Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright then I guess ill be fine huh." He grined and hugged her back."So... what now?¿?¿" He asked in the ensuing silence. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talon breathed a sigh of relief. "Alright then I guess ill be fine huh." He grined and hugged her back."So... what now?¿?¿" He asked in the ensuing silence. @Mitchs98
@Embaga Elder

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra nodded confidently, "
Yup! Just gotta wait." She told him. Her main problem with everything? Waiting. Ferra was by no means a patient person. At all. Ever. She was notorious for being the most impatient person in the guild, thus it was a good thing she wasn't in Sabertooth. She wouldn't of lasted a day. When she asked what to do now she shrugged. They had to wait on Noah, but again; waiting. "I dunno. We needa wait on Noah, I guess. But waiting is boring." She replied with a heavy sigh, growing limp against the bench to emphasise her boredom. "I mean. We could walk around a bit, stick to around the square, look at the decorations and stuff?" She asked him. Sitting around and talking was all nice and good, but they'd have plenty of time to do that later. It was the last day of the festival after all.
Eias watched as Kim was both frantically serious about this parade and at the same time goofing off. It was such a strange yet enjoyable sight to see. A-alright.. She had been at this with Kim since decor was starting. She was getting worked to the bone but she didn't mind. If it helped with the festival and more importantly her new found friend, she would gladly do it. With the order to get more streamers and ribbons up on the roof, she went to action.

It took a moment of focus and a lung full of air. As she blew out of her flute, foam spewed out. At first it was a shapeless blob but as more came out, the more it shaped like hands. It grabbed the decor and slipped onto the side of buildings. Scurrying up the the roofing, it went to work. It was taking a bit of energy and magic out of Eias, but again, it was worth it.


-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Ryu's eyes narrowed as the cloaked individual started playing around with ice. Ice. Why did it always have to be ice? He sighed, massaging his temples, before standing up and stretching his limbs out. His suspicions were still high, and he had nothing better to do, so he sat down at the bar a short distance away from the other individual, still keeping an eye on him.


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Sora Marvell - Magnolia Festival

A smile brought on by nostalgia had crept over Sora's face, gaze having flickered over to watching Lysander tackle the decorations on the floats with her. Images of the previous night seemed to have pushed their way to the front of her thoughts, a blush slowly following suit to plaster itself onto her cheeks. Her fingers hadn't seemed to stop tingling after their hands had parted and they went their separate ways to get some rest and prepare for the final day of the festival. For her it was more of a mental thing, physically already feeling in tip top shape, but mentally....well, mentally Sora was filled with tugging infliction. A motivating idea kept her busy all night and the blue haired girl stayed up for a majority of it working on something to give to Lysander; something unique, something special. All of her hair had slipped out of their ponytails and tousled themselves upon the desk in a messy array, slumber having pulled her under once her project was finished. She had awoken during the afternoon and stumbled about the house, actually resorting to using some of her magic to help speed through the 'getting ready' process before she flew out the door with Nami. They took to the sky, not wanting to bother with maneuvering through the already thick crowds herding themselves throughout the festival. Nami had deposited her right in front of Lysander where they'd arranged to meet before flying off for her own duties for the parade. The small exceed usually got tasked with decorating the higher up places but was well known for disappearing in search of pastries.

Sora had explained to Lysander that she had to help with the floats and much to her surprise he'd asked to help, which Sora couldn't decline. More help would be wonderful and more time with him would also be amazing, though part of her hated using his help as an excuse for that. The sky dragon slayer was quite relieved that she wouldn't have to run off without him for a majority of the day and so she'd led him to where a bunch of the Fairy Tail members were preparing things, introducing him with a growing pride as they'd passed by them. Nobody really questioned what the two were doing together or why a non-Fairy Tail member was going to be helping, though some of them had seen the poncho around Lysander shoulders and knew it from old guild photos and that seemed to be reassuring enough. Honestly, they all probably wanted to be spared a lecture from the sky dragon slayer, so instead they were greeted with nothing but wide smiles and warm words. Everyone seemed to be extremely happy on this day and this only lifted her spirits, the excitement dancing about in her eyes making them stand out. It was clear that Lysander was enthusiastic to partake in helping and she knew it was due to his families history within Fairy Tail. He's so sentimental... She thought to herself with a small smile, turning to peek into her backpack and glance at a particular box wrapped with a singular bow, eyes reflecting a smile of their own. Sora struggled with the question of when would be a good time to actually give him the present; right before the parade? After it? Before he left? Her lips scrunched to the side in response to her personal mental debate before the backpack was hurriedly shut, seemingly flustered by such a simple thing.

Lysander had even made the bold move the night before of asking her if she wanted to try a bite of the pastry she'd gotten for him. It seemed like such an innocent and cute thing but to her it was absolutely mortifying in the sense of embarrassment. She had gone extremely red and flailed mentally, physically trying to remain composed and not rude as her hands had shakily taken the pastry he held out to her. It was just a bite, right? Wrong. To her it was a huge step, a leap, she'd even go so far as to say it was equivalent to jumping off a cliff. Kissing his cheek was one thing, but her lips brushing against a place his own had rested? That was an indirect kiss! Her first indirect kiss. The blue haired dragon slayer could hardly contain all the shy emotions daring to render her unconscious. It didn't help that she was so nervous by the idea that as she took the bite, eyes unnaturally wide, her throat had tightened up and she almost choked. As she recalled the memory, her face contorted into one of sheer horror at her inexperience. If she couldn't handle an indirect kiss, how could she ever hope to survive a direct one? Sora mentally groaned and climbed up onto the float they both were working on, ducking behind some decorations and trying to distract herself by engaging and directing her mind to finishing her task.

Every now and then she peeked over the splayed ribbons to see how his own work was coming along and it amazed her that he actually seemed to have quite a talent for it. In comparison to her own decorating, his was masterful. Of course, Sora could bake, cook, slay dragons... but put crafts in front of her and she had a complete meltdown; rather that's what it all looked like. It was a mess of ribbon, paint, and glitter that looked so chaotically placed that one would assume it wasn't intentional but it was indeed her own handiwork. Everyone had things they were great at, however, this just wasn't one she could willingly claim with an honest conscience. Both hands slid down to rest upon her hips, cheeks puffing out as her hues flickered from his area and back to hers as she refrained from throwing all the ribbon around in an annoyed frenzy. Sora quickly realized how that might reflect on her and a long sigh escaped her lips, hands dropping to her sides whilst her petite frame navigated itself into a small leap that landed her beside him. " Can you show me how you did this? " She asked with curious wide eyes, voice rather sheepish since he'd probably look at her own work to understand why she needed any help to begin with. A hand lifted itself to gently brush against one of his own, that small tingling sensation that always followed their touches crept along each fingertip in response. " I didn't think you'd be so wonderful at something like this, it's a little different than shooting guns after-all. " Sora admitted with a bashful tilt of her head, hand retracting from its momentary resting place upon his as she spoke.

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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Ryu's eyes narrowed as the cloaked individual started playing around with ice. Ice. Why did it always have to be ice? He sighed, massaging his temples, before standing up and stretching his limbs out. His suspicions were still high, and he had nothing better to do, so he sat down at the bar a short distance away from the other individual, still keeping an eye on him.



Raa continued to play with the ice cat before crushing it in his palm. He then started to play around with the wooden table, using a portion of it and making a very intricate wooden dragon. The dragon went up to the man and curled up in front of him, remaining still. "You know it's rude to stare. If you wooden mind I'd like you to just talk to me like a regular person." He called out.
Valentina Gloria


Bread 'n' Butter


Tired but Determined

Current Goals:

• Finish work.

• Project: Aurelie

Directed to @Kazehana

Owning a business meant you could have any hours of work-time you wanted. Like, you could straight up work at 2 to 3 am. That doesn't mean anybody would show up, but you could still do it. It was certainly a tempting choice, but Ms. Gloria had bills to pay.

Returning to her home and work place rather late after the meeting with Aurelie, had left her drained. Which also resulted in her waking up much later than her usual hours. She had a customer who would come everyday- minus the weekends, of course- at opening times to recieve some fresh bread; it was a pity that not only that she missed the early-bird of a customer, but the next five others as-well. That left her with a depressing low amount of money. Looks like she's going to be only eating bread for the next week.

Valentina groaned at the thought. Her figure was slumped over a front counter, and the late-evening consumer on the other side didn't look too happy at what they'd just registered her do.

The patched woman perked up and snatched the money off of the counter- Before the displeased female customer had a chance to reclaim the money.

you, for stopping by~! Please do-" A yawn intercepted the sentence, though it didn't seem to matter; for the woman stalked towards the doors of the building, her purchased bread swinging in a brown paper bag.

That had been the
eighth person to visit the bakery, and only the second to purchase anything all day. Or at least, that's probably the case- She wasn't sure how many she missed sleeping in this morning, but from the afternoon-to-now, Valentina had only seen two people come into her humble abode.

"Maybe I can dig through a noodle place's bin, and eat some of that... Since I can't afford anything other than one-ply toilet paper."

'You've have been eating bread for a while now, no wonder you're fat.'

Fat? I'm am not fat! I'm curvy, that's all. And what did that have to do with anything?" The woman spoke, seeming to try and justify her weight to herself, and using tired reasoning.

'You've been eating bread, and pretty much only bread. Trash would be better than bread. Anyway, you couldn't fit on that pretty skirt this morning- That's what.'

"By choice!"
She huffed, before throwing herself clumsily over the counter, "I won't hear anymore of this!"

A staticky silence fell numb within the chambers of her skull as she flipped over the sign on the door; showing that the bakery was now closed. It seemed unlikely anyone else would bother to visit, so that left her to do some studying. :^)

Valentina was 0 done. Done with working. Done with caring about her rumbling stomach. Done with caring about people- Just kidding, she's going to look at a picture-book, or whatever, that goes over some demons and mythical creatures. It could be have an answer- an answer that she wasn't able to find out for the lack of business recently. She was certainly interested in "Aurelie" and how to... Take care of her.

She trudged upstairs, discarding her apron towards the peak of the climb. She'd pick it up later- Or when she went to work tomorrow. The floorboards creaked beneath her wandering feet, as she twisted the doorknob to a light-pink door; coated with what seemed to be glitter, and a left rabbit's foot hanging limply off of a nail jutting out of the wood.

Inside, moonlight painted a light coat of silver over the room. She ducked her head as one, of the many dreamcatchers in the room, hung from the ceiling at just below her head-height. Dreamcatchers are wonderful for they catch dreams; but dreams of who? She didn't know the answer, but it seemed legit. She always waited a while- A month or longer- before shattering one of her hand-made dream-trapping devices.

Ms. Gloria's eyes danced over the room, they momentarily stopped at her unmade bed, but resumed till they made it to the desk in the right-hand corner of the room. A rather thin book sat on the edge, and a glass of water was using it as a makeshift coaster. She couldn't remember exactly how long the water had been sitting there, but she was sure it was late last night. The oddly skinned woman didn't around to drinking it. As soon as she crawled onto her bed, she collapsed into a dreamless sleep- With her rear raised into the air.

Grasping the book with her right hand, and her left taking the glass of water, she made her way onto her bed- it was a bunk bed, of course, but she wanted to sit at the top. And she was going to get what she wanted, one way or another. With confidence, or swagger if you will, she set her right foot on the bottom step of the pink-metal ladder, she threw the book onto the top bunk. It wasn't the best throw, as the cover of the book clattered against the railing, but it still made it up there.

With her right hand, and both feet working together, she made to the top of the ladder, she was wobbly balanced at the railing- A leg dangling down at the side of the ladder. A few drops of water had splashed onto her shirt, causing a darker colour to bloom where they fell, but that didn't matter much- Just water. With pride she took a swig of said water.

"I am so awesome, I just climbed the ladder without my left hand-" With realisation of the condition of the water, she spat it out in a comical way; it sprayed from her mouth and over the scratchy blanket at the foot of the top-bunk's bed. Her balance was already treading on thin ice, now it had broken through the icy surface.

With an undignified yelp, she fell to the floor; her head hitting the floorboards with a rather loud thump. Pain shot through her skull, and dizziness began to take over.

"Freakin' bread burned at the stake- That hurt!" The words came out slowly, and a lisp seemed to edge its way in. Another realisation began to settle in, the world had fallen quiet- Too quiet. Where was the voice inside her head? The one that gave her advice, told her she was fat, claimed she was born to a llama- Maybe it wouldn't be missed much, but still!

'Hah, I'm still here, loser.'

A smile would've crept across her lips, if pain was a wrecking ball within the containment of her skull hadn't been destroying any sense of emotion than "Owies".

A hiss escaped through clenched teeth, but dizzying determination drove her on. She ignored the puddle and the glass scattered on her wooden floors, and she barely felt the few cuts that decorated her arm- Like a
star with a devilish intention- and clambered up the ladder and flopped onto the bed next to the book. The water that she spat out still remained, but it was of little concern to her.

With a heaving chest, tired limbs, and intrusive sense of pain ontop her head, she flipped open the picture-book, and began comparing memory-to-picture.

It hadn't taken her long to look through the book, and she was certain she had come to her answer. Aurelie is a succubus. Simple. Those mesmerising eyes, mystical abilities, slim and pale figure- And stupid face
baka! A succubus is a being that grants three wishes- Wait, no. Is a demon that is made for lovin', not for huggin', and is eeeeeeeeeeeeeevillllllll.

There were hours of night left, time to take a look at the town. There's still an event going on or something, chances are demons like to party too? Time to find out. In the book, the lore said a way to get rid of them was to throw white powder- The description probably described it, but reading was for losers, so she assumed it was flour.
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Hours before the festival started ----

The giant pudding stepped and it collapsed horribly from the foot and towards the body, completely dissolving its entirety. Sending sticky and sweet pieces all over Mika stood there with Lavender and Sera. He was so confused at what had transpired and a woman emerged together with 2 men. They were just like dark figures against the moon. He could not make out their faces, they were just silhouettes on top of carriage boxes.

"Intruders?" the lady shouted and eyed them intently.

"I remember the girls being on Fairy tail. I don't know the other guy." one of the men replied.

"Tsk, they disturbed and ruined my research." the girl said in agitation.

"Shall we take them down?" the guy said.

"No, let's leave them be. I'm not in the mood to fry some fairies. Let's go." the girl said before they vanished into thin air.

Mikael looked around but he can't feel the presence of any of them. "What did just happen?? What on earth was that all about?" he turned to the two mages with a question mark on his face.

After the long walk back ----

The festive mood wrapped Magnolia from inside out, smiles, laughter and alcohol were flowing everywhere. "What's happening?" Mika asked his companions.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98 (Lol, I didn't know how to get back so....ta-dah. hahaha )
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.c2f6454a50cad529c8db41b286a4792c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/original.png.c2f6454a50cad529c8db41b286a4792c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Square

A hooded figure walks towards Ferra and Talon all mysterious like with his l it's head down, immediately causing to think something is about to go down or something else. The figure stopped right in front of them lifting it's head up slowly. Ferra and Talon both could see that the hooded figure is actually Noah. He put his index finger to his mouth. Ssshhhh. I'm in hiding. @Mitchs98 @Talon



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Lavender Gray

"I do not know." Said lavender as she looked at the decorated magnolia "I do think another festival is starting." Her legs had been hurting from the large walk but she hasn't complained one bit. Their mission had been troublesome with this pudding monster, she even smelt like chocolate pudding and was quite sticky. The feeling of being sticky was really uncomfortable in so many ways. It felt like the body was trying to stick itself together "whatever may be going on, I do not plan to join until I take a nice hot bath. Being sticky does not agree with me." She giggled softly.

Surprisingly lavender had forgotten the jealousy she had been feeling against sera. But something still bugged her in the back corner of her mind. She had to get over it and accept it, even if it meant dropping the crush she had on him. Though, then again, these are just wondering thoughts and making lavender really think about it i may not even join the celebration if I am too exhausted. Too bad... I was looking forward to it. The warrior thought to herself as she turned her gaze to sera "I believe once we get in range of our homes, that is when we depart?"

@Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
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-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98ad0b18_BattosaiAngry2.jpg.c6a1072b41e0fc4a1ad7c934c260181f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98ad0b18_BattosaiAngry2.jpg.c6a1072b41e0fc4a1ad7c934c260181f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryu's normally relaxed expression was replaced with an uncharacteristic scowl as the wooden dragon spoke to him. "Be that as it may," he said, his voice dripping with exasperation. "It isn't exactly considered 'polite' to take chunks out of the table to use in such a frivolous manner, " The fact that the other mage used ice was one thing, he could abide that, but now the other was engaging in wanton destruction of property. Not to mention the fact that he had started to make bad puns. That was one of the things that the old Ryu, his Gokasai personality, hated the most, and it was threatening to drag his old self back into the open again. It had been several months since his last relapse, and he wanted it to stay that way. He gritted his teeth, managing, barely, to hold back his other self. "And finally, if I had wished to speak with you, I would have done so. However, I have no desire to speak with you if you continue to mangle semantics for you own perverse enjoyment,"



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Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

View attachment 273312

Ryu's normally relaxed expression was replaced with an uncharacteristic scowl as the wooden dragon spoke to him. "Be that as it may," he said, his voice dripping with exasperation. "It isn't exactly considered 'polite' to take chunks out of the table to use in such a frivolous manner. It is also quite hypocritical of you to lecture me on speaking directly, when you yourself are speaking by proxy," The fact that the other mage used ice was one thing, he could abide that, but now the other was engaging in wanton destruction of property. Not to mention the fact that he had started to make bad puns. That was one of the things that the old Ryu, his Gokasai personality, hated the most, and it was threatening to drag his old self back into the open again. It had been several months since his last relapse, and he wanted it to stay that way. He gritted his teeth, managing, barely, to hold back his other self. "And finally, if I had wished to speak with you, I would have done so. However, I have no desire to speak with you if you continue to mangle semantics for you own perverse enjoyment,"


((I forgot to fucking tag))

That night, Aurelie simply walked around with Alabaster, trying to ignore how touchy the girl was. She was weird, but Aurelie figured she would need to find a way to tolerate her antics for the time being. After all, it looked like they would be seeing a lot more of each other. They mostly just wandered the streets of the festival, simply trying to find something fun to do. It was just their luck that nothing of particular interest even happened. Aurelie was very anxious of the huge crowd, very much not used to the sheer density of people inhabiting the city at one particular moment. Everywhere they went, there was a wave of people ready to engulf her if she wasn't totally prepared. Within the hour, she had already become overwhelmed. She had to leave the city for a while.

She abruptly told Alabaster the story, not wanting to stay or explain longer than she had to. So she told the girl simply that she had to go and that she would see her the next day, offering almost no explanation otherwise. Wit h that, she pushed her way through the crowd of people, trying desperately to get away from it all. Eventually, she managed to push her way into an alley with minimal traffic. Perfect. It led her to a small dead end of an alley, but it didn't matter to her. She had just the opportunity to raise a portal and suck herself up into its embrace via demon farts, closing itself just after.

A few moments later, she found herself near the outskirts of the city, but in the nearby forest. It was such a relief to her that she had gotten away from all the anxiety and the people. With that, she slinked into the woods a little further so as to not be easily seen by random passersby.


The next day, she spent some time in the forest to regain a sense of solitude, mainly to prepare herself to go right back in to the city. That and she had to wait for the sun to be in the sky before she could do anything with the people. Throughout the day, she continued her investigations into the light world matters, going around inspecting things. There were still quite a few people, but it wasn't as overwhelming as before. With more confidence, she was able to successfully discover more things about the world, though nothing of huge significance.

However, around the time of the timeskip, she found that the sun was setting, and she knew exactly what that meant. She used another one of her portals to return right back to the forest so she could wait out the twilight hour without causing a disturbance. She knew she had to find a way to get this dumb side effect of her existence outside her own realm under control, as she couldn't comfortably live with the fear of her discovery. She hoped that, with time, she would get this under control and wouldn't have to worry about the time of day anymore. How would she explain her sudden disappearances to a bunch of people she was living with? She would have to think of something soon, as this wasn't going to cut it with them, or at least she surmised.

rbshinichi said:
Hours before the festival started ----
The giant pudding stepped and it collapsed horribly from the foot and towards the body, completely dissolving its entirety. Sending sticky and sweet pieces all over Mika stood there with Lavender and Sera. He was so confused at what had transpired and a woman emerged together with 2 men. They were just like dark figures against the moon. He could not make out their faces, they were just silhouettes on top of carriage boxes.

"Intruders?" the lady shouted and eyed them intently.

"I remember the girls being on Fairy tail. I don't know the other guy." one of the men replied.

"Tsk, they disturbed and ruined my research." the girl said in agitation.

"Shall we take them down?" the guy said.

"No, let's leave them be. I'm not in the mood to fry some fairies. Let's go." the girl said before they vanished into thin air.

Mikael looked around but he can't feel the presence of any of them. "What did just happen?? What on earth was that all about?" he turned to the two mages with a question mark on his face.

After the long walk back ----

The festive mood wrapped Magnolia from inside out, smiles, laughter and alcohol were flowing everywhere. "What's happening?" Mika asked his companions.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98 (Lol, I didn't know how to get back so....ta-dah. hahaha )
Sera: Magnolia Streets

The battle had been something. Or lack thereof. Really it was a giant pudding exploding everywhere the second it tried to move, covering everyone in the immediate vicinity in sticky pudding. It was, without a doubt, absolutely disgusting. She had pudding in places pudding should never exist. She'd simply shrugged at Mika's question and responded with a "
Dunno.". Really, it had to be the most messed up mission she'd ever been on in..ever. It was even stranger than when she fought in the tournament topless, really. It was a long walk back but soon enough they reached Magnolia. She nodded at Lavenders answer, "Half right. They're preparing for the parade later tonight. Last day of the festival and what not." She told them.

She chuckled and nodded in agreement with Lavender, "
Yeah. I'm definetely taking a nice hot shower and changing myself. Needless to say this isn't a nice feeling, at all. Plus people are staring." She told her, staring at the passerby that were currently looking at them like they were freaks. Sera stared intensely at a group before flicking a wing in their direction, covering them with the sticky pudding and laughing to herself briefly. She shrugged at Lavenders question. "I mean. Sure, if you want to. You're welcome to take a bath at my place, though clothes would be an issue I guess." She replied.

@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon

Ferra: Magnolia Square

While she waited on a response from Talon some weird freaky dude in a hood slowly made its way up to them. Of course she couldn't see their face, she just assumed by the way they were hunched they were both weird and freaky. She was immediately on guard as it made its way up to them, staring intensely at the figure she soon found out to be Noah. She sighed heavily and glared slightly up at him. "Don't do that! You scared me you know, I was about to beat you up. I woulda did it too." She told him somewhat angrilly. "Anyway, Master Lloyd is gunna be in a meeting for a while and I was just asking Talon if he wanted to look around at the decorations." She added before quickly asking "Wanna join us?"
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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

He watched in silence as the redhead took her leave, only allowing his gaze to drift back to his fellow guild master once she had departed. He was tempted to give the young girl a good lecture, finding the whole situation rather unacceptable. Nevertheless it was not his guild nor his place to speak up and so he held his tongue. Fortunately he did not have to hold it long as Master Kirby was quick to replace the redhead in the office. He offered the man a small nod as he and Ophelia introduced themselves to one another. At least one of these people had his respect and that should prove sufficient to get him through the meeting. He turned his gaze to the corner of the room as the final member of their meeting arrived out of the shadows. With everyone there he allowed the axe to dematerialize and made his way over to the desk, taking a seat before it.

"Now that we are all here let's get down to business." With that he turned his gaze on Valken. While he had a cursory idea of what this was about it was Valken that held the details. "Mr. Truss, if you would kindly share the information you have collected." As he spoke he gave the lad a nod to further signal him to begin.
Kayzo said:
Grace was having such a great day. She and Masaki got to spend the whole day together like a big innocent date. They got to eat lunch together, go sightseeing, shop around, participate in some of the festival activities, fun things like that. And although she wasn't constantly expressing it, the short girl was having an absolute blast. This'd be the last time she got to see Masaki for awhile, seeing as they'd have to go back to their respective guilds, and she wanted to do as much as she could with him. As the day went on Masaki and Grace wound up in a meadow behind his old home, sitting on a blanket under a big tree. Pretty cliche, I know. Her smaller frame was leaned up against his and her head rested on his shoulder. Glancing over at him, she grinned slightly and started to tease the S-Class Mage. "I still can't believe that you got beaten by a Fairy Tail wizard. A girl too! I'm sure that Guild Master BigMcLargeHuge isn't too happy about that!" She said, resting her hand on top of his. Grace had been giving him shit all day about it, and probably would for the rest of his life. "But at least you aren't crying about it..."


Hibiki Dreyar: Outside Kardia Cathedral.

After the events of yesterday's tournament, Lyra had collapsed after using her virus curse. Which he had told her not to use. Lyra knew the risks of using her curse and yet she still used it? No doubt her memory was going to wake even further now and the chance of her going into another frenzy was again, very high. The only issue with this however, was the fact that how serious her outburst could be was unknown. Heck, Hibiki didn't even know if she was going to do anything at all. With his hands in his pockets, Hibiki walked through the streets of Magnolia until he found himself outside Kardia Cathedral. Upon arriving he noticed Lyra leant up against a tree, obviously asleep. Hibiki was quick to go over to her and poke her slightly as if it was an attempt to wake her up, which it was. His purple eyes looking down towards her as he spoke softly, "Lyra? Why are you out here?" A sigh escaping his mouth as he did so.




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Adrian Bell, Fairy Tail Wizard

House --> Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Status: Fighting for his life.

Adrian had spent most of the day practicing his parade routine. There was no way he could do a job in under a day, and with the majority of the town shut down for the parade there wasn't anything else to do outside. His conscience was nagging him about not helping out with the parade, since he was going to be in it, but he hadn't gotten a chance to have some peace and quiet lately. The festival was fun for a while, but its charm wore off by the third day, just like the other two times he had been there.

His routine was rather elaborate: He would use small Arcane Barriers and several Arcane Rays to create a dazzling light show for the crowd. With the parade taking place at night this time, it would be sure to wow the audience. He had worked out the different shapes he would create for a while now. It would be spectacular.

But after the third hour of practice, he decided he would relax for a bit. He played some video games, watched some TV, and after getting dinner, figured he should start planning out what missions he would take after the festival was over. He might have been on holiday so far, but he knew that people sometimes posted jobs during the festival to guarantee that they would be taken immediately after the festival ended, since all the Fairy Tail wizards who hadn't already taken a job would immediately turn to the Job Board after three days of no income. Thus, it was a good idea to reserve a job just in case.

So at about 6:10 PM, he got dressed and headed to the Guild Hall after a quick meal. However, when he approached the building, he noticed that the air near a second-floor window shimmered, and the window opened and closed on its own! It was clear that someone was using a cloaking spell, but not one as good as Hidden, to sneak in. For what purpose, he had no idea. But it couldn't be good.

He knew that the window that closed led to a corridor near Ophelia's office (@Metaphysics

Ryu's conversation with Raa was interrupted by Adrian barreling through the room and taking the stairs to the second floor two at a time, an arcane sword forming in his right hand and an Arcane Ray forming in his left, an expression of determination on his face. Within five seconds, he had disappeared to the second floor. (OOC: If you two want to have your characters get curious and tag along, feel free to do so.)

As Adrian dashed to the corridor outside Ophelia's office, he found the same blurry shape hunched over near Ophelia's door. However, as Adrian's footsteps echoed down the corridor, the blur rose slightly. It seemed to notice him. Adrian noticed a glint, likely from a weapon, and hugged the wall, a wicked-looking knife blade shooting past him on a chain. The blade then curved around and flew at Adrian, who ducked. The blade buried itself in the wall. The figure made a show of tugging on the chain, prompting Adrian to shoot an Arcane Ray down the corridor while slicing the chain in two with his blade. The figure, however, opened up some kind of portal that absorbed the beam. It said in a man's voice, "Requip," before beginning to move towards Adrian at lightning speed, one dagger in each hand. Adrian summoned an arm shield and three barriers between himself and his foe. The enemy sliced through two of them, but the last one gave him some trouble as it was reinforced with Adrian's power. Adrian shot the reinforced barrier forward, knocking the man down the corridor and causing him to bounce and along the ground like a beach ball, past Ophelia's door, before barrel-rolling along the ground and sliding to a stop. The man got up, and Adrian felt something cold at his throat. Looking down, Adrian saw that a knife was floating in the air, pressed against his jugular vein but not breaking the skin. A bead of sweat dripped down Adrian's face knowing he was at the man's mercy now.

The man dispelled his cloaking magic, revealing Grimoire Heart's symbol on his right hand. The man was also wearing a black cloth mask that covered his mouth and nose, leaving only his green eyes exposed. He had messy brown hair. Otherwise, he was wearing a black waffle-weave shirt and blue jeans.

The man released a chuckle in his tenor voice. "You're probably a wizard of this guild, right?" he asked rhetorically. "Well, I'm having trouble breaking through this door, but you can help me with that!"


By now, the sounds of fighting could be heard loud and clear from the second floor. Just what was Adrian doing up there?
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Before Talon coul answer a hooded figure waked up to them. His body tensed in case the person meant trouble. It turned out to be Noah and Talon grinned. "Dude you are the most suspcious person here. Haha anyway want to come with us?¿?¿" He asked, echoing Ferras queston. @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98
Valken Truss - Fairytail Guild Hall - Second Level - Secret Meeting

Valken opened his eyes slowly, his face still serious and grave. It was unusual to see him this way, but really only Lloyd would know about his usual cheeky grin. Then again even Lloyd seemed to be stiff and tense, as the matters they were going to discuss were anything but good.

Valken unfolded his arms and stepped forward, as he waved a chair for Master Lloyd Kirby to sit down while he slid out a chair for Master Ophelia Kaiser to sit down in. Almost gentlemanly.

Once all three were seated comfortably, he took to the head of the table still standing and pulled out a bundle of patchments and documents wrapped up in a roll with cord from inside his vest. He wordlessly uncorded it, and rolled them out, splayed against the table before all three. The biggest parchment was a world map with hand written scribbles and circles, mostly arrows from the continent to the West aiming straight for Fiore. He pulled out the scrumpled note with a handwritten letter from Lucian Grey to the the West and handed it to Ophelia. A second letter from Grey to his Chief Commander detailing his very specific details of plants and bribes to sway important seats in the Magic Council. This he handed to Gilad. He haunched over the table and map taking a deep breath in.

"Before the incident at Malina, I was doing some routine Intellegence work for a high end Magic Council member. He had suspicions of a corruption sweeping through, decisions that would never have been even considered now blataly being accepted by majority vote. So I did some background checks..."

He paused and straightened as he crossed his arms, expression none to pleased. "We are aware that Lucian Grey is head of the Dark Guild Grimore Heart, who being a Dark Guild always wanted more power, more dominance over the Light Guilds. But this is far worse then anyone predicted."

"Lucian Grey has agent's literally everywhere. Since Malina I have been unable to find any information on his whereabouts but his motives and plans have already been set in motion without the need to have him lead as such it seems... His Guild has corrupted a huge portion of the Magical Council, but even more frightening he has contacted the West as an ally and trading partner." His gaze drifting to Lloyd momentarily.

"If he gains the Western Dictatorship as an ally he has untapped wealth and Military support at his disposal. And with the Magical Council being corrupted we are indeed in hot water..."

Valken took a breath outward. "As of yet I have heard of no involvement of the Monarchy however Master Grey has accumilated a small fortune due to fruitful if not slightly underground schemes, meaning it would not be hard for him to blackmail the nobles into joining his cause. That leaves our Light Guilds the only comfortable force to resist him.... and I don't know about you three, but our Guild's are fairly bleak when compared to the threat of the Magic Council, Monarchy and an invasion from the West..."

He paused again to let that sink in before turning his head to Lloyd. "Perhaps, Master Kirby, you could enlighten the other's on how serious a threat of invasion from the West is..."

@HuorSpinks @Salt Lord
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Noah shrugged his shoulders and takes off the cloak. His hair turn fro purple to white. Yeah, I guess I'll walk around with y'all. And since I'm the most suspicious one here I changed my appearance. Will this be more acceptable?? He asked pointing to his hair. @Mitchs98 @Talon
Mika's nose adapted to the overly sweet scent covering his body. His clothes were sticky and was practically edible at the moment. He listened quietly as the ladies speak of a wonderful thing called bath. He would like to get in one at that instant. His eyes wondered from Lavender to Sera and then back and forth. "Uhm, pardon my rudeness, but I would like to use a bath too. Would you be so kind to ..." he was fidgeting at the embarrassment, "...lending me a bath room?" he said looking down.

Lavender Gray

Lavender shook her head at Sera "No thank you. I have my own at home." she smiled softly before turning her head towards Mika who seemed to be shy about asking a bath as well "Please! Do not be embarassed. I would gladly let you use my own, though I recall that you were staying with Se..." her words seemed to drop off as she remembered why she had been upset earlier. Mika had been staying with sera. Before anyone could grasp onto what happened, she finished "Sera in her home." she said with a warm smile, trying to hide the fact that she was jealous. I must keep calm and get home to relax. Such a small thing is bothering me so..
Talon said:
Before Talon coul answer a hooded figure waked up to them. His body tensed in case the person meant trouble. It turned out to be Noah and Talon grinned. "Dude you are the most suspcious person here. Haha anyway want to come with us?¿?¿" He asked, echoing Ferras queston. @Britt\-21
Lavender Gray
Lavender shook her head at Sera "No thank you. I have my own at home." she smiled softly before turning her head towards Mika who seemed to be shy about asking a bath as well "Please! Do not be embarassed. I would gladly let you use my own, though I recall that you were staying with Se..." her words seemed to drop off as she remembered why she had been upset earlier. Mika had been staying with sera. Before anyone could grasp onto what happened, she finished "Sera in her home." she said with a warm smile, trying to hide the fact that she was jealous. I must keep calm and get home to relax. Such a small thing is bothering me so..

Sera: Magnolia Streets

Sera shrugged and smiled at Lavenders' response, "
Anytime." She replied She then looked to Mika and arched a brow, an amused grin replacing her smile as he nervously asked about using her bathroom. She found how he got embarrassed over the most random things kind of cute really. Like, c'mon. He was already her house guest, why would he need to even ask that? What was even more amusing was Lavenders' response, though Sera wasn't entirely sure she couldn't help but think she was somewhat jealous of that fact. Being a vampire you picked up on human tendencies over the years, it wasn't exactly exact by any means, but it helped you guess.

Of course you can. You're staying with me until we can get you a place to stay, after all. You didn't really even have to ask." She replied with a small shrug of indifference. "Though, if you want to take Lavender up on her offer you can too. Either way, I'm taking a shower myself soo." She added, shrugging lightly once more.
Mikael smiled at Sera's response and Lavender's comment though he felt there was something still bothering Lavender. He could guess what it was but he wasn't the type to expect and keep his hopes up for no reason at all. After all, it was expecting that makes human minds messed up, that he learned for years of living with them. Expectations kill all common sense.

"Thank you Sera, we shall get there quick though. I'm quite intrigued about all these festivities. The people looked so happy and the atmosphere here is uplifting, I would like to get the feel of it and have some walk around." Mikael then turned to Lavender, "would you be in any case free afterwards? I would be pretty glad if you join us."

Lavender Gray

Lavender smiled softly and gently shook her head "I do not think I will join you afterwards.." she said before adding "I would not want to be the third wheel.." once she realized what she said, it had been too late to take back those words. Her golden eyes widen as she lifted her hand to her mouth "My greatest apologies, I've never said something so rude as this before! I will take my leave." before anyone could protest, she turned and headed towards her home How could I have said such horrible words. I should not be so worried over Sera and Mika. THey are both vampires, yes, but I should not have said that i'd be a third wheel... This drama has gotten my head all messed up. I need to stop this nonsense!

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