Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the man to do something, hoping that he would do something to spice up their little relationship. After a few moments he finally made his move and conjured up a large wall of ice between the two of them. With a click of her tongue the small orb of fire rapidly expanded to engulf her fist as she charged forward. One well placed punch was all it took to smash her way through the barrier of ice as she again pointed her fist towards the fleeing man. Unfortunately he slipped into the crowd, if she had fired at him now the risk of hitting innocents was just too high. She quickly looked down at the girl lying on the ground and then back at the ever-fleeing masked man. She bounced slightly in place, debating what to do all the while knowing her target was getting further away.

"Screw it!" She opted to leave the girl behind, figuring she would be fine with so many bystanders keeping tabs on her. With so many people around she couldn't afford to use her usual boost of speed and was forced to give chase on foot. Using her agility she deftly weaved her way through the crowd as she hunted down her prey. She was closing the gap when the man rounded a corner, and while she was quick to follow suit she couldn't find any trace of him. Her eyes darted around frantically, looking for any trace of the masked individual only to turn up empty. "Damnit!" She kicked at the ground as realization sunk in that she had lost track of the man. With a frustrated sigh she turned around and made her way back towards where she had left the unconscious girl.

Upon returning to the scene of the fight she noted some passer-by's kneeling around the girl, checking to see if she was alright she assumed. As she approached she unceremoniously shoved a man aside with a simple 'move it', replacing him by the girl's side as she checked her condition. She wasn't exactly a doctor but as far as she could tell the girl was simply asleep. Even so someone with actual know-how on the subject should take a look at her. Looking around for a moment she decided to handle it herself and scooped the young girl up into her arms, making sure she had a secure grip before taking a few steps forward. After those few initial steps she came to a halt realizing she had no idea where, exactly, to take the girl.

"Well I don't really want to get involved anymore than I already am..." She mumbled to herself as her gaze slowly drifted to the famous Fairy Tail guild. As mages they could probably handle her newfound baggage well enough and so she set off towards the guild hall, ignoring the minor protests or questions coming from the more outgoing onlookers.
Ferra: Being Carried By Tanari

The kidnapper, once he successfully evaded Tanari, seemingly disappeared altogether. Thus leaving Tanari to cart Ferra wherever the hell she was carting her. When she was picked up she only lightly groaned, though she didn't wake up at all. Or actually move whatsoever beyond that, though it was clear the drugs were wearing off somewhat from her making any sound at all. Currently she was simply having nightmares of what they might be capturing for, her actually have seen the mans face before she fully went unconscious. Or rather the man, since his face was hidden.

purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox
Welp, there's gonna be a dead body

Honks listened to her sister intently, stuffing a bit of sushi into her mouth and chewing. Her sisters day sounded wonderful to her, though it may just of been the though of reading that much. They did have a few things in common other then just genes. Her food was half done by the the end of Haruhi's story, she was getting full which was a rarity now a days. She looked over at Donald, they just came back for my the market, but all the things that they had gotten where safe away in her pocket dimension. She had to empty it out before she met up for their date, so most of her weapons where home expect for the two scores in her back pocket.

Honoka was about to answer her twins question, but not before Haruhi passed out. She stood up about to shake her sister awake, but she froze when three men popped out of nowhere. One of the men, presumably the leader, pick up Haruhi(A feat of its own) and ran off. The two others stood there, One faced her. They put stretched both their palms as they exclaimed "vortex". Honoka was sent flying by the attack, landing onto of a table a few meters ways. The attack took the wind right out or her, quickly she regained her composure and jumped of the table.

" A wind Mage? Shit I need my violin." She held out her eighth hand, only to be greeted with a harsh turn back of magic. 'Crap my PD is out of instruments.' She took a deep breath in, her chest seemed to expand to a new size. After she had her lungs full she screamed. Not just any scream, no, one that could be herd from miles away. China and glass chipped and cracked, shock waves of pure energy were shot at the wind Mage. To be completely honest , if he doesn't move he will break a rib or two.

@Kayzo @The Dinkster
@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

Sera: Lavenders House

Sera nodded in agreement with Mika. Lavender thinking she was bothering them with her presence or them not really wanting them to come was out of the question. Why would they be here otherwise like Mika said? "Of course we really want you to come! We wouldn't of asked otherwise silly." She told her. "C'mon, you're our friend. Of course we'd want you to hang out with us. Lets go we're missing out on all the fun!" She added excitedly, eager to participate in however little of the festival was left. Adventuring with Mika and Lavender was fun, but they'd missed out on the festival in doing so. So, she hoped they could make up for it with the parade.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall (Second Floor)


Adrian's mention of performances at the festival seemed to cement Ryu's return from his old self. "Act? Wait," He said, a mixture of confusion and concern growing on his face. "Does everyone in Fairy Tail have to perform an act for the festival? Will I have to as well?" He asked growing more flustered. "I don't think I could do something like that. And not for such a crowd," Just thinking about presenting anything for such a large group of people made his head spin. Even in his old personality, he was never one to enjoy such large spectacles. Well, unless they involved large amounts of violence, that is.


Lavender Gray

Lavender looked between the two as they were both excited to go out with her. Slowly she nodded "Okay, I shall come then." she said, grabbing her keys on the mini table by the door and stepping out, closing the door and locking it behind her before linking her arm with Mika who had offered it to her "Thank you..Though, I hope my attire is okay." she gestured to her black/plad jacket with her purple shirt and black shorts. It had been something she never went out with "These clothes are normally my home clothes rather than my outside clothes like the dress I had worn when we had been at the cafe" a gentle blush rested upon her cheeks since she had never been outside like this, exposing so much of her legs! Lavender wanted to change, but she also wanted to be at least a little normal!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/dresses.png.4888be0e13486fbdcef7ebdbbe1b8951.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/dresses.png.4888be0e13486fbdcef7ebdbbe1b8951.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@rbshinichi @Mitchs98



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Noah told him to go after Ferra while he took care of these noobs. "Sure 1 sec." He replied as the woman attacked. He merely put up a wall of fire and then ran off. He ran down the street for a bit but didnt see any trace of her or her kidnapper. "Ferra where are you..." He muttered to himself a he looked around. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Chris Lengheart (*weasel noises*)

Chris remained silent through the whole thing. He saw Kelica and everyone else chat, but didn't really say anything. When it looked like they were about ready to wrap up Chris leaned over to Kelica and whispered to her,"Do you think it's safe for me to change back to normal?" he then pulled away and continued to mindlessly look about.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.303dbed69933ca98e7e47f6963507063.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.303dbed69933ca98e7e47f6963507063.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Street Fight

Noah looked to his left and right seeing two orbs of electricity appear beside him. The timing of his attack was nice but the power wasn't all that. The lightning mage's attack forced him to his knees grunting in slight pain. Noah stuck out his arms. Ice Wall. A wall of ice appeared on each side of Noah blocking the electricity from him. He turns towards the two lackies and smiles. Okay from the strength of your spell, I'm guessing that you're a lowly C class. Noah sticks out his left arm placing his right hand on the side of his forearm. Hailstorm. An icy white spell circle appears on front of his left hand only to be followed by a baseball sized hail to be fired at both the lackies at a rapid pace. @Mitchs98



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Zuka said:
Valken Truss

Valken nodded to the two Fairytail mages and with that his serious face returned. He wandered to the meeting door to the room, swinging it open wildly and stepping through his own spell with Spy still hoisted on his shoulder. Once he shut the door behind him he strode right over to the Three Guild Masters and tossed the unconscious Grimore Heart spy onto the table before them all, sending papers flying.

"And so the plot thickens! This gentlemen was caught running around outside attempting to break into your office Master Kaiser... He was the one that destroyed that wall, three of your Guild Members were trying to stop him before I intervened, Ophelia. That Arcane Wizard Adrian figured he was after important documents to blackmail with in your office. The spy reckons he was unaware of this meeting but I thought it might be prudent to check... who would like the honors?"

Here Valken reached down and pinched his noise while covering his mouth, forcing his body unable to breath. Even unconscious the man's eyes fluttered open in a panic, kicking around. Valken let go and grinned down to him.

"Glad you're awake... now... meet the three Light Guild Master's..." Gesturing with a sweep of an arm before his eyes narrowed. "Tell us everything you know... who you're working for, how you got here and what you were after in that office..."

@HuorSpinks @HuorSpinks

@Salt Lord
Kimberly Lock

To the float we go!

Kim hugged Eias and jumped up and down excitedly, They needed to go over the steps on what to do on the float. " We must get to my float immediately then, or we'll look like fools in the parade." She took eias' hand once again, a sweet smell filled the area around Kim. It could of been easily mistaken for the smell of the flowers, but nope it was the smell of taint begin used for a passive spell. A large magic circle appears under them, the circles had many flower shapes and illegible writing. The same pull took Kim and her partner to the area where all of the float were stored.

Kim and Eias stood ontop of a float that had many flowers lacing the edges of the large contraption. Kim stood in the middle, which held a large yellow flower for a rise. She had gotten help from a plant Mage to grow a flower big enough to hold two people and not collapse.
" I was planning on creating purple lights around me and you, along with large tainted roses that would rise us into the air. I don't have a clue on what to do after that, maybe you could come up with some thing."

Eias Baole - Only bubbles can float

With a similar feeling that Eias felt when Kim used her taint magic, a strange circle appeared. As they sunk into the portal, it felt like they were slowly falling in flower petals. Internally she wondered why flowers seemed to be a big thing for taint. Was it just Kim's preference on the style or did it mean something more. She shrugged off the idea once they reached the destination Kim had in mind. There, they stood upon a large flower. Eias stood there in awe at the sight. They were on a freaking flower! It was so beautiful. It kind of made her jealous that she used bubbles rather than plants for magic. The things she could make out of plants would be amazing. That was just a dream though. She had to make due with her bubbles. When Kim asked if she had any ideas about what to do, Eias had a small panic attack.

What could she do to help? She could play music and she had magic bubbles. What could she do?! She ran through her abilities that she knew of. She could make loud noises, make a two way vision bubble, She could even make a bubble monster thing if she really focused. She didn't want to disappoint Kim after she asked to for her to be on the float. I- umm... Flowers look good with.. well... She took a step back. She needed to clear her mind. She knew what she wanted to do with her bubbles. Gently, she blew small bubbles in an arc. Using the similar feeling to when she used the bubbles for her voice, she placed little magic use into them. She let them float there for a moment before having them pop right after the other. Small explosions followed each pop in different colored lights. It was similar to small firecrackers. As the lights faded away, all that was left was a rainbow over the flower. She didn't even feel fatigued from that. Though she was proud of herself, she held a worried look to see what Kim thought. Maybe she wanted something a little different?

Mitchs98 said:
Le Other Badguys: Wherever Haruhi Was
Within the group Haruhi was in another group of three mages had appeared, the leader of the group stabbing Haruhi in the leg with the drugs before they all popped out of the ground. These mages had actually had proper intel, and knew she wouldn't be alone. Nevertheless the leader picked up Haruhi, sarcastically waved at her twin, and dashed off. The other two mages quickly engaged Honoka and Donald, "Vortex!" The on fighting Honoka shouted; which sent a tornado speeding towards her. "Tri-Shot." The one fighting Donald said simply, a glowing white bow forming before summarily being drawn back and fired, three arrows being launched towards him.
Raa - rah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!

Raa decided he had enough of the guild for a tiny bit and decided to take a very leisurely walk through Magnolia. It was a beautiful night for the parade after all. The sky was clear and shimmering with stars, the moon was giving off just the right amount of light, it wasn't overtly bright...like viewing the natural painting of circumstance. Yes. A fine night for the parade and nothing was ever going to change that. Nope. Not one single bit. Not even the sight of some shady character legging it with a girl on his shoulder..."Oh dear..." He said as a surfboard made of the ground below him lifted him up whilst it was on a moving pile of earth. "I should probably do something about that then." He said before he started to surf leisurely towards. "Hello do you have time to talk about our lord and savior?" He said casually as he paced beside the man.
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Mizuki listened to Kelica as she began to explain her magic in greater detail. It worked exactly the way that the dark Mage believed it to be. The bigger the wound the more the pain. This made her mouth water at the many possibilities of using this magic. "I see... That magic sounds absolutely amazing. I like torture." She said, giddy with excitement. She'd have to break her arm as quickly as she could or better yet, have someone break it for her. "Alfie, I need you to break my bones. I want to try out this magic." Unfortunately Alfir wasn't all for it. He told Mizuki that she shouldn't ever do something like that, not in a few minutes or in a few years. That was pretty depressing and annoying and she couldn't help but frown. "The one time I want to have fun you won't let me. Why is that Alfie? Do you really care that much?"

@Zuka @Salt Lord
Kimberly Lock

Kim watched as her friend did her thing, the usual spike in magic appeared around Eias as she performed her magic. She sat down, but not on the flower nope, she sat in mid air peering at the magisty that was bubbles. Each had a small surge of magic held inside, Kim couldn't tell exactly she had put in them but it felt a little violent for just bubble magic.

When the first bubble released its explosion, a small tingling feeling ran down Kim's spine. The different lights amazed her, all she could ever do with her taint was a shade of purple or violet. She gained a large goofy smile as the rainbow appeared after the firecracker bubbles, now this was gonna be fun.
" That's perfect Eias! Mabye at the end you could make the fairy tail mark out of the lights."

@The Dinkster

Livian Azul

Alice seemed like the perfect counterpart to the reluctant Livian, she was adventurous and seemed like the type of person to try new and weird things. He watched as she approached him and then listened to her speak, debating with himself if he should dance with her, "Eh... I am not much of a dancer, all I know is a simple ballroom dance..." Livian finally replied before averting his gaze away from Alice. Livian let out a gasp as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the center of the stage, the light shining on the two of them. He watched her as she put her hand on his back and he put his right hand on her left hip, a bit nervous.

Eias Baole- feeling bubbly

Her worried look look faded as Kim's smile grew. I... Think I could do that. She couldn't think of anything to say. Some how she managed to do something well suited for the float. Eias had her suspicions about this though. They were good suspicions however. She started to quietly giggle to herself. You probably knew I could do something like that from the beginning huh? Well, I guess I should thank you for letting me try out something new. She gleefully said to her floating friend. Would you mind showing me the mark for fairy tail? I need a good reference to make it how you want.

Clair Fernandes

Fairy Tail / Wizard Saint

Fairy Tail Guild Hall / Float Holding Area

Clair had been standing at the guild door for quite some time now ,watching Sora and Lysander do there thing. Clair did have to admit it was quite cute to watch. However Sora's blatant over exaggeration of every little thing was quite embarrassing not only for the girl herself but for Clair as well , in fact it was almost unbearable to watch at points. None the less Clair did watch on and was happy to see Sora whisk off to get Lysander something ....something , anyway what it was ,was not important what was important was that Sora was happy. ('was' ~ Mr Swiftshots 2k16)

After she felt the awkwardness meter had reached it's critical point Clair made her entrance , she immediately began inspecting the work that the two had done on the float. It was quite impressive actually , Clair had half expected it to be half assed when she saw the two being so lovey dovey. "Great job guys the floats looking great ! Oh Sora I got that suit from my grandmother this morning so were all good on that end of things." Clair stood back and looked up and looked the girl dead in the eyes with a intimidating stare "You got your's too right".

@HuorSpinks @Kyuubey
Zuka said:

Kelica Zefara

The blonde girl turned as the young girl with beads looked at her weirdly when she mentioned Master Gilad giving her a hug. "Oh yes! We went to the dragon mission at Malina, I was upset because I couldn't save the forest there... I had just wished I was stronger and more capable... But Gilad was super friendly! He told me that the forest would grow back in time and as long as I did all I could then that's all the forest could have asked of me..." A happy little sigh escaping. "He reminds me of my dad a little... serious but very, very insightful...your lucky to have him as a Guild Master! He's almost as nice as Master Lloyd!"

Here she drifted off as she peered to the ceiling with a happy little sigh. Lloyd.. memories of healing his broken leg, and upgrading his bow, and the soft sway as he carried her on his back to where Sera and Sora where, as she napped from Magical Exhaustion.

That seemed like a lifetime ago and another sigh escaped, this time a more sad one. Guild Master's were such busy people, she doubted either would even remember a C-class girl like her. Just another face in the crowds.

Her head drifted down as Alicia introduced herself, smiling warmly to her. And when she asked Kelica about her magic, here Kelica actually bent down in front of her and grasped Alicia's hands, her full attention on her. "Oh you have no idea! Animals are always always talking! They talk about the sun, the smells, the other creatures.... the only annoying ones are the birds who are all convinced they can sing like a super star and sound more like a karaoke bar!" Laughing adorably then, heart felt and warm. "I'd love to hang out with you all!"

Kelica adored being social and being with people. She let go of Alicia's hands and stood, not realising she was probably a bit too touchy feely as well. Afterall most animals communicated by touch and sight even more than sounds.

Kelica looked to Mizuki as she mentioned her healing, an eyebrow raising in a confused fashion. She... liked the sound of that? I mean...it had it's uses. Maybe Mizuki didn't quite understand what she meant? She wasn't aware of her love of pain.

"Well ah... it's doesn't make it worse, I may have worded that badly... I just accelerate the cell's regeneration around the wound site. So in other words, the pain one might sustain over the course of the injury is condensed over the duration of the healing. The more severe the wound, the greater the pain. Obviously a simple paper cut that would heal in a day won't be much... but a broken bone or massive internal bleeding or scarring that would take months to fix, condensed into less then a minute? Yeah it's torture..."

Poor Kelica. Her actual smart words of warning to try and steer Mizuki away from the healing probably only intriguing her further.

As Mizuki stepped closer however, and that look she was giving her... Kelica took in a sharp breath, eyes widening a fraction. Naturally shoulders curling down in an almost submissive fashion.

"But...ah... If...you really want to see it...I...suppose I could show you...though...you'll have to be badly injuried for it... to work.." Stumbling over her own words.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks (mentioned)
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Zuka @Isune
Kayzo said:
Mizuki listened to Kelica as she began to explain her magic in greater detail. It worked exactly the way that the dark Mage believed it to be. The bigger the wound the more the pain. This made her mouth water at the many possibilities of using this magic. "I see... That magic sounds absolutely amazing. I like torture." She said, giddy with excitement. She'd have to break her arm as quickly as she could or better yet, have someone break it for her. "Alfie, I need you to break my bones. I want to try out this magic." Unfortunately Alfir wasn't all for it. He told Mizuki that she shouldn't ever do something like that, not in a few minutes or in a few years. That was pretty depressing and annoying and she couldn't help but frown. "The one time I want to have fun you won't let me. Why is that Alfie? Do you really care that much?"
@Zuka @Salt Lord
@Salt Lord @Zuka @Isune @PeteTSs

Alicia: Fairy Tail Hall

First subtle attempt didn't work, at all. Alicia sighed quietly. Despite Mizuki liking it..she didn't. She just really couldn't wrap her mind around it, how someone could willingly ask for someone to break their bones. Besides! They were supposed to spend the rest of the festival together, not play some weird bone breaking game. Now the question was, how to subtly change the subject. Mizuki was clearly creeping Kelica out, honestly she was creeping Alicia out to. She didn't want to stand around and watch as Mizuki was basically voluntarily tortured. Then she got an idea. Food. She could tell them she was hungry and suggest they get food, and she was actually hungry so even better. Even better, as if right on cue, her stomach growled. She donned the most adorable yet not overly adorable expression she could and looked up at Mizuki, gently poking her in the leg. "
Mizuki I'm hungry. Can we go get food?" She asked. "You guys can come too if you want." She added, referring to Kelica, Chris, and Sabrina. Perfect plan, now to see if she'd go along with it.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall (Second Floor)


Adrian's mention of performances at the festival seemed to cement Ryu's return from his old self. "Act? Wait," He said, a mixture of confusion and concern growing on his face. "Does everyone in Fairy Tail have to perform an act for the festival? Will I have to as well?" He asked growing more flustered. "I don't think I could do something like that. And not for such a crowd," Just thinking about presenting anything for such a large group of people made his head spin. Even in his old personality, he was never one to enjoy such large spectacles. Well, unless they involved large amounts of violence, that is.


"Nah, none of us have to do an act, but it's fun, and highly recommended! Each act gets its own section of the parade, with costumes and everything!" Adrian was clearly excited about it, and was talking extremely fast.

Then he noticed that Valken had disappeared. "Anyway, now that the spy is gone, what do you say we go find something to do, eh? Most of the little shops and restaurants are still open, maybe we could--oh, that's right!" He suddenly straightened up, saying, "I came here to reserve a job for after the festival before everyone in the guild snatches them all! We should head downstairs and get a juicy one!" He then sprinted downstairs, immediately to yell in surprise as he encountered Sakura's unconscious form in the doorway. Ryu could hear his yell. "Oh Gods no..." he said quietly to himself as he fiddled with his phone. The parade would happen near the Guild Hall, being effectively run by Fairy Tail. Meaning that a certain Sky Wizard would be within walking distance, and could get there faster than an ambulance, and not to mention would be more effective as a Dragon Slayer.

Punching in Sora Marvell's number, he waited for her to pick up, listening to the phone ring. "Come on, come on, come on...pick up!" he said to himself, waiting for Sora to pick up the phone.
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Genon said:
"Nah, none of us have to do an act, but it's fun, and highly recommended! Each act gets its own section of the parade, with costumes and everything!" Adrian was clearly excited about it, and was talking extremely fast.
Then he noticed that Valken had disappeared. "Anyway, now that the spy is gone, what do you say we go find something to do, eh? Most of the little shops and restaurants are still open, maybe we could--oh, that's right!" He suddenly straightened up, saying, "I came here to reserve a job for after the festival before everyone in the guild snatches them all! We should head downstairs and get a juicy one!" He then sprinted downstairs, immediately to yell surprise as he encountered Sakura's unconscious form in the doorway. Ryu could hear his yell. "Oh Gods no..." he said quietly to himself as he fiddled with his phone. The parade would happen near the Guild Hall, being effectively run by Fairy Tail. Meaning that a certain Sky Wizard would be within walking distance, and could get there faster than an ambulance, and not to mention would be more effective as a Dragon Slayer.

Punching in Sora Marvell's number, he waited for her to pick up, listening to the phone ring. "Come on, come on, come on...pick up!" he said to himself, waiting for Sora to pick up the phone.
(Tagging @Kyuubey)
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Genon said:
"Nah, none of us have to do an act, but it's fun, and highly recommended! Each act gets its own section of the parade, with costumes and everything!" Adrian was clearly excited about it, and was talking extremely fast.
Then he noticed that Valken had disappeared. "Anyway, now that the spy is gone, what do you say we go find something to do, eh? Most of the little shops and restaurants are still open, maybe we could--oh, that's right!" He suddenly straightened up, saying, "I came here to reserve a job for after the festival before everyone in the guild snatches them all! We should head downstairs and get a juicy one!" He then sprinted downstairs, immediately to yell surprise as he encountered Sakura's unconscious form in the doorway. Ryu could hear his yell. "Oh Gods no..." he said quietly to himself as he fiddled with his phone. The parade would happen near the Guild Hall, being effectively run by Fairy Tail. Meaning that a certain Sky Wizard would be within walking distance, and could get there faster than an ambulance, and not to mention would be more effective as a Dragon Slayer.

Punching in Sora Marvell's number, he waited for her to pick up, listening to the phone ring. "Come on, come on, come on...pick up!" he said to himself, waiting for Sora to pick up the phone.
(Also tagging @Mitchs98)
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

A familiar yet strange voice broke her out of sleep, so quickly that it startled her into shooting a hand out to grab tightly onto Hibiki, fingers curling tightly around his wrist. Both eyes flashed open, purple hues flickering upwards to lock onto his, holding his gaze in an eerie silence that only spread itself out for a few minutes. After some time she averted her gaze to the side, releasing the iron grip hold upon him and letting her hand fall onto the patch of grass that splayed out beneath and around her frame. " Why were you looking for me? Are you hoping for an apology? " Lyra muttered, scoffing visibly and leaning back against the tree, enjoying the stability the trunk gave her since she felt slightly weak. Surely he wasn't too pleased that she'd used her virus magic once again and if it was an apology he wanted, well, she'd sooner keel over. It was getting harder and harder to grasp memories and the ones of him were blurry, becoming so distant that he himself would soon fade if she wasn't careful.

Lyra tilted her head upwards and stared past him towards the sky, feeling suddenly sentimental, the feeling overwhelming. " Y
ou don't have to pity me just because we're alike in nature. " Her voice softened, dropping to an almost inaudible tone. " We both know that even though we harbor the same magic, mine is more.... wild.. " The last word was breathed out in a sigh, petite form coming to a stand before him. " Would you like me to show you where caring about me will get you? " A serious and challenging emotion filmed over her eyes as they peered straight into his, refusing to waver now. " Or do you perhaps dream of taming the beast within? " Those pale lips curved upwards on one side in a sinister manner, almost with the intent of egging him on. Lyra was incapable of knowing what he wanted anymore, the line in their relationship having grown much too thin from the distorted memories. So for now, he was a threat, they were all threats and would be treated and approached as such.

Hibiki Dreyar- Outside Kardia Cathedral

This was not Lyra. Everything about her was just... Off. She wasn't herself, and it was most certainly all due to her overusing her Virus Curse. Hibiki didn't react when she grabbed his wrist and held a tight grip on it, instead he sighed when she let go and let her hand touch the ground. Their purple eyes staring into each other, both too stubborn to look away from each other, Hibiki listened to the woman speak. Shaking his head and closing his eyes as he did so, Hibiki began to speak. "No." He said simply before continuing, "I don't need an apology. I just want you to stop messing with yourself, why can't you understand that?" His voice slowly beginning to shake with emotion, his voice cracking slightly to further emphasise his sadness. Lyra has always been Hibiki's diamond. His treasure. He helped her learn to accept herself and he even helped her control her magic, however that was clearly all for nothing. Coughing slightly, Hibiki spoke, his eyes watering but no tears falling. "I've realised now that nothing I can do will ever help you. Everything I've done up to now... It's all been for nothing, hasn't it?" Sighing and looking away briefly he continued, "You're trying to taunt me and it won't work. I could never harm you, and I never will. You're too special to me Lyra." Beginning to walk away slowly, hands in his pockets, he continued, "You have to learn how to 'tame' yourself, I can't do it for you."

Kayzo said:
Grace shrugged as Masaki said that Lyra deserved the win over himjust because she went through hardships. Everyone has gone through hard ships, so did she really deserve it? "I still think that you should've won." She said, being completely biased. Could you blame her though? Who wouldn't want their boyfriend to win a fight tournament and get some extra cash that he could pamper you with? She couldn't help but blush as she was teased for losing to Momoki. She wished to forget about the whole losing in the first round thing, but it wasn't her fault! Momoki was an S Class Mage and she was only a B class, soon to be A class. The odds weren't in her favor. "Oh be quiet. That fight was rigged and unfair. She got help from an outside source!" The short girl said, frowning at him before rubbing her nose against his. "But whatever. You'll win next year for sure." Her smaller frame cuddled up to the red haired boy more, her arms wrapped around his waist. She had to admit, the field was very beautiful and the experience was made even better with Masaki here. "I guess this is pretty nice. Thanks for taking me out here." Grace said, removing one hand away from his waist and putting it on his hand. "But what's planned for the rest of the night? Are we gonna stay here for a few hours, or go out and do things?" She asked, quickly realizing how rude that sounded. "I don't care what we do, as long as we're together."

Millie was rather bummed that she didn't get to spend any time with Valken today. After the whole saving her life thing that happened last night she felt as if she needed to repay him somehow. But since they wouldn't be seeing each other until much later it'd be hard. Fortunately she didn't get to spend the entire day alone as she was following around the older but equally gorgeous Maya. It was Sora's birthday today so the wizard Saint was in a very good mood, and that was a very good thing. She wouldn't want to be stuck with an angry Maya. That would be worse than the evil man from last night, whom she decided to keep a secret from Maya. Even if the blonde girl explained that Valken had gotten her out unharmed the older girl would still beat his ass. Plus she didn't want anyone to worry about her. Giving Maya a warm smile as she finished spinning, Millie nodded slightly and spoke. "I'm loving the festival. I rarely get to go out and do things like this, and it's a really nice change. And thank you for letting me tag along. You're a very sweet girl."
Masaki Yamada & Maya Morne

The red head couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Graces response to his teasing about her losing the fight with Momoki. "Rigged and unfair, eh? I'm not so sure about that." He said, a smirk on his face as he moved some of Grace's hair out of her face and gazed into her eyes for a moment or two. She was most definitely the most beautiful being he had ever layed his eyes on. And she was all his. It made him feel quite special actually, and Masaki would make sure that it always remain that way. Even if it lead to his death. He knew that if he did actually die under any other circumstance bar natural, then it wouldn't be for nothing. Because he knew that it'd mean her safety. And that was all that mattered to the boy. "Hmm.. I hadn't really thought that much into it. Is there anywhere specific you want to go? I'll take you there." He said, a boyish grin on his face as he did so.

Maya smiled to Millie as she spoke, stating that she was loving the festival amongst other things. The older woman smiled at the younger woman as she then proceeded to speak, "Anytime my dear, who else am I going to spend my money with?" Maya winked at Millie as she continued, "Your fashion sense is impeccable, I've been waiting for the chance for the both of us to go out shopping together, pick anything you want my dear, I'll pay for it." Spinning again rather happily, letting her gown twirl beautifully and her long hair gracefully follow, Maya continued to walk down the streets of Magnolia with Millie at her side, heading to the very pretty looking clothes store.

Valken Truss

Valken's eyes drifted slowly away from the now awakened spy to Fairytail's Guild Master rage, a grin donning the corner of his mouth. She had full right to act as she did but when she stopped an inch from the Spy's face it almost looked like Valken pouted. Almost. He would have loved to see the man writhe in agony on the table half drowning in terror under her water magic.

Valken silently admitted to himself being in a less than decent career path despite being in a Light Guild probably made him into somewhat of a Sadist. But it was easier to enjoy torturing people then freak out every time a foe screamed or begged for mercy. It just came with type of Intelligence work he did.

The Spy's eyes grew huge and he was probably about wet himself in terror as he realised he was surrounded by three Guild Master's, and whomever that dark haired man with the evil looking daggers was. It's not like Grimore Heart would come rescue him, so too each their own, right?!

"I... I have no idea why you are all here!! I just got told by some short guy to go into Fairytail's office and grab whatever fancy looking paper I could find! Seriously, I got no idea! He said it would be a piece of cake and I'll get 100,000 jewels for it!"

Valken watched the babbling idiot, cutting his conversation short by grabbing his jugular and pressing on his vocal cords, causing a painful squeak to escape but he was still fully able to breathe. Valken's grin turning to a frown. "Quiet....Now." His statement probably redundant.

Here Valken turned to Lloyd exclusively while keeping his fingers enclosed on the spy's neck. He spoke loud enough for the other two to hear but the reference only Lloyd may understand.

"Yesterday I took Millie out to dinner, and I only released halfway through the nervous Waiter, had a grip of steel, his motion's studied and calm despite the pathetic whimper in his voice. He was a professional. He took Millie hostage, I defused the situation but he managed to get away using some poison gas. Short man, cockney accent. Maintained his boss was out to get me."

Valken's eyes narrowed down to the idiot on the table before them. "Whoever is running this Dark Guild is keeping these goons out of the loop, but even I am surprised just how far there reach is... "

Valken final let go of the now weeping man, expression grave. "I certainly hope you Guild Masters have a good plan of attack... "

@HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Salt Lord
Kayzo said:
Mizuki listened to Kelica as she began to explain her magic in greater detail. It worked exactly the way that the dark Mage believed it to be. The bigger the wound the more the pain. This made her mouth water at the many possibilities of using this magic. "I see... That magic sounds absolutely amazing. I like torture." She said, giddy with excitement. She'd have to break her arm as quickly as she could or better yet, have someone break it for her. "Alfie, I need you to break my bones. I want to try out this magic." Unfortunately Alfir wasn't all for it. He told Mizuki that she shouldn't ever do something like that, not in a few minutes or in a few years. That was pretty depressing and annoying and she couldn't help but frown. "The one time I want to have fun you won't let me. Why is that Alfie? Do you really care that much?"
@HuorSpinks @HuorSpinks [/color]
Talon said:
Noah told him to go after Ferra while he took care of these noobs. "Sure 1 sec." He replied as the woman attacked. He merely put up a wall of fire and then ran off. He ran down the street for a bit but didnt see any trace of her or her kidnapper. "Ferra where are you..." He muttered to himself a he looked around. @Kayzo
Lackey #9001

The man figured he'd be homefree, neither of the people the girl he was carrying was with looked all to smart. Then if course, outside sources intervened. He glared in disbelief at Raa, glancing down at the earth surfboard..thing. Wordlessly he flicked his hand up, "Earth Wall." He spoke. With that the ground would abruptly jut out in front of Raa in an effort to halt his movements.
Taln finaly spotted what looked like Ferra, well an unconcious Ferra, being carried by someone. He dashed over. "Hey wait up!¡!¡" He called atfer them as he tried to catch up. This person didnt look like the guy who had kidnapped Ferra which was a relief. @Mitchs98 @Colt556
Mitchs98 said:
Lackey #9001

The man figured he'd be homefree, neither of the people the girl he was carrying was with looked all to smart. Then if course, outside sources intervened. He glared in disbelief at Raa, glancing down at the earth surfboard..thing. Wordlessly he flicked his hand up, "Earth Wall." He spoke. With that the ground would abruptly jut out in front of Raa in an effort to halt his movements.
"Guess not then..." Raa said as the wall split apart to let him through. He figured that he should return the favor by blocking the man's paths by encasing him in a thick walled box of solid air. Burning orange eye gazed at the man. "Who could you be?" He asked as he approached with a long cleaver made of darksteel that dragged menacingly. "Surrender or I will be forced to harm you."

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