Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

"What are you talking about?" he asked calmly. "I am also a man. I have my desires. I wouldn't mind to be in the receiving end of such acts, but just when I think that I initiate something of that nature, that's when I get embarrassed." he tried to explain as they slowly got away from each other. He then sat on the edge of the bed offering one hand to Sera. "So, I would like to know, how does a mage in a guild live a normal day?" he voiced out his curiosity.

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Colt556 said:
Crocus City: Sabertooth Guild Hall

As the girl was busy monologueing to herself the guild hall's doors were suddenly thrown open as a pair of mages made their way outside. A man and a woman, both appearing to be in their young twenties were suddenly forced to stop before colliding into the girl. The surprise was evident on their faces as the man took the opportunity to step forward, looking the girl up and down briefly before speaking. "Did you have some business with someone from the guild?"

Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Despite her response the boy seemed inclined to take his leave. Why even bother asking her for her opinion if he was just going to take off anyways? She allowed her gaze to wander, looking anywhere but the pair as they exchanged their farewells. It was only at Grace stating that they were alone that she focused back on the girl. She spared a quick glance at the boy as he walked away before bringing her hand up to play with the end of her scarf as she mulled over Grace's question. With the city apparently coming off a festival she doubted there would be too much to do and she hadn't seen the guild for a long while. She gave a small nod as she resolved her internal debate, releasing her scarf in the process. "I haven't seen everyone in forever, they'll probably be surprised to find me in Magnolia, so we could go give them a visit. You said almost everyone came so does that mean Master's here as well?" With her apparently being in charge of their destination she turned and begun making her way back towards the train station she had come from. She spared another glance in the direction the boy had went, curiosity getting the better of her. Without even allowing the other girl to respond she quickly injected a second question. "How'd you manage to snag a guy from Sabertooth anyways?"
Grace glanced over at Mikado and gave the girl a big grin once again, her arm fighting around her waist as she pulled her in. There was something off about the blonde girl, about her personality. She seemed so introverted yet at the same time hyper and outgoing. Maybe she was always like this? It had been 2 and 1/2 years so obviously things could have slipped her mind. Suddenly two questions were fired off in rapid succession, the two completely different from one another. One about the guild while the other was about Masaki. Before she spoke she began to lead Mikado towards the train station, where the rest of the guild was. "Yep! Everyone from Lamia Scale is here. Or at least most of them. All the cool people are, the people you know." She explained, the short girl's steps in sync with the others. They probably looked like a bunch of kids walking down the street, or rather one kid and a midget since Mikado was a bit busty. "And I bet they'll be so surprised to see you, if they even remember who you are! I bet all the jaws are gonna drop to the floor!" She then decided to tackle the Masaki question, winking cutely at her friend. "And how did I get a Sabertooth guy? It was quite simply actually. I just used my cute looks to get into his heart. That and go on a perilous adventure with him! We did tons of stuff together, like break into the office of Grimoire Heart's guildmaster and even killed a dragon together!" She may have over-exaggerated the whole dragon part, seeing as it was some sort of fake dragon, but she had to come off as cool and powerful in front of Mikado. "I bet you haven't killed any dragons!"
rbshinichi said:
"What are you talking about?" he asked calmly. "I am also a man. I have my desires. I wouldn't mind to be in the receiving end of such acts, but just when I think that I initiate something of that nature, that's when I get embarrassed." he tried to explain as they slowly got away from each other. He then sat on the edge of the bed offering one hand to Sera. "So, I would like to know, how does a mage in a guild live a normal day?" he voiced out his curiosity.
Sera: Sera's House

Sera nodded slowly to herself. Well. It made sense. At-least she knew if she ever felt comfortable doing such a thing with him he'd probably be willing to. Who knows, maybe someday. "Makes sense I suppose..Kinda used to be the same way." She told him once they were finally free. Taking his hand she pulled herself up and sat down opposite he on the bed. She quirked a brow at his question as she thought of an answer. "Well. Me myself, I just kinda hang out here, maybe go to the hall and talk to people or train a bit. I don't really go on missions that often since S-Class pay well. I mostly only go on them when another member needs help." She replied. "Generally people go on jobs when they get bored too. All depends on the person I guess. Us guilded mages aren't much different than your average mage, main difference is work just comes easier for us." She explained.

I'm sure Master Ophelia won't mind you joining. Especially when she hears what you did." She told him reassuringly. She was kind of determined for her to let him.
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Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Sera's HouseSera nodded slowly to herself. Well. It made sense. At-least she knew if she ever felt comfortable doing such a thing with him he'd probably be willing to. Who knows, maybe someday. "Makes sense I suppose..Kinda used to be the same way." She told him once they were finally free. Taking his hand she pulled herself up and sat down opposite he on the bed. She quirked a brow at his question as she thought of an answer. "Well. Me myself, I just kinda hang out here, maybe go to the hall and talk to people or train a bit. I don't really go on missions that often since S-Class pay well. I mostly only go on them when another member needs help." She replied. "Generally people go on jobs when they get bored too. All depends on the person I guess. Us guilded mages aren't much different than your average mage, main difference is work just comes easier for us." She explained.

I'm sure Master Ophelia won't mind you joining. Especially when she hears what you did." She told him reassuringly. She was kind of determined for her to let him.
"Oh yeah mean that little brat?" he replied remembering the little altercation he had with her before going on that mission he stole from their board. "I don't think she'd let me in that easy." he continued.

"Anyway, what would you be up to today?"

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Magnolia Cafe

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca67ec080_KenshinSmile1.jpg.2e594877be3ba97b9411f33c53a649e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca67ec080_KenshinSmile1.jpg.2e594877be3ba97b9411f33c53a649e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryu smiled and nodded in response to Noel's question. "Why yes, I am indeed a mage. I hope you'll understand if I don't go into specifics; nothing good comes about from thoughtless self aggrandizement." He laughed softly when Noel described him as having an 'aura', smiling sheepishly. "I've never really thought of myself as having an 'aura of power', as you put it. I'm just an ordinary swordsman," He said, trying to downplay his strength.

"And what about you, miss Noel?" He asked sitting down in one of the cafe's chairs. "Are you a mage as well?" He studied Noel carefully, trying to assess her level of skill. She carried a certain elegance about her, and every movement she made exuded a sense of meticulous and refined grace. Judging from that, as well as from her lithe physique, he supposed that her occupation stressed a high level of physical dexterity and agility.

@The Dinkster



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Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia giggled as Mizuki called her kind and pretty. She wasn't sure, but she felt she helped her feel a little better. Even if it was only a little bit that was still good. Mizuki did so much for her, she deserved to be happy. "I think you're kind a pretty too Mizuki." She replied. Alicia hadn't even noticed that Mizuki had been silently packing while they talked, so she was a bit confused when she said they were done packing. "Ooh. Thanks Mizuki!" She told her. "Annnd...let's go get some breakfast. Then we can look for Alfie and talk to him a bit before we go home if you want to." She added. She was determined to get those two together, or at-least prove Alfie liked her.
Mizuki looked away when she was called pretty by her little friend. That was also a first time being called something like that. Usually she's called strange or messy, but never pretty. It was actually kind of nice seeing that she didn't think of herself like that. How could someone with dark circles under their eyes, messy hair, and a sad attitude be pretty? Then again, she said "kind of pretty". The dark Mage listened to what the younger Mage wanted to do; get breakfast and find Alfie. Mizuki liked the Alfie part, but not the breakfast part. She wasn't one to eat breakfast and was more of a dinner person, but she also understood that the young girl needed to eat. "Yes Alicia. We will go and eat breakfast. However I do not know where Alife is. I suppose we check the guildhall though..."

Her eyes wandered the place once more, as some rather young guy just walked in. His presence surprised her, though she made no discernible gesture to indicate it. She was under the impression that anyone much younger than her wouldn't be allowed in such an establishment. Even so, there he was, almost as if there was no problem with that. The young man performed some strange trick or something, which captivated her until she realized that it really wasn't too big a deal. Without her own party for her worry to latch onto, she felt a rising anxiety for the boy's safety. These ruffians wouldn't let him last, and the man he was speaking with didn't seem to take horribly kindly to him.

Eric's question snapped her back to reality, and she shook her head absently. "I have no desire to partake in the consumption of alcohol." She had almost no notion of his joke, though she would have most likely dismissed it regardless. Her attention was once again consumed with dread of another attack, something she considered to be contributed by the earlier attack. In this town, someone could turn on you in an instant, and she planned to be prepared for that eventuality. Not everyone could be a good egg.

"Do you think drunk people would harm a teenager that wandered into their territory?" she asked rhetorically, her eyes still transfixed on the boy. Perhaps it would be easier for her to relinquish the notion of his danger if her companion guild members completely disregarded her fears entirely. Her interests lied quite a distance from alcohol, as the world had problems that would never be resolved through inebriation. But she could do something practical, and she was almost tempted to become active. For now, it was passive speculation and superfluous concern for strangers for Aurelie.

Regardless of the potential danger, he looked in rough shape. Even she had learned that hygiene was a significant indicator of one's health and general well being. If he was to allow himself to reach such a state, perhaps he wasn't of good standings. Most homes had some sort of cleaning facility, so he most likely would not have one. She couldn't hear what he had to say, so she couldn't be sure. Though he was alone with presumably nowhere to go, which lead her to assume his bachelor lifestyle. While this was all speculation, it lead her to more easily empathize with him considering her life in parallel. Except she was experienced enough to take care of herself in the forest, whereas he was clearly not.

"Do you think he needs some help? I doubt anyone would willingly enter a hostile environment in such a condition," she commented passively, almost as if she were simply thinking aloud. She blinked a few times to snap herself out of her trance, then looked at the other two. "Does the guild do any sort of charity work? If so, we could probably try to help that homeless boy who is living all alone with no one to support or care for him," she speculated, though asserted it as if it were fact. In her mind, he was the most pitiful thing, and she simply couldn't sit by if they were willing to lend a helping hand. Though knowing Eric, that may not be the case. Unfortunately, she knew little of Alabaster's morals, so she couldn't say for certain if she would deny her suggestion.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Miller[/FONT]
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Eric: Magnolia Bar

Eric sighed at Aurelie's question, it's not that simple helping homeless people like that. The most people can do for them is give them a little bit of money to help them on their way. "Listen it's complicated, we can't simply fix a homeless guys problems we're not made of jewels you know? Also our guild doesn't get involved in charity work, we're mages that use our magic to protect people" He sense's some negative activity coming from a nearby table and he turns around to see a thug brandishing a knife and heading towards the kid, with a smile he gets up from his seat.

"One second I'll be back" Heading towards the thug he transforms his arm into that of a bear's and just as the thug is behind the kid, Eric grabs the thug's arm "Hey... what do you think you're doing to this poor child huh?" With that he throws the hooligan with extreme force smashing him through the window and crashing into the opposite building. With the whole bar staring in awe Eric simply turns round and says "Anyone wanna join him?" Threatened, everyone else goes back to their drinks and meals while Eric hands the boy a small pouch of jewels "If you want to make yourself useful then fix that window would ya? thanks!" He calmly heads back to the table to continue drinking.

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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Fairytail Guild Hall

View attachment 290115

If Kelica was trying to come to grips with reality now, it only got 100% more confusing as she was surrounded by mages she didn't recognise. Really it was only that older sandy haired mage (@Huor Spinks) she half recognised though she couldn't seem to place from exactly where.... Lloyd...There was something about his name that was ringing bells, but she just lifted her green eyes with that same bewildered expression. Of course he didn't get a chance to enquire before Noah stepped away again and Kelica found herself looping her arms around Noah's neck to peer over his shoulder at Lloyd... furrowed brow screaming, who are you? The last confused gaze he might have seem before there was a thunder clap and once again she was elsewhere. ... @Embaga Elder

Kelica clenched down her eyes as the thunder sound made her tremble and when she opened her eyes again she was awash with a new place, new people, more colours. She glanced around the faces of the Guild Hall as Noah placed her on the table, sitting up on the edge. And while he was stealing some half empty mug of ale, she looked to him with that same furrowed brow. The softest of whispers...

"I... I don't recognise anyone...
" She said simply to Noah, though her green eyes broke to glance at the tower of a man beside the bar (Chris @Isune). Again, he seemed familiar but she just couldn't put a finger on where....

Unfortuntately the one person that might have been able to actually help, the blue haired girl (Sora @Kyuubey) looked to be agitated and was already half out the door with the blonde guy (Hibiki @LeSoraAmari).

Kelica half curled up, knees into chest and arms around her legs, fingers gently touching her ankle were her Fairytail Mark rested. She remembered Cece letting her join but everything after was a half blur.

Mother sat in her castle, over looking the bustling Capital of her realm. Multiple Taint Creatures milling around, doing what any normal mortal would do. She caressed her hair, moving it out of her field of vision. She swiped her hand in front of her, multiple screen like objects appeared with a variety of numbers, images, and symbols. With her index finger she swiped between the compiled infromation, she stoped at one that was nearly blank. An oddity to say the least, for her people had explored all reams with any magical potential. Mother started to trace her hand over the given information, what was know of the realm, what was observed. It seemed that there was foul play here, another God had taken refuge. Hiding away, what really stumped her was that only a few mortals had ever entered the realm. And it seemed that there was a way to enter though a link in Earthland. " My Vision can't reach there, I must speak with the one that had recently exit that realm. Ther could be something much bigger at play." Mother shimmered out of that existence, the screens soon followed her lead dispersing without a trace.

Mother, now in her <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.34f7472c19b98e74fdc63ffd03984141.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.34f7472c19b98e74fdc63ffd03984141.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Earth realm body, appeared at the entrance of the guild hall. " This seems to be the place... Oh it's the Fairtail guild hall. I wonder where my child is." Her heels made soft echoed tones on the smooth cobblestone street. With asma push of the guild doors they opened to reveal the bustling youth they called mages. A soft, almost nonexistent, smile Crossed her features. Must be nice to be able to live your life with out fear of killing other with something that is your entire being. Heads turned as she walked in to the guild, she ignored them for she had business to attended to. One of the mages have her the sexy whistle, to which she replied with a death glare instantly silence him. Mother's eyes glowed for a brief moment, sensing the magic signature of her target. Once she found Keilca she walked towards the bumbling Mage. " Keclia." She announced. " I must speak to you at once, dear."




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rbshinichi said:
"Oh yeah mean that little brat?" he replied remembering the little altercation he had with her before going on that mission he stole from their board. "I don't think she'd let me in that easy." he continued.
"Anyway, what would you be up to today?"
Sera: Sera's House

Sera giggled and nodded when Mika mentioned 'that little brat'. "
Mhm. Her. She's a bit of a handful at times but she's pretty nice. Haven't really talked to her all to much so I don't really know her personally or anything." She replied with a shrug. "I'm sure if Lavender and I vouch for you and push for you to join you'll get in just fine." She added. When he asked what she'd be doing today she hummed in thought briefly. "No idea!" She suddenly shouted. "We could finally get you some new clothes I suppose. We can stop by Lavenders' place and see if she wants to tag along if she isn't busy?" She offered, very much saying the first thing that came to mind.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki looked away when she was called pretty by her little friend. That was also a first time being called something like that. Usually she's called strange or messy, but never pretty. It was actually kind of nice seeing that she didn't think of herself like that. How could someone with dark circles under their eyes, messy hair, and a sad attitude be pretty? Then again, she said "kind of pretty". The dark Mage listened to what the younger Mage wanted to do; get breakfast and find Alfie. Mizuki liked the Alfie part, but not the breakfast part. She wasn't one to eat breakfast and was more of a dinner person, but she also understood that the young girl needed to eat. "Yes Alicia. We will go and eat breakfast. However I do not know where Alife is. I suppose we check the guildhall though..."
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia smiled and nodded. "
It's settled then! We'll go get something to eat then swing by the hall and check around for Alfie." She replied excitedly. She knew Mizuki didn't usually eat breakfast, but she also didn't want to go off alone and lose track of her like she did with Ophelia and Niur the day previous. There was no telling where either of them would end up. "Let's go, faster we find food faster we can find Alfie!" She insisted, stepping out of the hug only to grab Mizuki's hand and jump up and down excitedly.
Lysander Connell

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lysander blinked. "Unsafe?" He asked, sounding extremely confused. He wanted dearly to ask Sora what was going on; she had been called away by another girl that he did not know, and she had returned in such a state. Obviously, something had happened, and it probably had something to do with that girl. Lysander had to really concentrate on fighting away the urge to head right out of the Guild Hall to investigate the strange girl but he could not leave Sora like that. Besides... it would probably be better if he stayed with her. Safety in numbers, after all. Plus, the other guy who had carried Kelica in had mentioned both himself and Grace, stating that all the members of Lamia Scale were waiting for them at the train station, but he did not even know the guy. Did not recognise him at all as a Lamia Scale member. Who was to say this was not a trap too?

Well, if the guy was right and most of Lamia Scale were clustered together, then perhaps they were safer than he was. Safety in numbers, after all. He hesitated, then stepped closer to Sora. Once again, he felt the urge to comfort her, to put his arm around her shoulders. Hesitantly, he reached out his hand to grasp hers. "It's all right," he said quietly. "If it's not safe out there, then I will remain here with you. My guild members are probably safe with each other." He squeezed her hand gently, trying to be of comfort to her, yet not sure if he was truly succeeding.

@Kyuubey @Embaga Elder
Nenma Takashi]Kenya turned around to the two who had just walked through the guild doors. She nodded at the man's question. "My name is Kenya Yukimi I'd like to speak with your guild master about joining." She tried to smile her father did say how that would help make a good impression. But as she tried to all she seemed to get was a smile that looked almost like a glare. @Metaphysics [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26825-colt556/ said:
Crocus City: Sabertooth Guild Hall

The man couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the young girl glaring at him, maybe she felt the need to appear intimidating due to their reputation or something. He gave a quick glance over his shoulder at the woman, noting the simple shrug she gave him in return. Well, regardless it wasn't something they could do so he turned his attention back to the girl, offering her an apologetic smile. "Sorry kid, the Master's at Magnolia for their festival. He'll probably be back in a few days if you wanna wait around."

Kayzo said:
Grace glanced over at Mikado and gave the girl a big grin once again, her arm fighting around her waist as she pulled her in. There was something off about the blonde girl, about her personality. She seemed so introverted yet at the same time hyper and outgoing. Maybe she was always like this? It had been 2 and 1/2 years so obviously things could have slipped her mind. Suddenly two questions were fired off in rapid succession, the two completely different from one another. One about the guild while the other was about Masaki. Before she spoke she began to lead Mikado towards the train station, where the rest of the guild was. "Yep! Everyone from Lamia Scale is here. Or at least most of them. All the cool people are, the people you know." She explained, the short girl's steps in sync with the others. They probably looked like a bunch of kids walking down the street, or rather one kid and a midget since Mikado was a bit busty. "And I bet they'll be so surprised to see you, if they even remember who you are! I bet all the jaws are gonna drop to the floor!" She then decided to tackle the Masaki question, winking cutely at her friend. "And how did I get a Sabertooth guy? It was quite simply actually. I just used my cute looks to get into his heart. That and go on a perilous adventure with him! We did tons of stuff together, like break into the office of Grimoire Heart's guildmaster and even killed a dragon together!" She may have over-exaggerated the whole dragon part, seeing as it was some sort of fake dragon, but she had to come off as cool and powerful in front of Mikado. "I bet you haven't killed any dragons!"
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

Despite being the one in the lead it didn't take long for Grace to usurp her position, grabbing onto her and pulling her along towards the station. It had been a long time since she was led around and she didn't entirely dislike it. She stared down at where their hands were joined, simple actions such as this going a long way in really hammering it in that she was home.. Or close enough. She tore her gaze from her hand as Grace answered her questions. It was comforting to know she'd be reunited with her guild after so long and she couldn't help but agree with the sentiment that they'd be surprised. "I hope they remember me, I wasn't gone that long..." She mumbled this quietly under her breath, more a lapse in restraint as her inner thoughts leaked out than an actual response to her friend. It was bad enough that Grace forgot her, last thing she needed was for everyone else to join in. Nevertheless she couldn't afford to dwell on such negative thoughts as Grace mentioned fighting a dragon alongside the Sabertooth boy. She quirked a brow at the comment, immediately realizing that this was just one of those exaggerations she use to hate. It wasn't exactly worth starting an issue over so she did her best to feign interest and belief. "Wow~ A dragon huh? I've never even seen one. You guys must have gotten really strong to beat a dragon!" Despite her best efforts her words came out a bit more monotone than she had hoped. She was quick to continue, not wanting to let her lack-luster response linger too long. "So when was this? A lot must have changed for you to be going on such dangerous missions."
Kazehana said:

Her eyes wandered the place once more, as some rather young guy just walked in. His presence surprised her, though she made no discernible gesture to indicate it. She was under the impression that anyone much younger than her wouldn't be allowed in such an establishment. Even so, there he was, almost as if there was no problem with that. The young man performed some strange trick or something, which captivated her until she realized that it really wasn't too big a deal. Without her own party for her worry to latch onto, she felt a rising anxiety for the boy's safety. These ruffians wouldn't let him last, and the man he was speaking with didn't seem to take horribly kindly to him.

Eric's question snapped her back to reality, and she shook her head absently. "I have no desire to partake in the consumption of alcohol." She had almost no notion of his joke, though she would have most likely dismissed it regardless. Her attention was once again consumed with dread of another attack, something she considered to be contributed by the earlier attack. In this town, someone could turn on you in an instant, and she planned to be prepared for that eventuality. Not everyone could be a good egg.

"Do you think drunk people would harm a teenager that wandered into their territory?" she asked rhetorically, her eyes still transfixed on the boy. Perhaps it would be easier for her to relinquish the notion of his danger if her companion guild members completely disregarded her fears entirely. Her interests lied quite a distance from alcohol, as the world had problems that would never be resolved through inebriation. But she could do something practical, and she was almost tempted to become active. For now, it was passive speculation and superfluous concern for strangers for Aurelie.

Regardless of the potential danger, he looked in rough shape. Even she had learned that hygiene was a significant indicator of one's health and general well being. If he was to allow himself to reach such a state, perhaps he wasn't of good standings. Most homes had some sort of cleaning facility, so he most likely would not have one. She couldn't hear what he had to say, so she couldn't be sure. Though he was alone with presumably nowhere to go, which lead her to assume his bachelor lifestyle. While this was all speculation, it lead her to more easily empathize with him considering her life in parallel. Except she was experienced enough to take care of herself in the forest, whereas he was clearly not.

"Do you think he needs some help? I doub.t anyone would willingly enter a hostile environment in such a condition," she commented passively, almost as if she were simply thinking aloud. She blinked a few times to snap herself out of her trance, then looked at the other two. "Does the guild do any sort of charity work? If so, we could probably try to help that homeless boy who is living all alone with no one to support or care for him," she speculated, though asserted it as if it were fact. In her mind, he was the most pitiful thing, and she simply couldn't sit by if they were willing to lend a helping hand. Though knowing Eric, that may not be the case. Unfortunately, she knew little of Alabaster's morals, so she couldn't say for certain if she would deny her suggestion.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Miller[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Bar

Eric sighed at Aurelie's question, it's not that simple helping homeless people like that. The most people can do for them is give them a little bit of money to help them on their way. "Listen it's complicated, we can't simply fix a homeless guys problems we're not made of jewels you know? Also our guild doesn't get involved in charity work, we're mages that use our magic to protect people" He sense's some negative activity coming from a nearby table and he turns around to see a thug brandishing a knife and heading towards the kid, with a smile he gets up from his seat.

"One second I'll be back" Heading towards the thug he transforms his arm into that of a bear's and just as the thug is behind the kid, Eric grabs the thug's arm "Hey... what do you think you're doing to this poor child huh?" With that he throws the hooligan with extreme force smashing him through the window and crashing into the opposite building. With the whole bar staring in awe Eric simply turns round and says "Anyone wanna join him?" Threatened, everyone else goes back to their drinks and meals while Eric hands the boy a small pouch of jewels "If you want to make yourself useful then fix that window would ya? thanks!" He calmly heads back to the table to continue drinking.

Alabaster Bal Manga, Mindrazer

Alabaster nodded her head to what Eric was saying while she was chewing her food. "True, we of Sabertooth are more focused on fighting. But what we can do is take jobs that help the community." She said. "And don't worry Aurelie, no one is truly homeless...I do have a couple of rooms in my home but I can't give out to just anybody, it has to be people I trust." She went on, only pausing to take a bite out of her stake. "I don't know if we can bring him along anyways, and like Eric said, we're not made of money. It's not that I don't want to help, it's that I'm in no position to."
Kenya looked down nodding. "I see well it can't be helped if they are not here." She bowed her head to the man and woman. "Thank you for your help." She walked over and sat down on the wall of the guild house. Taking her katana off her side and sat with it in her lap. "I'll wait here if you do not mind." She sat waiting patiently staring forward.

Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6e8a8bf_Valken1.jpg.fa82e83073cf56099cc76f9e5ed29e3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6e8a8bf_Valken1.jpg.fa82e83073cf56099cc76f9e5ed29e3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings. Which was a first for the S-Class Shadow Mage. His eyes were almost lazily darting about the faces, rather then it's usual stern and somewhat serious gaze he was known for. You see, Valken almost always carried his cheeky grin, but it was his eyes that were always taking in everything in, reading it all. Multi-tasking to the extreme. Valken glanced to his left as he saw that bird Horus make himself a small perch onto his wide shoulder, blinking a few times before he reached up and scratch in under his beck and chest, even giving a nice little scratch in under his wings a known bird weak spots, like behind the ears for cats. Though he leant his head to the side and whispered to the bird.

"I know exactly what you are doing Horus, and believe you me, you are going to need a lot more then a beak and some scrawny talons to try and annoy me my Feathered friend..." He lifted up the finger that was rubbing under his wing to bop his beak softly. Turning his head completely away as he focused in on Millie who was pushing her body gently into his side. When she mentioned not lifting her shirt he actually have a real, surprised look, not fake in the slightest. He even blinked a few times before he glanced down to his arm snaked around her back to realise he did that without even realising it.... Maybe it was time for a nap because his brain was just not focusing in at all. Then she mentioned breaking up with him if he lifted her shirt and here he almost looked legitamitely hurt. He knew she probably said it in jist, but the hurt was still there in the corner of his purple eyes.

"If you break up with me, there is no further reason for me to stay in Lamia Scale... You're the only reason I stay here, you know..." He answered honestly, before turning his body and head slightly away. Almost shyly if that was a thing. He was dead serious to.

His attention was redirected when Maya spoke about Grace, this definitely raised his eyebrow. "I'm glad you mentioned it Maya, I was planning on asking Lloyd but circumstances never eventuated.... Grace travelled with me to Crocus City before coming to Magnolia, and although there were plenty of mages and circumstances that happened where she would normally completely blow her top, she remained cool, calm and collected... even after having a hex put on it!...a HARMLESS ONE before you interget Maya...It made her fall over any time someone said that boyfriend of her's name..." Putting a hand to his chin then. "Honestly she did well to represent Lamia Scale in Crocus and I think she is more then capable of being bumped to an A-rank..." Smiling now. See? Valken for all his bravado could actually be a nice guy... sometimes. And when he wasn't on Assasin- I mean Intellegence missions.

He had only just finished his statement when there was a huge bellow of a Train horn causing him to whirl on the spot his eyes narrowed. He felt a shadow reappear (seriously, how were people just doing that) and he was half way to melting into the floor when Noah was already on it and saved the confused girl. Valken gave him a half grin in acknowledgement, one more point on the BroBandWagon. Still Valken couldn't help but remember her from somewhere... It was only when she was in close proximity to Lloyd did his eyes widen. Wasn't that that girl Kelica who threw a fit about something at Malnia and blamed Lloyd? Valken's gaze drifted to the Guild Master's reaction but before he could properly gauge it she and Noah were gone. Valken patted Millie gently on her hip before pulling himself from her and stepping up behind and to the side of Lloyd. "That girl... wasn't that Kelica?" He looked to the spot Noah and her were, before whispering to him again. "....I can't be the only one who thought something was... off... with her...She felt... darker. There is a lingering shadow on her I can't quiet place... and you know I know my Shadows.."

Valken turned away from Lloyd but kept his shoulder to his own, still whispering but looking like they were not. "Did you want me to help you find her?" He said in a serious tone.

@Kayzo @Wyatt @Metaphysics @Embaga Elder @LeSoraAmari @Chat Noir @Kyuubey (I know I'm going to forget someone)



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As she mentioned something about shopping for clothes, he looked at the only pair of it he had that was still hanging as a dry up laundry. He then nodded in agreement to the suggestion. "It would be quite nice to be in the same guild with you, and I appreciate the thought. Thanks. But I don't want to impose." he said.

"Oh, so you'd think she would be delighted to join us?"he asked.

9:00 AM- 9:10 AM Timeskip

@femjapanriceball @Britt\-21 @Metaphysics @Kayzo @Wyatt @The Dinkster @Britt\-21 (Gunna just, minorly control Mika here to keep in tune with the timeskip. Hope that's okay ^-^)

Sera: Sera's House > Lavenders House

Sera shook her head at his words. "It won't be imposing at all! I want you to be in the guild with us. I'm sure Lavender thinks the same. I'm gunna try to convince her, and I won't be taking no for an answer." She replied, a rather intense and serious expression on her face for once. Why Mika would think that was beyond her. Wasn't it clear to him that she liked him? Even if he thought it was only friend status, friends still helped friends. And in her eyes they had to stick together, vampires were exceedingly rare. Who knows how long it could be until they found another of their own kind? "I'm not sure, she might be busy. But might as well ask, come on!" She told him. She quickly moved to her room to change into her now stitched up favorite outfit before rushing back to Mika's room and more or less dragging him out of the house and down the street to Lavenders house.

After a short 10 minute walk they made it, thus Sera knocked on the door. "Hey, Lavender! You home?" She called out.
Mitchs98 said:
9:00 AM- 9:10 AM TimeskipAmong the people that were captured were Sora, Alicia, Millie, Aiden, Millie, Mimi, Lee, Ashley, and Hibiki. Where they were taken to, no one is quiet sure. But for those that were captured they would soon wake up in a cell designed to negate magic in order to prevent escape. Where the dungeon was, no one could be to sure. The entire place was warded against any form of tracking magic, leaving it up to everyone to find it for themselves. Little did they know it was closer than they would think, around eighty miles from Magnolia in the forest disguised by the guise of a simple shack. For what purpose were they taken? No matter the purpose, everyone knew only one thing; they had to get their friends back.

@Britt-21 (Gunna just, minorly control Mika here to keep in tune with the timeskip. Hope that's okay ^-^)

Sera: Sera's House > Lavenders House

Sera shook her head at his words. "It won't be imposing at all! I want you to be in the guild with us. I'm sure Lavender thinks the same. I'm gunna try to convince her, and I won't be taking no for an answer." She replied, a rather intense and serious expression on her face for once. Why Mika would think that was beyond her. Wasn't it clear to him that she liked him? Even if he thought it was only friend status, friends still helped friends. And in her eyes they had to stick together, vampires were exceedingly rare. Who knows how long it could be until they found another of their own kind? "I'm not sure, she might be busy. But might as well ask, come on!" She told him. She quickly moved to her room to change into her now stitched up favorite outfit before rushing back to Mika's room and more or less dragging him out of the house and down the street to Lavenders house.

After a short 10 minute walk they made it, thus Sera knocked on the door. "Hey, Lavender! You home?" She called out.

Ashley Hart

One moment she had been out on a stroll and the next she found herself in dreamland. Her dream filled with happy moments of her life. Where she would play with the staff, go outside and roll in the grass. Have tea parties when she was younger. For some reason it was such a bliss to have that happiness and have the money to do just about anything. Plus she was peaceful! But that all ended with a loud noise from the real world which caused her to sit up quickly and look around at where she was "Where in the world am I...?" she asked aloud as she noticed the bars which was like a jail cell Did I do something illegal today? Is it even today? It seemed like a dark place and it was kind of creepy.

Looking at what she was laying down on, it was a mattress with a blanket and she was Just in her clothes she fell asleep in. Looking around, she noticed there were people sleeping too "Hello? Anyone awake?" she said softly before getting up from the bed and looking at the others. Hearing no answer, she growled as she walked to the bars to see if they could get out "Ice Make Fist!" the Ice Make wizard yelled as she went to punch the bars but stopped just in time "...What?" then she repeated the process, noticing that her powers were not working "Why in the world are my powers not working?" turning towards the people in the cell with her, there were multiple people. Male and Female alike. Who were these people? One of the males Seemed to be awake by how he was moving "At least someone's alive."

Lavender Gray

Lavender had been passed out for a good few hours. She hadnt set her alarm nor had she have any plans to even go out. Though, the loud sound of someone knocking on her door and someone yelling out her name had said otherwise and she was getting up to go outside. "Who dares to even wake me..." she muttered with a yawn and sat up, swinging her legs over on the edge and getting up, going into the bathroom and brushing her teeth quickly so she didnt have morning breath. Once done, she walked out and went down her stairs and to the front door where she opened it and spotted both Mika and Sera

"Sir Mika, miss Sera...I did not expect you both to arrive."
Lavender had been wearing a dark purple robe in which showed a good bit of cleavlage but still left a good amount to the imagination. Lavender never did such things on purpose, they just sort of happened and she couldnt help that. She wasnt like most girls who were worried about every little thing "What brings you both to my home?" maybe she should let them in "Oh, where are my manners! before you answer, please, come in." Lavender opened the door even more and moved out of the way "Please take off your shoes when inside. I hope you do not mind."

@Mitchs98 @rbshinichi @AnyoneInTheKidnappingCellThings
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Chris Lengheart(Remember Kelica!)

Chris continued to try and make Kelica remember. She had to remember, he wasn't about to let his promise be broken, he may not of been there for her then, but he was now! That was when a strange woman suddenly walked in and asked to speak to Kelica. Chris shook his head as he turned to the woman, "I'm sorry, but Kelica is a little...out of it. You see, Kelica can hardly remember a thing. So please, come back another-" he said before suddenly being cut off by a sudden drowsiness.

Soon, Chris collasped to the floor and was out like a light. He snored as he tossed and turned on the hard wood floor of the guildhall.

After around ten minutes, Chris finally woke up. What the hell happened? He slowly stood up and put a hand on his head, why had he just fallen asleep. Perhaps, it was some kind of sleep spell? But who would use it and what would they possibly gain from doing so? Chris checked himself, his jewels were still attached to his belt loop, and it didn't feel any lighter. So if they didn't steal from Chris, why even bother knocking him out like that?

@Zuka @purplepanda288
Tatsuya opened his eyes and saw people all around him coming to. Why were they all on the ground? This couldent be part of the festival right? he asked himself. "I guess I should probebly try and figure out whats going on, but ill need help" he turned, and headed in the direction of magnoilas resedent guild. Fairy Tail, maybe they would have some clues
Ayano Soru: The dungeons

This is more than enough. Ayano was quite proud of herself capturing these mages, especially the S classes and the dragon slayer. She started snickering but was soon cut off by someone shouting from the large cell "Heh someone's woke up and they're already trying to bust their way out." She moved over to the cell. "Up already I see? Just so you know this place will just negate any kind of magic you throw at them so... you're pretty much stuck here for the rest of your pitiful lives. Oh! How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello I'm Ayano Soru..." A large twisted smile appeared on her face while knives made out of blood formed on her hands. "... A pleasure to meet you, Ashley Hart..."

@Everyone in the cell (sry I don't know who plays some of these characters)
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Aiden lock

One minute he had been sitting talking up a wonderful lady, the following events went by a blur. He had felt something prick his leg, injecting a strange fluid into his bloodstream. Vision blurred beyond use, no clue what ensued after the initial pain. With a start Aiden bolted fowards, his head swimming from the way he had woken up. He stood, trying to steady him self with the wall. Wait, the wall. His open plam pressed against the stone, mgaic sealing stone. His eyes darted to the other waken Prisoner. She attempted to use ice make magic, useless like all other types of magic.

Aiden's panic rose, his keys! With shacky hand he frantically searched his person. He had them all, but with the stone he wouldn't be able to summon them. He looked up, a small women with blood knifes was greeting Ashely.
" Hey old hag! Why are we in here?!" Aiden could tell a woman's age, this one was good at hiding the fact that she was over a hundred years old.

@Britt-21 @ANY ONE ELSE IN THE CELL. @Jackaboi
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Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7069879_Kelicainforest.png.d9f25238004d36702ae5e61acdf29398.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca7069879_Kelicainforest.png.d9f25238004d36702ae5e61acdf29398.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kelica was overcome with lights, colours, conversations, half panic around her, sadness, and then some man who looked like he could bench press a building hurried over and asked if she recognised him... She was getting a severe migraine at this point, all she remembered was spending, days? No it must have been months in that strange Dark Void, to the exclusion of all sounds and the soft visual of a cloak tick...tick...ticking...

She covered her forehead softly, and what timing because just as everyone was starting to go into a strange subconsciousness Kelica found herself muttering "I... I think I need to laid down.." Not a moment later she had half crumpled off the side of the table and, luckily, had struck Chris on the way down so his torso had broken her fall.

Minutes passed and slowly she found herself drifting into consciousness once more. Her head had naturally rested against his chest, her body pressed in against his side like she had done multiple times previously. It was only when the body half underneath her groaned and slowly started to stand did, she groan herself and half sat up, well knelt, rubbing her forehead again. "If it isn't one black plane it is another... And Damn it Chris do you have to move so much..." In her half-consciousness the words slipping out without her knowledge. Confirming her memory was still there, but was taking some time to come together.

@purplepanda288 @Isune



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Mimi had had just enough time to finish her food when everything suddenly went all black. She had no idea where she might have been, but it felt almost as if she were floating. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked at the void that surrounded her, trying to make out anything she could. But it was to no avail, as she couldn't even see the hand in front of her face. This felt vaguely like purgatory, not that she would know. She called out to anyone that might have heard her, but she received no response. Not even her echo would acknowledge her presence. In a fit, she crossed her arms and pouted. "Well this is stupid. I could have at least been reading or something right now," she mumbled to herself. When she realized it didn't matter what she said, she snorted and fell limp, simply letting the dream take her. It wasn't like there was anything to do anyway. To make the situation seem rather nonchalant, she closed her eyes and put her hands behind her head. Might as well make the most of purgatory.

Someone being loud woke her up rather rudely, though she couldn't be too upset given the circumstances. Purgatory wasn't terribly fun. Her bleary eyes forced themselves to separate, though her vision was still rather blurry for the early morning. Or, when was it? It seemed dark, so perhaps it was nighttime? The whole lack of methods for natural lighting unsettled her. Who was rude enough to deny her fresh air? Well some small looking girl was helpful enough to at least explain the situation. Mimi frowned, as she could hardly be comfortable by the conditions given. With that out of the way, she closed her eyes once more and tried to sleep.

However, more people decided to panic in turn, suggesting to her that sleep would not come lightly in this situation. If she had a pillow, it would have already been thrown. She rolled over and pushed herself off the ground, taking her precious time in doing so. There was no need to rush as far as she was concerned. After a few light stretches, she casually made her way to the corner. If there was any time to designate a corner for her own, now was that time. The girl needed her space! With a hearty humph, she plopped down in her little corner, which just so conveniently had a bed for her to sit on. She wasted no time crawling under the covers and turning towards the wall. If she was going to nap she was going to do it right. The entire situation was too annoying to deal with at the moment, so she figured she'd avoid it altogether.

[COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Jackaboi[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Britt-21[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@purplepanda288[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kayzo[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Mitchs98[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Wyatt[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@Kyuubey[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Neuton][SIZE=18px]@LeSoraAmari[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The dungeons

This is more than enough. Ayano was quite proud of herself capturing these mages, especially the S classes and the dragon slayer. She started snickering but was soon cut off by someone shouting from the large cell "Heh someone's woke up and they're already trying to bust their way out." She moved over to the cell. "Up already I see? Just so you know this place will just negate any kind of magic you throw at them so... you're pretty much stuck here for the rest of your pitiful lives. Oh! How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. Hello I'm Ayano Soru..." A large twisted smile appeared on her face while knives made out of blood formed on her hands. "... A pleasure to meet you, Ashley Hart..."

@Everyone in the cell (sry I don't know who plays some of these characters)
purplepanda288 said:
Aiden lock

One minute he had been sitting talking up a wonderful lady, the following events went by a blur. He had felt something prick his leg, injecting a strange fluid into his bloodstream. Vision blurred beyond use, no clue what ensued after the initial pain. With a start Aiden bolted fowards, his head swimming from the way he had woken up. He stood, trying to steady him self with the wall. Wait, the wall. His open plam pressed against the stone, mgaic sealing stone. His eyes darted to the other waken Prisoner. She attempted to use ice make magic, useless like all other types of magic.

Aiden's panic rose, his keys! With shacky hand he frantically searched his person. He had them all, but with the stone he wouldn't be able to summon them. He looked up, a small women with blood knifes was greeting Ashely.
" Hey old hag! Why are we in here?!" Aiden could tell a woman's age, this one was good at hiding the fact that she was over a hundred years old.

@Britt-21 @ANY ONE ELSE IN THE CELL. @Jackaboi

Ashley Hart: Dungeons

Hearing her name escape the crazy woman's mouth made her want to try to get out of the cell just so she could attack her "Dont you ever call me by my name! When I get out of here I swear I will come after you. The Hart family has nothing to do with me anymore." before she could make any other threats, another male decided to talk, calling the woman an old hag. This made Ashley snicker at the comment and made her want to laugh. Turning her attention back to the lady, she nodded "Yeah! Why are we in here? What the hell did we do to you?" What the hell did I do to you?! I dont even know you. I was only in town for a bit. the wizard thought to herself, "Dont give us some lame exuse either." Ashley stated as she crossed her arms, her firey eyes filled with a fire that sparked courage and strength. "Unless you're one of those people who kidnap for sport."

@Jackaboi @purplepanda288 @ANYONELESE​
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