Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon chucked. "I guess changing your hair colour would work." He let Ferra pull him up and they started walking hand-in-hand while Noah walked on the other side of Ferra. He was quite a bit taller than Ferra and it must have looked a bit strange. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
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rbshinichi said:
Mikael smiled at Sera's response and Lavender's comment though he felt there was something still bothering Lavender. He could guess what it was but he wasn't the type to expect and keep his hopes up for no reason at all. After all, it was expecting that makes human minds messed up, that he learned for years of living with them. Expectations kill all common sense.
"Thank you Sera, we shall get there quick though. I'm quite intrigued about all these festivities. The people looked so happy and the atmosphere here is uplifting, I would like to get the feel of it and have some walk around." Mikael then turned to Lavender, "would you be in any case free afterwards? I would be pretty glad if you join us."

Lavender Gray
Lavender smiled softly and gently shook her head "I do not think I will join you afterwards.." she said before adding "I would not want to be the third wheel.." once she realized what she said, it had been too late to take back those words. Her golden eyes widen as she lifted her hand to her mouth "My greatest apologies, I've never said something so rude as this before! I will take my leave." before anyone could protest, she turned and headed towards her home How could I have said such horrible words. I should not be so worried over Sera and Mika. THey are both vampires, yes, but I should not have said that i'd be a third wheel... This drama has gotten my head all messed up. I need to stop this nonsense!

Sera: Magnolia Streets

Sera shook her head, "
Think nothing of it. You're a guest in my house after all." She replied. She looked to Lavender expectantly when Mika asked if she wanted to come with them. She assumed the answer was yes, and honestly preferred it was. She enjoyed her company after all, plus they'd pretty much stuck together for a while so why not? She blinked when she declined and commented about being a third wheel. So. She was right. Huh. Well, she could certainly understand why for sure. Mika was nice and caring, plus he was pretty damn good looking, so why wouldn't she like him? Though, Sera wouldn't really let such a thing happen..she wouldn't directly cause Lavender to be upset as much as possible. Being subtle was key, after all. When she apologized and suddenly stormed off Sera sighed. Should she go and convince her they didn't mind? Or would it make things worse? Humans were finicky creatures, there was really no telling. She guessed they could go by after they took a bath, pending how Mika reacted. "Lets let her calm down a bit. I mean, you can go after her if you want. But I think it'd be best to go check on her after we all take a bath and relax a bit." She told him.

She honestly genuinely thought that, part of Lavenders stress could be brought on by the pudding in her everywhere. God knows Sera was beginning to get stressed over it.
Mikael felt bad at what Lavender said, he felt said as she turned away from them. He then turned to Sera and turned his frown to a melancholic smile. "I agree. Let's take a bath shall we?" he said and then walked ahead of her. He then quickly turned back to face Sera and he said as he was waving his hands on the air as if erasing something written "No no, I mean we take bath... in turn after each other.. NO... I meant I'll take a bath after you. Not that we're bathing together. Not at all." his face was flustered and he was drowning in embarrassment.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98
rbshinichi said:
Mikael felt bad at what Lavender said, he felt said as she turned away from them. He then turned to Sera and turned his frown to a melancholic smile. "I agree. Let's take a bath shall we?" he said and then walked ahead of her. He then quickly turned back to face Sera and he said as he was waving his hands on the air as if erasing something written "No no, I mean we take bath... in turn after each other.. NO... I meant I'll take a bath after you. Not that we're bathing together. Not at all." his face was flustered and he was drowning in embarrassment.
@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

Sera: Magnolia Streets > Sera's House

Sera nodded and followed after him. They were already headed in the right direction so she'd just point out the house when they came across it. She didn't really think anything about what he said, actually thinking about something innocently for once. When he stopped and turned to abruptly face she arched a brow, a smirk forming on her face. She chuckled lowly to herself, slowly shaking her head. "Don't worry Mika. I knew what you meant. Really it wouldn't bother me either way if you had meant that. But, yeah. Don't worry yourself." She replied reassuringly. "C'mon, my place isn't too far from here." She told him. With that she walked up the street leading him to her house, she quickly reached it and entered after unlocking the door. It was a modest two story townhouse nestled between two others. The inside was decently big, a staircase in front of the door leading to the second floor. Kitchen was to the left of said staircase, living room to the right, and dining room was situated in the kitchen. Upstairs were the two bedrooms, right across from each other in the hall, and the bathroom down the hall from there. "Here we are, make yourself at home. Your room will be the first door on the left down the hall." She told him, proceeding to point out the afforementioned areas as well. "It's not much, but its pretty nice." She added with a shrug before proceeding up the stairs. "I'll shower real quick and let you know when I'm out." She called out from the top of the staircase.

She quickly grabbed a simple white T-Shirt and jeans from her room before hastily entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind her, eager to get the pudding off of her. She quickly stripped and hopped into the shower, enjoying the water washing the sticky off as she started thoroughly cleaning herself.
Genon said:
Adrian Bell, Fairy Tail Wizard
House --> Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Status: Fighting for his life.

Adrian had spent most of the day practicing his parade routine. There was no way he could do a job in under a day, and with the majority of the town shut down for the parade there wasn't anything else to do outside. His conscience was nagging him about not helping out with the parade, since he was going to be in it, but he hadn't gotten a chance to have some peace and quiet lately. The festival was fun for a while, but its charm wore off by the third day, just like the other two times he had been there.

His routine was rather elaborate: He would use small Arcane Barriers and several Arcane Rays to create a dazzling light show for the crowd. With the parade taking place at night this time, it would be sure to wow the audience. He had worked out the different shapes he would create for a while now. It would be spectacular.

But after the third hour of practice, he decided he would relax for a bit. He played some video games, watched some TV, and after getting dinner, figured he should start planning out what missions he would take after the festival was over. He might have been on holiday so far, but he knew that people sometimes posted jobs during the festival to guarantee that they would be taken immediately after the festival ended, since all the Fairy Tail wizards who hadn't already taken a job would immediately turn to the Job Board after three days of no income. Thus, it was a good idea to reserve a job just in case.

So at about 6:10 PM, he got dressed and headed to the Guild Hall after a quick meal. However, when he approached the building, he noticed that the air near a second-floor window shimmered, and the window opened and closed on its own! It was clear that someone was using a cloaking spell, but not one as good as Hidden, to sneak in. For what purpose, he had no idea. But it couldn't be good.

He knew that the window that closed led to a corridor near Ophelia's office (@Metaphysics

Ryu's conversation with Raa was interrupted by Adrian barreling through the room and taking the stairs to the second floor two at a time, an arcane sword forming in his right hand and an Arcane Ray forming in his left, an expression of determination on his face. Within five seconds, he had disappeared to the second floor. (OOC: If you two want to have your characters get curious and tag along, feel free to do so.)

As Adrian dashed to the corridor outside Ophelia's office, he found the same blurry shape hunched over near Ophelia's door. However, as Adrian's footsteps echoed down the corridor, the blur rose slightly. It seemed to notice him. Adrian noticed a glint, likely from a weapon, and hugged the wall, a wicked-looking knife blade shooting past him on a chain. The blade then curved around and flew at Adrian, who ducked. The blade buried itself in the wall. The figure made a show of tugging on the chain, prompting Adrian to shoot an Arcane Ray down the corridor while slicing the chain in two with his blade. The figure, however, opened up some kind of portal that absorbed the beam. It said in a man's voice, "Requip," before beginning to move towards Adrian at lightning speed, one dagger in each hand. Adrian summoned an arm shield and three barriers between himself and his foe. The enemy sliced through two of them, but the last one gave him some trouble as it was reinforced with Adrian's power. Adrian shot the reinforced barrier forward, knocking the man down the corridor and causing him to bounce and along the ground like a beach ball, past Ophelia's door, before barrel-rolling along the ground and sliding to a stop. The man got up, and Adrian felt something cold at his throat. Looking down, Adrian saw that a knife was floating in the air, pressed against his jugular vein but not breaking the skin. A bead of sweat dripped down Adrian's face knowing he was at the man's mercy now.

The man dispelled his cloaking magic, revealing Grimoire Heart's symbol on his right hand. The man was also wearing a black cloth mask that covered his mouth and nose, leaving only his green eyes exposed. He had messy brown hair. Otherwise, he was wearing a black waffle-weave shirt and blue jeans.

The man released a chuckle in his tenor voice. "You're probably a wizard of this guild, right?" he asked rhetorically. "Well, I'm having trouble breaking through this door, but you can help me with that!"


By now, the sounds of fighting could be heard loud and clear from the second floor. Just what was Adrian doing up there?
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

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Ryu's normally relaxed expression was replaced with an uncharacteristic scowl as the wooden dragon spoke to him. "Be that as it may," he said, his voice dripping with exasperation. "It isn't exactly considered 'polite' to take chunks out of the table to use in such a frivolous manner, " The fact that the other mage used ice was one thing, he could abide that, but now the other was engaging in wanton destruction of property. Not to mention the fact that he had started to make bad puns. That was one of the things that the old Ryu, his Gokasai personality, hated the most, and it was threatening to drag his old self back into the open again. It had been several months since his last relapse, and he wanted it to stay that way. He gritted his teeth, managing, barely, to hold back his other self. "And finally, if I had wished to speak with you, I would have done so. However, I have no desire to speak with you if you continue to mangle semantics for you own perverse enjoyment,"


"Well still. Staring is wood. I'm not oak with it. Maple you should work on your manners some more." He punned, making the dragon come back to him before he put the piece of wood back into the table and standing up to approach him and shake his hand and give himself a nice and proper introduction. Then he was sent spiing away comically by someone barging into him. He only maintained the spin because he found it highly amusing. 'Hmm...I wonder what that was about...' He thought as he stopped the spin and followed the man with his gaze. "Well got nothing better to do, Niur!" He called out, grabbing her attention. "Stand by will ya?" He said before he marched towards the unseen commotion. When he reached the top of the stairs he was greeted to the sight of combat. "Welp...looks about right then." He said as metal slid out of his cloak and formed his dark metal scythe.

The scythe dragged menacingly past the man who barged into him as he approached the spiky man. "Now I'm only going to say this once..." He warned as he drew nearer. The wall came alive and moved to prevent his quarry from backing off, walls from the sides were suddenly coated in dark metal, covering windows, the floor and the ceiling as well. The only way out now was through him. "Surrender yourself or I will be forced to deal TONS OF DAMAGE." He emphasized as the man's armor melted away like liquid. Actually, it was now liquid.
@Metaphysics @Rhodus @anyoneleseinornearFThall

Sakura: Doorway of FT Hall

Slowly but sure Sakura staggered her way to the Fairy Tail hall, unsure where any other members of her guild were and figuring there'd be at-least someone there to help her. She was covered in bruises and her dress slightly torn at the collar and sleeves where she'd fought to escape. Shortly after night fall she'd been attacked by a group of mages, or rather ambushed in a part of town hardly anyone was at due to decorating. She barely had any time to react before they attacked her and tried to render her unconcious. None of them expected her to have the magic she did though, Steve fending off her attackers the second she got free. She wasn't without injury though, they'd known she was a mage but clear didn't expect her to be able to put up a fight. She vision grew hazy as she neared the hall, only managing to mumble a weak "
Help.." before collapsing halfway through the doorway. Her breathing was strained and shallow, signs of her injuries but impossible to figure out how bad they were from that fact alone. Little did she know she escaped a fate worse than death and barely so, luckily she'd probably be fine given where she passed out however.

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98ff0802_BattosaiGlare2.png.5c0e04688a4e6dfa9690aa5eedf654db.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122412" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c98ff0802_BattosaiGlare2.png.5c0e04688a4e6dfa9690aa5eedf654db.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryu's scowl turned even more bitter as the other Mage continued to make puns. "Did you take a railroad spike to the head or something?" He asked, his voice laced with his anger. He watched as the other Mage walked off, glad to see him leave. Glad that is, until he withdrew a scythe. And that meant he was obligated to intervene. Fantastic. He stood up and followed the scythe wielding Mage as he rushed towards the commotion. "Hey. Mystery and enigma, " he said, standing behind the cloaked Mage. "I'm giving you five seconds to drop the scythe. Otherwise we're going to have a problem. And I'm not asking twice." There was no longer any point in Ryu fighting the relapse into his old self; he was already there.

@Metaphysics @Genon



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He was relieved that she didn't really mind what he said. I should really keep myself from overthinking things. I shouldn't even have this monologue. It's over thinking right? I mean I lived for centuries, I should be all mature and full of wisdom by now. I should be used to anything. But. Okay, stop it. Don't over think. He proceeded to the room she told him. It was small, but it was clean. It was decent and it felt comfortable. He took off his clothes and set them aside. I'm not overthinking but what am I supposed to wear now?

He slowly gathered his clothes covered in filthy sticky icky substance and dressed himself again. He sat down in a corner and waited for Sera to finish bathing.
rbshinichi said:
He was relieved that she didn't really mind what he said. I should really keep myself from overthinking things. I shouldn't even have this monologue. It's over thinking right? I mean I lived for centuries, I should be all mature and full of wisdom by now. I should be used to anything. But. Okay, stop it. Don't over think. He proceeded to the room she told him. It was small, but it was clean. It was decent and it felt comfortable. He took off his clothes and set them aside. I'm not overthinking but what am I supposed to wear now?
He slowly gathered his clothes covered in filthy sticky icky substance and dressed himself again. He sat down in a corner and waited for Sera to finish bathing.
Sera: Sera's House

After about ten minutes Sera stepped out of the shower, dried, and dressed herself while summarily tossing her ruined clothes into the trash bin. Sure, she could wash them. But effort. Now, her main problem was always drying her wings. Drying wings as big as you each was a bitch. Her solution? Draping two massive towels over them, one on each, and hoping for the best. Exiting the bathroom she moved to her room and shifted through her dresser, her goal? Finding Mika a change of clothes until either 1. Those were washed or 2. He was able to go out and get more. She was considerably smaller than him frame wise, but not overly so. It'd be a bit uncomfortable but he should be able to wear an outfit identical to hers. It was bettee than walking around in pudding covered clothes and making taking a bath moot, after all.

Satisfied with an outfit exactly like the t-shirt and jeans she had in she walked into his room and tossed the clothes to him. "
Bathrooms' all yours, and those should fit you. It'll be a bit snug but it's probably better than what you have on 'till we can get them washed." She told him. "You hungry? I can make us something to eat before we go out to the festival." She asked him. She intended on making herself a sandwich or something if he declined either way. She'd make a little more effort and make a small meal if he said he was.
He caught the clothes mid air and looked at them. They were practically boyish clothing. Without the curves and shape on the sides that girls clothing would normally have, true enough they could fit him. "These will be good. I am in your debt." he said. "Hmmm. don't you guys sell a lot of food in the stalls during festivals, like takoyaki, yakisoba, and apple candy (now that's anime)? I would love to try some of that. And I always wanted to try scooping those goldfish from the water." he said excitedly with sparkles in his eyes, just like a child going to a summer festival for the first time.

He then disappeared into the bathroom and started cleaning himself up. He could smell all around the scent of Sera.
Lavender had returned home and instantly went to the bathroom where she turned on her shower and took off her armor. Lucky for her, armor wasn't hard to clean! Dropping the pieces onto the floor, she stepped in her shower and closed her eyes as she leaned against the wall I am acting childish, foolish. I am still curious as to why this makes me so jealous... I even broke a poor teacup handle out of anger... Lavender didn't understand her feelings. She had been puzzled and lost. Shaking her head, the warrior washed her hair and skin thoroughly to get out all the sticky pudding out. Never in her life would she be washing out pudding from her hair. Lavender didn't even think about the day that this could happen!

Shutting off her water, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her body while another went to wrap in her hair. Lavender then picked up her armor and put it into the tub to be washed. Once that was finished she went to her room and dried off before slipping on some clothes, preferably her comfortable clothes that had no reason with a dress. Lavender was beginning to calm down now as she returned to the bathroom to wash her armor
Metaphysics said:

"Well still. Staring is wood. I'm not oak with it. Maple you should work on your manners some more." He punned, making the dragon come back to him before he put the piece of wood back into the table and standing up to approach him and shake his hand and give himself a nice and proper introduction. Then he was sent spiing away comically by someone barging into him. He only maintained the spin because he found it highly amusing. 'Hmm...I wonder what that was about...' He thought as he stopped the spin and followed the man with his gaze. "Well got nothing better to do, Niur!" He called out, grabbing her attention. "Stand by will ya?" He said before he marched towards the unseen commotion. When he reached the top of the stairs he was greeted to the sight of combat. "Welp...looks about right then." He said as metal slid out of his cloak and formed his dark metal scythe.

The scythe dragged menacingly past the man who barged into him as he approached the spiky man. "Now I'm only going to say this once..." He warned as he drew nearer. The wall came alive and moved to prevent his quarry from backing off, walls from the sides were suddenly coated in dark metal, covering windows, the floor and the ceiling as well. The only way out now was through him. "Surrender yourself or I will be forced to deal TONS OF DAMAGE." He emphasized as the man's armor melted away like liquid. Actually, it was now liquid.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

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Ryu's scowl turned even more bitter as the other Mage continued to make puns. "Did you take a railroad spike to the head or something?" He asked, his voice laced with his anger. He watched as the other Mage walked off, glad to see him leave. Glad that is, until he withdrew a scythe. And that meant he was obligated to intervene. Fantastic. He stood up and followed the scythe wielding Mage as he rushed towards the commotion. "Hey. Mystery and enigma, " he said, standing behind the cloaked Mage. "I'm giving you five seconds to drop the scythe. Otherwise we're going to have a problem. And I'm not asking twice." There was no longer any point in Ryu fighting the relapse into his old self; he was already there.

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Zuka

That sound was the wall collapsing into smithereens, revealing the black void that signaled the beginning of Valken's secrecy spell. The Guild Masters couldn't hear the sound of the wall collapsing, but they could see the cloud of dust it raised within the room, which would prompt some coughing, along with the rather large chunks of wall that hit the ground right next to Ophelia. Furthermore, while Valken's spell protected against light and sound, it didn't protect against the onslaught of the man's misguided Requip spell, and the starry void began to enter the room through the secrecy spell Valken cast, bypassing the door entirely now that the wall had collapsed.

"Hey, guys? If you have something that could break me out of this, I could really use your help!" Adrian said to Ryu and Raa.

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Genon said:
The Grimoire Heart spy at first could only think of how screwed he was when not one, but two other mages showed up. However, his stress soon gave way to relief as one mage revealed he could be easily dealt with, and the other apparently rolled a critical failure on his spot check. (Who says that Grimoire Heart mages don't play tabletop games?). As for how he would deal with the scythe-wielder, Requip could be used for more than just swapping items out, after all.
First, he Requipped into a new outfit, this time a hazmat suit. His ENVI outfit would protect him from debilitating magics and substances, like Poison Magic or any kind of acidic compound. The perfect thing to deal with a pesky mage like this one. With this, he could wade through Raa's strange liquefying magic like it was water.

The hazmat-suit wearing man then held out his arms and a magic circle appeared under his feet. "Requip Magic Secret Art: Thief's Wave!" With that incantation, a spell of his design, suddenly the hallway began to be converted into some kind of astral void creeping forward at an alarmingly fast rate. His Requip dimension. He had somehow gotten around the limitation of kidnapping people via Requip, and he was going to use it on his three enemies, as well as damage the entire Guild Hall in the process!


Adrian was at first glad to get new allies, but Ryu just had the biggest lapse in attention he had ever seen. "Ryu, are you blind? That guy down the hallway is a Grimoire Heart mage who just tried to break into Ophelia's office. I caught him sneaking in through a window. I think that maybe you can let the mysterious scythe-wielder go just this once if he's going to help us." Then he noticed that his assailant had changed into a Hazmat suit...and that the hallway was suddenly becoming rather starry. The wave touched his hand as he tried to get away, and his hand was frozen in place immediately. He tried to tug on his arm to get free, but he found he couldn't at all. He tried to shoot an Arcane Ray at the enemy, but it just froze the minute it touched the wave.

But then the spy realized just why you don't try to Requip-absorb a building. The spell washed over the wall between the Guild Masters, Valken, and the ensuing fight, and began to creep through. It reduced the structural integrity of the wall, and as the void threatened to absorb Adrian's shoulder...


@HuorSpinks @Zuka

That sound was the wall collapsing into smithereens, revealing the black void that signaled the beginning of Valken's secrecy spell. The Guild Masters couldn't hear the sound of the wall collapsing, but they could see the cloud of dust it raised within the room, which would prompt some coughing, along with the rather large chunks of wall that hit the ground right next to Ophelia. Furthermore, while Valken's spell protected against light and sound, it didn't protect against the onslaught of the man's misguided Requip spell, and the starry void began to enter the room through the secrecy spell Valken cast, bypassing the door entirely now that the wall had collapsed.

"Hey, guys? If you have something that could break me out of this, I could really use your help!" Adrian said to Ryu and Raa.
Raa - He asked for it.

"Welp, you asked for it. I really don't have any patience for you right now." Raa said. The scythe became very wicked and jagged. "For what it's worth I'm sorry you're going to end this way." He started before aiming his scythe at the man. "Oh would you wait. Trying to stop the source here." He addressed Adrian. "Hidden Technique..." He made up to disguise his magic. "The Aspiration Of All Life Is Death." He intoned with a distorted voice as the air in the man's suit became solid, cutting off his air supply, before he started to squeeze him into a pulp, making sure he was immobile and distracted. In truth he was only going to keep this up until he was knocked out. In truth he was only naming things intimidating bullshit.
Lysander Connell

Location: Float-making area

Lysander was in an extremely good mood, to the point that he was actually humming as he worked. A contented smile was on his face as he painted, tied ribbons, and cut various materials into the necessary shapes, gluing them together in order to form a float. Sora would be riding on this float later, and he was going to do his utmost to ensure that hers would be an extremely impressive float, hopefully the best in the festival. She deserved his best after all, and he was going to ensure that this float was going to be one that she would be proud of.

The smile grew on his face as he recalled the date the previous day, that he and Sora had been on. It had been perfect in every sense of the word. They had shared their pastries, and walked along the river side, the moonlight gleaming on the clear, calm water, the sounds of singing, shouting and laughing in the distance. Once again, they had held hands, and by this time it was just so natural for them to be holding hands that he no longer hesitated. It had been quite late, and he had walked back with her to her home before heading back to his own lodgings, where he had the best sleep he ever had in ages.

The next day, he had learnt that she would be taking part in the parade, and he had immediately offered to help with the floats. It was for two reasons, the first reason was to spend more time with Sora. He was not sure how long it would be before he got to see Sora again after the festival, so he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. Plus, he did want to be helpful, and there was only so much free time he could take on his own before he got bored. The second reason though, was more sentimental. His parents, grandparents and great grandparents had been in Fairy Tail, taking part and working on floats during the time they had been alive, and while he had chosen not to join their guild, he still wanted to help out because it was a part of his history. To stand in the same spot as his family had once stood, working on floats like they had worked on in the past... it just felt right. To be able to make peace and be proud of his family background.

It had been rather embarrassing to be introduced to the Fairy Tail members, and he had been deathly afraid that he would be chased away, working on stuff that they had more right to be working on yet they did not seem to mind his presence, much to his intense relief. It was fortunate that Sora was such a highly respected member of the guild, that they listened to her and welcomed his presence. Perhaps they had even recognized his last name And so he got to work along side them, like his family once had. It was a beautiful, bittersweet feeling.

His thoughts were interrupted in the most pleasant way as Sora appeared beside him. He had to hold back laughter as she appeared the image of dejection, especially when he peered over to her side of the float she had been working on, only to find things... not as neat. He had not even been aware that he was that good with crafts actually. He had merely followed her instructions. He had barely did any craft work when he was younger too. "Well... I just followed the instructions you gave me," he said finally, giving a cough to hide a chuckle that had been bubbling up in his throat. "I've rarely done this kind of thing before," he admitted. "But this was what I had been doing," he added, demonstrating what he had been doing earlier, allowing one of his hands to brush against hers, relishing the contact while a slight tinge of red appeared on his cheeks.

Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken had just finished prompting Master Lloyd with a question on the West when his gaze snapped to the left just as the wall to there room collapsed. Of course he couldn't hear it, but Valken was attuned to every shadow and especially attuned to one he created himself. Like a bug landing on a spider's web.

He quickly rolled up the giant map of the invansion before forcing it into Lloyd's hand. Then he stood tall and gave a very theatrical bow. "That is my intel, without further ado I shall deal with this situation...." He was already walking to the opening the wall and with a wave of his arms the shadows seemed to thicken even further, to the point it was pitch blackness, like a black hole. No light or sound escaping and no way for one to see through. Once erected Valken simply stepped through like it was a portal, though if anyone else tried it they would be melded into the wall and stuck there to drown.

Now popping on the other side of the portal he made to keep the Guild Master's room Secret, the tall mysterious man's dark purple gaze instantly surveyed the situation. To his right a hazmat wearing suit with a ring of magic under his feet, obviously the one responsible for the destruction. He noticed a Grimore Heart symbol on his arm.

Then Valken's gaze snapped to his left were a mage had his hand caught in that starry forcefield, while two others stood behind him. One had a scythe to which Valken meerly raised an eyebrow. Was this guy a vampire like Sera? Or did he simply enjoy the weapon? Valken was one to talk, his hooked, barbed daggers gleeming threateningly by his hips.

Finally Valken turned back to the Grimore Heart spy and it looked for all the world like he simply melted into the ground, into the darkness of his own shadow. Not even a second later, he slipped up and behind the spy, looking down to him with a dark gaze. "That is just about enough out of you..." Here Valken suddenly stamped his foot right behind the spy, onto his own shadow and held it there locking his feet in place so he was unable to move.

Another second Valken had unhooked a dagger from his side while he reached up with his other hand, ripping the suit's helmet off and throwing it to the wayside, removing whatever protection he gained that way.

Unknowingly breaking Raa's spell by giving the Spy a fresh dose of oxygen.

However just as The Grimore Heart Spy was releaved to breath, Valken fisted the back of his hair and yanked his head back, dagger pointing and cutting into the fabric of his back, right down the middle of his spine.

Valken didn't have to kill him but a well placed stab to spinal column would render him paralized. After all, humans had very specific nervous systems.

With the dagger in his back and head yanked back, feet locked, Valken had him arching back painfully so that his face was upside down staring at the cold gaze the S-Class Lamia Scale Shadow Mage was pouring into him.

"You have 5 seconds to tell me why you are here.."



@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Salt Lord
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-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9932b889_BattosaiGlare5.jpg.23175277216481a4780535cc9c6e626d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9932b889_BattosaiGlare5.jpg.23175277216481a4780535cc9c6e626d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A flicker of amusement showed on Ryu's face as Valken incapacitated the spy. The Shadow Mage's display had been enough to earn Ryu's acknowledgment as a fighter, which was the closest thing to praise you'd get from his Gokasai personality. He surveyed the room again before going to help up Adrian. He held out his left hand to Adrian, saying nothing, but uttering a noncommittal grunt to get his attention.

@Metaphysics @Genon



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rbshinichi said:
He caught the clothes mid air and looked at them. They were practically boyish clothing. Without the curves and shape on the sides that girls clothing would normally have, true enough they could fit him. "These will be good. I am in your debt." he said. "Hmmm. don't you guys sell a lot of food in the stalls during festivals, like takoyaki, yakisoba, and apple candy (now that's anime)? I would love to try some of that. And I always wanted to try scooping those goldfish from the water." he said excitedly with sparkles in his eyes, just like a child going to a summer festival for the first time.
He then disappeared into the bathroom and started cleaning himself up. He could smell all around the scent of Sera.
Sera: Sera's House

Festival food? Well, it was pretty good. That worked for her. Plus she wouldn't have to make effort to cook. After walking all that way she was feeling especially lazy, so really she wasn't going to contest it. Plus playing a few of the games that were still around would probably be fun. Though before she could reply or say otherwise he was already gone. Shrugging she moved to sit on the bed while she waited on him, not really having anything else to do, while idly trying to finish drying her wings. Sometimes she wished she didn't even have them, they were really annoying to clean after all seeing as she couldn't effectively reach them. She'd definetly go by Lavenders house after Mika was done though, she fully intended on seeing if she could convince her they didn't mind her going.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken had just finished prompting Master Lloyd with a question on the West when his gaze snapped to the left just as the wall to there room collapsed. Of course he couldn't hear it, but Valken was attuned to every shadow and especially attuned to one he created himself. Like a bug landing on a spider's web.

He quickly rolled up the giant map of the invansion before forcing it into Lloyd's hand. Then he stood tall and gave a very theatrical bow. "That is my intel, without further ado I shall deal with this situation...." He was already walking to the opening the wall and with a wave of his arms the shadows seemed to thicken even further, to the point it was pitch blackness, like a black hole. No light or sound escaping and no way for one to see through. Once erected Valken simply stepped through like it was a portal, though if anyone else tried it they would be melded into the wall and stuck there to drown.

Now popping on the other side of the portal he made to keep the Guild Master's room Secret, the tall mysterious man's dark purple gaze instantly surveyed the situation. To his right a hazmat wearing suit with a ring of magic under his feet, obviously the one responsible for the destruction. He noticed a Grimore Heart symbol on his arm.

Then Valken's gaze snapped to his left were a mage had his hand caught in that starry forcefield, while two others stood behind him. One had a scythe to which Valken meerly raised an eyebrow. Was this guy a vampire like Sera? Or did he simply enjoy the weapon? Valken was one to talk, his hooked, barbed daggers gleeming threateningly by his hips.

Finally Valken turned back to the Grimore Heart spy and it looked for all the world like he simply melted into the ground, into the darkness of his own shadow. Not even a second later, he slipped up and behind the spy, looking down to him with a dark gaze. "That is just about enough out of you..." Here Valken suddenly stamped his foot right behind the spy, onto his own shadow and held it there locking his feet in place so he was unable to move.

Another second Valken had unhooked a dagger from his side while he reached up with his other hand, ripping the suit's helmet off and throwing it to the wayside, removing whatever protection he gained that way.

Unknowingly breaking Raa's spell by giving the Spy a fresh dose of oxygen.

However just as The Grimore Heart Spy was releaved to breath, Valken fisted the back of his hair and yanked his head back, dagger pointing and cutting into the fabric of his back, right down the middle of his spine.

Valken didn't have to kill him but a well placed stab to spinal column would render him paralized. After all, humans had very specific nervous systems.

With the dagger in his back and head yanked back, feet locked, Valken had him arching back painfully so that his face was upside down staring at the cold gaze the S-Class Lamia Scale Shadow Mage was pouring into him.

"You have 5 seconds to tell me why you are here.."



@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Salt Lord
The spy's spell instantly disappeared as Adrian watched the man get stabbed in the back of the neck, the Arcane Wizard collapsing to the floor and landing on his ass as the force of gravity pulled him off-balance when the restraint was suddenly removed. How the man was still alive and breathing, he had no idea, but at least the Lamia Scale guy didn't kill him. But what the hell was he doing in the Guild Hall anyway? Oh. He knew. There was likely some kind of meeting going on in the Guild Hall. That would explain the secrecy spell and the Lamia Scale guild mark on Shadowy Assassin Guy.

"Heh. Like I'll tell you, you pathetic--" the spy began, only to be cut off by Adrian, who took Ryu's hand and dusted himself off before turning to the spy and saying, "Well, that's fine by me, dumbass, because I already know half the story, so I'll tell this Lamia Scale guy for you. This idiot was trying to break into the Guild Master's personal office. Now why would Grimoire Heart want to bust into the office of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail? Probably to get at her private documents. What did they want to steal? Probably stuff for blackmail, lists of family members and their addresses, or to get intelligence about Fairy Tail's next move." He then put his hands on his hips and stared the spy down in an accusing yet strangely lighthearted and smug manner. "I'm right, aren't I?"

The spy was dumbstruck, and it showed. After a few seconds of silence, Adrian said, "Your shock all but confirms it. Spit it out and maybe this guy won't beat you too badly."

"Alright, fine!" The spy replied. "I was looking for intelligence on Fairy Tail's strategic decisions! I had no idea I'd be running into someone's secrecy spell! I showed up in the evening assuming she would be finished with her bureaucratic duties! Whatever's going on behind that black wall, I have no clue! Legal guilds don't kill and I told you what you wanted to know, so maybe can I get a medic for the fucking hole in my spine before you find yourself wanted for murder?!"
Genon said:
The spy's spell instantly disappeared as Adrian watched the man get stabbed in the back of the neck, the Arcane Wizard collapsing to the floor and landing on his ass as the force of gravity pulled him off-balance when the restraint was suddenly removed. How the man was still alive and breathing, he had no idea, but at least the Lamia Scale guy didn't kill him. But what the hell was he doing in the Guild Hall anyway? Oh. He knew. There was likely some kind of meeting going on in the Guild Hall. That would explain the secrecy spell and the Lamia Scale guild mark on Shadowy Assassin Guy.
"Heh. Like I'll tell you, you pathetic--" the spy began, only to be cut off by Adrian, who took Ryu's hand and dusted himself off before turning to the spy and saying, "Well, that's fine by me, dumbass, because I already know half the story, so I'll tell this Lamia Scale guy for you. This idiot was trying to break into the Guild Master's personal office. Now why would Grimoire Heart want to bust into the office of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail? Probably to get at her private documents. What did they want to steal? Probably stuff for blackmail, lists of family members and their addresses, or to get intelligence about Fairy Tail's next move." He then put his hands on his hips and stared the spy down in an accusing yet strangely lighthearted and smug manner. "I'm right, aren't I?"

The spy was dumbstruck, and it showed. After a few seconds of silence, Adrian said, "Your shock all but confirms it. Spit it out and maybe this guy won't beat you too badly."

"Alright, fine!" The spy replied. "I was looking for intelligence on Fairy Tail's strategic decisions! I had no idea I'd be running into someone's secrecy spell! I showed up in the evening assuming she would be finished with her bureaucratic duties! Whatever's going on behind that black wall, I have no clue! Legal guilds don't kill and I told you what you wanted to know, so maybe can I get a medic for the fucking hole in my spine before you find yourself wanted for murder?!"
(forgot to tag @Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Colt556 @Salt Lord)
Genon said:
The spy's spell instantly disappeared as Adrian watched the man get stabbed in the back of the neck, the Arcane Wizard collapsing to the floor and landing on his ass as the force of gravity pulled him off-balance when the restraint was suddenly removed. How the man was still alive and breathing, he had no idea, but at least the Lamia Scale guy didn't kill him. But what the hell was he doing in the Guild Hall anyway? Oh. He knew. There was likely some kind of meeting going on in the Guild Hall. That would explain the secrecy spell and the Lamia Scale guild mark on Shadowy Assassin Guy.
"Heh. Like I'll tell you, you pathetic--" the spy began, only to be cut off by Adrian, who took Ryu's hand and dusted himself off before turning to the spy and saying, "Well, that's fine by me, dumbass, because I already know half the story, so I'll tell this Lamia Scale guy for you. This idiot was trying to break into the Guild Master's personal office. Now why would Grimoire Heart want to bust into the office of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail? Probably to get at her private documents. What did they want to steal? Probably stuff for blackmail, lists of family members and their addresses, or to get intelligence about Fairy Tail's next move." He then put his hands on his hips and stared the spy down in an accusing yet strangely lighthearted and smug manner. "I'm right, aren't I?"

The spy was dumbstruck, and it showed. After a few seconds of silence, Adrian said, "Your shock all but confirms it. Spit it out and maybe this guy won't beat you too badly."

"Alright, fine!" The spy replied. "I was looking for intelligence on Fairy Tail's strategic decisions! I had no idea I'd be running into someone's secrecy spell! I showed up in the evening assuming she would be finished with her bureaucratic duties! Whatever's going on behind that black wall, I have no clue! Legal guilds don't kill and I told you what you wanted to know, so maybe can I get a medic for the fucking hole in my spine before you find yourself wanted for murder?!"

Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c99505621_images(32).jpg.e924ea0cbaf89df1203ee25e52c8b368.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122574" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c99505621_images(32).jpg.e924ea0cbaf89df1203ee25e52c8b368.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken's eyes lifted as the man who was trapped then stood with the help of the other mage who didn't have the sythe. Then his dark eyes lowered now to the helpless Spy who was still wanting to pick a fight despite having no access to his limbs from the neck down. The nick on the back of his neck barely visible from how precise Valken had cut it.

"Trying to break into the office of the Guild Master in charge of the Magnolia festival, the very same festival who's parade is on tonight and therefore the Guild Hall is flooded with Mage's? What kind of idiotic, sad excuse of a spy are you?"

Here Valken actually frowned. Then a grin flooded his face. "Murder? Who says I was going to Murder you? I have far too many questions left like who sent you and the exact plans of what you were trying to steal... "

Here Valken wrapped his elbow around his neck and pulled tight in a choke hold, cutting the air from his lungs, watching him struggle then pass out.

Once fully out, Valken made a sound of distain and threw him up over his shoulder, turning to the other three mages.

"My name is Valken Truss, and you all would be?" He said with his usual cheeky grin, like he totally didn't threaten and incapacitate a guy who was now passed out on his shoulder.

@Metaphysics @Rhodus



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LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki Yamada: Pretty Meadow.

View attachment 273337

After the events of the tournament, Masaki was taken to the infirmary in order to properly recuperate. Having slept for over eleven hours, the male felt incredibly refreshed due to it. Sitting with Grace under one of the large trees, the noises of birds singing could be heard all around them, the wind gracing the trees with its presence which caused their branches to rustle and even some of its pink and white leaves to fall gracefully down to the ground. An arm over the girl leant against him, holding her close, Masaki looked straight into Grace's eyes as she spoke to him. The teasing caused Masaki to sigh, however he laughed and spoke himself. "It's not a bad thing that I lost, Lyra is strong and is much more deserving of the victory than I am. I could tell that she has suffered hardship throughout her life... Perhaps victory would be a release for her? I don't know.." The red head then smiled as he let out a slight chuckle, "Master Gilad probably isn't too bothered since this tournament isn't for anything official, it was just for fun you know." Masaki looked at Grace and smiled once again, "Anyway, at least I beat Momoki. Something that you couldn't do." He said, tauntingly but with a playful smirk on his face. Taking a deep sigh, the S-Class looked away from Grace for a moment as he then continued. "It's nice here isn't it? This is the same meadow I used to train in when I was young. In fact, this was also where I found out about my magic. It's fitting, don't you think?". Masaki shook his head as he then sighed, "That's enough about me, how're you enjoying things so far?"

Maya Morne: Magnolia Streets.

Today was a very big day. It was Sora's birthday. Prior to current events Maya had completely done up Sora's house with bunting, birthday banners and all sorts. Cute dresses scattered the main room and as did the presents. There were even things for Nami littered all over the place as well, and the incredibly large cake that she had the bakers make had been transported to the house and sealed in a box, then it was sealed via Maya's telekinetic barrier magic so that it couldn't be opened. Now, she was walking the streets with Millie, fellow bikini babe and Lamia Scale beauty. Her hands at her front, Maya looked at Millie as she then proceeded to spin gracefully. "So my dear, how have you been finding the festivities? It's been very fun so far, don't you think?"


Hibiki Dreyar: Outside Kardia Cathedral.

After the events of yesterday's tournament, Lyra had collapsed after using her virus curse. Which he had told her not to use. Lyra knew the risks of using her curse and yet she still used it? No doubt her memory was going to wake even further now and the chance of her going into another frenzy was again, very high. The only issue with this however, was the fact that how serious her outburst could be was unknown. Heck, Hibiki didn't even know if she was going to do anything at all. With his hands in his pockets, Hibiki walked through the streets of Magnolia until he found himself outside Kardia Cathedral. Upon arriving he noticed Lyra leant up against a tree, obviously asleep. Hibiki was quick to go over to her and poke her slightly as if it was an attempt to wake her up, which it was. His purple eyes looking down towards her as he spoke softly, "Lyra? Why are you out here?" A sigh escaping his mouth as he did so.


Grace shrugged as Masaki said that Lyra deserved the win over himjust because she went through hardships. Everyone has gone through hard ships, so did she really deserve it? "I still think that you should've won." She said, being completely biased. Could you blame her though? Who wouldn't want their boyfriend to win a fight tournament and get some extra cash that he could pamper you with? She couldn't help but blush as she was teased for losing to Momoki. She wished to forget about the whole losing in the first round thing, but it wasn't her fault! Momoki was an S Class Mage and she was only a B class, soon to be A class. The odds weren't in her favor. "Oh be quiet. That fight was rigged and unfair. She got help from an outside source!" The short girl said, frowning at him before rubbing her nose against his. "But whatever. You'll win next year for sure." Her smaller frame cuddled up to the red haired boy more, her arms wrapped around his waist. She had to admit, the field was very beautiful and the experience was made even better with Masaki here. "I guess this is pretty nice. Thanks for taking me out here." Grace said, removing one hand away from his waist and putting it on his hand. "But what's planned for the rest of the night? Are we gonna stay here for a few hours, or go out and do things?" She asked, quickly realizing how rude that sounded. "I don't care what we do, as long as we're together."

Millie was rather bummed that she didn't get to spend any time with Valken today. After the whole saving her life thing that happened last night she felt as if she needed to repay him somehow. But since they wouldn't be seeing each other until much later it'd be hard. Fortunately she didn't get to spend the entire day alone as she was following around the older but equally gorgeous Maya. It was Sora's birthday today so the wizard Saint was in a very good mood, and that was a very good thing. She wouldn't want to be stuck with an angry Maya. That would be worse than the evil man from last night, whom she decided to keep a secret from Maya. Even if the blonde girl explained that Valken had gotten her out unharmed the older girl would still beat his ass. Plus she didn't want anyone to worry about her. Giving Maya a warm smile as she finished spinning, Millie nodded slightly and spoke. "I'm loving the festival. I rarely get to go out and do things like this, and it's a really nice change. And thank you for letting me tag along. You're a very sweet girl."


Mikael La Viere

Location: Sera's Place


Feeling the cold water ran down his face as he was looking up with his eyes closed, Mika's train of thoughts departed towards Lavender's way. That look on her face clearly appeared on his mind, and he kept hearing the words "third wheel".
I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to be with her. What was the uneasy feeling he was coping up with, he didn't have a clue.

After a few minutes of scrutiny under the shower head, he was sparkling clean, that's almost literally. He took the towel hanging from the side wall and dried himself to a clean one. He slid the clothes he borrowed from Sera and they smelled like her. He looked at himself, he felt real awkward in them but he could live another night with it. He got out and called out to her. "Sera, I'm ready when you are. You have my gratitude for letting me use your bath. You had to lend me clothes too, I apologize for that."


@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

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rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Sera's Place


Feeling the cold water ran down his face as he was looking up with his eyes closed, Mika's train of thoughts departed towards Lavender's way. That look on her face clearly appeared on his mind, and he kept hearing the words "third wheel".
I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to be with her. What was the uneasy feeling he was coping up with, he didn't have a clue.

After a few minutes of scrutiny under the shower head, he was sparkling clean, that's almost literally. He took the towel hanging from the side wall and dried himself to a clean one. He slid the clothes he borrowed from Sera and they smelled like her. He looked at himself, he felt real awkward in them but he could live another night with it. He got out and called out to her. "Sera, I'm ready when you are. You have my gratitude for letting me use your bath. You had to lend me clothes too, I apologize for that."


Sera: Sera's House

After a little bit Mika had finally finished and called for her. She took the towels off of her mostly dry wings and tossed them to the hallway. She then stood and walked out of his room and down the hall, stopping at the staircase and turning to him. "Anytime. Don't worry about it, really. I got plenty of spare clothes that I rarely wear. Usually only wear 'em when my normal top gets damaged." She replied with a shrug "'Sides, I figured we might be able to pick you up some clothes at the festival." She added as she walked downstairs. "Lets stop by Lavenders place, see if she wants to come with us or not. Not entirely sure why she ran off like that myself." She commented as she walked opened the door and waited for Mika to exit so she could lock it. She hoped Lavender wasn't mad at her for whatever reason, sure she wanted to win this small little love feud that seemed to be going on but she didn't want to lose a friend over it. She wasn't even entirely sure that's what the issue was, really.
Chris Lengheart(Back home)

Chris let Kelica rest on his shoulder for the whole ride. When the driver announced that they'd be arriving soon Chris only nodded as Kelica shouted at the poor man. When she brought up smaller takeovers Chris only shook his head and said,"Nothing comes to mind. Technically speaking though, I could use a animal soul. Only problem is, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to hold it for very long though."

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

Valken had just finished prompting Master Lloyd with a question on the West when his gaze snapped to the left just as the wall to there room collapsed. Of course he couldn't hear it, but Valken was attuned to every shadow and especially attuned to one he created himself. Like a bug landing on a spider's web.

He quickly rolled up the giant map of the invansion before forcing it into Lloyd's hand. Then he stood tall and gave a very theatrical bow. "That is my intel, without further ado I shall deal with this situation...." He was already walking to the opening the wall and with a wave of his arms the shadows seemed to thicken even further, to the point it was pitch blackness, like a black hole. No light or sound escaping and no way for one to see through. Once erected Valken simply stepped through like it was a portal, though if anyone else tried it they would be melded into the wall and stuck there to drown.

Now popping on the other side of the portal he made to keep the Guild Master's room Secret, the tall mysterious man's dark purple gaze instantly surveyed the situation. To his right a hazmat wearing suit with a ring of magic under his feet, obviously the one responsible for the destruction. He noticed a Grimore Heart symbol on his arm.

Then Valken's gaze snapped to his left were a mage had his hand caught in that starry forcefield, while two others stood behind him. One had a scythe to which Valken meerly raised an eyebrow. Was this guy a vampire like Sera? Or did he simply enjoy the weapon? Valken was one to talk, his hooked, barbed daggers gleeming threateningly by his hips.

Finally Valken turned back to the Grimore Heart spy and it looked for all the world like he simply melted into the ground, into the darkness of his own shadow. Not even a second later, he slipped up and behind the spy, looking down to him with a dark gaze. "That is just about enough out of you..." Here Valken suddenly stamped his foot right behind the spy, onto his own shadow and held it there locking his feet in place so he was unable to move.

Another second Valken had unhooked a dagger from his side while he reached up with his other hand, ripping the suit's helmet off and throwing it to the wayside, removing whatever protection he gained that way.

Unknowingly breaking Raa's spell by giving the Spy a fresh dose of oxygen.

However just as The Grimore Heart Spy was releaved to breath, Valken fisted the back of his hair and yanked his head back, dagger pointing and cutting into the fabric of his back, right down the middle of his spine.

Valken didn't have to kill him but a well placed stab to spinal column would render him paralized. After all, humans had very specific nervous systems.

With the dagger in his back and head yanked back, feet locked, Valken had him arching back painfully so that his face was upside down staring at the cold gaze the S-Class Lamia Scale Shadow Mage was pouring into him.

"You have 5 seconds to tell me why you are here.."



@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks @Metaphysics @Genon

Genon said:
The spy's spell instantly disappeared as Adrian watched the man get stabbed in the back of the neck, the Arcane Wizard collapsing to the floor and landing on his ass as the force of gravity pulled him off-balance when the restraint was suddenly removed. How the man was still alive and breathing, he had no idea, but at least the Lamia Scale guy didn't kill him. But what the hell was he doing in the Guild Hall anyway? Oh. He knew. There was likely some kind of meeting going on in the Guild Hall. That would explain the secrecy spell and the Lamia Scale guild mark on Shadowy Assassin Guy.
"Heh. Like I'll tell you, you pathetic--" the spy began, only to be cut off by Adrian, who took Ryu's hand and dusted himself off before turning to the spy and saying, "Well, that's fine by me, dumbass, because I already know half the story, so I'll tell this Lamia Scale guy for you. This idiot was trying to break into the Guild Master's personal office. Now why would Grimoire Heart want to bust into the office of the Guild Master of Fairy Tail? Probably to get at her private documents. What did they want to steal? Probably stuff for blackmail, lists of family members and their addresses, or to get intelligence about Fairy Tail's next move." He then put his hands on his hips and stared the spy down in an accusing yet strangely lighthearted and smug manner. "I'm right, aren't I?"

The spy was dumbstruck, and it showed. After a few seconds of silence, Adrian said, "Your shock all but confirms it. Spit it out and maybe this guy won't beat you too badly."

"Alright, fine!" The spy replied. "I was looking for intelligence on Fairy Tail's strategic decisions! I had no idea I'd be running into someone's secrecy spell! I showed up in the evening assuming she would be finished with her bureaucratic duties! Whatever's going on behind that black wall, I have no clue! Legal guilds don't kill and I told you what you wanted to know, so maybe can I get a medic for the fucking hole in my spine before you find yourself wanted for murder?!"
Zuka said:
Valken Truss - Second Storey Fairytail Guild Hall

View attachment 274075

Valken's eyes lifted as the man who was trapped then stood with the help of the other mage who didn't have the sythe. Then his dark eyes lowered now to the helpless Spy who was still wanting to pick a fight despite having no access to his limbs from the neck down. The nick on the back of his neck barely visible from how precise Valken had cut it.

"Trying to break into the office of the Guild Master in charge of the Magnolia festival, the very same festival who's parade is on tonight and therefore the Guild Hall is flooded with Mage's? What kind of idiotic, sad excuse of a spy are you?"

Here Valken actually frowned. Then a grin flooded his face. "Murder? Who says I was going to Murder you? I have far too many questions left like who sent you and the exact plans of what you were trying to steal... "

Here Valken wrapped his elbow around his neck and pulled tight in a choke hold, cutting the air from his lungs, watching him struggle then pass out.

Once fully out, Valken made a sound of distain and threw him up over his shoulder, turning to the other three mages.

"My name is Valken Truss, and you all would be?" He said with his usual cheeky grin, like he totally didn't threaten and incapacitate a guy who was now passed out on his shoulder.

@Metaphysics @Rhodus

"I totally could've handled that." Raa commented as the walls snapped back into place and the darksteel slithered back into his cloak. "Capital! Good to meet you Sir Truss ah hang on, can't forget the restraints." He said before his scythe came to life and slithered it's way to the fallen mage where it wrapped itself around him. "I am Raa. The man with red hair is Edgy McDarkRomance." He gave a small bow.
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