Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Clair was taken aback when 'pipsqueak v2' responded so bluntly , was this girl really trying to push her ? Was she trying to show some sort of dominance from the get go ? How rude !

Clair of course responded as she would to Cece "oi pipsqueak , your meeting can wait five minutes. I have some important news to share with you an your flat chest so open your ears and shut your mouth.". Now Clair had no idea how this new guild master would reply but if she was anything like Cece this would be good. @Salt Lord (no fuck given)
@Salt Lord[/URL] (no fuck given)
Ophelia's eyebrows twitched as the hag spoke so rudely. Didn't she know respect when she saw it? If this was how she treated Cece, Clair would have a fun time talking back to her. Instantly, a pillar of solid water shot up from under the redhead, which, if Ophelia was right, should have launched her high into the sky and far away from her office. If Gilad asked what was up with all the debree and the huge hole in the ceiling, Ophelia would tell him that she accidentally fell asleep waiting for him and that her magic was uncontrollable during naps.
@Salt Lord[/URL]
Ophelia's face twisted into one of anger for a while, mumbling through her teeth. "I wouldn't wanna pop your fake tits with the punch I can pack... but maybe I don't have to," she said, her mad face turning into a mischievous one. Red Symphony belonged to her and her only; Clair was sure to have not come across it before. The Guild Master drew a blade and closed her eyes, a calm light washing over her face, then began to move her hands and sword slowly and hypnotically... a distant music began playing as four black and red musical staffs snaked their way around the redhead's body. Soon enough, the were secure, and while Clair's armor protected against some of the magic (water-based), Ophelia still had control over most of her blood. "You're gonna regret this!" the girl cheered happily, moving her blade quickly and erratically as the blood in Clair's body swished around with violence, clotting in some areas and freezing in others...
Mizuki's dark eyes flicked over to Alicia as she finally woke up, the girls dark arms pulling her into an embrace, disappearing when her real arms wrapped around the small girl. Last night Mizuki learned that the magic used on Alicia wasn't the same kind used on herself, so Lyra was off of her shitlist. However she was still as protective as ever. Her hand slowly ran through her hair and her eyes looked to Alfie as he spoke, informing the girl of the time. It was a rather lonely day today. The only company she had all day was Alfie, and she never once let him leave the apartment. Just like the dark Mage said, she wasn't letting him leave her side. "Yes... You've slept through the entire day. I was starting to think that you fell into a terrible coma. I'm quite relieved to see that you're awake." She said, patting her head gently.

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98
Clair grit her teeth as her blood began to clot , the pain was almost unbearable and really was impressive. At just fourteen the girl could control the blood of another in such a way , maybe she was in fact ready to run the guild and surpass Cece. However the girl had said something about fake tits..... just where did she get her manners from ? First it was her weight now it was her fucking bust! Clair could of killed the girl for that however she felt killing her would get her nowhere and so she simply cast her own restraining spell "I must say Cece was never able to do this kind of thing..... well done triple A". Clair had cast dark grab with just the use of her left hand , several ghastly arms rose from the ground and began to restrain her movements and the final hand gripped the girl's neck firmly and began to cut off her air supply.

@Salt Lord
@Salt Lord[/URL]
Ophelia only smirked at Clair's response, knowing very well that she was at a much bigger advantage. A razor of water shot up from the ground and began twirling in a spring-like shape, cutting the shadowy arms of the spell away and allowing air back into the girl's lungs. "You don't know how grateful I am to have these. Small, fierce, and don't look like splattered jello," she giggled, swiping her sword up to clot some of the controlled blood in Clair's head. Like this, she might not even be able to think to cast another spell...
@Salt Lord[/URL]
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The loud, slow thunk of metal boots filled the guild hall as he strode through towards the upper floor. Some of the members milling about eyed him suspiciously and one even attempted to stop him when he began his ascent. A simple cold look was all it took to send the poor boy retreating with his tail between his legs. He knew this meeting wasn't exactly public knowledge but even so, did they have to hold it in this place? It was bad enough that he had to come to Magnolia, but why here of all places? Nevertheless he pressed on, making his way down the hallway to the designated room. As he approached he heard voices and subtle sounds of combat. As expected when he entered the room he found two girls literally at each others throats. A small light appeared in his hand as a massive axe materialized within his grasp. He deftly gave it a quick spin before slamming the head down to the ground before him. Immediately both parties magic vanished into thin air, all their control stripped from them. At the same time the two felt an immense weight bearing down on them, slamming them both to the ground and threatening to break the very floor they stood upon.

"Needless to say I did not expect to find such a spectacle when I arrived." He looked the two girls over carefully. The one he recognized as Fairy Tail's guild master, the other he quickly noted as a member based on the mark on her shoulder. "I do not know how things are done within Fairy Tail but I would kindly ask that you reserve your conflict for later. I thoroughly enjoyed the matches yesterday and do not require more entertainment today." With that the two girls felt the force bearing down on them release, allowing them freedom of movement once more.
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Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The loud, slow thunk of metal boots filled the guild hall as he strode through towards the upper floor. Some of the members milling about eyed him suspiciously and one even attempted to stop him when he began his ascent. A simple cold look was all it took to send the poor boy retreating with his tail between his legs. He knew this meeting wasn't exactly public knowledge but even so, did they have to hold it in this place? It was bad enough that he had to come to Magnolia, but why here of all places? Nevertheless he pressed on, making his way down the hallway to the designated room. As he approached he heard voices and subtle sounds of combat. As expected when he entered the room he found two girls literally at each others throats. A small light appeared in his hand as a massive axe materialized within his grasp. He deftly gave it a quick spin before slamming the head down to the ground before him. Immediately both parties magic vanished into thin air, all their control stripped from them. At the same time the two felt an immense weight bearing down on them, slamming them both to the ground and threatening to break the very floor they stood upon.

"Needless to say I did not expect to find such a spectacle when I arrived." He looked the two girls over carefully. The one he recognized as Fairy Tail's guild master, the other he quickly noted as a member based on the mark on her shoulder. "I do not know how things are done within Fairy Tail but I would kindly ask that you reserve your conflict for later. I thoroughly enjoyed the matches yesterday and do not require more entertainment today." With that the two girls felt the force bearing down on them release, allowing them freedom of movement once more.
Ophelia stood silent and wide-eyed as Gilad finished speaking. He didn't seem angry or confused at all despite not know what the situation was about, yet she felt a powerful force strike fear into the hole that took place of her heart... this was embarrassing. Oh well. She could take comfort in knowing this was all Clair's fault, right? Shaking her head and clearing her throat, Ophelia rolled over her desk to sit back in her chair before speaking without looking at the redhead, pretending she was working on a paper. "Clair Fernandez, is it? Would you please exit the office and come back at a later time?"
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The loud, slow thunk of metal boots filled the guild hall as he strode through towards the upper floor. Some of the members milling about eyed him suspiciously and one even attempted to stop him when he began his ascent. A simple cold look was all it took to send the poor boy retreating with his tail between his legs. He knew this meeting wasn't exactly public knowledge but even so, did they have to hold it in this place? It was bad enough that he had to come to Magnolia, but why here of all places? Nevertheless he pressed on, making his way down the hallway to the designated room. As he approached he heard voices and subtle sounds of combat. As expected when he entered the room he found two girls literally at each others throats. A small light appeared in his hand as a massive axe materialized within his grasp. He deftly gave it a quick spin before slamming the head down to the ground before him. Immediately both parties magic vanished into thin air, all their control stripped from them. At the same time the two felt an immense weight bearing down on them, slamming them both to the ground and threatening to break the very floor they stood upon.

"Needless to say I did not expect to find such a spectacle when I arrived." He looked the two girls over carefully. The one he recognized as Fairy Tail's guild master, the other he quickly noted as a member based on the mark on her shoulder. "I do not know how things are done within Fairy Tail but I would kindly ask that you reserve your conflict for later. I thoroughly enjoyed the matches yesterday and do not require more entertainment today." With that the two girls felt the force bearing down on them release, allowing them freedom of movement once more.
Clair was taken completely by surprise when Gilad forced the two into the ground , just what was he doing here anyway ? Clair listened to what he and the pipsqueak had to say before letting out a sharp sigh , getting up from the ground and reequipping back to her original clothing "I suppose our fight can be rescheduled for a later date".

Clair turned back to the little girl and patted her on the head across the desk before moving towards the door with a grin "Oh , before I leave I was told to inform you Erza Scarlet is expecting great things from this years parade. See ya around 'Triple A' , Gilad". With that she vanished down the hall. @Salt Lord @Colt556
@Salt Lord[/URL] @Mitchs98
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia had smiled when Mizuki brought her into a hug, her own arms wrapping against her and her head leaning against her gently. When Alfie told her she'd slept all day it didn't really surprise her, at all really. She'd done it before, this definetely wasn't the first time, though she was a little sad she didn't get to go out and do anything with Mizuki the entire day. At-least she hadn't missed the parade. She giggled when Mizuki spoke, "
Sorry for making you worry Mizuki. I was just really tired before whatever Lyra did happened I guess, and the bed was surprisingly comfy." She replied. "I'm wide awake now though! We can go to the parade later too." She added. If she had've known Mizuki was worried about her she probably would of strived to wake up earlier, but she hadn't so she didn't. Though she did wonder who won. Surely they'd stuck around to watch the whole thing. "Who won the tournament? Was it Masaki?" She asked curiously, she hoped it was but she also knew Lyra was strong so she wasn't sure.
As evening fell Niur slowly and cheerily made her way to the inn where they were staying. From the hallway outside their room she could hear the ruffling of a certain cloaked man packing away at the dead of the night. With a heavy sigh she gently pushed against the door, letting her into the room. "Oh hi kiddo, ready to leave tomorrow?" Raa said as he stuffed another black and silver bar into his bag. "We're gonna have to get up early, I don't wanna get caught in the par-" "Raa I'm not going." Niur quickly interrupted before Raa could say more. "...What brought this on Niur?" Raa quietly asked as he gently put down the ingot.

"Raa, today I made some friends, I had fun with them and I grew fond of them." Niur started to explain. "I'm tired Raa. I'm tired of being alone, tired of always walking away, leaving people behind. I'm not going to leave this town." She said. "I'm joining Fairy Tail and I've asked to extend the invitation to you." She added. Raa remained silent but his form was slightly trembling. "Niur...You know that I can't-" "CAN'T WHAT RAA? BE HAPPY? STAND YOUR GROUND?" Niur cried out accusingly. "Aren't you tired of traveling? Aren't you sick of running and hiding? I know you are! I see it every time you come back from a fight!" She quietly stepped over to him and hugged him. "Please...let's not run anymore...let's stay, make some friends, make ourselves hap-"

"I can't." Raa suddenly interrupted. Peeling Niur off of him. "I'm sorry..." He added. He picked up his stuff and went out the room, leaving behind the little crying girl. Moments later Raa suddenly came back and shut the door, hugging Niur quickly afterwards. "I'm sorry that that happened...truth is I haven't been entirely honest with you..." He started as Niur wiped away her tears before looking up at him. "Raa...is a name I gave to myself to run away from who I was. My real name..." He gently lowered his hood before giving her a slight smile. "Is Ciel..."

~Time skip~

Raa sat uncomfortably in the guild hall of Fairy Tail. To him this was rather nervous experience and so he did what he could do best. He picked up and ice cube from his drink, kept it cold and started playing with it by morphing it into objects like a tiny chair. Niur sat somewhere else eating a donut.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Ryu walked into the guild hall for the third time in as many days. After dealing with the cacophony of the hall during the festival, he'd almost grown a tiny bit accustomed to its, he struggled to find an apt descriptor, peculiarities. Almost. Today however, the guild seemed a little less of an uproar than usual. Probably due to the parade setup, he surmised. As he glanced around the room, he spotted another individual almost as uncomfortable as he was. Normally, such a kindred spirit would have given him some measure of reassurance, if only that he wasn't alone in his plight, but there was something different about this specific person. Something about him (He was unable to definitively gauge the gender of the seated individual, but if he'd had to guess he would've gone with male) that bothered the redhead for seemingly no reason. He sat down at one of the tables in the hall and observed the cloaked figure as he sat. Why was he here? He hadn't been here during Ryu's previous visits to the hall, so he probably wasn't a member of Fairy Tail. So then what was his reason for being here? The uncertainty about the other's motives was starting to arouse the redhead's suspicions.


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@Talon @Embaga Elder

Ferra: Magnolia Town Square

Once the fight had tapered off between Noah and Talon the three of them had agreed to meet up the following evening and talk to Master Lloyd about them joining Lamia Scale. Ferra was definetely excited Talon had decided to join, not only that Noah had two. Lloyd would be proud of her for getting two people to join. Her only issue was Valken finding out about her and Talon, he'd surely tease her and maybe even tell Talon how old she really was. He said he'd pay her back when she least expected it, but he probably wasn't that cruel right? After all they were guild members, and he and Millie were happy together. She'd done nothing wrong in her eyes, if anything he should be thanking her!

Nevertheless the rest of Ferra's night after the fight had been pretty great. They'd ate on the roof of Fairy Tails' guild hall while calmly gazing at the stars. Not much was said between them, mostly because Ferra was silent for once. Due to both how pretty the stars were and partly out of embarrassment. It was kind of the first date she'd ever been on, so she was nervous she'd say or do the wrong thing. Nevertheless she enjoyed herself, especially due to the fact she wouldn't have to worry about finding Talon again since he'd soon be in the same guild as her. She stayed on the roof with him for a while, she wasn't exactly sure what time it was but eventually she went back to the small space she'd rented to stay at after wishing Talon good night.

She'd slept until roughly three PM for whatever reason, mostly because there wasn't much to do due to Magnolia setting up for the parade. Around then though her hunger demanded she woke up, and so she ate a quick late lunch before moving to explore Magnolia for three hours. Afterwards she made her way to the town square where Noah and Talon were meant to meet up with her. She sat on a bench and calmly waited on them, Lloyd was probably in the meeting thing he'd mentioned so it'd still be a while before they could talk to him. Thus they'd probably be forced to sit around and talk or explore Magnolia or something. Ferra wasn't really sure what to do, but surely they'd think of something.
Lloyd Kirby - Magnolia: Fairy Tail Guild Master's Office

It was the last day of the festival, and about three hours before the start of the Parade, before Lloyd finally made his way through the whole mess of people at Magnolia's Train station. He wore a rather disgruntled look on his face as he finally pushed through the last of the crowd into bright sunlight. A lull in the traffic, enough for him to heave a sign of relief at finally getting to breathe fresh air, before resuming his arduous journey towards the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, here the meeting was to be held. If it were not for the meeting, it had to be admitted, he would not even be in Magnolia in the first place. He hated crowds of people, pushing, shoving, shouting, messing up his personal space bubble. Festivals never really appealed to him, because they tended to attract huge crowds of people. He really would much rather be alone in a forest or something.

At least he had managed to get his paperwork done. That was a huge load off his back, and he was very much relieved that that was at least something he did not have to worry about anymore. Unfortunately though, that now left him to worry about the upcoming meeting. He was not looking forward to it. He was extremely reluctant to explain his knowledge about the The Alvarez Empire, especially since he was probably going to have to explain his personal experiences with the Empire. And he was dreading that. Even though it had happened two decades ago, he was not quite sure if he would be able to contain his anger. That was probably the only thing that still caused him to loose his usually controlled temper. If he could just forget about it... but even the thought made his blood boil. Like it was not enough that they had to destroy his tribe, they had to now destroy his way of life. Like an unwanted shadow, casting it's shade on all his actions.

So it was with an unusual air of frustration that he stepped through the double doors of the Fairy Tail Guild hall. He took a moment to take stock of his surroundings. The Guild Hall was unusually empty for a guild hall, though he had no doubt that the members were probably preparing for the parade. He had actually been intending on attending the parade, since he was here after all, he wanted to at least make his time worth it. He was not carrying much, however, simple his bow and arrows slung on his back, a travelling cloak and a pouch of jewels in case he wanted to spend money, which he highly doubted, since he had missed the majority of the festival, there probably was no longer much to spend on.

Just a flight of steps, and he could guess pretty much where the Guild Master's office was. Especially since one of the doors opened and Clair the Wizarding Saint walked out. They had interacted with each other on the Malnia mission, especially in regards to a certain portal, so he nodded to her out of politeness as he made his way to the room that she had just exited. He rapped on the door twice, and gently pushed it open. And there they were. Gilad Arcturus, and a young looking woman who he assumed was Fairy Tail's new Guild Master.

He nodded pleasantly to them both. "Good afternoon," he said to them, then addressed the young woman specifically. "Would I be right in assuming that you are Fairy Tail's Guild Master?"

@Colt556 @Salt Lord @Mr Swiftshots
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Ryu walked into the guild hall for the third time in as many days. After dealing with the cacophony of the hall during the festival, he'd almost grown a tiny bit accustomed to its, he struggled to find an apt descriptor, peculiarities. Almost. Today however, the guild seemed a little less of an uproar than usual. Probably due to the parade setup, he surmised. As he glanced around the room, he spotted another individual almost as uncomfortable as he was. Normally, such a kindred spirit would have given him some measure of reassurance, if only that he wasn't alone in his plight, but there was something different about this specific person. Something about him (He was unable to definitively gauge the gender of the seated individual, but if he'd had to guess he would've gone with male) that bothered the redhead for seemingly no reason. He sat down at one of the tables in the hall and observed the cloaked figure as he sat. Why was he here? He hadn't been here during Ryu's previous visits to the hall, so he probably wasn't a member of Fairy Tail. So then what was his reason for being here? The uncertainty about the other's motives was starting to arouse the redhead's suspicions.


Raa blinked as he felt someone's gaze fall on him. He looked the man in the eyes with burning orange eyes through the shadowbof his cloak. 'Why is he staring at me?' He thought. He suddenly brought up the ice and turned it into a cat miniature that rolled around the table using his magic.
Talon wandered down the streets of Magnolia, whistling as he watched people set up things for the parade. He made his way to the bench where he had met Ferra the day before. He was supposed to meet her and Noah there and then she would take them to Lamia scales guild master, Lloyd. He saw Ferra and waved hello. He sat down next to her wth a grin on his face. "Hey." He said. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Talon wandered down the streets of Magnolia, whistling as he watched people set up things for the parade. He made his way to the bench where he had met Ferra the day before. He was supposed to meet her and Noah there and then she would take them to Lamia scales guild master, Lloyd. He saw Ferra and waved hello. He sat down next to her wth a grin on his face. "Hey." He said. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra smiled back at Talon when he sat down beside her. "Hey!" She replied excitedly. "I had fun last night, we should tottally do that again sometime. Maybe when we get back to Margaret Town after the festival." She told him with an equally excited smile on her face to match her voice. She was still overly and visibly excited that he'd be joining her guild, especially after they seemed to be getting along so well. "You excited about joining a guild?" She asked him. "I'm sure Master Lloyd will be glad to know I got two new members to join." She added.

Valken Truss - Fairytail Hall Secret Meeting

Valken sat at the edge of the bed he shared with Millie. He had his fingers interlocked and his face resting on his hands, elbows on his knees and hunched over. His gaze expressionless. His whole face expressionless. Clouded in a shadow.

He turned slightly to look to the sleeping girl with a grave expression while she slept. Just what was he doing? The work he did was far too dangerous to keep her around, one day she would get killed in the cross fire, or used as a hostage as she had before. He'd grown accustomed to her company but maybe it was for the best if he just left... the problem was they were in the same guild so unless he forewent Lamia Scale altogether then they would no doubt run into one another....the tears, the wails from her...

He took a deep sigh outwards. He stood slowly as his hands lowered and quietly walked to a chair in there hotel room, slipping his black vest over his head then slinging his belt with gleeming daggers dangling over his hips.

He wandered over to Millie's sleeping form and grasped the scarf he gave to her, slipping it in under her neck to curl softly around her collarbone, before giving her one kiss to her forehead.

With that he noiselessly opened the door and left to drift into the thick crowds of the last day of the festival.

He had that stern, serious gaze over his face, not the usual cheeky grin. He came before the Guild Hall last of the Guild Master's. But rather then walking the normal way up the stairs he wandered to the very corner of the room, placed a hand against the wall and slowly slipped into the shadows. Once his whole body seemingly was absorbed he sped along the edges of the wall to the roof, then along the skirting and down into the edge of the doorframe. Then he simply slowly stepped out in a inside corner of the Meeting Room, like he always been standing there, except he only just arrived.

His dark purple gaze drifted to the three present; Master Kirby, Master Arcturus and Master Kaiser. His presence should not be unsurprising considering he individually approached all three Master's with his intellegence. As to what they did with the information was up to them.

He stepped along the wall before he came infront of the doorway, and in much the same fashion he had with Gilad's meeting he slid his fingers along the cracks of the door flooding it with shadows so it trapped all light and sound. Then he stepped to the only visible window in the room and shut it tight, locking it then leaning casually against the wall as he looked outwards through the glass.

He waited for Lloyd to approach the Fairytail Guild Master and simply waited if they had any questions directed at him.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
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Kimberly Lock


Kim ran around with a bundle of yellow and blue flowers in her arms. A few fell as she moved around, but only to be encased in a purple light making them follow her. At her wake where about twenty more bundles of flowers in a disparity of colors, their petals begin thrown around violently. " Eias! Get the ribbons and streamers onto the roofs!" Kim barked as she moved past her green haired friend.

Kim, at this point, had several stray flowers and leaves in her pony tail. She nearly fell over an uneven stone in the path, luckily she rolled forwards over her back and stood up. The festival was important for her, it was on that same day that she had arrived in magnolia four years ago. So making this parade happen was important. The flowers around her started to place themselves on the stone tiles, laying down a clear path for the floats to follow.

@The Dinkster
HuorSpinks said:
Lloyd Kirby - Magnolia: Fairy Tail Guild Master's Office
It was the last day of the festival, and about three hours before the start of the Parade, before Lloyd finally made his way through the whole mess of people at Magnolia's Train station. He wore a rather disgruntled look on his face as he finally pushed through the last of the crowd into bright sunlight. A lull in the traffic, enough for him to heave a sign of relief at finally getting to breathe fresh air, before resuming his arduous journey towards the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, here the meeting was to be held. If it were not for the meeting, it had to be admitted, he would not even be in Magnolia in the first place. He hated crowds of people, pushing, shoving, shouting, messing up his personal space bubble. Festivals never really appealed to him, because they tended to attract huge crowds of people. He really would much rather be alone in a forest or something.

At least he had managed to get his paperwork done. That was a huge load off his back, and he was very much relieved that that was at least something he did not have to worry about anymore. Unfortunately though, that now left him to worry about the upcoming meeting. He was not looking forward to it. He was extremely reluctant to explain his knowledge about the The Alvarez Empire, especially since he was probably going to have to explain his personal experiences with the Empire. And he was dreading that. Even though it had happened two decades ago, he was not quite sure if he would be able to contain his anger. That was probably the only thing that still caused him to loose his usually controlled temper. If he could just forget about it... but even the thought made his blood boil. Like it was not enough that they had to destroy his tribe, they had to now destroy his way of life. Like an unwanted shadow, casting it's shade on all his actions.

So it was with an unusual air of frustration that he stepped through the double doors of the Fairy Tail Guild hall. He took a moment to take stock of his surroundings. The Guild Hall was unusually empty for a guild hall, though he had no doubt that the members were probably preparing for the parade. He had actually been intending on attending the parade, since he was here after all, he wanted to at least make his time worth it. He was not carrying much, however, simple his bow and arrows slung on his back, a travelling cloak and a pouch of jewels in case he wanted to spend money, which he highly doubted, since he had missed the majority of the festival, there probably was no longer much to spend on.

Just a flight of steps, and he could guess pretty much where the Guild Master's office was. Especially since one of the doors opened and Clair the Wizarding Saint walked out. They had interacted with each other on the Malnia mission, especially in regards to a certain portal, so he nodded to her out of politeness as he made his way to the room that she had just exited. He rapped on the door twice, and gently pushed it open. And there they were. Gilad Arcturus, and a young looking woman who he assumed was Fairy Tail's new Guild Master.

He nodded pleasantly to them both. "Good afternoon," he said to them, then addressed the young woman specifically. "Would I be right in assuming that you are Fairy Tail's Guild Master?"

@Kayzo [/color]
Livian Azul

Livian had accepted Alice's offer to stay at her mansion, and man was the term 'Mansion' an understatement. It was big enough to house a small army. Livian was in pure awe as he looked at the massive house. He soon snapped out of it and followed Alice, who showed him the room that he was to stay at while residing in Alice's home. It was a huge room, which wasn't too surprising as it was only natural the rooms be big in a massive house.

Livian had taken a few minutes to put his things down and look around the room a bit more. It was fancy, the things in it, the dressers, the bed, the desk and paintings. The wall was a nice blue color, something that suited Livian, causing him to smile. After examining the room he decided to go look for Alice, who was outside. He wore his signature outfit, a blue one that looked like something from the American Revolution. His boots were even a dark blue, leather of course. With flower pinned onto his suit jacket, he found Alice.

After finding Alice he kept his distance as she was preoccupied with reading a book to the orphans, all of who looked like well mannered children. Leaning against a chair he watched her as she continued to read to them, having to hush the occasional two that were chit-chatting.

The sun was slowly setting, it was early evening and the sky was a nice pinkish-purple. Smiling to himself he looked back at Alice as a breeze came through. Livian walked over to her and the children and sat next to one of the littler ones, listening to Alice as she read them a story.

Eldrais laughed. "Me too, you look excited." He said, stating the obvious. "I dont know... Im a bit nervous actually, what if Lloyd doesnt accept me?¿?¿" He asked. @Mitchs98
Talon said:
Eldrais laughed. "Me too, you look excited." He said, stating the obvious. "I dont know... Im a bit nervous actually, what if Lloyd doesnt accept me?¿?¿" He asked. @Mitchs98
Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra giggled and shook her head. "
Don't worry! I'm sure Master Lloyd will accept you if I vouch for you. We're fairly lax in terms of accepting members generally." She replied reassuringly. "And of course I'm excited! I'm glad you're joining." She told him. "Now I won't have to hunt you down or worry about never seeing you again. This is great!" She added before briefly hugging him with surprising strength out of pure excitement. "He's probably in some dumb meeting thing right now though, so we'll have to wait a bit to go see him." She told him.
Kelica Zefara - Outskirts of Magnolia

Kelica yawned as she was slumped against Chris's strong side in the back of the taxi, legs curled up against seat and head resting gently on his shoulder.

Sabrina had taken the front seat next to the driver, who promptly glanced over his shoulder. "Almost at Magnolia then!" He said in a gruff voice, scratching a hand at his beard.

Kelica had just about drifted off before his loud voice woke her with a start, making her frown. "Well clearly!!"

Glancing out the window to see the lights in the distance, drawing them in. She looked to Chris then in a concerned manner. "I know you didn't want to come back to the townsfolk, but we'll just stay for the parade then go, ok?"

Smiling as she reaching a hand forward to caress his chest in a soothing manner. "Although your size is very intimidating.... do you have a beast soul that could be smaller to keep you hidden? No one will recognise two girls in the thick of the crowds... we could hide you in my pocket...or Sabrina's bag!"

@Isune @PeteTSs
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