Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Kardia Cathedral

At hearing that Grace was, in fact, not dying she let out a large sigh of relief before releasing the girl's hand. Instead of letting her go, however, she quickly wrapped her arms around her and gave her a big hug. "I'm so glad! You were saying how you didn't have very long and that you wanted spend the rest of it with him." After giving one final squeeze she pulled back, calming down now that she knew it was a false alarm. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to regain her composure, slapping the white haired girl's shoulders as she again looked at her. "What do you mean?" She held a rather blank stare at Grace, worry once again snaking it's way onto her features. "It's me. It's Mikado. I haven't been gone THAT long..." She let out a small sigh before continuing. "Well whatever, as long as you're okay. Also, who's Masa--" She cut herself off as she leaned to the side slightly, looking at the overly effeminate boy sitting on a crystalline stool with what she presumed to be a rather dumb look on his face. "Oh." A small grin creeped it's way onto her lips as she looked back at Grace, giving her another slap on the shoulder. "Good for you. I knew you'd find a guy eventually." Her energetic behavior was starting to become apparent to her but she simply waved it off as being excited to see family. Even she was allowed to be excited every once in a while after all. She took a brief moment to look around before settling her gaze back on Grace. "So, what brings you to Magnolia?"
Grace stumbled forward into the stranger's body as she was pulled into a tight hug, her poor arms pressing into the other's chest. "H-hey! No hugging me!" She said with a frown, stepping back when she was released only to stumble once again from the blonde's rough back slap. She didn't know what this girl's deal with her was, but it was quite annoying. Plus it ruined her romantic mood with Masaki (if it could even be called that). Her head turned back to see if Masaki had a scared look on his face since the girl he'd been cheating on her with was here, yet nothing was to be seen besides a dumb yet cute face. "Never mind, I must've mistaken you for someone else. You obviously hav-" Her words cut short when the girl mentioned her name, her gaze flicking back to her. There was no way that this was Mikado, but it also seemed to be her. The height, the eyes, the smell, it was all coming back. Despite what she said about no hugging, Grace's arms flew around the equally short girl. "Mikado! It's really you!" She said happily, rubbing their cheeks together happily before releasing her and grinning brightly. "Oh I've missed you so much! You just up and left two years ago and never told anyone where you were. I thought you died or left us. I was pretty angry, I'll let you know." She said, slightly scolding the girl before looking to Masaki, whom had just took her hands. Grace was so happy to see her old friend that she completely forgot about the whole cheating acquisitions. "This is Mikado, the only girl my age that's shorter than me! And Mikado, this is my boyfriend Masaki. He's a really sweetheart. We came here for the Festival, which I'm surprised you haven't heard about. What're you doing here!?"


Vex: The sky above the train station

Vex was soaring in the sky above the train station as his friend Horus was leading him. They both landed on a railing near a on going fight. Horus was squawking to let his master know what was going on. He was the same type of bird as his friend, but smaller in size and his eyes were milky. He got off of the rail and changed in to his normal form. "Tell me Horus, should I be concerned for my safety or do you think I should interrupt and see what is wrong?" The bird squawked again and Vex stayed still on the side lines, doing as his bird told him.

@Kayzo @Zuka

Aria Forsyth - Streets of Magnolia

Aria's eyes remained glued to the mirror reflecting some nearby events that her delicate fingers grasped, watching with such intensity that it almost appeared as if the woman was trying to shatter the glass with just a hardened yet curious stare. A sly smile curved its way across her lips, only tugging to the right though as she slid the device back into her pocket and molded with the wall directly behind her to disappear for a few moments. Maya tended to be excellent at identifying magic levels of people so hopefully her own overbearing, suffocating, unique level of magic would alert the woman instantly that she was appearing and there wouldn't be a freak out episode. Her small frame rose out of Maya's shadow, fingers appearing first that reached out to clasp onto Maya's attire as she pulled herself out completely and shook her head a bit, a huge breath being exhaled in the process like she'd been underwater.


Maya. " The name slipped off her tongue, eyes fox-like as they peered into the hues of the younger woman. " Maya Morne.. " Aria continued then, hands slipping to touch a rogue strand of hair or two, fingers curling about them. " You've always had such beautiful hair... " Speaking her thoughts aloud, she'd release Maya's soft hair and let her intrigued gaze slide over to Lloyd. A less invasive approach was made towards him, not having been acquainted with the rather new guild master for Lamia Scale. " Hello, Lloyd. Congratulations on your position as a Guild Master. I hope you take very good care of all those children. Especially young little Maya here. " One might assume that she was jesting like everyone else about Maya's older age, but her voice held no tone of joking. Aria was serious to the complete extent, all of them being youthful in her eyes, though others would be unaware of that truth.


Her reputation was pretty well known amongst all mages on Earthland so it wouldn't surprise her if he had at least heard her name in conversation. "
I'm Arietta Forsyth, it's lovely to meet you. If I could offer you some advice.. " She trailed off then and slowly carried on taking a step closer to him, eyes void of emotion. " You would be wise to find an outlet for your emotions if you haven't already. It's smart to remain composed in the eyes of others due to your title, but don't let these things eat at you from the inside. You will begin to decay and that will start to show on the outside as decay always does and I assure you it's not very pretty. " It wasn't meant to be rude or too forward and she offered him a soft smile with her words, hoping that'd suffice in expressing she meant well. His plight was rather obvious to see though, even if she didn't know the man. The air around her suddenly turned to a less playful one, figure straightening to a more business-like posture.

Anyways, I'm here because something feels off. Do you not feel it Maya? " Her hues averted back to the other woman as she spoke. Aria was naturally more attuned to the emotions of everything around her, whether it be humans, wildlife, or any weird happenings upon the Earth. There was no mistake that something odd or unnatural was coming and Aria was unsure of what it was, unable to properly place a finger on the exact nature of it. A black key appeared in her hand, fingers beginning to twirl it about subconsciously. Her expression changed to one that closely resembled comfort, the woman feeling more secure knowing Abaddon was close by.

It was easier to be more casual around Maya, the two having run into one another time after time. They were also both Wizard Saints so it was only to be expected that they'd shared a few conversations in passing.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks
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"Are you really not going to even try to read the situation? The man is clearly trying to leave," she responded, her patience beginning to run thin. Eric was stubborn, but not in the good way. She was vaguely surprised that he managed to survive this long without managing to permanently maim or kill himself. She was beginning to think that Gilad put her with him so she could take care of him rather than the other way around. "Just let him go. I can go to your bar perfectly fine without him, as you two would destroy the place if he even wanted to go. Let's go," she said, hoping to coax him into leaving. By now, her lingering portal had long since deteriorated, and she was completely free of anything tying her to the area. She may not like Eric, or even be able to tolerate him well, but she figured he stood a much better chance without Lee around to provoke him nonstop. Or, you know, try to murder them for no reason.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

"Are you really not going to even try to read the situation? The man is clearly trying to leave," she responded, her patience beginning to run thin. Eric was stubborn, but not in the good way. She was vaguely surprised that he managed to survive this long without managing to permanently maim or kill himself. She was beginning to think that Gilad put her with him so she could take care of him rather than the other way around. "Just let him go. I can go to your bar perfectly fine without him, as you two would destroy the place if he even wanted to go. Let's go," she said, hoping to coax him into leaving. By now, her lingering portal had long since deteriorated, and she was completely free of anything tying her to the area. She may not like Eric, or even be able to tolerate him well, but she figured he stood a much better chance without Lee around to provoke him nonstop. Or, you know, try to murder them for no reason.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Lee: trying to leave

Lee kept trying to leave walk away. "Listen to the girl I am no good for you, I best keep my distance from anyone." He had gathered some more strength and was moving slightly faster. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was that he was getting there. "I hope not to see you again, that would be better for you." He was several feet away from the Eric and Aurelie.

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Kazehana said:

"Are you really not going to even try to read the situation? The man is clearly trying to leave," she responded, her patience beginning to run thin. Eric was stubborn, but not in the good way. She was vaguely surprised that he managed to survive this long without managing to permanently maim or kill himself. She was beginning to think that Gilad put her with him so she could take care of him rather than the other way around. "Just let him go. I can go to your bar perfectly fine without him, as you two would destroy the place if he even wanted to go. Let's go," she said, hoping to coax him into leaving. By now, her lingering portal had long since deteriorated, and she was completely free of anything tying her to the area. She may not like Eric, or even be able to tolerate him well, but she figured he stood a much better chance without Lee around to provoke him nonstop. Or, you know, try to murder them for no reason.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT]
Eric Magnolia Stables

He wondered if this was really for the best, it's true that Lee hasn't caused any trouble up to this point and even if he did Fairy tail would probably handle it no problem if him and Aurelie could subdue him. Thinking for a little while he finally reached the conclusion this might be for the best. "Alright then... If that's how you two really feel then I guess there's no helping it. Lee! if you ever change your mind then you know where to go." With that Eric was finally convinced to continue without him. "Come on the bar's this way."

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Aurelie was nothing less than relieved that the psycho maniac wouldn't be accompanying them to a dangerous place where she was going to be. She took no time to waste before heading off to said bar with Eric. To be perfectly honest, she knew little about alcohol other than to stay away from it. Apparently people had gotten in quite a bit of trouble with it sometime before, and she had been afraid to go even near it ever since. As they walked, she figured she should strike up a conversation, a nice friendly one after all that had happened.

"So, Eric," she began, taking a moment to pause. She hadn't really anything in mind, so she just said the first thing that came to mind. "Uhm, shouldn't we like, maybe report him to someone? Like maybe Gilad? I think he'd want to know it was happening You're right when you say people shouldn't just focus on their own safety, and perhaps he isn't a resident here. If he's a passerby, he might have just arrived during the festival and started causing havoc," she said, then realized that the topic of choice was the polar opposite of what she was trying to accomplish.

Without a moment to spare, she started speaking again. "But we can talk about that later. Uhm, what about you? What is... Uhm," she screwed up her face for a moment, frowning at her inability to conjure a conversation freely. "What do you like to do?" she asked finally, gathering her thoughts and coming up with a coherent conversation topic. She smiled at herself, pleased to not be a total dolt. She glanced at him with the same smile, though it wasn't quite meant for him. She still had to get over the fact that he was almost an accessory to her murder.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT] (mentioned)
Lee: Surrendering

How many times has that happened now, I am fortunate that I haven't killed anyone yet. I Should solved this problem, and make it so that nothing like that ever happens again. He slowly made his way to a building in the city, preparing to do something that no one would ever expect. He didn't expect that he would ever go that far but he felt it was necessary at this point. Let me think, this is the first time this year but I have done it three maybe four times in the past two years. This is necessary. He walked up to the police building, his hands on his head. "I would like to report a rouge mage."
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Eric: Magnolia Streets

"What do I like to do you ask? Hmm..." He took a moment to consider his options "Well since I can turn myself into other creature's or people at will I usually like to play a few joke's or pranks now and again. For example..." Eric transforms his face to match Aurelie's and even his voice changed to accurately resemble her. He himself has done numerous pranks using this ability and is quite proud of every single one. "Well? Pretty cool huh?" Eric wasn't entirely sure what kind of reaction he would expect from her but in any case it would definitely be worth waiting to find out.

Kazehana said:

Aurelie was nothing less than relieved that the psycho maniac wouldn't be accompanying them to a dangerous place where she was going to be. She took no time to waste before heading off to said bar with Eric. To be perfectly honest, she knew little about alcohol other than to stay away from it. Apparently people had gotten in quite a bit of trouble with it sometime before, and she had been afraid to go even near it ever since. As they walked, she figured she should strike up a conversation, a nice friendly one after all that had happened.

"So, Eric," she began, taking a moment to pause. She hadn't really anything in mind, so she just said the first thing that came to mind. "Uhm, shouldn't we like, maybe report him to someone? Like maybe Gilad? I think he'd want to know it was happening You're right when you say people shouldn't just focus on their own safety, and perhaps he isn't a resident here. If he's a passerby, he might have just arrived during the festival and started causing havoc," she said, then realized that the topic of choice was the polar opposite of what she was trying to accomplish.

Without a moment to spare, she started speaking again. "But we can talk about that later. Uhm, what about you? What is... Uhm," she screwed up her face for a moment, frowning at her inability to conjure a conversation freely. "What do you like to do?" she asked finally, gathering her thoughts and coming up with a coherent conversation topic. She smiled at herself, pleased to not be a total dolt. She glanced at him with the same smile, though it wasn't quite meant for him. She still had to get over the fact that he was almost an accessory to her murder.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Wyatt[/FONT] (mentioned)
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

"What do I like to do you ask? Hmm..." He took a moment to consider his options "Well since I can turn myself into other creature's or people at will I usually like to play a few joke's or pranks now and again. For example..." Eric transforms his face to match Aurelie's and even his voice changed to accurately resemble her. He himself has done numerous pranks using this ability and is quite proud of every single one. "Well? Pretty cool huh?" Eric wasn't entirely sure what kind of reaction he would expect from her but in any case it would definitely be worth waiting to find out.

Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindrazer

The apex predator, Alabaster Bal Magna, stalked her prey quietly from the alley. She heard voices, one of which she was sure was of Aurelie's. Swiftly she rushed out to tackle hug Aurelie affectionately. "Auuuureeeeliiee!" She hollered as she charged to hug only to pause as she now saw two Aurelies. "...I can work with this!" She assured herself before taking the two Aurelies into a tackle hug strong enough to knock them off their feet.
Eric: Magnolia Streets

While waiting for a reaction from Aurelie, Eric heard foot steps gradually drawing closer. He thought it might have been Lee... maybe he changed his mind and came back to accept Eric's offer to help him. But then he heard a girl's voice shouting Aurelie. As he tried to turn around he caught a glimpse of a girl heading towards then at an unbelievable speed, then he recognised her. "... Alaba...?" His sentence was cut short when she tackled him and Aurelie to the ground. The force of impact when his head hit the ground knocked him clean out with swirls replacing his eyes.

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She looked up at the sky, trying to imagine such a thing. Sure she could transform into her other self, but she couldn't just do it whenever she wanted, and only under certain conditions. Even then, she was bound to one other form, her true form. The sheer variability of his power made her eyes widen in shock that such a power existed. Okay so it wasn't exactly the most cool thing ever, but she wasn't too familiar with all the forms of magic that this land had to offer. The thought of how big his power was only made her feel smaller in hers, as she wasn't too capable of doing many things outside the box. Or at least not yet. She of course hoped to extend her knowledge of herself and use it effectively, maybe even enough to impress others as Eric was sure to impress her. Maybe she could even impress members of the guild Wouldn't that be something?

His words snapped her back to reality, and she had to stop just to look at him in shock. Her mouth was slightly agape, her eyes almost vacant. She might as well have seen a turkey vulture for the first time. She poked his face, or her face on him, or... bah! She poked the face in front of her to make sure it was real, and sure enough, it was much like her own skin. "How did-" she started, though couldn't find the words to say anything more. If she had troubles making coherent sentences before, she certainly wasn't going to be an expert on it by now.

Alabaster's rather conspicuous entrance onto the scene only made her mind reel more. Too much more of this randomness in her life and she might just end up going into shock! Was being in a guild always this hectic? If so, she was sure to adapt to it as long as she was exposed to it in everyday life. Was it the job that made them all energetic, or is it their energy that makes them able to do the jobs? Well, she'd find out soon enough. Aurelie liked to think that she was peppy enough, though she didn't much show it lately to Eric. It was just that they fought so hard to save their own lives, and Eric still found it necessary to keep that time bomb with them. It felt wrong to go against someone so passionately, but it simply had to be done. If it wasn't for her safety, it was for his. After all, he was almost killed before even Aurelie! The fact that his helpless position at the hands of Lee hadn't hit him with a train carrying common sense, what would?

She had no time to comprehend what was happening in the brief moments that Alabaster hesitated with Eric's whole transformation shebang. She was taken down with Eric in a state of shock, so much so that her resistance was minimal if at all present. But she wasn't all soft like Eric, and didn't conk out entirely. After a few moments, she shook her head clear of her confusions and her rhetorical thoughts. Dwelling on what was doesn't help her at all now. Well, worrying about them doesn't. The actual experience would be good to keep in mind so that they may not commit the same mistake once more.

"Uhm, Alabaster, was it? Could you maybe get off? If I recall, Gilad mentioned that this wasn't exactly appropriate behavior for people that don't know each other. And I would very much like to get up," she said calmly, relieved to be back to her normal self. This member seemed to be far more hands on than any of the other members, and she was starting to see that she wasn't much enjoying all the touching that was happening. Perhaps they would have a talk soon about it, but for now, she just wanted to get up and stand to talk like civil people.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
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Metaphysics said:
"Oh wow that's very interesting...wish I knew my family..." She said solemnly before looking out the window in silence. "S-class huh? Wow, that is impressive. I could totally be an S-Class if I wanted to but I can't since I'm afraid people will get mad at me and shun me while saying 'You can't do that!' and make some sort of explanation about magic and time and...sorry I'm rambling, I swear I got over rambling 14 months ago." She paused. "Anyways, before this I spent my time going around the country helping towns, fighting off magical sea beasts the size of a port town by myself and...defending myself from an entire dark guild. I have very very horrible luck." She finished.
Haruhi smiled slightly as Ciel said that her S Class status was interesting. It was the one thing she was most proud of besides her bloodline. "Thank you Ciel. It took me a lot of work to achieve this rank. Not even my sister is as strong as I. Though I'm probably one of the weakest S-Class mages in my guild." She explained, sighing softly and nodding. She quieted herself as it was Ciel's turn to speak. The tales that she spoke of sounded amazing, though she had so much doubt in her mind. No way she was able to do all of that by herself! Not even she could do that! However she wasn't going to call her bluff yet. "You're right about being unlucky. Marrying me only proved that..."
Talon jogged up and stood beside Ferra. "Hey Ferra and girl I dont know." He said to Ferra and Millie. He then noticed Noah and some other guy, apparently from Lamia scale, squaring off. "Oh is this an initiaton battle or something?¿?¿" He asked Ferra with an excited grin on his face, wanting to fight now too. "Im Talon by the way." He introduced himself to Millie. @Kayzo
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.e7e4b664c03d5b5e3426bd055c5acd5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.e7e4b664c03d5b5e3426bd055c5acd5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Fight within Magnolia Square

Noah heard a thud just about the sametime he took off his shirt. Sound came from Valken dropping his daggers. To only put it on equal grounds, he did the same with his sword, letting it slide down his pants. By then people were already surrounding them, cheering for the Lamia Scale mage.

Noah couldn't recall if Ferra told him Valken's rank or not, but he didn't care. Whatever the rank is, Noah is going to fight with all the strength he has. Valken had his arms spread out welcoming Noah to attack, if he was outside he would've struck him with lightning at the moment but no he's inside surrounded by tons of people coming and going.

He smirks at Valken, he's thinking how much this guy is like him. Ferra might be right, he and Valken will get along great. Hehe sametime Valken. He charged towards Valken closing in on him, trying to a pull off a series of strikes. First it was the right hook, than the left, followed by a straight elbow to his face with his left arm, followed by a right jab, ending with a front kick with wind on it.

If the front kick hits it'll send a small twister out at Valken launching him back. @Kayzo



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Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

Valken's grin widened exponentially. His heart was pounding to the point he could barely hear the crowd anymore.

"May the best man win, Casanova..."

He rumbled out of his chest. The last time he had a good fist fight was with that beast of a man Chris on the first day of the festival and had promised (or gambled rather) no magic... To all intents Chris's pure strength and unwaving muscle mass might have seen Valken loose... lucky they had called it quits to watch both their girlfriends in the Bikini contest.

It wasn't about defending Millie anymore, this was about him really flexing his muscles and having a good spar match while he did!

Noah was fast, but Valken was even faster. Valken side stepped his first right hook, lifted an arm to parry the next, the jab making his boots squeak against the ground as he took a step back but the man's kick did connect and the extra wind sent Valken up off his feet.

In an instance Valken used the momentum and kicked his legs up in the air, not to hit him but rather push himself into a handstand then pull his whole body back into a stand, the motion so fluid it almost looked like he had planned to get kicked from the start.

"Wind and lightning magic huh? You're a little party bag of tricks aren't cha, Casanova?"

Here Valken was already dashing to close the distance even faster then Noah, shoulder charging him before bending down with a hand planted solidly against the floor, right leg swinging up and over his frame in an almost 360 degree round kick.

And Valken hadn't even tapped into his magic yet.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.1496850da947c9628c95cc0f63a0e62c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128341" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-31063026-350-631.jpg.1496850da947c9628c95cc0f63a0e62c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Fight within Magnolia Square

Valken was fast, Noah had to admit that. He dodged all the attacks except for the front kick. As Valken went back, Noah kept his composure. Valken landed gracefully on his feet. Noah nodded acknowledging he's landing. Soon after he mentioned his magic ending it by calling Noah "Casanova" again. Please stop calling Casanova , plus you haven't seen much yet and I hope I'll see more of your moves. He ended with a smirk.

Little did Noah know his request was soon answered. Valken came in faster than Noah. Noah was shoulder bashed sliding while holding the spot that was hit. By the time Noah recovered he saw a foot coming his way, he bent backwards barely dodging the Valken's feet. While bent backwards he kicks off the ground and twist his body. Spinning his body to the left knocking his legs into Valken's which should cause both of them to fall over.

Noah chuckles while on the ground. He looks up and from where he is he can see up a random girls skirt.
Hm, nice choice of underwear. He gets up looking at Valken, as he backs up creating some distance. Soo when does the train leave?? @Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Talon



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Kayzo said:
Haruhi smiled slightly as Ciel said that her S Class status was interesting. It was the one thing she was most proud of besides her bloodline. "Thank you Ciel. It took me a lot of work to achieve this rank. Not even my sister is as strong as I. Though I'm probably one of the weakest S-Class mages in my guild." She explained, sighing softly and nodding. She quieted herself as it was Ciel's turn to speak. The tales that she spoke of sounded amazing, though she had so much doubt in her mind. No way she was able to do all of that by herself! Not even she could do that! However she wasn't going to call her bluff yet. "You're right about being unlucky. Marrying me only proved that..."
"Marrying, yes that proves that..but..." She started as she hugged her comfortingly. "The you part is a different matter..." She suddenly coughed awkwardly and looked I away. "I mean, umm...don't feel that way!" She said hurriedly. "Wanna see a picture?" She said hurriedly, desperate to change the topic. She hurriedly pulled out her journal and searched its pages before pulling out a picture of her cloaked self atop a dead giant squid monster with more than enough tentacles and bone spikes.
Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2e3cbbe_images(33).jpg.4d589157d21703b6a3f8a1ed868b6422.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca2e3cbbe_images(33).jpg.4d589157d21703b6a3f8a1ed868b6422.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken blinked with a raised eyebrow as not only did Noah take his shoulder charge head on, he then proceeded to twist and knock Valken's legs out from under him, sending the two crashing to the ground.

Valken laid there, looking to the roof for the longest time, before his grin widened that far he actually started to laugh. He was almost in hysterics! He couldn't believe his luck that Ferra has found his long lost twin in the plethora that is the every day masses.

Eventually he laughed so hard he almost had tears in the corners of his eyes. As Noah stood, he rolled onto his side and braced himself to a stand, crossing his arms as he widened his stance.

"Alright, fair enough. You've earnt my respect so I'll forgo the nickname and call you by your real name..."

Watching him back up and looking as if he isn't going to move a muscle.

"Who cares when the train leaves! We have to wait for Master Lloyd anyway and no doubt you'll have to meet Maya, as well.." Here for the first time he actually cringed and side glanced in a paranoid fashion.

And like he were starting up a conversation and not about to kick the man into next week, he continued. "Favourite drink? Please tell me you drink....I'm a scotch man myself." His face almost fell then, like, he had met everyone of Valken's man criteria's and surely he would fail this one... twas fate, surely?

And before he could get an answer, Valken for all intents simply melted into the floor as if it were nothing. Vanishing, or at least it seemed.

The tiniest of a ripple running horizontally against the ground, hiding amongst the shadows already lined against the ground. In an instance, Valken had half popped out of the ground right behind him, grasped at his ankles and attempted to flip the man straight off his feet... Not making a sound except for the thud of his arms around his calves.

@Kayzo @Huor Spinks (lloyd mentioned) @LeSoraAmari (maya mentioned).



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Kimberly Lock

Snuggly in the bed

After the fire works nothing really happened, the two talked about their adventures. And somehow the two had become even closer, but something had nagged at the back of Kim's mind. Was Eias gonna leave Magnolia? Eias was her best friend (believe it or not) and she didn't want to lose that. Mabye of She offered her to live with Kim she would stay. The idea was a good one, her flat was big enough for two people plus she has an unused room that she could stay in. The morning light had woken her up, she stood and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for her and Eias.

Vex: Train Station

"Well Horus, who else is around? I don't feel like staying here by ourselves." Horus flew off and landed on Ferra, quickly letting out a squawk to let him know where his master know where he was. The bird gave him careful instructions to lead to the women without having him run into the people fighting or any thing else but that is only what the man thought. He had a devious bird and Vex should have learned that by now, the bird had lead him into a wall. "Horus! Would you stop giving me false directions!?!" He backed and felt, the bird squared again and he made his way to the women. "Hello, sorry about my bird landing on you. He was helping me find someone to talk to. I had gotten bored just standing around and having Horus tell ne about the right."

@Kayzo @Talon
Kazehana said:

She looked up at the sky, trying to imagine such a thing. Sure she could transform into her other self, but she couldn't just do it whenever she wanted, and only under certain conditions. Even then, she was bound to one other form, her true form. The sheer variability of his power made her eyes widen in shock that such a power existed. Okay so it wasn't exactly the most cool thing ever, but she wasn't too familiar with all the forms of magic that this land had to offer. The thought of how big his power was only made her feel smaller in hers, as she wasn't too capable of doing many things outside the box. Or at least not yet. She of course hoped to extend her knowledge of herself and use it effectively, maybe even enough to impress others as Eric was sure to impress her. Maybe she could even impress members of the guild Wouldn't that be something?

His words snapped her back to reality, and she had to stop just to look at him in shock. Her mouth was slightly agape, her eyes almost vacant. She might as well have seen a turkey vulture for the first time. She poked his face, or her face on him, or... bah! She poked the face in front of her to make sure it was real, and sure enough, it was much like her own skin. "How did-" she started, though couldn't find the words to say anything more. If she had troubles making coherent sentences before, she certainly wasn't going to be an expert on it by now.

Alabaster's rather conspicuous entrance onto the scene only made her mind reel more. Too much more of this randomness in her life and she might just end up going into shock! Was being in a guild always this hectic? If so, she was sure to adapt to it as long as she was exposed to it in everyday life. Was it the job that made them all energetic, or is it their energy that makes them able to do the jobs? Well, she'd find out soon enough. Aurelie liked to think that she was peppy enough, though she didn't much show it lately to Eric. It was just that they fought so hard to save their own lives, and Eric still found it necessary to keep that time bomb with them. It felt wrong to go against someone so passionately, but it simply had to be done. If it wasn't for her safety, it was for his. After all, he was almost killed before even Aurelie! The fact that his helpless position at the hands of Lee hadn't hit him with a train carrying common sense, what would?

She had no time to comprehend what was happening in the brief moments that Alabaster hesitated with Eric's whole transformation shebang. She was taken down with Eric in a state of shock, so much so that her resistance was minimal if at all present. But she wasn't all soft like Eric, and didn't conk out entirely. After a few moments, she shook her head clear of her confusions and her rhetorical thoughts. Dwelling on what was doesn't help her at all now. Well, worrying about them doesn't. The actual experience would be good to keep in mind so that they may not commit the same mistake once more.

"Uhm, Alabaster, was it? Could you maybe get off? If I recall, Gilad mentioned that this wasn't exactly appropriate behavior for people that don't know each other. And I would very much like to get up," she said calmly, relieved to be back to her normal self. This member seemed to be far more hands on than any of the other members, and she was starting to see that she wasn't much enjoying all the touching that was happening. Perhaps they would have a talk soon about it, but for now, she just wanted to get up and stand to talk like civil people.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindrazer

"Oh, of course! I'll be up in a moment!" Alabaster replied joyfully as she let go of the two Aurelies and stood up, brushing off the dirt on her clothes with graceful efficiency. "Sorry about that, I get very carried away sometimes..." She apologized before giving a serene smile. "So, how's your day? Have you been enjoying yourself so far?" She asked. She suddenly remembered something. "Are any of you guys hungry? I could go get some food if you guys want it?"

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