Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Jackaboi said:
Eric: The Forest

For once Eric wasn't having a joke when he knew he was lost. Afterall they've been chasing a centaur for the past few hours, who knew how much ground they've covered doing so. Though he doesn't plan on staying lost so for now he might need to improvise a way back. Chris started to feel sorry for the centaur, clearly he's never tried hunting before... "Ya know... I used to be a traveller before I joined Sabertooth and food doesn't come easy on the road or the wilds. What I'm saying is I'm kinda desensitised towards hunting animals to survive. But... since you mention that the centaur is half human... It does kinda feel weird thinking about eating it." Thinking for a while Eric just thought he'd might let it go, despite his hunger.

But then Eric heard someone shouting in the distance. "Hey did you hear that? That sounded like... Alicia! Is she in trouble!?" Well no time to think now. Might as well just let the big guy go, He transformed into a cheetah, quickly cut the ropes and started running towards the source of the noise. "Follow me! The noise came from over here!" Without looking back, he raced deeper into the woods. Only to find Alicia stnding in front of some scary looking guy. "He totally means trouble." He jumped out the bushes and landed between Alicia and the stranger and growled at him. "What do you think your doing!?"

@Isune @Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter
ThatSideCharacter said:
Terra Ashford

As he listened in to the girl's conversation, the several words that came from the girl's mouth that concerned him greatly, such as 'torture' and 'captured'. Seeing the girl start to tearing up, he'd wanted to do something but frankly this was a very one-of-a-kind situation for him. So he did the only thing he could think of. Reaching out into his pocket, he placed a piece of the super spicy candy he had leftover before placing one hand on the girl's head. "Ok... I think I get the situation... Then that means if we find your friends, they'll be able to help the captured people, right? And from the sounds of it, you guys were captured for a few hours so logically speaking someone should be nearby looking out for you." He tried saying in a calm manner. Projecting confidence was it? Having confidence was the way you do things when you speak with someone, he had read somewhere. He continued speaking as he pat the girl's head "If your friends were looking for someone, would they have someone that could fly? If so... I think I had a flare in my backpack we could use... all of my stuff... was left behind... err... no leaving that aside."

'I don't have anything that could be used as a signal...' He thought to himself, 'Time is of the essence was it... then perhaps we search those friends of hers..'

Okay... If we can't use a flare then I'll just sniff out where your friends might be... since its such a thick forest... there probably aren't very many humans around normally..."

Once again, taking the bone in his hand and putting it between his teeth he began to invoke his magic. The air around him slowly changing, smoke started rising once again at the end of the bone.

Bone Memory: Wolf

Taking in the scents around him, he began sniffing around to find the smell of anything human related besides the people here now. Perhaps a ketchup stain, B.O., anything and sure enough he caught a
whiff of something. Turning his head towards the smell he'd sniff a few more times to confirm it wasn't something within the natural forest. "Okay.. I think I caught the scent of someone that way... Err.. don't be alarmed by the bone.. it's just part of my magic.. But rather let's be quick on our fee-" He'd stop himself at the sight of a cheetah. A talking cheetah to be exact, "Err.. are these the friends you speak of, little miss?"

Hearing the cheetah suddenly accusing him as though he did something wrong, he slump forward in a bit of a depressed state. "Do... Do I really look that evil...?" He mumbled to himself.

@Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Isune
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Hey, it does work)

Chris galloped behind Eric as they arrived he hid behind the tall bushes much like the centaur had. It really did work, being that whoever looked his way only saw part of a horse's head. Chris could see everything that was happening, but he was much harder to spot. He didn't pop out like Eric did, but continued to hide in case he needed to pop out as well. In case anything went wrong, Chris could easily pop out.

@Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter
Alicia: Forest

Alicia looked up at Terra as he put his hand on her head, listening intently as he spoke. She nodded slowly at his statement. It was possible she guessed. The only thing was no one knew where she was as far as she knew, other than the others that were captured of course. But, maybe they'd found Kelica to help track her? She said she was able to talk to plants and junk right? It made sense. She slowly calmed down as he continued speaking and agreed to help her. She wouldn't have to deal with the stress by herself and everything wouldn't be up to only her. She was a bit confused as he spoke of his stuff being left behind, but brushed that thought aside. More important things.

She watched as he put a bone in his mouth and..it started smoking? It seemed to do with his magic, or something, as he soon started sniffing the air. Though before he could find anything conclusive Eric burst onto the scene. Her face lit up in joy and she quickly moved to Eric's side to hug him, "
Eric! How did you find me?" She shouted, extremely happy to see a familiar person. Even Chris was there, who she waved at. She frowned slightly when Terra asked if he was evil looking. "You don't look evil to me mister." She replied before turning to Eric. "It's okay, he was going to help me find you guys. Is anyone else with you?" She asked.

Hibiki Dreyar

-Strange Dungeon: Cell-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.1d8fb022fdc57d814df253fe44c25b95.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.1d8fb022fdc57d814df253fe44c25b95.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Recent events had led to the recapture of everyone that had managed to escape the cells, and they were all thrown into their own separate and individual cells thus the whereabouts of everyone else was unknown to him. After all, they could be anywhere inside of this complex whatever this complex was. Even so, despite all of this Hibiki was happy that Alicia had successfully escaped and was most likely making her way to Magnolia at this very moment. That alone was enough to put a smile on his face, at least she made it out safely and not to mention the fact that she would inform everyone else of the situation at hand. After a few minutes of pure silence, the male sighed as he then stood up and made his way over to the bars of the cell, the wounds inflicted upon him by Rodwen still covering his body. His clothes were tattered and the blood that covered his chest due to her immobilisation seal had dried up and stained his skin. A few cuts donned his face too, not to mention his hair was in a state. Eyes flicking across his surroundings, Hibiki recognised one of the other captives in the cell opposite his. She was a female, and her hair was long and blue- which only meant that this was Sora.

Calling out her name, Hibiki sent a smile towards the girl before crossing his arms and then proceeding to lean up against the wall nearest the bars. "I let myself become a meat shield so that Alicia could escape, she should be nearing Magnolia right about now. Or she's lost, either way, she's safe so I'm happy." He said, quietly, but loud enough for the sky dragon slayer to hear it. It was then that Rodwen popped up in his kind once more, the woman spoke about torturing him and that only made the Satan Soul inhibitor chuckle. He'd be sure to smack her into oblivion next time, when he's not acting as a wall instead. Either way, the whole thing amused Hibiki.

Despite that, he hoped to God that everyone would arrive here soon and free them all. Not being able to use your magic was enough torture in itself. Nothing could amount to the feeling of being completely helpless.


@Mr Swiftshots (mentioned)

(@whoever else is relevant TBH)

I'll post for the other two later today



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Valken Truss

Hungry Hungry Hippo

Valken wriggled like a worm, watching as Mikado for the most part simply ignored him, even had the nerve to put her hands behind her head and turn completely away. (@Kayzo @Jackaboi @Mitchs98
Noah Cross

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/original.png.84daab8f841c576ca1565447d42b9207.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/original.png.84daab8f841c576ca1565447d42b9207.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Noah held a straight face as Kelica jabbed her index finger in his chest as she yelled at him for shocking her. When she walked away he chuckled a bit and looking back as she walked away. I said sorry by the way! He talked loud enough so she could hear him, softly laughing. He turned towards Emmerich and Valken, laughing. Shut up Valken. But the funny part is that I actually did live up under a rock once. He laughed and then turned back looking at Kelica talking to the tree. He turned his head back when the hawk came not really paying attention to it. When it w was time to move out Noah placed his hands behind his head, whistling as they walked towards their destination. @Kayzo @Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @Bolts @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @purplepanda288



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Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire heart

Dungeon halls

After assisting in the recapturing of everyone , primarily Hibiki , Rodwen made her way down a floor and into the armory. If she was going to torture the boy and his friends she would need something that could deal a lot of damage without killing them and as her magic wasn't suited to that task something down here had to be. Like a rusty sword ! "nope" , A rusty shield ! "nope" , a rusty spear ? "nope" , a pristine war-hammer ? "Why is the war-hammer in pristine condition ?"

Needless to say Rodwen spent the majority of her time down in the armory searching for something that could of helped her in her self appointed mission , however in the end up she couldn't find a thing not suited to killing someone. feeling somewhat defeated by this Rodwen may have accidentally turned half the armory's gear to dust before making her way out of it.

How was she supposed to torture the group now ? How was she supposed to torture Hibiki now ? Wasn't there anything she could do ?

That's when it clicked , there was another guild member here whose magic specialized in controlling how much blood people lost ! With Rodwen having come to this conclusion she immediately began searching for the girl and upon finding her Rodwen bolstered a rather off putting grin "Ayano , I want you to help me with something."


@LeSoraAmari (mentioned)
Eric: Forest

"This guy wants to help? Well I guess that's fine..." Eric wasn't the type to trust random people but in a dire situation like this they'll need as much help as they can get. "I'll be keeping keeping an eye on him though." He heard more shouting in the distance. He looked over to Chris who nodded at him. It looks like he's going to investigate the noise. But Eric would have to stay, he has to make sure Alicia gets back to the group safely. Nodding back, Chris started moving towards the source of the noise. "By the way Alicia where have you been? Ya had me thinking you got kidnapped like some of the other mages."

@Mitchs98 @ThatSideCharacter @Isune

Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Well isn't this just peachy! Ayano was finally about to have a little fun until that sleeping gas enveloped the entire place. Now she has to kill her boredom by torturing all the prisoners. Don't get her wrong, torture is still fun for her, but she always did enjoy putting freedom in their reach and snatching it away right at the last moment. "(sigh...) Why does Rodwen always have to ruin the fun..." After saying that she heard footsteps behind her growing louder. Speak of the devil. Literally in this case. "You need help? What makes you require the help of a lowly subordinate like me for? She spoke sarcastically.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Terra Ashford - The Forest

Staring at Eric slightly, he'd understood why he'd be weary. After all they were dealing with a kidnapping and Grimoire Heart. To be frank a situation this big was way out of Terra's league. But the desperation he saw in Alicia's eyes, he couldn't help but think he had to do something. Plus she did defend him... sort of. Just as he was pondering this, he had heard the voices from the distance alongside Eric and Chris. And judging from his sense of smell...

"Wait, don't go just yet." He said as he tried to motioned to the guy that went to investigate. "They're coming straight to us. I don't know if they're your friends though."

He'd go down on all four limbs now, his eyes narrowed towards the direction of the individuals heading towards them. The smoke rising from the bone would spew out more violently as he'd grit his teeth in preparation, because if it was Grimoire Heart, they're mages would probably attack them straight up. Hearing a branch break above them, he quickly went on the offensive not giving a second thought with the exception of saying one word out loud."THERE!!"

He'd leap towards the rustle trees to in which the last second he'd note it was a woman @Kayzo @Rhodus @Genon @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @purplepanda288
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Chris Lengheart (Wait! I'm sorry Kelica!)

Chris continued to walk to the group as he heard many familiar voices. He was about to wave over when that guy from earlier came running in like a wild man and tried to apprehend Kelica! Chris quickly galloped over as he pryed the man off of Keluca and basically tossed him to the side as he took on a defensive posture. His arm was around Kelica as he eyes pierced the man like daggers. Chris looked back to Kelica as he ran a hand through her hair as he asked, "Are you okay? Are you hurt at all. Look Kelica...I'm sorry. It was my fault for even wanting a dragon form in the first place. I was thinking selfishly and expected you to get over your fears. I went way too fast and way too high. You were in the right to be mad at me, but I had no reason to hit you. I mean, look at me! I'm huge! I just hope that you can forgive me. Every alpha needs a mate, right?"

@Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288
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Kelica Zefara

Great Galloping Scot!

Kelica was still stomping like some sort of angry horse when she spotted a rustle in the trees nearby her, then a wolf bounded and jumped onto her. At first she assumed it was a wolf by the simple way he bounded at her, but it was only as she was half restrained/wrestling/grappling she realised wolves always surveyed the situation before bounding in, plus worked in Hunting Packs, furthermore she felt skin rather than fur! Regardless he was a fair fraction stronger then the fragile girl and she felt her balance a slipping. Just as she almost lost her balance and and her mouth opened to scream out, someone yanked the... beast boy thing off her. And not a little something either.

Taking a sharp breath inwards her eyes drifted up, far past where a mans head should have been, noticing the long horses legs before a... furried human chest with an arm around her... and a horse head? She was so utterly confused and it showed on her face. Wait.... a centaur! ...wait was that-?

"Chris?...." She mumbled out her emerald eyes huge. He ran a hand through her hair to which she just stared dumb-founded. Was she angry? Probably. The girl was pretty skittish afterall and her moods lasooed back and forth almost as energtic as her ponytail at a full run. She listened to his words, though she was more focused on his posture. "I...." She was still shellshocked and didn't have a coherent answer for him. "Your slap really hurt...." She finally answered meekly, tears collecting in the corners of her eyes

@Kayzo @Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Genon @Jackaboi @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart(I know)

Chris saw tears starting to form in Kelica's eyes and started to bite his lip. He suddenly changed back to his normal form as he crouched down on a knee and wiped away the tears with his thumb as he continued to look at Kelica. "There's no way it couldn't have." he said as he stared at the bruise he noticed on her cheek. Chris' arm changed to that of the ice dragon as the massive claw carefully cupped around Kelica's cheek. That same chill from Chris' full dragon form could be felt on Kelica's cheek. Chris kept the massive claw on Kelica's face as he turned his gaze down to the ground, not wanting to say much. Finally, he worked up the nerve to say,"I know you probably hate me now. I don't want you to hate me, but it's obviously too late for that. Once I get the bruise down a little bit I won't bother you anymore than I already have. I'm just a jackass...you deserve better. I don't even know what I'm doing." before shutting up once again. After a moment of silence, Chris removed the claw from Kelica's face and got up. He was going to stay with the group to find the missing mages, but he was just going to stay out of her way.

@Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Genon @Jackaboi @Mitchs98
Kelica Zefara - ......

As Chris transformed back to his normal form she was lucky at least her instincts were right, afterall it wouldn't make sense a random Centaur would just bound up and protect her, it just wasn't in their nature. As he reached up to brush the tear away she found herself flinching despite his posture giving him no threatening manner whatsoever. Her eyes only stopped flinching when he stared at her cheek. Green eyes flicking up as his big clawed hand rested against it, a shudder working through her entire body from the chill. She opened her mouth to say something, to break the silence, but he was already speaking to her then. It felt like an eternity as she just stood there with his claw to her face, staring at him with eyes unreadable. Honestly her mind was a complete whirlwind of emotion that came across as an ultimately bewildered expression. She watched him removed his claw and stand up as she herself peered to the ground. Though she did reach out slowly to let her fingers brush then entwine with his, like she'd done countless times, giving him a reassuring squeeze. She didn't look at him but she hoped the small gesture was enough for now as did the fact she was still standing by his side. Almost to say, it's ok. Just give me time.

She lifted her face to the others as her fingers slid from his and she coughed to try and reinvigorate her voice. "Frank the Eagle says the little girl is ahead... judging by his description it must be Alicia..." eyes turning to land on Valken now as they narrowed. "Frank also says he can lead you to the strange hut..he says it isn't far as the girl got lost in circles..." pointing to the bird who squarked and before they knew it he was racing down a closed off beat up track.

Valken Truss - High Ho Silver, Away!

Valken's face was one of pretty much disinterest, crossing his arms as he did. He only zoned back in at words of the hut and a grin flooded his face, already sprinting to follow the squarking bird. "Catch ya Loser's, I got a Princess to save!" Leaping over bushes, shrubs and dodging trees. In his haste finally came across the hut with someone standing before it.... he locked his legs as his eyes narrowed... was that a Grimore Heart member? Hand over the dagger. On silent feet as he came up behind the guy and grasped his collar, lifting him completely off his feet. "Listen here you little...." gasping his eyes wide as he realised who it was! "Lysander!!! What in Fiore are you doing here!? I thought they'd taken you to!" Throwing the man none to gently into a massive bear hug.

@Huor Spinks @Isune @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Rhodus
Chris Lengheart(I...)

Chris was already walking when he felt something grasp his hand. He stopped and felt the squeeze on his hand. A small grin fell onto his face as he returned the favor. When she brought up Alicia he nodded,"Yeah, she's back where I was. She was with the guy that thought you were a part of Grimore heart." Chris then changed back to his centaur form as he looked back to where he was, still trying to avoid eye contact with Kelica. "I can probably go and get her right now, actually I think I should." he muttered as he started walking down the path again. Things between Chris and Kelica were already complicated and awkward enough as it was, it'd only get worse if Kelica decided to follow after Chris. The poor (horse)man had been through enough for today. But, he wasn't done. Him, along with the rest of the mages, had to find those who vanished.

@Mykinkaiser @Rhodus @Genon
Kelica Zefara - Well then.

Kelica tried to ignore Chris but it was pretty much impossible when he was as big as a house, made even more impossible as he transformed into the Centaur. She was torn then weither to follow Valken as he dashed to the hide out or follow Chris to the little girl. She gulped in her indecision, once upon a time she wouldn't even have to think he would have simply grasped her and flung her onto his back with [insert beast form here]. She always felt so small and so fragile on the ground by herself. She'd ridden wild forest animals like wolves and bears ever since she was little, so it was just natural to have that height advantage and clear view around. Taking a step towards the Hut, stopping, making a half face, she finally went with her orginal gut instinct as she jogged to follow beside Chris coming into a fast paced walk to match his long legged stride. Even before she said a word, refusing to look at him, she held a hand out to silence him. "Before you say a word, I'm a healer and if Alicia is hurt I will be more useful fixing her up then wandering into a dark guild hideout with no offensive... especially because someone broke my pole..." she muttered under her breath crossing her arms with an angry pout as she had her head turned the other way.

Chris Lengheart(Bestest Horsey)

Chris continued to walk on his own until he saw Kelica running up alongside him. He remained silent as he looked at her for a brief moment before turning his head back so he faced straight forward. His eyes caught hand going out as she started to talk about how the only reason why she was going with him was because she was a healer and that Alicia could be hurt. But then, Chris was able to pick up on the last little bit about Chris breaking her staff. "The only reason I did that was because you tried to break my kneecap with it. If I just left it there you probably would of made it into a spear for when I came back." Chris said while trying not to make eye contact with Kelica. In case Kelica was going to say something about how he heard her, Chris pointed up to his ears. If Kelica were to look, she'd notice that they were twitching at every little noise that Chris could pick up with them.

Kelica Zefara - Horsen around

Kelica blinked momentarily as her eyes swivelled to the side and up to Chris, just in time to see the jerk of his pointed ears. She let out an eek noise and blushed deeply in embarrassment. Her of all people should have realised most of the animal kingdom had better hearing then her. She pressed both indexes together repeatedly as she frowned. "You know I would never have done that.... for starters I'd have to be slow to think a spear would actually hurt you.... in fact I'm still half stunned the staff did as much damage as it did...." lowering her hands down against her lap as she stole a side ways glance. "So.... Centaur huh?" She said in a calm manner attempting to start up at least a small conversation to pass the time while they walked. "How did you even manage to get that close to one? Everyone I've ever seen were pretty defensive and wouldn't let me anywhere near them..."


Chris Lengheart(I'm outta horse puns

xD )

Chris caught a small glance at Kelica nervously pressing her fingers together and couldn't help but snicker slightly. "What did you expect a spear to bounce off my chest? Besides, I wasn't expecting you to swing the damn thing at me! Especially since you went for my knee." was honestly all he had to say in response to Kelica's statement about how amazed she was when the mighty Chris fell because a damn staff got smashed into his toes and then his knee. When Kelica brought up Chris' new takeover he lowered his head slightly. "Well, I didn't know he was a centaur at first. I went over and started to rub his head and ask him if he found any good carrots today before his fist found my stomach. We chased after the thing and for once breaking in new horses came in handy since I rode on his back while using takeover to get this new form. Eric helped out, but acted in impulse and was basically just getting the centaur's attention. It had earth magic and started hurling rocks at us. Once I got this form I returned the favor. He still got a few good shots on me, my shoulder's still bleeding a bit." Chris responded as Kelica asked him about the centaur form. When Chris looked over to his shoulder and put two fingers over it, he let out an odd noise that sounded almost like a whine as he saw blood on them. He wiped it off on his fur and continued walking, still not really wanting to look at Kelica.

Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Hungry Hungry Hippo

Valken wriggled like a worm, watching as Mikado for the most part simply ignored him, even had the nerve to put her hands behind her head and turn completely away. (@Kayzo @Jackaboi @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara - ......
As Chris transformed back to his normal form she was lucky at least her instincts were right, afterall it wouldn't make sense a random Centaur would just bound up and protect her, it just wasn't in their nature. As he reached up to brush the tear away she found herself flinching despite his posture giving him no threatening manner whatsoever. Her eyes only stopped flinching when he stared at her cheek. Green eyes flicking up as his big clawed hand rested against it, a shudder working through her entire body from the chill. She opened her mouth to say something, to break the silence, but he was already speaking to her then. It felt like an eternity as she just stood there with his claw to her face, staring at him with eyes unreadable. Honestly her mind was a complete whirlwind of emotion that came across as an ultimately bewildered expression. She watched him removed his claw and stand up as she herself peered to the ground. Though she did reach out slowly to let her fingers brush then entwine with his, like she'd done countless times, giving him a reassuring squeeze. She didn't look at him but she hoped the small gesture was enough for now as did the fact she was still standing by his side. Almost to say, it's ok. Just give me time.

She lifted her face to the others as her fingers slid from his and she coughed to try and reinvigorate her voice. "Frank the Eagle says the little girl is ahead... judging by his description it must be Alicia..." eyes turning to land on Valken now as they narrowed. "Frank also says he can lead you to the strange hut..he says it isn't far as the girl got lost in circles..." pointing to the bird who squarked and before they knew it he was racing down a closed off beat up track.

Valken Truss - High Ho Silver, Away!

Valken's face was one of pretty much disinterest, crossing his arms as he did. He only zoned back in at words of the hut and a grin flooded his face, already sprinting to follow the squarking bird. "Catch ya Loser's, I got a Princess to save!" Leaping over bushes, shrubs and dodging trees. In his haste finally came across the hut with someone standing before it.... he locked his legs as his eyes narrowed... was that a Grimore Heart member? Hand over the dagger. On silent feet as he came up behind the guy and grasped his collar, lifting him completely off his feet. "Listen here you little...." gasping his eyes wide as he realised who it was! "Lysander!!! What in Fiore are you doing here!? I thought they'd taken you to!" Throwing the man none to gently into a massive bear hug.

@Huor Spinks @Isune @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Rhodus
Similarly to Valken, Emmerich had little interest in the interactions between Kelica and Ponyboy (Chris). At another time the man might have gotten angry at Ponyboy for hitting her but he had more pressing matters on his mind, namely the missing mages. As such, as soon as the bird began to guide them, Emmerich followed Valken's example, running into the forest. However, this is where the similarities ended as, where the shadow mage avoided the foliage, Emmerich merely forced his way through, leaving a trail of broken vegetation behind him.

Reaching the hut slightly behind Valken he watched as his friend crept up behind another man that he didn't recognize, first grabbing him than hugging him. Catching that the new man's name was Lysander as he approached Emmerich addresses Valken, "Who's this then?" he asks, wondering how Valken knows the man.
Kelica Zefara - You silly sausage

Kelica made a face as he suggested the spear would just bounce completely off his chest, rolling her eyes. "Well, no of course not..." in hindsight, it sounded silly. When he mentioned the Centaur encounter she dashed before him, blocking his path but kept walking forward, while still facing him. Moon walking so to speak as she put her hands on her hips. "You thought you saw a wild horse and tried to ask it about carrots? Apart from the fact most wild Broncos live in open ended fields, anything in a forest is wild, you can't just approach animals out here like you can just walk up to them at a farm! I'm surprised the guy only punched your gut and didn't knock you completely out!"

Here was when he mentioned the Centaur did, in fact, get a good hit in and her whole frame seemed to change to one of worry. Her feet locked into place blocking his path. "Damnit Chris... you should have told me... I would have healed you...Wait Right There."

Without another word the blond haired girl turned and ran into the nearby treeline before appearing a moment later with a strange leaf in her hand. It oozed some sort gel where she had ripped it from the bush, and to aid it she scrunched the leaf up further creating a wet green goopy ball. Walking to his side, she slid her fingers at the fur and muscle on his front leg before sliding around his horse form's shoulder, resting her spare hand against his back before reaching up on her tip toes to press the almost cooling plant matter smack bang right over the wound on his humanesque shoulder. Her movements and fingers steady and slow, simply used to calming movements around animals so as not to spook them.

"How.. does that feel? I figured a herbal remedy might work better then my normal technique..." flashing him a knowing smile even as her fingers held the oozy leaf to his shoulder. Possibly longer then absolutely necessary, though her feet shuffled as the stretch was mildly uncomfortable.

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Lysander Connell

Forest outskirts of Magnolia; near strange hut

Lysander huffed, his eyes narrowed in frustration, and probably a little exhaustion, though he definitely did not want to admit it. He was not sure how much time had passed ever since he had started tentatively poking at the hut. But tentative his pokes most certainly were. Really, all he had done was fiddle with the lock with a lockpick, yet no matter what he did, the lock refused to budge. For an abandoned building, the lock sure was strong, which only contributed to his suspicions that this hut had some secrets that needed to be uncovered. Yet, Sora was still missing, and he could not help worrying about whether he was being distracted from his goal in finding her by this hut. He might have spent all his exertions on this hut only to find that it had nothing to do with Sora's disappearance. But this hut was the only abnormality he had...

He was just about to burst out the artilery when the next thing he knew, he was grabbed from behind, from the collar of his poncho. His first instinct was to put a bullet into whatever it was only to realise that it was Valken. And apparently that flash of recognition had happened at the same time on Valken's end, because he was being pulled into a tight hug. Being hugged by Sora was one thing; being hugged by Valken on the other hand... Lysander immediately began to wriggle out of the hug. That kind of physical attention was far too overbearing for him.

"Uh... hey Valken," he finally managed, giving the man a weak smile. Valken was not alone though; he seemed to have a whole entourage of people with him, and being at the center of attention made him extremely nervous. He could only recognise a few people; Kelica, her male friend, and someone who looked vaguely familiar. Everyone else however, he had no idea of. And when in the compnay of people he was unfamiliar with, he tended to shy away. Hence, it was only towards Valken that he spoke his next words. "I found this hut here. It's difficult to get in, for what seems to be an abandoned hut. I... find it a bit suspicious," he admitted, wondering if he had said too much in front of too many.

@Zuka @Isune @Mitchs98 @Colt556 @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Rhodus
Valken Truss - Suspicious Hut - Dark Guild Entrance


Valken felt Lysander wiggling in his grasp and let the guy down to his feet, a grin seemingly ear to ear as he kept his hands on both the boys shoulders. "This is perfect! I don't know about the rest of the rabble but if your here, plus Frosty and Mikado we can take this Dark Guild no problem at all...but... they took Millie...." He tried to explain. Even if Valken sounded confident he felt anything but. And his dark purple eyes showed it despite his outward persona. A flash in his eyes, perhaps, just how hurt and guilt-ridden the Shadow Mage felt despite how laid back he looked. Finally letting go of Lysander's shoulders as he stood tall, he looked over to the hut with a narrowed gaze. He kept his eyes on it even as he spoke to Emmerich.

"This is Lysander, he's from Lamia Scale, though he doesn't tend to come out to play unless you force him to..." flashing him a grin momentarily before his eyes continued to stare to the hut. Kelica's bird Frank landed on a nearby tree and squarked a rather ear piercing song. "ALRIGHT ALREADY damn bird.. I get it we are here..."

Valken nodded to Lysander's words before he strode closer and knelt down before the door, hand on chin. "Well only one way to find out if this is the place..." He said looking to the scratches around the keyhole of the lock, looking over his shoulder at Lysander with a raised eyebrow. "Did.... you try and break into this?..." Looking back to it as he slung out a hooked, curved dagger, lifting up the lock and tucking the tip into the keyhole. "....Deary me Lysander... don't ever make a habit of working in my line of work..." making a embarrased tsc noise with his tongue as he jiggled the knife tip before with a resounding click the whole lock broke open and landed with a thud against the ground. He stood tall then as he bashed his elbow in to swing the door inward wildly. "Alright Frank you loud mouth Bird, go find Kelica and whoever she is with to bring them here... the more the merrier right...?" Gaze peering into the darkness and instantly spotting a trap door in the far corner of the small hut.

"I think we hit jackpot..." His voice sounded less then enthusiast.

"I'm coming for you Millie.." he whispered barely audible.

@Kayzo @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Mykinkaiser @Genon @Rhodus @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @LeSoraAmari
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Mikado Saris - Forest

She turned to her side slightly, looking over as their lead suddenly let out an ear-piercing scream and then promptly started berating the purple-haired mage. Making sure it was nothing serious she lowered her arms, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jacket as she turned her attention back to the now-rescued Valken. Try as he might, or not very hard given the mumbling, she was able to pick up on his displeasure at her reaction to him getting stuck. Honestly, what did he expect? It wasn't like she was the most physical of mages. Unless something needed to go kaboom there wasn't much she could do. Clearly her absence had made the man forgetful. She'd have to make sure to remind him of her limitations later on. Nevertheless it seemed their little band of brothers had a new target as Valken instructed them to follow after the ditz.

They didn't get far, however, before some strange wild-man leapt from the trees and tackled Kelica. She was quick to pull her hands from her jacket, blue particles of magic being drawn towards her palms before a big horseman-thing came out and rescued the damsel in distress. She closed her fists causing the particles to dissipate into thin air before promptly shoving one hand into her jacket while pulling down the rim of her cap with the other. Based on the conversation it seemed as if this was the illusive boyfriend and that meant only one thing... Her eyes narrowed as her fears were soon justified as the two quickly fell into more relationship nonsense. All the holds-up really were giving her the itch to cause a little chaos, the only thing holding her back was the fact that they needed the girl to find the missing mages.

Finally it seemed like things were moving again as Kelica said they could follow the bird, hopefully it would be a more reliable guide. She shoved her free hand into her jacket before following along after Valken. If this hut had anything to do with the kidnapping things were going to get real fun real fast. The Emmerich Fellow seemed to have the same idea, only lacking in any semblance of grace as he barreled through the foliage. She came to a stop as she stared at the path the brute created and with the faintest of tilts of her head she decided to follow that instead of the route Valken took. She arrived just in time to see Valken giving some guy in a poncho a bear-hug. The name did not slip past her, either, and so she didn't hesitate to make her way closer the 'stranger'. "I almost forgot you were here too." She peered up at Lysander from beneath her cap, a faint grin on her lips as she came to a rest beside him and Valken.

With what passed as a greeting out of the way she fell back into silence as Valken explained their situation. Soon enough Valken was working at the lock on the shed. She had her doubts that this had anything to do with the kidnappings. After all it was too exposed and vulnerable. Even if they were trying to keep a low profile surely Grimoire Heart would have done something to guard the apparent entrance to their base. She walked over towards Valken, stopping beside him as her successfully broke the lock. As the door flung open she leaned to the side slightly, looking over the interior of the shed. Right after hearing Valken mention the word 'jackpot' she laid eyes on the trap door. She looked over her shoulder back at Lysander, that same grin from earlier still plastered on her face. "Looks like we get to have an action-packed reunion." Turning her attention back to the shed she strode forth into the darkness. "Let's not keep the Princess waiting."

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks
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purplepanda288 said:
Mother, Kim ,Honoka and Alice With hours of walking came lots of uncomfortable situation with the group, little comments were thrown about. Mother had left to complete another task in her home realm as soon as Alice had found the group of Mages. Kim , like the weirdo she was , stayed with Eias keeping close to her at all times. She of corse felt uneasy, mostly due to the fact that there was little flux in the air. Her vision slightly clouded over with the magic signature of the other mages. It was rather chilly, it being autumn and all. " This is what I get for wearing a dress in the middle of autumn." She held her arms close to her, trying to find some sorts of warmth.

Alice, whom was wearing a light sweater, walked near the front of the group. She hadn't spoke much other than a few greetings to the others, but other than that she hasn't spoken. Multiple battle situations popped in and out of her head, with what she could gather the hostages were kept in close quarters cells. Leaving her with a few options for her weapons, her blade would be the one that would suffice in most of the situations.
" Kelica, can you start leading the way. We must hurry, by what I can gather this will take lots of time to find them."

Honks had absolutely no idea how this escalated so quickly, last thing she knew was that she was in her home with Don Haruhi and Raa. But low and behold she was knocked out, dragged out of her home by Haruhi and her wife. Of course she pulled the large Phoenix slayer with them, but not after she made him change clothes to something more desirable. As they approached the guild hall they found out the kidnappings by some odd women with purple hair (*^*) and directed them to the train station. And now they stood at the edge of the woods. She turned to Haruhi raa and Don " How in the name of fuck did we end up wrapped up in this?!" She threw her arms in the air, waving them like a mad man(woman)*.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Refaulted (Who else?!)
Raa and Niur

"Extremely horrible luck?" Raa offered. His cloak was repaired and he was armored under the cover once more. "I wood know, the root of most of my problems come from my horrible luck." He punned casually. His signature jagged darksteel scythe was placed on his back, gleaming in whatever light hits it. Niur clung tightly to him, wanting his protection in his zone. "Oh, I haven't introduced you, this is Niur, she's my little companion-sis, you guys have a lot to talk about later since you guys reacted almost the same." He introduced Niur to Honoka. Niur gave a small wave of her hand. "She's the healer in this duo." He added.

The two trailed behind them all, ready to leap into action.

@Kayzo @Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Bolts @Genon @Refaulted
Noah Cross

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Djinn_de_Sinbad.png.afe01459180fd900f280a48ff0cc0b3b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Djinn_de_Sinbad.png.afe01459180fd900f280a48ff0cc0b3b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dark Guild Entrance

Noah followed the Eagle with Valken, Mikado, and Emmerich. He didn't really speak much on the journey to the Hut. Only a few things were on his mind, but non was more important than his urge to fight something that will give him a challenge. Talon, and Valken were the only two people he's fought that gave him the thrill. While he was out traveling, he met many mages and brutes that bruised him up, and knocked him down. He looked at the people he had in front of him, Mikado, Valken, and Emmerich. He's already fought Valken, now it's time for him to fight Emmerich. But of course when everything is over.

Noah watched as they came across a friend. Yet another person Noah hasn't meet before. His name was Lysander and he seemed pretty scrawny. He walked up towards him and stood beside him placing his arms around his shoulders. Hmm so you're Lysander, with a name like that I expected a bit more. But hey I don't judge. He removed his arm and started walking backwards towards the door. Names Noah by the way mate. We'll be guild mates soon, and I'm also the one that almost stole Valken's girl Millie from him. He said with a smirk. He turned around almost bumping into Valken himself. He walked in after him into the darkness. Yo Emmerich you gotta light? He asked looking back at him. @Zuka @Colt556 @Mykinkaiser @Huor Spinks



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Chris Lengheart (Horse face)

Chris continued to walk until he saw Kelica run in front of him with her hands on her hips. As she went on and on about how everything in the forest was wild and how he shouldn't have pet the centaur. When she saw the cut Chris simply lowered his head slightly and watched as Kelica ran off. When she came back with some kind of leaf that was oozing. He watched carefully as Kelica did all her little movements until she reached his shoulder. Chris couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Kelica try her best to keep the leaf on him. It'd be at this point where Chris would invite Keluca onto his back, but instead he simply pointed two fingers upward as Kelica seemed to grow a few inches taller. This was because Chris made the earth around Kelica rise up more so his shoulder wouldn't be so hard to reach. When he finally decided to speak he simply talked about gis experience with this odd plant, "Kinda stings,but other than that feels pretty good. You're welcome by the way for the little platform I made so you could at least see what you're doing instead of having to stand on your tip toes."


Sora Marvell - Dungeons


The whispered voice of Hibiki pulled Sora out of her glued posture, eyes wildly darting about until they caught sight of him in a cell traversing hers.
Why hadn't she noticed him before? A sigh of relief released itself into the air as she chalked it all up to the effects of the drug they'd inhaled. Perhaps it was still in the air which only made things more strenuous in terms of breathing it in currently. His words caused a smile to once again brighten up her tense demeanor, quite pleased that he'd managed to help someone escape this place. That solidified the hope that she'd been clinging onto and now she didn't feel the need to grasp onto it so tightly. Her shoulders dropped to a more relaxed stance, petite frame crawling forward to close the space herself and the bars. Small fingers curled around them, hues slipping upwards to once again settle on Hibiki's face.

You really do surpass any expectations put on you, you know? Because of you, Hibiki, we really do have a sure shot at getting out of here and you rescued someone! " A grin nestled into place, almost smug. Grimoire Heart had made a huge mistake if they thought they could hide and contain them for much longer. " They'll be coming for us soon, I'm sure of it. " Her voice mimic'd the quieter tone that Hibiki's had held, smile speaking loudly enough for satisfaction to be felt on her part. The cuts and blood were noticed then and her face squished itself onto the cold surface of the bars to get even a fraction of a closer look, eyes wide with concern. " Are you okay? They didn't hurt you too badly did they? " She inquired, voice soft and only vaguely worried at this point. He was after-all standing and speaking quite normally so it couldn't be as bad as it looked. Even so, her instincts of complete endearment towards her friends and guild caused her to ask regardless.

Sora glanced downwards for a few moments, overwhelmed with how much she was beginning to miss those she cared for; Lysander and Maya especially. Her hands tingled at the reminiscing thoughts, recalling how warm and comforted they'd felt when within Lysander's own timid yet sound grasp. Her eyes narrowed quite suddenly then, fingers death gripping the bars almost out of an uncharacteristic spurt of anger. "
I hear Ayano rather close, that small blood controlling lunatic mage. There's someone else with her though, a woman, and it would seem they're headed this way. " Sora's tone held no emotion for once, the sheer void of it probably kicking up concern for anyone who knew her well. Honestly, the blue haired slayer didn't know how to feel currently. She surely wasn't scared or suffering from a bout of helplessness though, any fear that might've clung to her had been mentally discarded once she'd realized who had kidnapped them.

@LeSoraAmari @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots @Huor Spinks (mentioned) and anyone else down there
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