Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kelica Zefara

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9967f9ac_images(37).jpg.8ea469a47f3f334805a03ed9abcdd854.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122644" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9967f9ac_images(37).jpg.8ea469a47f3f334805a03ed9abcdd854.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The blond girl made a face, finger on her chin. "So let me get this straight... You transform into a beast form with basically the click of a finger AND seemingly run, not walk, run all the way to your Father's farm... with me on your back no less... but turning into an itty bitty mouse or squirrel you can't hold onto as well?" Frowning more at him in that, don't you lie to me girlfriend manner. Eyelids narrowing down dangerously.

She peeled herself off him and turned her head to face out the window with a huff. "Besides... I would have let you ride in the front of my shirt... " Glancing sideways to him, one eyebrow lifting questioningly.

@Isune @PeteTSs



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Noah turns his head towards Ferra. He squints his eyes questioning her age. She looked younger than Talon, way younger. He poked her shoulder. Uhh Ferra how old are you if you don't mind me asking?? Because you look waaayy younger than Talon. @Mitchs98 @Talon
Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Sera's HouseAfter a little bit Mika had finally finished and called for her. She took the towels off of her mostly dry wings and tossed them to the hallway. She then stood and walked out of his room and down the hall, stopping at the staircase and turning to him. "Anytime. Don't worry about it, really. I got plenty of spare clothes that I rarely wear. Usually only wear 'em when my normal top gets damaged." She replied with a shrug "'Sides, I figured we might be able to pick you up some clothes at the festival." She added as she walked downstairs. "Lets stop by Lavenders place, see if she wants to come with us or not. Not entirely sure why she ran off like that myself." She commented as she walked opened the door and waited for Mika to exit so she could lock it. She hoped Lavender wasn't mad at her for whatever reason, sure she wanted to win this small little love feud that seemed to be going on but she didn't want to lose a friend over it. She wasn't even entirely sure that's what the issue was, really.
Lavender was in her home, cleaning up every piece of armor that needed a good cleaning from the sugar. "This is horrid! It's so sticky!" Stupid pudding monster. What person would even make something so stupid? Whatever may be the case, as long as she was able to take out the substance, the warrior didn't care. Piece by piece did she place her armor upon the stand for when she needed it. A soft sigh left her lips as she shook her head, trying to fix and clear her thoughts "once I am done with my armor, I'm going to rest." A pudding monster took out quite a lot of energy. Once she finished her armor, she placed the last piece upon the stand and went downstairs to Make sure the front door was locked "there we go." Lavender walked into her kitchen and got a drink for herself in which she took her time in drinking. Emptying the glass of water, she gently placed the glass into the sink
Talon said:
Talon chucked. "I guess changing your hair colour would work." He let Ferra pull him up and they started walking hand-in-hand while Noah walked on the other side of Ferra. He was quite a bit taller than Ferra and it must have looked a bit strange. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon
Ferra: Magnolia Square

Walking beside Talon she looked up at him then looked to Noah. There was a decent height difference, hopefully Noah didn't question it to much. Or at all. She'd have a big enough problem trying to keep her guild quiet about it. And then the inevitable question of her age came after Noah tapped her on the shoulder. She didn't hesitate, nor did she answer to fast. "I turned 17 last month." She replied simply. Hopefully he didn't have some kind of magical lie detection powers. The last thing she needed was for him to say anything before he joined Lamia Scale. Sure Talon was about a foot taller than her, but that was really the only discernable difference. Everything else could be explained away rather easily. As long as she could lie about her age then well, problem solved. She could usually lie her way out of just about anything if she tried hard enough, she hoped now would be another case of it. "The decorations sure are pretty. I wish the festival would last longer.." She commented, looking up at the lanterns that lit up the streets.

At-least the festival had been fun and Lloyd had let her go. Luckily he did or they wouldn't be getting two new members.
Talon said:
Talon nodded. "Ya they are... do you know if they are doing fireworks?¿?¿" He asked curiously. He absolutely loved fire works and would love to see some. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
@Embaga Elder

Ferra: Magnolia Square/Streets

Ferra shrugged. "I dunno. I've never been to the festival before. I hope they do. They might for the end of the parade. Fairy Tail is kinda big on this festival apparently." She replied. She liked fireworks herself, plus watching fireworks after a big parade would be cool. She figured since Fairy Tail is usually over the top that they'd do that and quite possibly more. Honestly she wouldn't doubt if a small chunk of the town got destroyed in the process of the parade, at all. She grinned to herself at that thought and decided to voice it, "They probably will. Heck I wouldn't doubt it if they didn't destroy part of Magnolia in the process really." She told him.
Chris Lengheart(You callin' me a liar?)

Chris returned Kelica's glance as he spoke up, "What, You don't believe me? Fine I'll prove it." Once the taxi stopped Chris emerged first and suddenly became a massive horse with a brown coat of fur. He tossed his head slightly and muttered in his usual voice, "If we're lucky, I can stay like this for around two hours."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Their meeting had only just gotten underway and he was already disliking the information going around. He had been tracking Lucian for a while now and had a general idea that the man was plotting something. But to be told that he had infiltrated the Magic Council and even went so far as to seek aid from the west. Clearly Lucian had done far more than he had thought. He couldn't help but feel that he bore some of the responsibility for allowing Lucian to slip through his grasp at Malnia. Had he not gotten distracted by that overgrown lizard he could have completed his objective of apprehending Lucian. Nevertheless, what was done was done and all they could do now was work on the information they had. As one of his fellow Guild Masters was asked about the western forces dust and smoke filled the room, causing him to rise from his seat and turn his attention towards the black void where the smoke originated.

He turned his gaze towards the young girl, his cold eyes bearing down on her as he believed her Guild to be responsible for the intrusion. Mr. Truss was quick to to deal with the interruption, strengthening the barrier that kept their secrets within the room. "Miss Kaiser, it would seem your members are a bit too rowdy. I have heard that your Guild Hall is in need of constant repair but could we be spared their ... energetic behavior for at least the duration of this meeting?" He turned his gaze back to the wall of shadows as Valken slipped through them. With a sigh he retook his seat, folding his arms over his chest as he allowed his gaze to drift between the two other Guild Masters. The fact that he was forced to be here already put him in an unpleasant mood and having their meeting disrupted by the undisciplined actions of the supposed strongest guild just further soured his mood. He really couldn't help but feel they should have held this meeting at a more neutral location.


@Salt Lord
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Noah looked at a Ferra questioning her answer. 17 huh?? Okay I'm 24. He says shrugging his shoulders. He pushes the thought aside for now and looks around at the decorations. It actually looks better from what it did a couple years ago. He liked the fact that he gets to experience the festival all over again, except this time he has to hide his long purple hair. Yo, fireworks are a definite. What's a festival without fireworks. But I doubt Fairy Tail will pull a stunt like that, well I hope they don't at least. @Talon @Mitchs98
Mizuki chuckled slightly as Alfie told Alicia that she would've won. Her hands slowly ran through the younger girls head as she spoke, looking down at her. "Yes... Masaki never would've stood a chance against you, little one. No one would've stood a chance against you. Not even Gilad." She said, chuckling again before taking a seat on the bed. The dark Mage didn't really have anything planned for the day besides going to the parade. The parade was something that she didn't really care for and didn't actually want to attend, but it would make Alicia happy so she'd suffer through it. She then looked over to poor Alfie, who she had forced to stay inside with her all day and night. They hadn't even stepped outside of the apartment and Mizuki was rather proud that he didn't run away. She had trained him well. "But what would my little winner like to do today? Anything you want I will suffer through."

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Their meeting had only just gotten underway and he was already disliking the information going around. He had been tracking Lucian for a while now and had a general idea that the man was plotting something. But to be told that he had infiltrated the Magic Council and even went so far as to seek aid from the west. Clearly Lucian had done far more than he had thought. He couldn't help but feel that he bore some of the responsibility for allowing Lucian to slip through his grasp at Malnia. Had he not gotten distracted by that overgrown lizard he could have completed his objective of apprehending Lucian. Nevertheless, what was done was done and all they could do now was work on the information they had. As one of his fellow Guild Masters was asked about the western forces dust and smoke filled the room, causing him to rise from his seat and turn his attention towards the black void where the smoke originated.

He turned his gaze towards the young girl, his cold eyes bearing down on her as he believed her Guild to be responsible for the intrusion. Mr. Truss was quick to to deal with the interruption, strengthening the barrier that kept their secrets within the room. "Miss Kaiser, it would seem your members are a bit too rowdy. I have heard that your Guild Hall is in need of constant repair but could we be spared their ... energetic behavior for at least the duration of this meeting?" He turned his gaze back to the wall of shadows as Valken slipped through them. With a sigh he retook his seat, folding his arms over his chest as he allowed his gaze to drift between the two other Guild Masters. The fact that he was forced to be here already put him in an unpleasant mood and having their meeting disrupted by the undisciplined actions of the supposed strongest guild just further soured his mood. He really couldn't help but feel they should have held this meeting at a more neutral location.



Kayzo said:
Mizuki chuckled slightly as Alfie told Alicia that she would've won. Her hands slowly ran through the younger girls head as she spoke, looking down at her. "Yes... Masaki never would've stood a chance against you, little one. No one would've stood a chance against you. Not even Gilad." She said, chuckling again before taking a seat on the bed. The dark Mage didn't really have anything planned for the day besides going to the parade. The parade was something that she didn't really care for and didn't actually want to attend, but it would make Alicia happy so she'd suffer through it. She then looked over to poor Alfie, who she had forced to stay inside with her all day and night. They hadn't even stepped outside of the apartment and Mizuki was rather proud that he didn't run away. She had trained him well. "But what would my little winner like to do today? Anything you want I will suffer through."
@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Alfie would nod in agreement despite hoping Mizuki didn't legitimately believe Alicia could have taken on Gilad and only trying to comfort her. He had learned things about the lady that made him question her mindset even further, being one of the few oddities that were unpredictable. He didn't quite want to confuse himself with any in depth thinking, however, so he could only help think of things to do for the next few hours--or rather, suggest things for Alicia. "Perhaps you would like to come and take a look at the Guild Hall? I know you two are in Sabertooth, and I'm sure at least some one over at Fairy Tail is having a bar fight with another, but it truly is nice to look at."


Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

A familiar yet strange voice broke her out of sleep, so quickly that it startled her into shooting a hand out to grab tightly onto Hibiki, fingers curling tightly around his wrist. Both eyes flashed open, purple hues flickering upwards to lock onto his, holding his gaze in an eerie silence that only spread itself out for a few minutes. After some time she averted her gaze to the side, releasing the iron grip hold upon him and letting her hand fall onto the patch of grass that splayed out beneath and around her frame. " Why were you looking for me? Are you hoping for an apology? " Lyra muttered, scoffing visibly and leaning back against the tree, enjoying the stability the trunk gave her since she felt slightly weak. Surely he wasn't too pleased that she'd used her virus magic once again and if it was an apology he wanted, well, she'd sooner keel over. It was getting harder and harder to grasp memories and the ones of him were blurry, becoming so distant that he himself would soon fade if she wasn't careful.

Lyra tilted her head upwards and stared past him towards the sky, feeling suddenly sentimental, the feeling overwhelming. " Y
ou don't have to pity me just because we're alike in nature. " Her voice softened, dropping to an almost inaudible tone. " We both know that even though we harbor the same magic, mine is more.... wild.. " The last word was breathed out in a sigh, petite form coming to a stand before him. " Would you like me to show you where caring about me will get you? " A serious and challenging emotion filmed over her eyes as they peered straight into his, refusing to waver now. " Or do you perhaps dream of taming the beast within? " Those pale lips curved upwards on one side in a sinister manner, almost with the intent of egging him on. Lyra was incapable of knowing what he wanted anymore, the line in their relationship having grown much too thin from the distorted memories. So for now, he was a threat, they were all threats and would be treated and approached as such.

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia giggled. She knew she had no chance against either of them, but it made her feel good to have Mizuki believe in her so highly. Maybe after a while of training with Ophelia she actually would stand a chance against Masaki. "Mayybe. Probably not though, unless they let me win. But maybe." She replied jokingly with a shrug. She frowned slightly when she referred to doing stuff with her as suffering through it. She genuinely wanted to spend time with her seeing as she hadn't gotten to at all the day before for the most part, but from the sound of it Mizuki didn't want to. Or maybe she actually did and she was just saying that? Alicia wasn't sure, Mizuki could be confusing at times. While she was thinking on it Alfie spoke up. She instantly nodded, "Yeah! That sounds fun, I bet it's decorated a lot more and stuff now!" She told him before turning to Mizuki, "Can we go there Mizuki? We can go somewhere else if you don't want to, I'm sure there's a few festival games or something." She asked her.
Honoka Redfox


A bet was a bet, even if the request was a bit out of the blue. The date went fine, they went to the park, had lunch, and toyed around the market trying to find an outfit that they would wear for the parade. Mostly for Honks, but Don needed some new garbes if he was gonna be part of a guild. After the clock struck five they met up with Honk's twin, Haruhi, luckily for them their appetite made them go out for food. To be completely honest Honoka can eat more than a dragon slayer (or even more than that fabled Mage that used munch magic).

Honks had lead them to a sushi placed named Bishoku. It was moderately priced with a large selection of sushi to order from. Unfortunately with Honoka, she ordered five different types of sushi. But no not for the entire group, for her self. It's a miracle that she dosent gain any weight, let alone have some type of health problem.
" Hey Haruhi, how was your day. We really haven't talked much since we've got here in Magnolia."

@Kayzo @The Dinkster

Kimberly Lock


Kim floated about arranging the flowers onto the roofs of house and buildings. A large smile grew in her face. The area that the floats pass are finished, all she has to was check up on Ei-. She was stopped in mid thought as she saw a Giant Foam Monster was finishing up the decorations for the path. They looked fabulous on the buildings, she would give foamy that.

Kimberly realized that it was non other than Eias' magic. She should of noticed before hand, now she just felt imcompatant. She jogged over to Her dear friend, with a soft reassuring voice she spoke.
" Great job, that foam thing really was helpful." She stopped for a second, she needed to practice with her preformce. Crap, her partner had ditched her for a stupid hid and now she need to find someone that could take their place.

Kims eyes looked up an down the Bubble Mage, Eias could help with the preformce. Given that they wouldn't notice that she wasn't part of the guild, but she's her friend and that means she family.
" Hey Eias , how would you like to join me in my float in the parade?"

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Eais Baole - Guiding hand

The foam hands that had gone to work quickly finished the task given to them. Eias was surprised at just how pretty everything was now that Kim's flowers were all set. It was going to be so beautiful seeing everything from the sidewalk while the parade happened. She wondered what it was like in a parade. Maybe next year she would find out if she got into the guild. She was still going to try and join after the festival ended. She was sure the guild master must be busy around this time. As Kim came up to her and softly to her about her work, she gave a happy smile. In response to her emotions, the foam hand gave a thumbs up.
Thank you. Was spoken from a bubble. Your flowers look amazing as always. That is when she noticed Kim looking her up and down. She wasn't sure what was going on in Kim's mind. Just the action she was taking made Eias blush a little and take a step back. Then she asked the strangest question. "How would you like to join me in my float in the parade?" I-I--Uh-umm.. wait.. huh? You're serious? She managed to get out.

Her mind was jumbled now. Was she even allowed to be on a float with the guild? She wasn't part of it yet. Though, Kim did say it was her float so she must be allowed to ask people to join. As Eias was still sorting the information in her head, the foam hands took action. They slipped up behind her, and, in her confusion pushed her towards Kim. She gently collided with Kim. She looked up at Kim, embarrassed, and towards her foam hands that were giving the thumbs up again. In a pout, she made a pop sound with her mouth and the hands crackled into nothing. S-sure, as long as it is okay.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Festival

Sora blinked rapidly as she caught wind of the laugh he was hiding, arms flailing wildly like they were rampant noodles. It took a moment for her to calm down, face completely contorted into a flustered expression that seemed to only get worse before it finally shifted into a relaxed one. " Maybe you're just a natural then! " She exclaimed with a beaming smile, nudging her shoulder into him playfully. That had to be it, right? Lysander seemed to naturally be wonderful at so many things and it was disheartening that he discredited himself on a lot. As he began to show her the technique he used, Sora's face got closer and closer to his hands, watching intensely with a look of sheer concentration. Her soft breath danced along his fingertips, eyes widening as she absorbed all the fine detail. With a grin she sat back up straight, seeming quite pleased with what she was learning. " Now I might be able to salvage my mini-disaster I created! Thank you! " His hand had brushed against hers in that moment and the same blush that adorned his cheeks was soon found on her own. It didn't help that every touch made her more aware of how close they were, the feelings always seeming to bubble to the surface as a constant reminder. She inhaled rather sharply then, falling back to rest against the ground with a bashful smile spreading practically from ear to ear, strands of hair fluttering down to rest in a sprawled out manner.

A little puff of air was expelled, sending a rather big gust of wind to follow which made the ribbons dance about and glitter to rain down onto them in a sparkling frenzy. The reaction that followed was priceless, Sora having taken to rolling about on the ground, batting at the air and fluttering her eyelashes wildly. The sounds coming from her mouth closely resembled a cat in distress as she squeezed her eyes closed and came to a halting stop, laying on her tummy with her hands covering her face, tears daring to brim over and onto her cheeks. " Why didn't anyone tell me glitter burnnnnedddd? " She groaned loudly and cautiously opened one eye before deeming it safe and letting the other follow suit. Her fingers spread as she peeked out from between them at Lysander, a fit of laughter beginning to fill the air as she realized how silly she had probably just appeared. Her small frame re-positioned itself to be sitting up as her fingers wandered up to bat at the tears that were now caused by not only the glitter but how hard she had managed to laugh at her own actions. Sora was happy, unbelievably so. She hadn't laughed like that in an extremely long time and even if she looked completely goofy, it was refreshing. " S-Sorry, remind me next time that glitter can indeed be used as a weapon of sorts. " Another chiming laugh slipped past her lips as she dropped her hands from her face, eyes going wide. " I've got an idea! Wait here, okay? " She instructed with a mischievous tone. Both feet became enveloped in an aura and before he could reply she'd already taken off, disappearing out of view and into the busy bustling city.

Sora knew she was being spontaneous but surely he'd love the idea that had just popped into her head. Hopefully he didn't think much of her just up and leaving him alone there by the float but she was sure he'd be safe for the small amount of time that she'd be gone for. After-all she trusted her guild mates and there were plenty of them around if anything were to go down and Lysander needed any help with something. The familiar building of the milkshake shop came into view and Sora finally slowed her magic down, allowing her to walk in at a more casual pace, though there was an apparent excitable skip to each step. The line was thankfully rather short; apparently a huge scene the previous day had scared quite a few people from wanting to step foot there. Sora didn't seem too phased by this information though, having become fully accustomed to destruction within the city and outside of it. The line finally dwindled and she stared at the guy behind the counter and then to the menu, eyes flickering back and forth for a few minutes before she finally spoke. "
I'll take two apple pie milkshakes please! " Sora held out two fingers for emphasis and then reached for her jewel bag, paying the man and offering him a big smile. Thankfully it was the festival and nobody questioned her overly jubilant attitude, though most of it stemmed from being around Lysander, her birthday, and knowing she'd be meeting up with Maya and Clair later. The day itself was packed with so many lovely and wonderful things, along with people she adored, that it was difficult to contain her brimming enthusiasm.

The milkshake owner handed her the two milkshakes with a warm and gentle smile of his own as he noticed her eyes sparkle. Sora thanked him and went from a normal pace within the shop to blinking around the town until she'd returned before Lysander, hand outstretched with the treat and an unopened straw to drink it with. "
I thought we could enjoy these together, especially since you've been so kind as to help me with this. A-Apple pie, right? " Sora hesitated, voice wavering as the fear of perhaps remembering incorrectly and getting the wrong flavor started to impend itself upon her. Mentally her fingers were crossed with high hopes, eyes now glued to his to keep herself from having her mental panic becoming a physically visible one. " I can go back if it's wrong! " The words fumbled out almost unintentionally, cheeks once again being painted with a shade of pink.

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Lloyd Kirby - Magnolia: Fairy Tail Guild Master's Office

Lloyd allowed his own head to drop into the palm of his right hand, in order to hide an expression of growing frustration on his face. In all honestly, what Lloyd really wanted to do was get up and leave right now. Already he was called to a city that was far too crowded for his liking due to it celebrating a festival, where he had to meet up with other Guild Masters and discuss his least favourite subject ever: the Alvarez Empire. This was quite possibly one of the worst days of his entire life, the worse being... but of course, he would not go into that. Not when that was what he had to talk about professionally.

"I can barely even hear myself think," he grumbled to himself, casting a baleful glare at the source of all the noise. Seemed that Fairy Tail could not even give their Guild Master the respect her rank ought to instill, if they were making this much racket right outside her office in which she was holding a meeting with other Guild Masters. Such a brilliant way to impress outsiders with the positive effects of being in Fairy Tail. If this was his own Guild, he would have marched right out there and put a stop to everything with a well placed arrow, but he could not do another Guild Master's job for her.

At least, the grown up thing would be to ignore the noise outside and focus on what the meeting was to be. He could give all the glares he wanted to later. Right now, his opinion of the Fairy Tail Guild was at it's lowest and he would personally ensure that Lamia Scale did not sink to such depths. And he would have to do his best to ensure that he remained professional on such a personal matter. He was usually able to retain a calm front during most storms but when it came to his past... he could not promise a professional exterior. He could only hope for one.

He took a deep, steadying breath, to calm his own nerves, before raising his head, allowing his arms to cross where they rested on the desk. "From what I know about the Alvarez Empire, it's always been extremely ruthless, and it's main priority is to conquer as much land as possible. Already, their entire continent comes under their territory, and I have little doubt they would wish to expand, especially since they know that Fiore does not have as strong a military, nor the technology to adequately defend themselves. I myself left the continent at the height of the Alvarez Empire's conquest, so I am not sure how powerful they are now. Though the worst case scenario is that they've had all this time to prepare, and Lucian Grey's offer may be just what motivates them to take this step."

He was not quite sure what to do now, especially about the corruption within the Wizarding Council and government. He had always had a low opinion on governments due to his experience with the Alvarez Empire, plus, he had all this time to get used to the idea, so he was not as upset as he should be. Yet he still was not sure what the next step was to be, now that they had this knowledge, what should they do with it? It was times like these that he really felt his own youth and inexperience as a leader. A leader should inspire confidence in his followers and if he did not know what to do then what confidence could he hope to inspire? This situation seemed hopeless for now, and all he could give in response to Ms Kaiser was a helpless shrug.

@Colt556 @Salt Lord @Zuka
Haruhi had quite the uneventful day. With Honoka and Donald out on their little date the blue haired girl was left all alone for the entire day. Sure sleeping in took quite a chunk away from her day, and she was grateful for sleeping in, but the rest of the day was spent at the Fairy Tail guild hall. She didn't know where any of her Sabertooth friends were or her Fairy Tail friends, so she sat at a table and read until about 6:00 where she went and met up with her sister and Donald. They all met at some sushi place that her sister seemed to like seeing as she ordered 5 plates for herself. Haruhi only ordered one, not wanting to burden whoever was paying even more. When Honoka asked how her day was going the blur haired girl smiled softly and spoke. "My day was good. It was pretty lonely but still relaxing." She said, shrugging and sighing. "How did your date go?"

@Refaulted @purplepanda288
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

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Valken's eyes lifted as the man who was trapped then stood with the help of the other mage who didn't have the sythe. Then his dark eyes lowered now to the helpless Spy who was still wanting to pick a fight despite having no access to his limbs from the neck down. The nick on the back of his neck barely visible from how precise Valken had cut it.

"Trying to break into the office of the Guild Master in charge of the Magnolia festival, the very same festival who's parade is on tonight and therefore the Guild Hall is flooded with Mage's? What kind of idiotic, sad excuse of a spy are you?"

Here Valken actually frowned. Then a grin flooded his face. "Murder? Who says I was going to Murder you? I have far too many questions left like who sent you and the exact plans of what you were trying to steal... "

Here Valken wrapped his elbow around his neck and pulled tight in a choke hold, cutting the air from his lungs, watching him struggle then pass out.

Once fully out, Valken made a sound of distain and threw him up over his shoulder, turning to the other three mages.

"My name is Valken Truss, and you all would be?" He said with his usual cheeky grin, like he totally didn't threaten and incapacitate a guy who was now passed out on his shoulder.

@Metaphysics @Metaphysics

"Oh, and the red-haired guy is Ryu. Not sure where you were getting that from Raa."
Genon said:
Adrian rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Uh...I think he meant that his wound probably needs treatment. Look at your stabbing hand. It's covered in his cerebrospinal fluid. I think that's probably pretty serious and you may want to get a Sky Wizard before you interrogate him." Indeed, the man's wound was leaking the clear liquid all over Valken's hand. Valken's good aim had avoided any blood vessels thankfully, but if he didn't get to a medic soon, the effects could be severe if not fatal.
"Anyway, I'm Adrian Bell, Fairy Tail's resident Arcane Wizard. I imagine whatever's going on in there is confidential Guild Master stuff, so you might want to tell the people in there about the idiot you're holding. Gods know us Fairy Tail wizards don't need yet another count of vandalism on our records when we didn't even do anything this time."


"Oh, and the red-haired guy is Ryu. Not sure where you were getting that from Raa."

Raa - Hehehehehehehehehe I just thought of soooooo many Ryu puns


"And if he wakes up in your custody kindly tell him if he ever comes back for no reason he will be finding sand somewhere very unpleasant..." He said cheerily. "Nope, pretty sure his name is Edgy McDarkRomance, don't worry about things I can have my partner come up and heal him. Niur!" He called down. Niur started to climb up the stairs. "On her way..." He added.

"Oh we were adding titles? In that case, I'm Raa, newest addition to this merry band of brawlers and resident tamer of interdimensional space whales that come to alternative worlds in order to sow parts of them selves in that world's dominant species, granting them powers and using them to unknowingly promote conflict only to harvest them many solar cycles later and move on to the next world." He brought out his business card.

That Guy

Does Construction and Repairs

He gave it to the other man (@Zuka ). "In case ya need anything."
Livian Azul

Livian raised an eyebrow at Alice as she grinned and closed the books, telling the children that they had to go get ready for the parade. He watched as they all got up and walked towards the mansion, entering it. After looking around the garden, mostly at the flowers he also got up and walked towards the doors, entering the mansion.

Livian followed Alice through the long and rather big halls of the mansion, keeping a rather safe distance so he wouldn't be spotted. He was sure that Alice didn't know he was following her. As he continued he offered smiles and waves to the staff and children before seeing Alice walk into a room with a large door, causing him to raise an eyebrow. He debated for a moment whether to go into the room or not too.

After a few moments of weighing the pros and cons of entering the room he finally did, offering a small knock first before opening the door and staying the shadows. He was very surprised to see Alice and the stage, Alice being in the center of the stage of course. Livian continued to stay in the dark, watching Alice dance and move so elegantly before stepping out of the dark and into the light, "You're very good at dancing, Miss Alice."

After a moment of silence he apologized as well, "Ah, I apologize for intruding."

Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken held a silent gaze of the man called Raa. It was hard tell exactly what emotion he was feeling, so he just kept it clouded over. Probably something akin to a mixture of displeasure and confusion all in one.

His eyebrow twitched as his weapon transformed into restraints for the Grimore Heart member. Slightly more distrain then confusion now. Did they not think Valken could handle the sad excuse of a spy? Perhaps...he was from a different Guild than these three and he did like to keep a low profile for obvious reasons.

Valken glanced down to his hand seeing the fluid as Adrian mentioned it. Then he look back to Adrian and Ryu almost ignoring the other fellow. "Don't you have a Sky Magic user in this Guild? A blue haired girl? I've already met her a few times... She likes to hang around with my boy Lysander."

He said that in terms of more like a brother then his actual son. Then his back straightened when Adrian had mentioned something about a meeting. In a second he had strode over and peered down to all three, almost menacingly, though more on the side of demanding complete seriousness.

"You are not to speak of any meeting, or any gathering taking place here. It was bad enough to have this untimely moron floating around at a time like this. So it would be in your best interest to pretend this never even happened." Purple eyes narrowing down.

Then Raa spouted some nonsense about a title and gave him a card to which Valken did take from him before scrunching it into a ball and throwing it like trash. "Do you think this is Funny? Do you have any idea how dangerous Grimore Heart is? We are at War so for your sack and everyone involved I certainly hope you display more then just jokes and wise cracks!"

Valken took a deep breath to try and calm down. He had already spoken far too much. This Fairytail bunch would be rung rings around by Maya and Lloyd had they been in Lamia Scale.

"Now, whoever this girl is, let's heal him immediately. Only the cut to his spine. Then I'll be the one to bring him to the Guild Masters to squeeze a confession out of him... " grinning slightly now.

"And do not worry I'll tell you Guild Master it was he who broke the wall not you three.. I daresay Master Kaiser would punish all three for disgracing her infront of Master Arcturus and Master Kirby..." Pointing to the shadow wall he created. "Because that's the exact three behind that wall and your lucky it was me who came out and not any of them."

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks
@Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari (mentioned)
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-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall (Second Floor)


Ryu shot a look of disdain similar to Valken's towards Raa. He'd started to calm down a bit, but Raa's comment pushed him right back over the edge. "Listen asshole," He said slowly. "Let's get one thing straight. I don't care if you like me. I don't care if you hate me. The only thing I give a shit about is respect." He continued slowly, in an ice cold tone. "So, either stop with your childish insults, or shut the hell up. Otherwise, you and I are going to have a very serious problem."

He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, and exhaled, before turning towards Valken. "My name is Ryu Miyamoto," He said, shooting a glare at Raa as he did. "Can't help you though. If there is someone like that in the guild, I've never heard of them. I don't come into town that often. You'll probably have better luck with Adrian." He leaned against the wall and folded his arms. "He's at least somewhat familiar with the guild"


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Mika enthusiastically agreed to both of Sera's proposition, buying clothes at the festival and dropping by Lavender's house before proceeding with looking at the stalls. He lead her outside of her own house.

It didn't take long to reach their destination, the home of their comrade Lavender, it was located only a few blocks away from where they originally were. He was standing in front of her apartment looking up to her window. The lights were on and bright and he guessed that she's home. He walked towards the door and absent-mindedly knocked on it. "You don't supposed she's still upset right?" He asked Sera, hoping to find a reassurance for himself that Lavender's cool with all of it.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
As they wandeed the streets, waiting for the meeting to be over, Talon got boreder and boreder. "Im really bored..." He said finally. Talon was not the most patient guy, especially if there was nothing to do. He sighed and stared aimlessly around as if looking for inspiration. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder

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