Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Inn

Lee prepared his staff in case the fool decided to fight him. "I can understand your anger for me bumping into you but I would rather not have to deal with your kind." The dark aura around Lee began to grow in size as his mood began to degrade. "I am not looking for a fight but if you want to fight I am ready, I am a wizard after. The dark aura around me drains those around me to be drained of their strength and the longer someone is in the more deadly it becomes." He looked over his opponent not knowing what his power was but he was prepared to fight him so it come to that.
Eric: Magnolia inn

Eric has been caught in a pretty tight spot, his gut was telling him that this guy's pretty tough although he couldn't just walk away after he was just insulted multiple times. If they're ability was to drain other people's energy then he would have to end it quick, besides he'd rather not wreck the entire inn in the process. He quickly transformed his hands into cheetah claws and his legs into that of a chettah's for fast and effective attacks and quickly dashed towards the stranger slashing at him in a fast but controlled manner "I'm so taking you down! If you say sorry then I may just stop."

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Lee: Shadow Barrier

"So be it, end the serenity and cause chaos is that it." He slammed his staff into the earth creating a barrier out of darkness. It formed around the two of the closing them off to the rest of the world. He then created a barrier to block the wizards attacks. "Have you heard of maker magic? I have style similar to that with my darkness. Now prepare to die!" He Lifted his staff and prepared for his next spell. "Shadow Knives." Knives made out of pure darkness formed and then shot at the man.

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Kazehana said:

Aurelie spent most of the rest of her day window shopping, for she knew she couldn't afford to get much, at least not in this city. To be quite honest, she really grew tired of simply looking at all the pretty things without being able to buy any of it. But such was life, and she could easily accept that. She felt it odd to be such a free spirit in a land of people who had rules for what seemed like everything. That night, she stayed in an inn room, making sure to stay well past the hour of her transformation. It was boring to sit in a room with nothing to do, but she had to stay somewhere secluded, and that was the most private spot she could think of.

About halfway into her seclusion, she suddenly remembered her promise to Gilad, forcing her eyes to get wide. Soon after, they relaxed and she simply noted to herself to find him. No use worrying about it now since she couldn't exactly do anything about it. Once she checked out, she walked down the now deserted streets, wondering just where all those people could have gone. It seemed far less lively, and she couldn't tell whether to be elated or disappointed that the festival was over. What was she going to do now?

Oops, she had already forgotten about Sabertooth. How could she get so side tracked? With pretty jewelry of course! But she had to pull herself away from the temptation. It was imperative to find Gilad, not fine jewels! She wasn't sure where to find him, so she tried to find the central location area thingy. Maybe they could help her locate him. There seemed to be a large building nearby, which she immediately took for such a place.

She found Gilad in a very poorly described area by me. Elated, she rushed up to him with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile drawn across her face. "Gilad!" she said happily, hugging him immediately. Then she remembered that it wasn't actually good manners and let go on the spot, clasping her hands behind her back instead. "Sorry," she said quickly, hoping that resolved her mistakes. Better just talk before he questions it. "I'm ready to come do guild things!" she said, changing the subject to what she actually wanted to talk about. Alright, so she was finally set to start doing real things with her life. This was a big step, but she was sure Gilad would help her at every step of the way.

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia inn

Eric has been caught in a pretty tight spot, his gut was telling him that this guy's pretty tough although he couldn't just walk away after he was just insulted multiple times. If they're ability was to drain other people's energy then he would have to end it quick, besides he'd rather not wreck the entire inn in the process. He quickly transformed his hands into cheetah claws and his legs into that of a chettah's for fast and effective attacks and quickly dashed towards the stranger slashing at him in a fast but controlled manner "I'm so taking you down! If you say sorry then I may just stop."

Wyatt said:
Lee: Shadow Barrier

"So be it, end the serenity and cause chaos is that it." He slammed his staff into the earth creating a barrier out of darkness. It formed around the two of the closing them off to the rest of the world. He then created a barrier to block the wizards attacks. "Have you heard of maker magic? I have style similar to that with my darkness. Now prepare to die!" He Lifted his staff and prepared for his next spell. "Shadow Knives." Knives made out of pure darkness formed and then shot at the man.

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

A new day had dawned and it was time for him to take his leave of this wretched city. He had spent far too much time for far too little reward and he was eager to get back to Crocus. There was just one last thing to do and as such he strode towards Fairy Tail's guild hall. The thought of leaving a potential lead with a potential traitor had been weighing heavily on him all night long. Ultimately there was little he could do about it and would just have to have faith that Ophelia was not the one responsible. As he walked the streets he was suddenly assaulted with a hug as he heard a feminine voice call his name. The girl was quick to release him and take a step back as he turned his attention towards her. Immediately recognizing the lass he gave her a quick nod.

He turned to face her fully, folding his arms over his chest as she proclaimed her readiness to observe guild activities. "I see..." He allowed his words to linger in the air as he looked the girl over, thinking of how best to handle her. She would need people to observe if she was going to see how guilds operate. There were not many in Sabertooth who would take kindly to a babysitting job and even fewer who were even in Magnolia at the moment. After thinking silently for a few moments he refocused on the girl and turned towards his previous destination. "I have important matters to attend to at the moment, however I will find someone for you to observe so that you can see what being a member of a guild entails." Without even waiting for a response he resumed his trek.

After a few moments he spoke up, assuming she had followed him. "Sabertooth demands discipline and strength from it's members. As such independence is a common trait. Whoever you observe will likely expect you to be able to take care of yourself. That said, you should not hesitate to ask for assistance when needed. No matter how powerful one becomes there are things they can not accomplish alone." His tone got a bit more somber on that last part, his gaze held firmly forward as he walked. Something caught his eye and he came to a stop, looking at a pair of individuals who seemed to be in a bit of a magical scuffle.

His brow furrowed as he looked at the duo, a disappointed sigh slipping out before he made his way towards them. Despite the principles of what Sabertooth stood for there were always times when it's members lapsed and acted in very unseemly ways. Often times he was not around to set them straight, fortunately this time he was. As he neared the two magicians their spells seemed to wink out of existence and they were both abruptly brought to their knees. While the one with the staff would simply feel an intense weight bearing down on him, the other would be slammed harshly into the ground. With the two combatants subdued he came to a stop between them, casting his gaze first on the staff-wielding individual before leveling a cold glare on the man plastered to the ground.

"Eric. I assume you have a good reason for fighting in the middle of the street." Immediately upon asking his question the force pinning both men to the ground would ease up, allowing both of them to regain their footing.
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Eric Grangly: Shadow Barrier/Magnolia streets

Eric quickly managed to spring out of the way of the knives and continue his charge and muttered under his breath "That was a close one... this maker magic must be pretty powerful if he's so confident he can fight me" He then shouts "Hey I'm a class A wizard, that kind of ability won't take me down so easily you know and by the way you shouldn't get so cocky!" He does a full-body takeover and turns completely into a cheetah and starts runs around the stranger too fast for him to keep up with his movement. Until suddenly Eric was slammed into the ground and heard Gilads voice. "Ahh! Guild Master! I-I c-c-can explain! This weird guy was insulting me and I couldn't just leave without saying anything!" At first Eric was itching for a fight, Now he was scared for his life.

@Wyatt @Colt556
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Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

A new had dawned and it was time for him to take his leave of this wretched city. He had spent far too much time for far too little reward and he was eager to get back to Crocus. There was just one last thing to do and as such he strode towards Fairy Tail's guild hall. The thought of leaving a potential lead with a potential traitor had been weighing heavily on him all night long. Ultimately there was little he could do about it and would just have to have faith that Ophelia was not the one responsible. As he walked the streets he was suddenly assaulted with a hug as he heard a feminine voice call his name. The girl was quick to release him and take a step back as he turned his attention towards her. Immediately recognizing the lass he gave her a quick nod.

He turned to face her fully, folding his arms over his chest as she proclaimed her readiness to observe guild activities. "I see..." He allowed his words to linger in the air as he looked the girl over, thinking of how best to handle her. She would need people to observe if she was going to see how guilds operate. There were not many in Sabertooth who would take kindly to a babysitting job and even fewer who were even in Magnolia at the moment. After thinking silently for a few moments he refocused on the girl and turned towards his previous destination. "I have important matters to attend to at the moment, however I will find someone for you to observe so that you can see what being a member of a guild entails." Without even waiting for a response he resumed his trek.

After a few moments he spoke up, assuming she had followed him. "Sabertooth demands discipline and strength from it's members. As such independence is a common trait. Whoever you observe will likely expect you to be able to take care of yourself. That said, you should not hesitate to ask for assistance when needed. No matter how powerful one becomes there are things they can not accomplish alone." His tone got a bit more somber on that last part, his gaze held firmly forward as he walked. Something caught his eye and he came to a stop, looking at a pair of individuals who seemed to be in a bit of a magical scuffle.

His brow furrowed as he looked at the duo, a disappointed sigh slipping out before he made his way towards them. Despite the principles of what Sabertooth stood for there were always times when it's members lapsed and acted in very unseemly ways. Often times he was not around to set them straight, fortunately this time he was. As he neared the two magicians their spells seemed to wink out of existence and they were both abruptly brought to their knees. While the one with the staff would simply feel an intense weight bearing down on him, the other would be slammed harshly into the ground. With the two combatants subdued he came to a stop between them, casting his gaze first on the staff-wielding individual before leveling a cold glare on the man plastered to the ground.

"Eric. I assume you have a good reason for fighting in the middle of the street." Immediately upon asking his question the force pinning both men to the ground would ease up, allowing both of them to regain their footing.
Jackaboi said:
Eric Grangly: Shadow Barrier/Magnolia streets

Eric quickly managed to spring out of the way of the knives and continue his charge and muttered under his breath "That was a close one... this maker magic must be pretty powerful if he's so confident he can fight me" He then shouts "Hey I'm a class A wizard, that kind of ability won't take me down so easily you know and by the way you shouldn't get so cocky!" He does a full-body takeover and turns completely into a cheetah and starts runs around the stranger too fast for him to keep up with his movement. Until suddenly Eric was slammed into the ground and heard Gilads voice. "Ahh! Guild Master! I-I c-c-can explain! This weird guy was insulting me and I couldn't just leave without saying anything!" At first Eric was itching for a fight, Now he was scared for his life.

@Wyatt @Colt556
Lee: Magnolia Inn

He was preparing for his next defense once his knives missed, and he was going to cover his skin in another barrier. "You're the drunk who was looking for a fight. Now if you will excuse me I need to pay the inn keeper." He then began to walk away. As he began to walk a way he look to the man he now knew as Eric. "Just so that you know, just because I am not in a guild doesn't mean I am not an A ranked wizard. You best think about who you challenge, next time you might not be so luck." He then continued to walk towards the door, have interested in what would happen to Eric.
Jackaboi said:
Eric Grangly: Shadow Barrier/Magnolia streets

Eric quickly managed to spring out of the way of the knives and continue his charge and muttered under his breath "That was a close one... this maker magic must be pretty powerful if he's so confident he can fight me" He then shouts "Hey I'm a class A wizard, that kind of ability won't take me down so easily you know and by the way you shouldn't get so cocky!" He does a full-body takeover and turns completely into a cheetah and starts runs around the stranger too fast for him to keep up with his movement. Until suddenly Eric was slammed into the ground and heard Gilads voice. "Ahh! Guild Master! I-I c-c-can explain! This weird guy was insulting me and I couldn't just leave without saying anything!" At first Eric was itching for a fight, Now he was scared for his life.

@Wyatt @Colt556
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

He held his glare on the boy for several lingering moments, saying nothing as he simply stared down at his guild member. After several moments he closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting out another disappointed sigh. He returned his attention back to the boy before long. "You started a fight in the middle of a city street because someone insulted you? Were I not busy right now we would have a long chat on the principles of Sabertooth. Principles you seem to have forgotten." He looked over his shoulder at the girl from before, immediately knowing how best to resolve the current issue. "We will have that talk at a later date, Eric, for now you shall redeem yourself by taking care of her." He paused briefly to gesture towards the girl with his hand before continuing. "She is a foreigner who does not know about Guilds or how they operate. I have agreed to allow her to observe and see if our Guild is a good fit for her. You, Eric, will be the one she observes."

He made sure to give the boy a cold look, making certain to hammer home that this was not up for debate before turning to address the girl. "Eric here will take care of you in my stead. He will show you everything you need to know about Guilds and answer any questions you might have." He had been leading the girl around for a bit now and knew there was still one step left before he could take his leave and finish his task. "I apologize for pawning you off onto one of my members, however I am quite busy. If you have any questions or concerns for me now would be the time to air them." Unlike when he spoke to Eric the glare he held was absent and his tone calm as always when speaking to the girl. While he was adept at displaying his anger he was equally skilled at controlling who it was directed at.

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Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Inn

He was preparing for his next defense once his knives missed, and he was going to cover his skin in another barrier. "You're the drunk who was looking for a fight. Now if you will excuse me I need to pay the inn keeper." He then began to walk away. As he began to walk a way he look to the man he now knew as Eric. "Just so that you know, just because I am not in a guild doesn't mean I am not an A ranked wizard. You best think about who you challenge, next time you might not be so luck." He then continued to walk towards the door, have interested in what would happen to Eric.
Eric Grangly: Magnolia Streets

As Eric was sweating profusely from Gilad's cold stare he saw the stranger walking away. H-hey! you're not just going to leave me here are you? Please! don't me here like this! Gilad's seriously going to kill me at this rate!" Now Eric was waiting for his punishment let alone the fact waiting for a punishment from Gilad was just like being on death row. He doesn't know if he'll even be able to survive long enough. Then unexpectedly he was tasked to take care of a girl who was hoping to join the guild "Huh? Seriously! I have to take care of some gi..." Gilad gives him that same cold stare "uhh... Yes sir I shall redeem myself!" He turns his attention to the girl "So I'll have to act as an example of the guild? Shouldn't be too hard. First of all what's your name?

@Wyatt @Kazehana

She screwed up her face when he mentioned handing her off to someone else. She was about to say something before he just started going, prompting her to scramble and keep up. She wasn't used to just having to follow some guy on his whim. But to be honest, she was quite glad that he had stopped her from saying anything. It was probably very disrespectful to object to what he had to say, and she wasn't about to go offending him already. She would probably do that later. For now, she simply listened to what he had to say.

"I-I can take care of myself," she muttered as he stopped to address the situation in the street. She didn't much know what was happening, but it looked as if they were having some sort of roughhousing session. She knew all too well what those familiar skirmishes were like. Why, they had them all the time back at her home! But she wasn't as frail then, and she could take a lot more abuse. Stupid soft flesh taking out the fun of having ... fun.

The man known as Eric seemed to be all talk, especially since he started whimpering at the mere sight of Gilad. Was he simply envious of Gilad's appearance? Aurelie wouldn't be surprised. But then he addressed her companion as the guildmaster, and she understood what was going on. Gilad's response to his pretty shotty explanation was a little on the abrasive side for her, even if it wasn't directed at her.

The tone he took with her was far more pleasant, and she could understand that this Eric guy might just be causing a commotion of some sort. Where did Gilad have to get off to, she had to wonder. Well, whatever it was, she was not about to question him in his state. For all she knew, he would turn on her too! Though she liked to think that he wouldn't. After all, he was never anything but pleasant towards her. Perhaps roughhousing was rather frowned upon here.

She looked at Eric for a moment, mainly because he had talked to her. She simply tilted her head slightly, her blank gaze locked on his visage. "It seems like you get in trouble a lot. Is this a lesson on what not to do?" she asked plainly, though quite innocently for the blow she just gave him. It was quite a serious question though. She was genuinely curious if this was Gilad's way of testing her to see if she would fall into the same pattern as this man.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
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Kayzo said:
Haruhi woke up the next morning in a panic. She didn't know where she was, how she got here, or why there was another girl in her bed! The blue haired girl let out a scream and rolled off the bed and out of the stranger's arms. Upon hitting the floor she saw that all of her clothes from th previous night were still on, indicating that nothing lewd went down between the two girls, but that still didn't make it any less weird. Haruhi curled up into a ball and turned herself into iron just in case the stranger made a move and tried to harm her. "W-who are you!?" She wailed at the other person in bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. "What am I doing here!?"
Ciel slowly woke up to wailing with a pounding headache." W-w-wha...ohhhh...what...happened last night? " She groaned out as she held her head to soothe the pain."Haruhi? What are you doing here?" She asked. "And where's my cloak...wait..." She got a sinking feeling. "... Okay to ease this a bit it's me, Raa, now what the heck did we do last night?"
Kazehana said:

She screwed up her face when he mentioned handing her off to someone else. She was about to say something before he just started going, prompting her to scramble and keep up. She wasn't used to just having to follow some guy on his whim. But to be honest, she was quite glad that he had stopped her from saying anything. It was probably very disrespectful to object to what he had to say, and she wasn't about to go offending him already. She would probably do that later. For now, she simply listened to what he had to say.

"I-I can take care of myself," she muttered as he stopped to address the situation in the street. She didn't much know what was happening, but it looked as if they were having some sort of roughhousing session. She knew all too well what those familiar skirmishes were like. Why, they had them all the time back at her home! But she wasn't as frail then, and she could take a lot more abuse. Stupid soft flesh taking out the fun of having ... fun.

The man known as Eric seemed to be all talk, especially since he started whimpering at the mere sight of Gilad. Was he simply envious of Gilad's appearance? Aurelie wouldn't be surprised. But then he addressed her companion as the guildmaster, and she understood what was going on. Gilad's response to his pretty shotty explanation was a little on the abrasive side for her, even if it wasn't directed at her.

The tone he took with her was far more pleasant, and she could understand that this Eric guy might just be causing a commotion of some sort. Where did Gilad have to get off to, she had to wonder. Well, whatever it was, she was not about to question him in his state. For all she knew, he would turn on her too! Though she liked to think that he wouldn't. After all, he was never anything but pleasant towards her. Perhaps roughhousing was rather frowned upon here.

She looked at Eric for a moment, mainly because he had talked to her. She simply tilted her head slightly, her blank gaze locked on his visage. "It seems like you get in trouble a lot. Is this a lesson on what not to do?" she asked plainly, though quite innocently for the blow she just gave him. It was quite a serious question though. She was genuinely curious if this was Gilad's way of testing her to see if she would fall into the same pattern as this man.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]

Eric: Magnolia streets

Eric is still hurting from suddenly getting slammed on the ground and the girl began to speak "Well... I don't get in trouble ALL the time, ok maybe most of the time but to answer your question, yes that is a lesson on what not to do" Eric has become aware of the fact that he probably looks like a really bad role-model for the guild so he decides to step up his game "More importantly... Do not piss off Gilad! his punishments are just as bad as being on death row, The fact that I got off easy was a god send! Uh anyway do you have any questions? I'm no guild master but I've been in the guild long enough to know what's up (surprisingly).

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Metaphysics said:
Ciel slowly woke up to wailing with a pounding headache." W-w-wha...ohhhh...what...happened last night? " She groaned out as she held her head to soothe the pain."Haruhi? What are you doing here?" She asked. "And where's my cloak...wait..." She got a sinking feeling. "... Okay to ease this a bit it's me, Raa, now what the heck did we do last night?"
Haruhi's eyes widened when the stranger identified herself, or rather himself. There was no way that this could be Raa. This was a girl and Raa was a guy! Surely this was an imposter of some sorts. She un-metaled her head so thwt it looked normal, though she still stayed curled up on the ground. If this wasn't Raa and was the kidnappers that came to attack her before, she wasn't risking getting hurt. "I-if you're really Raa, then what did you do yesterday? With me? Tell me how we met." She challenged, wanting the potential imposter to prove herself. This was a rather easy question but it was the only one she could think of.
Jackaboi said:
Eric Grangly: Magnolia Streets

As Eric was sweating profusely from Gilad's cold stare he saw the stranger walking away. H-hey! you're not just going to leave me here are you? Please! don't me here like this! Gilad's seriously going to kill me at this rate!" Now Eric was waiting for his punishment let alone the fact waiting for a punishment from Gilad was just like being on death row. He doesn't know if he'll even be able to survive long enough. Then unexpectedly he was tasked to take care of a girl who was hoping to join the guild "Huh? Seriously! I have to take care of some gi..." Gilad gives him that same cold stare "uhh... Yes sir I shall redeem myself!" He turns his attention to the girl "So I'll have to act as an example of the guild? Shouldn't be too hard. First of all what's your name?

@Wyatt @Kazehana
Kazehana said:

She screwed up her face when he mentioned handing her off to someone else. She was about to say something before he just started going, prompting her to scramble and keep up. She wasn't used to just having to follow some guy on his whim. But to be honest, she was quite glad that he had stopped her from saying anything. It was probably very disrespectful to object to what he had to say, and she wasn't about to go offending him already. She would probably do that later. For now, she simply listened to what he had to say.

"I-I can take care of myself," she muttered as he stopped to address the situation in the street. She didn't much know what was happening, but it looked as if they were having some sort of roughhousing session. She knew all too well what those familiar skirmishes were like. Why, they had them all the time back at her home! But she wasn't as frail then, and she could take a lot more abuse. Stupid soft flesh taking out the fun of having ... fun.

The man known as Eric seemed to be all talk, especially since he started whimpering at the mere sight of Gilad. Was he simply envious of Gilad's appearance? Aurelie wouldn't be surprised. But then he addressed her companion as the guildmaster, and she understood what was going on. Gilad's response to his pretty shotty explanation was a little on the abrasive side for her, even if it wasn't directed at her.

The tone he took with her was far more pleasant, and she could understand that this Eric guy might just be causing a commotion of some sort. Where did Gilad have to get off to, she had to wonder. Well, whatever it was, she was not about to question him in his state. For all she knew, he would turn on her too! Though she liked to think that he wouldn't. After all, he was never anything but pleasant towards her. Perhaps roughhousing was rather frowned upon here.

She looked at Eric for a moment, mainly because he had talked to her. She simply tilted her head slightly, her blank gaze locked on his visage. "It seems like you get in trouble a lot. Is this a lesson on what not to do?" she asked plainly, though quite innocently for the blow she just gave him. It was quite a serious question though. She was genuinely curious if this was Gilad's way of testing her to see if she would fall into the same pattern as this man.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

He held his glare on the boy for several lingering moments, saying nothing as he simply stared down at his guild member. After several moments he closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting out another disappointed sigh. He returned his attention back to the boy before long. "You started a fight in the middle of a city street because someone insulted you? Were I not busy right now we would have a long chat on the principles of Sabertooth. Principles you seem to have forgotten." He looked over his shoulder at the girl from before, immediately knowing how best to resolve the current issue. "We will have that talk at a later date, Eric, for now you shall redeem yourself by taking care of her." He paused briefly to gesture towards the girl with his hand before continuing. "She is a foreigner who does not know about Guilds or how they operate. I have agreed to allow her to observe and see if our Guild is a good fit for her. You, Eric, will be the one she observes."

He made sure to give the boy a cold look, making certain to hammer home that this was not up for debate before turning to address the girl. "Eric here will take care of you in my stead. He will show you everything you need to know about Guilds and answer any questions you might have." He had been leading the girl around for a bit now and knew there was still one step left before he could take his leave and finish his task. "I apologize for pawning you off onto one of my members, however I am quite busy. If you have any questions or concerns for me now would be the time to air them." Unlike when he spoke to Eric the glare he held was absent and his tone calm as always when speaking to the girl. While he was adept at displaying his anger he was equally skilled at controlling who it was directed at.

Lee: Magnolia Inn

As he was about to enter the door he heard Eric's plea. He turned around and gave him a stone cold stare. "Excuse me! You just attacked me and you want me to help you!" He created a dove out of light handed it the money with a note for the Inn Keeper and sent it in to pay for the room. "You know what, I think I will tag around to see what is so great about a guild. If that is all right with you of course." He was addressing the guild master who had effortlessly stopped their battle. "I doubt I will join but it might be fun to see what they are all about."

Lucas Starphase and Noel Gilbert

Morning | Magnolia City, Streets

@The Dinkster

The aftermath of last nights parade was a rather embarrassing sight. The streets were littered with streamers, balloons, flowers and people with hangovers. To any outsiders it would be quite a shameful display, or perhaps even the sign of a rocking party depending on who you asked. It really did seem like a 'you had to be there' kind of event. Unfortunately, Lucas and Noel weren't there. The two wizards walked through the streets, Noel smiling cheerfully at the scene while Lucas pouted next to her. The older wizard took notice of his expression and skipped forward a little before turning to him with her hands behind her back in a relaxed, non-threatening stance.

What's wrong, Lucas?" Noel leaned forward a little, putting herself on an eye to eye level with the young man. Lucas awkwardly shifted his gaze to the floor, embarrassed by the eye contact.

I made you miss the festival. I'm sorry." Lucas' parents had been very insistent that he stay behind for the event, not trusting Blue Pegasus to take care of their son. Thankfully for Lucas, Noel had been just as persistent in assuring them of his safety. She refused to attend herself unless she was able to bring the young man. While it had taken some time, Lucas' parents eventually caved. Not that it mattered. By the time they had arrived, the festival was over.

Noel sat there for a few minutes before sighing, patting Lucas on the head.

There's always next year. Besides, getting you here is a big accomplishment on its own." Lucas curiously stared at Noel, his questioning gaze implying that he needed a further explanation.

Congratulations Lucas. It's your first trip away from home!" Noel beamed with excitement, and Lucas joined her as well at the sudden realisation of his freedom; however temporary. The two continued to wander through the town, Noel searching for her fellow guild mate Dastun Ronad. Though she had no idea where he'd be at this hour.

Leonardo Captor and Yukiko Sumeragi

Morning | Magnolia Hotel

Leonardo sat at the coffee table, lounging around in the hotel lobby with Mimi and Yukiko. Well, he assumed Yukiko was nearby. That lady had a way of always being everywhere, so it was unwise to count out her presence at any given moment. The Golden Royals wizard was shuffling his deck of playing cards, something he did on a regular basis for no particular reason. Leo had spent the previous night at the festival, being captivated by the show Fairy Tail had put on. They sure were an entertaining bunch.

Leonardo placed his deck down on the table and reached for his mug. He took a slow sip from his coffee, letting the slightly below scalding beverage perk him right up for the day ahead. He rested his mug in his lap before staring over at Mimi.

Some party, huh? These Magnolia folk know what's up." He placed the mug back down onto the table, sighing as he rested his head in his hands. At least the worst of the hangover had passed. He slowly rubbed his temples before smiling at his companion.

We should convince Bashult to let us throw a party at the guild. Can't let these Fairy's show us up like this."

The absolute last thing I want is a bunch of you idiots drinking up all of my booze and then passing out." Yukiko's sudden appearance behind Leonardo would have startled most people, but anyone who worked with her would become quite accustomed to Yukiko just randomly showing up before revealing that she'd been there the whole time.

Leonardo rolled his eyes at the comment. Smirking at Mimi before reaching for his coffee. Only this time, he grabbed air. Turning around at the sound of loud, obnoxious slurping, he was met with his own mug of coffee grasped in Yukiko's hands. Perhaps Leonardo wasn't accustomed to all of her tricks.

Less sugar next time; I'm trying to watch my figure. Also no cream; it upsets my stomach." Yukiko downed the drink almost instantly, walking around the couch and placing it down onto the table. Her smug aura was practically suffocating, turning what Leonardo had hoped to be a pleasant morning with Mimi into an uncomfortable experience for everyone involved.
Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Inn

As he was about to enter the door he heard Eric's plea. He turned around and gave him a stone cold stare. "Excuse me! You just attacked me and you want me to help you!" He created a dove out of light handed it the money with a note for the Inn Keeper and sent it in to pay for the room. "You know what, I think I will tag around to see what is so great about a guild. If that is all right with you of course." He was addressing the guild master who had effortlessly stopped their battle. "I doubt I will join but it might be fun to see what they are all about."
Eric: Magnolia inn

Instantly Eric replied disapprovingly "You want to see what a guild's like? do YOU really expect ME to tour you after all of that?" Eric thought that he just said that just to get on his nerves or maybe to watch him fight so that he could taunt him but either way he just thought this guy would distract him in his battles. " You just want to poke fun at me don't you? Well too bad, that's my speciality. But you know what? Fine, you can come along as long as you don't get in my way"

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Kazehana said:

She screwed up her face when he mentioned handing her off to someone else. She was about to say something before he just started going, prompting her to scramble and keep up. She wasn't used to just having to follow some guy on his whim. But to be honest, she was quite glad that he had stopped her from saying anything. It was probably very disrespectful to object to what he had to say, and she wasn't about to go offending him already. She would probably do that later. For now, she simply listened to what he had to say.

"I-I can take care of myself," she muttered as he stopped to address the situation in the street. She didn't much know what was happening, but it looked as if they were having some sort of roughhousing session. She knew all too well what those familiar skirmishes were like. Why, they had them all the time back at her home! But she wasn't as frail then, and she could take a lot more abuse. Stupid soft flesh taking out the fun of having ... fun.

The man known as Eric seemed to be all talk, especially since he started whimpering at the mere sight of Gilad. Was he simply envious of Gilad's appearance? Aurelie wouldn't be surprised. But then he addressed her companion as the guildmaster, and she understood what was going on. Gilad's response to his pretty shotty explanation was a little on the abrasive side for her, even if it wasn't directed at her.

The tone he took with her was far more pleasant, and she could understand that this Eric guy might just be causing a commotion of some sort. Where did Gilad have to get off to, she had to wonder. Well, whatever it was, she was not about to question him in his state. For all she knew, he would turn on her too! Though she liked to think that he wouldn't. After all, he was never anything but pleasant towards her. Perhaps roughhousing was rather frowned upon here.

She looked at Eric for a moment, mainly because he had talked to her. She simply tilted her head slightly, her blank gaze locked on his visage. "It seems like you get in trouble a lot. Is this a lesson on what not to do?" she asked plainly, though quite innocently for the blow she just gave him. It was quite a serious question though. She was genuinely curious if this was Gilad's way of testing her to see if she would fall into the same pattern as this man.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric Grangly: Magnolia Streets

As Eric was sweating profusely from Gilad's cold stare he saw the stranger walking away. H-hey! you're not just going to leave me here are you? Please! don't me here like this! Gilad's seriously going to kill me at this rate!" Now Eric was waiting for his punishment let alone the fact waiting for a punishment from Gilad was just like being on death row. He doesn't know if he'll even be able to survive long enough. Then unexpectedly he was tasked to take care of a girl who was hoping to join the guild "Huh? Seriously! I have to take care of some gi..." Gilad gives him that same cold stare "uhh... Yes sir I shall redeem myself!" He turns his attention to the girl "So I'll have to act as an example of the guild? Shouldn't be too hard. First of all what's your name?

@Wyatt @Kazehana
Wyatt said:
Lee: Magnolia Inn

As he was about to enter the door he heard Eric's plea. He turned around and gave him a stone cold stare. "Excuse me! You just attacked me and you want me to help you!" He created a dove out of light handed it the money with a note for the Inn Keeper and sent it in to pay for the room. "You know what, I think I will tag around to see what is so great about a guild. If that is all right with you of course." He was addressing the guild master who had effortlessly stopped their battle. "I doubt I will join but it might be fun to see what they are all about."
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The corner of his lip curled into a faint smirk as the girl asked if this was a lesson in what not to do. In a way she wasn't wrong, but he wouldn't be so upfront about it. "I have already told you the core principles of Sabertooth. Discipline and self control are important, and two things Eric here had decided to neglect. So in that way you could say this was a lesson in what not to do." He looked back at Eric for a moment before returning his gaze to the girl before him. "That said, Eric would not still be in this guild if he was not fit for it. So for the most part you can learn from his example." His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly at Eric's comments. That boy certainly did know how to skirt the line, and one day he might end up crossing it. Before he could say anything the man that had been fighting Eric spoke up, stating that he too would like to observe. Seeing as he wasn't the one who would have to deal with it he simply gave the stranger a nod. "I do not mind." Having someone who seems as hot-headed as Eric would be a good test for the boy anyways. He had to learn to control his impulses sooner rather than later if he wanted to stay in this Guild after all. Turning back to the girl he offered a small bow. "Then if there is nothing else I must take my leave." He paused momentarily to give the girl a chance to add in any last-minute questions before truly taking his leave.
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia inn

Instantly Eric replied disapprovingly "You want to see what a guild's like? do YOU really expect ME to tour you after all of that?" Eric thought that he just said that just to get on his nerves or maybe to watch him fight so that he could taunt him but either way he just thought this guy would distract him in his battles. " You just want to poke fun at me don't you? Well too bad, that's my speciality. But you know what? Fine, you can come along as long as you don't get in my way"

Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The corner of his lip curled into a faint smirk as the girl asked if this was a lesson in what not to do. In a way she wasn't wrong, but he wouldn't be so upfront about it. "I have already told you the core principles of Sabertooth. Discipline and self control are important, and two things Eric here had decided to neglect. So in that way you could say this was a lesson in what not to do." He looked back at Eric for a moment before returning his gaze to the girl before him. "That said, Eric would not still be in this guild if he was not fit for it. So for the most part you can learn from his example." His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly at Eric's comments. That boy certainly did know how to skirt the line, and one day he might end up crossing it. Before he could say anything the man that had been fighting Eric spoke up, stating that he too would like to observe. Seeing as he wasn't the one who would have to deal with it he simply gave the stranger a nod. "I do not mind." Having someone who seems as hot-headed as Eric would be a good test for the boy anyways. He had to learn to control his impulses sooner rather than later if he wanted to stay in this Guild after all. Turning back to the girl he offered a small bow. "Then if there is nothing else I must take my leave." He paused momentarily to give the girl a chance to add in any last-minute questions before truly taking his leave.
Lee: Magnolia Guild Tour

Lee walked up to Eric and rest his arm on the man's shoulder. "Do you not know peace, or serenity, or calm. I was being quiet serious, I might not be capable of joining one but I would still like to see how one works." He then looked at the guild master taking a small bow to show his gratitude. He put his staff one his back as he waited for his tour to begin. "and I thought I could be reckless, you take the cake for sure."

Aurelie felt understandably awkward. She was simply standing around like an idiot while all this drama was going down. Eric's comment about the guildmaster was very poorly placed, especially when the man was still present. Of course you don't talk about people when they're around! Even she know that. She had no idea who the other man was, but she had a feeling the two wouldn't last long together before this happened again. Who was babysitting who now?

She hadn't the slightest worry that she wasn't qualified to be in the guild if Eric was in it. Seriously, who taught these two how to roughhouse? Though it didn't really seem all that good natured, which had her puzzled. Not that she was going to question it; Gilad had already made sure she was branded as clueless. All she needed was someone else to do the same.

She jolted at Gilad's comment, lost in her own little world. "Y-yes of course," she replied, hoping it would suffice for her flustered demeanor. She looked back at Eric, who made all of her anxieties disappear. If this man could get in, she would be fine. She tilted her head once more, still staring blankly at him. Was she really going to be asking him questions on how things worked? Probably not unless there was no opinions about the answer. She had a feeling that he was going to be a lot of trouble for her to deal with, which didn't settle well with her. After all, she was trying to stay under the radar, not fly on it.

Their little weirldy-out-of-place makeup caused her eyelids to relax a bit. This was not going to be fun, she could already tell. "Alrighty, so what do you boys do for fun besides fight poorly?" she asked in almost a bored tone. She assumed they wouldn't be up for the things she wanted to do, especially since she wasn't done window shopping.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Colt556[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
@Talon @Embaga Elder @Huor Spinks (mentioned) @Zuka

Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra had quickly packed all of her things a short while after the fireworks last night. Watching the fireworks with Talon and Noah was great. And today they'd finally be able to join the guild. She was determined to find Lloyd today, she'd looked for him last night but didn't manage to find him. She was sure she'd be able to find him at the train station today though, considering everyone would mostly be going home together. She hoped she could find him before then, but, she wasn't entirely sure. Once again she'd told Talon and Noah to meet her at the square, then they'd go looking for Lloyd. She was still worried about bumping into Valken though, there was no telling what he'd do. He said she wouldn't expect his revenge, but, that was literally the only thing she could think about.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi's eyes widened when the stranger identified herself, or rather himself. There was no way that this could be Raa. This was a girl and Raa was a guy! Surely this was an imposter of some sorts. She un-metaled her head so thwt it looked normal, though she still stayed curled up on the ground. If this wasn't Raa and was the kidnappers that came to attack her before, she wasn't risking getting hurt. "I-if you're really Raa, then what did you do yesterday? With me? Tell me how we met." She challenged, wanting the potential imposter to prove herself. This was a rather easy question but it was the only one she could think of.
Ciel blinked at the sudden question. "I stop a dude from kidnapping you and you hit me. I then had you take a magical journey on my ride to find your sister...which we did then I invited you to drink..." She groaned as she stood. "I can't remember anything past the first drink." She said as she nursed her aching head.
Metaphysics said:
Ciel blinked at the sudden question. "I stop a dude from kidnapping you and you hit me. I then had you take a magical journey on my ride to find your sister...which we did then I invited you to drink..." She groaned as she stood. "I can't remember anything past the first drink." She said as she nursed her aching head.
Haruhi's eyes remained open and surprised. This girl really was Raa, but why did she have to hide it? It was rather strange, but hopefully it was for a good reason. "You really are Raa..." She said, shakily getting her her feet and taking a deep breath. She tried to recall memories of the previous night, yet nothing came to mind. Except one thing. "No, not Raa. Ciel! Your real name is Ciel!" She said, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. "I don't remember anything from last night, but I'm sure it wasn't that crazy. I'm sure that we just crashed here and went to bed, seeing that we are both fully clothed. But still, I'm sure Honoka is worried sick!" She said in a distressed voice, looking down at her hands that rested in her lap.

Mimi was never one for coffee, or most bitter things for that matter. She did, however, like tea. Today was mango white tea day, and she couldn't be happier. Her parents never let her drink alcohol, presumably because they thought it might be dangerous for her to do so and cause a commotion in their quaint village. But this wasn't a village, was it? And how much harm could she really do? Well apparently not a lot because she was a total lightweight. But that didn't stop her from having a good time. Even so, she hadn't nearly the time Leo was having, most likely because she knew to drink water often. That and it wasn't too terribly hard to flush out that little amount of alcohol from her system.

She wasn't one to be at all disturbed by Yukiko in any way. In fact, she largely admired the woman because she was so discrete. Mimi was anything but! Fortunately, she could still go under cover, though never in the way Yukiko had. If only she could harness that power for herself... But Bashult insisted that everyone within the guild be able to choose what to let Mimi could copy from them, and she didn't let poor Mimi go invisible or whatever it was. Either way it was cool.

But now wasn't the time for that sort of nonsense. She closed her eyes and took a sip of her tea as Yukiko downed Leo's drink. "Come on, Leo. You really shouldn't put that much sugar and cream in Yukiko's coffee! You should know better by now," she commented, smiling mischievously like she always does. She opened her eyes and set down her drink on the table, then promptly flopped back into her seat.

"As for your concern, I doubt Fairy Tail could outshine us as easily as you think. After all," she said, stroking an imaginary beard, "we have me!" she finished, striking a pose for a moment before falling back in her trademark smile. "Come on, Leo. You know we're tons of fun without having parties!" She got up and slid into the couch beside him, laying her hands lightly on his shoulder and her head on top of that. She pouted with pitiful eyes as she looked at him, going for maximum guilt. "Unless.. Unless you don't think we're fun," she finished tenderly, almost in a hushed tone. She wasn't sure if she oversold the voice crack in the middle, but she thought a tear might complete the package. Unfortunately, she wasn't too great at crying on cue, so she couldn't make one appear at the time. If only she had the single tear rolling down her face!

@Chat Noir
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Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

The corner of his lip curled into a faint smirk as the girl asked if this was a lesson in what not to do. In a way she wasn't wrong, but he wouldn't be so upfront about it. "I have already told you the core principles of Sabertooth. Discipline and self control are important, and two things Eric here had decided to neglect. So in that way you could say this was a lesson in what not to do." He looked back at Eric for a moment before returning his gaze to the girl before him. "That said, Eric would not still be in this guild if he was not fit for it. So for the most part you can learn from his example." His eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly at Eric's comments. That boy certainly did know how to skirt the line, and one day he might end up crossing it. Before he could say anything the man that had been fighting Eric spoke up, stating that he too would like to observe. Seeing as he wasn't the one who would have to deal with it he simply gave the stranger a nod. "I do not mind." Having someone who seems as hot-headed as Eric would be a good test for the boy anyways. He had to learn to control his impulses sooner rather than later if he wanted to stay in this Guild after all. Turning back to the girl he offered a small bow. "Then if there is nothing else I must take my leave." He paused momentarily to give the girl a chance to add in any last-minute questions before truly taking his leave.
Eric: Magnolia streets

It suddenly occurred to him that he's never had to act as an example for a guild before. He'd better not screw this up because the way Gilad is now, he might end up getting kicked out for sure. The girl then spoke up "Fun? Well in my opinion the most fun I've had in Sabertooth is hanging out with guild-mates and doing the various jobs posted on the job board, or maybe get a drink at the guild bar but either way I'm sure you'd have fun" The girl probably thought that Eric was just some dunce who just barely pulls himself back from being kicked out but he's smarter than that and smart enough to know that it's better she keeps thinking that way, just so there isn't any needless pressure forced on them. "By the way I didn't catch your name, do you mind telling me?"

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Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

With the lack of any further questions he turned and took his leave, once again resuming his journey to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Knowing Eric's personality he was slightly worried about leaving the girl in his care. However, if the boy could not even manage something like this then he clearly was not fit for Sabertooth. Either way something would be gained or lost from this endeavor, he would merely have to await the results. Leaving the trio of young mages behind it did not take him long to reach his destination. As with the night before he simply strode in as if he owned the place and casually made his way to the second floor. As if hell bent on repeating everything from the night before some of the members idling about tried to stop him and yet again a simple glare was all it took for them to back down. Upon reaching the office door he knocked a few times, waiting a response. He was met with silence and so he knocked again, this time somewhat louder than before. Again he was met with nothing but silence.

He did not like the prospect that Ophelia was not around, she knew he sought to collect the spy. Not about to go snooping around another guild's hall he made his way back down the stairs and out the front entrance. Locating Ophelia would be his top priority, the sooner he located the girl the sooner he could be on his way. It was times like this that he wondered whether or not it was too late to learn some kind of tracking magic. Nevertheless such thoughts would do little to aid him now and so he set about searching the old fashioned way.

Dastun Ronad

Cafe Black and White, Magnolia

@Chat Noir

Dastun was sitting outside, it was part of his favorite cafe and he always enjoyed sitting in silence, watching the sun rise and hearing the birds chirp. It was also the only cafe that was open when he was usually awake, roaming the streets. He had been there for a few hours now and the traffic had begun to slightly pick up at the cafe,most of them had hangovers and smelled of alcohol and other things.

Taking a sip of his bitter coffee he continued to sit there in silence, there was a book on his lap, an old one. He didn't go to the parade for obvious reasons of not liking crowds or drunks. As he sat there, watching birds fly and people stagger, a few throwing up, he spotted a very familiar person; his guildmate Noel with some smaller human, a kid most likely and he had bright orange hair.

Standing up as they got closer Dastun offered a toothy smile, revealing his sharp fangs, "Good morning, Noel. Child." He offered a bow of his head. He knew Noel ever since she joined Blue Pegasus as he was one of its' oldest members. Putting both hands on the hilt of his sheathed katana he looked back down at the boy, examining him for a moment before back at Noel, offering another smile. It was obvious the cold man was much warmer to his guildmate.

She glanced at Gilad's exit, however lame it was. She was hoping he would make some sort of grand exit or something, but that just didn't pan out. Oh well. Perhaps she could do it sometime and establish her reputation that way. That might be cool. But for now, these two. It was weird that he asked the same question multiple times, but she figured he might have just hit his head or something.

"My name is Aurelie," she said, looking around the room. Nothing was particularly interesting, but it was all more interesting than these two. There goes her plans of learning under Gilad for the day. Cue internal sigh.

"Anyway, aren't we supposed to be doing something? You know, to show me what it's like to be in said guild?" she asked, mostly for her own curiosity. She wanted to know sooner rather than later if they were doing anything at all. She preferred it if they did, but Eric looked like he just wanted to goof around all day. Strict wasn't the word she would use to describe him. But he had to be useful for something, right? At least he wasn't a total jerk to her. But then again, that could just be because he had to for Gilad.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]

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