Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eric: South Forest

"We have to follow the eagle?" He asked as Kelica carelessly threw herself onto Chris and took off at an impressive speed. "Y'know that's not how you're supposed to treat a horse... Well anyway, no time to ask questions. If you guys really want to help then I'm the fastest option to keep up with them." He stood by for a moment giving everyone time to hop on and shortly dashed off following the trail of hooves and disturbed plant life. It wasn't long before Eric came across a small hut and Chris tied to the ground by vines. With a sigh he walked over and set him free. "Do you fall out with your girlfriend several times a day all the time or is this a first? And also more importantly, is this the place where the mages are being held?"

@Kayzo @ThatSideCharacter @Mitchs98
Chris Lengheart(I need to get to Kelica!)

Chris calmed down as he was suddenly bound by vines and roots. When he was about to free himself, he saw that Eric was already doing so. When he started to ask if he had this many falling outs a day, Chris remained silent as he galloped towards the hut. He changed to his normal form and while still using his momentum, he hopped straight forward and changed to his werewolf form before heading in. He instantly caught Kelica's scent and immediately began to follow it. When he finally caught up to her, the massive wolf ran in front of her. He pointed to his back with one of his claws as he quickly said,"Get on, if anything happens I'd rather have it happen to me than you. You're more valuable than I am. You can heal people, I'm just some overgrown mutt." The last thing Chris needed was for Kelica to get hurt. He would never be able to forgive himself if it did happen. Chris was going to protect her no matter what.

@ThatSideCharacter @Mitchs98
Kelica < Dungeon

Kelica was still stomping and in a general foul mood. Again she wasn't too sure why and in hindsight she probably shouldn't have yanked Chris's mane or kicked his sides as she had... but she was focused on getting here and getting to the Fairytail mages as fast as possible! Especially if they were being tortured... the blonde girl couldn't handle that.

Still staring at the floor as she scowled, she glanced up as a huge werewolf came before her, knowing instantly it was Chris. She made a soft sigh then looking him dead in the eye. "How long before this form cracks and throws me off like a lump of dirt? I used to feel safe around you but lately I've felt safer away from you...." she answered honestly. Taking another deep sigh as she looked to the ground. "Just use your nose to lead us to the others, I'll just walk beside you..."


Nearby @Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Bolts
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Chris Lengheart(*Whimper*)

Chris looked at Kelica the moment she mentioned losing control of this form and tossing Kelica off. If she hadn't of yanked so hard on his mane and kicked his sides like he was an actual horse none of that would have happened in the first place! The moment she said she felt safer away from him, Chris' heart sank. He let out a sad whimper as his ears fell flat against his head before doing as he was asked. He took a good few sniffs before looking around a little and heading straight ahead. The scents were faded somewhat, but hopefully they'd get stronger as Chris progressed.

Mitchs98 said:
@Jackaboi @ThatSideCharacter
Alicia: Forest

Alicia looked to the bushes as a figure flew out, though before she could react Kelica was already hugging her extremely tightly. It was somewhat painful, but she was happy to see her nonetheless. "
I'm..fine.." She managed to wheeze out as she was getting slowly crushed. The forest was trying to lead her out? So that's why the trees were acting weird, she thought it had been Grimorie Heart shifting around in the bushes in all honesty. She felt kind of silly now that Kelica mentioned it, but how was she supposed to know what it was? She listened as Kelica spoke, nodding when she asked if she saw Hibiki and Sora. "I saw them, they're fine...last I saw anyway. I'm not sure about now though, Hibiki helped me escape but got captured again. I think." She explained sadly, speaking quickly to avoid not being able to speak while Kelica asked a hundred questions.

She listened as she asked about whether she wanted to go with her or stay here with Eric. She wanted to go and help, but she also wanted to stay incase Mizuki showed up. No sooner than she was going to answer did Mizuki jump out of the bushes and tackle hug her. She let out a small squeak of surprise initially, but she more or less immediately knew who it was even before she spoke. "
Mizuki!" She shouted, immediately wrapping her arms around her to return the hug. She had worried they'd done something to her, especially with her being an ex-member, but it was good to know they hadn't.

She smiled as she listened to her speak, her face nuzzled into her shoulder. "
I'm fine Mizuki, a bit tired and stuff, but fine. I was looking for you guys for hours trying to get back..but I got lost. They didn't hurt me, but I'm not sure of the rest. Hibiki was fighting someone when he told me to run. And..I think I can. All of this looks familiar so I'm sure I could." She explained, her grip tightening slightly as she finished speaking. "I was so scared..they were going to torture us and stuff. They might be doing it to Hibiki and the rest! We have to hurry!" She shouted, extremely worried for the others. "Who else came with you guys?" She asked.
Mizuki was filled with an unmeasurable amount of happiness and relief as she held Alicia in her arms. She knew what dark guilds did to their prisoners first hand and she was afraid that something terrible would've happened to her. It was actually surprising that they did nothing to her, especially since she was so close to the ex member. But this was the time to be happy, not to think about worst case scenarios. She was so happy in fact that for the first time since she could remember there was a smile on her face. Her hands continued to run through her hair, her own head pressed against Alicia's. "I'm so glad that you're ok. Forgive me for not being fast enough and finding you sooner. I could've saved so much time if I left earlier..."

Her smile disappeared as Chris began to call her out, asking where she prieviously was. "I was walking behind you the entire time..." She muttered, standing up while cradling Alicia. She didn't plan on letting her walk anywhere for the rest of the day. If she truly was walking around for hours on end she must be exhausted. "Alicia, lead me to where they took you. They need to pay for kidnapping you..."
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Dungeon

With both of her companions coming to an agreement who was she to question it? Thus she followed after them down the corridor. As they walked the cold stone of the corridor gave way to paneled steel plating. Where once there was nothing but darkness there was now proper lightning fixtures embedded in the ceiling corners of the corridor. It seemed the traps exclusively belonged in the dark stoney dungeon they had left behind, clearly this was intended for actual usage and not just a means of warding off intruders. Other than the change in feel and appearance a hallway is still a hallway and with no traps barring their path there wasn't exactly much for her to do or look at.

Fortunately for her that changed as the hallway came to an end. Blocking their path was a large steel door that looked more secure than anything else she'd seen in this place. It seemed like they had officially left the cliche dungeon and reached the proper interior of the base. While they had finally found something of interest she wasn't exactly one for getting through locked doors in any way that could be called subtle. She looked to either side, first to Noah and then Lysander. "I could get the door open but... if they don't already know we're here they sure will when I'm done. So if either of you have a quieter method..." She allowed her to trail off as she directed her attention towards the door. Given all the traps they had already set off and the small crystalline orb embedded in the top of the door frame it was a safe bet they were already discovered. That said it never hurt to at least try and be covert.

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Noah Cross


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1043351.jpg.a90e1619ed324dd2276b1088fe089589.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad.full.1043351.jpg.a90e1619ed324dd2276b1088fe089589.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Walking the long non-lethal hallway with his companions, Noah hoped that this will lead to the end of their problems. Soon the hallway was illuminated by ceiling lights. Were they really getting closer to find the mages. They arrived at a metal steel door which seemed highly secured. Noah looked at Mikado with a smirk when she asked about a quieter way out.

Yeah I got it. Noah stepped forward and places both hands one the steel door. A ice white spell circle appears on the door, releasing cold air. Freeze over. The steel door becomes covered in ice freezing it completely. The temperature of the metal reached the point where it will shatter once hit with even the small amount of force. He stepped back removing his hands and withdrew his sword. He hits the ice with the hilt of the blade, shattering the metal into many pieces. He sheathed his sword looking into the other side of the room. He turns back to Mikado and Lysander. Was that quiet enough??



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Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Valken watched the epic cannonball Mikado smack bang hit Lysander in the back and he made a loud ouch noise together with a clique wince. Furthermore the duo just tumbled down the stairs and disappeared down a suspicious hole. Valken took a cautious step backwards with the atypical "...oops..." knowing he would probably get in trouble for that later on. He turned to Maya with a finger stretched in a, wait a minute, posture. "BEFORE you say anything, I assumed Lysander would catch her with his arms not his body, and I also didn't factor in the momentum seeing them disappear into a ditch... however splitting up forces to cover more ground probably is not a bad thing.....aaaand I'm sure they are fine...." watching Noah float on past, he called out to him. "MAKE SURE THEY LIVE ALRIGHT!! ALSO TELL LYSANDER HE NEEDS TO WORK ON HIS BASEBALL CATCH!" And with that the purple haired mage did a Alice in Wonderland and jumped down the hole.

It was only here he turned just in time to see Frosty's evil grin and his face fell. "W...what is that look for-?" But before he could protest Emmerich had already hooked a hand at his collar and his belt, hoisting the man with little problem off his feet. Now the height was not that bad, but seeing what he had done to Mikado only moments earlier, over that very very very deep pit, Valken instantly tensed up and let out a screech a few octaves higher then should have been possible. He noticed Ferra only a pace or two away, coughing before grasping her arm like a latch. "Put me down, Hulk!! I can Shadow Walk!! Besides if you take me you take her!" Physically that would not be a problem for Emmerich, however hopefully he considered the sheer logistics of it. And maybe she might object better then he had.

Still dangling by his neck and pants, there was a loud CLICK. Valken instantly tensed and eyes narrowed. CLUNK. Valken peered over his shoulder to the wall closest to them with gritted teeth "Ah shi-" TICK TICK TICK CLICK CLUNK! One more resounding metallic noise before a section of the floor the three were standing on upruptly went 90degrees and all three were sent ready or not to disappear into a fast paced chute. Ferra unfortunately dragged along with Emmerich and Valken. There journey ended as all three suddenly got cannonballed out right into a huge, bloody pile of dead bodies, parts, and all manner of human and animal waste material. Valken was the first to jump straight out of the giblet pile with a look of disgust and rage. "DAMNIT FROSTY YOUR SHENANIGAN CAUSED ME TO BE COVERED HEAD TO TOE IN... IN... FILTH! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO BE PRINCE CHARMING AND SAVE MILLIE LOOKING LIKE THIS!" Fishing through the pile to yank up Emmerich only to throw his fist hard into his face and send him right back into the pile. "If Noah finds her first I swear to all that is Dark I will push you into the Shadow Realm and leave you there forever..."

@Mykinkaiser @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari @Embaga Elder @Colt556 @Huor Spinks
Emmerich Faust Emmerich laughed as Valken screeched and struggled, grabbing onto the girl, Ferra, from earlier. Like Mika, Emmerich couldn't really be bothered to use her full name and as such renamed her Fer right then and there. But anyway, back to the situation at hand. As the ticking noises began Emmerich began to move, realizing that something was going wrong. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough and as such plunged down a chute into the unknown. However, unlike Valks, Emmerich wore a broad grin the entire way down, even when they hit the gore pile at the bottom. After all, this was exciting., and he loved excitement.
Emmerich Faust

There was a reason that the blonde mage was known as a berserker, it was due to his utter lack of fear and seeming disregard for his own life. That said, it wasn't that he wanted death, but rather that he accepted it. Emmerich lived to the fullest as best he could and due to this, he held no fear of death. Of course he would not go down easily, but at the same time, should he go down he will face it with a smile.

Speaking of facing things, shortly after landing in the pile he felt a hand haul him up just before he saw Valks' fist hurtling towards his face. He took the punch, landing back on the assorted limbs and viscera, his smile never faltering. Valks was probably justified in that punch to be honest as he might not have fallen in otherwise. Though, Emmerich did disagree with the point his friend made before hitting him.

As such he simply kicked himself back to his feet before headbutting his the shadow mage just as he finished talking. "Wot's the problem mate? Who cares wot you fucking look like yeah? Important fing is that you come and save her ass, not that you look all pretty and shit right?" he says, his grin broadening as he goes back to offer Fer a hand out of the giblet pile.

Jackaboi said:
Ayano soru

Ayano would have to admit this Hibiki was certainly brave. Although that probably won't last long since she's here. "You can talk big that's for sure... but you clearly don't know how WE torture prisoners. The power to control blood is very rare among vampire's but with it I can stop anyone from bleeding out simply by covering the wound with hardened blood. That way... we could even chop off all your limbs and you'd still survive... simply left to suffer in agony pain..." She looked towards Sora's cell and gave her a glare that could even make death shudder and started softly cackling. "You realise that us putting your cell in front of your friend's wasn't a coincidence right? I hope you enjoy the show... I'd love to play with you after we're done but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to."

@LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
Kyuubey said:

Sora Marvell - Dungeon Cell


The two she'd heard and smelled earlier had finally arrived, interested in Hibiki. As they began to speak and plot over things, Sora couldn't help but stare Ayano down, wanting nothing more than to send her smug little face flying into something. The last comment about her cell positioning really ticked her off though. Torture? Even though Hibiki hadn't seemed phased and even went to the extent of telling her to look away, Sora knew deep down that she wouldn't be able to. She'd seen enough suffering and that was a big part as to why she'd mastered her abilities, especially the defensive ones; to help people, to stop them from hurting. A warranted emotion coursed through her entire frame, causing it to shake violently.

The blue haired slayer wasn't afraid, no, in fact she was utterly and undeniably pissed off. Who did they think they were to torture her friends? Her
family? And right in front of her too? Sora's fingernails dragged into the dirt before they hit a hard object; a rock. A tilt of the head, hues glancing downwards momentarily, only confirmed it. Slowly each finger curled about it before she raised her hand and sent the rock flying in a quick, flawless, manner to watch it collide with the back of Ayano's head while she was distracted. " I hope it hurt you filthy coward. " She spoke hatefully through gritted teeth, eyes being filmed over with an intense defiance. " We aren't scared of you, in fact, it just looks like you're scared of us. Poor Ayano, can't even pick on someone her own size. " The words were coo'ed out tauntingly, lips curving upwards into their own questionable smile.

It probably wasn't wise to mess with either of the two Grimoire Heart mages while she was cut off from her magic and behind bars but anything to take some heat off of Hibiki to buy them time seemed the best course of action.
Truthfully, Sora had no idea how she'd handle seeing Hibiki get tortured right before her eyes. On one hand, Hibiki was extremely resilient to things and he would probably die before he'd break; perhaps that is what scared her more. His steel-like determination would only serve to get him killed. On the other hand, maybe, just maybe, it was simply a small game and they'd leave after awhile once they were satisfied. All she could do in her position was try to keep them busy but if they began, Sora would refuse to turn her back on family, even if it meant seeing things that she'd never be able to wipe from her memory.

You know, I heard you were strong but I didn't take you for the kind to torture someone who can't even fight back. Where's the fun in that? To actually hurt someone's pride and will, you have to snuff out their fire while they hold onto hope, not beat on them like a helpless punching bag. " Sora spoke in a non-chalant tone but hushed enough to force them to listen. " So why don't you let me out so we can actually have some fun? I have no intention of leaving Hibiki behind so you don't need to worry about me running. Fairy Tail sticks together and we aren't worthless and fearful like you seem to be. But if you can't handle one little dragon slayer... I mean, Ayano already proved she's terrified of me. " Each word came out dauntingly, leaving her mouth without hesitance as she carelessly flicked her hand in front of her, showing no concern. Ayano was childish, hot headed, and unable to keep her emotions in check, so Sora only hoped this method of egging her on would bear good results.

@LeSoraAmari @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots
@Jackaboi[/URL] @LeSoraAmari @Kyuubey (the small blue haired boy is Sora btw)

Hibiki Dreyar


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.70b1b085ace341618413a2c3e12c1a76.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.70b1b085ace341618413a2c3e12c1a76.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hibiki couldn't help but chuckle at Ayano spoke. The girl was obviously the small fry out of the two, so no matter what she did it wouldn't be as effective as what Rodwen decided to do. Sighing at Ayano, Hibiki spoke in a mocking tone as he listened to the Grimoire Heart mage speak. "You should know that even after chopping off my limbs, I wouldn't be scared of you. In my eyes you're a coward, both of you are. And getting tortured by cowards isn't exactly something to fret over." Now glaring at Ayano, he spoke directly to her. "You can manipulate blood? So what. I have the demon factor, my blood has demon particles inside of it. So have fun controlling until you lose control and mess up, I can't wait for that." Hibiki was obviously taunting the vampire, which he probably shouldn't be doing especially when behind bars and completely cut off from his magic. With a sigh, Hibiki was about to sit down when he felt a strange burning sensation on his chest. As the burning started to hurt, Hibiki winced slightly at the pain and once it had subsided, the Grimoire Heart symbol was burned into his skin. That, and the bringing up of Master Cece annoyed him, and Hibiki would be lying if this didn't royally piss him off. However he had to stay calm and let these two witches torture him in order to buy time for the others to arrive. Hibiki smiled, "How about you let me out of this cell and face me fairly, instead of using the fact that I'm cut off from my magic to harm me. You're cowards, and all cowards are the same. Weak. It will be fun to watch the smirks fade away from your faces when my friends arrive, or after I pummel you into oblivion."

To be honest, Hibiki preferred the last idea. Turning slightly to see Sora in the cell opposite him, Hibiki sent a kind smile and a nod her way. Hibiki knew that it'd start to get a bit rough from now on, but he had to stay strong. For Fairy Tail.



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Maya Morne

-Grimoire Heart Corridors-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.3d4e5da28a7d705a70203172f7dd5557.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.png.3d4e5da28a7d705a70203172f7dd5557.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Maya had split off from the rest of the group and headed off down another route that seemingly got darker and darker the further she walked through it. Obviously, this was the hideout of the dark guild Grimoire Heart, and Maya didn't exactly like being here for reasons she kept a secret. Walking through these corridors filled her with a strange feeling that she couldn't quite explain, as if she was being flooded with the emotions of another. The fact that she was walking down the same corridor he would've most definitely walked down was strange in itself and yet, strangely, she felt warm. As the woman walked through the dark corridors of the guild building in search for Sora, Maya stumbled across a sealed room that was restricted via lock. Walking over towards it, the woman blasted the lock with a light telekinetic blast that sent the lock shattering, and thus resulting in the door swinging open.

Much to her surprise, the room she had found herself inside was an archive of sorts, a large library with many books and letters, pictures too. Right at the back of the room there was a large board with pictures all over it, obviously, these were all mages, and some of the pictures had large red circles around them with an 'X' going through it. One such picture was of the late Master Tutin. "Hmm, so it seems coming here really did hold some purpose after all." She said, as she looked at the board. The majority of the pictures had circles over them, so obviously Grimoire Heart had near on completed whatever task this was, and it wasn't like she could get this to the council in any time soon. Plus, with herself and so many other mage's here it'd just be easier to destroy the guilds operations completely.

Turning away, Maya then proceeded to search the strange library. It wasn't until after a few minutes or so, did she find what she wanted. It was a notebook, or a journal of sorts that belonged to somebody in the past. In some places, the book was stained with blood and dirt as well as being covered in dust. Stuffing the book in secret pocket she had in her dress, Maya left the library. But not before setting up a telekinetic seal in the middle of the room, that'd go off into a small scale explosion and destroy everything inside of it within the hour. With that, Maya then continued on through the dark halls and in search of Millie and the Sky Dragon Slayer. Maya knew that she was close however this place was practically a maze and she couldn't sense the girls magic, and that was probably because they were cut off from it. Dark Guilds tended to use specialist traps/cells that could cut off a mage from their magic almost completely, and Maya would've been surprised if Grimoire Heart didn't have access to such things. She just hoped and prayed for Millie and Sora's safety, as well as for the safety of everyone that had come in order to rescue their friends.

Hopefully Valken hadn't gotten himself into all kinds of danger, as well. Otherwise she'd scold him until his dying breath, inside an eternal illusion.


@Kayzo @Zuka



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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich laughed as Valken screeched and struggled, grabbing onto the girl, Ferra, from earlier. Like Mika, Emmerich couldn't really be bothered to use her full name and as such renamed her Fer right then and there. But anyway, back to the situation at hand. As the ticking noises began Emmerich began to move, realizing that something was going wrong. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough and as such plunged down a chute into the unknown. However, unlike Valks, Emmerich wore a broad grin the entire way down, even when they hit the gore pile at the bottom. After all, this was exciting., and he loved excitement.
Emmerich Faust
There was a reason that the blonde mage was known as a berserker, it was due to his utter lack of fear and seeming disregard for his own life. That said, it wasn't that he wanted death, but rather that he accepted it. Emmerich lived to the fullest as best he could and due to this, he held no fear of death. Of course he would not go down easily, but at the same time, should he go down he will face it with a smile.

Speaking of facing things, shortly after landing in the pile he felt a hand haul him up just before he saw Valks' fist hurtling towards his face. He took the punch, landing back on the assorted limbs and viscera, his smile never faltering. Valks was probably justified in that punch to be honest as he might not have fallen in otherwise. Though, Emmerich did disagree with the point his friend made before hitting him.

As such he simply kicked himself back to his feet before headbutting his the shadow mage just as he finished talking. "Wot's the problem mate? Who cares wot you fucking look like yeah? Important fing is that you come and save her ass, not that you look all pretty and shit right?" he says, his grin broadening as he goes back to offer Fer a hand out of the giblet pile.



Ferra had, of course, heard the clicking and clanking of the trap right alongside Valken. She'd played enough games and read enough books to know where this was going, the only question was what kind of trap did they trip? It was soon made apparent as the floor caved into a chute and they shot down it, Ferra screaming the entire time, and somehow managing to land under the both of them when they reached the pile. She squirmed slightly trying to get out from under them, but to no avail. Luckily they soon got off of her and Emmerich helped her up. "Damnit why the hell did it have to be a pile of body parts!" She shouted, beyond mad and completely grossed out. The girl rarely cursed, so you knew she was mad as hell when she did.

This is just great..where are we?" She asked, trying to wipe as much filth off of her as possible. The place stunk really badly and was poorly lit, the only thing she could see was a dimly lit hall with body parts occassionally strewn about. Surely this didn't lead to where anyone was caged, right?
Raa And Niur

Raa and Niur stuck close to each other as they went deeper into the dungeon...or in Raa's case, what was going to be, in his head, called the pungeon for he was intent on annoying the everliving hell out of any opposition with his puns. Niur was busy stockpiling Gifts and Reverse Gifts in case anything happened. The surroundings got darker and darker as they trudged on. Raa drew out his scythe and morphed it into a hammer-torch before heating the air around the torch part to light the way. "Hello down there?" He yelled as he walked, voice bouncing off the walls.

"Hmm...Reverse Life." Raa suddenly commanded. Niur handed him the small orb which was then chucked to the far end of the corridor before blowing up in a brilliant explosion. "Clear." He said before going further, it was very cool that Reverse Life drained magic. But the explosion wasn't nowhere near silent so he should be expecting company soon. "Hmm. Let's go further in."

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Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano felt a sharp blow on the back of her head. She turned round to see Sora taunting her, accusing her of being afraid, Hibiki was doing the same but the girl pissed her off the most. Although instead of getting mad. Ayano just chuckled. "Pain... Fear...? You don't know what true pain or fear feels like..." A large grin stretched across her face and her eyes turned pitch black with her pupils replaced with glowing red dots. She quickly sprinted to Sora's cell, reached through the bars and grabbed her by the throat before she had time to react, almost crushing it. "You think I'm scared of You? I've lost my sense of fear over a century ago. So how about you close that smart mouth of yours before I tear it off your face!"

Ayano's grip loosened and dropped the girl on the stone floor before her eyes turned back to normal. She looked at Rodwen who was talking about the time the vampire first joined. "Just get to the torturing already..." She muttered. Rodwen burned the mark of Grimoire Heart on to Hibiki's cheek. Ayano snickered a little. "Now that's gotta leave a scar..." But the Demon boy didn't seem all that phased by it. She had to give him marks for his determination. But what would last longer? His will? Or his life? The little vampire strolled over to Hibiki's cell and gave him a friendly smile before forming a knife out of her own blood and stabbing it in his leg. "Your determined I'll give you that... But I'm afraid that's only going to cost you your life... I wonder how your friends will react when they see your mutilated corpse after they arrive..."

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
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Jackaboi said:
Eric: South Forest

"We have to follow the eagle?" He asked as Kelica carelessly threw herself onto Chris and took off at an impressive speed. "Y'know that's not how you're supposed to treat a horse... Well anyway, no time to ask questions. If you guys really want to help then I'm the fastest option to keep up with them." He stood by for a moment giving everyone time to hop on and shortly dashed off following the trail of hooves and disturbed plant life. It wasn't long before Eric came across a small hut and Chris tied to the ground by vines. With a sigh he walked over and set him free. "Do you fall out with your girlfriend several times a day all the time or is this a first? And also more importantly, is this the place where the mages are being held?"

@Kayzo @Kayzo @Kayzo @Mitchs98


Nearby @Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Bolts
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(*Whimper*)

Chris looked at Kelica the moment she mentioned losing control of this form and tossing Kelica off. If she hadn't of yanked so hard on his mane and kicked his sides like he was an actual horse none of that would have happened in the first place! The moment she said she felt safer away from him, Chris' heart sank. He let out a sad whimper as his ears fell flat against his head before doing as he was asked. He took a good few sniffs before looking around a little and heading straight ahead. The scents were faded somewhat, but hopefully they'd get stronger as Chris progressed.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki was filled with an unmeasurable amount of happiness and relief as she held Alicia in her arms. She knew what dark guilds did to their prisoners first hand and she was afraid that something terrible would've happened to her. It was actually surprising that they did nothing to her, especially since she was so close to the ex member. But this was the time to be happy, not to think about worst case scenarios. She was so happy in fact that for the first time since she could remember there was a smile on her face. Her hands continued to run through her hair, her own head pressed against Alicia's. "I'm so glad that you're ok. Forgive me for not being fast enough and finding you sooner. I could've saved so much time if I left earlier..."

Her smile disappeared as Chris began to call her out, asking where she prieviously was. "I was walking behind you the entire time..." She muttered, standing up while cradling Alicia. She didn't plan on letting her walk anywhere for the rest of the day. If she truly was walking around for hours on end she must be exhausted. "Alicia, lead me to where they took you. They need to pay for kidnapping you..."
Alicia: Forest > Dungeon

Alicia watched as Kelica and Chris suddenly ran off, she wasn't entirely sure why. If there were others they would surely already be trying to help, right? Though, she guessed she'd be the same way if it happened to Mizuki. She only smiled as she apologized for taking so long to find her. "
It's fine Mizuki, really. I'm just glad you found me. I was worried they'd done something to you since they had taken me. I knew you'd do whatever it took to find me." She replied. She didn't blame Mizuki for this at all, it was no ones fault really. Grimoire Heart was just bad people that did things for no reason. Mizuki soon stood up still holding her, other times she would of questioned it and said they'd be faster if she walked herself, but she was very tired as it was. They'd likely have to fight a bit in the dungeon so this was a good idea.

Of course this was all just an excuse because she liked Mizuki holding her. She nodded when she said to point out the direction of the hut. "
It should be that way where Eric and the rest went." She told her, pointing where they went. Hopefully some of the others had found them already.
Eric: Strange Hut

"Rude..." Eric was just trying to talk but Chris suddenly took off again running inside the hut. Maybe he should go in too? Eric took a small look inside. Dark spooky corridors check, stench of blood in the air check, possibility of being chopped in half by a death trap check... He swore he ended up catching "ICan'tGoInSpookyHuts Disease..." Yup that settles it. He ain't going inside alone with the risk of getting eaten alive or being impaled on spikes. Mizuki and Alicia must not be far behind, he'll just wait for them to arrive. Safety in numbers... Right? Right! He made a half crazed laugh. "Eeeeeverythings going to be alright." He then faintly heard a very creepy laugh that sounded like child's coming from deep within the corridors. "... Everything is totally NOT alright!"

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(*Whimper*)

Chris looked at Kelica the moment she mentioned losing control of this form and tossing Kelica off. If she hadn't of yanked so hard on his mane and kicked his sides like he was an actual horse none of that would have happened in the first place! The moment she said she felt safer away from him, Chris' heart sank. He let out a sad whimper as his ears fell flat against his head before doing as he was asked. He took a good few sniffs before looking around a little and heading straight ahead. The scents were faded somewhat, but hopefully they'd get stronger as Chris progressed.


The blond girl sighed loudly but his whimpers and sniffs beside her were making her feel terrible. Humans crying were one thing but whimpering or sniffling animals were a completely seperate pain for her. She lifted her green eyes from the floor to look at him walking beside her, naturally reaching out to brush at his huge furried head to calm him. "Please Chris... how many times has this happened? We love, we fight, we ignore each other...we love again... so many times now.. I'm just tired... no one else fights as much as we do... you explode, run away, I find you then forgive you. Are we happy? Are you happy?" She whispered. She should have waited till after the dungeon but she couldn't handle his whimpering.

"When I'm riding your back and racing through the forest or Magnolia I feel happier then I've ever been. But other times I feel lonely and distant.... I don't know what to do..." tears starting to whell in her eyes again.
Chris Lengheart(I know...)

The giant wolf continued walking for some time until he felt a hand run across his head. As he heard Kelica talk about their relationship as a whole he lowered his head slightly in shame. His ears suddenly perked up as Kelica asked if he was happy. He only shook his head as he rambled,"I...don't know how to answer. I guess the real question is, are you happy? I'm always to one who gets pissed and runs away. I'm always the one who takes things too far. Just look at what happened with the whole dragon thing. It was my fault. If there's anyone to blame for everything that's happened so far I guess it'd be me. It's because of me that we had to go to the farm. It's because of me you have the bruise on your cheek." As she mentioned all the times she rode on his back and the different emotions she felt, Chris' head sunk even lower with his ears returning to the flattened position. When his eyes looked up, he noticed the tears forming in Kelica's eyes. Without a second thought, the werewolf began to nuzzle her leg. Now was an awful time to be saying things like this, but Chris didn't dare to say anything about it.

LeSoraAmari said:

Hibiki Dreyar


View attachment 309599

Hibiki couldn't help but chuckle at Ayano spoke. The girl was obviously the small fry out of the two, so no matter what she did it wouldn't be as effective as what Rodwen decided to do. Sighing at Ayano, Hibiki spoke in a mocking tone as he listened to the Grimoire Heart mage speak. "You should know that even after chopping off my limbs, I wouldn't be scared of you. In my eyes you're a coward, both of you are. And getting tortured by cowards isn't exactly something to fret over." Now glaring at Ayano, he spoke directly to her. "You can manipulate blood? So what. I have the demon factor, my blood has demon particles inside of it. So have fun controlling until you lose control and mess up, I can't wait for that." Hibiki was obviously taunting the vampire, which he probably shouldn't be doing especially when behind bars and completely cut off from his magic. With a sigh, Hibiki was about to sit down when he felt a strange burning sensation on his chest. As the burning started to hurt, Hibiki winced slightly at the pain and once it had subsided, the Grimoire Heart symbol was burned into his skin. That, and the bringing up of Master Cece annoyed him, and Hibiki would be lying if this didn't royally piss him off. However he had to stay calm and let these two witches torture him in order to buy time for the others to arrive. Hibiki smiled, "How about you let me out of this cell and face me fairly, instead of using the fact that I'm cut off from my magic to harm me. You're cowards, and all cowards are the same. Weak. It will be fun to watch the smirks fade away from your faces when my friends arrive, or after I pummel you into oblivion."

To be honest, Hibiki preferred the last idea. Turning slightly to see Sora in the cell opposite him, Hibiki sent a kind smile and a nod her way. Hibiki knew that it'd start to get a bit rough from now on, but he had to stay strong. For Fairy Tail.
Jackaboi said:
Ayano Soru: The Dungeons

Ayano felt a sharp blow on the back of her head. She turned round to see Sora taunting her, accusing her of being afraid, Hibiki was doing the same but the girl pissed her off the most. Although instead of getting mad. Ayano just chuckled. "Pain... Fear...? You don't know what true pain or fear feels like..." A large grin stretched across her face and her eyes turned pitch black with her pupils replaced with glowing red dots. She quickly sprinted to Sora's cell, reached through the bars and grabbed her by the throat before she had time to react, almost crushing it. "You think I'm scared of You? I've lost my sense of fear over a century ago. So how about you close that smart mouth of yours before I tear it off your face!"

Ayano's grip loosened and dropped the girl on the stone floor before her eyes turned back to normal. She looked at Rodwen who was talking about the time the vampire first joined. "Just get to the torturing already..." She muttered. Rodwen burned the mark of Grimoire Heart on to Hibiki's cheek. Ayano snickered a little. "Now that's gotta leave a scar..." But the Demon boy didn't seem all that phased by it. She had to give him marks for his determination. But what would last longer? His will? Or his life? The little vampire strolled over to Hibiki's cell and gave him a friendly smile before forming a knife out of her own blood and stabbing it in his leg. "Your determined I'll give you that... But I'm afraid that's only going to cost you your life... I wonder how your friends will react when they see your mutilated corpse after they arrive..."

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari @Mr Swiftshots
Rodwen Kiernan

Grimoire Heart


Rodwen pulled her hand away from Hibiki and stood a few steps away from his cell , she listened to what he had to say , albeit briefly but none the less she did , before he was interupted by Ayano. Clair decided to let the vampire ramble on for a while and in fact it didn't bother her much until. Until she stabbed Hibki ! She stabbed Rodwens new toy without permission , without warning !

Rodwen would not stand for this , she couldn't , not even if she tried. This dammed vampire had abused her through damaging her property ! And so before the vampire , no everyone present , could blink Rodwen had landed a firm back hand upon the vampires right cheek. The force of the hit had sent the vampire flying head first into the hard stone wall of the room causing the wall itself to collapse around her body , leaving a circular imprint embedded within the wall.

With an emotionless face and monotone voice Rodwen spoke to the girl , her eyes and body glowing dimly as she did so "You will not touch my property , you will not address my property and you most certainly will not answer me back. If you decide to do any of these things I will break you. Not like before but in a way you never dreamed of before , a way in which you will never dream again. A way In which you will be thanking the Light god with every passing minute , just because your still somewhat living , somewhat breathing , somewhat moving. Do you understand ? ".

Rodwen's eyes held no emotions as she looked down upon the vampire nor did they when she gave a glace back towards the dragon slayer. Another pest that was slowly starting to irritate Rodwen. Perhaps she should be taught her place along side the vampire , perhaps It would be best to show the little blue haired boy the difference between dragon and god. Maybe just maybe Rodwen should release the dragon slayer just to make Hibiki watch as she beats the dragon slayer into nothing more than a blob battling to take it's breath. Yes ! that would be rather good fun !

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @LeSoraAmari
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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich laughed as Valken screeched and struggled, grabbing onto the girl, Ferra, from earlier. Like Mika, Emmerich couldn't really be bothered to use her full name and as such renamed her Fer right then and there. But anyway, back to the situation at hand. As the ticking noises began Emmerich began to move, realizing that something was going wrong. Unfortunately he wasn't fast enough and as such plunged down a chute into the unknown. However, unlike Valks, Emmerich wore a broad grin the entire way down, even when they hit the gore pile at the bottom. After all, this was exciting., and he loved excitement.
Emmerich Faust
There was a reason that the blonde mage was known as a berserker, it was due to his utter lack of fear and seeming disregard for his own life. That said, it wasn't that he wanted death, but rather that he accepted it. Emmerich lived to the fullest as best he could and due to this, he held no fear of death. Of course he would not go down easily, but at the same time, should he go down he will face it with a smile.

Speaking of facing things, shortly after landing in the pile he felt a hand haul him up just before he saw Valks' fist hurtling towards his face. He took the punch, landing back on the assorted limbs and viscera, his smile never faltering. Valks was probably justified in that punch to be honest as he might not have fallen in otherwise. Though, Emmerich did disagree with the point his friend made before hitting him.

As such he simply kicked himself back to his feet before headbutting his the shadow mage just as he finished talking. "Wot's the problem mate? Who cares wot you fucking look like yeah? Important fing is that you come and save her ass, not that you look all pretty and shit right?" he says, his grin broadening as he goes back to offer Fer a hand out of the giblet pile.

@Kayzo (mention)

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(I know...)

The giant wolf continued walking for some time until he felt a hand run across his head. As he heard Kelica talk about their relationship as a whole he lowered his head slightly in shame. His ears suddenly perked up as Kelica asked if he was happy. He only shook his head as he rambled,"I...don't know how to answer. I guess the real question is, are you happy? I'm always to one who gets pissed and runs away. I'm always the one who takes things too far. Just look at what happened with the whole dragon thing. It was my fault. If there's anyone to blame for everything that's happened so far I guess it'd be me. It's because of me that we had to go to the farm. It's because of me you have the bruise on your cheek." As she mentioned all the times she rode on his back and the different emotions she felt, Chris' head sunk even lower with his ears returning to the flattened position. When his eyes looked up, he noticed the tears forming in Kelica's eyes. Without a second thought, the werewolf began to nuzzle her leg. Now was an awful time to be saying things like this, but Chris didn't dare to say anything about it.


There she went again being selfish when her Guildmates were in danger, it was like a never ending emotional circle with Kelica. Happy, scared, sad, rinse, repeat. She wasn't important, she wasn't worth the effort to think about, the time to worry about herself or how she felt. Everyone else was more important now... Right?

She quickly rubbed her eyes clean and peered down to Chris as he nudged her legs. Fingers rubbing around his sensative ears. Finally Chris and herself appeared behind the group of mages, funnily she recognised most of them as all being from Fairytail. Kelica ran forward but skidded to a stop, tettering with a squeel right on the edge before a giant spiked pit, seeing the group on the other side (having just crossed Kim's taint bridge.)

"HEY! Adrian! Ryu! Kim! Chris and I are finally here but there is a massive pit in the way! Don't suppose you guys saw a different way around?!"

@Isune @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda228 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage
Chris Lengheart(Did you seriously forget already?)

Chris nuzzled up against Kelica even more as she touched his ears. While they were sensitive, the rubbing felt really good. As they came across the rest of the group Chris quickly ran up to Kelica as it looked as if she were about to fall. Luckily, she caught herself and was already asking the others if there was a way around. In response to this, Chris returned to his human form before removing his shirt. That was when the wings from his dragon form shot out of his back. While this was one of his favorite tanktops, Chris placed it on the ground before he audibly cleared his throat before tapping Kelica's shoulder. When she turned around, he'd start to point to the two massive wings protruding out of his back. "Don't tell me you forgot Kelica. Come on, I'll carry you across." He said with a short grin as he held an arm out for her to take.

@Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-


Ryu yawned disinterestedly as he walked across Kim's flux barrier. The lack of anything even remotely eventful was making him bored, and when he got bored, he got irritated. "Yo, can we pick up the damn pace?" He grumbled. "At this rate, they'll die of old age before we get there. We can't exactly afford to waste time. Or are your captured friends worth nothing to you?"

He turned to look back in the direction of the pit as Kelica stopped short of it. "Find your own damn way across," he snapped "Why should I care whether or not you make it over the spike pit?"

@Zuka @Genon @Isune @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Did you seriously forget already?)

Chris nuzzled up against Kelica even more as she touched his ears. While they were sensitive, the rubbing felt really good. As they came across the rest of the group Chris quickly ran up to Kelica as it looked as if she were about to fall. Luckily, she caught herself and was already asking the others if there was a way around. In response to this, Chris returned to his human form before removing his shirt. That was when the wings from his dragon form shot out of his back. While this was one of his favorite tanktops, Chris placed it on the ground before he audibly cleared his throat before tapping Kelica's shoulder. When she turned around, he'd start to point to the two massive wings protruding out of his back. "Don't tell me you forgot Kelica. Come on, I'll carry you across." He said with a short grin as he held an arm out for her to take.

@Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-


Ryu yawned disinterestedly as he walked across Kim's flux barrier. The lack of anything even remotely eventful was making him bored, and when he got bored, he got irritated. "Yo, can we pick up the damn pace?" He grumbled. "At this rate, they'll die of old age before we get there. We can't exactly afford to waste time. Or are your captured friends worth nothing to you?"

He turned to look back in the direction of the pit as Kelica stopped short of it. "Find your own damn way across," he snapped "Why should I care whether or not you make it over the spike pit?"

@Zuka @Genon @Isune @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage

Kelica - Dungeon


The forest mage swivelled a little as she felt a hand on her shoulder, peering behind her as she spotted Chris in his... human form?Bare chested no less! Hands clasped at her cheek as they almost instantly flushed. "W...what?! Why... is your shirt o...off?!" then she realized he had huge wings. Dragon wings! Still blushing madly she offered her hand out to Chris. Despite them still being Dragon wings, it wasn't as bad as him being Full Dragon...

However her head spun around as she heard Ryu pretty much not care if she continued or not. She spun to face him now, hands on hips, green eyes narrowing down as she bellowed across the pit.

"YOU SHOULD CARE! I'm the only person on this rescue mission that CAN heal and if it wasn't for me you'd still be passed out in that side street being hung over! So I would apologise before I get over there otherwise I'll give you something real to cry about!"
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Chris Lengheart(Air Chris ready for takeoff)

Chris chuckled as he could already see Kelica's face reddening. He took her hand as she began her rant towards Ryu before swinging her over and holding her bridal style. "You're the healer alright," Chris said as he backed up slightly so he could get a running start "You're precious little feet shouldn't even touch the ground. Hold tight." Immediately after saying this, Chris started sprinting towards the pit. He quickly jumped and leaned forward as his wings flapped to keep them just above the pit. From there, it was a basic flight. Chris would occasionally flap his wings to gain a bit more height, but other than that it looked like smooth sailing.

Once they made it across, Chris touched down very carefully before looking down at Kelica. "
Want me to put you down now? Or would you rather stay right there, either way I'm fine." Chris asked as he then turned his head to look at Ryu. "She does have a point." He stated, referring to what Kelica had said about being one of the few healers they had. "She's a valuable asset and needs to be protected. If she goes down, our chances of finding the missing guildmates drops down significantly. I doubt even you can single handedly rescue everyone."

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Air Chris ready for takeoff)

Chris chuckled as he could already see Kelica's face reddening. He took her hand as she began her rant towards Ryu before swinging her over and holding her bridal style. "You're the healer alright," Chris said as he backed up slightly so he could get a running start "You're precious little feet shouldn't even touch the ground. Hold tight." Immediately after saying this, Chris started sprinting towards the pit. He quickly jumped and leaned forward as his wings flapped to keep them just above the pit. From there, it was a basic flight. Chris would occasionally flap his wings to gain a bit more height, but other than that it looked like smooth sailing.

Once they made it across, Chris touched down very carefully before looking down at Kelica. "
Want me to put you down now? Or would you rather stay right there, either way I'm fine." Chris asked as he then turned his head to look at Ryu. "She does have a point." He stated, referring to what Kelica had said about being one of the few healers they had. "She's a valuable asset and needs to be protected. If she goes down, our chances of finding the missing guildmates drops down significantly. I doubt even you can single handedly rescue everyone."

@Zuka @Rhodus @Genon @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Happy Red Mage
Kelica - Dungeon

Kelica's green eyes went wider as she was hoisted up mid sentence giving another surprised squeak. At the precious little feet comment she got an embarrassed, angry pout work its way onto her face, mumbling something along the lines of I don't have precious feet, although she always preferred running around the forest bare foot. In fact, it was only in her travels did someone mention putting boots on. It was only because she felt she had to, did she wear boots, and also the reason she put her Guild symbol on her ankle.

As he jumped and leapt, she curled up tightly and scrunched her face up, and in no time they landed on the other side. She blinked her eyes open before peering up to Chris. He asked if she wanted to be put down and a momentary panic flooded her face. Well of course she preferred to be carried and held, it was snuggly warm in his arms, but didn't she just explain she didn't feel safe around him? That she felt lonely and distant? Then why did his arms and body feel so warm and inviting now? She squirmed awkwardly as she just stared at him with flustered cheeks, mouth open as if to say something but only incoherent noises came out.

When Chris spoke to the Fire Ninja she merely flashed Ryu a smug smile then turned her head away as if to say, I told you so, head held high.


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