Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

rbshinichi said:
Mika enthusiastically agreed to both of Sera's proposition, buying clothes at the festival and dropping by Lavender's house before proceeding with looking at the stalls. He lead her outside of her own house.
It didn't take long to reach their destination, the home of their comrade Lavender, it was located only a few blocks away from where they originally were. He was standing in front of her apartment looking up to her window. The lights were on and bright and he guessed that she's home. He walked towards the door and absent-mindedly knocked on it. "You don't supposed she's still upset right?" He asked Sera, hoping to find a reassurance for himself that Lavender's cool with all of it.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

Sera: Lavenders House

Sera shrugged and shook her head. "
Honestly? Not sure. I don't know her that well despite being in the same guild." She replied. "She probably won't be though, I think it was just a misunderstanding or something. I dunno why she was upset to begin with." She told him reassuringly before sighing. She hoped she was right, she really didn't want to make an enemy of her own guild mate over something like this. Though, she guessed it was probably inevitable. She'd just have to wait and see and hope for the best.

Talon said:
As they wandeed the streets, waiting for the meeting to be over, Talon got boreder and boreder. "Im really bored..." He said finally. Talon was not the most patient guy, especially if there was nothing to do. He sighed and stared aimlessly around as if looking for inspiration. @Kayzo @Refaulted @purplepanda288
Le Other Badguys: Wherever Haruhi Was

Within the group Haruhi was in another group of three mages had appeared, the leader of the group stabbing Haruhi in the leg with the drugs before they all popped out of the ground. These mages had actually had proper intel, and knew she wouldn't be alone. Nevertheless the leader picked up Haruhi, sarcastically waved at her twin, and dashed off. The other two mages quickly engaged Honoka and Donald, "Vortex!" The on fighting Honoka shouted; which sent a tornado speeding towards her. "Tri-Shot." The one fighting Donald said simply, a glowing white bow forming before summarily being drawn back and fired, three arrows being launched towards him.

Kelica Zefara - Magnolia Streets

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9a258322_images(38).jpg.16d6dcd972756dabca78e13898ffbaf8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123089" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9a258322_images(38).jpg.16d6dcd972756dabca78e13898ffbaf8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The second the Taxi stopped Chris had already jumped out of his side and Kelica had only barely managed to leave her side when low and behold a full sized, brown furred horse appeared sending the poor old man Taxi driver's eyes wide. Kelica tossed him a few coins and once Sabrina had exited he drove off in a hurry for some unknown reason.

Kelica meanwhile stepped up to Chris with hands on hips and another asperated sigh. "I wasn't doubting your ability to transform into an animal... what I was saying was how come you find Beast Souls easier to maintain then regular Animal Souls? Besides!-" gesturing to pretty much all of him now.

"I said something small and inconspicuous! This horse is not small or inconspicuous!! You think people are going to let some random horse stroll through the middle of town? The only believable option is if I rode on your back, but even so, I have somewhat of a reputation of the blonde girl riding a Draco creature to and from the Guild Hall on a daily basis... We are trying to avoid attention, remember? "

Kelica tilted her head back as her eyes closed. She wasn't smart enough for all this and Chris was not helping!

"Let's focus on trying to get to the Guild Hall and our friends without sending the entire Magnolia town into a panic and pitchfork rage, please?"

@Isune @PeteTSs



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Lavender Gray

Lavender lifted her eyes as she heard a knock at the door "I wonder who that could be.." she muttered, walking towards her front door, opening it to reveal Mikael and Sera. So much for trying to relax and push those cruel thoughts away. I had really hoped that it wouldnt come to them showing up at my doorstep...I'm sure both of them would want an explination. in all honesty, she considered herself the third wheel because they had both been vampires and she had been human. They've lived for ages, she's only lived for about 20+ years on Earthland. They had been creatures of the night while she had been a creature of the light. There were so many differences and nto even a good list of the similarities could fix what she had felt. "I did not expect you both to appear at my home...is everything okay?"
Mitchs98 said:
They were assumed to be the leader of that particular group, as the other two immediately followed orders. They didn't bother with such frivallous things as introductions, though they DID hope these guys were decently weak or that their boss could escape before they were defeated, the each of them only being C Class. If they made it out of this they'd personally slap whoever gave them the intel. The one on the left engaged Talon, "Water Wave!" She shouted followed by motioning her arms towards him, a massive wave of water crashing towards him. The other obviously engaged Noah, "Thunderstorm!" He shouted, a massive grey thunder cloud forming above him before lightning arc'd down aiming to strike him.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The sight of an unfamiliar ceiling slowly came into view as she blinked her hazy eyes. She stared at that ceiling for a few minutes as her mind slowly kicked into gear, trying to recall what led her to this point. "Ah.. right... I lost..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she brought an arm to rest over her forehead as she continued to stare at the ceiling. She thought she had been doing pretty good but that last match ended so fast she never even got the chance to use her strongest spells. Hindsight made it abundantly clear that she never stood a chance, the difference in their strength was just that great. She suddenly sat upright and swung her legs off the side of the bed. "Well at least I got some good fights in." She looked around her surroundings, recognizing it was the recuperating area from her previous matches. Her gaze slowly drifted to a nearby window, noting the absence of any natural light. She must have been out for a few hours for it to be that dark.

Not about to sit around there she quickly got to her feet, snatched up the tattered remains of her jacket and made her way out of the building. As she walked she examined the jacket in her hands, offering a small click of her tongue as she eyed the damage. "I liked this jacket...." it might be able to be salvaged but it was unlikely, with a sigh of resignation she slung it over her shoulder and made her way through the brightly lit streets. She didn't know what time it was exactly but it couldn't have been too late given the crowds that lingered. A part of her wanted to go out and enjoy the festival a bit more. Unfortunately a larger, magic deprived part of her made sure to remind her that she needed sleep.

After an uneventful walk to her inn she pushed her way through the entrance with a tired expression plastered on her face. As expected the only one there to greet her was the blueberry shaped woman behind the counter. It barely registered that the lady didn't have her usual disdainful look but instead seemed to have a rather self-satisfied smug grin slapped on. As she made her way up the stairs she stole a glance at the paper the lady was reading noted that it contained the results of the matches from earlier. Paying it no further attention she made her way into her room, shedding her clothes as she made her way to her bed before falling face first onto it. The last time she was this tired was after her solo mission to Malnia. At least this time she was exhausted because she spent all day beating people up.

A groan escaped her lips as she swatted at the air in front of her. After a few futile swipes she opened her eyes only to quickly screw them shut again and re-position. As she tried to open her eyes once more she noticed the crimson light filtering in through the window. She looked around at her frumpled blankets and realized she must have fallen asleep right after getting back. She didn't know how long she had slept but it was clear that it did the trick as she felt fairly refreshed and that her magic tanks had been topped up. A loud sigh of relief escaped her lips as she stretched her tired muscles before hopping off the bed. The only question now was figuring out what time it was, judging by the light it was either early morning or evening. She turned her attention to her nightstand and picked up the small clock that rested on it, noting the time as being around 6 P.M. "Damn... I slept a long time.. If I remember correctly the main event of today was the parade. May as well go and check it out."

She set the clock back and made her way to the bathroom to get ready for her 'day'. After a respectable amount of time she emerged from the bathroom, a billow of steam following her as she dried her hair. A quick look out the window revealed the sun had fully set, the only light coming from the various decorations that adorned the streets. She hastily threw on a cobbled-together outfit and bolted out the door. Ignoring the blueberry woman's sneer she continued out the front and out onto the bustling streets. It had only been three days but it felt like it had been months since she had a similar scene play out. Nevertheless there was joy to be had and sweets to consume and so she set out among the throngs, yet again making use of the stone wall as a means of bypassing the crowds.

As she walked along, arms outstretched to help maintain balance, she heard a couple of familiar voices calling out from a boat for her to be careful. Once more nostalgia undeservedly rang through her as she continued on her way. Figuring it best to stop repeating her past adventures she hopped off the wall and made her way to a slightly less crowded street. As she rounded the corner a man in a black cloak rushed past her, apparently carrying a small girl as he sprinted by. She cocked an eyebrow, finding that more than a little suspicious. She debated for a second or two on what she should do before her boots ignited with a crimson flame. "Time to do my civic duty." And with that the ground beneath her exploded as she rapidly closed the distance on the cloaked man. As she approached she brought her right arm back, her fist igniting into flame as she attempted to land a punch on the mysterious figure's back.

Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magnolia Square/Streets

He didn't question it, good. She didn't think Noah was that old, he looked closer to Talons' age to her. Guess it goes to show she either isn't that good at guessing age or age didn't always reflect appearance. She grinned when he said there'd for sure be fireworks. "
Really? Awesome! And I hope they don't, but they might." She replied.

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia giggled. She knew she had no chance against either of them, but it made her feel good to have Mizuki believe in her so highly. Maybe after a while of training with Ophelia she actually would stand a chance against Masaki. "Mayybe. Probably not though, unless they let me win. But maybe." She replied jokingly with a shrug. She frowned slightly when she referred to doing stuff with her as suffering through it. She genuinely wanted to spend time with her seeing as she hadn't gotten to at all the day before for the most part, but from the sound of it Mizuki didn't want to. Or maybe she actually did and she was just saying that? Alicia wasn't sure, Mizuki could be confusing at times. While she was thinking on it Alfie spoke up. She instantly nodded, "Yeah! That sounds fun, I bet it's decorated a lot more and stuff now!" She told him before turning to Mizuki, "Can we go there Mizuki? We can go somewhere else if you don't want to, I'm sure there's a few festival games or something." She asked her.
Mizuki stared at Alfie for a few moments with narrow but calm eyes. His idea of going to the Fairy Tail guild hall didn't sound so bad right now seeing as the place would be uneventful and calm given the occasional bar fight. Plus Alicia seemed to really want to go, so this was a done deal. "I don't mind going to the guild hall with you." She said, releasing Alicia from her hug and standing up. She wanted to get down there as soon as they could.

"Though we should get down there quickly. I'm rather tired of being cooped up in her all day. Do you have everything that you need?"

Chris Lengheart(Neigh)

The horse only nodded his head, Kelica did make a point. He reverted back to normal Chris for a brief moment but then suddenly changed to a standard weasel. The small critter ran up Kelica and perched himself on her shoulder before saying in a slightly lighter and squeaker voice, "There, that should do it. Now, let's hurry up and get to the guildhall before this form wears off."

Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared at Alfie for a few moments with narrow but calm eyes. His idea of going to the Fairy Tail guild hall didn't sound so bad right now seeing as the place would be uneventful and calm given the occasional bar fight. Plus Alicia seemed to really want to go, so this was a done deal. "I don't mind going to the guild hall with you." She said, releasing Alicia from her hug and standing up. She wanted to get down there as soon as they could.
"Though we should get down there quickly. I'm rather tired of being cooped up in her all day. Do you have everything that you need?"
Alfie would nod and stand up, the small glass of mercury in his hands suddenly breaking apart into nothing. "I don't generally take anything with me to the Guild Hall. Unless Alicia needs something still, I believe we're ready to go," he said, assuming the girl didn't need anything before covering the three with a soft pink glow and a swirl of pink ribbons.


After a quick travel through a Lacrima-filled pocket dimension, the three found themselves in a nearly emptied, large building that could only be the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. "There's... not much to do at this moment," he said, turning to Mizuki and Alicia with his hands folded in front of him, "But I hope you like the looks of everything."


Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The sight of an unfamiliar ceiling slowly came into view as she blinked her hazy eyes. She stared at that ceiling for a few minutes as her mind slowly kicked into gear, trying to recall what led her to this point. "Ah.. right... I lost..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she brought an arm to rest over her forehead as she continued to stare at the ceiling. She thought she had been doing pretty good but that last match ended so fast she never even got the chance to use her strongest spells. Hindsight made it abundantly clear that she never stood a chance, the difference in their strength was just that great. She suddenly sat upright and swung her legs off the side of the bed. "Well at least I got some good fights in." She looked around her surroundings, recognizing it was the recuperating area from her previous matches. Her gaze slowly drifted to a nearby window, noting the absence of any natural light. She must have been out for a few hours for it to be that dark.

Not about to sit around there she quickly got to her feet, snatched up the tattered remains of her jacket and made her way out of the building. As she walked she examined the jacket in her hands, offering a small click of her tongue as she eyed the damage. "I liked this jacket...." it might be able to be salvaged but it was unlikely, with a sigh of resignation she slung it over her shoulder and made her way through the brightly lit streets. She didn't know what time it was exactly but it couldn't have been too late given the crowds that lingered. A part of her wanted to go out and enjoy the festival a bit more. Unfortunately a larger, magic deprived part of her made sure to remind her that she needed sleep.

After an uneventful walk to her inn she pushed her way through the entrance with a tired expression plastered on her face. As expected the only one there to greet her was the blueberry shaped woman behind the counter. It barely registered that the lady didn't have her usual disdainful look but instead seemed to have a rather self-satisfied smug grin slapped on. As she made her way up the stairs she stole a glance at the paper the lady was reading noted that it contained the results of the matches from earlier. Paying it no further attention she made her way into her room, shedding her clothes as she made her way to her bed before falling face first onto it. The last time she was this tired was after her solo mission to Malnia. At least this time she was exhausted because she spent all day beating people up.

A groan escaped her lips as she swatted at the air in front of her. After a few futile swipes she opened her eyes only to quickly screw them shut again and re-position. As she tried to open her eyes once more she noticed the crimson light filtering in through the window. She looked around at her frumpled blankets and realized she must have fallen asleep right after getting back. She didn't know how long she had slept but it was clear that it did the trick as she felt fairly refreshed and that her magic tanks had been topped up. A loud sigh of relief escaped her lips as she stretched her tired muscles before hopping off the bed. The only question now was figuring out what time it was, judging by the light it was either early morning or evening. She turned her attention to her nightstand and picked up the small clock that rested on it, noting the time as being around 6 P.M. "Damn... I slept a long time.. If I remember correctly the main event of today was the parade. May as well go and check it out."

She set the clock back and made her way to the bathroom to get ready for her 'day'. After a respectable amount of time she emerged from the bathroom, a billow of steam following her as she dried her hair. A quick look out the window revealed the sun had fully set, the only light coming from the various decorations that adorned the streets. She hastily threw on a cobbled-together outfit and bolted out the door. Ignoring the blueberry woman's sneer she continued out the front and out onto the bustling streets. It had only been three days but it felt like it had been months since she had a similar scene play out. Nevertheless there was joy to be had and sweets to consume and so she set out among the throngs, yet again making use of the stone wall as a means of bypassing the crowds.

As she walked along, arms outstretched to help maintain balance, she heard a couple of familiar voices calling out from a boat for her to be careful. Once more nostalgia undeservedly rang through her as she continued on her way. Figuring it best to stop repeating her past adventures she hopped off the wall and made her way to a slightly less crowded street. As she rounded the corner a man in a black cloak rushed past her, apparently carrying a small girl as he sprinted by. She cocked an eyebrow, finding that more than a little suspicious. She debated for a second or two on what she should do before her boots ignited with a crimson flame. "Time to do my civic duty." And with that the ground beneath her exploded as she rapidly closed the distance on the cloaked man. As she approached she brought her right arm back, her fist igniting into flame as she attempted to land a punch on the mysterious figure's back.

@Talon @Embaga Elder

Le Bad Guy: Magnolia Streets

Several people, had of course, shouted about the man carrying Ferra over his shoulder dashing through the streets. But ultimately no one was brave enough to stop a mage once he displayed his powers. He was pretty sure he'd be home free at this point, successfully capturing Ferra for his boss' plans. He was quite wrong as Tanari punched him in the back, knocking Ferra out of his grasp to land unceremoniously on the ground a few inches away from where he himself landed. He groaned and stood up, turning to face Tanari and glaring under his hood. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Ferra was still unconscious before turning back to Tanari. She was inevitably strong, stronger than he was at a B class. Which SHOULD of been enough to take on Ferra given the small amount of information they'd received, but obviously they didn't account for unforeseen circumstances.

"Stay out of this if you know what's good for you girl. Or would you rather take her place?" He told her, a sadistic grin forming on his face once more. "Ice Make: Mace." He spoke simply, bringing his palm out and smashing his fist into it. A mace of ice appearing above Tanari and careening directly for her. Ice against fire, it was obvious who would more than likely win. But he couldn't just give up, not so close to his goal.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared at Alfie for a few moments with narrow but calm eyes. His idea of going to the Fairy Tail guild hall didn't sound so bad right now seeing as the place would be uneventful and calm given the occasional bar fight. Plus Alicia seemed to really want to go, so this was a done deal. "I don't mind going to the guild hall with you." She said, releasing Alicia from her hug and standing up. She wanted to get down there as soon as they could.
"Though we should get down there quickly. I'm rather tired of being cooped up in her all day. Do you have everything that you need?"
Alicia: Rented Apartment > Fairy Tail Hall

Alicia smiled, "Awesome!" She cheered excitedly, hopping down once Mizuki had let go of her. She nodded in agreement with leaving as soon as possible, she'd already slept all day. She definitely wanted to leave as soon as possible while there was still a bit of festival and festival decorations. She nodded once more when she asked if she was ready. "Yup! Ready to go!" She replied. Soon enough Alfie said he was ready to followed by transporting all of them through some weird area that Alicia found kind of cool. She looked around, the guild hall was honestly decorated better than or just as well as the streets. Banners and such hung in every possible location. "Yeah! It looks awesome!" She told him. Though her focus temporarily shifted to how they got here, figuring she'd ask before she forgot. "I do wanna know though. What was that thingy you put us in to get here so fast?" She asked him curiously. Not that she was complaining, but still.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken held a silent gaze of the man called Raa. It was hard tell exactly what emotion he was feeling, so he just kept it clouded over. Probably something akin to a mixture of displeasure and confusion all in one.

His eyebrow twitched as his weapon transformed into restraints for the Grimore Heart member. Slightly more distrain then confusion now. Did they not think Valken could handle the sad excuse of a spy? Perhaps...he was from a different Guild than these three and he did like to keep a low profile for obvious reasons.

Valken glanced down to his hand seeing the fluid as Adrian mentioned it. Then he look back to Adrian and Ryu almost ignoring the other fellow. "Don't you have a Sky Magic user in this Guild? A blue haired girl? I've already met her a few times... She likes to hang around with my boy Lysander."

He said that in terms of more like a brother then his actual son. Then his back straightened when Adrian had mentioned something about a meeting. In a second he had strode over and peered down to all three, almost menacingly, though more on the side of demanding complete seriousness.

"You are not to speak of any meeting, or any gathering taking place here. It was bad enough to have this untimely moron floating around at a time like this. So it would be in your best interest to pretend this never even happened." Purple eyes narrowing down.

Then Raa spouted some nonsense about a title and gave him a card to which Valken did take from him before scrunching it into a ball and throwing it like trash. "Do you think this is Funny? Do you have any idea how dangerous Grimore Heart is? We are at War so for your sack and everyone involved I certainly hope you display more then just jokes and wise cracks!"

Valken took a deep breath to try and calm down. He had already spoken far too much. This Fairytail bunch would be rung rings around by Maya and Lloyd had they been in Lamia Scale.

"Now, whoever this girl is, let's heal him immediately. Only the cut to his spine. Then I'll be the one to bring him to the Guild Masters to squeeze a confession out of him... " grinning slightly now.

"And do not worry I'll tell you Guild Master it was he who broke the wall not you three.. I daresay Master Kaiser would punish all three for disgracing her infront of Master Arcturus and Master Kirby..." Pointing to the shadow wall he created. "Because that's the exact three behind that wall and your lucky it was me who came out and not any of them."

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks
@Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari (mentioned)
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall (Second Floor)


Ryu shot a look of disdain similar to Valken's towards Raa. He'd started to calm down a bit, but Raa's comment pushed him right back over the edge. "Listen asshole," He said slowly. "Let's get one thing straight. I don't care if you like me. I don't care if you hate me. The only thing I give a shit about is respect." He continued slowly, in an ice cold tone. "So, either stop with your childish insults, or shut the hell up. Otherwise, you and I are going to have a very serious problem."

He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, and exhaled, before turning towards Valken. "My name is Ryu Miyamoto," He said, shooting a glare at Raa as he did. "Can't help you though. If there is someone like that in the guild, I've never heard of them. I don't come into town that often. You'll probably have better luck with Adrian." He leaned against the wall and folded his arms. "He's at least somewhat familiar with the guild"

@Zuka @Metaphysics

Niur and Raa -'These dudes need to chill, maybe take a week off just relaxing and taking in the sights, I am legitimately worried for their mental health and emotional capacity because if they can't jokes like a rational person then they should probably seek professional help, like a surgeon, you know...to remove naturally grown wooden artifacts designed to be used as materials for various objects jammed up their rectums.' - Raa 24/7 1337 CEO of 7-11

'Wow, these dudes really need to relax.' Raa thought abridgedly as he pointed out the spy for Nuir. "Okay got it Raa, Gift of Life!" Nuir said as she made the gift and broke it on the floor, releasing it's magic and healing the man. "Relax about the wall, I can fix it under a minute, it's my specialty." Raa said as he signalled Niur to go down the stairs. "Now as for Ryu." He said, glowing orange eyes burned through the darkness of his hood. "Respect is earned, not given." He said as the walls started to mend themselves. "It would be better if you continued to underestimate me." He called out as he started going down the stairs.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken held a silent gaze of the man called Raa. It was hard tell exactly what emotion he was feeling, so he just kept it clouded over. Probably something akin to a mixture of displeasure and confusion all in one.

His eyebrow twitched as his weapon transformed into restraints for the Grimore Heart member. Slightly more distrain then confusion now. Did they not think Valken could handle the sad excuse of a spy? Perhaps...he was from a different Guild than these three and he did like to keep a low profile for obvious reasons.

Valken glanced down to his hand seeing the fluid as Adrian mentioned it. Then he look back to Adrian and Ryu almost ignoring the other fellow. "Don't you have a Sky Magic user in this Guild? A blue haired girl? I've already met her a few times... She likes to hang around with my boy Lysander."

He said that in terms of more like a brother then his actual son. Then his back straightened when Adrian had mentioned something about a meeting. In a second he had strode over and peered down to all three, almost menacingly, though more on the side of demanding complete seriousness.

"You are not to speak of any meeting, or any gathering taking place here. It was bad enough to have this untimely moron floating around at a time like this. So it would be in your best interest to pretend this never even happened." Purple eyes narrowing down.

Then Raa spouted some nonsense about a title and gave him a card to which Valken did take from him before scrunching it into a ball and throwing it like trash. "Do you think this is Funny? Do you have any idea how dangerous Grimore Heart is? We are at War so for your sack and everyone involved I certainly hope you display more then just jokes and wise cracks!"

Valken took a deep breath to try and calm down. He had already spoken far too much. This Fairytail bunch would be rung rings around by Maya and Lloyd had they been in Lamia Scale.

"Now, whoever this girl is, let's heal him immediately. Only the cut to his spine. Then I'll be the one to bring him to the Guild Masters to squeeze a confession out of him... " grinning slightly now.

"And do not worry I'll tell you Guild Master it was he who broke the wall not you three.. I daresay Master Kaiser would punish all three for disgracing her infront of Master Arcturus and Master Kirby..." Pointing to the shadow wall he created. "Because that's the exact three behind that wall and your lucky it was me who came out and not any of them."

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @HuorSpinks @Metaphysics
Genon said:
"Now that you mention it, I think we do. I believe you're thinking of Sora Marvell, grandaughter of Wendy Marvell. She volunteered to help with the decorating for the parade that'll be on tonight. I can try to find her if you want, but if this 'Niur' that Raa called can help heal him another way, then maybe it won't be necessary."
However, when Adrian mentioned Guild Master business, Valken immediately took on a more menacing tone. He knew the man was just being serious, but it was still scary. Adrian, however, was nonchalant, since he had no intentions of spilling the beans in the first place. He shrugged and said, "Honestly, I wasn't planning on mentioning this anyway. If whatever's being discussed behind that wall applies to me, I'll find out in due time anyway, right?"

Then Valken mentioned just who was within the range of that secrecy spell. Adrian actually took a step back this time in shock. "Wait, you're telling me that Ophelia, Gilad and Lloyd are behind that wall?! Yeah...glad you showed up and not Arcturus..."

@HuorSpinks @Metaphysics
(Tagging @Rhodus too)
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment > Fairy Tail HallAlicia smiled, "Awesome!" She cheered excitedly, hopping down once Mizuki had let go of her. She nodded in agreement with leaving as soon as possible, she'd already slept all day. She definitely wanted to leave as soon as possible while there was still a bit of festival and festival decorations. She nodded once more when she asked if she was ready. "Yup! Ready to go!" She replied. Soon enough Alfie said he was ready to followed by transporting all of them through some weird area that Alicia found kind of cool. She looked around, the guild hall was honestly decorated better than or just as well as the streets. Banners and such hung in every possible location. "Yeah! It looks awesome!" She told him. Though her focus temporarily shifted to how they got here, figuring she'd ask before she forgot. "I do wanna know though. What was that thingy you put us in to get here so fast?" She asked him curiously. Not that she was complaining, but still.
Alfie grinned when Alicia seemed more than pleased with the decorations. He'd put up an ornament or two when no one was looking, a few frilly pink bows that were put in places one had to focus to even notice. Nonetheless, he was proud one under the watchful eye of Sabertooth would even admit to liking decorations set by Fairy Tail. But the mage was taken off guard when the girl asked what they traveled through to get there in the first place. He really should have been expecting such a question. "A portal," Alfie said simply. It wasn't that far off from the truth, was it? Besides, saying something like 'pocket dimension' or 'tunnel of Lacrima' might just bring up more questions, and then he might confuse poor Alicia!

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Kelica Zefara

Kelica watched Chris do a rotation of horse to man to weasel, and giggled adorable as he ran up and sat onto her shoulder. "Now isn't this cute! You hitching a ride on me and not the other way around!" Nuzzling into the weasel with a laugh. She always had a soft spot for smaller creatures like birds and squirrels afterall. Then again she liked big animals too... hell she adored all animals and plants!

Fingers inlocking into Sabrina's she led the two through the streets like she knew the place (theoretically Chris had lived here much longer and probably had a better idea where to go) but they got to the overbearing Fairytail Guild Hall in little time at all.

As they stepped through the big front doors, Kelica gave Chris the weasel a big ol' scratch under his chin before disentangling her fingers from Sabrina. Spotting an all too familiar Pink-haired mage (@Kayzo
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-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall (Second Floor)


Ryu gave Raa an unamused look and laughed coldly. "It's cute that you think that this is all just fun and games, but I hate to tell you that it's not. Not to the rest of us at least," He said, his expression showing distaste. "And if you don't respect me, so be it. Just don't go out of your way to disrespect me or anyone else. Because then you're just an asshole." He continued to give Raa a displeased look as the other mage walked down the stairs. He wasn't scared of the scythe wielder, and all his efforts to look intimidating and frightening, just served to piss Ryu off even more. However, it was the final day of the festival and there were more pressing matters at hand, the biggest of which was the rapidly approaching festival. "You know when the parade is supposed to begin?" He asked, turning to face Adrian again. He didn't really have any current interest in the parade, but it was a way to kill time if nothing else.

@Metaphysics @Genon @Zuka

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Mizuki soon found herself in Fairy Tail's decorated guild hall. It wasn't anything too impressive to her, but then again nothing really was. She much preferred it when she had control of the Sabertooth Guildhall and was able to make it dark inside with Alicia being the only one there. That was heaven. She didn't really pay attention to what Alfie and Alicia were talking about seeing as she already knew how they got here and all and instead just blanked out and stared at a wall. Until a hyper blonde girl came their way. She seemed overly excited about everything and was even hugging Alfie, not exactly a good start for Mizuki. Hyper people were the worst type of people to Mizuki, and she still didn't like other people touching her ribbon Mage. What was just as bad was Kelica thought that they were in Fairy Tail. That was a joke. "We are in Sabertooth..."


@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Mitchs98 said:
@Talon @Embaga Elder
Le Bad Guy: Magnolia Streets

Several people, had of course, shouted about the man carrying Ferra over his shoulder dashing through the streets. But ultimately no one was brave enough to stop a mage once he displayed his powers. He was pretty sure he'd be home free at this point, successfully capturing Ferra for his boss' plans. He was quite wrong as Tanari punched him in the back, knocking Ferra out of his grasp to land unceremoniously on the ground a few inches away from where he himself landed. He groaned and stood up, turning to face Tanari and glaring under his hood. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Ferra was still unconscious before turning back to Tanari. She was inevitably strong, stronger than he was at a B class. Which SHOULD of been enough to take on Ferra given the small amount of information they'd received, but obviously they didn't account for unforeseen circumstances.

"Stay out of this if you know what's good for you girl. Or would you rather take her place?" He told her, a sadistic grin forming on his face once more. "Ice Make: Mace." He spoke simply, bringing his palm out and smashing his fist into it. A mace of ice appearing above Tanari and careening directly for her. Ice against fire, it was obvious who would more than likely win. But he couldn't just give up, not so close to his goal.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Having her blow connect she slid to a halt, resting one hand on her hip as she stared down at the mysterious figure as he tumbled across the ground. As he and the girl he was carrying came to a stop she spared the supposed victim a quick glance, determining the girl was fine she turned her attention back to the man as he rose to his feet. She was going to make some remark when the man beat her to the punch, threatening her to keep to herself. A wry grin spread across her lips as she tilted her head slightly, giving him a rather mocking look. "Take her place, eh? Sure, why not, what girl wouldn't want to be carried around by a tall, dark, and mysterious man?" Contrary to what she said she rose her arms and lowered her stance, dropping down into her usual fighting posture. "At least that's what I would say if you weren't some lackey #38."

For the second time that night she quirked a brow as the man revealed he was an ice make wizard. She noticed a large shadow loom over her, causing her to cast her gaze skyward to notice the large mace-shaped block of ice careening down towards her. Her fist once again erupted into flame as she adjusted her stance slightly. As the mace drew near she suddenly gave a powerful uppercut, slamming her fist into the ice and stopping it dead in it's tracks. There was a sudden explosion as her fist impacted the ice sending cracks spreading throughout it's form before ultimately shattering it to pieces. Try as she might she did not escape unharmed as the ice closest to the impact had been melted by her fire, dousing her in water. While holding her pose she gave her opponent an unamused stare as small droplets of water trickled down her form.

After a few seconds she finally let her arm fall limply to her side, giving the man a rather exaggerated sigh in response. "This is why I hate fighting Ice wizards." She couldn't help but get the feeling this guy truly was just some low-tier lackey if that was the best he had to offer. With that thought in mind she resumed her previous pose of her hand resting on her hip, all the while maintaining her stare at the man. "Look, if that's the best you can do this wont even be fun. While I don't mind beating up weak guys I at least want to get paid for it. So either hand over the girl peacefully or give me some Jewel and I'll give you a night to remember."

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@Salt Lord[/URL]) she dashed over to him and his gathering with arms wide, practically throwing herself on Alfie in her overly energetic signs of affection. "Allllfffiiieee!!! Are you here for the parade? Did you make a float?...and who are all these people?" Pulling herself away to peer to the very sour looking dark mage before her gaze dropped to an adorable little girl with beads in her hair.

"Are they new people to join Fairytail? I haven't seen them around!!" Completely forgetting the two girls were in the bikini contest days ago representing Sabertooth.

@Isune @PeteTSs @Mitchs98 @Kayzo
Kayzo said:
Mizuki soon found herself in Fairy Tail's decorated guild hall. It wasn't anything too impressive to her, but then again nothing really was. She much preferred it when she had control of the Sabertooth Guildhall and was able to make it dark inside with Alicia being the only one there. That was heaven. She didn't really pay attention to what Alfie and Alicia were talking about seeing as she already knew how they got here and all and instead just blanked out and stared at a wall. Until a hyper blonde girl came their way. She seemed overly excited about everything and was even hugging Alfie, not exactly a good start for Mizuki. Hyper people were the worst type of people to Mizuki, and she still didn't like other people touching her ribbon Mage. What was just as bad was Kelica thought that they were in Fairy Tail. That was a joke. "We are in Sabertooth..."

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
@Isune @PeteTSs

Alicia: Fairy Tail Hall

Alicia blinked. A portal? That was definetely not any kind of portal she'd ever been through. Sure she'd only been through like, two, but still. Portals were usually instantaneous, not some kinda tunnel thingy. "
That wasn't a portal though..portals don't do that. Usually." She told him. "What was it really?" She asked. Soon after Kelica, a girl she recognized from the contest two days prior, entered and started hugging Alfie. She was the tiniest bit sad that she didn't recognize her. Oh well, she hadn't ranked that high anyway. She then asked if they were from Fairy Tail, that honestly caused Alicia to giggle. She nodded at Mizuki's response, "Yep. Like Mizuki said we're from Sabertooth. I'm Alicia, nice to meet you." She told her with a kind smile on her face. Kelica seemed nice. Of course, she'd seemed nice at the contest too. But still.

Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Having her blow connect she slid to a halt, resting one hand on her hip as she stared down at the mysterious figure as he tumbled across the ground. As he and the girl he was carrying came to a stop she spared the supposed victim a quick glance, determining the girl was fine she turned her attention back to the man as he rose to his feet. She was going to make some remark when the man beat her to the punch, threatening her to keep to herself. A wry grin spread across her lips as she tilted her head slightly, giving him a rather mocking look. "Take her place, eh? Sure, why not, what girl wouldn't want to be carried around by a tall, dark, and mysterious man?" Contrary to what she said she rose her arms and lowered her stance, dropping down into her usual fighting posture. "At least that's what I would say if you weren't some lackey #38."

For the second time that night she quirked a brow as the man revealed he was an ice make wizard. She noticed a large shadow loom over her, causing her to cast her gaze skyward to notice the large mace-shaped block of ice careening down towards her. Her fist once again erupted into flame as she adjusted her stance slightly. As the mace drew near she suddenly gave a powerful uppercut, slamming her fist into the ice and stopping it dead in it's tracks. There was a sudden explosion as her fist impacted the ice sending cracks spreading throughout it's form before ultimately shattering it to pieces. Try as she might she did not escape unharmed as the ice closest to the impact had been melted by her fire, dousing her in water. While holding her pose she gave her opponent an unamused stare as small droplets of water trickled down her form.

After a few seconds she finally let her arm fall limply to her side, giving the man a rather exaggerated sigh in response. "This is why I hate fighting Ice wizards." She couldn't help but get the feeling this guy truly was just some low-tier lackey if that was the best he had to offer. With that thought in mind she resumed her previous pose of her hand resting on her hip, all the while maintaining her stare at the man. "Look, if that's the best you can do this wont even be fun. While I don't mind beating up weak guys I at least want to get paid for it. So either hand over the girl peacefully or give me some Jewel and I'll give you a night to remember." Her unamused look transitioned into a toothy grin at the last part. While she seriously doubted he would pay her to beat him to a bloody pulp the very thought of such a spectacle amused her greatly.

Lackey #82

Lackey #82 simply stared, baffled. Despite how clearly outranked he was he wasn't ready to give up quite yet. He was going to get his ass kicked either way, either by Tanari or by his boss. At-least this way he stood a chance to deliver Ferra. "Not gonna happen girlie." He replied flatly. Seriously, he commited a major crime and she thought he was just going to give up? What kind of thinking was that. Nevertheless he only had a few options without injuring a bunch of passerby. The question was did he want to make his sentence worse by doing so or not, should he be felled and captured.

He pretty much instantly decided on not, his job didn't pay enough to risk anymore jail time than he'd inevitably get. "Ice Make: Shard Rain." He spoke, waving one hand in a swirling pattern above his head before dropping it forward towards Tanari. Spiky ice shards had formed as he conducted his hand movements, firing off at high speeds towards Tanari as he dropped his hand towards her.
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

Kelica watched Chris do a rotation of horse to man to weasel, and giggled adorable as he ran up and sat onto her shoulder. "Now isn't this cute! You hitching a ride on me and not the other way around!" Nuzzling into the weasel with a laugh. She always had a soft spot for smaller creatures like birds and squirrels afterall. Then again she liked big animals too... hell she adored all animals and plants!

Fingers inlocking into Sabrina's she led the two through the streets like she knew the place (theoretically Chris had lived here much longer and probably had a better idea where to go) but they got to the overbearing Fairytail Guild Hall in little time at all.

As they stepped through the big front doors, Kelica gave Chris the weasel a big ol' scratch under his chin before disentangling her fingers from Sabrina. Spotting an all too familiar Pink-haired mage (@Kayzo
Kayzo said:
Mizuki soon found herself in Fairy Tail's decorated guild hall. It wasn't anything too impressive to her, but then again nothing really was. She much preferred it when she had control of the Sabertooth Guildhall and was able to make it dark inside with Alicia being the only one there. That was heaven. She didn't really pay attention to what Alfie and Alicia were talking about seeing as she already knew how they got here and all and instead just blanked out and stared at a wall. Until a hyper blonde girl came their way. She seemed overly excited about everything and was even hugging Alfie, not exactly a good start for Mizuki. Hyper people were the worst type of people to Mizuki, and she still didn't like other people touching her ribbon Mage. What was just as bad was Kelica thought that they were in Fairy Tail. That was a joke. "We are in Sabertooth..."

@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Mitchs98 said:
@Isune @PeteTSs
Alicia: Fairy Tail Hall

Alicia blinked. A portal? That was definetely not any kind of portal she'd ever been through. Sure she'd only been through like, two, but still. Portals were usually instantaneous, not some kinda tunnel thingy. "
That wasn't a portal though..portals don't do that. Usually." She told him. "What was it really?" She asked. Soon after Kelica, a girl she recognized from the contest two days prior, entered and started hugging Alfie. She was the tiniest bit sad that she didn't recognize her. Oh well, she hadn't ranked that high anyway. She then asked if they were from Fairy Tail, that honestly caused Alicia to giggle. She nodded at Mizuki's response, "Yep. Like Mizuki said we're from Sabertooth. I'm Alicia, nice to meet you." She told her with a kind smile on her face. Kelica seemed nice. Of course, she'd seemed nice at the contest too. But still.

Lackey #82

Lackey #82 simply stared, baffled. Despite how clearly outranked he was he wasn't ready to give up quite yet. He was going to get his ass kicked either way, either by Tanari or by his boss. At-least this way he stood a chance to deliver Ferra. "Not gonna happen girlie." He replied flatly. Seriously, he commited a major crime and she thought he was just going to give up? What kind of thinking was that. Nevertheless he only had a few options without injuring a bunch of passerby. The question was did he want to make his sentence worse by doing so or not, should he be felled and captured.

He pretty much instantly decided on not, his job didn't pay enough to risk anymore jail time than he'd inevitably get. "Ice Make: Shard Rain." He spoke, waving one hand in a swirling pattern above his head before dropping it forward towards Tanari. Spiky ice shards had formed as he conducted his hand movements, firing off at high speeds towards Tanari as he dropped his hand towards her.
Alfie couldn't recall the last time he had been caught in a situation like this. So many questions, so little time... maybe he'd tend to Kelica first and then shoo her away? Mizuki didn't look very happy to be mistaken for someone wanting to join Fairy Tail... "No," he told the blonde in regards to the float, "But I hear Master Ophelia has something big planned. And, um, tunnels," the mage looked down at Alicia, "Yes, it was a tunnel. Think of it as a type of wormhole..." That wasn't necessarily a lie either. Now how was he supposed to get Kelica to leave before she caused any problems with Mizuki...?
Mitchs98 said:
Sera shrugged and shook her head. "Honestly? Not sure. I don't know her that well despite being in the same guild." She replied. "She probably won't be though, I think it was just a misunderstanding or something. I dunno why she was upset to begin with." She told him reassuringly before sighing. She hoped she was right, she really didn't want to make an enemy of her own guild mate over something like this. Though, she guessed it was probably inevitable. She'd just have to wait and see and hope for the best.
"Yeah, I think you're right." he replied. I hope you're right Sera. "I was just new in town and I don't want to be the one driving a wedge between you guys with all these misunderstanding. I wish we could all get along, right? That would be for the best."

As they were waiting, the door cracked open and emerged a fresh Lavender, "Pardon our intrusions milady, but I believe that line is for us to ask. Would we be by any chance disturbing you or something? We just came here wishing you to be a part of our evening walk around the festival. I wanted to try the food and the games here so I invited Sera out, it came to me that coming with you will be a much better idea. We could have fun, all three of us." said he with those puppy round eyes.

Mitchs98 said:
Lackey #82
Lackey #82 simply stared, baffled. Despite how clearly outranked he was he wasn't ready to give up quite yet. He was going to get his ass kicked either way, either by Tanari or by his boss. At-least this way he stood a chance to deliver Ferra. "Not gonna happen girlie." He replied flatly. Seriously, he commited a major crime and she thought he was just going to give up? What kind of thinking was that. Nevertheless he only had a few options without injuring a bunch of passerby. The question was did he want to make his sentence worse by doing so or not, should he be felled and captured.

He pretty much instantly decided on not, his job didn't pay enough to risk anymore jail time than he'd inevitably get. "Ice Make: Shard Rain." He spoke, waving one hand in a swirling pattern above his head before dropping it forward towards Tanari. Spiky ice shards had formed as he conducted his hand movements, firing off at high speeds towards Tanari as he dropped his hand towards her.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The man's refusal to surrender was more than a little disappointing. If he had at least been a worthy opponent that would have been fine but this was just a complete waste of time. She stared blankly at him as he slowly swirled his hand above his head, letting her gaze drift skyward once more as she saw the icicles form above him. What he lacked in power he made up for in speed and soon enough those icicles were racing towards her. She moved quickly, clasping her fists together before her as she aimed them at the man. A large crimson flame engulfed her interlaced hands and she called out her own spell. "Incineration!" A massive cone of fire erupted from her fists, racing directly towards the rain of ice that careened down on her. The blazing inferno lasted only a few seconds but that was all it took to completely evaporate the ice shards, leaving nothing but a subtle mist in it's wake.

As the fire petered out she let out a small breath she had been holding as she allowed her arms to reclaim their place by her side. She turned her attention back towards the mysterious figure, this time her expression being one of pity. "Do you have a boss or manager I could speak to? I mean, isn't this the point where you realize I'm far too much for a redshirt like you to handle and some big eight-foot tall gang boss shoves his way past you and takes me on himself?." As she spoke she lifted her arm to point directly at the man, holding her hand in the shape of a gun as a small orb of fire formed in front of her index finger. "Because if not I'm going to have to end this, we wouldn't want this to drag out too long after all."
Valken Truss

The shadow mage watched a girl run up the stairs at Raa's request, he knelt down and unceremoniously dumped the man's body on the ground, face down to allow her to heal his spine. Luckily for the man he stayed unconscious. Valken wasn't going to allow him to go anywhere, so it was more for his benefit he stayed unawake.

"Thank you... " He offered the girl a genuine smile. She had healed this stranger without a question afterall and just like that was gone again. Valken hoisted the spy back onto his shoulder and stood once more, eyeing Raa's retreating back and idly listening to Ryu and Raa's bickering. This was between members of the same guild... he didn't understand this Fairytail lot at all.

Gilad ruled over Sabertooth with an Ironfist, Lloyd kept a strict but flexible Guild where respect and manners were absolute paramount. And yet this Fairytail mob just seemed to run around like a classroom being taught by a substitute teacher. Ophelia had her work cut out for her to try and tame them, then again that was Fairytail's reputation so she knew what she was in for when she signed up as Guild Master....

Mental questioning aside Valken couldn't help but grin when Adrian balked at the mention of Gilad inside the room. "You know you should both treat your own Guild Master with the same admiration and respect as you do Master Arcturus... in fact everyone your superior in age and Class should be dealt with as such. Do they not teach that here?" Here Valken asked not in an aggressive tone but more a questioning one, always one to question and find out all the facts.

Oddly Valken didn't mind these two before him. The Arcane Mage seemed intelligent and his magic seemed interesting, while the one mage called Ryu seemed to have at least a half way descent idea of respect. He at least offered his full name when Valken had asked for it.

"Hmm I should inform the Guild Master's of this little development with our spy friend, but perhaps when the meeting concludes I can join you both for the parade? This whole serious business is driving me half way crazy and I desperately need an Ale and some fine food... "

Here he took a deep bow as he always did when greeting new people (circumstances permitting), almost hitting the spy's head to the ground as he did.

((Next post I'll have Valken walk into the Secret Room with spy))

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks
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Lavender Gray
Lavender lifted her eyes as she heard a knock at the door "I wonder who that could be.." she muttered, walking towards her front door, opening it to reveal Mikael and Sera. So much for trying to relax and push those cruel thoughts away. I had really hoped that it wouldnt come to them showing up at my doorstep...I'm sure both of them would want an explination. in all honesty, she considered herself the third wheel because they had both been vampires and she had been human. They've lived for ages, she's only lived for about 20+ years on Earthland. They had been creatures of the night while she had been a creature of the light. There were so many differences and nto even a good list of the similarities could fix what she had felt. "I did not expect you both to appear at my home...is everything okay?"

rbshinichi said:
"Yeah, I think you're right." he replied. I hope you're right Sera. "I was just new in town and I don't want to be the one driving a wedge between you guys with all these misunderstanding. I wish we could all get along, right? That would be for the best."
As they were waiting, the door cracked open and emerged a fresh Lavender, "Pardon our intrusions milady, but I believe that line is for us to ask. Would we be by any chance disturbing you or something? We just came here wishing you to be a part of our evening walk around the festival. I wanted to try the food and the games here so I invited Sera out, it came to me that coming with you will be a much better idea. We could have fun, all three of us." said he with those puppy round eyes.

Sera: Lavenders' House

Sera nodded in agreement. No matter who won him over in the end she just hoped they could all stay friends at the very least. Her kind was rare, even if he didn't feel the same way as she did for him she didn't want to get on his bad side. That was literally the last thing she wanted above all. Before she could say anything more out came a non-sticky Lavender asking if everything was fine. Sera opted to wear a reassuring smile while Mika spoke, nodding when he was done. "
Yeah. We wanted you to come with us to. You don't have to be worried about feeling awkward or anything, we'd prefer you come with us!" She told her. Though, she hoped Mika's whole going with Lavender was a much better idea thing meant her coming along instead of staying behind.

Colt556 said:

Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The man's refusal to surrender was more than a little disappointing. If he had at least been a worthy opponent that would have been fine but this was just a complete waste of time. She stared blankly at him as he slowly swirled his hand above his head, letting her gaze drift skyward once more as she saw the icicles form above him. What he lacked in power he made up for in speed and soon enough those icicles were racing towards her. She moved quickly, clasping her fists together before her as she aimed them at the man. A large crimson flame engulfed her interlaced hands and she called out her own spell.
"Incineration!" A massive cone of fire erupted from her fists, racing directly towards the rain of ice that careened down on her. The blazing inferno lasted only a few seconds but that was all it took to completely evaporate the ice shards, leaving nothing but a subtle mist in it's wake.

As the fire petered out she let out a small breath she had been holding as she allowed her arms to reclaim their place by her side. She turned her attention back towards the mysterious figure, this time her expression being one of pity.
"Do you have a boss or manager I could speak to? I mean, isn't this the point where you realize I'm far too much for a redshirt like you to handle and some big eight-foot tall gang boss shoves his way past you and takes me on himself?." As she spoke she lifted her arm to point directly at the man, holding her hand in the shape of a gun as a small orb of fire formed in front of her index finger. "Because if not I'm going to have to end this, we wouldn't want this to drag out too long after all."

Lackey #82

Lackey #82 grit his teeth. Yeah he wasn't going to win this at all. Not a single chance whatsoever. Oh well, at-least he'd tried. He quickly ran over the various options he had, which weren't too various. He could either continue to fight and invariably lose, seeing as fire would just continue melting his ice at any and all turns. Run, and more than likely get caught and arrested..which honestly compared to what his boss would do to him didn't sound all to bad. Give up and arrested with less chance of getting his ass further handed to him. Lie or bribe her and hope she took it. Or expand upon the whole 'run' idea. There was no way his boss would be coming to bail him out of this either, thus he was completely alone on this in all aspects.

He tensed when she spoke of ending it. Plan..whatever letter expanding on running was. "I don't think so." He replied. He outstretched his palm, quickly saying "Ice Make: Wall" as he did. A moderately thick wall of ice forming between him and Tanari in hopes of blocking her attack long enough for him to run. He ditched Ferra, the extra weight would only slow him down, and thus he ran down the street. If he escaped this was the last time he was doing a job without any intel.
Kelica Zefara

The blonde girl peeled herself away from Alfie as Mizuki spoke to her. To be honest, she didn't seem to intimidate the blonde in the slightest. Surprised, maybe, but intimidated? Kelica wasn't smart enough for that.

Although Kelica's eyes narrowed down curiously as she suddenly turned and approached her, peering up with hand on her own chin, almost... observing? Studying her? Probably getting far too close into her personal space as Kelica had literally no concept of personal space.

This woman intrigued Kelica... Just as Alfie could absorb emotions, Kelica was very receptive to those very emotions.... and this dark lady was the oddest mixture she had ever felt.

She was bleak, angry and dull... giving off a forceful aura that screamed go away.... however... there was an interesting intenseness about her to... it wasn't love...or was it? Affection? Hmm.. not quite... maybe more like desire? Need? For what though.. confinement? Maybe the need to be covered... to feel protected, safe...

Before Kelica could ask her directly (Kelica was never one to shy away from a question), the adorable girl with beads agreed with Mizuki about being in Sabertooth. Here Kelica put a finger to her chin....

"Sabertooth...now...where have I heard that before... " Clicking her fingers as she realised. "Gilad Arcturus! The head of Sabertooth! The friendly old man... " Giggling now. "He helped me through my problems at Malina... gave me a pat on my shoulder and a hug and everything!"

Not aware this information might stun the two there, in theory she had hugged him like she had Alfie and he really had no choice but to hug back. And to her, he had been friendly.

She gasped and took a quick curtsy then. "Oh my manner's! My name is Kelica Zefara, and is Weasel Chris!" Smiling warmly, patting the creature on her shoulder. It didn't occur to her to explain Chris was in fact a mage with Beast Souls and not just some rodent she had picked up by the wayside.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Isune @PeteTSs
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Kameal walked the forest near the city he couldn't remember the name of. The young man had entered the city the day before to be checked into a clinic. I woman had insist on taking him. She thought something was wrong with Kameal and even though he'd told her over and over that he was fine, she still insisted on being sure. The doctor at the clinic had taken in the homunculi for a check up, finding nothing wrong but noticing something was a bit off about him.

Kameal quickly dismissed himself then. He didn't want to risk his secret of not being human to be found out. He might get mistaken for a demon again. After leaving the clinic, Kameal saw the festive decorations and the streets were filled with vendors and stalls. He guessed there was some kind of festival going on. If a festival was taking place then that meant more people were out on the streets. The homunculi really hated humans.

Not wanting to have anything to do with them, he retreated to the forest where he'd slept out under the stars. Kameal usually does not sleep, but nearly starving to death required his body to need rest. He had trouble sleeping at first. His mind kept swimming with thoughts of his creator and his teacher. Siblings who died protecting him. Who'd died because he had been too weak to protect himself from the vile humans. He wondered how the race could just kill each other off simply out of fear or hate. He didn't understand how humans work and he didn't care. He'd promise his teacher he let her loss make him hate humans. That promise was long broken. He hated them and wanted nothing to do with them. Eventually with thoughts of hate, he fell asleep. He dreamt that hr, his creator and his teacher were in paradise. A place without anyothe humans but them.

The homunculi woke up to a setting sun. How long has he slept? He couldn't be sure. His body was in some well needed rest after all. After doing some stretching and light practicing with his magic, he headed out. He didn't have anywhere particular in mind, he just started walking in a random direction. Even though the direction was random, it tugged at him like an invisible force. A string tied to his gut.

It wasn't even noticeable at first but ad he kept working, that invisible string pulled stronger at him, calling his attention. The boy followed the invisible force curiously. He had no idea what was calling to him but he wanted to find out. Pretty soon, he felt a presence. The presence wasn't Human. He couldn't tell what it was but he knew whoever they were weren't if this world.


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