Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eric: Magnolia side street

Eric somehow managed to free himself from the wall and was a little sad to hear what Alabaster said. "But... dragons yo... surely you'd never miss the chance to make friends with such an awesome creature!" Suddenly he turned serious when he finally realised what Kelica said. "Missing mages?" He wasn't sure but this could relate to that knife he picked up. He still had it with him and the faint smell of the sleeping drug still remained on it. "I found this knife in the bar, It's been coated with a sleeping drug. obviously I'd take it as evidence after seeing the mark engraved on it." He held it out for everyone to see. If this related to the missing mages then there's the possibility that Fairy Tail weren't the only one's targeted. If they succeeded in taking anyone from Sabertooth, he sure as hell would make them pay for it.

@femjapanriceball @purplepanda288
@Wyatt @Skyena @Kayzo @Talon @Embaga Elder @LeSoraAmari @Drakerus @Zuka

Arial Font

"I'd like to come too if possible, but I think that too many people might cause issues so I'll wait here for until you return with the location or at least the general area." She said. "I'll this way for now." She added quickly before she felt around for all of their Auras and made them red. "You should be faster now." She said as she finished her use of magic. She sat down on the station's floor to rest for a bit. A mass Aura color conversion was taxing.
Vex: Magnolia Train Station

He knew that Valken was most likely going to ask him what he meant when Vex had said he could make himself smaller. "Well I can make myself into any animal you can think of. However, I don't know how long I would be able to hold my breath if I did it that way." He then heard Valken's next question. It was fair for him to asked since it would be important when they were traveling through the shadows as Valken was planning. "Aright are you ready to count?" With out Valken even answering Vex held his nose close and closed is mouth so that there wasn't any possible weay to cheat. Vex counted the passing seconds, one, two, three. He was able to hold his breath for what he counted to be thirty seconds. Hopefully Valken was counting as well. "Alright I counted twenty six seconds, is that what you got?" He subtracted four seconds just incase it was harder for him to hold his breath there or something went wrong.

@Skyena @Kayzo @Talon @Embaga Elder @LeSoraAmari @Drakerus @Happy Red Mage
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Magnolia Side Street

Here some guy approached, with a girl in tow. She almost started to take a huge breath in when Bizma's voice rang out, which only made her head swivel to spot the huge Dragon literally right there! It may have been completely none threatening, and it didn't matter how many times Bizma said it was friendly, it's sheer size could down a city.... or even worse a forest in seconds!! Like the dragon at Malina had!...

Kelica let out another scream, that was at least 5x louder and higher-pitched then the last, dragging Ryu into her chest to cling to him like one might a teddy bear. Poor man. Now he had boobs pretty much plastered into his face.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball[/font][/color]

Alabaster Bal Magna

"Look dude." Alabaster started as she started spam casting Arcane Denial on nothing just to get counters up. "I'm very confused here so mind telling me what's going on here I do something painful and so far all I have is dragon hurting my friend." She stated clearly. "I'm on a very light trigger today. So speak quickly." She gave him a very dark smile. "5 words or less please?" She added. She really didn't want this to devolve into a fight but in a scenario where it was unavoidable she was gearing up. "Oh don't worry Aurelie, I'm sure everything will be resolved quickly." She said as she turned to face her before returning her gaze at the boy who was talking about the dragon and the girl. "Right?"

Pandemonium Counters:0

Storm Counters:7
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(five words or less?)

Chris was still waiting for Kelica to calm down when he suddenly heard some random woman asking them what happened. Chris heard the five words or less thing and only rolled his eyes. "That girl over there, can summon dragons. I can turn into a dragon thanks to her. The girl I'm holding is my girlfriend, she's scared of dragons. The boy who's currently a wall decoration tried to fight the dragon using animal soul but got flicked into the wall. The dragon doesn't want to hurt anyone, it's merely defending itself." he said as he went back to comforting Kelica. His hand continued to rub up and down her back while Chris kept her in his chest, his heartbeat like a calming melody.

Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Streets

Eric woke up still stuck to the wall "uhg... Was it just a dream?" He soon realised it wasn't when he saw the dragon again in front of his friends and a few other mages. "W-Why isn't it attacking them?." A brown haired guy spoke up and said that this was a summoned dragon, and it was friendly. "Really huh? H-hey! Dragon! Sorry for trying to attack you earlier! I just thought you were gonna you know... Eat me? Anyway you think you could get me unstuck from this wall here?" This was his first encounter with such an enormous beast so he didn't even know if they understood English. Since his transformations were based around his imagination he knew he could try transforming into one himself but his limitations stop him from going any larger than a grizzly bear or else he gets an unbearable migrane (Heh... get it?) and even risk going out of control. He needs to start training his magic if he wants to be as large as that legendary creature. "What do you say? Pals?"

Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Magnolia Side Street

As much and all as Kelica was contemplating freaking out once more, Chris had been around the girl long enough to say and do the exact things she needed. Her green eyes slipped closed again as her arms wrapped around his middle, drawing him in to the exclusion of all else. She barely noticed the Dragon's tail thud the poor man straight into the wall.

It's a wild animal... it was just defending itself... Kelica was reminded of the Malnia Red Dragon, she had only arrived mid way through the battle scene.... had the Mages attacked the Dragon first? Maybe it felt threatened and lashed out? While it was still no excuse to destroy a whole forest, and she didn't get a chance mid battle to actually talk to it.. She suddenly started to feel guilty....

She twisted in his arms as she looked around the group before finally looking to the Dragon. She still tensed up in Chris's arms but held her gaze on the Summoned Dragon. "I...I'm sorry..." she said truthfully.

That was when she remember the reason why they summoned him in the first place... "The mages! The missing mages!! Magnolia South Entrance! There are bound to be people gathering at the Train Station to leave! We should go there with Adrian and see who we can recruite to help!!"

Turning to the recently assembled group. "Please help us! Mages have been kidnapped! I know they took them to the South Entrance of town, that's the start of the Great Southern Magnolia Forest! I'm sure a creature or two or the tree's themselves can help guide me there!" Swivelling to Chris with smile.

Bolts said:
Eias Baole- meeting new people
Eias remained behind Kim while they confronted the group of mages. Mother was there to greet them which put Eias at ease a little. A familiar face in a group usually did that for her. Before Mother could even start to say what the situation was the one referred to as Kelica had spoken up about what the situation was. Eias instinctual lowered herself even more. From behind Kim, Eias blew some speech bubbles.
Uh-uhh.. Hello everyone. It is nice to meet you, I am sorry to hear the situation at hand. Um.. C-could you tell us when the kidnapping possibly took place? It might give a clearer picture as to how far they could have gotten in the forest. She said to the mass. As for one bubble, it floated over to mother. It made a small pop and out came a whisper only audible to her. H-hey mother.. I was wondering.. if you by chance could help me with my clothing situation right now? It got me out of the house but it kinda.. doesn't fit quite right.

@femjapanriceball @femjapanriceball

Alabaster Bal Magna

"Well make it go away then!" Alabaster tapped her foot impatiently as she brought out her hand covered in rapidly flickering lights of Arcane Denials. She listened what the girl had to say. "This is bigger crisis than I thought. Alright girlie I'm coming with but you better not be playing us. I'm not afraid to bring the hurt to anything." She stated. "Oi Eric. Quit makin friends with the dragon. There's big trouble and we need to be at our best." She berated him. "Go! Lead the way!" She said as she turned back to the girl.

Pandemonium Counters:0

Storm Counters:15

Bizma had no choice but to watch helplessly as the conversation about Severus continued. Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to object, but then Severus moved his tail against someone, therefore slamming him into a wall. Whoops. She turned her head towards Severus with an annoyed expression on her face; he silently conveyed to her his irritation in people for thinking he was a monster.
"I-it's okay, Sev," she whispered. "I think you're an honorable creature of both the wind and fire." Severus beamed (well, in the best way a dragon could) and nuzzled Bizma, therefore lifting her three feet in the air. Bizma chuckled slightly, then turned to Kelicia. ".....It's fine. Sev is pretty forgiving, anyways." She let out a sigh, seeing Eric, then walked towards him, helping unstick him from the wall. "....P-please be nice to my dragon; he's here to help, I promise...."

Meanwhile, Lion had been completely ignored. He lifted the guy who looked one helluva lot like Bizma and walked towards the group, carrying him over his shoulder.
"Heyyy, I have a question for you, bookworm," he said nonchalantly, practically flinging the guy at Bizma. "Do you know this guy? Cuz, if you do, I think he's in a coma." Once the man touched Bizma's skin, something strange happened; he rebounded and landed back in Lion's arms. Bizma let out a squeak of pain and fell over. Well, at least she had gotten Eric out of the wall before getting hit by an unknown unconscious man.

"....O-ow....what the...?" she mumbled, turning towards Lion. Her eyes drifted towards the strange unconscious man; her face immediately went pale. That's....the same guy from that Mirror of Truth thing I summoned once..... "S...Sir Lion...? Where did you find that man...? And....what on earth....?"

"He was just passed out in an alley. What, is he your brother?"

"Uh.....I'm an only child," Bizma muttered. Her eyebrows were creased concernedly; she kept looking oddly at the person. Was this guy supposed to be important to her somehow?
Valken had calmed down and started to formulate a plan. Talon took a step forward. "Yo so what about us?¿?¿ You guys are gonna head back to Fairytail but us others wanna do something." Talon asked Valken with his arms crossed and a confident smirk on his face. His eyes hd an excited spark in them. He was ready to have some fun.

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Anyone else I missed

Aiden held out his hand, As if he was trying to say that he was ok. Yet with the taxing abilities that he hadn't practice , had finally taken its toll on his body. His nose started to bleed, only for him to wipe it away with his hand. " This is why I need to practice those star suits more often." He leaned on the wall, trying to regain his composure. " I'm not out of magic, I'm just tired form using my suits so much." Aiden straightened his back, trying to give off the impression that he would be fine in this situation. " Ashley, If we don't escape there's a trump card that I can pull. It will drain my magic down to zero. My spirit Shen has recorded some memories from Ayano, I can lend my Key to someone so they can summon him to find us." He knew it was extremely probable that they wouldn't make it out, and loaning Shen away would cause him actual pain. But it was somethig that was need to be done.

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rbshinichi said:

Mikael La Viere

Location: Shop


If he's got blood flowing in him, they would rush all to his brain and make him flash like a
canon ball, fortunately for Mika, he could be as cold as ice in times like this, times of trouble, times of distress and confrontation. And it felt like a suffocating interrogation when Lavender asked how they morning went. He could say, yeah, aside from Sera's boobs trying to wake me up by drowning me in them, it has been quiet so far. Obviously, no, he couldn't blurt that out in front of Lavender. "It was great." and the image of Sera's rack dangling in front of him flushed to his mind. "I had a good rest. All thanks to Sera. What about yours Miss Lavender? Hope we didn't mess your early day up." he said, and stole a glimpse of Sera's face, tried hard as he did, he failed miserably to stay away from the sight of her chest.

The shop was quite near so it didn't take them too long to arrive upon it. The shop was built with glasses window and it was like a mansion with clothes and armors displayed on the huge glass walls. "Wow." that's all he managed to say out of awe in the extravagant sight he's seeing.


Sera: Lavender's House > Clothes Store

Things turned slightly awkward when Lavender asked how their morning went. Luckily, Mika answered first to save Sera from embarrassing the both of them or making things seem suspicious. She blushed slightly when she noticed Mika stare directly at her chest, if only briefly. "
Yeah. Sorry if we woke you up early. I thought you were awake already." She told her, quickly trying to change the subject. Though, soon enough they left for the shop and a little while longer arrived.

It was just as great as she remembered it, she was sure Lavender would be able to find
something she wanted. The place was huge and had a wide variety of clothes after all. "Wow indeed. They have pretty much everything you could think of here. Everything." She told them, adding an extra everything for emphasis. "Whatever you guys want to get from here I'll pay for, my treat. Just tell me. And before you try to say anything against it, I won't take no for an answer." She added.

Talon said:
Valken had calmed down and started to formulate a plan. Talon took a step forward. "Yo so what about us?¿?¿ You guys are gonna head back to Fairytail but us others wanna do something." Talon asked Valken with his arms crossed and a confident smirk on his face. His eyes hd an excited spark in them. He was ready to have some fun.
@Wyatt @Kayzo @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder @Happy Red Mage @Zuka @Colt556 @Huor Spinks

Ferra: Train Station

Ferra wasn't entirely sure what was done to calm Valken down as she was mostly focused on Lloyd, but whatever it was worked and she was glad for it. She hated seeing him that way, and honestly they needed him if they had any hope of getting Millie back. Soon he was completely back to his old self, even forming a plan and asking for volunteers. Ferra would have, but she figured with Mikado, Vex, and Emmerich it would be more than enough. Thus she opted to stay behind like Arial. When Talon spoke up she was inclined to agree, "
Yeah! I wanna help to. What can we do?" She pretty much demanded, asking was for suckers.
Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caadb38f8_images(96).jpg.7dcccb765af47ea981c212e13ed44758.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caadb38f8_images(96).jpg.7dcccb765af47ea981c212e13ed44758.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kelica, now she wasn't completely freaking out, noticed the red haired Mage on the ground (Ryu) sprawled and hadn't really moved a muscle the entire time. Had she really shook him that much? She did remember him hitting his head pretty hard when Chris reefed her off his frame... she gave a worring glance to Chris before slowly breaking away from the man, and knelt down behind Ryu this time, gently wedging his head into her lap facing up. Her green eyes peered down to him as she ran her fingers through his hair enough to lift his head without putting pressure on his spine, cupping his ears gently as she did. A quick glance over noticed no immediately bleeding, and a tiny turn of his neck confirmed his spine was fine... maybe he just had a headache after all? For the most part Kelica ignored the gathering, focusing her mind on giving immediate First Aid on Ryu. She moved one hand just enough to open an eyelid, peering to his pupils and watching them dilate fine. "Just a headache then..." She whispered more to herself, now as her head was bent over his, smelling the alcohol on his breath and raising an eyebrow with a chuckle. "...a hang over headache, if I am not mistaken... deary me, you should have stayed dehydrated... I would apologise for this pain but, you probably deserve it... drink more water next time..."

Here her fingers tightened around his ears as she held his head steady. Her palms growing warm, burning almost though the sensation probably did nothing for the mage proficient in Fire. A green circle sprung up as she closed her eyes, her blonde ponytail swaying to and fro behind her.

Almost immediately Ryu's headache turned to a full blown migraine, his stomch probably turned with such ferocity Kelica would have been surprised had he not thrown up right against her. Just in case, Kelica kept his head resting in her lap as she rolled him onto his side, one hand slipping down to push his chin down and open his mouth and airway. His vision would have been blacked over if not covered in spots, his head would have felt like a thousands needles stabbing repeatedly into his temples or a sledge hammer rocking his entire skull.

Kelica's heals were not pleasant. They simply hastened his bodies recovery from afew hours/a day to less then a minute. Slowly the needle sensation went away as Kelica spoke in a tender voice barely above a whisper.

"You OK, buddy? Might think twice about the drinking thing eh?"

@femjapanriceball @Kazehana @Jackaboi @Happy Red Mage



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Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caade51cf_unnamed(2).jpg.091afba75bfa99695df26f5bfd17627a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caade51cf_unnamed(2).jpg.091afba75bfa99695df26f5bfd17627a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Valken had his arms crossed and was still half frowned as he was lost in the logistics of the Shadow Walk... maybe it was too dangerous?... His eyes focused in on both Mikado and Vex as they held their breath, it was reassuring they could hold it that long. However as much as Valken knew the layout of Magnolia he didn't know the exact twists and turns of the streets and thus would no doubt get lost... precious seconds lost...

His head turned to Talon, Arial and Ferra as all three pipped up with wanting to help... Valken rubbed the bridge of his nose in a pained manner. "How about this... give me 5 mins to find a Fairytail mage or two, if I'm not back in 5mins come and look for us.. there is nothing really to do till we have a lead on where to go... and I'd rather not split the group anymore then I have to..." Valken lowered the hand on his nose and smiled. "Speaking of finding a lead, why don't you all start to think of ways to bypass the Dark Guild Hide-Out... getting there is half the battle, no doubt this place will be defended to the teeth so a decent attack strategy would be wise... Perhaps Ferra you could ask everyone's powers and start to get some sort of good Teams going with powers that compliment one another? You the expert on Recruitment so go find out more about our Allies..."

Here Valken turned to Emmerich. "I am going to split this operation into two parts. Vex, Mikado and I will be Part A, I will try to get as close to Guild Hall as possible and find who we can... Mikado and Vex can lead that team back to the Train Station, I'll zip back and come collect you Frosty for Part B. You've got the longest breath bar me, we will infultrate the Fairytail Guild Hall and collect hopefully Ophelia and whoever she is with to bring them back here. So sorry buddy, hang tight for 5mins. OK?"

Here Valken turned to Maya. "Can you have your Illusion follow Part A so Mikado and Vex can bring the gathering back to the train station? Frosty and I can lead the Part B back.."

@Wyatt @Happy Red Mage



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Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Train Station

With: @Kayzo

Emmerich can't help but think that Valks is a capable leader when he's not freaking out as he watches the other man divert other volunteers into suitable alternatives to accompanying them. After that, the shadow mage turned to Emmerich to explain how exactly the shadow transportation would be carried out, with him taking Emmerich second. Nodding to his friend Emmerich poses a question, "Are we asking them to come and 'elp us? Or are we just taking them?" It isn't that he wants to use force here, though he always loves a good fight, but that he's willing to in order to help his friend. In the brawler's mind friends and loved ones come before all, and he is willing to fight, kill, steal, and die for their sakes, as is natural to him. To do any less would be a betrayal of their trust to him, something he could never live with. After all, betrayal is the worst of crimes to this man.
purplepanda288 said:

Aiden held out his hand, As if he was trying to say that he was ok. Yet with the taxing abilities that he hadn't practice , had finally taken its toll on his body. His nose started to bleed, only for him to wipe it away with his hand. " This is why I need to practice those star suits more often." He leaned on the wall, trying to regain his composure. " I'm not out of magic, I'm just tired form using my suits so much." Aiden straightened his back, trying to give off the impression that he would be fine in this situation. " Ashley, If we don't escape there's a trump card that I can pull. It will drain my magic down to zero. My spirit Shen has recorded some memories from Ayano, I can lend my Key to someone so they can summon him to find us." He knew it was extremely probable that they wouldn't make it out, and loaning Shen away would cause him actual pain. But it was somethig that was need to be done.@Britt-21

Ashley Hart

Ashley just watched him and then crossed her arms "I dont want your trump card if it means leaving someone behind. That Someone being you, obviously." the Ice wizard hated to leave people behind in need of help. She had to help people, not listen to what they say about running and saving herself. "Aiden I will stay and fight till these guys are out cold -No pun intended- and make sure you get out. We're getting out of here and I can garentee that." Ashley then turned towards the guards and stood by the Celestial Spirit. She crouched down and called out "Ice-Make: Floor!" then she stood up and threw her hand out foward "Ice-Make: Rain!" ice formed above the guards and began to fall like rain "I have more than enough magic to get us out."


Mitchs98 said:
Sera: Lavender's House > Clothes Store

Things turned slightly awkward when Lavender asked how their morning went. Luckily, Mika answered first to save Sera from embarrassing the both of them or making things seem suspicious. She blushed slightly when she noticed Mika stare directly at her chest, if only briefly. "
Yeah. Sorry if we woke you up early. I thought you were awake already." She told her, quickly trying to change the subject. Though, soon enough they left for the shop and a little while longer arrived.

It was just as great as she remembered it, she was sure Lavender would be able to find
something she wanted. The place was huge and had a wide variety of clothes after all. "Wow indeed. They have pretty much everything you could think of here. Everything." She told them, adding an extra everything for emphasis. "Whatever you guys want to get from here I'll pay for, my treat. Just tell me. And before you try to say anything against it, I won't take no for an answer." She added.

Lavender Gray

Lavender noticed something was off but didnt bother to push for more information "No, you did not ruin my early day." she said softly "I was bound to wake up at least an hour from now." the time passed pretty quickly because before she knew it, they were at the store that Sera had been talking about. When they entered, they had many pieces of clothing. It was quite nice actually. Clothing was placed neatly around the store, there were even some shoes that she could try on. But Lavender wasnt sure if she wanted to get shoes, despite only having two pairs. One for battle (Her armor boots) and just dressy shoes to go out.

Looking at Sera, she shook her head "I do not plan on letting you buy my clothing, Miss Sera. I would not feel right letting you buy whatever I'd like." Lavender wasnt like that, Sera should have known she wasnt like that but knowing Sera...she'd keep pushing to buy her clothes from this place.

@Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
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Auren Sol

Ren listened to Valken's plan and nodded in approval. He was actually pretty smart now that he was a bit more calm and collected. Unfortunately, the boy wasn't too strong when it came to physical ability so traveling through an ocean of darkness was a no go for him. It a shame since he felt like he could be helping a bit more. That's when he remembered something. From his pocket, Ren pulled out a blank card and etched a sigil onto it before holding it out for Valken to take.

"Take this with you. It's sort of like a tracking device If you get into any trouble, throw it into the air and I'll immediately know where you are and we can come and help." he explained.

"Oh, and, be careful. Wouldn't want my new friends getting hurt." he added quietly.

@Wyatt @Happy Red Mage
Alice Liddell

Livian, hurry up

Alice pulled her hand out of Livian's own as she stood, she then moved a few strands of hair out of her field of vision. " I'm not sure what you mean by that Livian, I'm always ready for situations like this. Are you?" Alice fished a phone from her apron, sliding her finger along the screen. Once she stopped she place the phone on to her ear. " Gram, Im going on a business trip for a few days... Yes, yes send your wife. I trust her to take care of the everyday functions here. Alright, thank you." she ended the call, now with someone to take care of her responsibilities she could leave for this mission. " Well, go get what you need. I'll be waiting in the car out front." With that she walked into the building, moving through the halls to the front door.

@The Dinkster
Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station


Valken eyed Emmerich off with a look of fake shock. "We ask them of course! And if they say no... well we just head lock them and drag them back." His fake stunned expression turning to a classic cheeky grin. "However I think you underestimate my ability to persuade people Frosty..." His gaze turned to Ren as he offered him a blank card with a symbol on it and Valken had a genuinely wide grin on his face. "Thank you Ren.." Tucking the card into his top pocket before walking to Vex and Mikado. Here he crouched before Vex and faced away while he grasped his hand to place it on his shoulder, half guiding him to wrap his arms around his neck like a piggy back ride. Once he was secure Valken lifted his blind back pack and grasped Mikado's hand to lead her to a nearby pillar.

As they approached Valken got Mikado to face towards the wall and making a half apologetic face he wrapped an arm around her middle and pushed his front to her back before wedging her against the pillar with a hand pushed against the wall. He had to keep them as close to his frame as he could to avoid the Shadows swallowing them whole, but that didn't stop it looking or feeling any less awkward. "Just... don't tell Millie about this, ok?" Slowly his hand above Mikado started to melt as it was absorbed into the wall and he pushed the girl even closer to the wall, feet wedging behind her own. "Alright, deep breath, we go in three...." The second they both took a breath in, Valken didn't wait the full three second and he literally fell forward into the sweet embrace of the shadows dragging the two along with him. Once all three were into the shadow, Valken was racing at incredible speeds like a hurtling missle. He slipped along the cracks in a windowsil and was following the dark, back streets of Magnolia counting the seconds past. He got to 25 seconds before he seemingly suddenly shot out of a wall with Mikado still clung to his front and Vex on his back. The speed he flew out causing him to stumble but still hold Mikado protectively.

(Popping out near Kelica and gang).

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station


Valken eyed Emmerich off with a look of fake shock. "We ask them of course! And if they say no... well we just head lock them and drag them back." His fake stunned expression turning to a classic cheeky grin. "However I think you underestimate my ability to persuade people Frosty..." His gaze turned to Ren as he offered him a blank card with a symbol on it and Valken had a genuinely wide grin on his face. "Thank you Ren.." Tucking the card into his top pocket before walking to Vex and Mikado. Here he crouched before Vex and faced away while he grasped his hand to place it on his shoulder, half guiding him to wrap his arms around his neck like a piggy back ride. Once he was secure Valken lifted his blind back pack and grasped Mikado's hand to lead her to a nearby pillar.

As they approached Valken got Mikado to face towards the wall and making a half apologetic face he wrapped an arm around her middle and pushed his front to her back before wedging her against the pillar with a hand pushed against the wall. He had to keep them as close to his frame as he could to avoid the Shadows swallowing them whole, but that didn't stop it looking or feeling any less awkward. "Just... don't tell Millie about this, ok?" Slowly his hand above Mikado started to melt as it was absorbed into the wall and he pushed the girl even closer to the wall, feet wedging behind her own. "Alright, deep breath, we go in three...." The second they both took a breath in, Valken didn't wait the full three second and he literally fell forward into the sweet embrace of the shadows dragging the two along with him. Once all three were into the shadow, Valken was racing at incredible speeds like a hurtling missle. He slipped along the cracks in a windowsil and was following the dark, back streets of Magnolia counting the seconds past. He got to 25 seconds before he seemingly suddenly shot out of a wall with Mikado still clung to his front and Vex on his back. The speed he flew out causing him to stumble but still hold Mikado protectively.

(Popping out near Kelica and gang).

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

She held her gaze on Valken for a few moments before following his instruction and holding her breath. She had few talents but it seemed a good set of lungs was one of them as she held her breath for significantly longer than her travel companion did. After a few more preparations it seemed Valken was ready to go as he promptly collected the stranger whom she never even got the name of. There were a lot of faces she didn't recognize, for all she knew the guy wasn't even a member of Lamia Scale. Once finished hefting his baggage Valken came to collect her as well, grasping her hand and leading her to a nearby pillar. She quietly trailed behind the man, before being guided up to the pillar. She stared at the bricks directly before her, unsure of how Valken's magic worked with passengers. Not sure what to do she just allowed herself to be guided along as Valken pressed himself up against her, pinning her between his body and the wall. The positioned reminded her of a certain book she read during her travels, although the the situation was a fair bit different.

Upon hearing Valken's words she tilted her head back, trying to look over her shoulder as a confused expression made it's home on her face. "Why would Millie car--" Her question was cut off as Valken pushed forward, melding with the shadows and forcing her forward along with him. She quickly took a big gulp of air right before plummeting into the dark depths. She screwed her eyes shut as she felt as if the very environment itself was trying to get at her. The unpleasantness of the entire thing caused her to squirm in Valken's grip in a vain attempt to shake herself free of what seemed to be after her. After what seemed like an hour they were suddenly thrown from the abyss. As soon as they were free she gasped for air, shaking her head in order to clear the lingering sensations. She blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness and looked around as she took in their surroundings. It was obvious they were no longer at the station so it seemed Valken's trick worked, even if it was horribly unpleasant. She looked down at the arms wrapped around her waist holding her close before she tilted her head back, looking up at the man who embraced her. "That was awful and I'm never doing that again."

@Zuka @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Talon @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
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(I'm going to post for Hibiki now, and then again for Maya and Masaki later)

Mr Swiftshots] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B][I]Rodwen Kiernan (The Unforgiving Saint) [/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#bfbfbf] [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B][I]Grimoire Heart [/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#bfbfbf] [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#bfbfbf][B][I]Second Dungeon Corridor [/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Rodwen would have burst into a fit of laughter over Hibiki's speech had she not been taken off guard by his attack. The demonic Wizard was just as fast as he was prior to transformation said:


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@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Zuka

Alabaster Bal Magna

"Well then let's get goin-YOW!" She started before yelping in sudden shock as people shot out from somewhere rather comically. "Wow, that was kinda cool. Are you people alright?" She asked the people who suddenly appeared. She had almost casted Inflict Pain on something but was luckily able to prevent herself from doing that. She turned off her Mindraze and slowly approached the group. "And where did you people even come from?"
Happy Red Mage]@Wyatt @femjapanriceball [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26922-zuka/ said:
Alabaster Bal Magna

"Well then let's get goin-YOW!" She started before yelping in sudden shock as people shot out from somewhere rather comically. "Wow, that was kinda cool. Are you people alright?" She asked the people who suddenly appeared. She had almost casted Inflict Pain on something but was luckily able to prevent herself from doing that. She turned off her Mindraze and slowly approached the group. "And where did you people even come from?"
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

She held her gaze on Valken for a few moments before following his instruction and holding her breath. She had few talents but it seemed a good set of lungs was one of them as she held her breath for significantly longer than her travel companion did. After a few more preparations it seemed Valken was ready to go as he promptly collected the stranger whom she never even got the name of. There were a lot of faces she didn't recognize, for all she knew the guy wasn't even a member of Lamia Scale. Once finished hefting his baggage Valken came to collect her as well, grasping her hand and leading her to a nearby pillar. She quietly trailed behind the man, before being guided up to the pillar. She stared at the bricks directly before her, unsure of how Valken's magic worked with passengers. Not sure what to do she just allowed herself to be guided along as Valken pressed himself up against her, pinning her between his body and the wall. The positioned reminded her of a certain book she read during her travels, although the the situation was a fair bit different.

Upon hearing Valken's words she tilted her head back, trying to look over her shoulder as a confused expression made it's home on her face. "Why would Millie car--" Her question was cut off as Valken pushed forward, melding with the shadows and forcing her forward along with him. She quickly took a big gulp of air right before plummeting into the dark depths. She screwed her eyes shut as she felt as if the very environment itself was trying to get at her. The unpleasantness of the entire thing caused her to squirm in Valken's grip in a vain attempt to shake herself free of what seemed to be after her. After what seemed like an hour they were suddenly thrown from the abyss. As soon as they were free she gasped for air, shaking her head in order to clear the lingering sensations. She blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness and looked around as she took in their surroundings. It was obvious they were no longer at the station so it seemed Valken's trick worked, even if it was horribly unpleasant. She looked down at the arms wrapped around her waist holding her close before she tilted her head back, looking up at the man who embraced her. "That was awful and I'm never doing that again."

@Zuka @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Talon @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

She held her gaze on Valken for a few moments before following his instruction and holding her breath. She had few talents but it seemed a good set of lungs was one of them as she held her breath for significantly longer than her travel companion did. After a few more preparations it seemed Valken was ready to go as he promptly collected the stranger whom she never even got the name of. There were a lot of faces she didn't recognize, for all she knew the guy wasn't even a member of Lamia Scale. Once finished hefting his baggage Valken came to collect her as well, grasping her hand and leading her to a nearby pillar. She quietly trailed behind the man, before being guided up to the pillar. She stared at the bricks directly before her, unsure of how Valken's magic worked with passengers. Not sure what to do she just allowed herself to be guided along as Valken pressed himself up against her, pinning her between his body and the wall. The positioned reminded her of a certain book she read during her travels, although the the situation was a fair bit different.

Upon hearing Valken's words she tilted her head back, trying to look over her shoulder as a confused expression made it's home on her face. "Why would Millie car--" Her question was cut off as Valken pushed forward, melding with the shadows and forcing her forward along with him. She quickly took a big gulp of air right before plummeting into the dark depths. She screwed her eyes shut as she felt as if the very environment itself was trying to get at her. The unpleasantness of the entire thing caused her to squirm in Valken's grip in a vain attempt to shake herself free of what seemed to be after her. After what seemed like an hour they were suddenly thrown from the abyss. As soon as they were free she gasped for air, shaking her head in order to clear the lingering sensations. She blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness and looked around as she took in their surroundings. It was obvious they were no longer at the station so it seemed Valken's trick worked, even if it was horribly unpleasant. She looked down at the arms wrapped around her waist holding her close before she tilted her head back, looking up at the man who embraced her. "That was awful and I'm never doing that again."

@Zuka @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Talon @Wyatt @LeSoraAmari
Vex: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Vex didn't resist when Valken helped him onto his shoulders. He could feel when Valken grabbed Mikado, as it took him some effort. Vex took in a deep breath and when they went into the shadows he could feel a change in the environment around him and it was rather unpleasant but if he needed to he would be able to do it again. Vex slowly got down from Valken's shoulders catching his breath again. "That was a rather exhausting. Hopefully we don't have to do that again." Since Vex had Horus stay behind he didn't have many options when it came to seeing. Vex then whispered a spell to himself, "sixth sense." His eyes began to glow a faint gold and where no long milky. He could see everyone around him, no detail was left out. He could see every blade of grass that was outside and the tiny ants that traveled just out of sight for everyone else. "Oh god that's what you look like?!?" He hadn't realized that Valken was actually a good looking guy, and he licked his lips. Thankfully he wasn't facing the man. He looked around at all of the people around him, and realized he was surrounded by attractive company. Vex faced the stranger and replied. "This man here, Valken used his powers to bring us here. We are looking for help to locate a few people."

@Zuka @Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Talon @LeSoraAmari
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Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken still pondering on Mikado's last words before he pulled the three into the dark void. It occured only then that if Mikado wasn't aware that Lloyd had become Guild Master then of course she wouldn't be aware they were dating.... "Well..." He started after he ascertained she and Vex were Ok, though probably uncomfortable still, withdrawing his arms from around her waist "Millie is my Gi-" Again he was interrupted first by an exclaimation of a mage, his eyes suddenly rolling around the group gathered. He recognised Chris from his fist fight on the first day of the Festival, and Ryu passed out against the groung in the lap of that blonde girl Kelica who took an interest in Lloyd. Then he glanced to a massive Dragon standing passively beside a female mage... he felt like he'd walked into some sort of crazy circus. That was when Vex shouted what he looked at, Valken half turned to face him with a raised eyebrow and an even more confused look. "How I look like? What the Hell do you mean by that? And how can you even see?" Purple eyes narrowing down not realising he meant it in a good manner not a bad one. Valken just assumed he looked like God's gift to women...

"ALRIGHT, alright... someone needs to tell me what in the world is going on and why the Hell is there a Dragon in the side street... And I'm guessing I didn't make it to the Fairytail Guild Hall?"

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Eric: Magnolia Side Street

"Uhh..." Where the hell do all these mages keep coming from!? First there was the screaming woman with that kimono guy, then more appeared with a friendly dragon and now they're coming from the walls!? He noticed the Lamia Scale mark on some of them. "Is this some kind of get together or something?" One of them asked about the dragon in the side street. "Your guess is as good as mine bud... But don't worry the big guys friendly." The blind looking mage decided to speak up and state their reason to be here. "So you guys are the same huh? We're looking for our friends too though those Fairy Tail mages over there suspect they've been kidnapped." The possibility of Sabertooth mages being kidnapped was increased when he heard that some of Lamia Scale have went missing too but he just couldn't see it happening, Mizuki is too strong, Alicia is always around her, Haruhi and Honoka are also formidable and Gilad... nah never could see it happening to him. "Hey that reminds me! Have you guys seen any Sabertooth members around here recently. We we're all separated so I wouldn't know if anyone's went missing."

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
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Chris Lengheart(Where the hell did you people come from!?)

Chris jumped as some random man popped out of the shadows. After looking a bit closer, he realized it was the man he was set to fight in the streets. Chris only scratched the back of his neck as the memory surged into his head for a moment. Hopefully, that man didn't want his match anymore. Chris honestly had bigger fish to fry right now, someone had taken guild members from both Fairy tail and Lamia scale. At this point, what they did now was unclear. Everyone could head south like Kelica said, but once they got there what would they do. It's not like there'd be a giant evil base with giant signs pointing over to it saying "EVIL BASE! YOUR GUILDMATES ARE IN HERE!!!".

@femjapanriceball @purplepanda288
Valken Truss

Magnolia Side Street

Valken's gaze drifted to the mage asking about Sabertooth and he crossed his arm, putting a hand under his chin then. "Sabertooth... I haven't seen Master Arcturus today... But Masaki, Grace's red haired boyfriend and Ren are both at the Train Station...I haven't see Mizuki and Alicia unfortunately..." Before he could react Valken grinned. "Don't ask how I know Mizuki and Alicia I just do..." Here he thought it best to elaborate why he was there. "My name is Valken Truss, S-Class Lamia Scale and profession Spy and lady killer... you can call me Mr Bond if it so suits you... a random girl once called me that though I'm not sure why..."

Realising in that moment he was waffling, he continued. "We know the Dark Guild Grimoire Heart took some mages, Millie from my Guild and a Sora from yours? I am gathering all the mages I find to the Magnolia Train Station but we have no clues as to where they have taken the mages..."

Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Kelica gasped in surpise as not one, but three mages just fell straight out of the wall, and as much as she wanted to escape she held strong. One was that Emo looking guy Chris fought on the first day, then he went on to compare himself as some heart throb! She made an annoyed face, I mean he was kind of hot but he was no man muscle like Chris was... Chris could totally take him...

Though her attention grew when he mentioned more mages missing and that they were gathering like some sort of offensive at the Train Station despite having no clues where to go... She kept Ryu's head secure but lifted her voice. "I... I used the Willow tree behind Fairytail Guild Hall to track the kidnappers to the South Side Entrance.. that is right next to the Great Southern Forest isn't it? If you can get me there I can speak with the trees and animals and use them to find the base... if it is in the Forest, that is... The forest always watches..."

@Wyatt @Kayzo (mentioned)
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Ayano Soru: Main Dungeon

Ayano stared as Rodwen made her bold entrance and threw Hibiki at Sora. "Hmph the winner of that fight was never in doubt." After hearing what the God Slayer said, Ayano was a little ticked off. "Incompetence!? Would you be ready to encounter someone wielding extinct magic? One of those mages has Celestial Spirit magic." When Rodwen touched her Ayano was far more than just annoyed. But then she said that the little vampire would be let off easy if they defeated the mages and with that Ayano was given a little push. "Don't you dare touch me with your filthy human hands... also how can you call me incompetent if you couldn't even bring back a simple B class." She knew Alicia had escaped but that didn't matter to her... All she would do is bring back more mages for her little surprise. "Blood Spikes" A flurry of hardened blood spikes went flying at Sora.

@Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Side Street

Valken's gaze drifted to the mage asking about Sabertooth and he crossed his arm, putting a hand under his chin then. "Sabertooth... I haven't seen Master Arcturus today... But Masaki, Grace's red haired boyfriend and Ren are both at the Train Station...I haven't see Mizuki and Alicia unfortunately..." Before he could react Valken grinned. "Don't ask how I know Mizuki and Alicia I just do..." Here he thought it best to elaborate why he was there. "My name is Valken Truss, S-Class Lamia Scale and profession Spy and lady killer... you can call me Mr Bond if it so suits you... a random girl once called me that though I'm not sure why..."

Realising in that moment he was waffling, he continued. "We know the Dark Guild Grimoire Heart took some mages, Millie from my Guild and a Sora from yours? I am gathering all the mages I find to the Magnolia Train Station but we have no clues as to where they have taken the mages..."

Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Side Street

Kelica gasped in surpise as not one, but three mages just fell straight out of the wall, and as much as she wanted to escape she held strong. One was that Emo looking guy Chris fought on the first day, then he went on to compare himself as some heart throb! She made an annoyed face, I mean he was kind of hot but he was no man muscle like Chris was... Chris could totally take him...

Though her attention grew when he mentioned more mages missing and that they were gathering like some sort of offensive at the Train Station despite having no clues where to go... She kept Ryu's head secure but lifted her voice. "I... I used the Willow tree behind Fairytail Guild Hall to track the kidnappers to the South Side Entrance.. that is right next to the Great Southern Forest isn't it? If you can get me there I can speak with the trees and animals and use them to find the base... if it is in the Forest, that is... The forest always watches..."

@Wyatt @Kayzo (mentioned)
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia Side Street

"Uhh..." Where the hell do all these mages keep coming from!? First there was the screaming woman with that kimono guy, then more appeared with a friendly dragon and now they're coming from the walls!? He noticed the Lamia Scale mark on some of them. "Is this some kind of get together or something?" One of them asked about the dragon in the side street. "Your guess is as good as mine bud... But don't worry the big guys friendly." The blind looking mage decided to speak up and state their reason to be here. "So you guys are the same huh? We're looking for our friends too though those Fairy Tail mages over there suspect they've been kidnapped." The possibility of Sabertooth mages being kidnapped was increased when he heard that some of Lamia Scale have went missing too but he just couldn't see it happening, Mizuki is too strong, Alicia is always around her, Haruhi and Honoka are also formidable and Gilad... nah never could see it happening to him. "Hey that reminds me! Have you guys seen any Sabertooth members around here recently. We we're all separated so I wouldn't know if anyone's went missing."

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Vex: Magnolia Side Street

Vex smiled when his comment confused Valken, he didn't know that Valken was capable of being stunned by such a simple comment. "Well I am using magic in order to see. I can see a lot better than you when I do see, however, I can't do it when I am fighting because it requires a lot of focus and concentration." Vex was almost surprised but it didn't come as a complete shock when he found out that more mages had been kidnapped. If mages were going to be kidnapped from one place then they would most likely be kidnapped for more as well. He then listened as Valken introduced himself to everyone else. Then came some girl began to speak. "Wait to can speak to plants? I can go with you to the forest, I have power over plants and their growth so we might make a good team."

@Isune @Happy Red Mage @Rhodus @Jackaboi @femjapanriceball @Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Chris Lengheart(please...shut up.)

Chris shook his head as the man who had introduced himself as Valken went on and on about being a woman slayer, a spy, and being nicknamed bond. Chris grumbled something under his breath something along the lines of "For a spy you sure don't know when to keep quiet." before silently crossing his arms. He looked over at Kelica for a moment and simply shrugged. He then sat down next to her and said, "Whaddya think of these people? I mean, they literally just popped out from the shadows."

@Colt556 @Kazehana @purplepanda288 @Bolts

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