Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eric: Magnolia Side Street

Eric was just about to reply with some smart-arse comment before he spotted Mizuki riding on top of the Cheetah. "Huh? Mizuki! I've been looking all over the place for you guys! Seriously so much has happened! But I'll tell ya later, the important part is this town isn't safe, I've seen members of Grimoire Heart everywhere! Apparently they've been kidnapping the mages of magnolia so now I'm here rounding up the Sabertooth mages to make sure we're all safe! Uh... wait... when did you learn how to tame Cheetahs?"

Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Well the time for chat has ended so now Ayano has to find a way out. "If this thing reflects any damage back to the person that hits it... how am I supposed to break it..." As if almost on cue she heard one of the lowly guards walking up. "Huh? Where did this mirror come from? Seriously who even designed this prison..." With this Ayano had a bright idea. A large smile twisted across her face as she walked towards the guard. "Hmm... oh hey Ayano! You know where this mirror came from? Wait... what are you... no... wait!" A large smash echoed across the room as the poor man was launched across the room leaving a large trail of blood behind. "Now I hope there won't be anymore interruptions..." The vampire raised up the spilled blood from the ground and formed them into hardened spikes. "So... who wants to play?"

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Kayzo
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Side Street

Valken was grinning down to Mikado, her shyness far to entertaining and a nice little mental escape from his still almost raging at the Dark Guild taking Millie. When she stopped and wouldn't step forward however he frowned as his purple eyes flittered up to see none other then Frosty coming towards them.

How the man was even there was a mystery, although as he thought more about it, it had been far longer then 5minutes and his presence was not really a surprise. His back straighted and his eyes held the man's; face a blank slate. In a strange gesture the man grasps Mikado's shoulder and moves her slightly to the side, out of harm's way if one were to know the two men.

Valken maintained his stance, his actions thus far doing nothing to draw attention to the three in the corner. Really the other mages were probably still unaware he had returned. "Yes." He answered truthfully.

"If you still wish to hit me, you can try." The statement working two fold. Now with a clear head, or at least most of one, if Emmerich tries to strike him, Valken would have no problem side-stepping him and deflecting the blow.

Perhaps proving to the Brawler he was indeed himself again.

Or maybe his words were enough. Though Valken doubted it.

@Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Zuka


Emmerich regards Valken for a moment longer, his face giving no indication of whether or not he still intends to attack the other man. Eventually he speaks again, "I have said that I will stand by you when it comes down to it, and I intend to abide by those words. But how am I to trust my back to you if this is how you act? You have one more chance, make sure you make the most of it." he says flatly, the threat evident in his words. Valken may be his friend, but that doesn't mean he gets a free pass in Emmerich's book. He had failed the trust that had been placed in him, it was as simple as that and now he was on his one chance for redemption. Emmerich had little love for those who betrayed those who trust them and, while Valken did not truly betray him or Millie, he came close in Emmerich's view. His selfish actions have become a dark stain on the brawler's view of the man that will not be forgotten anytime soon. It isn't as if Emmerich hates the shadow mage now, or that he won't forgive him as he will. It's just that now, he regards him just a bit lower than he had.[/font]
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Valken Truss

Magnolia Streets

Valken held the gaze of Emmerich, his reaction equally as enigmatic as Valken's own. Both bodies tense and at most a fist clenching but otherwise composed. If only they all knew just how quickly thing's could escalate between the two. It would not have been the first time they had fought, nor probably the last but Valken felt there was something decidedly different about his friend this time. A fist fight in jest or a drunken stupor was one thing, but this whole situation with Millie was causing friction with seemingly Valken and every person he meet as it were.

His purple eyes flicked over to Adrian, only momentarily, he wouldn't put it past Emmerich to attack him while he was half distracted. Especially if the man was displeased. His teeth gritted for a moment as once again he realized his stupidity had caused yet another delay in getting Millie back. He opened his mouth as if to make a retort to the kidnapping claim, to try and reason and see it from his point of view. But ultimately he was smart enough to know nothing he said could explain his actions. So he once again shut his mouth as his gaze lowered to the floor. Guilt and uselessly starting to show on his face despite him trying to close it off again.

Useless mage.

His only strength in hurting others it seemed. In both the physical and mental state.

"I was not aware of her circumstances....at least not fully... I did see her appear before a Train. It didn't occur to me she may still be in shock." He answered honestly, his voice steady albeit slower to try and keep himself and the rage at his own inadequacy under control. As Adrian asked for a Plan B, again Valken said nothing because there was nothing more he could say. His abilities useless for this game of catch up. Thus the reason he sought out Fairytail in the first place.

Hearing Emmerich speak to him his attention focuses in on him now. His eyes hardened as he spoke. "I understand." He said flatly. His mind and heart an inner turmoil of rage, frustration and guilt, hearing the voices screaming his uselessness, mocking his abilities, doubting his abilities both as a high ranking Mage and a representative of Lamia Scale. Had he the choice, and the ability, he would have turned and simply left on his way. To do his own thing. To walk away. To slip into the shadows. But he couldn't do that and he had to keep reminding himself there were much more important things to what he wanted.

He needed to find Millie.

He needed to.

There was no other option.

He turned to face Mikado now. "I am heading back to the Train Station to inform Maya what has transpired and the new information we have learned. You are welcome to accompany me back." Glancing to Frosty already knowing he would follow him even if he was displeased at him. Then he turned to Adrian who seemed the only person left trying to keep the Fairytail group together. "Bring all the mages you have to the Train Station, we already have a decent gathering of mages there. Once together, I will attempt to find this Kelica girl and ask her to front line our combined assault." He stressed the word ask very obviously for obvious reasons. "Emmerich will accompany me." He added as an afterthought, clearly the Fairytail mages would respect his attitude more then Valken's own right now.

With that the Shadow Mage patted Mikado on the shoulder, having essentially done the conversation he had requested of her originally and with nothing more to expand on, he simply turned and walked out of the side street while making his way back to Train Station. Assuming Frosty and Mikado would follow, but not slowing down or waiting for them. He had his mind on far different concerns now.

His only regret was not having his Guild Master to turn to for guidance. Though hopefully he had awoken before he arrived back to the Train Station.

@femjapanriceball @Kayzo @Colt556

The Dungeons

This entire situation was bad, Adien felt like death had taken residents in his head. Ashley was baring down on him, barking out that she was going to get him out of there. The Ice make rain had stopped the two guards in their tracks for a few more minutes, but they would eventually get back up. Then time slowed, the echoing of a broken mirror filled the caved in halls. " Ashley, I know where your coming from, but there an S class Mage ahead. All the exits are more then likely blocked I'm going to cast the spell." He pushed off the wall, putting his entire mass on to his feet. Aiden unhooked a single key from his chain, that of which began to glow and float vertically infront of him. " I, Owner of this jade key, loan the contract of the Snake to Adrien. If keys I ask of you Tetrabiblos answer my call, make my plea so!" As he finished his spell the key began to violently rotate, with a large boom the key disappeared. Aiden fell to the ground, weezing from the abuse on his magic. Then everything went dark for him, he fell into a sleep that he would walk from for a few hours.

@Britt-21 (Mentioned) @Genon
Chris Lengheart (What happened!?)

Chris was simply relaxing on his sofa when he heard a cry come from his room. He quickly got up and ran into his room only to see Kelica freaking out. He quickly sat down next to her and wrapped a strong arm around her before saying, "Hey, hey it's alright. You're home. You here, with me. Take a deep breath and relax." Chris was glad to see that Kelica was awake, but now what would they do? Should they head over to the train station like he heard some of the others mages say, or should they stay so Kelica could calm down a bit more. What if that crazy guy from earlier tried to kidnap her again? Chris didn't have the time to think about so many things at once.

Kelica Zefara

Chris's House

Kelica was half whimpering as Chris came running at her beck and call, taking a huge breath in and sighing heavily. Her whole body slumped to the side and into his frame, eyes lowering in an exhausted fashion.

"We should have stayed at your family's farm... ever since we've come back here things have gone from bad to worse... I feel like we're cursed when we stay in Magnolia..." drawing her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. "...They need me to help find those mages Chris but I don't really want to go...but I'm the only one who can help... I couldn't stand it if Hibiki or Sora were hurt because of me..." Her emerald eyes peering down to her long fingers. "...I'm just a C-Class mage Chris, I can't protect myself against an entire Dark Guild...I can barely protect the forests that I love... what use am I?"

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Chris Lengheart (you're not alone)

Chris listened to Kelica before suddenly grabbing her head and lifting it up so her eyes met his. "A much bigger one than you might think," he said in a blunt tone "You have full control over an entire forest. I'm just a copycat. Besides, I bet it's a lot easier to use forest magic than beast soul. My brother still has scars. And the C rank? That doesn't matter to me, all that means is that you have a greater potential to reach. I'm sure you'll be able to make it there. Me on the other hand... I don't know.I feel like I might run out of takeovers. I'll probably be stuck as an A class, but you...you have a much bigger potential than me. When was learning beast soul I couldn't do jobs for a really long time since I could barely get the hang of partial takeovers let alone full on takeovers." He then let go of Kelica with a sigh as he stood up. Chris walked over to his closet before picking out a simple tanktop and slipping it on. He then turned his gaze back to Kelica as he spoke once again but this time with a much more firm tone, "We should probably be getting to the train station. There are mages out there that need YOUR help Kelica."

Kelica Zefara

Chris's House

The Forest Mage took a sharp breath in as Chris grabbed at her face and drew her gaze up to his own. Potential? Well it was possible... She remembered a time when a group of angry Industrial workers came to the edge of her Father's Forest. Clad with bulldozers, flamethrowers, axes, and tree loppers. She remembered them started to destroy the outer rims of her beloved family forest. And then an almost thunder clap as One man stood before them all, eyes clouded over with grey and a tall wooden staff in his hand. The workers, seeing him, laughing, gesturing him to move aside.

The man didn't even flinch.

"Leave. Now." He had said in a deep voice, which echoed and travelled far despite him needing to bellow. Like it travelled on the very wind. A strange rumble underground and shadows within the trees at his back.

The workers pressed forward.

Kelica had only been a little girl at the time, clinging to the base of a huge tree as she watched from afar. And her emerald eyes only widened. Her father slammed the staff down against the hard Earth and there was a sudden groaning roar. The very tree's came alive, roots bursting from the very Earth and branches swaying and creaking as the huge trees themselves swayed and toddled. As they got closer, huge trunks crashing and sending Machine and Man alike to fly through the air with brute force. Not only the three's, but the very animals all charged like an army, squirrels jumped to attack workers weak spots (eyes and faces), wolves growled as they lunged and tore men's throats out. Bears roared and swipped the workers sending them screaming, flocks of birds dive bombing while razor sharp talons broke flesh.

One Man heading an entire Forest Army. Within minutes the industrial workers had either collapsed bleeding out, or run from the terrifying display of Mother Nature.

Maybe, one day, she could be as strong as her Father.


She watched Chris put his tank top on then nodded and slipped from the bed. She quickly changed into her travel gear, a green vest over black tights, brown boots to her knees, and a bum bag slung over her hips. She quickly brushed her waist length blonde hair before throwing it up in the high set ponytail she was known for wearing. Grasping her Petal bracelet to sling across her wrist, even adjusting her magical stoned necklace against her collarbone.

"Before we go...." She said before she grasped Chris's hand and lead him out of the back of his house, coming before one of the many trees she had planted and nutured. She left her fingers slip over a low hanging branch, flooding it with her magic and drawing it back before the very timber tappered off and she snapped the branch. Another flood of her magic and she gazed over a long Wooden Staff she had just made, intricate green Celtic symbols lining the entire length, increasing the wooden density. In much the same way she upgraded Lloyd's bow, this staff as tall as she now both stronger and more elastic. It had been a few years since she had weilded a weapon similar to this, but a highly defended Dark Guild would be a good test, surely?

Letting the Staff spin in the palm of her hand before planting a foot and dragging it in a circle around her body she followed suit, the staff twirling around her in an oddly beautiful manner. Nodding, happy with the new weapon, she slung it across her back before walking before Chris.

"Ok. I'm ready.. let's go to the Train Station."

Her eyes narrowing down not unlike her Mother.

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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Streets

Valken held the gaze of Emmerich, his reaction equally as enigmatic as Valken's own. Both bodies tense and at most a fist clenching but otherwise composed. If only they all knew just how quickly thing's could escalate between the two. It would not have been the first time they had fought, nor probably the last but Valken felt there was something decidedly different about his friend this time. A fist fight in jest or a drunken stupor was one thing, but this whole situation with Millie was causing friction with seemingly Valken and every person he meet as it were.

His purple eyes flicked over to Adrian, only momentarily, he wouldn't put it past Emmerich to attack him while he was half distracted. Especially if the man was displeased. His teeth gritted for a moment as once again he realized his stupidity had caused yet another delay in getting Millie back. He opened his mouth as if to make a retort to the kidnapping claim, to try and reason and see it from his point of view. But ultimately he was smart enough to know nothing he said could explain his actions. So he once again shut his mouth as his gaze lowered to the floor. Guilt and uselessly starting to show on his face despite him trying to close it off again.

Useless mage.

His only strength in hurting others it seemed. In both the physical and mental state.

"I was not aware of her circumstances....at least not fully... I did see her appear before a Train. It didn't occur to me she may still be in shock." He answered honestly, his voice steady albeit slower to try and keep himself and the rage at his own inadequacy under control. As Adrian asked for a Plan B, again Valken said nothing because there was nothing more he could say. His abilities useless for this game of catch up. Thus the reason he sought out Fairytail in the first place.

Hearing Emmerich speak to him his attention focuses in on him now. His eyes hardened as he spoke. "I understand." He said flatly. His mind and heart an inner turmoil of rage, frustration and guilt, hearing the voices screaming his uselessness, mocking his abilities, doubting his abilities both as a high ranking Mage and a representative of Lamia Scale. Had he the choice, and the ability, he would have turned and simply left on his way. To do his own thing. To walk away. To slip into the shadows. But he couldn't do that and he had to keep reminding himself there were much more important things to what he wanted.

He needed to find Millie.

He needed to.

There was no other option.

He turned to face Mikado now. "I am heading back to the Train Station to inform Maya what has transpired and the new information we have learned. You are welcome to accompany me back." Glancing to Frosty already knowing he would follow him even if he was displeased at him. Then he turned to Adrian who seemed the only person left trying to keep the Fairytail group together. "Bring all the mages you have to the Train Station, we already have a decent gathering of mages there. Once together, I will attempt to find this Kelica girl and ask her to front line our combined assault." He stressed the word ask very obviously for obvious reasons. "Emmerich will accompany me." He added as an afterthought, clearly the Fairytail mages would respect his attitude more then Valken's own right now.

With that the Shadow Mage patted Mikado on the shoulder, having essentially done the conversation he had requested of her originally and with nothing more to expand on, he simply turned and walked out of the side street while making his way back to Train Station. Assuming Frosty and Mikado would follow, but not slowing down or waiting for them. He had his mind on far different concerns now.

His only regret was not having his Guild Master to turn to for guidance. Though hopefully he had awoken before he arrived back to the Train Station.

@femjapanriceball @Kayzo @Wyatt @femjapanriceball @Zuka[/size]

[/side]Emmerich regards Valken for a moment longer, his face giving no indication of whether or not he still intends to attack the other man. Eventually he speaks again, "I have said that I will stand by you when it comes down to it, and I intend to abide by those words. But how am I to trust my back to you if this is how you act? You have one more chance, make sure you make the most of it." he says flatly, the threat evident in his words. Valken may be his friend, but that doesn't mean he gets a free pass in Emmerich's book. He had failed the trust that had been placed in him, it was as simple as that and now he was on his one chance for redemption. Emmerich had little love for those who betrayed those who trust them and, while Valken did not truly betray him or Millie, he came close in Emmerich's view. His selfish actions have become a dark stain on the brawler's view of the man that will not be forgotten anytime soon. It isn't as if Emmerich hates the shadow mage now, or that he won't forgive him as he will. It's just that now, he regards him just a bit lower than he had.[/font]
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She shuffled to the side as Valken guided her out of the way, clearing room between the two men as they had their stare-down. She understood that the two were acquaintances but how they knew each other or what kind of relationship they had remained a mystery. It was then that yet another mage approached the trio, addressing Valken and explaining the blonde girl's situation. There were so many new faces she was very quickly losing track of who was who and what their affiliations were. Had she even met this man before? At this point she couldn't even remember whether or not she had seen him around or not. Nevertheless, based on what he said this Kelica girl seems like she'd be a hassle. It should have been obvious that their only lead would be some skittish girl but it would be nice if their lead was some competent individual who'd do what needed to be done. Alas that sort of thing would have to wait for another arc. For now the situation with this Frosty fellow still had to be dealt with.

As Emmerich spoke she narrowed her eyes slightly. Friend or not she certainly didn't appreciate the way he was talking to her guildmate. What did he know anyways? If he knew Valken, if he understood their past he wouldn't be speaking so arrogantly. Why Valken allowed this guy to speak to him like this was one of the many things she couldn't understand. Although she didn't like it, Valken seemed to accept what the man said so who was she to say anything? Her disdainful gaze on Emmerich was quickly drawn by Valken as he addressed her, offering a small shrug in response. "No reason to hang around here. Not like I'm good for anything until the action starts after all." She turned to follow after Valken, bringing a hand up to pull on the rim of her cap as she shot Emmerich one final dirty look before falling in beside her comrade as they made their way back to the station.

As they walked along she shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as she looked up at Valken from beneath her cap, noting the expression on his face. "If that Kelica girl doesn't come through I say we go with plan B and just begin searching the woods ourselves." She looked over at the general direction of the south gate before continuing. "I mean, it's better than standing around twiddling our thumbs, right?" She turned her gaze back towards her companion, searching for a response. While she didn't like admitting it, his outbursts have wasted a lot of time and the longer their comrades are held by Grimoire Heart the worse their odds get. One way or the other she wanted to do something, anything, and if the blonde girl was as useless as she seemed to be that would mean their only option would be to do it the old fashioned way. Wouldn't be the first time she had to do a job that required her to aimlessly wander around in the hopes of finding what she was after.

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Genon
Valken Truss

Magnolia Streets < South Gate Entrance


Valken took a huge deep breath in that made his chest rise visibly before letting it out through his noise. His eyes unfocused and steps slow, mostly unconsciously guiding himself towards the Train Station. One of his hands reached up to rub at his forehead, almost instantly feeling the wrinkles appear like he were turning into an old man seemingly in minutes. That hand then moved to just as visibly rub at his right temple, to ease the pounding of worry and the resounding headache he had in his head. Eventually that hand slipped down to let his own fingers run down his face, closing his eyes for a moment before the very motion seemed to reawaken him.

It had been a long day.

On the whole Valken had made far more enemies then friends, and it seemed the only person half concerned about him and his actions was Mikado who had turned and followed along. Even Maya and Emmerich who should have understood why he was hurting as he was, were almost angry he was as upset as he is? Maya especially should know how much he cared and adored Millie, he had for over 10years. And yet his explosive outbursts somehow painted him as the bad guy?... The more he thought about it the more he didn't really care what they thought. And if Frosty was that displeased with him and his actions he could just as easily sit in the corner of the Train Station.

He heard Mikado's voice ring out which turned his attention enough to look down and to the side at her. His eyes following to peer to the South Gate.... now what did that Fairytail mage say? The girl was only able to realize the kidnappers had gone to that Gate and she hoped her powers could direct them further into the forest? He hated to admit it but he sided with Mikado... that wasn't a very sound case and if it turned out she was as skittish as they assumed then that was more time wasted. The thud from his boots with every step seemed to harden his resolve. And once he got to the end of the street, a cross road, he had an option to turn right towards the Train Station or left towards the South Gate. Taking a big breath, he turned and faced Mikado. "Alright... It's time we did this the old fashioned way... after all gathering intelligence on a person in a city and tracking someone in the wood's can't be that much different, surely?..." He held out his hand now to her with a grin lighting up his face. "You know if we aimlessly stumble onto this Dark Guild they are going to be defended to teeth... probably traps planted everywhere, mythical creatures, a hundred if not thousands of dark mages streaming out... you're not going to chicken out and go back to the Train Station are you?"

@Kayzo (mention)
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Chris Lengheart (Let's ride!)

Chris watched Kelica's little demonstration with her staff before muttering, "Show off..." and chuckling slightly and walking over to Kelica. That was when he asked, "Alright, how do you wanna go about this? I have a form that can fly now, so we have that. Either that, or we use either my draco, werecat, or werewolf forms. Just promise me that if we decide to fly, you don't try and jab my eyes out with that staff of yours." That was the one thing that honestly worried Chris about flying. He would become a dragon...and Kelica was deathly afraid of dragons. Oh the many ways this could possibly go wrong.

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Kelica Zefara

Kelica's eyes drifted up into the sky momentarily as she made a soft Phhhssaawww noise. It had to happen didn't it? Chris finally had a flying Beast Soul, it was the biggest, probably strongest, and easily moveable in the sky. Plus any mages still wandering around would be draw to the huge Dragon just flying around above town to see where it lands.... "Ok... we can use that form....but... don't go to high or too fast, ok?" Blinking and snapping her eyes closed. Fists clenching to prepare herself. Making an entrance is just what the two always did, a Draco just running through town to burst open the Fairytail Guild Hall doors was one thing, a giant Dragon with her clutching his back was quite another. That was if someone didn't freak out like she did and try and shoot him down. "I don't think it's me you'll have to worry about...." she huffed.

Emmerich Faust

Location: Magnolia Side Street -> South Gate Entrance

With: @Wyatt @femjapanriceball

Mika was glaring at him, though he supposed she had every right. He realized that he'd been harsh, really harsh at that, and to a friend no less. The truth is that he's barely holding himself together. He's one thing away from doing what Valken did despite all the big things he said. But because of this he ended up possibly hurting his friendship with the first person to get to know him when he came to the guild. He supposed he had been being selfish as well, imposing his views onto the other man. True, Valken had been out of line but there were better ways to deal with it than just getting pissed as Emmerich had. He had directed his anger at his friend and not his enemy, and yet he had still talked so big. Fucking hell...

Emmerich walks behind the other two, collecting his thoughts and himself, forcibly suppressing his anger for when he could use it. As they stop he listens to what Valken says to Mika before finally speaking up himself in a much calmer voice than before, "Mate, I said I'll stand by you and I mean it. I trust you." It wasn't an apology and he couldn't quite bring himself to do that, but he hoped that the other man would understand that it was implied. At the end of the day Emmerich might get angry, he might say something like this, he might break something, but he won't abandon his friend.
Chris Lengheart (One dragon, coming right up)

Chris nodded at Kelica's request before a short grin fell onto his face, "No promises." he said as he closed his eyes. In a matter of moments, Chris grew tremendous in size and was covered in scales. A large set of wings sprouted from his back along with a set of massive, curved horns. His tail was long and looked like it could very easily level a small building with a mighty swing. His neck was much longer, but his head hung low. Chris seemed to be your standard dragon, except there was something off about him. There was a sudden decrease in temperature in a small area surrounding the dragon. His scales feeling like ice upon contact. The mighty dragon was scrunched up in such a confined space, but still looked down at Kelica with its aqua eyes. He lowered his neck down, his massive head settling next to her as he motioned with his eyes to get on. Despite being in this form for such a short time, Chris could already feel his magic draining out of him.

Kelica Ze-


Kelica had her green eyes closed at first, but slowly she felt an almost cold wafting around her so slowly one eye peeked open before another. The girl made a half squeak as her eyes went wide, arms flailing as she almost jumped back.


Oh wait... Chris's new form.. that's right... But why was it so BIG and those talons of death, and and it's scales were so slippery and gross and and... his head lowered down to peer at her and she thought she might just have a heart attack, clutching at her chest. Holding her breath. For a moment she panicked, would he be able to control this form? What if he suddenly opened his rows of razor sharp teeth and chomped her down, swallowing her whole? Beady little blue eyes....Frozen like a statue for the longest time she eventually took a massive gulp, closing her eyes. It's just a lizard... a huge flying lizard of DEATH! She hooked a hand up against the back of his wing joint, foot using a scale which was poking out to hoist herself up, all the while mentally freaking out how gross and cold and slippery it's scales were, getting most of the way onto his back.

Though the huge middle meant she couldn't really wrap her thighs around to hold herself steady, so instead she attempted to cling to one of the spines along his back.


Then her face paled as she realised she had basically given Chris the all clear to fly as fast as he wanted. Opening her mouth "Wait I didn't mean that I-!"

Chris Lengheart (take off)

Chris waited patiently for Kelica to mount up. Once she was on, Chris heard her say to get wherever they were going fast. The dragon simply nodded his head in agreement before suddenly launching into the air. The dragon then turned his head back to look at Kelica before saying, "Make sure you cling on tight, don't worry it's not like you can really hurt me right now anyways." his speed began to increase as they zoomed past the guildhall. Anyone who looked up would see a giant dragon flying with a random girl on his back, those who didn't would feel a slight drop in the temperature. In a matter of minutes, they arrived at the train station. Chris landed off to the side before changing back to his normal form. Kelica was now on Chris piggy back style with her hands gripping his shirt. He slowly walked onto the train station platform and said, "Kelica just woke up, so please don't make her pass out again." which was kinda ironic since Chris had no only changed into Kelica's worst fear, but flew at incredible speeds while Kelica clung to him for dear life.

Kelica Ze-Dead

Magnolia Train Station

Kelica screamed. In an absolute panic she gripped onto whatever scale, wing joint, spike, neck, whatever was available to hold onto him. This was easily his most terrifying form, bar none, and easily her most terrifying moment, bar none. She'd take the solitude of The Void over this mode of transport... hell she'd walk a thousand miles just to never have to do it ever ever again.... She scrunched her green eyes up as the wind fluttered through her blonde hair, and in seemingly hours (more like minutes) they arrived at the Train Station. Arms slung around his neck and legs wrapped around his waist from behind, the girl buried her face into the softness of his shoulder and neck still trembled. "...Please...don't do that again... Please?... I beg you..." She still had swirls in her eyes.

"I think I'm going to hurl...."

Train Station Peeps

@Kayzo @Talon
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Streets < South Gate Entrance


Valken took a huge deep breath in that made his chest rise visibly before letting it out through his noise. His eyes unfocused and steps slow, mostly unconsciously guiding himself towards the Train Station. One of his hands reached up to rub at his forehead, almost instantly feeling the wrinkles appear like he were turning into an old man seemingly in minutes. That hand then moved to just as visibly rub at his right temple, to ease the pounding of worry and the resounding headache he had in his head. Eventually that hand slipped down to let his own fingers run down his face, closing his eyes for a moment before the very motion seemed to reawaken him.

It had been a long day.

On the whole Valken had made far more enemies then friends, and it seemed the only person half concerned about him and his actions was Mikado who had turned and followed along. Even Maya and Emmerich who should have understood why he was hurting as he was, were almost angry he was as upset as he is? Maya especially should know how much he cared and adored Millie, he had for over 10years. And yet his explosive outbursts somehow painted him as the bad guy?... The more he thought about it the more he didn't really care what they thought. And if Frosty was that displeased with him and his actions he could just as easily sit in the corner of the Train Station.

He heard Mikado's voice ring out which turned his attention enough to look down and to the side at her. His eyes following to peer to the South Gate.... now what did that Fairytail mage say? The girl was only able to realize the kidnappers had gone to that Gate and she hoped her powers could direct them further into the forest? He hated to admit it but he sided with Mikado... that wasn't a very sound case and if it turned out she was as skittish as they assumed then that was more time wasted. The thud from his boots with every step seemed to harden his resolve. And once he got to the end of the street, a cross road, he had an option to turn right towards the Train Station or left towards the South Gate. Taking a big breath, he turned and faced Mikado. "Alright... It's time we did this the old fashioned way... after all gathering intelligence on a person in a city and tracking someone in the wood's can't be that much different, surely?..." He held out his hand now to her with a grin lighting up his face. "You know if we aimlessly stumble onto this Dark Guild they are going to be defended to teeth... probably traps planted everywhere, mythical creatures, a hundred if not thousands of dark mages streaming out... you're not going to chicken out and go back to the Train Station are you?"

@Kayzo (mention)
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust
Location: Magnolia Side Street -> South Gate Entrance

With: @Wyatt @femjapanriceball

Mika was glaring at him, though he supposed she had every right. He realized that he'd been harsh, really harsh at that, and to a friend no less. The truth is that he's barely holding himself together. He's one thing away from doing what Valken did despite all the big things he said. But because of this he ended up possibly hurting his friendship with the first person to get to know him when he came to the guild. He supposed he had been being selfish as well, imposing his views onto the other man. True, Valken had been out of line but there were better ways to deal with it than just getting pissed as Emmerich had. He had directed his anger at his friend and not his enemy, and yet he had still talked so big. Fucking hell...

Emmerich walks behind the other two, collecting his thoughts and himself, forcibly suppressing his anger for when he could use it. As they stop he listens to what Valken says to Mika before finally speaking up himself in a much calmer voice than before, "Mate, I said I'll stand by you and I mean it. I trust you." It wasn't an apology and he couldn't quite bring himself to do that, but he hoped that the other man would understand that it was implied. At the end of the day Emmerich might get angry, he might say something like this, he might break something, but he won't abandon his friend.
Mikado Saris - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

They continued on in silence for a ways as Valken seemed to ponder over her suggestion. Upon reaching an intersection the man came to a stop, turning his full attention on her as it seemed he came to a decision. However, his response wasn't quite what she was expecting. She had put forward the idea as a plan B, in case this Kelica girl fell through. Yet even so Valken seemed to be taking it as their primary course of action. She stared at his outstretched hand, bringing her own up to her scarf to twirl it as she thought the proposition over. After a few moments she looked up from beneath her cap and took her hand from her scarf, laying it atop Valken's as she returned his grin. "When do I ever shy away from a fight? Besides, I learned a new trick during my trip and I wouldn't mind testing it out on the guys that messed with our family." That being said there were some problems with them just rushing out and searching using the good old mark one eyeball. Allowing her grin to fall she adopted a slightly more serious expression before continuing.

"At least that's what I'd like to do, but what about the guys back at the station? What if that Kelica girl does come through? We probably shouldn't just run off on our own. At the very least we should let the others know we're going on ahead or something." She cast a sidelong glance towards Emmerich as he seemed to throw his support behind going and searching themselves. If the three of them just took off now it might further slow things down. On the other hand going and informing everyone might also slow things down. The logical thing would be for one of them to go and update everyone at the station but after Valken's 'warning' she wasn't too inclined on risking missing out on the action. That left only one option..... Her sidelong glance quickly turned into a full-on stare as she held her gaze firmly on Emmerich.

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser
purplepanda288 said:
The Dungeons

This entire situation was bad, Adien felt like death had taken residents in his head. Ashley was baring down on him, barking out that she was going to get him out of there. The Ice make rain had stopped the two guards in their tracks for a few more minutes, but they would eventually get back up. Then time slowed, the echoing of a broken mirror filled the caved in halls. " Ashley, I know where your coming from, but there an S class Mage ahead. All the exits are more then likely blocked I'm going to cast the spell." He pushed off the wall, putting his entire mass on to his feet. Aiden unhooked a single key from his chain, that of which began to glow and float vertically infront of him. " I, Owner of this jade key, loan the contract of the Snake to Adrien. If keys I ask of you Tetrabiblos answer my call, make my plea so!" As he finished his spell the key began to violently rotate, with a large boom the key disappeared. Aiden fell to the ground, weezing from the abuse on his magic. Then everything went dark for him, he fell into a sleep that he would walk from for a few hours.

@Britt-21 (Mentioned) @Genon

Ashley Hart

Ashley wanted to keep arguing with him but it was too late, he casted the spell and already lended the key. Aiden fell to the ground once the process was done and was clearly out of breath before knocking out "Aiden!" Ashley instantly went to his side, picking up his head and slapping his cheek softly "Aiden! Wake up you idiot!" he was so dumb! You idiot why would you just throw your magic energy out the window. That little bit could have kept you awake! Now she would have to drag him out but as he said, there was an S class mage ahead. Definitely out of her reach to fight. I just need to stay calm and try to hide...or something... Without second thoughts, she pulled Aiden off the floor and did her best to put him on her back. The weight of him was kinda heavy...maybe she was just weak. "I really need a workout..." the mage muttered as she looked around for any place to hide "There has to be a room with a door or something..."

Chris Lengheart(You're gonna what?)

Chris only chuckled at Kelica's pleas for him to never use his dragon form again. "Okay, okay. Calm down, we made it here safe and sound. Next time sit up front more." he said as he brought a hand up to rub her head a little. But the absolute second Chris heard Kelica say that she was going to hurl, a look of urgency fell onto his face as Chris quickly yanked Kelica off his back. He put her down on the platform and took a few steps back. This shirt was one of Chris' favorites, and he'd be damned if Kelica threw up on it.

purplepanda288 said:
The Dungeons

This entire situation was bad, Adien felt like death had taken residents in his head. Ashley was baring down on him, barking out that she was going to get him out of there. The Ice make rain had stopped the two guards in their tracks for a few more minutes, but they would eventually get back up. Then time slowed, the echoing of a broken mirror filled the caved in halls. " Ashley, I know where your coming from, but there an S class Mage ahead. All the exits are more then likely blocked I'm going to cast the spell." He pushed off the wall, putting his entire mass on to his feet. Aiden unhooked a single key from his chain, that of which began to glow and float vertically infront of him. " I, Owner of this jade key, loan the contract of the Snake to Adrien. If keys I ask of you Tetrabiblos answer my call, make my plea so!" As he finished his spell the key began to violently rotate, with a large boom the key disappeared. Aiden fell to the ground, weezing from the abuse on his magic. Then everything went dark for him, he fell into a sleep that he would walk from for a few hours.

@Britt-21 (Mentioned) @femjapanriceball @Isune @Zuka
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Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Train Station

Kelica's face paled even more, turning a rather gross shade of green. Then to make things worse Chris yanked her off his back to place her roughly on her feet, the momentum probably making her feel ten times worse. She spent a few long seconds to compose herself, gulping heavily to keep the food in her stomach firmly down her throat. But then once she realised she was firmly on the ground with both feet and her stomach settled, her emerald eyes narrowed to thin slits as she whirled on Chris and suddenly slapped his arm repeatedly and in fast succession. Not that it would have done anything because she was pretty weak.


@Kayzo @Happy Red Mage @Drakerus @Embaga Elder @Talon

Chris Lengheart (Oh shove it!)

Chris sat there in shock as Kelica ran up to him and started pounding on his shoulder calling him "Jerkous Maximus". Chris simply pushed Kelica away and shouted back, "Looks who's acting like an even greater ass! You said you wanted to get her fast, and so I got you here fast. It's that simple! And I wasn't even that high! Did you want me to fly on the ground? I knew I should have stayed at the farm, I told you we should have stayed. But no, since you wanted to see that damn parade, we get caught up in all this shit now!" Chris was done. At this point, he was ready to unload all his pent up anger onto Kelica if she didn't make her next move carefully.

Kelica Zefara

Magnolia Train Station

The blonde girl was just as stunned to have Chris turn to her and yell at her, not to mention the fact he shoved her not a small pace away. It just wasn't his nature, at least not towards her of all people. Then once her shock subsided her rage flew just as high as his own. "I'm the Ass!? You never had to come with me; you could have stayed at the farm with your relatives, not that it would have made a difference because I distinctly recall being sucked into some mist and stuck in a Void for months and then, then when I did get shot out it wasn't you that saved me, it was some random guy! Had you stayed at the farm it wouldn't have made a lick of difference!" Her hand reaching behind her to grasp at the staff on her back, swinging it forward before shoving the staff end right into his foot. Before he could have retaliated she knocked it up to crack at his knee then slid her fingers down the pole and spin on a foot, using her momentum to try and wack his side as hard as she could.

Valken Truss

Magnolia Cross Street

Valken heard Emmerich talk and for a moment his eyes flickered behind Mikado's shoulder to look at him. He shouldn't have be surprised to see him follow, but he was regardless. Valken gave him a nod then a grin, almost to say, it's fine. "I know Frosty."

Here he clasped Mikado's hand and was going to argue the point Maya would probably find them regardless when low and behold his eyes went huge. His grip on Mikado's hand loosening. "Is... that a dragon?...." watching the blue beast fly towards the Train Station. ".... Well guess we are going with Plan C.... follow the Dragon..." twisting and crouching down before Mikado so she could hop on piggy back style. "Come on Frosty, one day we will get you a good ol' fight to work off that aggression."

Throwing him a side grin and once Mikado was securely on he was up and jogging effortlessly. Had to conserve his magical energy afterall.

@Mykinkaiser @Colt556

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