Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eric: Magnolia Streets

Walking through the streets of Magnolia it feels very empty compared to yesterday which made him feel slightly uncomfortable, it gave him a feeling that something dangerous would pounce out of nowhere and tear the three of us apart, he knows he's just being paranoid but it's alertness like that that kept him alive this whole time. Lee walked up behind him and whispers to him and he whispers back "It annoys me but you're probably right... but as a Sabertooth member I can't just let my dignity go to waste so I just tend to act up more than I should." Then the entire atmosphere changes when Eric spots an Italian restaurant, he then stares at it for a few moments with pictures of spaghetti and pizza in mind but he snaps himself back into reality and continues forward.

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Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Walking through the streets of Magnolia it feels very empty compared to yesterday which made him feel slightly uncomfortable, it gave him a feeling that something dangerous would pounce out of nowhere and tear the three of us apart, he knows he's just being paranoid but it's alertness like that that kept him alive this whole time. Lee walked up behind him and whispers to him and he whispers back "It annoys me but you're probably right... but as a Sabertooth member I can't just let my dignity go to waste so I just tend to act up more than I should." Then the entire atmosphere changes when Eric spots an Italian restaurant, he then stares at it for a few moments with pictures of spaghetti and pizza in mind but he snaps himself back into reality and continues forward.


He looked at the restaurant that Eric had stopped at, half confuse but he didn't want to pry into that. "You don't have to lose your dignity, they might respect you more if you did. Any ways do you have any family?" Lee thought back to his own family and all of the torment that he had put them through. He felt terrible for it, even the way he left was messed up. It ended in yelling and they were crying, even though he had been a rotten child they had truly loved and accepted him as he was.
Kayzo said:
Haruhi began to rock back and forth on the bed as the two brainstormed ideas. She was so scared and confused that she couldn't think straight right now. Who knew what would happen!? From the sound of it her sister's reaction would be much worse than Honoka's making for a very scary encounter. Fortunately it seemed that Ciel had a solution. The blue haired girl watched as she began to get a glove of armor to hide the ring. She really didn't need that seeing as she had gloves of her own, but she had to accept it. However before the glove could be placed on an alluring voice sounded from the hallway. Another girl with features strikingly similar to Ciel. And though she didn't sound like it, Haruhi knew she was mad. "N-nothing! We aren't hiding anything!" She wailed, closing her eyes tightly.
Ciel gulped audibly. "Heyyy Niur." She greeted nervously as she turned to face the little girl. Niur was not amused. "How long have you been standing there?" She asked nervously. "Long enough. Explanation now please?" She said as she toyed with a Reverse Gift. "Niur please. Let's not bring in the bombs this early, the last time we did no healer could help that poor man's balls. Granted I did help but I didn't know that you had cranked up the power to be that destructive." She gulped loudly as another came into being. "Alright alright. So I got married while I was drunk! I'm sorry please don't be mad."

"Mad?" Niur started as she approached them. "No I'm positively livid that you got married...without inviting me!" She dropped to the floor and started crying, the bombs dispelled as she released them. Ciel looked awkwardly between her and Haruhi. "Uhhmm...H-Haruhi could you explain? I'm afraid I might set her off."
Talon raced towards the square as fast he could, dodging pedestrians left and right. He had slept in and was late meeting up with Ferra and Noah. He had even considered turning into a pheonix to get there faster but decided against it because someone miht have tried to attack him or Ferra might be mad at him or worse, Noahs lightning. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Metaphysics said:
Ciel gulped audibly. "Heyyy Niur." She greeted nervously as she turned to face the little girl. Niur was not amused. "How long have you been standing there?" She asked nervously. "Long enough. Explanation now please?" She said as she toyed with a Reverse Gift. "Niur please. Let's not bring in the bombs this early, the last time we did no healer could help that poor man's balls. Granted I did help but I didn't know that you had cranked up the power to be that destructive." She gulped loudly as another came into being. "Alright alright. So I got married while I was drunk! I'm sorry please don't be mad."
"Mad?" Niur started as she approached them. "No I'm positively livid that you got married...without inviting me!" She dropped to the floor and started crying, the bombs dispelled as she released them. Ciel looked awkwardly between her and Haruhi. "Uhhmm...H-Haruhi could you explain? I'm afraid I might set her off."
Haruhi kept her eyes shut and tight, not wanting to see the anger of Ciel's sister. She heard things about bombs and busting balls and other terrible things the girl didn't want to be apart of. To make it even worse was that she may have been there for awhile, meaning that she knew the blue haired girl had lied! Oh man did she dig her own grave. However she was extremely surprised to see, or rather hear, that she wasn't angry at all, only sad that she didn't get an invitation. Her head turned to Ciel as she asked her to diffuse the situation, and Haruhi took a deep breath in before talking. "U-um... Ciel's sister... We didn't mean to get married. We weren't in our right minds and forced a priest to marry us. That's why you didn't get an invitation. This was all an accident..."
Kayzo said:
Haruhi kept her eyes shut and tight, not wanting to see the anger of Ciel's sister. She heard things about bombs and busting balls and other terrible things the girl didn't want to be apart of. To make it even worse was that she may have been there for awhile, meaning that she knew the blue haired girl had lied! Oh man did she dig her own grave. However she was extremely surprised to see, or rather hear, that she wasn't angry at all, only sad that she didn't get an invitation. Her head turned to Ciel as she asked her to diffuse the situation, and Haruhi took a deep breath in before talking. "U-um... Ciel's sister... We didn't mean to get married. We weren't in our right minds and forced a priest to marry us. That's why you didn't get an invitation. This was all an accident..."
Ruin was suddenly in control as crimson eyes stared into Haruhi's soul. "Oh? So you're saying that marrying my sis is a mistake? That no one would marry her on purpose?" Ciel sighed. "Haruhi this is Ruin, the more demented half of my sister. Ruin why don't you go down to order food." She said before turning to the window in thought. Ruin stepped out the doorway while Ciel wasn't looking and gave a savage grin at Haruhi's direction and brought her sheathed knife. 'Hurt her, we dare you.' She mouthed before disappearing down the hall.

"Sorry about that. Now how are we going to handle this. Aside from hiding the rings I have no other ideas."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Streets

Ryu winced as he stepped outside into the bright light. His head ached horribly, and the intensity of the sun only served to worsen the pain in his forehead. It was times like these that reminded him why he avoided drinking. While he had an extraordinary tolerance for alcohol, his hangovers were brutal and agonizing. He continued to squint as he slowly made his way through the streets of Magnolia, trying to find a place to get some breakfast. As he settled on a cafe and started walking over to it, a surge of pain coarsed through his temple. He stumbled right into a woman at the cafe who had been talking to a seated gentleman. "Shit!" he exclaimed as he toppled over.

@The Dinkster

Metaphysics said:
Ruin was suddenly in control as crimson eyes stared into Haruhi's soul. "Oh? So you're saying that marrying my sis is a mistake? That no one would marry her on purpose?" Ciel sighed. "Haruhi this is Ruin, the more demented half of my sister. Ruin why don't you go down to order food." She said before turning to the window in thought. Ruin stepped out the doorway while Ciel wasn't looking and gave a savage grin at Haruhi's direction and brought her sheathed knife. 'Hurt her, we dare you.' She mouthed before disappearing down the hall.
"Sorry about that. Now how are we going to handle this. Aside from hiding the rings I have no other ideas."
Haruhi nearly started shaking as the strange half of Ciel's sister began to threaten her, her dark eyes piercing her like knives. She was being accused of calling Ciel unlovable, even though she said nothing of the sorts. "N-No! That's not what I meant! I'm sure she'd be a great wife and that anyone who'd marry her on purpose would be blessed! I'm just saying that both of us messed up!" She explained, clinging onto Ciel's arm. "Just don't hurt me!" Fortunately for her, Ruin decided to leave to grab some food, leaving the two "wives" alone, one shaking and holding onto the other's arm. When the coast was clear Haruhi let go of her arm and sat back down on the bed, her face bright red in embarrassment. She's an adult and shouldn't have to cling onto people like that. But the, again, Ruin was scary. "I don't know what to do about this! What even can we do? All we can do is hide the rings and stay married..."

Zuka said:

Magnolia Motel Apartment

Valken slowly let out a deep awakening groan, something akin or similar to that of the growl of a lion in the vastness of the African wildness. Millie's movements in bed half stirred him awake but he really was not prepared to face the world just yet so he rolled onto his back and with a sweep of his arm he slid a large pillow over his face to hide the light.

Why.... why was the world so Damn bright? Valken, naturally a ninja of the night, detested early mornings. It seemed after a full night, the sun would peek over the horizon during dawn and blind
every thing in it's path. Like a middle finger saluate.

Especially to his ultra sensative dark purple eyes. Valken could see pitch darkness as clear as day, but during day time everything seemed unnaturally bright and he often times squinted... maybe he should invest in some cool looking sunglasses to ward the gaze.

Of course Valken felt the acid drop, and didn't even flinch. Hell he rarely felt pain these days as the countless criss cross of scars over his forearms and wrists might attest. Practicing to weild such razor sharp and deadly daggers left him looking like a self-harmer when all they were was scars from years of practice. He only ever took his gloves off in the presence of Millie and he was still glad she didn't freak out every time she saw them.

Speaking of which, the blonde with the voluptious rack was pounding his chest and threatening him to wake up. Under the guise of the pillow he let a devilious smirk cross his lips.

In the blink of an eye he had pushed the pillow away and she might have seen the cheeky, naughty grin now flooded his face, reaching out to grasp at her wrists and in a smooth and fluid motion, twisted and rolled to throw her down onto her back on the bed. Slipping one of his hand to hold her arms high above her head while he straddled her hips.

Who says I'm not up already?..."

Reaching his face down with that grin before giving her an oddly soft kiss on her lips.

"...And who cares if we are late? With the influx of so many people leaving Magnolia there will be hundreds of trains leaving..."

His spare hand now coming into contact with her knee and sliding up slowly.

Then again.." His voice lowering to a smooth deep rumble. "If you are that keen to go..." Kissing at her chin then, then her neck and collarbone to stop just before her chest then smirking up to her before just as quickly pulling his head back, releasing his grip on her wrists and rolling to the side and off the bed.

Glancing over his shoulder and even poked his tongue out before wandering to the chair in the corner of the room to start to dress himself. Pants, vest, boots and gloves to his elbows sliding on last.

In a serious tone and after he was dressed, "I
suppose heading to the train station is not a bad idea. I'd say most our Guild will want to catch up and go home together... I miss our Guild Hall. This place is way to chaotic. Fairytail is good at all, but our Guild seems much more like Family then a squabble of children..."


Millie let out a loud gasp of surprise as Valken suddenly sprang to life in the bed. The blonde girl had no time to react before she was suddenly on her back and pinned in a rather sexy way, his lips softly meeting hers. "Jeez Valken, you really scared me." She said when the kiss was broken, letting out a soft sigh and shaking her head. When she felt his hand against her leg, his fingers slowly sliding up it, she couldn't help but cross them slightly as if she was blocking his hand. She knew it probably would stop him, but it was worth a try.

When Valken began to kiss her chin while slowly making his way down her neck, Millie began to tilt her head back slightly. She actually expected to go for round two right then and there, but much to her dismay and shadow Mage released her hands and rolled off the bed. She wasn't exactly against going at it again, but she also wanted to get back home.
"You're such a tease..." Millie scolded, sitting up in the bed. "Either go through with it or don't try anything at all!"

When Valken agreed with the idea of heading home, Millie forgave him for not following through, or at least not yet. The blonde girl smiled warmly at her and scooted to the edge of the bed and watched him change, taking in all of his muscles and scars. He did look really badass and it only made her love him more. "I agree. Lamia Scale is a much nicer place than here. Besides, we get to spend more time together! And it's always nice to go home..."

Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia squirmed slightly and sighed as Mizuki pulled her close to her. "I guess if you wanna sleep some more you can. I'll pack my stuff while you rest." She replied. Though seconds later Mizuki released her and popped up looking around frantically for..something. Or maybe she just really had to pee. Either or, Alicia guessed. When she started shouting about 'where did he go' her thoughts immediately moved to Alfie. "I'm sure he'll come back, don't worry. Whatever he's doing is probably important. Besides we can see him before we leave, or even stay another day or two if you wanna." She told her, crawling to sit on the edge of the bed and hoping it'd calm Mizuki down. She had no idea what he was talking about of Alfie not running away like Mizuki owned him..but..eh.


Ferra: Magnolia Square

Ferra pouted slightly as Noah walked up and patted her on the head like she was some child, followed by actually calling her a kid. "I'm not a kid! Like I said I'm 17, sheesh." She replied in an annoyed manner, though her attention quickly shifted to the fireworks. She grinned excitedly, "You bet I did! They were awesome! I had a lot of fun with you and Talon at the parade and stuff too." She told him. "Master Lloyd should be around somewhere preparing to leave, if we don't manage to catch him here you can bet we'll find him at the guild hall. I'm determined for you guys to be able to join today." She added. "Once Talon gets here we'll look for him."

Mizuki read the note carefully a few times, taking in everything on it. It seemed that he had business to attend to and he instructed that she stayed at the apartment. It was nice to know where he was, but she didn't like that he was giving orders. He was hers, not the other way around, so she should be giving orders. The dark Mage crumpled up the note and tossed it in the trash before turning to Alicia and pulling her into another hug.
"I do wish to see him once more, though I don't want to stay another day or two. If you do not want to stay for the rest of the day, I'll send you home with Masaki. Yes?" She instructed, running her cold but surprisingly soft hands through her hair over and over again, taking in the softness of the white locks. Mizuki couldn't help but notice that Alicia was perfect in every way, shape, and form. She was Truly a master piece, and the dark Mage can't wait to see her grow older. "I do suggest that you pack, however..."
Kayzo said:
After the fireworks Millie room Valken away from his buddies to put on a rather embarrassing fashion show for him which most likely led to some adult wrestling. Though a little strange it was a great night nonetheless, but now it was time to get back home. Waking up still in the lewd clothing Maya purchased for her, the blonde girl snuck out of bed and changed into the new skirt that Maya also bought for her. The older girl was right about the skirt complimenting her body, and she knew that Valken would like this too. Speaking of the hunk of man he was still asleep in the bed and had to be waken up. They couldn't miss their train back to Lamia Scale. Walking to the bed Millie sat down on top of him and used the smallest drop of her acid magic to wake him up. The little drop wouldn't burn his skin but would rather sting him. "Valken, get up! We need to get ready to leave." She said, pounding her hands gently on his chest. "Don't make me use more magic!"

Grace puffed out her cheeks as she waited for Masaki to show up. The petite girl was leaning up against the wall of cathedral making small little explosions at her fingertips. She thought that it was appropriate and romantic that they said goodbye at the same place they said hello. Sure they could've just met at an apartment or spent the night together, but after the whole "I can take you anywhere" comment from her boyfriend there was no chance that she'd be sleeping beside him. "Just like at the beginning of the festival he was late! Does he not know how to show up on time?" She complained, taking a seat on top of her things and continued waiting for Masaki to arrive. The short girl was sad to know that she had to part ways with him once again, but she knew that in a few weeks they could see each other like normal.

Haruhi woke up the next morning in a panic. She didn't know where she was, how she got here, or why there was another girl in her bed! The blue haired girl let out a scream and rolled off the bed and out of the stranger's arms. Upon hitting the floor she saw that all of her clothes from th previous night were still on, indicating that nothing lewd went down between the two girls, but that still didn't make it any less weird. Haruhi curled up into a ball and turned herself into iron just in case the stranger made a move and tried to harm her.
"W-who are you!?" She wailed at the other person in bed, pulling her knees up to her chest. "What am I doing here!?"

@Metaphysics @LeSoraAmari @Zuka
Masaki Yamada - Kardia Cathedral.

Masaki didn't mean to be late, again. He just was... Again. Sighing as he quickly got dressed and then practically sprinted out of his rented apartment, the boy made it to Kardia Cathedral in what seemed to be a few seconds. The apartment was relatively close to the famous cathedral anyway's do that didn't come as a surprise to Masaki. Finally arriving, Masaki made his way beside the small girl who as now even smaller as she sat on her belongings waiting. "I'm sorry for being late Grace, it reeealllyy wasn't my fault..." He said, scratching his red hair as he did so. Forming a small crystal stump in an instant Masaki sat down next to Grace, looking at her with a smile. "It's never nice when you have to say goodbye to someone, especially someone you love." Sighing a little, the male continued to talk, "But it's not like we're never going to see each other again, I mean, we've got our whole lives to see each other so it's not that bad." After saying that, the boy chuckled slightly. "Anyway's I'm sure we've got enough time to hang out or something before you have to go anyway, unless you want me to walk you to the station now?"

Maya Morne - Magnolia Wherever.

The woman was up quite early this morning, she had got dressed, done her hair, and made herself look presentable for the day in little time, she then went for a walk. At the time the streets were practically dead, it was only then that people began to wake up and the streets slowly began to fill once more. Truth be told, Maya didn't wake up early to do anything specific, she was just always up early. She was probably always the first person to arrive at the guild hall as well, at least a few hours before everyone else did at least. With a sigh, Maya walked down the streets with her usual happy expression on her face. "Now where could he be? Hmm..." She thought, the male she was looking for was Lloyd. After a few minutes of travelling, Maya found herself at Lloyds location. (I don't know what that is so I'll refer to it as Lloyds location for now). "I finally found you!" She spoke out to the man, a smile on her face as she did so.

@Huor Spinks

Hibiki Dreyar - Fairy Tail GH

Hibiki sat on one of the tables darted around the guild hall as he waited for Lyra to arrive. Last night, the two went up onto the second floor meant for the S-Class mages and watched the fireworks from the balcony there. The display wasn't that bad actually, in fact it was really good. However it didn't last for as long as he thought it would. Oh well. As he sat in the guild hall, Hibiki sighed as he looked around, the place was FILLED and the noise was immense. It made him feel at home and it made him feel happy, even though to those outside of the guild it would've probably sounded and felt like absolute chaos.


Free for interaction - Anyone in the guild hall.
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Noel Gilbert

Morning | Cafe

@The Dinkster |

Noel would be lying if she didn't partially believe Dastun's opinion on earning respect, but she thought that he took it a bit too far. There was a different between respect and common human decency after all.

I don't think Lucas puts as much value in your respect as you think. He's quite a rebellious child." Noel was quite envious of the boy, in truth. His parents may have been over bearing, but at least they were loving and kind people. There were so many in the world who didn't get to experience that. Lucas was a good kid, but his strict upbringing had made him very defiant of those in authority. He often got into trouble at the guild and then made matters worse by back chatting those who would try to discipline him.

You didn't see the festival? That's a shame, really." Noel smiled when she was offered a seat, but before she could move her attention was drawn to a man stumbling around nearby. Noel was barely given a moment to ask if the man was alright before he stumbled over her, bringing the pair to the ground. Speechless, Noel's instinctive reaction was to immediately shove Ryu off of her with as much force as she could muster; which was a respectable amount despite her appearances.

Sat face to face with him, Noel looked to Dastun in her confusion.

Leonardo Captor and Yukiko Sumeragi

Morning | Magnolia Hotel


Leonardo was a bit confused when Mimi took offense to his playful flirting. He could have sworn that it was all just in good fun and he'd never actually try to offend his friend.

As hard as it is for you to believe, we women don't try and flirt with you at every second of the day." Leonardo rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile at Yukiko's little jab, still feeling pretty bad that he caused Mimi to be upset. The situation continued to be awkward, and when Yukiko asked what their plans were Mimi refused to be blunt about her opinion.

No, that's fair. This is your vacation as well, we shouldn't ruin it with our bullshit." Leonardo was embarrassed by how childish he and Yukiko had acted this whole trip. "Perhaps it would have been better if I'd stayed back at the guild."

And leave Mimi alone? How selfish of you. In any case, you needn't worry anymore Mimi. I'll be taking my leave now." Yukiko spoke abruptly, not really paying much attention to the two of them. Leonardo stared at her in disbelief.

You're off again? I know we don't exactly get along but this is the first time I've seen you since we arrived." Yukiko had spent the majority of the trip lurking and observing the various other wizards who had attended. Unfortunately her efforts hadn't yielded much results, but that was mostly due to the fact that she didn't really care about the wizards who lived here.

I've been slack. Today I'll make up for lost time. Why don't the two of you go out and have fun?" Yukiko's words were leaving Leonardo speechless. To see her so eager to start working was a rare sight, especially on vacation.

Taking her suggestion, Leonardo looked over to Mimi with a smile.

So, how about it then? We can go out for breakfast somewhere. I'll treat you as an apology for being a right ass before." He gave Mimi the same puppy dog eyes that she had used before, but while waiting for an answer a thought occurred to him. "Maybe you should join us before you go, Yu-" His sentence was cut short when he turned around to find Yukiko, but was met with an empty space where she once stood. Slipped away again. At least she told them what she was doing this time.

She shuffled a bit when they had their conversation about what was even happening. She wouldn't have dared to interject in such matters, so she took to sipping some more tea. You couldn't have bribed her enough to participate in anything that involved both of them at the same time. She really didn't want to be biased, but she much preferred Leo. Yukiko was great and all, but she wasn't nearly as fun. It was all weird inside jokes using her power to her. Was it intentional to use it like that? Hopefully she knew what was happening so she knew that she wasn't part of the conversation's intentional audience. Then again, she probably knew.

Leo's offer made her feel better about being super awkward in her little corner of the couch. She rolled her eyes at his little display of patheticness, but had to smile at how cheesy he was. Of course, Yukiko had already left by now, but she figured that the woman would have sooner or later unannounced. At least she wasn't skipping on the bill. She couldn't help but feel as if there was something she could do to help the two out, but she still didn't know if intervening in such matters was even a good idea. It was a conundrum indeed.

"Well, I would be happy to get something to eat with you," she chirped in response. She got him with a sneak attack of hugs while he was looking for Yukiko, giving her what she assumed was the advantage of surprise. Suddenly, her eyes flew open and she let out a gasp of revelation. "I totally want pancakes!" she said quickly, excited as if she had discovered something big. She hopped off the couch and grabbed his wrist, tugging him off his lazy bum. "Come on! Food awaits!" At this point, she couldn't tell if she was even hungry or not. Darn it, they were going to go get food!

@Chat Noir
Lysander Connell

Streets of Magnolia

Unfortunately for Lysander, it seemed that lady luck was no longer on his side. For now he stood out in the streets of Magnolia, a rather despondent look on his face, his travelling knapsack on his back. Unfortunately for him the place he had been renting at was only available for rent during the festival itself, as it was actually someone's living quarters rather than a hotel or a motel. Lysander had originally been planning to leave the day after the festival, which was why he had decided to take that room in the first place but as it turned out. so much had happened during the festival that he felt the need to stay on for a few more days. For starters, it was Sora's birthday today and he had promised to be there for it.

Sora. A more positive smile replaced the previously despondent look on his face as his hand went to the brooch he had pinned upon his poncho, keeping it securely about his neck and shoulders. Yesterday was beyond beautiful, in his honest opinion. After the festival had ended, they had watched the fireworks together. An utterly magical moment that he wanted to store securely in his brain for the rest of his life. The booming of the fireworks, the light reflected in Sora's eyes and her face, how she seemed to shine with light at certain times due to the lighting... and how she had looked at him then. A warm and cozy feeling settled in his belly as he hitched his traveling knapsack higher upon his shoulders and took his first few steps forward.

Well, he did not have a choice really. And it really was only for one more night. He was hoping at least that the majority of non-residents in Magnolia were heading back to their own cities on this day so hopefully by noon or nightfall there would be a hotel room ready for him to book into. The prospect of sleeping in the streets at night did not seem very appealing to him. Yet he did not dare to ask Sora whether he could spend the night with her. That sort of thing just was not done. A young man and a young woman unmarried spending the night together... he balked at the thought. Plus, what would Sora think of him if he dared to suggest that?

Well, hopefully his luck would hold for just one more day, enough for him to sleep comfortably tonight, at least. But now, it was time to seek out Sora and celebrate her birthday with her. He was very much looking forward to that,and for her he would put his worries aside for the next few hours at least.

@Kyuubey (mentioned)
Kayzo said:
Haruhi nearly started shaking as the strange half of Ciel's sister began to threaten her, her dark eyes piercing her like knives. She was being accused of calling Ciel unlovable, even though she said nothing of the sorts. "N-No! That's not what I meant! I'm sure she'd be a great wife and that anyone who'd marry her on purpose would be blessed! I'm just saying that both of us messed up!" She explained, clinging onto Ciel's arm. "Just don't hurt me!" Fortunately for her, Ruin decided to leave to grab some food, leaving the two "wives" alone, one shaking and holding onto the other's arm. When the coast was clear Haruhi let go of her arm and sat back down on the bed, her face bright red in embarrassment. She's an adult and shouldn't have to cling onto people like that. But the, again, Ruin was scary. "I don't know what to do about this! What even can we do? All we can do is hide the rings and stay married..."
"I've really done fucked up this time haven't I?" Ciel said as she sat on the bed next to Haruhi. "I'm so sorry that I got you involved in this mess...but I promise you, I'll do whatever I can to help you get through this until we find a solution to this." Now she was holding her hand comfortingly. "I guess that...we should get to know each other a bit more since we'll be seeing a lot more of each other?" She proposed awkwardly.

Dastun Ronad

Cafe in Magnolia.

"Every child goes through a rebellious phase, and every child will grow out of it. Give him enough freedom and he should grow out of it." Dastun took another sip of his coffee, looking at Noel with his one good eye, "That little rebellious part of us never fully goes away but we can at least subside it for when it isn't called for." Letting out a sigh he leaned a bit back in his chair, looking at Noel again, "He still has a few years left to be a child, but he will need to know that he'll have to grow up and become an adult."

Dastun offered a nod, "You know I don't enjoy crowds, especially crowds filled with drunk idiots." He gave a brisk chuckle before diverting his attention to the stumbling man, the one that had caught Noel's attention. Raising an eyebrow he looked back at Noel and offered a shrug before the man stumbled over her, causing them to fall to the ground, a loud thud being made. Dastun quickly got out of his chair and peered over the table to see them on the ground. As Noel looked confused Dastun just offered a shrug and a slightly annoyed look, mostly because of the man.

Dastun circled the table and was now standing over the two on the ground, offering a hand to Noel to help her up, he kept his eye on the man that had fallen over Noel, "He's got a foul mouth."

@Rhodus @Chat Noir
Wyatt said:
LeeHe looked at the restaurant that Eric had stopped at, half confuse but he didn't want to pry into that. "You don't have to lose your dignity, they might respect you more if you did. Any ways do you have any family?" Lee thought back to his own family and all of the torment that he had put them through. He felt terrible for it, even the way he left was messed up. It ended in yelling and they were crying, even though he had been a rotten child they had truly loved and accepted him as he was.
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric thought about the question in his head, usually he wouldn't get all chummy with someone he just had a quarrel with but then again he'd rather do that than walk around in silence, you know what they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer... though Eric still didn't know which side Lee falls on. "Honestly I was never that close to my "biological" family, I never knew how but the only things we did to together was to just get on with our lives, though we never did anything family-like you know? Though I guess that made it easier to move on but they are still family." He remained silent for a few seconds but spoke up again "But if your talking about who I considered to be my real family I would say all the guild members in Sabertooth. They're the one's who took me in at my time of need, sure I do get i trouble a lot but I've always had a great time there... although I'd better be careful... If I step over the line I'd end up getting kicked out. Who knows where I'd go then." He realises that he said too much and decides to quiet down. "What about your family then?"

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Kayzo said:
Haruhi nearly started shaking as the strange half of Ciel's sister began to threaten her, her dark eyes piercing her like knives. She was being accused of calling Ciel unlovable, even though she said nothing of the sorts. "N-No! That's not what I meant! I'm sure she'd be a great wife and that anyone who'd marry her on purpose would be blessed! I'm just saying that both of us messed up!" She explained, clinging onto Ciel's arm. "Just don't hurt me!" Fortunately for her, Ruin decided to leave to grab some food, leaving the two "wives" alone, one shaking and holding onto the other's arm. When the coast was clear Haruhi let go of her arm and sat back down on the bed, her face bright red in embarrassment. She's an adult and shouldn't have to cling onto people like that. But the, again, Ruin was scary. "I don't know what to do about this! What even can we do? All we can do is hide the rings and stay married..."

Millie let out a loud gasp of surprise as Valken suddenly sprang to life in the bed. The blonde girl had no time to react before she was suddenly on her back and pinned in a rather sexy way, his lips softly meeting hers. "Jeez Valken, you really scared me." She said when the kiss was broken, letting out a soft sigh and shaking her head. When she felt his hand against her leg, his fingers slowly sliding up it, she couldn't help but cross them slightly as if she was blocking his hand. She knew it probably would stop him, but it was worth a try.

When Valken began to kiss her chin while slowly making his way down her neck, Millie began to tilt her head back slightly. She actually expected to go for round two right then and there, but much to her dismay and shadow Mage released her hands and rolled off the bed. She wasn't exactly against going at it again, but she also wanted to get back home.
"You're such a tease..." Millie scolded, sitting up in the bed. "Either go through with it or don't try anything at all!"

When Valken agreed with the idea of heading home, Millie forgave him for not following through, or at least not yet. The blonde girl smiled warmly at her and scooted to the edge of the bed and watched him change, taking in all of his muscles and scars. He did look really badass and it only made her love him more. "I agree. Lamia Scale is a much nicer place than here. Besides, we get to spend more time together! And it's always nice to go home..."

Mizuki read the note carefully a few times, taking in everything on it. It seemed that he had business to attend to and he instructed that she stayed at the apartment. It was nice to know where he was, but she didn't like that he was giving orders. He was hers, not the other way around, so she should be giving orders. The dark Mage crumpled up the note and tossed it in the trash before turning to Alicia and pulling her into another hug. "I do wish to see him once more, though I don't want to stay another day or two. If you do not want to stay for the rest of the day, I'll send you home with Masaki. Yes?" She instructed, running her cold but surprisingly soft hands through her hair over and over again, taking in the softness of the white locks. Mizuki couldn't help but notice that Alicia was perfect in every way, shape, and form. She was Truly a master piece, and the dark Mage can't wait to see her grow older. "I do suggest that you pack, however..."
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia had somewhat expected her to want to stay some more to be with Alfie, but she guessed she was wrong. "
No that's fine! I wanna stay with you." She replied pretty much immediately when she offered to send her home with Masaki. She'd much rather stay here with Mizuki than go home without her. Besides, she wanted to see Alfie before she left too. Regardless she smiled and hugged her back, a bit surprised of how affectionate she was being lately. When she'd initially hugged her she noticed she was a bit uncomfortable with it, but now here she was hugging her quite often. Oh well, she guessed it was for the better. If Mizuki got happier that was only a good thing in Alicia's eyes. "Besides. I wanna see Alfie too." She added. She wondered exactly why Mizuki was getting so upset over Alfie not being there. Did she like him as more than a friend? The thought itself caused Alicia to giggle, surely not. When she told her to pack anyway she nodded. "Okay, do you want me to help you pack too? Since you're tired and stuff." She replied.
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric thought about the question in his head, usually he wouldn't get all chummy with someone he just had a quarrel with but then again he'd rather do that than walk around in silence, you know what they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer... though Eric still didn't know which side Lee falls on. "Honestly I was never that close to my "biological" family, I never knew how but the only things we did to together was to just get on with our lives, though we never did anything family-like you know? Though I guess that made it easier to move on but they are still family." He remained silent for a few seconds but spoke up again "But if your talking about who I considered to be my real family I would say all the guild members in Sabertooth. They're the one's who took me in at my time of need, sure I do get i trouble a lot but I've always had a great time there... although I'd better be careful... If I step over the line I'd end up getting kicked out. Who knows where I'd go then." He realises that he said too much and decides to quiet down. "What about your family then?"

Lee: Stuff

Lee listened intently, interested by his story and then of course he asked Lee about his own story. "I was born dead, my mother had been so desperate for a child and she went to a wizard to infused her with one. But when I was born, I just had to be dead, so my dear mother gave her life to give me life. I was raised by the people who found me." He looked around to see where they were for a moment, looking to see who was paying attention. Of course it was only the three of them. "I had to leave. They didn't force me to, I chose to. I was a rotten child even the way I left was rotten. However, I left because I thought that I might kill then one day. Not because of something they did not because of who I am."
Wyatt said:
Lee: StuffLee listened intently, interested by his story and then of course he asked Lee about his own story. "I was born dead, my mother had been so desperate for a child and she went to a wizard to infused her with one. But when I was born, I just had to be dead, so my dear mother gave her life to give me life. I was raised by the people who found me." He looked around to see where they were for a moment, looking to see who was paying attention. Of course it was only the three of them. "I had to leave. They didn't force me to, I chose to. I was a rotten child even the way I left was rotten. However, I left because I thought that I might kill then one day. Not because of something they did not because of who I am."
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric was really surprised to hear about Lee's story, coming back from being still born was not something you hear everyday although a thought occurred to him they may be more similar than he thought. "I see... So it looks like we've both had it rough huh?" wanting to change the subject he turned his attention to Aurelie "Hey how about you? what was your family like?" Although asking that question seemed kinda pointless to him, she seems to be very secretive about these kinds of topics, but it's worth a shot anyway, even if it does prove fruitless at least he tried.


While she had no idea how far away this cart place was, or what a cart was, she was getting rather impatient. So far, it felt like they had accomplished a bunch of nothing. For her, this day was far less than productive, save for finding Gilad. She hadn't gotten too much information for her notebook, either. But she didn't really want to say anything, partly because she wasn't too interested in a conversation with these two ruffians.

"I wouldn't know. I can't remember," she stated flatly. In all honesty, she was trying to get around talking about it at all. She considered her entire race to be her family, as she wasn't aware of the birthing process beforehand. For all she knew, she wasn't born of anyone, so she wouldn't technically have a family. But she couldn't exactly say that here. "Are we almost there yet?" she asked, trying to change the subject for herself. If she was already talking, she might as well say what was on her mind.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: Disliking Aurelie

Lee couldn't help but feel a strong dislike for Aurelie, she had said nothing but complaints from what he could hear. He spoke to her trying not to sound rude or something like that. "Why don't you want to tell us about your self? I may not be part of a guild my self but from what I have heard of them, secrets don't last and if you keep to yourself you won't last long in one." Even though Lee had been in Magnolia for a while now he had never paid for a cart and didn't even know where they were located.
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Kazehana said:

While she had no idea how far away this cart place was, or what a cart was, she was getting rather impatient. So far, it felt like they had accomplished a bunch of nothing. For her, this day was far less than productive, save for finding Gilad. She hadn't gotten too much information for her notebook, either. But she didn't really want to say anything, partly because she wasn't too interested in a conversation with these two ruffians.

"I wouldn't know. I can't remember," she stated flatly. In all honesty, she was trying to get around talking about it at all. She considered her entire race to be her family, as she wasn't aware of the birthing process beforehand. For all she knew, she wasn't born of anyone, so she wouldn't technically have a family. But she couldn't exactly say that here. "Are we almost there yet?" she asked, trying to change the subject for herself. If she was already talking, she might as well say what was on her mind.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Wyatt said:
Lee: Disliking AurelieLee couldn't help but feel a strong dislike for Aurelie, she had said nothing but complaints from what he could hear. He spoke to her trying not to sound rude or something like that. "Why don't you want to tell us about your self? I may not be part of a guild my self but from what I have heard f them, secrets don't last and if you keep to yourself you won't last long in one." Even though Lee had been in Magnolia for a while now he had never paid for a cart and didn't even know where they were located.
Eric: Magnolia Street

He expected that kind of response though he still felt pretty disappointed. "Lee it may be better to lay off her for a while, you have to remember the three of us only just met today, she probably doesn't feel ready to open up. Anyway the stable's shouldn't be far now, We can get a horse cart there, then we'll be on our way back in no time" Eric knew fine well that it would be much more simpler and less time consuming to take the train but he saw this as an opportunity, Once they were on the road there would be no doubt he could come across a few bandits or two, therefore if he beats them up he would be able to show Aurelie and Lee how strong Sabertooth really is. He started chuckling to himself, it was a flawless plan and he wasn't about to let those fairies beat him to the punch line either.

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Aurelie only responded with a small snort. Who was this random guy to tell her what to do? He wasn't even a part of the guild! As far as she saw, she wasn't obligated to tell him anything. It was his fault if he wanted to be an open book. At least Eris wasn't a total tool. Plus he actually answered her legitimate question about something that affected them all. She had no notion that a train existed, so she didn't question his decision to take a cart. Even so, she probably wouldn't have to avoid conflict with a guild member altogether. After all, they would probably have to work together.

As they neared the stables, she became more and more focused, as they weren't near her beloved stores. What was it about their commerce that had her so excited to participate? Either way, she'd probably have to get some of this 'money' she'd heard so much about. Unfortunately, she hadn't the slightest idea where to get it. "So just how far away is this place by cart?" she asked, glancing at Eric. She knew well and good she wasn't going to like the answer, but she figured she'd at least be somewhat hopeful.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

Aurelie only responded with a small snort. Who was this random guy to tell her what to do? He wasn't even a part of the guild! As far as she saw, she wasn't obligated to tell him anything. It was his fault if he wanted to be an open book. At least Eris wasn't a total tool. Plus he actually answered her legitimate question about something that affected them all. She had no notion that a train existed, so she didn't question his decision to take a cart. Even so, she probably wouldn't have to avoid conflict with a guild member altogether. After all, they would probably have to work together.

As they neared the stables, she became more and more focused, as they weren't near her beloved stores. What was it about their commerce that had her so excited to participate? Either way, she'd probably have to get some of this 'money' she'd heard so much about. Unfortunately, she hadn't the slightest idea where to get it. "So just how far away is this place by cart?" she asked, glancing at Eric. She knew well and good she wasn't going to like the answer, but she figured she'd at least be somewhat hopeful.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Street

He expected that kind of response though he still felt pretty disappointed. "Lee it may be better to lay off her for a while, you have to remember the three of us only just met today, she probably doesn't feel ready to open up. Anyway the stable's shouldn't be far now, We can get a horse cart there, then we'll be on our way back in no time" Eric knew fine well that it would be much more simpler and less time consuming to take the train but he saw this as an opportunity, Once they were on the road there would be no doubt he could come across a few bandits or two, therefore if he beats them up he would be able to show Aurelie and Lee how strong Sabertooth really is. He started chuckling to himself, it was a flawless plan and he wasn't about to let those fairies beat him to the punch line either.

Lee: Starting Shit

Lee's eyes gleamed and he stopped moving. He pulled his staff off of his staff and his dark aura began to engulf the air around them. "Dark Knives!" The shadow knives shot at all directions, none of them aimed at Eric or Aurelie, rather they were aimed at their transportation. It broke the stables and the horse went running away. Lee let out an evil laugh, his body was now being moved by the dark emotions. "Remember when I said I know first hand how chaotic it is to be ruled by your emotions!?! This what I meant!" The eye on the yang side was closed as he started fighting. "Dark Creatures!" Lions, tigers, and bears made out of darkness leaped at Eric and Aurelie.
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Wyatt said:
Lee: Starting ShitLee's eyes gleamed and he stopped moving. He pulled his staff off of his staff and his dark aura began to engulf the air around them. "Dark Knives!" The shadow knives shot at all directions, none of them aimed at Eric or Aurelie, rather they were aimed at their transportation. It broke the stables and the horse went running away. Lee let out an evil laugh, his body was now being moved by the dark emotions. "Remember when I said I know first hand how chaotic it is to be ruled by your emotions!?! This what I meant!" The eye on the yang side was closed as he started fighting. "Dark Creatures!" Loins, tigers, and bears made out of darkness leaped at Eric and Aurelie.
Eric: Magnolia Stables

"Yes we're here! Now to pay fo..." Suddenly a dark aura surrounds us and black knives shot out snapping the harness connecting the horse to the cart. Before Eric had time to react Lee started talking weird and and animals shot out of every direction preparing to pounce them, but he luckily managed to grab Aurelie and dodge out of the way. "Lee! What the hell's the big deal! Why are you trying to kill us all of a sudden!?"

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She was glad to finally see the horses, for they would take her to their destination. Finally they were getting somewhere. That is unless someone decides to destroy the stables and her hopes and dreams. She slowly turned her incredulous and cross expression to look at Lee, almost as if to silently say 'are you kidding me?' But as she did, he was already shoving wildlife into their faces. With no other option than to dodge the surprise attack, she was preparing to leap before Eric grabbed her. She crashed rather ungracefully to the ground.

Though she needed a moment to collect her thoughts, she was unable to do so, as they were being hounded by beasts. Oh wait, they were beasts after all. As a tiger pounced during Eric's question, she held out a stiff arm, palm flat out. It made contact with the beast's chest just as its claws and jaws were reaching out and scratching her toughened skin, causing her endurable pain. The point of contact instantly glowed an amber brown color of distorted light, then faded into its body. Her hand fell to a relaxed position beside her body, not patched in various black, leathered skin.

The beast fell for just a moment, its being transforming. From its head back, it formed stripes like a tiger should, replacing the solid black with faintly glowing amethyst lines running all over its body. And that's the story of how she got a tiger. It opened its eyes, which glowed an almost hollow soft yellow light. It stood up once more, surveying the situation. A lion seized the opportunity and lunged at the tiger, causing them to form a tussle nearby.

Aurelie looked up at Lee with a blankness in her eyes. Eric had said pretty much anything she could have thought in those moments, so she felt as if nothing else needed to be said. So she simply glanced at him every so often as she got up and assessed the situation. This was already too dumb of a situation, and she really wanted no part of it. A decent ways upward, she was already forming the portal that would take her away from moron 1. She would probably have to take moron 2 with her, but at least he wasn't casually attacking her.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]

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