Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Draneri - The Siren

Dark Guild Corridor

The siren smiled peacefully as Mizuki was brought to her feet and before anyone could react she took a huge breath inwards before grasping at her face and leaning down gently and breathing heavily against her lips, her breath seeming an almost red color.


"....mmm my Dear... There is not a single person I adore more then you.... but others are trying to take me away... you'll protect me won't you?..."

Even her voices words seemed to gel together like an almost lullaby. That was when the Siren focused her very golden gaze on a threatening Chris and her steps bypassed a probably still half dazed Mizuki.

She had to work fast, even a Siren as old and practiced as she would have trouble dealing with so many mages at once by she only had to seduce a handful of her Prey to even the odds. She reached a hand forward suddenly letting her very fingers walk up Chris's chest to his very chin to curl around, dragging his face down quickly with lowered eyelids.

As with Mizuki she took a big breath in then leaned in as if to kiss him but only she simply rested her lips to his, parting them gently as she breathed hotly over his face. A green colour.


Is it you then that loves me the most? I can not bare to see another so close to me... touching me.... don't you want to touch me?... I can't let you till the other mages are dead....they all need to die so we can be together.... don't you see?"

Golden orbs only ensaring him more as he spoke.

That was when both Eric and Adrian went to attack her, though she now owned the souls of two who would turn. Mizuki would deal with Eric and Chris for Adrian. And so the Siren barely made a move as she was chokeholded. A small smile gracing her lips. But having this hold simply wouldn't do so she slipped a hand into a secret pocket of her dress and suddenly withdrew a rather long knitting needle and thrust it down into Adrian's thigh, making sure to wiggle and grind it painfully into the dense muscle tissue.

@Isune @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98
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Chris Lengheart(What are yo-...yes I won't let them take you)

Chris watched in horror as the siren brought the girl to her feet before seemingly kissing her. He could of sworn that her breath was red, but there was no time for minor details. Next thing he knew, the siren was already walking towards him. Chris tried to launch the rock at her, but before he could she had already ran her fingers up his chest and brought her face close to his. Chris tried to headbutt her, but she had already succeed in what she had set out to do. Chris was now hers, her own little minion.

At first, Chris had a shocked look on his face. But soon, that look on his face suddenly changed from that or shock to one of sheer anger as he watched Adrian drag his love away. No one dare to lay hands on the siren so long as Chris was there. He wasn't about to stand idly by as his one true love was being harmed by some brute!

Of course. They won't take you away from me!" Chris suddenly roared as he changed back to his human form. He sprinted over to Adrian and suddenly pried him away from his love. "You're not going to hurt her, you're not taking her away!" He shouted as he suddenly headbutted Adrian before throwing him off to the side. Chris then took over his werecat form. For once, his claws actually came out as a hiss arose from him. The enchantress belonged to him, and only him. He wouldn't allow anyone else to hurt the only one he loved!

@Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren
Dark Guild Corridor

The siren smiled peacefully as Mizuki was brought to her feet and before anyone could react she took a huge breath inwards before grasping at her face and leaning down gently and breathing heavily against her lips, her breath seeming an almost red color.


"....mmm my Dear... There is not a single person I adore more then you.... but others are trying to take me away... you'll protect me won't you?..."

Even her voices words seemed to gel together like an almost lullaby. That was when the Siren focused her very golden gaze on a threatening Chris and her steps bypassed a probably still half dazed Mizuki.

She had to work fast, even a Siren as old and practiced as she would have trouble dealing with so many mages at once by she only had to seduce a handful of her Prey to even the odds. She reached a hand forward suddenly letting her very fingers walk up Chris's chest to his very chin to curl around, dragging his face down quickly with lowered eyelids.

As with Mizuki she took a big breath in then leaned in as if to kiss him but only she simply rested her lips to his, parting them gently as she breathed hotly over his face. A green colour.


Is it you then that loves me the most? I can not bare to see another so close to me... touching me.... don't you want to touch me?... I can't let you till the other mages are dead....they all need to die so we can be together.... don't you see?"

Golden orbs only ensaring him more as he spoke.

That was when both Eric and Adrian went to attack her, though she now owned the souls of two who would turn. Mizuki would deal with Eric and Chris for Adrian. And so the Siren barely made a move as she was chokeholded. A small smile gracing her lips. But having this hold simply wouldn't do so she slipped a hand into a secret pocket of her dress and suddenly withdrew a rather long knitting needle and thrust it down into Adrian's thigh, making sure to wiggle and grind it painfully into the dense muscle tissue.

@Isune @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(What are yo-...yes I won't let them take you)

Chris watched in horror as the siren brought the girl to her feet before seemingly kissing her. He could of sworn that her breath was red, but there was no time for minor details. Next thing he knew, the siren was already walking towards him. Chris tried to launch the rock at her, but before he could she had already ran her fingers up his chest and brought her face close to his. Chris tried to headbutt her, but she had already succeed in what she had set out to do. Chris was now hers, her own little minion.

At first, Chris had a shocked look on his face. But soon, that look on his face suddenly changed from that or shock to one of sheer anger as he watched Adrian drag his love away. No one dare to lay hands on the siren so long as Chris was there. He wasn't about to stand idly by as his one true love was being harmed by some brute!

Of course. They won't take you away from me!" Chris suddenly roared as he changed back to his human form. He sprinted over to Adrian and suddenly pried him away from his love. "You're not going to hurt her, you're not taking her away!" He shouted as he suddenly headbutted Adrian before throwing him off to the side. Chris then took over his werecat form. For once, his claws actually came out as a hiss arose from him. The enchantress belonged to him, and only him. He wouldn't allow anyone else to hurt the only one he loved!

@Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98
Before Mizuki's child beating could go on any further another voice could be heard approaching the group. The voice was obviously female, and it was singing beautifully, giving her an evil vibe. Obviously this would be someone of strong powers as they weren't trying to sneak up on anyone. She looked up from Ethan and over to Alicia, tilting her head towards the way they came. "Alicia, go back the way we came and sit at the top of the stairs. You're too tired to fight, and we can handle her." She said, hoping that she'd listen and turned her attention back to Ethan. She had only hit him twice, was wasn't much. If this had been an adult member she wouldn't have stopped. But if the council found out that she beat a kid to death things wouldn't look good for her. The dark mage stared down at him fiercely as if she was waiting for him to say something in response, but unfortunately she never got to hear what he'd say as the other mages failed at their job of protecting her. The moment the Siren's hand touched her chin a sensation of warmth and happiness flooded her body. She knew that this was some sort of charming magic to try and mind control her, and as hard as she tried to resist Mizuki found herself being held by the vile creature. Her mind blocked everything else out except for the beautiful goddess in front of her. Her hardened face softened a bit and her hands shakily went up to the other girls shoulders, holding the two closely together. "I was hurting the kid, because he needed a lesson." She said softly, pale skin turning a rosy red as her face was brought up to meet Daneri's. The moment she breathed in her perfume the happiness and warmth she felt previously turned into a heated love for her. She wanted nothing more than to be with the stranger before her. However, as she said, the others were trying to steal Daneri from her, and that wasn't acceptable. "Of course my love. I will kill them all just for you. Then we can run off and be together, forever..." She said, flicking her wrist and sending a large blade of darkness towards the leaping tiger. Her head then turned to Chris as he spoke of taking Daneri all for himself. This made her even more made, her rage could only be satisfied with his blood. "You don't deserve her! The last girl you loved you hurt! You'll just treat her the same way!" She growled, launching two more dark blades towards Adrian and Chris.


Grimoire Heart

Not sure what's going on, but totally okay with it

Ethan felt the woman named Mizuki slap him a bit. He was a tough kid, so he put up with it. That was until the demon girl, apparently called a Siren if he heard correctly, appeared. The magic holding him suddenly disappeared as the woman put the guild mages under some sort of spell. It was really weird, but there was no time to question it. While the guild mages was distracted with each other, one with a good stab wound, he slipped away from them, now interested in the newcomer. "While I appreciate the assist, you're not one of our mages." Ethan said, now a fair distance away from those under the spell so as not to gain their attention once more, and eyeing her curiously. "Who are you?"

@Kayzo @Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Mitchs98 @Isune
Eric: Too late...

Eric was too late to warn Mizuki. The Siren already had her in it's grasp. Mizuki fired one of her dark knives at him that hit him in one of his legs. It's not easy dodging mid pounce so he had no choice but to take the hit. The knife caused him to stumble and fall over missing his target. "D-don't tell me she's fallen under the Sirens charm..." As a proud member of Sabertooth there is no way he could harm one of his guild mates! Surely there must be a way to reverse this. Not only that but Chris also fell victim to the Siren. "Oh crap not you too!" Is there a way distract them? Maybe there could be a way to detain them but... As far as he knew no one had any portable jail cells in their pockets, do they even exist anyway? "Hey Siren! You don't look like you have Grimoire Heart's mark! Why are you helping them?

@Kayzo @Zuka @Genon @Isune @Necr0Danc3r @LeSoraAmari
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Underground Hotspring Shaft

The forest mage with Ryu's permission now quickly scrambled onto his back, slinging her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his middle. She didn't know how she kept managing to be carried like this so often, it was normally Chris, but then Noah to get to the forest and finally Ryu to escape this weird underground hot spring. She wasn't complaining, she always preferred being up higher and safer with a greater vantage point.

He mentioned a solid maybe to training her and really that's all she could ask for in this situation. She was certain most of the Fairytail mages would be able to train her to be stronger, calmer, more precise with time. She might even be able to heal faster or without pain like Sora did! That would be something....

Unintentionally she put her face forward to bury her head somewhat behind his ear to nuzzle against his very hair, sighing happily. Kelica afterall was a touchy feely person and it was meant to be similar to a cat grinding in for affection.

Her way to say thanks without the words needed. The girl just wasn't practiced on the do's and don't with personal affection, the move as platonic to her as a smile. Though she did finally whisper into his ear. "....thank you for taking me with you... I appreciate it..."

-Ryu Miyamoto-

>>Underground Cavern<<


Ryu continued to scale the cavern wall, hardly showing any impediment from the girl clinging to his back. He kept using his superheated hands to create new handholds, using his old handholds as footholds, and slowly but surely climbing the wall. However, he was taken completely by surprise by her impromptu display of affection, so much so, that he was pushed back into his normal personality. "W-woah there," He said, pausing his climb to avoid losing his grip on the wall. "You're being quite affectionate there, miss Kelica. Don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked, his confusion about the whole thing clearly evident in his voice. He wasn't used to that kind of affection, so it had made him pretty flustered.

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Kimberly Lock

Team beta

Eias and Kim had walked for about ten minutes now. A few traps here and there, but nothing major that could harm them. Kim stoped for a moment, an immediate wave of nausea passed over her. " We're getting close, I can feel strong presences near us." She leaned on to Eias, beganing to slowly collapse onto the floor. Five strong magic signatures, she recognized three from the guild. But there was something familiar about a single presence that was just a few corridors down. A sinking realization set in her gut, she knew that person " Eias, they have Aiden. They have Aiden." Kim slowly stood from her crouched position, she once again leaned on Eias. "Corridor on the left, a right then another left they should be there."

Zuka said:
Draneri - The Siren
Dark Guild Corridor

The siren smiled peacefully as Mizuki was brought to her feet and before anyone could react she took a huge breath inwards before grasping at her face and leaning down gently and breathing heavily against her lips, her breath seeming an almost red color.


"....mmm my Dear... There is not a single person I adore more then you.... but others are trying to take me away... you'll protect me won't you?..."

Even her voices words seemed to gel together like an almost lullaby. That was when the Siren focused her very golden gaze on a threatening Chris and her steps bypassed a probably still half dazed Mizuki.

She had to work fast, even a Siren as old and practiced as she would have trouble dealing with so many mages at once by she only had to seduce a handful of her Prey to even the odds. She reached a hand forward suddenly letting her very fingers walk up Chris's chest to his very chin to curl around, dragging his face down quickly with lowered eyelids.

As with Mizuki she took a big breath in then leaned in as if to kiss him but only she simply rested her lips to his, parting them gently as she breathed hotly over his face. A green colour.


Is it you then that loves me the most? I can not bare to see another so close to me... touching me.... don't you want to touch me?... I can't let you till the other mages are dead....they all need to die so we can be together.... don't you see?"

Golden orbs only ensaring him more as he spoke.

That was when both Eric and Adrian went to attack her, though she now owned the souls of two who would turn. Mizuki would deal with Eric and Chris for Adrian. And so the Siren barely made a move as she was chokeholded. A small smile gracing her lips. But having this hold simply wouldn't do so she slipped a hand into a secret pocket of her dress and suddenly withdrew a rather long knitting needle and thrust it down into Adrian's thigh, making sure to wiggle and grind it painfully into the dense muscle tissue.

@Isune @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98
Adrian was expecting her to retaliate, but he wasn't sure where she would strike. When she struck at his leg, he instinctively struck outwards, kicking her hard in the shin and making her lose her needle in his leg. Fuck, that hurt! But right now, there was no way he was going to give her back her needle. It was plugging the wound right now, and he didn't need to start bleeding from the thigh. If that needle hit an artery, he knew that he was good as dead if it was pulled out. He bodily shoved her away, aiming to send her careening into the pit--

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(What are yo-...yes I won't let them take you)

Chris watched in horror as the siren brought the girl to her feet before seemingly kissing her. He could of sworn that her breath was red, but there was no time for minor details. Next thing he knew, the siren was already walking towards him. Chris tried to launch the rock at her, but before he could she had already ran her fingers up his chest and brought her face close to his. Chris tried to headbutt her, but she had already succeed in what she had set out to do. Chris was now hers, her own little minion.

At first, Chris had a shocked look on his face. But soon, that look on his face suddenly changed from that or shock to one of sheer anger as he watched Adrian drag his love away. No one dare to lay hands on the siren so long as Chris was there. He wasn't about to stand idly by as his one true love was being harmed by some brute!

Of course. They won't take you away from me!" Chris suddenly roared as he changed back to his human form. He sprinted over to Adrian and suddenly pried him away from his love. "You're not going to hurt her, you're not taking her away!" He shouted as he suddenly headbutted Adrian before throwing him off to the side. Chris then took over his werecat form. For once, his claws actually came out as a hiss arose from him. The enchantress belonged to him, and only him. He wouldn't allow anyone else to hurt the only one he loved!

@Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(*Snarl*)

Chris was getting ready to tear out Adrian's throat until a blade of pure darkness launched at him. The werecat had no issues dodging as he quickly flipped out of the way. He quickly turned his attention to Mizuki as she spoke about Chris not deserving Daneri's love. "This can wait," Chris said with his fangs bared as he pointed a claw at Mizuki "Once I kill all of them I'll come after you. For now, let's focus on what's important." And with that, he turned around and faced Adrian. Regardless of whether or not the blades had hit their mark, Chris started to approach with claws at the ready. He seemed dead set on killing him, anything for Daneri.

@Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r
Or at least he would have, if Chris hadn't sucker-headbutted him and bodily hurled him to the side. He rolled along the ground in pain, just long enough to be getting to his feet...and promptly have to raise a barrier a second later to protect against Mizuki's darkness blade.

Adrian got to his feet, saying with anger and passion in his voice, " What you're experiencing is artificial and imposed on you by magic. Your attraction isn't real. It's entirely one-sided. Do you think she cares about you or your well-being? She just put you under her influence so you would do what she tells you to, and when you've outlived your usefulness, she'll kill you too. And laugh as she does it. She's a siren, she doesn't know empathy or true love. Chris...you already have a girlfriend. A lovely blond woman with flowing hair. She likes the forest and can talk to trees. She's a bit of an airhead, but she loves you all the same. And until five seconds ago, you loved her too. Have you forgotten about Kelica!?"
Genon said:
Adrian was expecting her to retaliate, but he wasn't sure where she would strike. When she struck at his leg, he instinctively struck outwards, kicking her hard in the shin and making her lose her needle in his leg. Fuck, that hurt! But right now, there was no way he was going to give her back her needle. It was plugging the wound right now, and he didn't need to start bleeding from the thigh. If that needle hit an artery, he knew that he was good as dead if it was pulled out. He bodily shoved her away, aiming to send her careening into the pit--
Or at least he would have, if Chris hadn't sucker-headbutted him and bodily hurled him to the side. He rolled along the ground in pain, just long enough to be getting to his feet...and promptly have to raise a barrier a second later to protect against Mizuki's darkness blade.

Adrian got to his feet, saying with anger and passion in his voice, " What you're experiencing is artificial and imposed on you by magic. Your attraction isn't real. It's entirely one-sided. Do you think she cares about you or your well-being? She just put you under her influence so you would do what she tells you to, and when you've outlived your usefulness, she'll kill you too. And laugh as she does it. She's a siren, she doesn't know empathy or true love. Chris...you already have a girlfriend. A lovely blond woman with flowing hair. She likes the forest and can talk to trees. She's a bit of an airhead, but she loves you all the same. And until five seconds ago, you loved her too. Have you forgotten about Kelica!?"
(Tagging @Kayzo @Necr0Danc3r @Mitchs98 @Jackaboi)
Colt556 said:
Mysterious WomanScience Laboratory

The woman's cold expression lingered as her eyes shifted from one magician to the next as they all gave their responses to her offer. The two men seemed to be in agreement on their course of action and the girl seemed equally as eager to resort to violence. She brought her hand up to rest on her chin, once again supporting her elbow with her other arm, a look of mild disappointment adorning her features. "It would appear diplomacy has failed. I suppose it was inevitable given the situation." With a deep breath she again gently tapped her finger on her cheek as she mulled over her option.

She began to pace back and fourth, her gaze downcast as she continued tapping her cheek and mumbling to herself. "If I give in they might leave peacefully... But then they would know the whereabouts of the lab. No... That wont do. The loss of the subjects would be regretable but that can be overcome. Maybe if I ask nicely...? No, diplomacy does not work. But the damage done to the lab..." She abruptly came to a stop, her finger finally resting on her cheek as she turned her gaze back on the trio.

"If we have to fight can we move out of the lab?" She stared at them for a brief moment before cutting off any response they might have given. "No, that wont work. Diplomacy doesn't work..." She seemed genuinely crestfallen every time she reminded herself that diplomacy was not an option. After a few more moments she closed her eyes and gave a small sigh. "It seems there is only one possible option, as unfortunate as it might be."

Without warning she thrust her arm towards the ceiling, her palm flat and facing upwards. A large magical circle appeared in the air above and slightly to the front of her. Four large columns of light slowly descended from the circle, forming up into a large mass with protrusions from the top and the back. As it was nearly finished descending from the circle the light seemed to peel back and shatter, revealing a large creature, easily twice as tall as Noah or Lysander. As the last of the light peeled away the circle shrunk and vanished, the creature falling to the ground and letting out an ear-piercing roar as it flexed it's wings.

The woman looked over the creature before turning her attention back to the trio of magicians. "While he may be the result of an abject failure I still hold absolute confidence in his abilities. If you will not agree to diplomacy then you shall provide me with crucial combat data." She looked up towards the side, as if feeling something amiss elsewhere in the facility. Even if she dealt with these intruders the ones that triggered the base alarm were still out there. And judging by this magic she very much doubted any of Grimoire Heart's magicians could handle it. The facility was clearly lost regardless of her actions.

The creature stamped it's front hoofs as if preparing a charge however instead of actually charging the three mages it instead began to draw in a deep breath. As it sucked in air little wisps of flame darted around it's mouth. After only a moment it brought it's head down, mouth agape, as a torrent of fire spewed forth. The force of the blast threw all manner of object from it's path while the sheer heat almost instantly began to melt anything in it's path.

Mikado Saris - Dungeon

A wide grin etched itself across her lips as she listened to what her comrades had to say. She expected nothing less but having her wishes reaffirmed verbally still made her happy. Even so the woman continued to ramble on, eliciting a quirked brow from her as the woman asked them to leave the lab for their fight before quickly rescinding the request. It seemed their would-be opponent finally came to a decision.

She watched on as the woman seemed to summon forth some kind of creature. As soon as it made it's full appearance it's roar forced her to bring her hands up to her ears in a desperate attempt to find some relief. The pain assaulting her caused her to screw her eyes shut and let out a strained breath. As soon as the sonic assault began it came to an end, drawing a sigh of relief from the girl as she turned her attention towards the new foe, her grin widening even more at the prospect of fighting such an enemy.

At this point the creature fully blocked her view of the woman, preventing her from actually shooting her directly. Even so with three of them and only one monster it shouldn't be too hard to deal with both the woman and her pet. She looked over at her comrades and was about to speak up when she noticed the creature preparing some kind of attack. Her eyes widened slightly as the creature unleashed it's attack, forcing her to quickly leap to the side and away from the blast. She landed roughly on the ground, taking the opportunity to fire a few rounds off in the creature's general direction. What few shots landed bounced harmlessly off it's skin causing her to click her tongue and look over towards her comrades, wanting to make sure they were in decent enough shape. "You two still alive over there?"

@Huor Spinks @Embaga Elder
Noah Cross


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n53gogmqIo1ts1beso1_500.gif.d8d67ebc5896248fbbac2196f40853d9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_n53gogmqIo1ts1beso1_500.gif.d8d67ebc5896248fbbac2196f40853d9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Noah waited patiently for the woman to stop rambling. She constantly talked about diplomacy. Is she really trying her best not to start any violence between them. Throughout her rambling Noah somehow managed to dozed off as she talked. His head slowly tilted to the left as it slowly moved up and down as he snored.

The roar from the summoned creature managed to wake up Noah. He slowly straighten his head, then stretched his arms out with a big yawn. The loud roar from the creature was like a measly alarm clock to Noah. When the monster attacked, Noah was still partially asleep. His face looked as if he just have woken up. Just before the monsters attack reached him, Noah's body charged with lightning and he moved out of the way with lightning speed.

He looks towards Mikado who landed next to him after dodging the attack. Uhh yeah I'm very much alive. That monster almost hit me with that attack though. He turns back towards the monster. So bullets weren't effective huh. He clicks his tongue as lightning started flowing from his body. Looks like I'm next.

Djinn Take Over A lightning blue spell circle appears above Noah as he spoke. Baal once the final word was spoken a lightning bolt emmited from the spell circle strikes Noah's body releasing a lightning blue light. Scales could be seen growing on his arms and legs, and a scally tail could be seen growing out of him. The shape of his sword could also be seen to change form. The light dies down and Noah could be seen in his Baal Lightning Djinn Take Over.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-33533762-500-281.gif.5f0c716fca49f024aa69eec794dc522b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142249" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Sinbad-magi-the-labyrinth-of-magic-33533762-500-281.gif.5f0c716fca49f024aa69eec794dc522b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>As always a grin grew on his face, as he stood there. Mikado, can you provide some cover fire for me. Oh and if you have an opportunity to shoot that fine scientist. He paused. Take it. With that being said Noah takes off towards the monster at lightning speed trying to jam his sword into the left of the monsters neck. If it worked and the sword was able to penetrate the skin Noah charges the sword sending electricity through the monsters body.
@Huor Spinks



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Chris Lengheart(Liar!)

Chris snapped as this fool tried to say that his love for Daneri was one sided. Without warning, Chris pounced on Adrian with claws full extended. He pinned the man down as his claws dug and tore into his arms. "Disgusting liar!" Chris roared into Adrian's face "You don't know anything!"

For a minute, it looked like Chris hesitated but it didn't stop him from trying to take a bite out of his neck. Even if the first one missed, Chris continuously went for the jugular and shoulder. He wanted to please Daneri, and getting the first kill would ensure all her love and affection would be directed to Chris instead of that bitch of a shadow mage.

@Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Mitchs98
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She took a step back as the man finally unlocked her cell and swung the door open, freeing her from her magic-nullifying confines. As she walked out she gave the man a simple nod. "You'd be right on that... Valken." Even if he did rescue her, like hell she'd call him something as cringey as Prince Charming. Her eyes lit up as Valken opened a locker containing her personal effects. The thought that they had lost her sword had weighed on her ever since she had been captured. She was quick to grab her sword, hugging it closely and nuzzling it's cross-guard for a few moments before lovenly setting it down on the ground. She equipped her gauntlets as well as the sheath around her waist, slipping her sword into it's proper resting place at the small of her back. Properly outfitted she turned her attention to the group of mages, for the first time getting a good look at the entire party. They all seemed strong enough, except the kid... Why there was a kid there was certainly a question to be asked, but maybe later. For now she made her way to the group.

Valken was quick to grab her and position her to the blonde man's flank. He clearly had no idea what her fighting style was if he expected her to remain in any sort of formation. Guess he'll just have to find out the hard way. It was then that the kid spoke up, giving her a very strong sense of familiarity. It really felt as if she knew this kid from somewhere. She tilted her head to the side slightly, thinking deeply over where the two of them could have met. Alas she drew up a blank and with a shrug of her shoulders decided it wasn't important. However what the kid said was somewhat amusing judging by Valken's response to it. "Oooohhh~ So my Prince Charming is actually a philanderer?" She wore a big dumb grin on her face as she spoke, immediately jumping on the teasing bandwagon.

The teasing was cut short as the blonde man who introduced himself as Emmerich charged out towards the incoming mages. She watched carefully as the man ignited one arm and froze the other before going on a rampage. Seemed their fighting styles were more than a little similar, and in the tight confines of the hallway that would prove a bit cumbersome. Nevertheless she rose her arms and placed her hands at the back of her head, letting out an impressed whistle. "Your boy's a bit aggressive, isn't he?" She watched as the man proceed to punch straight through one mage, crush the skull of another. "Y'know, if the Magic Council finds out about this he's going to jail....." Even when dealing with dark guilds murder was still murder, even she knew that much. It was hard to believe someone so reckless could be in a light guild.

After a few more moments of watching Emmerich she turned slightly to face Valken. "So what's the plan, Boss? You said you wanted me to help but it seems like the Wild Man has it under control." While she was all for a good fight she wasn't above sitting back and letting other people handle it for her. If Emmerich wanted to be some one-man army, who was she to say no? That said, if they did encounter something a bit more challenging than some low-level goons she might not have a choice in the matter. Without waiting for a response she turned back forward, again watching as the man fight. Aside from his savagery she figured the two of them would work well together if it came to that.
@Colt556[/URL] @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @WHOEVER ELSE
Zuka said:

Valken Truss

Team Bravado

The Shadow Mage was thankful for his emo fringe when he suddenly turned with mouth agap towards Ferra. The flirting thing with Tanari was warranted although Ferra and Emmerich should realize he was just joking yeah? I mean he wasn't going to object had her shirt slipped off and he got a front row seat, he did just have that pervert personality. But it was just a verbal quip more then anything... People around him were way too uptight.

Then Ferra continued on talking about his rather impressive magazine collection, he narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Ferra by the back of her neck to lift her up like a puppy dog. "How did you even manage to find that? And break into the dark shadow spell I put over the edge? It would have alerted me the moment you broke into that box with your grubby hands...." Try as he might to stay angry he was weirdly impressed with Ferra. Getting under a Master of all this Ninja and Spy was no mean feet afterall.

Eventually Valkens face paled with the threat and he oddly gently placed Ferra on her feet and quickly patted her down of dirt, readjusting her probably scrunched shirt in a half panicked manner. "Y...You won't tell her right?" Eyes half pleading. Afterall he probably could bs some excuse but that was the harder option. "How about we call it even yeah? Clean slate as it where..."

Valken idly watched Emmerich run head long and start taking out the mass of mages with less then a care, afterall this was a man so close to the edge of Light/Dark with his powers.... If any of them saw what he did to get information out of victims... But that's why his jobs were all hush hush, under the table, but paid a fortune. His clients had to find him personally rather then grabbing posters off the Guild Wall. Not even Lloyd or Maya knew where he went half the time.

He heard Tanari mention Emmerich's brutality and the Magic Council, followed a moment later by Lavender defending them. This made him snare suddenly and approach the purple haired mage, his posture seething rage while the very shadows at his feet seemed to slowly seep outwards, crawling, like outstretched eager hands.

He spoke up so all three girls could hear.

"They have the Grimoire Heart symbol burnt into their very flesh! Their symbol is not just pressed down like ours do... it is physically branded with wicked magic that few manage to uplift. If they were innocents they could have come to us for help, or the Magic Council to protect them, but they chose their own path. They chose this direction." Letting his hand sweep out towards the army. "Do you see any of them refrain from attacking Frosty? Look closely! Watch his body language! Every punch or kick he does he stops a half second and exposes himself to them, he drops his arms and legs. He gives them one full, unprotected opening for them to back down and they chose that opening to swing at him. They would kill him without a second thought! They don't have the same Chilvary we do. They are out for blood. Would you like us all to lie down and die?"

He stopped as he turned his head quickly to Emmerich as more and more seemed to be flooding the corridor. "If you want to stay behind, just turn around and look away! Some Fairytail protector you are!" His gaze turning to Tanari. "If you don't want to fight then stay here and look after Ferra. I won't let a single one of these idiots escape till I have Millie back...."

With that the Shadow Mage had already turned on his heels and was sprinting to engage the enemies right behind Emmerich. Only unlike Frosty crashing head long, Valken was using a sort of duck and weave approach, using the mages own body weight and momentum to spin them to hit each other.

Finally he came up behind Frosty and pressed his back against his, unslinging both daggers to point down along his forearms like razor sharp elbow blades. While Frosty was almost glowing with fire and ice, the area around Valken was darkening like the very air was being sucked of light, heat and life. His eyes starting to glow purple once more.

"...Maybe slightly less on the brutality Frosty..." He whispered. "..But then I know you like a challenge...can you try to make these wounds seem at least half in self defense?...I know Maya is in the Magic Council but still... she'll have some explaning to do.."

Though he had to grin at the absurdity of those words.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She turned slightly to see past her elbow as she watched Valken approach the other girl and start chastising her. Her eyebrows rose slightly as she watched with a bemused grin as the man clearly had some issues with dark guilds. As Valken seemed to finish his tirade she gave a low whistle, her bemused grin threatening to turn into a full-on smirk. She wasn't exactly one to care if people died, so long as she wasn't one of them, and to see the other girl playing the chivalrous knight amused her greatly. It reminded her of her childhood, and although she never laid into him like Valken was doing now there was more than one occasion when she had to chastise her knightly friend. But that was then, and this was now and her attention was focused back on Valken as he turned to address her.

'Look after Ferra'... wait, did he really just say that? "Wha-? H-hey! Wai-..." She reached out to grab the man to make him stop but he was quickly gone, already sprinting down the corridor towards the fight. She allowed her arm to fall limply to her side, her head drooping as a sigh slipped past her lips. "I never agreed to babysitting..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she looked back at the kid. She stared silently at the girl for a few moments before her face brightened and she snapped her fingers, quickly pointing at the purple-haired mage. "You seem like the dependable sort, watch the kid for me, will ya?" Following Valken's lead she didn't bother giving the knight any room to complain as flames erupted along her limbs and she rocketted down the corridor towards the action. If the choice was between getting a work-out or babysitting some strange kid... well that was an obvious choice to make.

At this point she noticed Valken had all but vanished into the crowd of attackers, deftly maneuvering his way through the crowd as he went for Emmerich. She, however, had no interest in such things and simply aimed for the closest enemy she could find. As she neared the enemy lines she did a little hop in order to slide forward, narrowly avoiding a swipe of the man's sword before she offered him a clean punch to the gut. As her fist connected a small explosion detonated and sent the man flying back towards his comrades. Hopping back to her feet she dropped down into her usual combat-ready stance as the enemy began to encircle her as well. If it wasn't for the two men further in this would be a piece of cake. This many combatants in such a tight corridor? Oh there was a plethora of ways she could handle that. Unfortunately her newfound teammates tied her hands so she'd have to settle on the good ol' one-two. Taking a deep breath the flames around her fists shifted hues, slowly transitioning from her usual crimson flames into a deep blue. After a slow exhale she leapt forward, ducking and weaving around the attacks of her assailants while ensuring to land blows of her own.
@Mitchs98[/URL] (mentioned and briefly interacted with) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (mentioned)

Emmerich Faust

By the time Valken made his way to stand back-to-back with Emmerich the blond man was already covered in splatters of blood, his savage grin still adorning his face. As he heard his friend's words he laughed, a guttural, animalistic laugh. The laugh of a berserker.
"Aww, but Valksey, where's the fun in that?" he replied, hurling a mage into a wall with a sickening crunching noise after which they stayed ominously still. It was clear that Emmerich had all but lost his reason and was operating on two basic desires. The first being to protect his friends, and the second being to quench his bloodlust. He reveled in the bones of his enemies breaking, in the tearing of their flesh, in their screams of agony. He reveled in the fight. If Valken was the shadow, cold and deadly, then Emmerich was fire, powerful and unpredictable.

Despite the state of his mind Emmerich noticed Tana and Lav join the fight, Tana dodging and weaving with flaming fists and Lav wielding sword and shield. The purple-haired woman really was like a knight wasn't she? She was even holding back so as not to kill her opponents and from the sound of it it was because she didn't want the blood on her hands. Well, that just meant more for Emmerich didn't it?

Noticing that a few mages were ganging up to attack Lav at once Emmerich decided to go help her. Kicking a nearby mage in the chest Emmerich sent him flying into a few others and opened up a path to get to her, smashing his ribcage in the process. Upon reaching her he punched one mage in the solar plexus and smashing a knee into her face when she inevitably doubled over and causing her to topple over backwards with her nose shattered. After stomping her head in Emmerich turned amd grabbed another mage, wrapping one arm around his head and the other on his shoulders and violently separating his head from his body, throwing it at the last mage and knocking him over before grinning at Lav, his eyes wild.

He didn't give a damn about jail, he was having fun.
Rhodus said:

-Ryu Miyamoto-

>>Underground Cavern<<


Ryu continued to scale the cavern wall, hardly showing any impediment from the girl clinging to his back. He kept using his superheated hands to create new handholds, using his old handholds as footholds, and slowly but surely climbing the wall. However, he was taken completely by surprise by her impromptu display of affection, so much so, that he was pushed back into his normal personality. "W-woah there," He said, pausing his climb to avoid losing his grip on the wall. "You're being quite affectionate there, miss Kelica. Don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked, his confusion about the whole thing clearly evident in his voice. He wasn't used to that kind of affection, so it had made him pretty flustered.

Kelica Zefara

Underground Cavern < Corridor Battleground

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba573cf9_images(1).jpg.4ad2c8ce72670fe190bd7612a99d6f5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba573cf9_images(1).jpg.4ad2c8ce72670fe190bd7612a99d6f5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The forest mage was quiet happily nuzzling into Ryu's very soft, and oddly nice smelling hair behind his ear (it was a weird habit she picked up from dogs and cats and people's hair just smelt nice sometimes.) She was stopped however as the climbing pace haulted and blinked as he looked back to her. She only offered a dizty blinking face in response. "Yeah I'm affectionate but what does that have to do with having a boyfriend?"

Even her voice was a higher pitch and an equally confused expression crossed her own face. Though as the boyfriend comment rolled around in her head she couldn't help but think of her conversation with Chris earlier, how sometimes she was the happiest girl in the world and sometimes she was sad and lonely. How she started to feel safer away from him then near him.

She didn't directly answer Ryu instead her expression oddly vague. In fact the silence was almost defeaning as a response to his statement along with the furrowed brows. Eyes unfocused. Before she could collect her thoughts she heard the man himself, Chris, call down as a staircase etched itself into the very walls of the shaft, reinforcing it.

She slowly lowered herself onto the steps, and as her green eyes lifted to peer to the ceiling and the roof they had fallen into she could have sworn she heard noises?.... a singing, maybe? Then yelling and a roar and...

Her eyes widened as panic was beginning to flood her again. "...T...that sounds like Chris's beast form...and a battle..." She whispered and almost before she had finished her sentence she had grasped at Ryu's hand and was literally skipping two steps at a time to get to the top as she dragged him along popping out at the once fallen in archway, green eyes flowing over the chaos with confusion while she forgot she was still holding onto Ryu's hand.

"Chris...what are you...." She whispered.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98



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Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust
By the time Valken made his way to stand back-to-back with Emmerich the blond man was already covered in splatters of blood, his savage grin still adorning his face. As he heard his friend's words he laughed, a guttural, animalistic laugh. The laugh of a berserker.
"Aww, but Valksey, where's the fun in that?" he replied, hurling a mage into a wall with a sickening crunching noise after which they stayed ominously still. It was clear that Emmerich had all but lost his reason and was operating on two basic desires. The first being to protect his friends, and the second being to quench his bloodlust. He reveled in the bones of his enemies breaking, in the tearing of their flesh, in their screams of agony. He reveled in the fight. If Valken was the shadow, cold and deadly, then Emmerich was fire, powerful and unpredictable.

Despite the state of his mind Emmerich noticed Tana and Lav join the fight, Tana dodging and weaving with flaming fists and Lav wielding sword and shield. The purple-haired woman really was like a knight wasn't she? She was even holding back so as not to kill her opponents and from the sound of it it was because she didn't want the blood on her hands. Well, that just meant more for Emmerich didn't it?

Noticing that a few mages were ganging up to attack Lav at once Emmerich decided to go help her. Kicking a nearby mage in the chest Emmerich sent him flying into a few others and opened up a path to get to her, smashing his ribcage in the process. Upon reaching her he punched one mage in the solar plexus and smashing a knee into her face when she inevitably doubled over and causing her to topple over backwards with her nose shattered. After stomping her head in Emmerich turned amd grabbed another mage, wrapping one arm around his head and the other on his shoulders and violently separating his head from his body, throwing it at the last mage and knocking him over before grinning at Lav, his eyes wild.

He didn't give a damn about jail, he was having fun.

Lavender Gray

Lavender was having no problems defending herself. That was until she was getting surrounded. This made her golden eyes narrow as she prepared her sword. Before she knew it, Emmerich was attacking Mages just to get to her. This caught her attention and made her think Do I have to be worried as to why he's coming over? Or should I be glad he's coming to help? When she saw what he had done along the way to get to her, her eyes had went from narrow to wide as he was covered in blood from head to toe. Not to mention he just ripped a head off a mage. As her own eyes met his, she couldnt help but think This man is no man at all. He is a beast, A monster who doesnt care about human life. His eyes make him seem as if he is on a high. Eyes of a Savage.

If Lavender had a weak stomach, she probably would have ran out of the room. Luckily she had a strong stomach and was forced to defend off a mage who also had a sword. This took her mind off Emmerich but it still bothered her. Him being her savior and him now were two different beings. He seemed kind when she had first met him. But then again, Looks can be decieving. Focus. All I must do is make the wizards I fight unable to get back up again but still be alive.

Lavender Lifted her sword and blocked the other mage's sword "Do not do this. I fear you will lose your life if you do not back down." she told the mage as he grunted and said 'Never' before backing up and doing a series of attacks with his sword and the Warrior trying to block each and every one. "You shall regret this." dodging the attack that came forth, she ducked down and knocked his legs out from under him, listening as his blade hit the floor, the purple haired mage ran at his blade and kicked it away before looking at the male "I did warn you, sir... I also did not wish to do this." taking her sword, she drove it down right into his thigh, hearing the scream of agony escape the male's lips. Lavender pulled the sword back out, rendering the man now down but alive.

I'm very sorry...

@Zuka @Mykinkaiser @Colt556
Chris Lengheart(What do you want?)

Chris continued trying to kill Adrian with his massive fangs. He was so close to tearing his throat out, but a sudden yell took him by surprise. The werecat's ears perked up at the woman's voice as he turned around with his eyes solely set on her. Once again, Chris felt a sudden hesitation. He placed a hand on his head as he felt a constant thumping in the back of his head. It was almost as if his mind was trying to get him to remember something, but what? He quickly shook his head as he suddenly charged at Kelica on all fours before jumping forward with both claws fully extended before letting out a fierce roar. He would never let Draneri fall into the hands of another.

@Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r
The Beginning of Timothy's Adventure in Fiore

Arriving in Magnolia

A passenger train is seen chugging on the railway across the country side as the view is set on a young man sleeping in one of the passenger cars. This is Timothy, he has traveled all the way from the country of Bosco and is finally entering the Kingdom of Fiore.


Timothy still sleeping as the train passes through the lovely fields of grass and trees. The sun is shining on his face as he continues to slumber. Passengers can be seen moving around the car with chipper faces. It's supposedly 2 pm in the afternoon, a quite odd time to be taking a nap. However that nap isn't going to last much longer as Timothy begins to slowly open his eyes and looks over to the window with sunlight shining on his face. He begins by covering his face with his arm to block the sunlight. He looks to the other side and smiles since he already knows his destination.


"I can't believe I'm finally here." he said with anticipation in his voice. Timothy leans to his backpack and zips it open to bring out an old map of Fiore. "Wow...look at all of these amazing guilds...maybe I'll find one here that will suit me?" He said while looking at the map in awe. "Hopefully nothing much has changed but I doubt it since this map is over one hundred years old." Timothy said while chuckling a bit to himself.


He puts the old map back into his bag before continuing to admire the view with a goofy expression on his face. Timothy begins to wonder what adventures lie in this new land, hoping that he would at least get accepted into a good guild that values friendship and kindness. As he stares off into the distance while daydreaming a bit, he also wonders if he will be able to get into a good guild.

However as he begins to ponder deeply about his situation, a group of men walk into the car carrying what appears to be magic guns. Everyone began to slowly panic as the men held up their guns. Timothy did not react in anyway since he was too deep into thought. As the group of men slowly covered the ground of the car, one of them noticed Timothy's calm and cool demeanor. He inched his way to him and taps him on the cheek with the bottom of his gun to get his attention.
"Hey kid!" he shouted at Timothy as he pointed his gun at his face.

Timothy turned around and looked at the man without any change, he simply smiled
"Why hello there brochacho! How can I help you?" he asked which shocked the people in the car, making himself look like a mad man. "HaHa, you're a funny guy. I kinda like you." the man replied while still aiming the gun straight at him. Timothy noticed the gun and looked at the man "You know, that's a pretty dangerous gun you've got there. Somebody can get hurt if you don't place it properly. I advise placing it somewhere safe." he said in a calm and polite manner. The man laughed again "That's the entire point you retard! If you don't do as I say then I'm going to blow a hole in that empty head of yours!" he replied in a mocking tone. Timothy simply looked at him as his face begins to scrunch a bit "So...you want to kill everyone on this train?..." he asked in a concerned voice. The man focuses his gun even closer towards Timothy. "That's right...and there's nothing you can do about it kid." he said cockily. Unfortunately, he is soon going to regret saying those words.

Systems Operational: Threat Recognized


As soon as Timothy heard those words, his face changed from calm to focused and mildly angry. He grabs the barrel of the gun and twists it upwards, causing the man to shriek in surprise as he drops the twisted gun. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouted. Quickly moving backwards. "Don't just stand there! SHOOT HIM!" the group of men aimed their guns and begins to fire at Timothy. Magic Bullets began flying as the whole crowd cried from the sounds of gun shots. They continued shooting for about ten seconds before running out of ammo. At first there was smoke from the rapid firing which gave the men a false sense of victory before their faces began to fill with horror.

When the smoke cleared, Timothy did not have a single scratch on his body.This immediately started a panic as they scrambled to reload their guns. "Don't even try, your guns are useless against me." he said as he stared at them with an intimidating glance. This caused them to drop their guns in fear. "W-What are you?!" he asked in fear as he slowly steps backwards. "If you can survive one minute then I'll tell you." he said as he punched the man causing him to fly backwards into the side of the passenger car. Timothy begins to dash and punch the remaining men, knocking them out while sending them flying with ease. He looks around the passenger car. "Is anyone hurt?" he asked everyone who was present in the passenger car. All of them shook their heads which made Timothy feel relieved.

He quickly opens up one of the windows of the passenger car. Timothy looked outside as the wind blew on his face. He grabs onto the outside of the car and slowly climbs onto the top.
"If people are getting hurt then I better hurry." he said to himself as he runs across the top of the cars towards the front of the train where the engineer is. However he soon finds himself surrounded by more of these men armed with magic guns. They start shooting and bullets begin to fly once more but this doesn't stop Timothy as he just continues to run while punching men off the train.

He reaches the train and begins to punch without hesitation causing both of the 2 men to collapse. He managed to save the engineers who were held hostage.
"Are you both alright?" he asked with concern. "Yes, we are both alright but this train is being hijacked!" one of the engineers said. "Is there anything else I can do to help?" he asked quickly. "We have to make sure this train drives safely, we don't know is going on but I advise you be careful." the second engineer replied. Timothy quickly nods his head and moves into the other passenger cars.


"Boss...we have a problem." says a man carrying a gun. The so called boss turns around and looks at him. "Is that so?" he asks in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, we haven't been able to keep contact with the other cars." he says in a worried tone. "Hmmm, I wonder why...no matter, I am not worried. What could possibly go wrong?" he replied before hearing the screams and cries of men coming from the next passenger car. Timothy opens the gate with a bit of smoke coming off him from the gunfire. He looks at the boss of this train hijack with a focused look. "Attack him now! Fire all your weapons!" he shouted. Soon all of his minions begin firing at Timothy and the same scenario repeats with the weapons being useless against him. The boss slowly watches as his men gets beaten down by Timothy's reckless punching.

"Crap...I have to get to the top now." he says as he escapes through the back of the passenger car onto the roof. Timothy finishes off the last man and quickly follows behind to make sure he doesn't escape. A chase is ensured as Timothy runs after the culprit behind this whole mess. The chase finally ends, back at the front of the train. The boss turns around as he slowly sees Timothy in a battle like stance. The boss laughs as he sees Timothy. "This is the end of the line, there's nowhere you can run to anymore." he said. The boss looks at him and smirks as a shadow like aura surrounds his hand. "Do you think I am afraid of you? No...No, it should be YOU who's afraid of me! TAKE THIS! Devil Flame!" A huge magic circle appears and a wave of dark purple flames envelope Timothy as the boss laughs. "Haha! You should have thought twice before challenging me...WAIT WHAT? IMPOSSIBLE!?" he exclaimed in shock as he sees Timothy completely unharmed by his attack. Still standing there with the same exact expression as before. "No matter....I'll still defeat you! EAT THIS! Devil Fire Sw-" before he could even finish his spell. Timothy immediately punched him in the face causing him to collapse due to blunt force trauma. He looked at the knocked out cold culprit of this entire operation and reverted back to his normal personality and began to wonder why he would do something as idiotic and pointless as this.

As soon as the train arrives at the station in Magnolia, he immediately hops off and slowly walks in the opposite direction of the police. Hoping that they wouldn't notice his presence.
"YAY I'm finally in Magnolia! But...I hope I didn't cause too much damage on the train...it would be a non-coolio thing if that happened...I'm no big fan of collateral damages...oh dear..." Timothy thought to himself as he felt the guilt crawling up his spine as the police surround the hijacked train and arrested the criminals.

Timothy slowly begins to breathe the fresh air once outside of the station as he looked at Magnolia in awe.


"Well! Let the adventure begin!" he announced happily as he takes his first step towards the town square however he realized that his back felt lighter than usual. He slowly moves his hands behind his back and realizes..."CRUD! I FORGOT MY BACKPACK!" he cried out embarrassingly in public.

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Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Liar!)

Chris snapped as this fool tried to say that his love for Daneri was one sided. Without warning, Chris pounced on Adrian with claws full extended. He pinned the man down as his claws dug and tore into his arms. "Disgusting liar!" Chris roared into Adrian's face "You don't know anything!"

For a minute, it looked like Chris hesitated but it didn't stop him from trying to take a bite out of his neck. Even if the first one missed, Chris continuously went for the jugular and shoulder. He wanted to please Daneri, and getting the first kill would ensure all her love and affection would be directed to Chris instead of that bitch of a shadow mage.

@Necr0Danc3r @Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Mitchs98
Adrian should have known better than to try reasoning with Chris in his current mental state. He was mentally slapping himself in the face even as he desperately tried to avoid Chris' fangs. A magic circle appeared at his feet as he prepared to cast an Arcane barrier and send Chris flying into Draneri at high speed, but then...


Wait, was that Kelica's voice?! Well, maybe then Kelica could calm him down--

Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(What do you want?)

Chris continued trying to kill Adrian with his massive fangs. He was so close to tearing his throat out, but a sudden yell took him by surprise. The werecat's ears perked up at the woman's voice as he turned around with his eyes solely set on her. Once again, Chris felt a sudden hesitation. He placed a hand on his head as he felt a constant thumping in the back of his head. It was almost as if his mind was trying to get him to remember something, but what? He quickly shook his head as he suddenly charged at Kelica on all fours before jumping forward with both claws fully extended before letting out a fierce roar. He would never let Draneri fall into the hands of another.

@Zuka @Genon @Rhodus @Zuka @Kayzo @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r
Or not. Chris got off of him and attempted to maul Kelica! Kelica was a C-class and far too naive, she wouldn't be able to fend off her brainwashed boyfriend! Adrian responded by putting a cube of barriers around Kelica that would move when she moved, a sort of force-field. "Kelica!" he called, "Chris and Mizuki--the Sabertooth girl--are brainwashed by that disgusting excuse for a person over there,"--he pointed to guildless enchantress--"who's a Siren! The barrier will move when you do, just try and calm Chris! And if it breaks, I'll restore it again!"

With Chris occupied and Mizuki fighting Eric, Adrian knew that now was the time to go for the throat. He wasn't sure if he could take this Siren on in single combat if she had neutralized two other guild members. He always had his trump card if all else failed. However...he might have someone else who could help...

"Open! Gate of the Chinese Snake! Shen!" he said, as he waved the key in the specific motions needed to summon the Snake Spirit. A doorbell ring later, and Shen was standing in front of him.

He whispered into Shen's ear, "Hey, Shen, I need your help here. That siren over there--" he pointed to Draneri-- "just used her magic to seduce the Sabertooth girl over there and the Fairy Tail guy with the Take Over magic. Since you can take on the appearance and gain the memories of others, I need you to use her magic to undo the enchantment on Chris and Mizuki. Can you do that?"
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Genon said:
Adrian should have known better than to try reasoning with Chris in his current mental state. He was mentally slapping himself in the face even as he desperately tried to avoid Chris' fangs. A magic circle appeared at his feet as he prepared to cast an Arcane barrier and send Chris flying into Draneri at high speed, but then...
@Kayzo @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r)

Team fairy| Siren situation

Once again Shen was pulled from the celestial spirit world to Earthland, Aidran had another command for him. " Will do." A poof of lime colored smoke later a perfect clone of the Siren stood infront of Aidran. "Ugh, why does she have to be so busty?!" Shen truly hated coping women, he had no idea why they needed such late meat bags on their chests. It just seemed like such an inconvenience.

They started to slowly walk to the mages, making a cooing face as they did. Shen had started to copy her mannerisms perfectly, even his voice chimed at the same music as hers did.
"My dears, there's been a small change of plans. She's the one you want, that imposter over there. She's trying to take you away fo me, and we both know that we want each other more than anything in the world." Each word dripped with their intoxicating perfume of lust. This was going to be a battle of the sirens, both trying to gain control of their minds.
purplepanda288 said:
Kimberly Lock
Team beta

Eias and Kim had walked for about ten minutes now. A few traps here and there, but nothing major that could harm them. Kim stoped for a moment, an immediate wave of nausea passed over her. " We're getting close, I can feel strong presences near us." She leaned on to Eias, beganing to slowly collapse onto the floor. Five strong magic signatures, she recognized three from the guild. But there was something familiar about a single presence that was just a few corridors down. A sinking realization set in her gut, she knew that person " Eias, they have Aiden. They have Aiden." Kim slowly stood from her crouched position, she once again leaned on Eias. "Corridor on the left, a right then another left they should be there."

Everything seemed fine for the most part as they went their own little way. There were a few traps that were overall rather easy to get past. The boulder really made the latter traps look like crap. With Kim getting sickly, Eias made sure to support her roommate as best she could. Kim was still slowly getting to the ground and Eias, even with all her might, couldn't really hold up dead weight that slipped around ever so slightly. With kim's out burst, she helped pull her back up and had Kim swing an arm around her. R-right, let's go grab him. She said with a focused look to her. She did as Kim said going to the left then right and left again.
@Colt556[/URL] @Mitchs98 @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @WHOEVER ELSE
Zuka said:
Valken Truss

Team Bravado

The Shadow Mage was thankful for his emo fringe when he suddenly turned with mouth agap towards Ferra. The flirting thing with Tanari was warranted although Ferra and Emmerich should realize he was just joking yeah? I mean he wasn't going to object had her shirt slipped off and he got a front row seat, he did just have that pervert personality. But it was just a verbal quip more then anything... People around him were way too uptight.

Then Ferra continued on talking about his rather impressive magazine collection, he narrowed his eyes as he grabbed Ferra by the back of her neck to lift her up like a puppy dog. "How did you even manage to find that? And break into the dark shadow spell I put over the edge? It would have alerted me the moment you broke into that box with your grubby hands...." Try as he might to stay angry he was weirdly impressed with Ferra. Getting under a Master of all this Ninja and Spy was no mean feet afterall.

Eventually Valkens face paled with the threat and he oddly gently placed Ferra on her feet and quickly patted her down of dirt, readjusting her probably scrunched shirt in a half panicked manner. "Y...You won't tell her right?" Eyes half pleading. Afterall he probably could bs some excuse but that was the harder option. "How about we call it even yeah? Clean slate as it where..."

Valken idly watched Emmerich run head long and start taking out the mass of mages with less then a care, afterall this was a man so close to the edge of Light/Dark with his powers.... If any of them saw what he did to get information out of victims... But that's why his jobs were all hush hush, under the table, but paid a fortune. His clients had to find him personally rather then grabbing posters off the Guild Wall. Not even Lloyd or Maya knew where he went half the time.

He heard Tanari mention Emmerich's brutality and the Magic Council, followed a moment later by Lavender defending them. This made him snare suddenly and approach the purple haired mage, his posture seething rage while the very shadows at his feet seemed to slowly seep outwards, crawling, like outstretched eager hands.

He spoke up so all three girls could hear.

"They have the Grimoire Heart symbol burnt into their very flesh! Their symbol is not just pressed down like ours do... it is physically branded with wicked magic that few manage to uplift. If they were innocents they could have come to us for help, or the Magic Council to protect them, but they chose their own path. They chose this direction." Letting his hand sweep out towards the army. "Do you see any of them refrain from attacking Frosty? Look closely! Watch his body language! Every punch or kick he does he stops a half second and exposes himself to them, he drops his arms and legs. He gives them one full, unprotected opening for them to back down and they chose that opening to swing at him. They would kill him without a second thought! They don't have the same Chilvary we do. They are out for blood. Would you like us all to lie down and die?"

He stopped as he turned his head quickly to Emmerich as more and more seemed to be flooding the corridor. "If you want to stay behind, just turn around and look away! Some Fairytail protector you are!" His gaze turning to Tanari. "If you don't want to fight then stay here and look after Ferra. I won't let a single one of these idiots escape till I have Millie back...."

With that the Shadow Mage had already turned on his heels and was sprinting to engage the enemies right behind Emmerich. Only unlike Frosty crashing head long, Valken was using a sort of duck and weave approach, using the mages own body weight and momentum to spin them to hit each other.

Finally he came up behind Frosty and pressed his back against his, unslinging both daggers to point down along his forearms like razor sharp elbow blades. While Frosty was almost glowing with fire and ice, the area around Valken was darkening like the very air was being sucked of light, heat and life. His eyes starting to glow purple once more.

"...Maybe slightly less on the brutality Frosty..." He whispered. "..But then I know you like a challenge...can you try to make these wounds seem at least half in self defense?...I know Maya is in the Magic Council but still... she'll have some explaning to do.."

Though he had to grin at the absurdity of those words.
Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Dungeon

She turned slightly to see past her elbow as she watched Valken approach the other girl and start chastising her. Her eyebrows rose slightly as she watched with a bemused grin as the man clearly had some issues with dark guilds. As Valken seemed to finish his tirade she gave a low whistle, her bemused grin threatening to turn into a full-on smirk. She wasn't exactly one to care if people died, so long as she wasn't one of them, and to see the other girl playing the chivalrous knight amused her greatly. It reminded her of her childhood, and although she never laid into him like Valken was doing now there was more than one occasion when she had to chastise her knightly friend. But that was then, and this was now and her attention was focused back on Valken as he turned to address her.

'Look after Ferra'... wait, did he really just say that? "Wha-? H-hey! Wai-..." She reached out to grab the man to make him stop but he was quickly gone, already sprinting down the corridor towards the fight. She allowed her arm to fall limply to her side, her head drooping as a sigh slipped past her lips. "I never agreed to babysitting..." She mumbled quietly to herself as she looked back at the kid. She stared silently at the girl for a few moments before her face brightened and she snapped her fingers, quickly pointing at the purple-haired mage. "You seem like the dependable sort, watch the kid for me, will ya?" Following Valken's lead she didn't bother giving the knight any room to complain as flames erupted along her limbs and she rocketted down the corridor towards the action. If the choice was between getting a work-out or babysitting some strange kid... well that was an obvious choice to make.

At this point she noticed Valken had all but vanished into the crowd of attackers, deftly maneuvering his way through the crowd as he went for Emmerich. She, however, had no interest in such things and simply aimed for the closest enemy she could find. As she neared the enemy lines she did a little hop in order to slide forward, narrowly avoiding a swipe of the man's sword before she offered him a clean punch to the gut. As her fist connected a small explosion detonated and sent the man flying back towards his comrades. Hopping back to her feet she dropped down into her usual combat-ready stance as the enemy began to encircle her as well. If it wasn't for the two men further in this would be a piece of cake. This many combatants in such a tight corridor? Oh there was a plethora of ways she could handle that. Unfortunately her newfound teammates tied her hands so she'd have to settle on the good ol' one-two. Taking a deep breath the flames around her fists shifted hues, slowly transitioning from her usual crimson flames into a deep blue. After a slow exhale she leapt forward, ducking and weaving around the attacks of her assailants while ensuring to land blows of her own.
@Mitchs98[/URL] (mentioned and briefly interacted with) @Mykinkaiser @Zuka @Colt556 (mentioned)

Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich Faust
By the time Valken made his way to stand back-to-back with Emmerich the blond man was already covered in splatters of blood, his savage grin still adorning his face. As he heard his friend's words he laughed, a guttural, animalistic laugh. The laugh of a berserker.
"Aww, but Valksey, where's the fun in that?" he replied, hurling a mage into a wall with a sickening crunching noise after which they stayed ominously still. It was clear that Emmerich had all but lost his reason and was operating on two basic desires. The first being to protect his friends, and the second being to quench his bloodlust. He reveled in the bones of his enemies breaking, in the tearing of their flesh, in their screams of agony. He reveled in the fight. If Valken was the shadow, cold and deadly, then Emmerich was fire, powerful and unpredictable.

Despite the state of his mind Emmerich noticed Tana and Lav join the fight, Tana dodging and weaving with flaming fists and Lav wielding sword and shield. The purple-haired woman really was like a knight wasn't she? She was even holding back so as not to kill her opponents and from the sound of it it was because she didn't want the blood on her hands. Well, that just meant more for Emmerich didn't it?

Noticing that a few mages were ganging up to attack Lav at once Emmerich decided to go help her. Kicking a nearby mage in the chest Emmerich sent him flying into a few others and opened up a path to get to her, smashing his ribcage in the process. Upon reaching her he punched one mage in the solar plexus and smashing a knee into her face when she inevitably doubled over and causing her to topple over backwards with her nose shattered. After stomping her head in Emmerich turned amd grabbed another mage, wrapping one arm around his head and the other on his shoulders and violently separating his head from his body, throwing it at the last mage and knocking him over before grinning at Lav, his eyes wild.

He didn't give a damn about jail, he was having fun.
@Zuka[/URL] @Mykinkaiser @Colt556
Ferra: Team Bravado

Ferra only grinned slyly as Valken spoke, her plan working entirely insofaras getting him to drop his revenge plots. It felt nice to know that he wouldn't be trying some grand scheme to pay her back in the near future, at-least not for now. Give her a bit and she'd probably think of something to say that would make him do it again. "Valken, of course I wouldn't tell her. That'd be mean, it'd break her heart if I told her about this." She replied. He then told Tanari and Lavender if they didn't want to fight to stay here and look after her before running off to fight the literal mob of mages with Emmerich. She narrowed her gaze as she walked off, then looked to Tanari and Lavender. She didn't need to be looked after! She was a mage too! Plus she had just ate a ton of metal so she was good to go to use her magic. Luckily it seemed neither of them were too interested in babysitting her, Tanari outright running off and leaving it to Lavender, and Lavender summoning a spirit in her place.

She gave one look to Hercules, then looked back to the fight, and silently ran off into the fray. Her entire armed transformed into a wicked looking magnum that fired thumb sized bullets at her targets, the bullet itself being flat and meant to wound not kill. "Hey! I'm not a little kid, I don't need them to watch me you know. Sheesh." She shouted at Valken, calmly firing away whenever she got a shot. "Besides, what's the point in me coming if every-time there's a fight you make me sit it out, that's boring!" She insisted. Honestly she was a bit saddened that it seemed Valken couldn't fight for herself. Her magic might not be entirely reliable, she might not be that strong, but that didn't matter at all to her. Millie was her friend and some of her other friends could of gotten captured too, she was determined to help whether Valken liked it or not.
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Too late...

Eric was too late to warn Mizuki. The Siren already had her in it's grasp. Mizuki fired one of her dark knives at him that hit him in one of his legs. It's not easy dodging mid pounce so he had no choice but to take the hit. The knife caused him to stumble and fall over missing his target. "D-don't tell me she's fallen under the Sirens charm..." As a proud member of Sabertooth there is no way he could harm one of his guild mates! Surely there must be a way to reverse this. Not only that but Chris also fell victim to the Siren. "Oh crap not you too!" Is there a way distract them? Maybe there could be a way to detain them but... As far as he knew no one had any portable jail cells in their pockets, do they even exist anyway? "Hey Siren! You don't look like you have Grimoire Heart's mark! Why are you helping them?

@Kayzo @Zuka @Genon @Isune @Necr0Danc3r @LeSoraAmari
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(*Snarl*)

Chris was getting ready to tear out Adrian's throat until a blade of pure darkness launched at him. The werecat had no issues dodging as he quickly flipped out of the way. He quickly turned his attention to Mizuki as she spoke about Chris not deserving Daneri's love. "This can wait," Chris said with his fangs bared as he pointed a claw at Mizuki "Once I kill all of them I'll come after you. For now, let's focus on what's important." And with that, he turned around and faced Adrian. Regardless of whether or not the blades had hit their mark, Chris started to approach with claws at the ready. He seemed dead set on killing him, anything for Daneri.

@Zuka @Genon @Jackaboi @Necr0Danc3r
(Btw @Jackaboi she isn't throwing knives at him. They're like giant slashes of,darkness)

Mizuki wasn't very happy about Chris. He didn't want to fight her right then and there. But she couldn't let her rage blind her more than it did. The true threats were Eric and Adrian, and they had to be taken care of first. Fortunately her first attack did something to the fellow member and he was down, making her job much easier. The dark Mage formed a large block from the shadows and Rose it into the air, dropping it down onto his body before quickly dashing forward and pinning him by his neck, using her magic to slowly drain his energy. "How dare you try and take my love away! She's the only good thing in my life and you want to get rid of it, or take her for yourself. You don't deserve her like I do." She growled, tightening his grip around his neck. "I'll be sure to make your death long and painful..."

However before Mizuki could choke him to death the beautiful voice of her beloved Siren filled her ear. She slowly got off Eric and turned around to face her love only to see that there were two of them! She stared at them in confusion and awe. Two Daneri's would be wonderful, as that would be 2 times the love, but this wasn't the case. According to one Daneri the other was an imposter. "What!? Who dares imitate my beloved? Explain yourself before I kill you!" She growled, stalking towards the real Daneri, thinking that she was the fake.

@Zuka @Genon @Necr0Danc3r

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Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Underground Cavern < Corridor Battleground

View attachment 314609

The forest mage was quiet happily nuzzling into Ryu's very soft, and oddly nice smelling hair behind his ear (it was a weird habit she picked up from dogs and cats and people's hair just smelt nice sometimes.) She was stopped however as the climbing pace haulted and blinked as he looked back to her. She only offered a dizty blinking face in response. "Yeah I'm affectionate but what does that have to do with having a boyfriend?"

Even her voice was a higher pitch and an equally confused expression crossed her own face. Though as the boyfriend comment rolled around in her head she couldn't help but think of her conversation with Chris earlier, how sometimes she was the happiest girl in the world and sometimes she was sad and lonely. How she started to feel safer away from him then near him.

She didn't directly answer Ryu instead her expression oddly vague. In fact the silence was almost deafening as a response to his statement along with the furrowed brows. Eyes unfocused. Before she could collect her thoughts she heard the man himself, Chris, call down as a staircase etched itself into the very walls of the shaft, reinforcing it.

She slowly lowered herself onto the steps, and as her green eyes lifted to peer to the ceiling and the roof they had fallen into she could have sworn she heard noises?.... a singing, maybe? Then yelling and a roar and...

Her eyes widened as panic was beginning to flood her again. "...T...that sounds like Chris's beast form...and a battle..." She whispered and almost before she had finished her sentence she had grasped at Ryu's hand and was literally skipping two steps at a time to get to the top as she dragged him along popping out at the once fallen in archway, green eyes flowing over the chaos with confusion while she forgot she was still holding onto Ryu's hand.

"Chris...what are you...." She whispered.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98
-Ryu Miyamoto-



As the steps extended out of the wall below the two, Ryu waited for Kelica to slide off his back, before dropping gracefully down to the stairway below. He looked up towards the noise of the commotion above them as they climbed the stairs, ascending slowly and cautiously. Suddenly, Kelica grabbed his hand and practically dragged him up the remainder of the stairs. He matched her frantic pace and followed her up the steps, realizing it would be futile to try and stop her. As they stepped out into the hallway, Ryu looked around, taking in the whole scene. For some reason, two of the mages had gone apeshit and were attacking their supposed allies. He sighed and was about to ask what in the hell was going on until,

Genon said:
Adrian should have known better than to try reasoning with Chris in his current mental state. He was mentally slapping himself in the face even as he desperately tried to avoid Chris' fangs. A magic circle appeared at his feet as he prepared to cast an Arcane barrier and send Chris flying into Draneri at high speed, but then...

Wait, was that Kelica's voice?! Well, maybe then Kelica could calm him down--

Or not. Chris got off of him and attempted to maul Kelica! Kelica was a C-class and far too naive, she wouldn't be able to fend off her brainwashed boyfriend! Adrian responded by putting a cube of barriers around Kelica that would move when she moved, a sort of force-field. "Kelica!" he called, "Chris and Mizuki--the Sabertooth girl--are brainwashed by that disgusting excuse for a person over there,"--he pointed to guildless enchantress--"who's a Siren! The barrier will move when you do, just try and calm Chris! And if it breaks, I'll restore it again!"

With Chris occupied and Mizuki fighting Eric, Adrian knew that now was the time to go for the throat. He wasn't sure if he could take this Siren on in single combat if she had neutralized two other guild members. He always had his trump card if all else failed. However...he might have someone else who could help...

"Open! Gate of the Chinese Snake! Shen!" he said, as he waved the key in the specific motions needed to summon the Snake Spirit. A doorbell ring later, and Shen was standing in front of him.

He whispered into Shen's ear, "Hey, Shen, I need your help here. That siren over there--" he pointed to Draneri-- "just used her magic to seduce the Sabertooth girl over there and the Fairy Tail guy with the Take Over magic. Since you can take on the appearance and gain the memories of others, I need you to use her magic to undo the enchantment on Chris and Mizuki. Can you do that?"
As soon as he heard Adrian utter the word 'Siren', he froze and his entire demeanor changed. "Siren," He said slowly, repeating the word, his irises turning a deep crimson. He remained silent for a few moments before he spoke again. "Alright listen up you fuckwits," he said coldly, addressing all the mages in the hallway. "I don't give a shit what you all do, but let's get one thing straight. That bitch," he paused, pointing directly at the real Daneri. "Is mine. Get in my way, and I will cut you down as well"

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