her.

"Peachy..." The only thing worse than an ice or water mage was a fire mage. While she was resistant to their attacks, that also meant they were resistant to hers. The boy didn't exactly leave her much time to formulate a plan as he charged in, aiming a punch in her direction. She brought both both arms in front of her, clasping her hands together and aiming them above the charging boy as fire engulfed her interlaced fists. As he drew near the fire grew in intensity, shifting from it's usual crimson to a vibrant blue. When he was only a short distance in front of her she called out "Incineration!" which was promptly followed up by a massive cone of blue flame erupting from her fists. The cone of fire raced forward, engulfing everything it's path as it streamed into the night sky.
Talon said:
Talon jumped up and flipped over Tanari. He landed fcing Tanars back, standing over Ferra. "Dont worry Ferra ill protect you from this kidnapper." He told her before before throwing multiple fireballs at his opponent, distracting her. He immediatly charged forward and jumped up. "Pheonix air strike!¡!¡" He cried before shooting towards Tanari, both flaming fists first. @Colt556 @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra made a light 'oof' as she was tossed to the ground, well at-least she wasn't at risk of getting attacked accidentally. She slowly rolled onto her side and faced Tanari and Talon. She looked Tanari up and down, trying to ascertain in her current mindset if she was the kidnapper. Then Talon blocked her view, causing her to don an annoyed expression. "
Moooveee." She whined, lightly slapping at the back of his ankle. Whether or not it was from her insisting, she didn't care. She could see Tanari now. She didn't recognize her as the kidnapper, so she assume she had helped her. Though she had regained consciousness, she was kind of still to drugged to get Talon to stop. Guess she'd just calmly watch until she was actually able.
Honoka Redfox


Honks stopped her attack as the man went flying, she had a small celebration in her mind that she took him down with one attack. But that soon ended as her regained thier selves and prepared another attack, unfortunately for the goon she bent back matrix style. Honoka wasn't fast enough to fully dogged the attack so most of the front of her shirt was cut away by the slice of air. A blush creeped onto her face, she thankfully had bra on that covered her breasts. " I'm going to kill you!"

Honks reached back into her pocket, hand finding a score. Her eyes shown with a deathly glare, she was out for his blood. First his sister and now her favorite shirt?! If there wasn't a body on the floor after she's done then she missed. As she bright out the score it began to glow a blinding light. She traced her finger around the edge of the parchment, her lips parted. " Song of the moving earth!" The parchment began to fall apart, until her hand was the only thing left.

Honoka raised her left hand, and with that movement all the porcelain plates in the restaurant lifted into the air. Two snaps from her and the plates shattered, another snap and the shards launched them selves at the goon. Sure he could blow them away, but there probably more plates in the kitchen. Honks was gonna get her sister back, even if it means bringing someone close to death.

Alice Liddell

And those who were seen dancing were though to be insane by those who can't here the music

Alice locked eyes with Livian's, green lost in orbs of deep blue. Alice felt something jump in her chest, something she never felt before. This man, blue in clad, this man has some how stolen something that had stopped beating since the fire. " J-Just follow my lead. It's easy, we'll go from where you can." She began to do a simple walce, back and forth, back and forth a few times before she started to add small spins as the walked on the stage. Simply speaking that they seemed to glide across the stage. Alice grew closer Livian, he was much much taller than her, as she looked up once again once she felt her heart jump. Her chest thighten, constricting her. Even with the new rush of emotions she continued with following though the steps of the simple dance.

@The Dinkster
Mitchs98 said:
Lackey #9001
The man ultimately stepped on...an invsible bear trap? He didn't have much time to deliberate what it was as he tumbled to the ground shouting in pain trying to get the damn thing off. Haruhi was of course flung from his shoulder to land unceremoniously on the ground a few feet from them. It didn't take him long to get the thing off before he stood up, tossing the invisible thing off to the side. He stomped on the ground, a chunk of said ground jutting up. "Earth Shatter." The man spoke, punching the solid chunk of ground before it could receed back into the earth. As the name implied it shattered and sent a multitiude of extremely sharp spears of rock towards Raa.
Raa blinked at the fast approaching shards of rock. Earth magic was annoying to deal with. The shards of rock were caught and crushed by darksteel strings from his left hand while those on his right snake their way around the grunt's neck. "Twitch a bit and you're not going to like what happens next." He stated moving to carry the girl on his back. "So please. Twitch." He added menacingly.
The drugs that Haruhi was given really did their job as she was out throughout most everything that happened. She had no clue that she had been kidnapped, that people were fighting over her, or that Raa was on her side. But just now as she was being carried by him, being saved by him, she was beginning to wake up. The blue haired girl found herself slung over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Whoever this man was is a stranger to her and she actually believed that he was the kidnapper. "Let go of me!" She screeched, turning her fist into an iron hammer and hitting the back of his legs. "I'll hit much harder next time!"

Under the pale moon light laid a colored-lighted town where everyone had that festive look with their faces and enjoyment in their eyes. People talking enthusiastically and children walking round and about with tingly feeling of excitement right under their feet. That is the wondrous scenery present before his very eyes, not to mention the two lovely ladies standing beside him. A sense of relief and joy welled up within his chest.

"So this is a festival here. Wow." said Mika amazed. "What shall we do now?" he asked and it was almost a rhetoric when he dashed towards a stall with people shooting targets displayed on shelves with toy guns. He then stood in front of the displayed items and turned to his companions. "Hey, let's try this one!" he said with a high pitched voice.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

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