Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Kimberly Lock


Kim yelped in happiness, along with a high jump. She could of only gotten that high unless Taint was involved some how. Her emotions sometimes control her Taint, so it wasn't to much a surprise that she did so. She gently lowered her self back into her seat, obviously with a huge ass grin on her face. The Flux Mage stood up and huged Eias form across the table. " I have a roomie! I never thought I would say!" Kim retracted back into her seat. " Rent is about 7,000 a month, and I have around 25,000 saved up Thanks to my dad and his monthly care checks. Sonwe be good for three months. We should get you some more clothes, or you could borrow some of mine for time being."

Mitchs98 said:

Sera: Sera's House

Sera was..very confused. She'd woken Mika up, yet, instead of becoming panicked or freaking out at all he didn't. Instead he just casually spoke to her with his face inbetween her boobs. That was..a thing. Maybe he was really more perverted than he let on? Or simply didn't get embarrassed by such things? Either one was a bit off, considering how embarrassed he got by simply asking to use her bathroom. "
Umm..uhh. You bet!" She replied awkwardly. "I uh..sorry about this. I honestly didn't intend on this happening, I thought you were still asleep. Though..I still didn't intend on this. I was kinda gunna draw on your face and stuff." She explained with a shrug. Now, see. She might be a bit perverted..okay a lot perverted. But she wasn't going to force Mika's face into her chest, that could potentionally ruin everything. And that was something she didn't want. "So uh..I'm just gunna try to..get this blanket off." She told him, nervousness evident for once. Sera literally never got nervous like this in the past, she wasn't sure why she was now. Maybe it was Mika? And the fact she'd never actually truely felt drawn to someone like she did now?

It was possible, she supposed. Though for now she opted to try squirming to loosen the blanket, tearing it slightly in places if need be. If she couldn't get out of it without breaking it she'd be buying Mika a new blanket.

Alicia: Rented Apartment

Mizuki's words honestly kind of depressed the girl a lot. The two looked perfect together in her opinion! Plus it was clear they liked each other, if only a little bit. Mizuki thinking of herself so lowly made Alicia sad. Did she really think that way about herself everyday? That someone could easily do better than her? She shook her head slightly to herself as the depressing silence went on. Mizuki was awesome! She was kinder than she let on and honestly in Alicia's opinion a great person. She might of had a hard life but that didn't change anything. She paused her folding abruptly to close the small distance between the two and hug Mizuki. "
Mizuki, don't think about yourself like that. You're a great person. Sure, you might be a little..intense...at times but you mean well. I don't know about all of your past, but I do know that whatever you did or whatever happened isn't you and doesn't matter." She told her. "Anyone would be lucky to have you. You might not show it all the time but you're a kind and caring person deep down Mizuki. You might think you're a burden on other people or something but you aren't. I'm glad to have you around, you're like a sister to me." She continued. "And you might not see it but I'm pretty confident Alfie does like you, at-least a little bit."

That said, she continued hugging Mizuki. She wasn't sure how she'd react at all, she honestly acted like she'd never had someone care about her so much in her life before. But Alicia did, and so did Gilad and the rest of her guild. She was a member of Sabertooth after all.
Mizuki slowly rested her hand on top if Alicia's head as she scooted over and began to hug her. The small girl was speaking kind and uplifting words to her, trying to cheer up the seemingly depressed firl. Though it was just a waste of breath. Nothin she could say would change her mind. It's all she grew up with. Being told that she wasn't truly important, or that her death would be forgettable. That's what they taught her in Grimore Heart in hopes of turning them into emotionless killing machines. Mizuki rubbed her head gently and sighed sadly. "Thank you Alicia, you truly make me a better person." She said in a monotone voice, hugging the silver haired girl back gently. She appreciated everything Alicia did for her, but it never seemed like it'd help.
Eias Baole - The beginning of a beautiful new life.

Eias near almost choked on her OJ when Kim yelled and went into the air. After a small coughing fit, she found herself being hugged by her new roommate. Red started flushing over her face. If you looked closely you could probably see steam too. Kim sat back but Eias was still flustered beyond belief. G-good to know. That's a lot of money saved up for sure.. She said as she was getting a hold of herself. After a few moments, she calmed down and looked at Kim. Share clothes? She said in her speech bubble. Well.. I guess it wouldn't hurt. Let's go search out some new stuff though. I haven't had new boots in a while.

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]

Location the Streets near the Blue Pegasus Guild

Walking down the street he could tell people where looking at him. Of course they were they had to be in awe at his amazing looks he sighed. "How silly of me I should've wore something to cover my face so as not to steal the hearts of any maidens that walk by." He chuckled to himself and with a wave of his hand and a swift flick of his wrist, he twirled to the doors of the guild that was in front of him.

He had been traveling for a while now to arrive here at the guild he knew he'd fit right in with. He opened the doors and let out a triumph call. "Hello I'm Seto Kyon the Harem King please allow me to join your guild!" He was proud of what he said he'd never tell anyone but he was thinking of just the right thing to say the whole trip here.

Some of his other ideas he decided weren't as good included, 'Have no fear the Harem King is here!' 'Seto Kyon's the name and Harem is my game!' 'Waifus to me for the King of Hearm Seto Kyon has arrived!' This one seemed the most down to earth he didn't wanna intimidate any of his future guild members. He nodded his head eyes closed and waiting for a response from the leader.


Aleria Feathersaint - -Atop the Blue Pegasus Guild

Aleria stood atop the structure with refined finesse and grace, her knightly visage casting inspiration on the guild members who looked upon her as she looked at the clouds in silent reverie. She quietly bemoaned the fact that she had missed on Magnolia's festival due to her current circumstances but she silently reassured herself that she'd come next year to partake on the joyous festivities made available. She was then interrupted by a lone male voice making his presence known.

She took flight, wings unfurling as she casually fell from the rooftop and landed gracefully after a few moments of air time. 'Seto Kyon, Harem King? Well, he certainly does have ambition, he just might make it, but I'll see if he has what it takes.' She thought. "I hear that you wish to join Blue Pegasus, Seto Kyon. I'd like you to tell me why." She said from behind him.

Location the doors of Blue Pegasus

Seto heard a woman's voice not looking he simply chuckled. "That's something for only the guild master to know." He looked and pointed at the owner of the voice realizing it was the very person he was speaking of. His smile faded and he tapped his wooden sword looking at her his smile returned. "The things I've heard about this guild. Well they reminded me of an old friend so I'd like to join."

He bowed his head to her making sure she knew he was serious. He could feel just how knightly she was he looed up at her the wings on her back that were like that of of. "Like an angel." He chuckled not only that but her very presence seemed to demand your respect. "And you know my gut was right when it told me I'd find someone just like that old friend. So please I ask of you allow me to join your guild."

[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]

Location the doors of Blue Pegasus

Seto heard a woman's voice not looking he simply chuckled. "That's something for only the guild master to know." He looked and pointed at the owner of the voice realizing it was the very person he was speaking of. His smile faded and he tapped his wooden sword looking at her his smile returned. "The things I've heard about this guild. Well they reminded me of an old friend so I'd like to join."

He bowed his head to her making sure she knew he was serious. He could feel just how knightly she was he looed up at her the wings on her back that were like that of of. "Like an angel." He chuckled not only that but her very presence seemed to demand your respect. "And you know my gut was right when it told me I'd find someone just like that old friend. So please I ask of you allow me to join your guild."


Aleria Feathersaint

"I see." Aleria started as she circled around him. She inspected him head to toe in an indifferent platonic manner. "I must warn you that this path is not an easy one, but I feel that you have potential." She finally said after a few moments of inspection. While it was certain that Seto was enthusiastic and ambitious he seemed a bit too...scrawny. But she figured that she'd let that problem fix itself over time, after all, no one becomes strong on their first day.

She led him to her office where she took out a stamp. "I'm letting you in. Prove that you can better yourself and protect others...Seto The Harem King. Also get a better wardrobe." With a patient smile she held up the stamp, her natural instincts for fashion flaring up. "Now where would you like the stamp and what color?" She asked. (Could you put in the stamping thing in your post? Thanks)
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Seto celebrated to himself in his head as she agreed to let him join. When she mentioned him gettinga new outfit he looked at his hoodie. "Aww but I like this hood." He looked at the stamp that she held and smiled. "Ohh definitely blue it's my favorite and why not on my right upper chest." He told her as he unzipped his hoodie and lowered his shirt collar so she could put on the stamp. "Due try not to fall for me, I'd like to keep things professional for now that is." He winked at her after all he had to admit she was pretty cute.

Valken Truss

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca4e871a2_Valkengentleman.jpg.6177f6c1e38c459947baf9437d8b98f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca4e871a2_Valkengentleman.jpg.6177f6c1e38c459947baf9437d8b98f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken's purple eyes narrowed down when Emmerich slipped his arm around his neck and practically held him against his hip in a headlock. He made soft Tsc noise of distain, after all it was Valken who was the expert of hold's and restraints. The fact Emmerich's feet were planted and unable to move didn't seem to worry him in the least. Valken's hand naturally moved to hover over a

but he hesitated. As much and all and he wanted to give Faust a lesson, pulling out his daggers for something so trivial and meaningless as this, not to mention in front of Guild Master Lloyd, and the two Wizarding Saints Maya and Aria... He vowed he would get him back for that one day. Of course he seemed intent to continue to flick at his forehead in an annoying fashion and Valken was starting to grit his teeth now. In a flash, Valken clenched a hand over his other, before driving his elbow with the force of both of his shoulders straight into the man's kidney, twisting in the distraction and breaking himself free. "Next time I'll let you take the full force of Lloyd and Maya's wrath you overgrown son of a-" hissing his words before closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Once his momentary temper flare up had subsided, his eyes slowly drifted open once more and he put his hands behind his head, taking a long breath outwards as his gaze drifted up to the ceiling of the train station. He realised out of the corner of his eyes more and more people seemed to be arriving with every passing second, and he was keenly aware Lamia Scale was almost dominating the train walkway with their huge gathering of mages. Valken couldn't remember the Guild ever being this big, it was just a known thing that Fairytail was the biggest and most chaotic in all of Fiore. Yet it seemed every time he turned more and more people were being initiated.

His eyes narrowed down thoughtfully when his conversation with Lloyd after the Guild Master's meeting yesterday started to echo in his head. He felt woefully underprepared to try and keep a protective watch on each and every single Guild Member. It was a nigh impossible task now, seeing as the numbers continued to grow and he realised Lloyd was right.... he would have to step away sometimes and be confident in the knowledge that they could for the most part protect themselves.

And he would be there to help them all if they stumbled.

For you see, for all Valken's tendencies, his crazy antics, over arrogance and cocky nature was all just a front. It always had been. He had not been this way forever, and in fact really the only person who may have remembered a time where he had been the complete opposite of this personality was when he was a young boy. Maya. His purple eyes drifted over to her and he let a soft smile for only the briefest of seconds. How long ago that seemed, where his shyness had been so crippling the thought of being here, the centre of attention, in the light, rather than in the corner in the shadows, had crippled him.

He slipped his hands into his pockets. A wave of nervousness flooding through him from thoughts of the past and even now he took a step back, almost as if now he had remembered, trying to half pull himself away from the gathering. The continual flood of more and more people he didn't know was starting to become apparent and he was struggling to keep his feet planted on the ground rather then slip into the shadows and run away for some peace and quiet.

He was too far involved with everyone now to be able to simply slip away unnoticed like he would have once upon a time. So in a strange and oddly out of place gesture he slipped around the mass of people to come beside Millie, his arm slipping down and around her hip and pulling her tight into his side while keeping his gaze forward. Not bothering to explain but his fingers tensed before he gripped at the hem of her shirt on her hip, almost in a similar gesture as little boy might to their mother. Though his face remained unfazed to the rest of the group.

Everything always a front with Valken and he intended to keep it that way. Except for Maya and Millie...

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics ((HAVE AT ALL THE TAGS))



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Kyuubey said:

Arietta Forsyth - Magnolia


Quiet footsteps that maintained a safe distance behind the two were slowly brought to a standstill as they approached a group of young mages. Aria's emotionless hues fluidly made the motion to fall upon each one, memorizing them accordingly. The woman wasn't expecting Maya to introduce her though she was grateful that it was done so with her wishes of being less formal. The whole ma'am, miss, and lady Forsyth thing just left a tinge of annoyance to settle each time it was used towards her.

Her head tilted at the boy who approached her and it was quite obvious what his magic entailed, Aria could taste it, Abaddon itched to eat it. "
Quell your hunger. You act like a starved zombie child. " She muttered to the key, slightly amused, fingers loosely sliding it further back upon her palm as if to distance it from the mage before her. It wasn't out of distrust or fear though, it was for the safety of the boy. The last thing she needed was Abaddon appearing and trying to snack on some of the little ones.


The attempt at her hand was allowed, eyes remaining dull and lifeless with a hint of secrecy, though her lips portrayed a different emotion as a side curved upwards into an inviting smile. Her eyes bore down into his as he spoke, the kiss upon her glove being felt like a scorching heat through them as all physical touches felt to her. " Likewise, weaver of shadows. Though you're lucky I embrace darkness touching me so... forwardly. " Her own words fell like soft velvet upon the ears of those within close vicinity, even more appealing to listen to than Valken's voice. Aria usually hated physical contact that she didn't initiate upon first but being caressed by shadows was a comfort thanks to Abaddon.

A step back was taken as Maya seemed to encounter the boy,
interrogating him in a motherly fashion. It was quite entertaining to watch and Aria simply felt like any comment or spoken word at this point would label her as an enabler, so standing by and watching was the only option to fall upon. If anyone else wished to introduce themselves then she'd speak up accordingly as was polite and custom. Where others found the other wizard saint scary or intimidating, Aria was compelled to find Maya cute and adorable. It was odd how certain interactions warranted such a diverse reaction or category for others to be placed in that one normally wouldn't jump to even considering.

Aria slid the black key into her mouth and began to chew on it rather nonchalantly, lips warped about the scorching hot material. A weird tendril of dark magic seeped slightly from those vaguely pursed lips to be visible before snaking its way back into her mouth and disappearing, a few marks appearing on an entire side of the woman's pale face. This kept her attention focused off of all the random interactions going on about them that she didn't truly care to tune in onto any longer, eyes drooping to appear sleepy or disinterested as the key was lazily pulled back out and the symbols disappeared to leave untouched skin.


A question popped into her mind that caused a bolt of energy to wash over her, demeanor completely changing. "
Can I touch your hair again, Maya? It's unnaturally soft. " A small laugh escaped her lips, the sound soothing and bell-like, suddenly spinning about childishly with a hand outstretched and reaching for any strands of hair she might be able to grasp. Those eyes went wide as she blinked at everyone around them though, fingers entangled with a fistful of loose hair and she realized that it might appear she had some odd hair fetish of some sort. " I wish mine was long and pretty, I am so envious. " She admitted while playing with it, eyes intrigued and focused on each individual piece as if it were a beautiful gem that she held with her gloved hands.

Aria's eyes averted themselves to fall onto Lloyd for a few moments and the child that appeared to cling to the guild masters leg, apparently upset. " All of your guild members are so adorable and lively, I must admit Lloyd. It makes me happy to see such potential in all of them as I'm sure you do as well. " An endearing tone had dripped into those words as she once again turned to glance at them all, curiously so.

@Wyatt @Kayzo​
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
View attachment 288529

Valken's purple eyes narrowed down when Emmerich slipped his arm around his neck and practically held him against his hip in a headlock. He made soft Tsc noise of distain, after all it was Valken who was the expert of hold's and restraints. The fact Emmerich's feet were planted and unable to move didn't seem to worry him in the least. Valken's hand naturally moved to hover over a

but he hesitated. As much and all and he wanted to give Faust a lesson, pulling out his daggers for something so trivial and meaningless as this, not to mention in front of Guild Master Lloyd, and the two Wizarding Saints Maya and Aria... He vowed he would get him back for that one day. Of course he seemed intent to continue to flick at his forehead in an annoying fashion and Valken was starting to grit his teeth now. In a flash, Valken clenched a hand over his other, before driving his elbow with the force of both of his shoulders straight into the man's kidney, twisting in the distraction and breaking himself free. "Next time I'll let you take the full force of Lloyd and Maya's wrath you overgrown son of a-" hissing his words before closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Once his momentary temper flare up had subsided, his eyes slowly drifted open once more and he put his hands behind his head, taking a long breath outwards as his gaze drifted up to the ceiling of the train station. He realised out of the corner of his eyes more and more people seemed to be arriving with every passing second, and he was keenly aware Lamia Scale was almost dominating the train walkway with their huge gathering of mages. Valken couldn't remember the Guild ever being this big, it was just a known thing that Fairytail was the biggest and most chaotic in all of Fiore. Yet it seemed every time he turned more and more people were being initiated.

His eyes narrowed down thoughtfully when his conversation with Lloyd after the Guild Master's meeting yesterday started to echo in his head. He felt woefully underprepared to try and keep a protective watch on each and every single Guild Member. It was a nigh impossible task now, seeing as the numbers continued to grow and he realised Lloyd was right.... he would have to step away sometimes and be confident in the knowledge that they could for the most part protect themselves.

And he would be there to help them all if they stumbled.

For you see, for all Valken's tendencies, his crazy antics, over arrogance and cocky nature was all just a front. It always had been. He had not been this way forever, and in fact really the only person who may have remembered a time where he had been the complete opposite of this personality was when he was a young boy. Maya. His purple eyes drifted over to her and he let a soft smile for only the briefest of seconds. How long ago that seemed, where his shyness had been so crippling the thought of being here, the centre of attention, in the light, rather than in the corner in the shadows, had crippled him.

He slipped his hands into his pockets. A wave of nervousness flooding through him from thoughts of the past and even now he took a step back, almost as if now he had remembered, trying to half pull himself away from the gathering. The continual flood of more and more people he didn't know was starting to become apparent and he was struggling to keep his feet planted on the ground rather then slip into the shadows and run away for some peace and quiet.

He was too far involved with everyone now to be able to simply slip away unnoticed like he would have once upon a time. So in a strange and oddly out of place gesture he slipped around the mass of people to come beside Millie, his arm slipping down and around her hip and pulling her tight into his side while keeping his gaze forward. Not bothering to explain but his fingers tensed before he gripped at the hem of her shirt on her hip, almost in a similar gesture as little boy might to their mother. Though his face remained unfazed to the rest of the group.

Everything always a front with Valken and he intended to keep it that way. Except for Maya and Millie...

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics ((HAVE AT ALL THE TAGS))

Maya Morne

-Magnolia Station-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.dc9dd5a49f9354c31ff409bbbc579cba.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.dc9dd5a49f9354c31ff409bbbc579cba.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya couldn't help but chuckle as Valken cowered before her like a child. In truth, Maya could already tell that a fight occurred here and although under usual circumstances she would've scolding him there and then, she chose not to and simply walked back over towards Arietta and Lloyd. It would've been shameful towards the guild had she scolded Valken here in Magnolia, and Maya did not want to tarnish Lamia Scale's reputation in any way whatsoever. So, she chose to dismiss the situation just this once, however the likelihood of bringing it back up again when they were back at the guild was very high. Obviously as one of the guilds S-Class mages Valken is known, and it is his every action when out in public that reflects back onto the guild. Recklessly fighting or brawling in the streets with anyone be it a guild mate or a stranger, it wouldn't reflect well on the guild.

Turning to face Arietta as the woman addressed her, requesting to touch her hair, Maya simply smiled. Before she could even respond anyway the Wizard Saint was already touching her hair but of course, Maya didn't mind it. Aria was one of the few people that appreciated beauty and grace, Maya liked that. So much so that she'd even let the woman touch her hair, something that she lets absolutely no one else except Sora do. Sighing for a moment, the woman began to tap her foot as she crossed her arms, the train was taking forever- and she wanted to go home.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics
@Talon @Mykinkaiser



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Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Within the room she had come to call home came a rhythmic series of feminine grunts. Sweat dripped her body as she wondered how she had gotten into this situation. Sure she'd do it from time to time but this early? And in her bedroom at that? Even so here she was, enjoying herself more than she thought she would. She screwed her eyes shut as she forced herself to endure, to keep pushing. While she was enjoying herself it still hurt, testament to just how long it had been since her last time. Knowing she was nearing the end she gave it one last burst, clenching her teeth as she shot for the finish line. It was drawing nearer and nearer, that delicious moment of release that she sought. Finally she reached the finish line and let out a satisfied breath as she released the bar, dropping gracefully to the floor as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around her neck. She was quick to guzzle down a nearby glass of water before taking in a deep breath. Morning workouts usually weren't her forte but given how many sweets she had enjoyed over the past few days she knew she couldn't let this slide.

As her breathing returned to normal she looked out the window, the sun starting to peak through the glass and bathe the room in a natural light. Just to make sure she hadn't forgotten any of her routine she thought back on all the exercises she had done, making a mental checklist to verify she was good to go. Once satisfied she made her way to the restroom to wash away the sweat and get ready for the day to come. With the festival over she'd have to get back to work if she didn't want to get kicked out and given her independent status that means a very busy day ahead of her. By the time she finished getting ready the sun was fully in the sky and people were roaming the streets as the day had officially begun. Not about to waste time she quickly snatched up her sword and slung it behind her waist as she made her way out of her room and down the stairs. She glanced over at the counter as she bounded down the steps, noting the suspiciously empty seat behind it.

Well at least that was a nice way to start the day, for once she wouldn't have to endure that woman's glare. As she stepped out the front door she squinted and held her hand up in front of her eyes, looking up at the bright blue sky above. Seems like it'd be a beautiful day by most people's metric. Personally she wished there was far more clouds but oh well, not much she could do about it. Lowering her hand she made her way down the street in search of a job to do. Even after all this time trying to snatch jobs from Fairy Tail still wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. It seemed like she spent more time looking for jobs than she did actually doing them. A discouraged sigh managed to slip past her defenses before she shook her head to maintain her focus. Sulking wasn't going to pay the rent after all.

Her search seemed to take her all across the city. She made her way around the cathedral, taking a few moments to observe the lovebirds that were milling about. She was quick to move on, knowing that watching the love affairs of teenagers wasn't exactly a worthy use of her time. As she made her way down the street another trio caught her eyes. "That's the second guy with two girls.." She held her gaze on them for a few extra moments until they had fully passed, offering a small shrug to herself as she continued on. Clearly Magnolia was the town of playboys. She allowed her gaze to dart back and forth, searching for something that looked promising. Anything that looked promising. Her search brought her near the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and along with it a thought of maybe trying to snag one of their jobs. She was quick to discard that idea, messing with Fairy Tail wasn't exactly a smart move after all.

Her absent-mindedness almost caused her to run into some weird cowboy and his little sister before she deftly sidestepped, avoiding a possible collision with the duo as they continued on towards Fairy Tail's guild hall unaware of their near-miss. Even if the streets weren't terribly crowded there were more than a few people going to and fro, she couldn't afford to just lose herself in her own world or she might actually end up running into someone. At this point she decided to take a break, finding a nearby bench to plop down on as she thought of what to do. As she contemplated her lot in life she noticed another trio making their way down the street. "And there goes number three... wait.." She paid closer attention to the man with the two women, recognizing him from Malnia. "Huh, didn't peg him as that sorta guy." She leaned forward and rested a hand on her knee as she watched the trio make their way down the street, watching them until they rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight.

While her trip was great for people watching it was, thus far, fruitless in terms of any possible jobs to do. After taking a few minutes to rest she suddenly slapped her knees and shot to her feet "Alright! Let's keep looking!" Her sudden movements and loud voice drew the attention of nearby passer-by's. She paid them no mind as she made her way down the street, her search for employment would continue all day if it had to. She simply couldn't afford to go that much longer without some kind of income.
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Kelica Zefara



Laughter. Childhood laughter, giggling, a flurry of blonde hair that swung to and fro as grass brushed in against her feet and shin. Her emerald eyes sparkling, almost moist from how happy she was. Flowers seemed to bloom into a rainbow of colours everywhere around the young girl and the very grass parted way for her as she twirled and danced carefree amongst the undergrowth of towering green trees. And to her, they were towering!! Huge brown trunks covered in rough bark to ward away predators while huge strong branches held a multitude of green overgrowth and leaves, arching high into the sky as the tree literally stood like it had done for seemingly thousands of years. Drawing in both the sun's rays into his green leaves and drinking heavily from it's heavy root system buried deep under the Earth. Kelica felt all these things, the steady patience and unyielding connectedness of the Forest Tree's, of come most touches and caressed each other's root deep under the ground. Holding hand's like lovers. The tall tree's in the canopy shading the protecting the tiny seedlings struggling to grow against the forest floor.

And then there were the constant noises, the chittering of birds as there wings flapped gently before they started to preen. Mostly flocks simply asking about the worm feast down below, or one bird commenting on the beauty of another's flight feathers. Or singing! Bird's were naturally the world's karaoke singers and often time's made up songs and joined in Duet's or symphonies.

As a child Kelica was always filled with the comfort of company. She was what one would call the absolute Extravert. She loved being surrounded by plants, animals and people alike. She had heard the voices of the forest and creatures within since she was born, always chasing after them, brushing the noises of foxes or wolves before they would dash away to hunt. She never remembered a time there was silence. Without company. Not within her Father's Grand Forest.

Those warm, comforting thoughts and memories slowly dissipated as her body came slowly back into consciousness. The first thing the Forest Guardian noticed as her eyes still stayed closed was her body felt.... weird. She felt light, like gravity seemed to not have the same sense of law and order as it did on the Earth she had grown and loved. Like she were floating gently underwater. As her green eyes slowly slipped opened and started to focus in, there was a strange feeling that was itching at her soul then. Like dread but she hadn't been in consciousness for that long a time to be able to distinguish that. She realised as her brain was starting to piece together that her swimming analogy wasn't to far from the mark as her hair was floating and swaying to and fro about her form like it had no sense of gravity. And her actual body seemed to be almost horizontal though no quiet. Becoming keenly aware her body was actually not touching a single surface, be it table, floor, wall or otherwise. Like she were indeed flying. For someone who had never had that sensation before, it was somewhat overwhelming.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-28_20-37-59.png.2b838259b6120cdfca5452ca7c3eb1fc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129485" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-28_20-37-59.png.2b838259b6120cdfca5452ca7c3eb1fc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

That feeling of dread was increasing over time and her green eyes blinked slowly before she peeled her vision from side to side. She figured that maybe the darkness was just a lingering side effect of still coming into focus, but now she was no quite so sure. Kelica wasn't to much a fan of the dark, most nights in the forest would have the very subtle moonlight caressing everything in it's path with a soft hue. But this place was much darker then that. She tried to sit up, though the motion really only caused her to drift to a half way more upright position. Panic was slowly starting to fall on her features as she realised she didn't have any idea where she was, how she got there and where her friends were. And if that wasn't sending her chest tightening, she suddenly became aware there were not a single voice she could pin point in her mind. That she had experienced recently when Gilad Arcturus had severed the connection with the forest, but even so she FELT the connection like the warmth caress of arms around her shoulders.

But there were no such connections here. Not a single word, sound, or feeling left in the place.

Only a deafening silence, darkness and cold chill which told her instantly nothing lived where-ever she was. She could almost smell death in the air though it was to dark to actually see, though it almost appeared if she strained her vision she could see a Clock, tick tick ticking away. No sound, though she thought oddly, just a clock signalling time was will moving forward. Though nothing else was.

Her head swivelled slightly and a weak little whisper escaped her lips.

"H...Hello?" Listening to it echo, only confirming her suspicions she was indeed alone.

"Somebody.... anybody... help me.." She whispered in a heart breaking tone.

((Please note she is in a parallel universe so you will not be able to hear her, or feel her fear. This is more just background post))

@Huor Spinks (Lysander) @Isune (Chris) @Kyuubey (Lyra/Sora) @LeSoraAmari (Hibiki)



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Lysander Connell

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander frowned as he heard what Chris had to say. That... was not a lot of information. In fact, that was too little information. He could not help wondering if Chris had been glossing over what had happened or that he truly did not remember, which meant that something must have happened that night to have made him forget. Right now, all they knew was that Kelica was missing, and had been missing since the fireworks. "If you don't mind me stating," he began, rather hesitantly, since he barely knew Chris and he was not sure how Chris would take to him. "Is there more information that you can give us? What were you and Kelica doing just before she disappeared? Can you remember any events that might have triggered her disappearance?"

At the same time, Lysander could totally relate to what Chris was going through. He too was involved in a romantic relationship and if Sora had disappeared, he would have gone frantic and mental trying to find her. In fact, he would probably have blamed himself for being so careless as to loose her. And if something had truly happened to her because of him, he would also have difficulty finding the motivation to go on living, because would he have really deserved to, after causing such calamity? This made him all the more eager to help Chris, knowing and understanding just what the man was going through.

@Zuka @Isune @Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari
@Kayzo @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder @Talon @Kyuubey @Mitchs98 @Zuka

Arial Font, She has a colorful personality

Arial looked from person to person nervously and then to Asher. Gathering up enough courage she finally managed to say what she wanted out loud. "I want to join Lamia Scale!" The words blurted out loudly from her mouth cover she covered it quickly and bashfully. She didn't mean to be rude and interrupt things if she did, she was just extremely nervous around people who felt like they could throw her across the station with the greatest of ease...except Asher of course, cute kids always have her trust automatically. "I-if that's okay?" She stuttered out.
Lloyd Kirby

Magnolia Train Station

Lloyd heard a distinctly feminine voice behind him, sounding, to his ears at least, rather shy and nervous. He turned around to see what appeared to be a rainbow haired mage standing behind him. He took in what she had to say, before nodding and giving her one of his kind, warm smiles, those smiles he usually gave to people that he was grateful to. "It was you who took care of Asher? In that case, I am very grateful. " It was then that Asher caught his attention by his shouting. He had not seen who it was, but from what he heard of Asher, apparently it was someone who was interested in joining Lamia Scale. "Well, you're going to have to get through an interview with me first, if you're interested in joining Lamia Scale," he said to the man with the bird.

Was it just him though, or was it starting to get difficult to breathe. Lloyd forced himself to take a deep breath, taking in the sensation of his chest filling with air, before slowly releasing it back out. Then he chanced a look around him. So many people. He should have expected this though, since most people were heading back to their respective towns, including his own Guild, who were taking up so much space on the walkway towards the train station that people were actually bypassing and turning with curious looks to see just what the commotion was about. He felt rather claustrophobic... and rather irritated. Even after so many years in Fiore he still could not seem to get used to crowds of people, after the vast empty spaces that he hailed from.

"Sorry Asher, you need to let go of my leg now," Lloyd said finally, gently detaching Asher's hands from his leg. "You're safe now, at any rate." And with that, he took a needed step back, stepping away from the crowd his Guild was making. It felt easier to breathe again, now that he was no longer surrounded by people. He turned to Maya, taking a step closer to her. "I've only been here for a day, so I'm not sure who else is attending the festival," he said, rather apologetically to her. "Is there any one else we're missing?" Not to mention, he still needed to locate Kelica, or at least leave a message for her. He could kill two birds with one stone by locating both, plus it would give him some time away from the crowd.

@Metaphysics @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
Ayano Soru: Magnolia's shadowed alleyways

Ayano constantly moved from place to place, turning the shadowed alleys to her favour as she stalked various mages waiting for the perfect time to strike. As the mages were going about their day, everything was falling into place. Thanks to that festival many powerful wizards have gathered today "Heh heh heh... This is perfect. This'll surely make my job a lot easier." Although she was missing her chance. The mages are just about packing up to leave. If she misses this perfect opportunity then she won't get as many mages to help with her "plan". "If it wasn't for that damned Lucien she could've slaughtered a bunch of people to draw all those mages to one area but nooooooo I can't cause a commotion in this mission." She said sarcastically but after thinking for a while, a large smile stretches across her face. "It matters not... Those humans will soon feel deaths embrace upon them."
Kayzo said:
Mizuki slowly rested her hand on top if Alicia's head as she scooted over and began to hug her. The small girl was speaking kind and uplifting words to her, trying to cheer up the seemingly depressed firl. Though it was just a waste of breath. Nothin she could say would change her mind. It's all she grew up with. Being told that she wasn't truly important, or that her death would be forgettable. That's what they taught her in Grimore Heart in hopes of turning them into emotionless killing machines. Mizuki rubbed her head gently and sighed sadly. "Thank you Alicia, you truly make me a better person." She said in a monotone voice, hugging the silver haired girl back gently. She appreciated everything Alicia did for her, but it never seemed like it'd help.
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia could tell words alone wouldn't be enough, but maybe they had helped if only a little. Everything she said was true in her opinion, even if no one else cared for her Alicia always would no matter what. She was sure lots of people cared for her though, especially Sabertooth. Despite being more strict than other guilds they were most definetely family and friends in their own way, some might be a bit more offstandish than the rest but that didn't matter. Even Gilad was just a big teddy bear at heart, he just had an image to uphold. She knew first hand he was actually a kind man. But, that was offtopic. Mizuki was her main focus. She'd have to do something to make her feel better about herself. Maybe organize some kind of party with the others when they got back? Masaki could make decorations and all kinds of stuff. It'd be fun! She definetely do that. She'd prove beyond words how much Mizuki meant to them. "You're welcome Mizuki. Just remember I meant what I said. I care a whole lot about you, so don't think you don't matter to anyone else ever again okay?" She replied.

She couldn't even begin to think what she'd do if something happened to Mizuki, she'd taken care of her and been there for her ever since her parents had died after all. As far as family went she was the closest thing she had.
Kelica Zefara

??? > Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-29_9-43-9.png.8df5186f9de2b46c1eec4886bfd1eb6e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-29_9-43-9.png.8df5186f9de2b46c1eec4886bfd1eb6e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The girl lost track of how long she was in.... whatever this place was. There was no sound apart from the steady drum of her own heart, the soft caress of her breath over her own nose and lips. She had somewhat gotten used to the weightlessly. But her mind had grown blank. She was convinced she would spend the rest of all eternity here, trapped, in this dark Void of space where no single other living creature was.

At first, she was scared. Terrified even. Watching the Clock tick tick tick the only movement within the place. But eventually she simply succumbed to the sensation of loneliness and quietness. How long had she been in here? Minutes? Days? Months? She couldn't tell because there was no rise and fall of the sun in the sky. No whistles of the birds first thing in the morning to let her know Dawn was here. And the crows of the Owls and insects as Dusk slowly approached.

Had she died?

Was this hell?

She'd almost come to the conclusion she somehow deserved this, for not protecting the Malnia forest as she had wanted, to not follow in the great steps of her Father and protect all living things.

Her eyes blinked rapidly though as something slowly started to change. The very darkness was.... shifting? Was that correct? She had come to grips nothing ever changed in this place, the steady silence and dark deafening except for the soft whistle of her nose with every breath inwards.

There was a light.... two even! Shining towards her. Very far away, then gradually growing closer. A soft rumble sound. She glanced down and found her feet for the first time in what felt like months finally found there place on solid ground. Sensations started to come to, where she once felt cold, she now had a rush of hot air brush over her entire body. The light source growing closer at a surprising pace. The rumble now tickling her feet. The weird golden fog slowly swirling around her body, before retreating into seemingly nothingness.

Leaving her simply standing on the real world. Her eyes squinting as the plethora of colours suddenly assaulted her eyes. Toes curling into the ground as if to confirm, this was indeed real.

Had it all been a dream?

Her brain couldn't seem to catch up and before she could even react those two lights were hurtling towards her. The rumble making her whole body tense as her arms half lifted at her sides. And then a huge Roar. A bellowing of a Train horn that sent the whole of the Magnolia Train Station shaking and people too instantly swirl to see why the Train would make such a loud noise under cover.

Kelica standing frozen like a deer in headlights facing an oncoming train that would have not a single chance of stopping in time to miss her. She didn't even have time to scream, though she did throw her arms up before her face like that might protect her from the momentum of a Multi-tonne, Multi-carriage train.

(Noah pre-set for saving, but feel free to still respond to the noise)

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Talon @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey

@Isune (So you know she is actually in this realm now and heading your way to Guild Hall eventually)

I feel like I have tagged like 99% of people now......



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/MAGI-.The.Labyrinth.of.Magic.full.1947853.jpg.52ae6e1d20f219871887237da6ef6f58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129660" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/MAGI-.The.Labyrinth.of.Magic.full.1947853.jpg.52ae6e1d20f219871887237da6ef6f58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Train Station

Noah stood amongst the group of people that keeps getting bigger. He stepped back and walked towards a pillar within the station where he can lean against until it was time to go or talk to Lloyd. I'll be over here, if any of you guess need me. He said as he leaned against a pillar near the group.

He turned towards the clock looking at the time.
I could really go for a drink right now. His head turned when he heard the loud horn coming from a train. He turned his head curiousy, and his eyes widened surprised by what he saw. There was a girl standing in the way of the train. She looked completely dazed and helpless. Woow well I be damned. He said stepping away from the pillar.

As he stood there, lightning started flowing off of him. One Millisecond he was standing within the station empty handed, and his body vanished. He appeared beside the girl and he picked her up holding her in his arms. As the train closed in on them he spoke. Please don't be under aged. After that statement and before the train hits he vanished yet again to appear within the station.

He walked towards the pillar he was leaning against and lays the girls body against it. He squats down as the lightning faded away.
Are you alright? He asked looking at the girl giving her a concerned look with his golden eyes. While looking at the girl something caught his eye. He looked at her ankle to see a guild mark. He smirked and looked back up at the girl. Fairy Tail huh?? Well let's get you back towards them.

He lifts her back up holding her in both his arms. He turns towards the group looking at Lloyd directly. She's of Fairy Tail. I fill that it's only right if I take her to them. Is it okay with you Master Lloyd? He asked yet even though he didn't care what his answer was. He will go even if he said no it's what's right. But it's Master Lloyd if Lamia Scale, his first impression was a good one. He seems like a fair but strict master. Noah hoped he was right, because it he joins Lamia Scale he will get in a bunch of trouble.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Talon @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Isune



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Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Train Station

Kelica's brain was struggling to come to grips with what had happened. One minute she was floating, weightlessly, Darkness covered her entire being, as if soothing her and caressing her every limb. Then there were two lights, a rumble against the ground that made her whole body seemingly shake and tremble, plus the bellow of the Train blaring and drowning out all sounds. Her arms still held protectively over the front of her body, as her eyes closed down, as if accepting her fate now...

Then she heard a crackling noise, like a mosquito coil somewhere near her and her arms lowered only a fraction as her eyes snapped open. Her whole body was snatched off her feet as she curled up almost horizontal, green eyes wide to the point her eyes looked like the might just fall out.
"Who-?" And before she could ask more, or even ask what in the world he meant by an age and being under it, she felt another rush and she was clearly out of harms way, her blonde hair blowing sporadically around her body as the train whistled past, too close for her comfort.

Crisis seemingly adverted, she felt her body get placed against the ground with her back against the pillar, as who ever that man was that saved her crouched down to ask her if she was alright. She wanted to say, she wasn't even sure where she was, or how she got there, her confusion no doubt flooding her face to the point she could barely even speak. "
Fairy... tail?

...Oh..." glancing down to her ankle to indeed see her mark. That's right! She had joined Fairytail Guild seemingly months ago... Fairytail.. now what was so important about that she wondered... her brain still struggling to catch up with everything that had happened since the Darkness in such a small time.

Here he lifted her up in his arms once again, to which she made a soft
meep noise, cheeks a flustered red. But she didn't resist, she was far too confused and an almost adorable half frown covered her face as her brain struggled to piece the puzzles together. It was a lot to take in so quickly...

He moved over and addressed Guild Master Lloyd, and Kelica frowned softly more to herself as she looked to her lap. "
Lloyd... now where do I know that name from..." A haziness that refused to leave her mind. It was like she had spent so long in that Void everything before was a blur. It may have been clear now, though not to her, that time didn't move in the same way in this realm as it had in the other one.

And she had clearly been away a lot longer then the day she had been missing.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics
@Talon @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Isune

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Emmerich didn't bother resisting as Valks broke free from his hold, he'd just been messing about after all. He did, however, raise an eyebrow momentarily at Valk's unfinished remark and was about to respond with something along the lines that leaving him to bear the consequences of his actions was fine. That, while Valks' protectiveness was appreciated, it was also a bit smothering. That he only really learned when he got to do things for himself. But before he could Valks had left to go stand with Maya. Well, that was alright, Emmerich would have more chances to tell him if he needed to but for now, all's well that ends well or sommat like that.

He turns to watch the train come in only to see a girl appear on the tracks. He immediately begins to move towards her but before he can take more than a few steps Noah appears next to her as well, saving her from the onrushing train before appearing once again on the platform and beginning to carry her back to her guild once more after alerting Lloyd. All really was well that ended well.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics
@Talon @Zuka @Huor Spinks @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey @Isune
Kenya walked down the street sword at her side a no expression was present on her face. As she walked she past by some girls who began talking, she could make out two key words that triggered her. "Cute boy." At first she figured they meant someone else but when she glanced at them, the two bimbos squealed like rabid fan girls.

Holding back her rage she simply kept walking, using a trick she taught herself for moments like this. She simply imagined herself slicing up the two girls which calmed her down a bit. She shook her head realizing she had tk get back on track. Find a strong guild to join one that stuck out to her was the guild of Sabertooth. She had heard many things about the guild that it would be number one if it wasn't for fairy tail. Kenya tapped a finger on her sword's hilt. 'This would be a good guild to try and join.' She thought to herself.

So she asked around and found the guild knocking on the door waiting for a response.
Millie stood rather awkwardly as Noah ditched her to go suck up to Maya's friend. Surely he wasn't trying to pick up someone on the council? Besides, this girl could be as old as Maya! There were no young people on the council, so this girl could be hundreds of years old. Yet someone of such age seemed highly unlikely. The blonde girl nearly jumped as she felt Valken wrap his arm around her hip, his fingers playing with her shirt. She leaned into his side comfortingly and rested the side of her head on his shoulder. "You know Valken, you're a very sneaky guy." She said with a smile, kissing his cheek softly before wrapping her arms around him. "But you better not lift up my shirt. I'll break up with you if you did." Obviously the busty girl wouldn't break up with the best thing in her life, but she was just using it as a threat. She knew how much Valken liked to show her off, especially in public, but after the whole make out session she didn't know how far he'd go...

(Ugh. I'll post everyone tomorrow.)

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Metaphysics @Mitchs98


Maya Morne

-Magnolia Station-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.3e0b61bea47ca8f121fe02186cf673f5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.3e0b61bea47ca8f121fe02186cf673f5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Wizard Saint simply smiled towards Lloyd as he spoke to her, stating that he doesn't actually know who came to the parade since he's not been here from the start himself. Maya looked Lloyd dead in the eyes with a kind expression, for a change. However, it did hold quite a stern feeling to it although that was just natural. "As the guild master, it's your job to keep tabs on all of your members. Old man Kaous would be saying the exact same thing as I am." With a deep breath and the readjustment of her hair, the woman then continued. "But you don't need to worry, I've been doing just that. Everyone from the guild chose to come here. At least, all of its core members. We are waiting on Grace and Lysander although you don't need to worry, I'm sure they are in capable hands." It was then that something clicked into place inside the woman's head, keeping her gaze on Lloyd for a moment before turning away and turning to face the group of younger mages, Maya continued yet again. "Speaking of Grace, she's definitely improved. The skills she has are most definitely not that of a B-Class mage. She's come a long way... I'm sure you've realised this, hm?"

It was in that moment that a girl appeared in the middle of the tracks, only to be recovered by Noah before she was crushed by a speeding train. Maya would've rushed over to them both had Noah not arrived at Lloyds feet in order to ask if he can bring her back to the Fairy Tail guild hall before proceeding on his way anyway. Maya looked at the dazed girl without saying a word before looking over towards Noah as he walked and said, "Don't let harm come to her, get Sora Marvell to check her over as well."

@Kayzo @Colt556

Masaki Yamada

-Magnolia Streets-


-Magnolia Library-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.8027cfa844c7ef246895b08c3c4aa31a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.gif.8027cfa844c7ef246895b08c3c4aa31a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nodding to both of them quickly he them smiled at Grace before saying, "It's fine, for the time being I'll leave you to catch up with your friend. I'll go somewhere else, it's not an issue." With that, he was quick to bring Grace into a quick embrace and giving Mikado a nod before making his way away from the two girls. As he made his way down the busy streets of Magnolia, Masaki passed many shops that had closed in order to tidy up after the Harvest Festival. The same thing happened almost every year for as long as the boy could remember. After all, the festival was a messy affair and the clean up process that happened afterwards took a few hours at most. Eventually, Masaki found himself at a library and thus of course as he gazed up at the building like a child on Christmas, he then entered it. After about five minutes of looking around he found a book that looked rather appealing. Taking a seat, he then began to read it. Zoning out almost completely as he got lost in its contents.



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Ayano Soru: Fairy Tail main doors

Ayano passed by the Fairy Tail guild hall. Curious to see what it's like, she peeked through the main doors to see what looked like the main hall with a lot of powerful mages although one specific mage caught her eye. A blue haired girl. "Hmm... I've heard about her. Sora, supposedly she's had Dragon Slayer magic passed down to her by her grandma. If I can get hold of such a powerful mage she would certainly prove useful Heh heh heh..." She started giggling at the thought of capturing her but it came out louder than expected. Realising this she instantly held her mouth shut with her hands and hoped to god that no one heard her.
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