Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie shrugged and turned his head back to the fight between the remaining contestants. Gilad always struck him as the kind to see any revenge as wrong, but it did make sense that he'd be proud in this case. If that were true, how would he react to Alfie himself chipping in...? No, no matter what, Lyra was in the same guild as he. Surely the mage would be hated worse than Mizuki for attacking a fellow guild member. "I suppose," was all he said back, thought his thoughts were still stuck on the concept of revenge. "Would you like a new set of ribbons now?"

Mizuki could tell that from where she was standing Lyra was using her evil powers on Masaki. She didn't feel as bad for him as she did Alicia seeing that he was a bit older than her, but it was still angering her nonetheless. Nothing like that should ever be allowed in a fighting competition. It was too overpowered and gave no one a chance. However she wasn't a judge or a rule maker or anything of the sorts, so she wasn't going to boycott the festival and hold public protest. That's hippy shit. Her eyes turned back to Alfie as he asked if she wanted a new set of ribbons. As nice as Alfie was being tonight, the dark Mage felt that he would use these ribbons against her. Maybe if she did try to attack Lyra he'd paralyze her or constrain her somehow. Plus she was rather comfortable in her normal, tight attire. "No, I don't want another set of ribbons. Save it for tonight."
Talon landed in a spiderman crouch and quickly jumped backwards just in case. He eyed his oponent with a grin. "Right back at you, and the names Talon." He replied as he started growing a fire ball in his hands, mirroring Noah. "You are?¿?¿" @Embaga Elder
Chris Lengheart (*death glare*)

Chris shot a glance at Kelica that said "I blame you for this" as he pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered, "That was Kelica, I had no idea she said that in her letter." He then picked up Kelica before placing her on his lap like a child. He looked at her for a moment before turning his gaze back to Sarbina.

@PeteTSs @Zuka
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.397898c461204440ead8f2b01766cc00.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.397898c461204440ead8f2b01766cc00.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Fighting outside of Magnolia

Noah grins a bit, still charging lightning. Names Noah Cross. The lightning was done charging and was just resting between his hands. Say Talon why don't we end this so we can talk more?? @Talon



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Kayzo said:
Mizuki could tell that from where she was standing Lyra was using her evil powers on Masaki. She didn't feel as bad for him as she did Alicia seeing that he was a bit older than her, but it was still angering her nonetheless. Nothing like that should ever be allowed in a fighting competition. It was too overpowered and gave no one a chance. However she wasn't a judge or a rule maker or anything of the sorts, so she wasn't going to boycott the festival and hold public protest. That's hippy shit. Her eyes turned back to Alfie as he asked if she wanted a new set of ribbons. As nice as Alfie was being tonight, the dark Mage felt that he would use these ribbons against her. Maybe if she did try to attack Lyra he'd paralyze her or constrain her somehow. Plus she was rather comfortable in her normal, tight attire. "No, I don't want another set of ribbons. Save it for tonight."
Alfie had stopped paying attention to the fight as soon as Alicia was defeated by that one dirty trick, now focused on other thoughts. Like how he would crack that giant machine and how he'd even get used to controlling it the same way she did... He had been thinking so hard on things like that that it took him a few seconds to wind up and nod to answer Mizuki's answer. He perceived 'Save it for tonight' as 'Save it' rather than 'You'll be using it later on tonight', like she obviously meant it to mean. "If that's what you wish. Speaking of tonight, are they leaving Alicia in the ring for the remainder of the battle, or...?"

Kelica wasn't sure what happened, she saw Sabrina, Chris yelled, Kelica got surprised, hit her head, then fell down feeling oddly cold around her mid-drift, then a bang, a hand on her shoulder then she was hefted like a sack of groceries onto Chris's lap. Her eyes were still spinning, AND her head still hurt from when Chris gave his love tap. "Ughh...stop the roller coaster...I wanna outsees.." She groaned, before focusing in on Chris at least partially. "Oh...yeah...I told Sabrina where we were going so she wouldn't feel left out..." Glancing over at Sabrina as she cradled her head. "Hey, did Chris smack your head around to?" She asked before looking back to Chris accusingly.

@PeteTSs @Isune
Talon split the ball into 3 and juggled them as he thought. "Hmm how about you tell me why the guards wanted you and then ill decide if we should still fight... Sound good?¿?¿" @Embaga Elder
Metaphysics said:
Niur - Okay?...
"Okay!" She said. 'It's a good thing we don't know any boat jokes right Ruin?' She thought only to get a snore in reply. 'Huh, she must've fallen asleep.' She thought as as she stepped through the doorway and waited for her new friend to follow. "Do you think she'll win Ophelia?" She asked her, making conversation. "I don't know what she does or what her magic is..." She added, silently lamenting the fact that she had to leave soon. But maybe...she can convince Raa to stay?
Ophelia closed the door behind her, staring up at the dark sky as she began walking with her hands behind her head. "Not at all," she said casually with a calm smile on her face. And it was true. Despite being good friends with Alicia, the Guild Master had no faith whatsoever that she would win. As far as she was aware, she was what, a B? A? Somewhere in that range, right? Anyway, Ophelia was sure there had to be some opponent stronger than her. She was bound to at least have a tough time even if she did somehow come out on top.

Sabrina shook her head. "Na. I jumped and hit myself on the head, that's all." she replied, blinking quizzically as she observe Kelica shoot an accusing look at Chris. "That's besides the point. First of all, a-are you okay? Did you hit your head too hard? Do you need me to check it? I can sub in as a doctor! Really! Wait, you can heal yourself, ahahaha...you won't need any medical treatments, you can just use your magic to heal yourself, which means I don't have to play doctor...Hahaha...you're probably luck you don't need any medical treatment, heheh...I kinda treat patients as test subject sometimes because I forget... haha..." Sabrina continue to babble, mostly to herself.

@Isune @Zuka
Chris Lengheart (What was that?)

Chris returned Kelica's cold gaze with a warm smile as he rubbed her back once again with the palm of his hand. When Sabrina began to talk about test subjects and this, that, and the other, Chris only raised an eyebrow at her. Sabrina got weirder and weirder by the minute. Although Chris would have loved to call out Sabrina on these things, he simply kept quiet and continued to rub Kelica's back.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Alabaster Bal Magna - Hmm...

"Well...that's really up to Gilad isn't it..." She said before leaning over to Gilad's ear and whispering at him. "I really like this girl so please give her a chance." She whispered subtly before pulling away with a smile that promised...things... "So, what's your name by the way? I'm Alabaster." She introduced herself to the girl with a slight bow @Colt556 @Kazehana

[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia closed the door behind her, staring up at the dark sky as she began walking with her hands behind her head. "Not at all," she said casually with a calm smile on her face. And it was true. Despite being good friends with Alicia, the Guild Master had no faith whatsoever that she would win. As far as she was aware, she was what, a B? A? Somewhere in that range, right? Anyway, Ophelia was sure there had to be some opponent stronger than her. She was bound to at least have a tough time even if she did somehow come out on top.

Niur - Wow.

Niur blinked in mild shock at Ophelia's response. "Okay...But we'll still be there to support her no matter what." She said with unwavering resolve as she led the way to the arena stands as fast as possible, not wanting to miss out on Alicia, her friend's match. "C'mon, we gotta hurry!" She said.
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@Embaga Elder @Talon

Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra watched the entire fight with an excited expression on her face. Finally she was getting to see Talon fight for real! Well, she saw him fight earlier with Chris. But he kinda got slapped to the ground relatively quickly then. This was definetely more exciting than then, she was actually getting to see his magic in detail. Ever so often she'd cheer Talon on, clearly rooting completely for him. Soon enough the fight seemed to come to a standstill though, both of doing what seemed to be charging up a strong attack. That and deciding whether or not to stop fighting.

Kelica's glare turned into an angry pout when Chris continued his warm, gentle rub rubs up her back. Kelica wasn't sure how to take it, he was being so kind, so gentle, and she couldn't stay mad at him when he did that...

Kelica turned to look to Sabrina with a lifted eyebrow much the same expression as Chris. Her hand lowered from the orginial sore on her head from Chris's hand. "Oh...Well...Yeah I could heal myself, but that's just unnecassary pain..It'll go away in a minute..."

Kelica tilted her head as the girl laughed strangely. "Well...if you really want to play doctor why don't you give Chris a once over...or even Damion...I'm sure he won't mind..." Giving Chris a side glance and even a grin, elbowing him, I mean who wouldn't want to annoy their brother...

@Isune @PeteTSs
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.a54645bb0782423f8cb47c47076457cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.a54645bb0782423f8cb47c47076457cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Fighting Outside of Magnolia

Noah nods his head. Yeah it sounds good. He places the sphere of lightning in his left hand. It started a couple of years back when I was 16. I came into Magnolia coincidentally during it's famoues Festival. I was extremely thirsty, so since I grew up as a street rat I reverted back to my old ways and stole a glass bottle from a bar. I went somewhere isolated and drunk from the bottle. The liquid within the glass was apparently an extremely strong liquor. I walked around town drinking that bottle becoming more and more drunk. It wasn't until that bottle became empty, that I had to release myself. Keep in mind that I was total shit faced. So since I had to pee. I decided to do it from a cool place. I had the cathedral in mind. He paused for a second and walked to his left just because. So I climbed the cathedral and pissed off the top of the cathedral. Without my knowledge there was a wedding going on and it just end so I ended up being on the priest and everyone else down below. He drops his head shaking it. As years past I forgot about what happened that day until I today when that guard saw me. He tosses the sphere of lightning behind him catching it with his tail. So that's the story. @Talon @Mitchs98



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Lysander Connell - Sora's Front Porch

Lysander moved towards the swing as indicated by Sora and sat down on it, allowing his feet to rest on the ground for a moment, before pushing with his feet to set the swing into motion. He leaned back against the back of the swing as the gentle swaying motion relaxed him. His right hand once again playing with the clasp that held his poncho together as a series of crashes within Sora's house caused him to frown in the direction of the door, He stiffened in indecision, wondering if he should force his way in in case something might have happened to her, but soon the series of crashes stopped. Still though, he could not help feeling rather anxious, and decided to himself that if she did not appear soon, he would have to try to find a way into her house in case she might have fallen unconscious.

He leaned back again, the gentle swaying motion calming him as a smile drifted to his lips, remembering the journey to Sora's place. Apparently, it had been very obvious that they both were a couple if the cheesy grins from passerbys was anything to go by. This made him both proud and embarrassed. He hated drawing attention to himself, and it seemed that he had done so earlier. But Sora had not minded, in fact, she had slipped her hand into his again, making it even more obvious that they were a couple, and he in turn had held on to that hand, and so they had walked together hand in hand, as if his hand had always belonged in hers, and vice versa, like the joining of two puzzle pieces.

He had been lost in his thoughts so he had hardly felt the passage of time before Sora appeared again. He hesitated as he thought about what he wanted to see as she had asked. He had already seen the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, which was the only landmark he had been meaning to check out upon reaching Magnolia, so he was not quite sure what else he should see. After all, he was not that familiar with Magnolia, other than the milkshake shop and the graves of his family members. "I... I'm not sure," he said finally, in a hesitant tone. "I don't really know this place very well. What do you think I should see? I'd gladly follow you."

Her words made him turn red again as he lowered his eyes to the ground, hardly daring to look at her. It appeared that she was so much more eloquent with words than he was; he was hardly sure what to say that most described their current connection, only that it was there and it felt as if it had been there since forever, "I... I think so too," he stuttered finally, hoping that despite his nervousness it was obvious that the attachment between them was reciprocated by him, even if his words were not adequate enough to describe them. 'I... I am not looking forward to the end of the festival," he said finally, looking back up at her.


Sora Marvell - Magnolia Festival - Streets

Sora's head instinctively tilted slightly to the side as he spoke, cheeks seeming to give away that the feeling had indeed gotten through to her from his words. Lysander didn't truly have to say much or be a Casanova of sorts with his words or actions, the emotions that fueled their hard to describe connection was clear enough. Their time together was slowly opening him up to be more carefree and less hesitant, that much was evident at this point. Even though they lacked experience in this matter, they'd learn together, she was absolutely certain of it. Her petite frame leaned over then, hands grasping his rather gently before he was pulled up and onto his feet with a strength that didn't seem very befitting of one so tiny. " Let's not waste the time we have then! " Was all she could muster up in the moment, knowing they'd both said all they most likely felt comfortable saying. Truthfully, even sitting there beside him on the swing simply inquiring about his life or indulging more details of hers sounded perfect but the festival was too beautiful to miss.

Rather hurried steps brought them back along the river as she retraced their previous path towards the streets where all the people buzzed about to enjoy the festivities. Sora's eyes sparkled in an agog style at all the stands they passed by, pigtails flying at each swift turn to gaze upon their different contents. Naturally it was difficult to keep her attention unswayed due to her heightened sensitivity to smells and sounds, which there happened to be an over abundance of. Sora's grip on Lysander's hand remained loose but secure, fingers tugging on his every so often, a gentle reassuring squeeze being given as she realized how all over the place her mannerisms seemed to be. The lights illuminated their entire surroundings, painting it a vast array of colors which only splattered themselves onto every face to make every smile, laugh, or facial expression stand out. A particular scent drifted through the air that soon became the only thing Sora could focus on, her steps drawing her to the stand filled with freshly baked goods and carnival type food. If her eyes had looked wide before then they were surely bulging at this point, lips quivering as she focused on not salivating in public, the task visually appearing straining as she struggled with it.

U-Uhm uhm... " Sora trailed off, hues flickering about at all the options before she ripped her gaze away from the pastries and let it fall upon Lysander. " Would you like anything? I'm starving since all we had was that bread from Maya earlier and these look really yummy. I-It's on me of course! " Her free hand flailed in front of her, head shaking in unison before more words fumbled out. " I ruined our chance to get milkshakes earlier so I owe you! " She insisted, already reaching for her jewel bag and pulling it out so he wouldn't have a chance to argue. " T-They have regular food too if you don't have a sweet tooth right now.. " She trailed off then, bashfully glancing at the ground to try to compose herself, staring at it intently for a few moments. Lysander probably didn't know what to do with all the energy she was emitting but it was hard not to be this happy. They were hand in hand, the festival was going, and all seemed right with the world. Even with the confident persona she wore, it was still nerve wracking to be on a date. The whole concept of it new especially since earlier she'd managed to ruin their first attempt of a date at the milkshake shop. All she yearned for was to make this festival memorable and leave him with memories that he couldn't help but smile at until they could see one another once again. Memories that warmed his heart; memories that would drive and motivate him.

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Chris Lengheart (playing patient)

Chris let out a sigh as Kelica basically got Sabrina's hopes up by saying that she could play doctor with someone else. He shook his head as she mentioned Damion, his poor brother didn't need to have Sabrina feeling him up so Chris took Kelica off his lap and looked over to Sabrina as he said,"If you really want to, I'll let you do a physical."

@Zuka @PeteTSs

Sabrina blinked. She cocked her head slightly. "I guess...I'm just telling you I'm not, eheheheh...the best of doctors..." She scratched the back of her head and giggled slightly, eyes closed. She snapped her eyes open. "Eh? D-D-Do a physical on you? But you seem perfectly fine to me..."

@Isune @Zuka
Chris Lengheart(Meh...)

Chris shrugged as he said,"Go on ahead, but the second you try and experiment on me I swear." before laying flat on the bed like it was a operating table. Honestly, that was the scariest thing for Chris right now. As long as he didn't wake up in the bathtub with one of his kidneys missing, Chris would be fine.

@PeteTSs @Zuka

The blond girl meeped as she was lifted and placed back down on the bed, her idea not exactly going according to plan. Even less so when Chris volunteered and laid down on the bed. But then Kelica got a downright delicious idea...

"Hmm Sabrina, you better check for problems down here first..

Gesturing to his pelvis and pants with a giggle.

@Isune @PeteTSs

Sabrina's hand shot up in front of her. "N-N-N-No, it's o-o-o-o-o-okay...You s-s-s-seem f-f-fine..." she stuttered. She never had an obedient test sub- er, patient in her life, and frankly, she didn't want to screw this up and somehow end up having Chris grow another kidney or two because she may or may not have injected him with some virus that contained the genetic coding for another kidney. Her face reddened when Kelica mentioned the area between Chris' legs. "Wh-Wh-What d-d-do you m-m-m-mean down th-th-th-there?" she said, whole body shaking with embarrassment and shyness, and sweat pouring down her head.

@Isune @Zuka
Metaphysics said:
Alabaster Bal Magna - Hmm...

"Well...that's really up to Gilad isn't it..." She said before leaning over to Gilad's ear and whispering at him. "I really like this girl so please give her a chance." She whispered subtly before pulling away with a smile that promised...things... "So, what's your name by the way? I'm Alabaster." She introduced herself to the girl with a slight bow @Colt556 @Kazehana

Niur - Wow.

Niur blinked in mild shock at Ophelia's response. "Okay...But we'll still be there to support her no matter what." She said with unwavering resolve as she led the way to the arena stands as fast as possible, not wanting to miss out on Alicia, her friend's match. "C'mon, we gotta hurry!" She said.
Ophelia nodded and then giggled at how slow Niur was running. Well, it was actually pretty fast for someone of her age, but she was used to going much faster than that with the help of her magic. Grinning, the blue-haired girl cast a blue glyph behind her, slingshotting her body with a string of water. She would fly the distance and catch right up to Niur, scooping the other mage into her arms and blasting them into the sky with a block of water from below. They'd hang with the stars for more than a few seconds before falling over an empty seat on the bleachers of the arena but not before slowing the two with a few soft slabs of water.

Ophelia set the probably shaken Niur down beside her before relaxing in the seat.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia nodded and then giggled at how slow Niur was running. Well, it was actually pretty fast for someone of her age, but she was used to going much faster than that with the help of her magic. Grinning, the blue-haired girl cast a blue glyph behind her, slingshotting her body with a string of water. She would fly the distance and catch right up to Niur, scooping the other mage into her arms and blasting them into the sky with a block of water from below. They'd hang with the stars for more than a few seconds before falling over an empty seat on the bleachers of the arena but not before slowing the two with a few soft slabs of water.
Ophelia set the probably shaken Niur down beside her before relaxing in the seat.


Niur suddenly shrieked as she was suddenly scooped up by an unknown force and was speeding towards the sky. When she finally landed she looked at Ophelia. "Please don't do that aga-hurk!" She sounded before she went green and looked around in a panic before rushing away for a few moments. She staggered back, swaying from side to side. "Pl...eases don't do that again. I don't like high speeds that much." She managed out before plopping onto the water to recover her breath.
Metaphysics said:
Niur suddenly shrieked as she was suddenly scooped up by an unknown force and was speeding towards the sky. When she finally landed she looked at Ophelia. "Please don't do that aga-hurk!" She sounded before she went green and looked around in a panic before rushing away for a few moments. She staggered back, swaying from side to side. "Pl...eases don't do that again. I don't like high speeds that much." She managed out before plopping onto the water to recover her breath.
Ophelia blinked a few times at Niur before thinking of something smart to say. "I dunno. You were running pretty fast to get here in the first place. I mean, not like we would have gotten here on time---" she cut herself off, noticing Alicia was lying down. The magical screen hovering above the arena's barrier hadn't lied; she was out before they had even gotten there. "Aww. I was hoping I'd at least get to see her in action..."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Ophelia blinked a few times at Niur before thinking of something smart to say. "I dunno. You were running pretty fast to get here in the first place. I mean, not like we would have gotten here on time---" she cut herself off, noticing Alicia was lying down. The magical screen hovering above the arena's barrier hadn't lied; she was out before they had even gotten there. "Aww. I was hoping I'd at least get to see her in action..."


"I second that..." She said dizzily, her arm raising up pathetically in agreement before it wilted away in tiredness. She took a few moments too catch her breath before starting too stand. "So..." She asked quietly. "What happens now?" She asked as she took her seat next to Ophelia.

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