Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Eias Baole

I uhh..
She said in speech bubbles. With Kim grabbing her rather than anyone else made a small like of blush come over her. Once things started to settle did she manage to make it stop. At least it was dark enough for people not to notice. She heard everyone's bickering about panic and such and couldn't think of stuff to say. She did manage to make out Kilica talking about needing light though. She could make light with her bubbles. They were mini bomb bubbles but as long as they didn't pop they would just create light. W..well.. she muttered before blowing some bubbles that followed her command. She let them float around to light the place up a little. D-don't pop them.. They explode..

@Genon @Zuka @Rhodus @Isune @purplepanda288
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
The Dark Guild Dungeon

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Valken had to grin heavily at the idea of some scared, pathetic squealing girl running into Emmerich of all people while being chased and using him as a shield. What were the odds really? "And I'll bet you knocked everyone of them out before you even knew her name or what she had done to provoke them?...One day someone will use your love of fighting against you...What if it was a pretty girl from a Dark Guild who used you to take out some high class mages? A psycopathic killer? I heard rumours of Dark Guilds using pretty girls as Assasins... Doll-look alikes with Scythes... I suppose you just lucked out she really was a ditz this time."

Valken did lift an eyebrow as he watched his expression darken, and that was never a good sign. "Your not thinking of doing anything rash after this mission, right? I'm sure she has enough sense to pick a decent man...." scratching his chin. "...well, maybe. She does seem pretty stupid..."

Here the conversation turned to him, or more namely what he had done with Millie. Now Valken was a Master conversationalist and general smooth talker, however Frosty was always so blunt and to the point that he often times found himself struggling for answers. This was no exception... He quickly spun on his heels and faced forward making his voice aloof. He figured if Frosty saw even a side ways glance or eyebrow raise he'd just enquire further. It was probably Valken's fault for starting the conversation in that direction but even so....

"Ooohhh we've done everything. Yeap. All bases. All night long. Have been for monthsdays really she's always begging for more. I know what I'm doing..." flicking his dark fridge forward almost as if to half hide his face. It wasn't altogether a lie. Of course he knew what he was doing, he'd seen heaps of movies and read books and stuff.......and she seemed to like it? Right?

So about where this DARK GUILD BASE(realised how gross that sounded before) centre is..." Steps quickening. Now where where all the traps now for a hearty distraction?


(for the threads reference lol)
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Dungeon, Team BravadoFerra nodded and followed after the two of them once Emmerich ignited his arm for light. So far, other than the body parts...which were both disgusting and creepy as hell, the hallway was completely normal. Ever so often there was a torch on the verge of burning out, but that was about it as far as one could see. Of course, naturally, the conversation gravitated towards Emmerich having a thing with Kelica in the past. Somehow that had became a topic over the fact of navigating through a most likely trapped filled hallway..which..so far lacked traps. Maybe they really were in the trash somehow? It was possible. Regardless of the conversation she did giggle as Valken started teasing Emmerich, she contemplated joining in herself but decided against it. Those two were clearly to wrapped up in deciding who was the better lady-killer to focus on the task at hand.

Honestly she was in kind of an odd situation right now. First off, today was her birthday, and she was currently spending it in some body part covered tunnel with her guild mates looking for Millie. And said guild mates were shirtless, despite the both of them being a decent amount older than her it really didn't do much to ease the blush on her face. Thank god Valken hadn't noticed yet or she'd never hear the end of it. And to make matters worse, they were currently talking about relationships. Not just relationships, no. They couldn't stop there. Or rather, Emmerich was brief and vauge and she possibly wouldn't of understood what he meant..had Valken not commented.

Of course, he had to boast that he'd been having sex with Millie every day all night long since they started dating..right in front of her..like she didn't even exsist. Of course hearing this her blush only deepened, though she only laughed when he claimed to be dating Millie for months. "
Dude. You haven't been with Millie for months. You've only been dating for like, two weeks. And that's because I tricked her into thinking you two were dating." She told him. "You've technically only been dating for around..four days..now after she found out too." She added, grinning cheekily. Oh he was going to get her back for this for sure, but it was worth it.
Emmerich Faust "Oh really, all the bases? All the time," Emmerich asks, still with that all-too-innocent air before Ferra joined in to say that Valken and Millie had only really been together for the last four days. At this news Emmerich makes an exaggerated expression of shock, "Wait, only four days and you've already done everything? I 'ave to admit, I'm impressed with the speed at which your doing fings there Valksey." Here Emmerich pauses for a second before acting as if something had just dawned on him, "Unless you were lying and trying to cover up the fact that you don't actually 'ave much experience that is. But that can't be true right? That you, our guild's foremost lady-killer, are actually a virgin? That definitely can't be true. What am I thinking?" he says in such a way that Valken couldn't fail to catch the underlying meaning, shaking his head at the end in mock disappointment with himself.
Emmerich Faust

Now, Emmerich doesn't actually care how much experience Valken has or doesn't have in these matters. However, as his friend had decided to try to tease him Emmerich figured it was only fair that he reciprocated. The fact that Valken decided to try to imply that he had more experience than he actually did only made things worse for him. However, at the end of the day all of this, in Emmerich's mind at least, was in good fun. The sort of natural banter that comes between friends.
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Strange Hut

"Rude..." Eric was just trying to talk but Chris suddenly took off again running inside the hut. Maybe he should go in too? Eric took a small look inside. Dark spooky corridors check, stench of blood in the air check, possibility of being chopped in half by a death trap check... He swore he ended up catching "ICan'tGoInSpookyHuts Disease..." Yup that settles it. He ain't going inside alone with the risk of getting eaten alive or being impaled on spikes. Mizuki and Alicia must not be far behind, he'll just wait for them to arrive. Safety in numbers... Right? Right! He made a half crazed laugh. "Eeeeeverythings going to be alright." He then faintly heard a very creepy laugh that sounded like child's coming from deep within the corridors. "... Everything is totally NOT alright!"



Grimoire Heart

Suspicious Hut

From up above, a set of eyes gazed upon the intruder. 'Man, what's with the security?' he thought to himself. One had already gotten inside, but he could give chase later. After all, tracking is half the fun in hunting. At the thought, an eerie smile shone in the shadow of a tree before the occupant crouched and jumped out of the tree. One would have expected him to fall...hard, but the boy didn't. He almost floated downwards toward his prey before coming to a stop...upside down...mid air...right over the man named Eric's head. The boy had to swallow a sinister laugh to not tip Eric off. He inched closer and closer to Eric's ear before he let off a booming "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
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What taking everyone so long? Was he really the last one to arrive? Sure the hut seemed scary and all but if Gilad were to hear about this... Yeah... Entering would be the better option. Although as he was mentally preparing himself to go a sudden scare caught him slightly off guard. "AAAAAHH!!!" He crawled backwards towards a tree with a very surprised but yet rather comical face until he made contact with it. Upon looking at the potential threat he breathed a sigh of relief... "Ah... it was just a kid..." He muttered but then got a little testy afterwards. "HEY! Brat! What the hell do you think you're... W-what!? He noticed the mark on his neck. "G-Grimoire Heart huh? You trying to toy with us or something?" Eric transformed his arms into dragon claws ready to strike just in case. "Heh you picked the wrong guy to mess with!"

Ethan: Troll Successful

Ethan gently floated to the ground, donning his signature smile. It was an innocent smile, definitely not a look a dark guild member should have, but there was also something else behind it. He put his arms behind his head in a carefree manner before he spoke, ignoring Eric's own question. "Hey, how strong are you?" Ethan asked, no perceivable malice in his voice. This guy looked pretty strong, but he had to be sure. And what was that magic he was using? Take-over? maybe, but something looked off with it. 'Oh well,' Ethan thought, 'I'll figure it out.'

Eric: Strange Hut

There's something weird about this kid. His mark undeniably means he's part of that dark guild but... He's far to cheerful. Eric would have to keep his guard up for this one. "How strong am I you say?" He smirked a little clearly attempting to show off his confidence. "Heh... Why don't you find out for yourself." He charged forward ready to slash at the dark mage. "Don't think that just because you're a kid that I'll go easy on ya! If you guys think that you can kidnap my friends and hope to get away with it well... you'll be in for a bad time!" Eric pounced forward with both claws in the air and slammed down on the ground to send a small shockwave towards the little brat to put him off balance and swung his claw for a direct slash.


Lavender Gray - From Magnolia to Grimwar Heart's base (I thinK?

xD )

After her shopping with her friends, she had recently found out about the kidnappings that had happened within different guilds. Word got around and apparently it had been Grimwar heart. Changing out of her comfortable clothes and into her armor, she went on her journey just as other parties did. Though, she had arrived a bit later than they did so they had been inside. Taking things into her own hands, she went ahead and tried a different way to get inside. It worked in her favor but it landed her in a bad spot. The warrior fought off the wizards that tried to stop her but unlucky and unfair for her, a needle was stuck into her side which let loose a toxin that spreaded throughout her body. Surprisingly she pushed enough to fight a little more but it failed as she passed out onto the ground.

This was disappointing to Lavender. She should have seen this coming and she didnt! The remaining wizards that had attacked her managed to toss her into a cell and lock her up, leaving her all alone as they walked away from the cell.

Laying on the cold floor, the Wizard began to come to as her eyes slowly opened and blinked slowly a few times as she tried to see where she was. Holding in a sound of pain from her side which was where the needle struck her. Needles were painful little things! Where in the world am I? A cell?

@Mykinkaiser (since this will include you soon I'm assuming) @AnyoneELSE
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Ethan: Totally Inconspicuous Hut

All Ethan did was grin. This guy might be fun after all. The shockwave hit him, but Ethan took it in stride, still, he stumbled, and that's when he saw the direct attack coming his way. He couldn't dodge like this, so instead of stepping away from the attack, and with a speed that seemed unusual to an outside perspective, Ethan pushed himself toward Eric, barreling into him to avoid the blow and sending the two to the ground. Ethan laughed as he, along with Eric, were sent to the ground, and used his magic to store the force on Eric's body so that no impact was felt by either of them.

Eric: Strange Hut

"W-what?" It happened so fast. Eric was sure that he was going to hit him but now they were suddenly on the ground, which is weird because he didn't even feel the impact when he fell over. Was this his magic? If so then why would he use it to spare me of the force? "So are you really trying to make fun of me or somethin'? If I were you I'd avoid getting me mad..." He done a full body takeover into a cheetah to maximise his speed. This kid was good but would he be able to keep up with him? "Alright brat your turn!" He said with a smug face. "Let's see if you can keep up with my speed."
Valken Truss

Team Bravado

Dark Guild Dungeon

Valken half turned as he heard Ferra speak up, purple eyes huge. He'd almost completely forgotten about the girl till her voice rang out and he started to feel guilty. Started, however, before she decided to exclaim rather boldly that Millie and Valken had been dating two weeks. Well, he pretended they did thanks to her prank. Really it had only been a few days.... It was the truth but Hell Frosty didn't need to know that!!!! Gritting his teeth he make a sign with two fingers at her, almost as if to say Strike Two.... All tallying up to the mother of all payoffs.

Emmerich repeated his words to which he had to whince. They really didn't sound convincing at all. Although the words 'virgin' struck a cord with him. A week ago, maybe... Here he stuck out his chest in a masculine manner, making a pshaw noise as he did. "I have no idea where you get that idea because I've have ladies dangling off me for years..." More like running or screaming, or simply not know he existed while he perved from the corner of the room under his hood.

Now that Frosty kept annoying him about it, he was getting more and more self conscious. "Oh yeah Millie was begging me for it... couldn't keep her hands off me..." Well that was half true, it did start with a rather hot kiss behind the Bikini Contest that escalated from there. He figured she enjoyed it by the constant trembles of her body and cries for his name. That meant he did good.... right?

Then again his experience was very limited well nonexistent so maybe she had faked it and hated it the whole time. He started to look like he was getting a cold sweat. She'd tell me right? He did last a while... What if she was bored? What if I didn't please her at all? He was having a mini meltdown now as he glanced to his palms. Glancing to Frosty quickly. Maybe he should ask him how you know? How to tell if your partner is satisified? Wait! I can't do that, if I ask he'll know, if he knows he'll never let me live it down! Or Ferra! His voice turning into a internal scream in his brain.

While Valken was having his inadequacy issues his back suddenly straightened as he heard something from the end of the hallway, quickly he grasped at Ferra and Frosty's collars and half threw them into a convenient portion of the wall that was tucked in to hid them all in the shadows. Throwing them both a quick hard glance to say, shh, as the Shadow Mage peeked half his head out to see what the noise was. Two somethings, talking.

"Where did she get you?"

"Damn near stabbed me in the leg, crazy Bitch!"

"We'll have to take it to the infirmary then..."

" ..Ohhh nonnono. I think I'd rather patch it myself up then have those pysco doctors patch me up..."

"Alright man, I suppose she's drugged now so shouldn't be hard to leave her be. Besides Master wasn't looking out for her, only wanted the other Mages. Still, you'd think they'd order to kill the Fairytail mage rather then just capture her..."

Valken raised an eyebrow as he heard the two guards continuing walking away before he gestured his head and started to jog down the corridor, pointing down the left of the T-intersection where the guards had come from.

One room sealed closed with a heavy set Metal door, inside the room a cell where Lavender was kept seperate from all the other prisoners being she was not with the original kidnappers.

@Britt\-21 @Kayzo (mention)
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Lavender Gray - From Magnolia to Grimwar Heart's base (I thinK?

xD )

After her shopping with her friends, she had recently found out about the kidnappings that had happened within different guilds. Word got around and apparently it had been Grimwar heart. Changing out of her comfortable clothes and into her armor, she went on her journey just as other parties did. Though, she had arrived a bit later than they did so they had been inside. Taking things into her own hands, she went ahead and tried a different way to get inside. It worked in her favor but it landed her in a bad spot. The warrior fought off the wizards that tried to stop her but unlucky and unfair for her, a needle was stuck into her side which let loose a toxin that spreaded throughout her body. Surprisingly she pushed enough to fight a little more but it failed as she passed out onto the ground.

This was disappointing to Lavender. She should have seen this coming and she didnt! The remaining wizards that had attacked her managed to toss her into a cell and lock her up, leaving her all alone as they walked away from the cell.

Laying on the cold floor, the Wizard began to come to as her eyes slowly opened and blinked slowly a few times as she tried to see where she was. Holding in a sound of pain from her side which was where the needle struck her. Needles were painful little things! Where in the world am I? A cell?

@Britt\-21 @Kayzo (mention)

Emmerich Faust Emmerich's grin widened at Valken's somewhat indignant response but he decided not to pursue it further, or at least not here. Unfortunately, he was not sufficiently well versed in reading people to notice his friend's self-consciousness. That said, he wasn't the best with people to begin with so it might have been better that he didn't notice. Either way, it didn't end up mattering as Valken suddenly straightened up as if he had heard something before pulling him and Ferra into an alcove just in time two avoid two guards coming down the hall.
Emmerich Faust

The fact that there were guards here helped to explain the lack of traps as guarded areas tended to be the more well-used areas and as such generally had fewer, or often no, traps. However, more interesting than that was what the mages where discussing. It seems that they had taken a Fairy Tail mage captive after drugging her. Luckily it seemed that the woman was still alive, which meant they could still get her out.

As the two guards left Emmerich followed Valken down the hall to find the metal door. Due to the fact that from the guards' conversation it seems like she had just been captured and put in her cell, thus meaning that she wouldn't likely be far away Emmerich figured that the aforementioned woman was likely inside. As such he wasted no time in covering his right leg in a membrane of magic and suddenly unleashing a flurry of kicks into the door, heavily denting it before ultimately ripping it from its hinges and sending it crashing to the ground. In all likelihood this action would have alerted the two guards from earlier as well as any other nearby ones with the noise it created, and Emmerich welcomed this. He was itching for a fight and sneaking around was never his style to begin with.

Walking into the freshly opened room Emmerich dissolves the magic coating his leg and looks around, his gaze alighting on the mage he had come in for. She was lying on the floor and, by the looks of it, was just coming out of her drug-induced stupor. Offering a hand down to her Emmerich speaks, "Ello there love, name's Emmerich, what's yours?"

Lavender Gray - From Magnolia to Grimwar Heart's base (I thinK?

xD )

After her shopping with her friends, she had recently found out about the kidnappings that had happened within different guilds. Word got around and apparently it had been Grimwar heart. Changing out of her comfortable clothes and into her armor, she went on her journey just as other parties did. Though, she had arrived a bit later than they did so they had been inside. Taking things into her own hands, she went ahead and tried a different way to get inside. It worked in her favor but it landed her in a bad spot. The warrior fought off the wizards that tried to stop her but unlucky and unfair for her, a needle was stuck into her side which let loose a toxin that spreaded throughout her body. Surprisingly she pushed enough to fight a little more but it failed as she passed out onto the ground.

This was disappointing to Lavender. She should have seen this coming and she didnt! The remaining wizards that had attacked her managed to toss her into a cell and lock her up, leaving her all alone as they walked away from the cell.

Laying on the cold floor, the Wizard began to come to as her eyes slowly opened and blinked slowly a few times as she tried to see where she was. Holding in a sound of pain from her side which was where the needle struck her. Needles were painful little things! Where in the world am I? A cell?

@Britt\-21 @Kayzo (mention)


Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich's grin widened at Valken's somewhat indignant response but he decided not to pursue it further, or at least not here. Unfortunately, he was not sufficiently well versed in reading people to notice his friend's self-consciousness. That said, he wasn't the best with people to begin with so it might have been better that he didn't notice. Either way, it didn't end up mattering as Valken suddenly straightened up as if he had heard something before pulling him and Ferra into an alcove just in time two avoid two guards coming down the hall.
Emmerich Faust
The fact that there were guards here helped to explain the lack of traps as guarded areas tended to be the more well-used areas and as such generally had fewer, or often no, traps. However, more interesting than that was what the mages where discussing. It seems that they had taken a Fairy Tail mage captive after drugging her. Luckily it seemed that the woman was still alive, which meant they could still get her out.

As the two guards left Emmerich followed Valken down the hall to find the metal door. Due to the fact that from the guards' conversation it seems like she had just been captured and put in her cell, thus meaning that she wouldn't likely be far away Emmerich figured that the aforementioned woman was likely inside. As such he wasted no time in covering his right leg in a membrane of magic and suddenly unleashing a flurry of kicks into the door, heavily denting it before ultimately ripping it from its hinges and sending it crashing to the ground. In all likelihood this action would have alerted the two guards from earlier as well as any other nearby ones with the noise it created, and Emmerich welcomed this. He was itching for a fight and sneaking around was never his style to begin with.

Walking into the freshly opened room Emmerich dissolves the magic coating his leg and looks around, his gaze alighting on the mage he had come in for. She was lying on the floor and, by the looks of it, was just coming out of her drug-induced stupor. Offering a hand down to her Emmerich speaks, "Ello there love, name's Emmerich, what's yours?"

Tanari Varos - Dungeon

As the purple-haired mage regained consciousness she could hear a quiet, feminine humming coming from down the hallway. The humming was punctuated by slapping and snapping sounds. As the woman asked her questioned the humming stopped and a low shuffling sound could be heard. After a moment a voice rang out, clearly coming from a few cells down.
"Oh, hey, you're finally awake. About time really, I've been bored out of my mind since they threw me in here." While she couldn't see her new companion she did hear the conversation of the guards when she was brought in. Based on what she could piece together the girl had tried to infiltrate the base or something. What a dumb thing to do, but at least it meant she wasn't alone anymore. Sadly she was not able to form a deep camaraderie with the girl as the sound of slamming could be heard against the steel door that isolated their little cell-block.

She had her face plastered against the bars as the steel door finally buckled and slammed to the ground. Given the angle she couldn't really see who entered but based off the voice it seemed to be some cockney sorta fellow. It seemed they weren't there to rescue her, then again given her loner status she very much doubted anyone even knew she was missing. Even so her eyes lit up at the prospect of being let loose. After all they wouldn't rescue the new girl and just leave her there, right? Her gaze dropped slightly as the possibility washed over her only to quickly snap back up as she called out
down the hallway. "Oi! She's not the only prisoner! You better rescue me too! ..." She thought over her words as they left her mouth, realizing her position she was quick to add to her statement. "Please!"
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Strange Hut

"W-what?" It happened so fast. Eric was sure that he was going to hit him but now they were suddenly on the ground, which is weird because he didn't even feel the impact when he fell over. Was this his magic? If so then why would he use it to spare me of the force? "So are you really trying to make fun of me or somethin'? If I were you I'd avoid getting me mad..." He done a full body takeover into a cheetah to maximise his speed. This kid was good but would he be able to keep up with him? "Alright brat your turn!" He said with a smug face. "Let's see if you can keep up with my speed."
Ethan: Totally Inconspicuous Hut

"Awww, you turned into a kitty." Ethan said tauntingly as he got up. Eric's reactions were kinda funny when he got annoyed. On a serious note, that speed of a cheetah thing might be a problem. 'Breaking his legs would help.' A voice suddenly offered from the back of his mind. From out of nowhere, a form seemed to take shape beside Eric, one only Ethan could see. Ethan knew this apparition, after all, it looked exactly like him except his eyes were dead. It seemed the other guy was awake again. "He'd be no fun if he couldn't walk." Ethan fired back. 'I don't want to have fun. I want to win and be done with it.' the voice insisted. From an outside perspective, It would have probably seemed like he was talking with someone right beside Eric, but no one was there. Ethan sighed. "you're no fun at all." 'perhaps I should take over.' Ethan stiffened at that, slight fear showing on his face before his bright smile returned. "I can handle it." And with that, the voice stopped, and the form disappeared. Ethan breathed sigh of relief before suddenly charging at Eric in his Cheetah form full speed, a fist made to put a dent in Eric's currently catlike skull.

Eric: Strange hut

While Eric was waiting for an attack the kid seemed as if he was talking to someone else. He looked around his surroundings but there was no one to be seen. "Oi you talking to yourself?" Although rather than an answer, the kid charged at him with some impressive amount of speed. But not fast enough. Eric quickly pounced out the way of the attack. This kid clearly wasn't normal. "Hmm... I have to admit you're pretty strong. But... You've got a long way to go before you can beat me." Eric was hoping to provoke him. Maybe encourage him to charge so Eric can detain him with his snake form. For now though he should continue to wear him out before capturing. Eric changed into his rhino form. Thanks to his magic he not only gains the physical traits of his chosen form but they are also enhanced above normal capabilities. So while as a rhino he should be able to take the bulk of the damage without suffering any serious wounds. With that he charged at the kid head first hoping to at least get one hit in.

Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust Emmerich's grin widened at Valken's somewhat indignant response but he decided not to pursue it further, or at least not here. Unfortunately, he was not sufficiently well versed in reading people to notice his friend's self-consciousness. That said, he wasn't the best with people to begin with so it might have been better that he didn't notice. Either way, it didn't end up mattering as Valken suddenly straightened up as if he had heard something before pulling him and Ferra into an alcove just in time two avoid two guards coming down the hall.
Emmerich Faust
The fact that there were guards here helped to explain the lack of traps as guarded areas tended to be the more well-used areas and as such generally had fewer, or often no, traps. However, more interesting than that was what the mages where discussing. It seems that they had taken a Fairy Tail mage captive after drugging her. Luckily it seemed that the woman was still alive, which meant they could still get her out.

As the two guards left Emmerich followed Valken down the hall to find the metal door. Due to the fact that from the guards' conversation it seems like she had just been captured and put in her cell, thus meaning that she wouldn't likely be far away Emmerich figured that the aforementioned woman was likely inside. As such he wasted no time in covering his right leg in a membrane of magic and suddenly unleashing a flurry of kicks into the door, heavily denting it before ultimately ripping it from its hinges and sending it crashing to the ground. In all likelihood this action would have alerted the two guards from earlier as well as any other nearby ones with the noise it created, and Emmerich welcomed this. He was itching for a fight and sneaking around was never his style to begin with.

Walking into the freshly opened room Emmerich dissolves the magic coating his leg and looks around, his gaze alighting on the mage he had come in for. She was lying on the floor and, by the looks of it, was just coming out of her drug-induced stupor. Offering a hand down to her Emmerich speaks, "Ello there love, name's Emmerich, what's yours?"
Lavender Gray

Lavender barely heard the guards as they talked about her being a crazy bitch. This almost ticked Lavender but she kept calm and did her best not to let it bother her. Forcing herself up, she thought to herself: How dare they call me such a horrible name. I am not crazy nor am I this 'Bitch' they oh so call me. Maybe next time they should not mess with a Fairy Tail wizard who has experience in combat with a sword and Shield. Speaking of her sword and shield, they were not in her posession. Looking around, she noticed the shield and blade were thrown throughout the room without a care in the world.

"I should not expect any more than this from Grimoire Hart." before the warrior knew it, there was a sudden bang coming from the door which followed with a couple of more bangs which dented the door and right after: was ripped off the hinges that held said door to reveal a tall blonde male who approached her and offered his hand down to her and introduced himself. Her eyes had been slightly widened at such strength was used to dent a metal door as well as rip it off the hinges. "I, am Lavender Gray. As you could tell, I'm from Fairy Tail." her emblem was free and clear as it rested in front of her left shoulder in a dark purple color.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/boo.png.c5b81216923e9c983e1aa9b76bc7a015.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/boo.png.c5b81216923e9c983e1aa9b76bc7a015.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lavender lifted her hand and took his, standing up from the ground with his help.

"I appreciate you breaking me out of this cell, Sir Emmerich." Lavender bowed her head slightly as she released his hand and moved to gather her sword and shield "I presume you're from Lamia Scale judging by your mark on your chest. I did hear a couple of members sought out to save the wizards that had been kidnapped." picking up her shield and grasping the handle, she turned towards Emmerich waiting for his response. Throughout this whole time of talking, her words were fluent, soft, and held a light accent.

@Zuka as well :D @Mykinkaiser



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Ethan: Non-Evil Hut

Ethan saw the charging rhino that Eric had become and leapt over it quickly. "Dude, you'll never hit me like that." Ethan said, sticking his tongue out. While it was true that any physical attack wouldn't do much, that form was much too slow to really get to him. Ethan landed on Eric's back and started whaling into him, but like before, no impacts were felt. Even so, Ethan kept smiling like he had nothing to worry about. 'You're too lax' He heard the voice once again, but chose to ignore it this time. It wouldn't do at all to ruin the moment.

Eric: Damn brat...

As he was charging towards the kid he somehow ended up on his back... There's no way to fight this guy with normal means... in that case... "Ya know what your right." He changed back into his human form and done a partial take over giving himself dragon claws and cheetah legs. Eric stared down the kid for a minute creating a serious atmosphere and then... "Hey kid look! One of your captives is escaping!" While the kid was distracted Eric sprinted towards him and tackled him through the door of the hut. One thing he wasn't expecting though... It went downstairs. Eric was trying to punch the kid as they both tumbled down until eventually they reached another group of mages.

@Isune @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
Ethan: Underhanded Tool

"Wha?" Ethan looked towards the cave, but saw no one there. It was then that it dawned on him...Eric made him look. He quickly turned back, but Eric had already tackled him inside. "Hey, no fair!" He yelled as they both tumbled down the stairs. If he wasn't so frustrated by the whole falling into the dark abyss thing, he would've noticed the other group of mages that they both were rapidly approaching. When Eric started to punch him, Ethan quickly kicked him in the stomach before grabbing Eric's arm and biting it...hard, and growling.

@Isune @Jackaboi @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Bolts @Genon @Rhodus
Chris Lengheart(The hell!?)

Chris stared at the bubbles as they floated about. It was a scary sight to see them floating about and the idea that the slightest poke could cause them to explode. Right as Chris as about to ask what the blast radius on them was in case he had to run, but his attention was caught by the sounds of people fighting. He looked around and saw Eric and someone else rolling about in an attempt to fight one another. He was amazed as to how they didn't fall in the pit, they must have rolled or fought across the bridge that was made to help other searchers across.

Chris quickly ran up to the fight as he picked up both Eric and the stranger by their shirts and almost instantly noticed the Grimoire heart mark at the base of the boy's neck. It was then, Chris dropped Eric and adjusted his grip on the boy by suddenly snapping a hand around his neck. "
Looks like we got a Grimoire heart here. A young one at that." Chris said as he stared at the boy with a surprisingly frightening look. He wanted answers and he wanted them now!

@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Genon @Rhodus @Bolts
Kelica Zefara

Team Falling

The blonde haired girl was still half trembling as the other girl who was hanging around Kim offered some light in the form of.... explosive bubbles? Kelica naturally half ducked and curled her hands in to keep herself as far away from said scary albeit pretty bubbles as she was able offering a half thankful smile towards her. (@Bolts) As the boulder raced on passed and exploded paving the original way once more, Chris (@Isune) stepped out first followed by the others (@Genon), leaving Ryu (@Rhodus) and Kelica as the last two.

Normally Kelica would be the first out of that make shift tunnel but she was being overly friendly, so it came as a sudden surprise when Chris's new tunnel suddenly shook and shuddered. Her emerald eyes went wide as she took a shaking step backwards, pressing her back against the opposite wall, throwing her hands up as the entrance completely collapsed in on itself, seperating Ryu and Kelica from the rest of the group.

And if that wasn't terrifying enough, Chris's Earth Style magic must have disturbed the dirt too much so not only did the entrance to the alcove collapse the very Earth the two were standing on also crumbled in on itself to a weird air pocket causing a screaming Kelica to oof straight onto Ryu frame as they started to fall down the weird vertical tunnel.

She didn't have time to worry about the hard landing because with an almighty splash the two Mages fell into a strange underwater hot spring which almost burnt to touch. Breaking the surface with an huge breath Kelica peered up to the whole in the roof far away from which they fell, taking a soft sigh as she bobbed up and down in the hot water.

Finally she looked to Ryu.

"A... Are you ok?..."

Idly wondering if Chris even noticed her missing. Not that it would matter he couldn't reach them all the way down here and they would have to find their own way out.
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-Ryu Miyamoto (Gokasai)-


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/KqDKO.jpg.2c36be5e046fb3ce11a7ad04d5fd0a89.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141255" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/KqDKO.jpg.2c36be5e046fb3ce11a7ad04d5fd0a89.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryu sighed again as the pair of mages came tumbling down the stairs to stop in front of the group. "Mattaku" he muttered, crossing his arms. He watched disinterestedly as Chris broke up the fight, and took no action to stop him as he grabbed the Grimoire Heart youth by the neck. He leaned against the tunnel wall as he waited for the others to leave, before a cave in suddenly cut him and Kelica off from the rest of the group. Before the two could react, the ground beneath them gave way, and Kelica stumbled straight into him. They didn't seem to fall far, and they landed in what seemed to be a natural hot spring. "I'm fine" He said coldly, in response to the Blonde's question. "What about you? If you're injured, don't expect me to carry you."

@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @purplepanda288 @Genon @Isune @Bolts



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Hibiki Dreyar

-Dungeon Cells-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.72d479c6e23fc796368512cfee4626c4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141256" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.72d479c6e23fc796368512cfee4626c4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When Ayano got all up in his face, Hibiki simply raised a brow and nearly chuckled right in the vampires face. Before he could do anything though, Ayano had apparently accumulated a knife made totally out of blood and stabbed it into his leg. With a slight wince of pain, Hibiki fell to the floor and kept his hands pressed over the wound, applying pressure to it so that he wouldn't bleed out and die. "Damn it..." He said, those words seeping through the gritted teeth That showed his anger. When Rodwen blasted the vampire into the wall, Hibiki simply chuckled. "That was fun to see, I'll give you that I guess." Looking over towards Sora, Hibiki sent a kind and calming smile her way. The girl was obviously trying to egg Rodwen on so much that she'd let her out and fight her. It was a great plan, but it was careless nonetheless. Hibiki decided to just sit there for the moment and keep applying pressure to the wound. Hopefully someone would get here soon and get them out... Hopefully.

Maya Morne

-Dungeon Cells Corridor-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.24ef6a8e2c253de1a91c66a4347c292c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.24ef6a8e2c253de1a91c66a4347c292c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As the woman walked through the dimly lit corridors, she held her hands at her front and walked slowly. This place truly was just like a maze, and she'd be lying if she wasn't impressed with its creators with that aspect. However, Maya was filled with a desire to see this horrible place go up in flames. As she continued to walk through the corridors, turning whenever possible, she could hear the cries of pain and even manic laughter coming from further down the place. Maya could have sworn she recognised one of the voices as Sora's, which meant she really was close indeed. "I'm coming my dear..." She said, quietly to herself, as the Saint continued down through the halls and towards the voices. As the Wizard Saint walked, her heels emitted a noise that echoed throughout the corridor with every step, it was probably quite an ominous noise too. As she got closer and closer to the voices, Maya stopped walking for a moment before patting down her dress and then proceeding to continue on. Eventually, she reached her destination.

As Maya stood at the end of the dungeon corridor, Maya could see the two Dark Guild Mage's present. In the cells were Sora and a blonde boy, who had apparently just been stabbed. Even though she was quite far away, she could see the blood on the males leg and knew that it was fresh. Although she was stood in a dark part of the corridor that wasn't illuminated by light whatsoever, her presence was most probably known due to the ominous clicking of her heels after every step. Continuing to walk, Maya stepped out of the shadows and walked down the corridor. "Grimoire Heart..." She said, as she then crossed her arms and stopped walking. "I can see that you have been enjoying whatever it is you're doing, but now you must stop." Pausing for a moment, Maya nodded towards Sora before her sharp and deathly glare came to face the dark mage that was standing, her blonde hair and appearance completely contradicting the fact that she was a dark mage of Grimoire Heart. "Release them from their bonds. Now." Luckily, it seemed that Sora hadn't been hurt yet, which was good. However, that did not excuse these thugs for what they had done. "I will not hesitate to take you down for your crimes against the Magic Council. But I will let you walk away from this if you release them quietly and turn yourself in."

These dark guild mage's probably had no idea who she was, which was good. However she didn't know who they were either. A disadvantage on both sides, but definitely an incredibly bad mistake on theirs.

@Kyuubey @Jackaboi @Mr Swiftshots



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Valken Truss

Team Bravado

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7bd3a35b1157d7bddd9be64f09c7cffa.jpg.08d36990e12c67b9ff2c6140107e2cc0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7bd3a35b1157d7bddd9be64f09c7cffa.jpg.08d36990e12c67b9ff2c6140107e2cc0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Shadow Mage put a hand on his chin as he peered to the Metal Doorway, pondering the best way to get into it. Maybe it was booby trapped, there could be pressure senses or timed explosives surrounding the perimeter and just as he slung a dagger out to attempt to perhaps run a knife edge along the door seal Frosty decided to do things his way rather then the sensible, calm, probably more cautious and slower option.

Mouth still gaped wide and watching as the door was literally thrown away by it's hinges, echoing like an explosion in the dead of night, Valken only slapped his forehead. And on cue it seemed every alarm in the place resounded and echoed to let them know they were in a place they shouldn't be.

"...Maya will never let me live this down...." He grumbled, and reaching down to the door pieces he quickly flung some rather big chunks straight at Ferra. "Eat up, Cookie Monster!" Even as he did that, he ran into the room to see the woman the Guards were talking about a moment or two earlier and Frosty introduce himself. He was just about to hussle the two out of the room to perhaps prepare for the onslaught of Mages he knew even now would be homing in on there locations.

Just about to, however, till he heard a voice calling out to them for help. Seeing as Emmerich was keeping the Fairytail mage occupied, Valken rather calmly made his way over to the other cell.

He couldn't help but smirk as he saw a red headed girl with her face pressed against the bars, lifting up one arm against the bars to rest his whole body against it while his over hand flicked his curved a hooked dagger around at incredible speed like a flick knife.

"Well Well Tanari.... Fancy seeing you here! I clearly remember seeing you wearing a good deal less at the Bikini Contest... and an older women won first place followed by a sour, edgy mage in second... What place did you get? 10th? Or last? It's Ok, I thought the outfit, or lack there of was exceptional...."

Here Valken flicked out his dagger to press the very tip into the lock opening, twisting it just a fraction to half unlock it but not fully. Teasing her. ".....Hmm... if you promise to give me another cat walk I might just let you free...." his voice rumbled out as he twisted the dagger another fraction so another loud click was heard. Eyes narrowing as his grin only deepenly maliciously. After all he was a Sadist at heart and adored making people uncomfortable. Especially those he wasn't completely familiar with.

@Britt-21 @Colt556 @Mitchs98



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@Colt556[/URL] @Mitchs98
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She kept her face sternly against the steel bars, listening closely to the exchange of the mages. Based on the conversation they really were rescuing them.. or at least the Fairy Tail mage. Her own rescue was yet to be seen. Finally one of the mages came into view, a tall dark and supposedly handsome type moseyed on over towards her cell. As the man rested his arm on the bars and peered in at her she took a step back. He spoke as if he knew her, although she couldn't say the same about him. A pang of frustration shot through her at the man's remark about her placement during the contest. Clearly it was rigged, anyone with common sense knew it was rigged. But her frustration over the result would have to wait as there was a far more pressing concern at hand. She tilted her head to the side slightly, confusion evident on her face. "Do I know you?"

Her gaze followed the man's knife as he brought it down towards the lock of her cell. Her eyes lit up at the prospect of being rescued. Alas her would-be savior seemed to have other things in mind as he tried to demand payment of sorts in return for her release. Acting quick to address her previous question she gently hit her fist into her outstretched palm and gave a small 'aha!' "Oh, right, you're um... uh.. that one guy! Yeah, sure I don't mind giving you a little service after we get outta here." She looked in the direction of the now-broken down door, the alarm signalling that they didn't exactly have much time to spare. Turning her gaze back on the man she rose her eyebrows and cast an expectant look down at the lock. "But for now we should probably get a move on, yeah?"
Colt556 said:
Mikado Saris - Dungeon

She held her hands in her jacket's pockets as Noah stepped up and offered to handle their door problem. She quirked a brow as the man began to freeze over the door. A smirk formed over her face as the man bashed the door, causing a rather loud crash as chunks of frozen steel shattered and fell to the ground. Once the ruckus ended and the floor thoroughly coated with frozen steel she cast her gaze on Noah. "Probably not, but it was quieter than anything I would have done." With this she looked over at Lysander, wondering if he might have opened the door in a manner that actually deserved to be called quiet. With a small shrug of her shoulders she carefully stepped around the minefield of ice, not exactly wanting to slip and fall on Noah's handy-work.

Once past the ice she turned her attention on the room itself. Her smirk immediately faded as she took in the sights. The room was fairly large although it was quite cluttered with tables full of various lab equipment. Unlike the dungeon corridors the room was dimly lit with cold, dull grey floors and walls. As she made her way further in she rounded a shelving unit which served to almost break the room in two. In this new area there were rows of large vats, each filled with some kind of liquid. Floating in the center of each vat was various states of some kind of organic-looking ... thing. Curiosity got the better of her and she approached one of the vats, getting a better look at what was inside of it. This particular creature was roughly her size and despite it's malformation it appeared to be humanoid with chunks of organic material jutting out of it's back.

She looked down the row of vats that stretched along the entire wall before turning to face the rest of the room. The tables were covered in papers as well as small beakers, some filled with liquid, others empty, and some containing organs or clumps of tissue. On the far wall there was a door leading to an adjacent room. She noticed the small steel bed resting in the center of the small room, stains of blood peppering both the bed and the steel floor beneath it. With a small shudder she looked over at her comrades while bringing her hand up to her cap, lifting it up slightly before speaking. "Well, this is kinda creepy."

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Noah Cross- Creepy Room

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_me3wpiMqsB1runxsho1_500.gif.4be7e7b500bf7cc8f79d09b813ef140f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_me3wpiMqsB1runxsho1_500.gif.4be7e7b500bf7cc8f79d09b813ef140f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah chuckled then followed Mikado through the doorway, but unlike her Noah slipped on the ice hitting his head hard on another piece of ice. He sits up fast holding his head while repeating. Ouch ouch ouch ouch! He seemed to relax more and just simply rubbed the back of his head. He gets up looking down at the ice. Stupid ice. He floats through the door way and lands away from the ice.

Noah looked around the dimly lit room seeing papers and beakers on the tables. Some beakers were empty, others were filled with some type of liquid, and others were filled with organs and tissue. It's still debatable if it human or not. Noah got a closure look to a beaker with a heart in it, starring right at it. He could've sworn he say it beat. Noah felt a chill down his back and stepped away.
Creepy doesn't even cover it. We should find the exit.

Noah turned towards the bed in the center of the room and frowned upon it. What do you think they were doing here? He asked Mikado looking around the room.

@Huor Spinks



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