Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Metaphysics said:
"I second that..." She said dizzily, her arm raising up pathetically in agreement before it wilted away in tiredness. She took a few moments too catch her breath before starting too stand. "So..." She asked quietly. "What happens now?" She asked as she took her seat next to Ophelia.
Ophelia shrugged as she continued to watch the fight between the remaining contestants. "I really wanna go back to Mizuki's, but I need to stay here and wait for the round to end, then congratulate Lyra if she wins, the go back to the Guild Hall to get in some work... Guild Masters are pretty busy people, and as much as I'd like to just not, I think I've done enough roaming around for today."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia shrugged as she continued to watch the fight between the remaining contestants. "I really wanna go back to Mizuki's, but I need to stay here and wait for the round to end, then congratulate Lyra if she wins, the go back to the Guild Hall to get in some work... Guild Masters are pretty busy people, and as much as I'd like to just not, I think I've done enough roaming around for today."


"...umm...Ophelia?" She asked cautiously. She slowly looked around to see if Raa was near. Noting that he was not she took a deep breath and steeled herself for the next question. "H-How does someone...let's say...me...join a guild?" She asked hesitantly. She was tired of camping out every night, always being on the road, never staying in a town for far too long, not making friends. Now that she made a friend in Ophelia she didn't want to leave her.
Metaphysics said:
"...umm...Ophelia?" She asked cautiously. She slowly looked around to see if Raa was near. Noting that he was not she took a deep breath and steeled herself for the next question. "H-How does someone...let's say...me...join a guild?" She asked hesitantly. She was tired of camping out every night, always being on the road, never staying in a town for far too long, not making friends. Now that she made a friend in Ophelia she didn't want to leave her.
Ophelia looked rather surprised at the sudden question, but was hoping it had risen because Niur wanted to join her guild. "Well, each guild kinda has its own rules for newcomers. A guild like Sabertooth I'd have to say is a bit more strict, while one like Lamia Scale is actually really lax with its members. As for us, as long as you can kill monsters and aren't a total ass, you're in. Why do you ask?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia looked rather surprised at the sudden question, but was hoping it had risen because Niur wanted to join her guild. "Well, each guild kinda has its own rules for newcomers. A guild like Sabertooth I'd have to say is a bit more strict, while one like Lamia Scale is actually really lax with its members. As for us, as long as you can kill monsters and aren't a total ass, you're in. Why do you ask?"


"I...I..." She mumbled out quietly as she looked at the ground. "I'M TIRED OF BEING ON THE ROAD!" She finally revealed. "I want friends to be with, a warm home where I don't have to worry about a snake slithering into my tent!" She bawled out as she clung onto Ophelia tightly. "I don' wanna stray away from you guys..." She mumbled pleadingly.
Metaphysics said:

"I...I..." She mumbled out quietly as she looked at the ground. "I'M TIRED OF BEING ON THE ROAD!" She finally revealed. "I want friends to be with, a warm home where I don't have to worry about a snake slithering into my tent!" She bawled out as she clung onto Ophelia tightly. "I don' wanna stray away from you guys..." She mumbled pleadingly.
This must have been what Niur meant when she said she's be leaving earlier! She was always travelling! But she made land travel sound not appealing at all... "It's fine," Ophelia said happily, her own arm around Niur's shoulders, "You can stay here in Magnolia all you like! I don't see why you couldn't!" Of course, it probably had something to do with that guy she fought earlier today, who used puns even worse than his companion did herself, but she'd only confirm that if Niur decided to speak up.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]This must have been what Niur meant when she said she's be leaving earlier! She was always travelling! But she made land travel sound not appealing at all... "It's fine," Ophelia said happily, her own arm around Niur's shoulders, "You can stay here in Magnolia all you like! I don't see why you couldn't!" Of course, it probably had something to do with that guy she fought earlier today, who used puns even worse than his companion did herself, but she'd only confirm that if Niur decided to speak up.


"T-thank you..." She mumbled out. "Can I join your guild?" She asked as she wiped away her tears. "I'm gonna ask Raa to stay as well..." She added. "He's always there when I need him and he took me in when...when my parents were killed in front of me..." She whispered. "He's always running and hiding away from guilds...I wanna give him this chance."
Metaphysics said:
"T-thank you..." She mumbled out. "Can I join your guild?" She asked as she wiped away her tears. "I'm gonna ask Raa to stay as well..." She added. "He's always there when I need him and he took me in when...when my parents were killed in front of me..." She whispered. "He's always running and hiding away from guilds...I wanna give him this chance."
Ophelia could only assume the man's name was Raa, as that was who Niur seemed to call him, but she wasn't too sure about letting him in. The girl was okay, but he was a no. "Sure, I'll accept you, but this 'Raa' kinda tried to kill a few people earlier, including me. I can't say we're on very good terms." And was she wrong? Not to mention Fairy Tail alone destroyed Magnolia daily just on quests; the last thing she needed being destroying Magnolia daily because of fighting.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia could only assume the man's name was Raa, as that was who Niur seemed to call him, but she wasn't too sure about letting him in. The girl was okay, but he was a no. "Sure, I'll accept you, but this 'Raa' kinda tried to kill a few people earlier, including me. I can't say we're on very good terms." And was she wrong? Not to mention Fairy Tail alone destroyed Magnolia daily just on quests; the last thing she needed being destroying Magnolia daily because of fighting.


"What? No, Raa wouldn't kill anyone, he promised me he'd never kill." She defended. "Wait...I know what's going on!" She suddenly realized as she pulled back. "I think Raa has a minor curse that attracts misfortune, maybe the entire thing was a misunderstanding between the two of you?" She questioned her. "Besides, he's very good with repairs, no matter the damage or the amount he fixes it quickly and only asks for necessities in return."
Metaphysics said:
Alabaster Bal Magna - Hmm...

"Well...that's really up to Gilad isn't it..." She said before leaning over to Gilad's ear and whispering at him. "I really like this girl so please give her a chance." She whispered subtly before pulling away with a smile that promised...things... "So, what's your name by the way? I'm Alabaster." She introduced herself to the girl with a slight bow @Colt556 @Kazehana
Kazehana said:

She nodded to Alabaster and was about to say something before this Gilad person spoke up. He seemed super serious about it, and she wasn't sure how to take that. This whole guild thingy sounded rather stressful to her, but then again, there wasn't much for her to be stressed over. Perhaps they were offering for her to join since they wanted her to be their friend. Does that mean guilds are fancy names for friend groups? If that were the case, this sounded like an intense friend group! "Uhm, I- I want to, I really do... But I don't really know anything about it, and I don't want to join without knowing everything there is to know. Would I be able to.. observe?" she asked, looking at him with questioning eyes. While it did sound like fun, she didn't actually know what it entailed. She figured that perhaps it would be better to see it for herself than to base it off of her imagination. But to her it sounded a lot like what she did in the twilight, except with different light people and different power thingies. She liked to help other people reach their potential, but she couldn't really help them if they weren't in tune with the twilight like she was. And as far as she knew, people from this realm simply didn't possess that power. "A-and would you be okay with having someone a little... different?" she added in a small voice. She didn't want to bring it up, but it was better if her new friends found out earlier rather than later, right? It seemed a little like lying to keep it from them, and to be honest, she really didn't like lying. She shuffled nervously as she awaited his answer, as both were quite important for this sort of negotiation.

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

He cast a quick glance at Alabaster as she made her request. It seemed she had taken an interest in the girl, although he wasn't entirely sure if the reason for it was good or not. Unfortunately for her acceptance into Sabertooth relied exclusively on the applicants own skill and he wasn't about to change that now. He turned his attention back to the other girl as she spoke up. It was obvious she was interested, but his little speech seemed to put her off. If she was put on the defensive over something like that he doubted very much she would be able to get into Sabertooth, however he saw no harm in granting her request. Joining a guild was typically a long-lasting decision and not something to be made lightly so the girl did regain some ground in his eyes by wanting to observe and ensure it was right for her. "I see no harm in allowing you to observe if that is what you wish." His interest was piqued slightly as she seemed to imply she was different. Given her apparent foreigner status he wondered if perhaps she thought she was unique in having take-over magic. "Being different doesn't matter. When it comes to magic you would be hard pressed to find two people who are the same after all."
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She looked up at the man and gave a solemn nod. She glanced at Alabaster before realizing that she had never told them anything about them, yet she knew both of their names by this point. How rude of her! "Well uhm... my name is Aurelie. Enchanté," she spoke up. By now it had occurred to her that no one else really knew anything about her, let alone her name. Hopefully that was a good thing considering she wouldn't have a reputation. She considered for a moment what sort of information they expected her to disseminate, but decided that it was probably best to not talk about it if she didn't have to. After all, it was a weird concept to explain, and she didn't know if it would exist in this realm. After all, the few people she'd done it around seemed less than casual about the situation. Did that make her a bizarre entity in this realm? She shoved the idea from her mind, as it was distracting her from the now. Instead, she offered up a weak smile, trying to pretend like she was blissfully thinking about nothing in particular. "I would be happy to join if it seems fun," she said, hoping she chose her words correctly. After all, why would she do something that isn't enjoyable? She just hoped it was, as these people seemed like fun. plus it would be just like home, or so she thought in that little imagination of hers. And that sense of community was better than wandering on her own.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Tournament Ring

The shock waves kept up as they were released from her mouth, cascading down upon him wave after wave. As he dodged fluidly it only led her to slightly turn her angle and continue the barrage from the sky, destroying the crystals that were sent in an attempt to shackle or maim her delicate yet demonic body. Shards however ended up embedding themselves into her wings from behind as they protectively tried to curl and flap at an intense speed to hopefully maintain being airborne which didn't work out exactly as planned. He surely was an S-Class, his destructive power was extremely high and even with the resistances she held against his particular magic with the chameleon ability it certainly still stung and hurt like hell. It took a lot to not go crashing down into the ground as she allowed herself to cut the shrieking attack and lower herself at a slow pace, feet planting themselves into the dirt. Her scythe swung itself across the space before her at an arc, dark energy releasing itself from her clawed fingertips to track him down at different angles. The beams themselves were honing and if he tried to stop them with crystal he'd be surely disappointed as they were strong enough to pierce practically any defense, and with nowhere to run as they'd track him down it would surely be interesting to watch him try to do damage control from this one. They alone wouldn't be enough to do him in though and she knew this, even if he did take the full brunt of the attack.

Her right arm remained limp and mutilated at her side, fingers twitching ever so slightly as blood trailed off each claw to drip onto the ground in a rhythmic manner to pool itself there. Each drop was heard as a tranquil water drop into a pond, echoing slightly, the sound mesmerizing her into a calm and lulled state. The arm itself seemed to be out of the fight, unable to even be lifted and this disadvantage along with the slightly torn wings were causing her thoughts to wander, the reality of having to succumb to using a different magic for this fight becoming the only choice she seemed to have. Yellow hues scanned the crowd and rested momentarily on Hibiki, lips curving into an almost apologetic yet sinister smile as she turned to drown him out and get him out of her direct peripherals. She felt guilty enough and he surely wouldn't approve of the turn that the battle would take next. " I'll never forget the looks they all gave me. " Lyra's eyes scanned the crowd, the sounds of their cheering not registering anymore as she'd taken to drowning it out.
Always with the drowning things out.. Always. The scythe soon found itself embedded into the ground, handle sticking up as the take over was released over the fraction of a few seconds, eyes returning to their purple pastel color. " Thank you for playing with me, Masaki, you're one of the strongest I've had the honor to face. Kudos for the fascinating show! " She bowed then, head tilting further downwards as her hat tipped off its once secure place atop her silver locks to fall slowly to her feet. As she raised her head, a rather large sadistic smile was plastered upon her face, stretching so far she almost seemed manic. It was in that instant that her eyes fell upon him and the pain immediately began to take root as the virus spread within his body to tighten around and attack his brain, using the same cheap tactic she had used to win against Mizuki.
Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament, FFA Ring.

Masaki smiled slightly when his attacks hit the demon, tearing through her wings with relative ease. However the shockwaves that the woman was capable of producing managed to shatter through half of his crystal chains and reduce them to nothing - something Masaki admittedly wasn't expecting. However, what happened next really did catch him off guard. Lyra had completely reverted out of her Satan Soul form and stood there clad in her pretty white gown, her long hair returning back to its normal appearance as she then began to speak. Truth be told, Masaki had a feeling that this was going to happen. After piecing everything together the S-Class came to realise that she couldn't use her Virus Curse within her Satan Soul state. Which surprised him, since demons utilise curse power as their form of magic. And as a Satan Soul user she obviously possessed the Demon Factor, so really using it should be second nature to her. Oh well, that wasn't the point. After the woman complimented him on his strength, an agonising pain seeped into his body, causing Masaki to fall to the ground in pain. "Damn... So this is your curse?...." The pain worsened, and Masaki let out a cry of pain as he slowly lost consciousness. Falling to the ground in a heap, the unconscious Masaki laid there in the middle of the ring. Any crystal shards that had embedded themselves into the floor vanished in a stream of magical particles. Lyra had won the match. Lyra was victorious.
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Metaphysics said:
"What? No, Raa wouldn't kill anyone, he promised me he'd never kill." She defended. "Wait...I know what's going on!" She suddenly realized as she pulled back. "I think Raa has a minor curse that attracts misfortune, maybe the entire thing was a misunderstanding between the two of you?" She questioned her. "Besides, he's very good with repairs, no matter the damage or the amount he fixes it quickly and only asks for necessities in return."
Ophelia would roll her eyes at the whole curse thing. If that were true, why would he retaliate and not just run away? Well, it had to be worth it to let Niur in... "Fine. I guess I can accept him too. But I'm kicking him out with a train to the spine if he causes any trouble towards anyone within Fairy Tail." It sounded rather harsh, but she needed to hit something with a train, and this 'Raa' would be a perfect reason should he start anything.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia would roll her eyes at the whole curse thing. If that were true, why would he retaliate and not just run away? Well, it had to be worth it to let Niur in... "Fine. I guess I can accept him too. But I'm kicking him out with a train to the spine if he causes any trouble towards anyone within Fairy Tail." It sounded rather harsh, but she needed to hit something with a train, and this 'Raa' would be a perfect reason should he start anything.


"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She cheered as she hugged her again in thanks. "I promise you won't regret this and I promise I'll make him promise to behave." She added rapidly as she pulled away with a smile. "So, how do we join?" She asked excitedly. Ruin scoffed from inside her psyche.
Lysander Connell: Magnolia Streets

"I'd like that," he replied softly, with a shy smile directed at her. He followed behind her, his hand gently clasping hers, relishing the feel of her hand in his. It was such a beautiful day, and he was very certain that the night would only end well, or at least on a more positive note. He allowed himself to gaze in wonder at the sights and sounds of the festivals, the bright lights, now all the more obvious due to the darkness encroaching the city, the sounds of laughter, yells, singing and music, the smell of food roasting, baking or frying. The temperature was just right, he was not even sweating under his poncho, and there was a gentle breeze in the air. The smell of food was getting to him; he had barely eaten other than breakfast that felt like years ago and Maya's bread.

"A snack sounds like a good idea," he said in response, eyeing the pastries on display. Already he could feel himself salivating, which was somewhat embarrassing. He was certainly feeling his hunger now. He reached for his jewel pouch which he kept slung on his belt, directly behind one of his guns, but stopped at Sora's insistence in paying for their pastries. He would not argue with her; he did not want to create a scene in front of everyone, even though he dearly wanted to treat her. He had not gotten to treat her as he had wished due to her collapse at the milkshake shop. He would have to find some way of treating her then. The next one was on him, and he was going to be more insistent on that. "Thank you, Sora," he said finally, turning to her, his face breaking into a grateful smile. "I'd like that one then," he said, pointing to a delectable looking blueberry turnover with his other hand, still extremely reluctant to let go of Sora's hand. Puff pastry dusted with icing sugar, with an ample amount of steamed blueberry jam trailing out from the sides. It was such a pretty pastry; it seemed almost regretful to eat it.

Kazehana said:

She looked up at the man and gave a solemn nod. She glanced at Alabaster before realizing that she had never told them anything about them, yet she knew both of their names by this point. How rude of her! "Well uhm... my name is Aurelie. Enchanté," she spoke up. By now it had occurred to her that no one else really knew anything about her, let alone her name. Hopefully that was a good thing considering she wouldn't have a reputation. She considered for a moment what sort of information they expected her to disseminate, but decided that it was probably best to not talk about it if she didn't have to. After all, it was a weird concept to explain, and she didn't know if it would exist in this realm. After all, the few people she'd done it around seemed less than casual about the situation. Did that make her a bizarre entity in this realm? She shoved the idea from her mind, as it was distracting her from the now. Instead, she offered up a weak smile, trying to pretend like she was blissfully thinking about nothing in particular. "I would be happy to join if it seems fun," she said, hoping she chose her words correctly. After all, why would she do something that isn't enjoyable? She just hoped it was, as these people seemed like fun. plus it would be just like home, or so she thought in that little imagination of hers. And that sense of community was better than wandering on her own.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

He cast a quick glance at Alabaster as she made her request. It seemed she had taken an interest in the girl, although he wasn't entirely sure if the reason for it was good or not. Unfortunately for her acceptance into Sabertooth relied exclusively on the applicants own skill and he wasn't about to change that now. He turned his attention back to the other girl as she spoke up. It was obvious she was interested, but his little speech seemed to put her off. If she was put on the defensive over something like that he doubted very much she would be able to get into Sabertooth, however he saw no harm in granting her request. Joining a guild was typically a long-lasting decision and not something to be made lightly so the girl did regain some ground in his eyes by wanting to observe and ensure it was right for her. "I see no harm in allowing you to observe if that is what you wish." His interest was piqued slightly as she seemed to imply she was different. Given her apparent foreigner status he wondered if perhaps she thought she was unique in having take-over magic. "Being different doesn't matter. When it comes to magic you would be hard pressed to find two people who are the same after all."
Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindrapist Mindrazer

"Well, unless you can copy magic in which case meh." Alabaster spoke up as she put her hand on her chin in thought. "Aurelie huh, that's a cool name. Now then!" She suddenly shifted tones. "I have to warn you right of the bat..." She started before bringing her in into an affectionate hug of affectionate friendliness, the type of friendliness that gives affectionate hugs of affectionate friendliness. "With you there, it's going to be super fun. Our guild is full of strong people. I have a feeling that you're strong too."
@Wyatt @Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Kayzo @The Dinkster @femjapanriceball @Britt-21 @Genon @The Otaku Diaries

Timeskip Info

With both Alicia and Masaki of Sabertooth out of the fight Lyra was declared the winner and summarily awarded the prize money to do with what they wished. Spectators were ushered back to wherever they may be staying and everything was slowly cleared out and moved off to the side for the parade that would come the following day. Once everything calmed down and people went to their various residences members of Fairy Tail and citizens of Magnolia set to work arranging things, partioning off areas, and further decorating the town with lanterns and such meant to make the night time festivities all the better.

The following day came, and everyone was still at work making sure everything was just right. As time went by preparations were slowly coming to a close. The parade is meant to begin within four hours at 10 PM, the current time being 6 PM. For the Masters of Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, and Lamia Scale a meeting was in order before they could attend. Regardless of such, everyone was preparing for what is considered the best, and final, day of the festival.

Ophelia - Fairy Tail Guild Hall; Second Floor
Ophelia was more than happy to know that a member of her guild had won the tournament so easily and had planned on congratulating her when she got the chance, even if she was still a little disappointed Alicia had lost. But right now, she had to focus on this meeting, and it appeared she was the first one there, sitting at the desk of her organized office (cleaned only to please Gilad and Lloyd) and waiting for the other Guild Masters to arrive. Right now she didn't want to think about Grimoire Heart and how dangerous it could be, but whether she put it off for the meeting didn't matter; she'd have to discuss it either way. Maybe becoming a Guild Master wasn't the smartest decision...? If she had stayed an S-Class, she wouldn't have to worry about any of this... probably. Well, there was nothing she could do about it but wait and see what was to happen. At least she could take comfort in the thought that Gilad and Lloyd were just as apprehensive.


Grace was having such a great day. She and Masaki got to spend the whole day together like a big innocent date. They got to eat lunch together, go sightseeing, shop around, participate in some of the festival activities, fun things like that. And although she wasn't constantly expressing it, the short girl was having an absolute blast. This'd be the last time she got to see Masaki for awhile, seeing as they'd have to go back to their respective guilds, and she wanted to do as much as she could with him. As the day went on Masaki and Grace wound up in a meadow behind his old home, sitting on a blanket under a big tree. Pretty cliche, I know. Her smaller frame was leaned up against his and her head rested on his shoulder. Glancing over at him, she grinned slightly and started to tease the S-Class Mage. "I still can't believe that you got beaten by a Fairy Tail wizard. A girl too! I'm sure that Guild Master BigMcLargeHuge isn't too happy about that!" She said, resting her hand on top of his. Grace had been giving him shit all day about it, and probably would for the rest of his life. "But at least you aren't crying about it..."

@LeSoraAmari (I'll post Miuki really soon. I promise)
Metaphysics said:
Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindrapist Mindrazer

"Well, unless you can copy magic in which case meh." Alabaster spoke up as she put her hand on her chin in thought. "Aurelie huh, that's a cool name. Now then!" She suddenly shifted tones. "I have to warn you right of the bat..." She started before bringing her in into an affectionate hug of affectionate friendliness, the type of friendliness that gives affectionate hugs of affectionate friendliness. "With you there, it's going to be super fun. Our guild is full of strong people. I have a feeling that you're strong too."
Kazehana said:

She looked up at the man and gave a solemn nod. She glanced at Alabaster before realizing that she had never told them anything about them, yet she knew both of their names by this point. How rude of her! "Well uhm... my name is Aurelie. Enchanté," she spoke up. By now it had occurred to her that no one else really knew anything about her, let alone her name. Hopefully that was a good thing considering she wouldn't have a reputation. She considered for a moment what sort of information they expected her to disseminate, but decided that it was probably best to not talk about it if she didn't have to. After all, it was a weird concept to explain, and she didn't know if it would exist in this realm. After all, the few people she'd done it around seemed less than casual about the situation. Did that make her a bizarre entity in this realm? She shoved the idea from her mind, as it was distracting her from the now. Instead, she offered up a weak smile, trying to pretend like she was blissfully thinking about nothing in particular. "I would be happy to join if it seems fun," she said, hoping she chose her words correctly. After all, why would she do something that isn't enjoyable? She just hoped it was, as these people seemed like fun. plus it would be just like home, or so she thought in that little imagination of hers. And that sense of community was better than wandering on her own.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

As the girl introduced herself he gave a nod before bringing his arm over his chest and offering her a slight bow. "Gilad Arcturus of Sabertooth. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He stood back straight and allowed his arm to fall back to his side, looking down at Alabaster while gesturing to her with his hand. "And she is Alabaster Bal Magna, a member of Sabertooth." Even though the girl knew both of their first names proper introductions were always in order. With their introductions out of the way he gave a quick look around before focusing his attention back on the girl. "Unfortunately my free time for the night has come to an end so I must take my leave. I'm sure Alabaster will be more than willing to guide you around should you need it." He took a step back and offered them both a quick bow before turning to make his leave. "We will be heading back to our home town after tomorrow, Ms. Enchante, so if you still wish to observe our guild you would have to come with us." With that he made his way through the crowd, seeming somewhat more hurried than before as he walked in a fairly brisk pace.

She was more or less bewildered when the girl hugged her despite her knowing that this was inappropriate. It also felt a little weird, but she didn't exactly want to just blurt that out. After all, it looked like she was going to be seeing her a lot. She listened to Gilad's spiel about random shenanigans before he abruptly made his leave. "Oh but that wasn't..." she started before he was gone, but it was too late, "part of my name... Great." Now that she was stuck with Ms. Clingy, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. What was wrong with the people around here? "Uhm, so... yeah..." she said, carefully prying the girl off of her so she wouldn't be subject to her weird affections. "Anyway, I'm assuming we need to go somewhere now?" she asked, a bit more comfortable now that she wasn't being touched. (Feel free to reply to this then timeskip)

Clair had been practicing her parade routine for a good few hours now and was quite happy now that she had the armor to go with it. She had Asked her grandmother to ship her a very special set of armor a few weeks ahead of time and it had arrived late last night along with a message. Clair was admittedly more excited about the message than the armor arriving on time and when she read it , she became quite ecstatic.You see the message was , for the most part , filled with information about how Clair's family was doing and what was going on back home , however the part that got her ecstatic was the part that informed her that her grandmother would in fact be attending the parade.

Now you should also know it was around now that Clair came to the realization that the parade would have to be on par with the one's her Grandmother had been apart of ! This was slightly off putting at first but she soon realized that there was no point in worrying about such things now , and so she reequipped back into her normal clothing and made her way down to the guild hall to inform the new guild master of this news.

Clair had spent a few minutes outside the hall , inspecting the artwork involved in the floats , before making her way inside and upstairs. Clair knocked on the guild masters door and awaited a response. This would be her first time meeting the new master as she had joined when Clair was away on her 'adventure' , what was the new master like ? "Well she can't possibly be as bad as the blind pipsqueak..." she laughed to herself.

@Salt Lord
@Salt Lord[/URL]
Ophelia looked up when she heard a knock on her door. Finally, one of the old goons had arrived... How long had she waited? Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? .... That wasn't much time when she stopped to think about it. Maybe she was just getting impatient? "Come in!" she shouted cheerfully, expecting Gilad's armored self to walk in with a grim face. He was always grim, wasn't he...? Well, at least now he had a reason.
Clair's mouth flew open when she entered the room. Not only had the office had a complete transformation but the new guild master was , yet again, another child ! She quickly recompose herself and took a seat opposite the guild master an offered her hand "Clair , Clair Fernandez. Nice to finally meet you"

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia had woken up for approximately the time it took to get to the apartment, maybe a few minutes later to move to pass out on the bed. Whether or not she was moved wasn't her concern, she was absolutely exhausted after everything that'd went down. She was a bit depressed she was taken out so quickly and really hoped Gilad wouldn't be mad at her, but she didn't have much time to think about it due to sleep. Sleep pretty much trumped everything. If she wasn't moved at all during the night she slept comfortably while gently clinging to Mizuki. If she was she'd slept sprawled out wherever she was put. Infact she slept the entire day, only just now stirring awake. She wasn't sure what time it was, though it was certain she was in the apartment and Alfie and Mizuki were still there. She looked around the room with half open eyes before finally deciding to hold up, yawning and stretching cutely as she did so.

She took a moment to get used to being awake before turning to the others with a smile on her face. "Morning Alfie, Morning Mizuki." She told them cheerfully, moving to cross her legs. She glanced out the window and blinked, noticing it was dark outside. Either she woke up early or she'd slept all day. Either one was very possible, as she's done both on multiple occassions. "What time is it?" She asked them with a slightly confused look on her face.
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair's mouth flew open when she entered the room. Not only had the office had a complete transformation but the new guild master was , yet again, another child ! She quickly recompose herself and took a seat opposite the guild master an offered her hand "Clair , Clair Fernandez. Nice to finally meet you"

Ophelia suspiciously stared Clair down before hesitantly shaking her hand. This certainly wasn't one of the old men she was expecting, and it was rather odd she introduced herself before being asked. From the look on her face, she assumed this 'Clair' underestimated her greatly. She'd show her that she wasn't one to be put down... "Ophelia. Um, excuse me, but I'm kinda about to have a meeting. Would you mind leaving for a bit...? Or a few hours? I promise we can get to know each other later."

Mitchs98 said:
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia had woken up for approximately the time it took to get to the apartment, maybe a few minutes later to move to pass out on the bed. Whether or not she was moved wasn't her concern, she was absolutely exhausted after everything that'd went down. She was a bit depressed she was taken out so quickly and really hoped Gilad wouldn't be mad at her, but she didn't have much time to think about it due to sleep. Sleep pretty much trumped everything. If she wasn't moved at all during the night she slept comfortably while gently clinging to Mizuki. If she was she'd slept sprawled out wherever she was put. Infact she slept the entire day, only just now stirring awake. She wasn't sure what time it was, though it was certain she was in the apartment and Alfie and Mizuki were still there. She looked around the room with half open eyes before finally deciding to hold up, yawning and stretching cutely as she did so.

She took a moment to get used to being awake before turning to the others with a smile on her face. "Morning Alfie, Morning Mizuki." She told them cheerfully, moving to cross her legs. She glanced out the window and blinked, noticing it was dark outside. Either she woke up early or she'd slept all day. Either one was very possible, as she's done both on multiple occassions. "What time is it?" She asked them with a slightly confused look on her face.
Alfie turned his head and smiled when Alicia finally woke up, the girl not having a clue what time it was. He didn't have the heart to tell her he had slept through most of the day, but he felt he had no other choice than to do so. At least there was the chance in her being happy she didn't have to wait much longer for the parade, right? "Six in the evening," he said simply, hoping Mizuki wouldn't be mad at him for answering first. He was rather paranoid for all the wrong reasons... odd.

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