Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindrazer

"I hope you guys don't mind if I tag along then? I'm very famished myself." She said. She finished brushing the dirt off of her and quickly fixed her hair. "So Aurelie, I'd definitely love to get to know you better! I hope I'm not being too much of a bother by tagging along." She added. She was anxious to get going since she has not eaten anything great yet. Thanks to her mother she had developed an extremely fine taste for foods, even if she didn't mean to. "So shall we get going then?" @Kazehana @Jackaboi
purplepanda288 said:
Honka Redfox

Honks returned her hug, seeing a bit a sweat roll down Haruhi's neck. Odd, what happened last night? " Oh, I knew something was off about raa. I didn't expect that they were a girl." Well that's what she gets for labeling people. She clenched the drum sticks in her left hand as her sister told her that something serious happened,WHAT DID YOU DO?! " I-um, alright..." Honks lead them to the living room, she moved a few books off a section of the couch. Siting down she started to fiddle with her hair. " So what is this big news." On the out side Honoka was calm and collected, but on the inside was a seething rage of a thousand suns.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics
Metaphysics said:
RaaCiel - Sister Act

"Umm..." Ciel started as she shrugged sheepishly, surely she should share the situation some shall sanctimoniously summarize as somber. "I...uh...we...uh..." She started saying slowly, some seconds sooner she started to speak. "It's nothing big...but uh I'd like you to give yourself some time to absorb this info..." After taking a deep breath and lifting her ring bearing hand and showing it to Honoka she gulped. "We got married while we were drunk." She said before securing air around her feet to anchor herself on the floor.
When Honoka was sitting down on the couch Haruhi stood up beside Ciel and looked down at her, trying to crack a small smile, though her sister senses were going crazy. She could almost feel the intensity radiating off of the raven haired girl. Her head turned slightly as Ciel stumbled for words, so she decided to step in and speak up. Taking in a deep breath she prepared herself to turn into iron in case her sister flipped. "Well you see... Last night I decided to pay back Ciel for saving me by having a drink with her. That was the first time I've ever done something like that and with my lack of knowledge I must've ordered something strong. I only drank half a glass and I was out." She said, taking a pause and letting Ciel talk before speaking again. "And well, in our drunken state some things happened. We got married while we were drunk." The two spoke in sync. "But don't get mad at Ciel, get mad at me! This is my fault more than hers. And if it makes you feel better, nothing lewd happened between us..."

She sure didn't know what was in that dream of his, but it made him quite angsty to say the least. It sounded like he wanted to drink to forget about his problems, and she knew well and good that wasn't the answer to this situation. She frowned at his erratic behavior, as he carried himself quite differently from just a few minutes before. Was he going to be okay?

Alabaster's words drew her attention, and she noted her strive to build a healthy relationship. She was glad that at least someone wanted to make real connections here rather than fight and ask personal information. Well, she probably would, but at least it might not be completely out of the blue. In response, she nodded sternly. "Of course! But between you and me," she began, inching closer to the girl and hushing her voice, "I think Eric might have some issues he needs to work out." Perhaps her guild mate would know already, but she wanted to make sure he was getting some sort of emotional support from a source other than a bottle.

Once their little exchange was done, she perked up and walked up to Eric, hoping her smile would help him calm down a little. "Of course! Let's be off to get Alabaster her food and you your drink," she confirmed, beginning to trudge along. In the moment, she totally forgot that Eric was supposed to be leading them to the bar, and she promptly spun around, marching back to them without breaking her speed. "I totally forgot that I have no idea where we're going. Lead the way," she prompted, much more jubilant that before. Perhaps it was the company they kept that influenced her mood. Did she judge people too much? She sure hoped not, for that seemed rather shallow.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Kazehana said:

She sure didn't know what was in that dream of his, but it made him quite angsty to say the least. It sounded like he wanted to drink to forget about his problems, and she knew well and good that wasn't the answer to this situation. She frowned at his erratic behavior, as he carried himself quite differently from just a few minutes before. Was he going to be okay?

Alabaster's words drew her attention, and she noted her strive to build a healthy relationship. She was glad that at least someone wanted to make real connections here rather than fight and ask personal information. Well, she probably would, but at least it might not be completely out of the blue. In response, she nodded sternly. "Of course! But between you and me," she began, inching closer to the girl and hushing her voice, "I think Eric might have some issues he needs to work out." Perhaps her guild mate would know already, but she wanted to make sure he was getting some sort of emotional support from a source other than a bottle.

Once their little exchange was done, she perked up and walked up to Eric, hoping her smile would help him calm down a little. "Of course! Let's be off to get Alabaster her food and you your drink," she confirmed, beginning to trudge along. In the moment, she totally forgot that Eric was supposed to be leading them to the bar, and she promptly spun around, marching back to them without breaking her speed. "I totally forgot that I have no idea where we're going. Lead the way," she prompted, much more jubilant that before. Perhaps it was the company they kept that influenced her mood. Did she judge people too much? She sure hoped not, for that seemed rather shallow.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Eric: Magnolia bar

A few moment's later the trio arrived at the bar, Eric noticed that Aurelie had a worried look on her face as if she'd never been to a bar before which probably didn't surprise him, she never looked much like a drinker in the first place. "This your first time Aurelie? If you're worried about the people inside, you shouldn't be, they aren't all ruffians or gangs of the sort. Beside's if anything DID happen, you have two Sabertooth mages to back you up anyway." Eric looked around to see if there would be any trouble stirring up here. Luckily it was fairly quiet, no bar fights, no drinking contests, just people going about their day. "Hmm... Maybe something else worries you?"

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Honoka Redfox

Honks starred at the two, her eyes reveling nothing on the subject. She breathed in slowly and deeply, Mabye it she was about to yell? Nope, she just let out a sad groan. " And no ceremony?" She stood and and went to the two, her eyes full of genuine happiness. " Let me plan the wedding! I don't have an concerts to play at out side of Magnolia or Fiore. Wait let me see the rings!" Honoka grabed both thier hands a examined the rings, She moved the rings a bit to examine the luster, cut, color, and the clarity. Dam, they got good gems even when they were drunk. " Don get out of bed you've been asleep since you got drunk last night!"

@Metaphysics @Kayzo @Refaulted

Donald Houns

Only A Bit Hungover At The Redfox Residence

Donald didn't want to get up. He had woken up when Haruhi had gotten up, but then he had fallen back asleep a few short minutes later. Those few minutes were only a set of blurry images in his mind. When he woke up the second time, he had just buried his head in the pillow, grabbing the one Haruhi had used and placed it over the back of his head. He groaned into the fabric, wanting his headache to go away.

When Honoka yelled up to him, he just groaned again before reluctantly getting out of the bed. He took a moment to stretch before grabbing the blanket off of the bed and wrapping it around his shoulders. He was shirtless and shoeless, but he was at least wearing a pair of black cloth pants. He sauntered slowly out of the room and made his way down the stairs.

As soon as he was at the bottom step, he looked around, an annoyed look painted on his face. He walked up next to Honoka and placed an arm around her shoulders, leaning his head against hers and grunting. "
You seem to not understand the need of a hungover man to get his sleep, shorty." He wiped his hand down his face, trying to get more awake. "But mornin', I guess..."

He looked between Haruhi and the stranger. "
So...what? You two getting married? Well...I guess that's good? Though aren't you a little young to do something like that? Shit like that takes time, kid." Donald yawned one more time before patting Honoka on the back, his fingers lingering for a moment at the base of her spine before he walked over to a chair to take a seat. He pulled the blanket tighter around him, so only the top half of his head and his feet were visible.

@Kayzo @Metaphysics

Lysander Connell

Streets of Magnolia

Lysander seemed to deflate visibly at the thought of meeting up with his Guild members because it truly meant that it was time for him to leave Magnolia, and Sora's company. Not that he hated his Guild of course, otherwise he would have joined Fairy Tail at the drop of a hat if it meant spending more time with Sora. He had grown to love his Guild and he was actually struggling at the thought of leaving Lamia Scale. He just... could not bear to. At the same time he wanted to spend more time with Sora and Magnolia Town.

But at least he had this amount of time with Sora, and he had spent an amazing three days in her company, and he was extremely grateful for the chance to do so. It had been a chance meeting with Sora really, yet it turned out to be a meeting that had truly changed his life in more ways than one. Thus, he was determined to enjoy the rest of the time remaining with Sora. He smiled rather sheepishly as she tucked her arm through his and drew him closer, and he allowed her to do so, even placing his other hand over hers as it rested on his arm. The speed of his own footsteps matched hers in slowness, and they moved through the streets of Magnolia at a snails pace, him reluctant to go any faster as this meant that it would end their time together.

"I suppose if they're planning on leaving at this time they'd head to the train station. I guess we would find them there." The words seemed forced out of him, then he shook his head, determined to enjoy their last few moments together, at least during this time period. There were letters to be written after all, and dates to be planned in the future. But for now, it was just them. "I've been meaning to ask," he added, quickly changing the subject, not wanting to dwell on their impending departure more than he had to. "I'm curious to know about how you met Maya. Since you both are in different Guilds..."

Speaking of Guilds... Lysander had been adjusting his poncho when he felt something that he knew was not a part of the poncho. He frowned as he tugged it loose, then blinked as he stared at it. It was a pink ribbon, light and fluttering in the breeze. For a moment, he frowned. He certainly did not own one, and he was just turning to Sora to ask if this as hers, when he froze, in sudden rememberance, as his mind flashed back to his first visit to the Fairy Tail Guild hall.

He stopped short. "I just realised..." here, he showed Sora the ribbon. "There's someone in you guild right? Named Kelica? I just remembered that she had asked me to find her ribbon and I forgot all about returning it until now. I... think we might need to detour to your Guild Hall because I need to return this to her."

@Kyuubey @LeSoraAmari (mentioned)
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purplepanda288 said:
Kimberly Lock
Kim's Flat

Kim ate one of the Boazi, a bit of steam came out of her mouth as she blew out. " You really do flatter me Eias, my Father gave me these recipes. I'm not That good at cooking." She down half her glass of juice, she felt a bit of nervousness creep up into her throat. Why was she nervess, she was just asking someone to move in with her. That thought sunk in, making the hole deeper in her stomach. " No ,there really isn't much happening after the festivals. A few jobs in the guild open up thank fully. But I'm good on money for the next two months." Kim breathed in, she attempted to steel her nerves a bit. " Well I was think mabye you could mabye move in with me..."

Eias Baole - Kim's place

Eias nodded in agreement as Kim spoke. She popped the Boazi in her mouth while they were still fairly hot but it didn't bother her. Now eating straight ice.. That was her downfall for sure. She smiled sweetly as to mask the thoughts of leaving town soon since Kim had nothing else going on. She apparently didn't have to do a job and there were no more festivals going on. She gave Kim a curious look as she breathed in audibly. It looked like she was attempting to do something but what she did not know. That was till Kim said it all. Eias held a confused face that kept blinking. Wait... W-what? Are you serious right now? Eias couldn't believe what she was hearing. Such a strange opportunity. It felt too good to be true.

Millie let out a louder screech as the owl suddenly flew down and onto her shoulder. The mangy body began to rub up against her cheek and it nearly made her throw up. Her mother always told her to stay away from birds as the transmitted icky diseases that would ruin her. Obviously she didn't want this to happen to her, and even if the bird was tame and clean she wouldn't be taking any chances. "G-get off me!" She wailed, frantically but gently shooing the bird off her shoulder. The blonde girl felt a little bad for being so mean to the seemingly innocent animal, but it was more of a childhood fear she couldn't help. A few feet away on the bro side of things she heard Valken call for her once again, asking her to fix his belt for him. She knew that he could easily do it himself, but it gave her a reason to go over to him. "I'm sorry for not responding. I'll help fight away..." Millie sniffled quietly and quickly went over to Valken and began working at his belt. Her soft hands pulled up his pants and tightened the belt around it until it was snug and fit.

@Wyatt @Metaphysics @Refaulted @purplepanda288
Mitchs98 said:
Alicia: Rented Apartment
Alicia had somewhat expected her to want to stay some more to be with Alfie, but she guessed she was wrong. "
No that's fine! I wanna stay with you." She replied pretty much immediately when she offered to send her home with Masaki. She'd much rather stay here with Mizuki than go home without her. Besides, she wanted to see Alfie before she left too. Regardless she smiled and hugged her back, a bit surprised of how affectionate she was being lately. When she'd initially hugged her she noticed she was a bit uncomfortable with it, but now here she was hugging her quite often. Oh well, she guessed it was for the better. If Mizuki got happier that was only a good thing in Alicia's eyes. "Besides. I wanna see Alfie too." She added. She wondered exactly why Mizuki was getting so upset over Alfie not being there. Did she like him as more than a friend? The thought itself caused Alicia to giggle, surely not. When she told her to pack anyway she nodded. "Okay, do you want me to help you pack too? Since you're tired and stuff." She replied.
Mizuki stared at Alicia with narrow eyes as the girl started giggling out of the blue. She said nothing that was remotely funding, yet the younger girl started laughing. Her being happy was a great thing in her mind, yet she was curious to know what she was thinking. "What is it you're laughing about? Did I say something funny? Or was it a thought from inside your beautiful mind? Tell me. I won't bite." She said with a small sigh, breaking her intense stare before shaking her head. "And no. Don't pack for me. I can do that myself." The dark Mage didn't bring much to begin with so it would take no time at all. Yet Alicia may be a different story. "In fact, I want to pack for you. My four arms will work much faster than yours..."
Mykinkaiser said:
Emmerich "They kicked me out, destruction o' property or somefink. And that was after they cut me off," Emmerich says, responding to Valken's quip. At the other man's question thinks for a second, ignoring the slap and the subsequent punch, before grinning, "No, not really. Though I did get into several bar fights if that counts," he says with a laugh. "So, what exactly 'appened 'ere and who's this lot," he asks Valken, gesturing to the unfamiliar people around him whilst throwing an arm around the other man's shoulders, none too gently either. That said, it's not like that would hurt him right?

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Kayzo @Wyatt [/color]
Kayzo said:
Millie let out a louder screech as the owl suddenly flew down and onto her shoulder. The mangy body began to rub up against her cheek and it nearly made her throw up. Her mother always told her to stay away from birds as the transmitted icky diseases that would ruin her. Obviously she didn't want this to happen to her, and even if the bird was tame and clean she wouldn't be taking any chances. "G-get off me!" She wailed, frantically but gently shooing the bird off her shoulder. The blonde girl felt a little bad for being so mean to the seemingly innocent animal, but it was more of a childhood fear she couldn't help. A few feet away on the bro side of things she heard Valken call for her once again, asking her to fix his belt for him. She knew that he could easily do it himself, but it gave her a reason to go over to him. "I'm sorry for not responding. I'll help right away..." Millie sniffled quietly and quickly went over to Valken and began working at his belt. Her soft hands pulled up his pants and tightened the belt around it until it was snug and fit.
@Wyatt @Metaphysics @Refaulted @purplepanda288
Valken Truss

Magnolia Train Station

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Dusty.jpg.fd2ae9b5830ba22ef62f4b25f1cc3b12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Dusty.jpg.fd2ae9b5830ba22ef62f4b25f1cc3b12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The tall dark haired man still had his arms spread wide to show off his dangling dagger belt slipped over his hips and thighs, and while keeping the pose he glanced to Emmerich as he commented on his drunken escapades. "You know I am not even the least bit surprised..." Feeling Emmerich throw his arm around his shoulder Valken actually winced... And to add insult to injury Noah punched his other shoulder making him turn his head to him with a cold glare and a hiss. "...No. No I did not... clearly nerve damage...."

People seemed to be adding tokens all around Valken and he would pay each and every one of them back.... Noah explained Talon and himself to Emmerich while Valken expanded more. "The short blonde is Ferra, and likes her food too much... The boy and the bird I have no clue.. But I already like the bird..." Grinning more as Millie flailed helplessly. He really should help her...

Valken's eyebrow lifted up as Noah challenged him and Emmerich to which he gestured a thumb behind him. "Check out this guy, Frausty.... thinking he can out drink us! Amatuer... The Guild Hall will run out of grog looooong before that..." His face stilling though as he remembered Lloyd detested drunks. "Perhaps... after Guild Master Lloyd leaves the Hall for the day however...."As all the punches and challenges were flying Valken felt like he was loosing his grip on the Totem Pole of the gathering of Merry Men...

That was until finally having chased that bird away his gorgeous Millie with the body to die for finally came over. She was there before him, face focusing so intently on fixing his belt a wide spread cheeky grin filled his face from ear to ear. Yes, Valken was clearly on top of the Todem Pole as Millie's soft, delicate grazed against his hips, even brushing the hem of his pants and the skin where his vest rode up juuussttt a little from his wide spread arms. A deep rumble in his chest now as he shrugged off Emmerich's arm and stepped closer to her, his hands already snaking around her face to cup her ears and cheek while threading his fingers through her long blonde hair.

"Thanks Babe..." Stepping closer as he tilted his head and put his lips to hers, not caring for a second who out of the gathering was watching. In fact, he was half hoping he might get a solid jealous glare from Noah or Emmerich. He didn't even care if they wanted to fight him for her. Millie was his and he was intent to keep it that way. His eyes slipping closed as he deepened his kiss, blocking out everyone except for her.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Wyatt



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Leonardo Captor

Morning | Diner

@The Dinkster | @Kayzo | @Wyatt

Yukiko felt like quite the fool. And of coarse, any logical person would come to that conclusion. Her years in the guild had softened her mind and as a result she made many mistakes. The biggest of which being underestimating her target. The brute of a man locked eyes with Yukiko in the crowd, obviously having sensed something from her. She stood still, returning the stare with a large grin. The screen she had open in her hand was still trying to match the mans face with someone in her Archive. God it was being slow. Perhaps the mans face lacked any distinguishable features? Yukiko wouldn't be surprised. He was built well, though. Yukiko noticed another man approach the group, drawing the man's attention away from her if only for a moment. Though Yukiko would not waste this moment. Her magic flared through her for all but a split second, shrouding her presence once more. Yukiko was free to move just a little closer without being spotted. She gently rose off the ground, gliding up on top of a market stall located near where her target was talking to the others. Getting comfortable, Yukiko continued to observe before her screen began to blink. Staring down, it seems a match was made. Valken Truss, Lamia Scale Mage. Yukiko frowned at the results. A name and guild? She could have deduced that herself. She could have analysed the others, but she wasn't going to sit around and wait for more matches to be made.

Yukiko decided the old fashioned approach would work best here. Hopping down from the vendor, she landed a few meters behind Valken before dissipating her magic. No doubt if he'd sensed her in a crowd, then her sudden appearance behind him would also be noticed.

Quite the gathering here. It seems you're the life of the party Valken." She still decided to speak up. Judging by his actions, Valken might have turned around and readied for an attack if Yukiko had just appeared without saying anything. There seemed to be a great deal of others in the group as well, which only served to intrigue Yukiko further. Getting to know them like this would be so much faster than waiting around for her Archive to match their faces with a name.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared at Alicia with narrow eyes as the girl started giggling out of the blue. She said nothing that was remotely funding, yet the younger girl started laughing. Her being happy was a great thing in her mind, yet she was curious to know what she was thinking. "What is it you're laughing about? Did I say something funny? Or was it a thought from inside your beautiful mind? Tell me. I won't bite." She said with a small sigh, breaking her intense stare before shaking her head. "And no. Don't pack for me. I can do that myself." The dark Mage didn't bring much to begin with so it would take no time at all. Yet Alicia may be a different story. "In fact, I want to pack for you. My four arms will work much faster than yours..."
Alicia: Rented Apartment

Alicia grinned cheekily as Mizuki narrowed her eyes at her and inevitably questioned why she was giggling. Should she tell her? She definetely thought she should. Her reaction could be funny, plus she might be able to get the to of them together for real! Mizuki needed more happy things in her life, she deserved to be happy after all! Despite her telling her she was, Alicia could tell she wasn't completely happy. Something was off and she couldn't tell what, and no matter what she did it never fully went away. She knew she must of had a hard past due to the whole dark guild stuff, but she didn't think it could of been
that bad. "I was just thinking about you and Alfie. I think he likes you you know, and I'm preeetyyy sure you like him~." She replied. She herself had never felt that way for anyone, but it was kind of clear to her Mizuki felt that way about Alfie; if only a bit.

Mizuki then brought up the topic of packing, and her packing for her. "
Well. If you're sure you don't want me to." She replied with a shrug. "And it'd be awesome if you could help me too! I didn't really bring that much stuff, just a few outfits and stuff, so it shouldn't take long." She added. With that she got off of the bed altogether and moved to get her small suitcase, which of course was pink with white flowers on it, and place it on the bed. She then moved to grab her spare clothes that she'd more or less scattered on the floor of the closet and place the pile on the bed, then she moved to start folding them and placing them in her bag.

Sera: Sera's House


Sera had had a lot of fun watching the parade and fireworks with Mika and Lavender, really she had fun with them the entire day. Both of them were really great friends and extremely fun to be around, plus she had the added bonus of slowly attempting to get Mika to like her as more than a friend. In the end though, she'd be fine with whoever he chose. She was sure she could find someone else eventually, after all. She wasn't just going to give Mika up without trying, but she wasn't going to ruin their friendship over it either. She glared as the sunlight finally, somehow, managed to perforate her curtains and shine directly onto her eyes. She was just trying to sleep, why couldn't the outside realize this! Sighing she laid there for a few moments before shifting her feet over the edge of the bed, followed by yawning and stretching as she stood up. She then smirked to herself, remembering Mika was staying with her. Of course there were several ideas that came to mind, quite a few illegal on varying scales. She grabbed a pillow from her bed and a marker from her bedstand, non permanent, she wasn't going to be that mean.

Supplies gotten she eased out of her room quietly and into the one Mika was in. She had a devious plan. Draw on his face then smack him with a pillow! Or draw on his face and dump water on him or something. Either one, she was going to have fun. Of course, both plans failed as she tripped near his bed. This wouldn't of been so bad, had she not landed chest first onto his face. Well..she guessed this worked to wake him up to? She moved to get up, but her wing got caught in his blanket tripping her up further. She ended up catching on the blanket with her wing, pulling him off of the bed, wrapping them up in the blanket, and somehow managing to end up with his face in her chest..again. Welp. This went poorly. Now to brace for the aftermath of him hating her..unless he slept through this entire thing.
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Fairy Tail HQ


Lyra made a weird face at him, eyes going slightly wide from the shock as her hair turned to a more blonde tone. She shrieked in a booming tone, rolling off the table quite suddenly, fingers combing through the obnoxiously long length in a panicked manner. This was obviously extremely traumatic for her but honestly one would assume that she'd grown accustomed to it by now. It wasn't the change that truly irked the woman, it was the hideous color. " HIBI-KUN! " Her voice was actually quite audible for once, purple hues shaking with a growing sense of bewilderment. Lyra hated when he did that and she was positive that Hibiki knew how much torment it caused her for her hair to be forcefully changed to a yellow of all the beautiful colors out there. " Blonde.... " Her fingers curled up into little fists and two punches connected with the man's shoulders, though they were meant more to let out frustration.

An extremely loud huff was released along with those slender shoulders drooping in a defeated manner as she turned away from him with a defiant cross of her arms. " You pick where we eat, I can't think now. " An annoyed scowl followed her words before she bent down and plucked her hat back up off the table. A masterful flick of the wrist sent it flipping into the air, head tilting to catch it. " You're a punk sometimes, I hope you realize this. And rest assured you'll pay for that. " It was extremely hard to remain mad at him though and a small glance through her peripherals at him only made this harder, a small smile only forcing itself to surface in response.

Soon though a freaking out voice blurted throughout the guildhall, a panicked figure running about and demanding answers seemed to appear. Lyra stiffed a bit at the awkwardness of wanting to speak up and get involved but as usual her more socially angst side resurfaced and she leaned back against Hibiki, touching his shoulder lightly. "
Should we see what's wrong with Chris? " Lyra knew the Beast user since they were in the same guild. When he'd joined he had interested her because they were both take-over mages and she'd made a mental note to remember his face and now here it was, wildly contorted into confusion and ... was that fear?

A sigh escaped her lips before Chris came face to face with herself and Hibiki, her own posture remaining calm despite his more crazed one. "
Chris, try to breathe and tell us what's going on, alright? When did you last see Kelica? She hasn't been here yet though from what I've noticed." She whispered out, voice straining to be audible, knowing she probably wasn't being as helpful as she'd like to be. Hopefully he'd at least slow down a little so they could try to figure this all out. If not, Hibiki would probably have a better grasp at what to do.

Arietta Forsyth - Streets of Magnolia

" Shall we go check on some of the Lamia Scale members then? " Her statement was directed at both Lloyd and Maya. Both hues quickly scanned the area at the thought of searching before they returned to flicker from the guild master to the wizard saint beside her. Aria knew the two must be worried if they could indeed feel the imbalance within the air and the woman didn't want to keep them from doing what they needed to do for their own reassurance. " I'll accompany you if you don't mind, Maya and Lloyd. I have some of my own questions I need to find answers to and that may be better achieved with the both of you. " Aria spoke in a way that made her words almost edible somehow, sweet and savory to listen to. It wasn't intentional but every word that left her lips was always cursed to be satisfying to the ears of others.


" And Lloyd, I prefer a first name basis so please call me Aria from now on. Arietta if you must keep formalities of some sort. " She had turned to the man then, key coming to a quick halt from its previous spinning, a curving of the lips quite noticeable. The key was pressed against her lips in thought and one would assume it would feel cool but it was severely hot to the touch, this heat that radiated didn't seem to bother Aria oddly enough. " Yes, you're quite right, my friend. " Aria's eyes slipped to a close as she held a conversation with Abaddon, speaking with him through the key. The spirit didn't seem to pleased to not be within the same vicinity when there was trouble around. " In due time, it's not ideal for you to scare the kids away, I'll be okay. " A sincere smile spread at the spirits overly defensive personality and his desire to consistently be by her side. It wasn't wise for him to be in the Earth realm all the time though since it drained his own magic and exhausted him.

My apologies, my spirit is a little uneasy. " Her fingers began to twirl the key once again as if the action itself would somehow sooth Abaddon. " Lead the way. " Her free hand made a small motion to the side, signaling for them to pick a direction as Aria had no idea where they'd like to begin.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Isune @Zuka
Hibiki Dreyar - Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Lyra's scream pierced his ears as the woman slowly began to turn blonde. Her hair changing ever so slightly to a colour that Lyra didn't like so much. Sighing, Hibiki was about to speak when Lyra's punched his shoulders, causing the male to look at her with a blank and confused expression on his face. "Hey, it wasn't my fault!" He said back rather quickly only to then release a slight huff of his own. It was in that moment that Chris ran into the guild in a traumatised state, asking everyone if they had seen Kelica. It was odd seeing as he was most likely the last person to see the girl, and she most definitely hasn't been in the guild at all today. When Chris approached them and Lyra spoke to him, Hibiki nodded along to what Lyra had said, then sat there quietly for a few seconds or so before talking himself. "Lyras right, Kelica hasn't been in the guild at all today. Has something happened Chris?"


Maya Morne - Magnolia Streets

When Arietta proposed that they search for the other Lamia Scale members, Maya simply nodded in agreement with the woman. "Yes, I think that would be the best thing to do in this situation. However we mustn't let our worry and concern be visible to those of the guild, I don't want them getting worked up themselves." She spoke with elegance and with a stern tone, a tone so stern in fact, that it would probably make people's hairs on the back of their necks stick up. Taking in a deep sigh, Maya turned to Arietta with a smile before talking to the fellow Wizard Saint. "You're more than welcome to join us, and I'll be sure to help you find answers to those questions of yours once we're done here." The older woman then turned to Lloyd, whom of which was stood quietly beside her. Maya rested a hand on the mans shoulder before continuing, "Let's go find the others." And then proceeding to walk ahead of the pair and towards the train station, where they were undoubtedly going to be.

@Huor Spinks

Kayzo said:
Grace mentally face palmed herself as she realized something. Lloyd became guildmaster after the capped girl left. However due to the fact that she wanted to stop standing around and actually do something she decided to drop the subject for now. "Oh, things have changed Mikado. You'll find out more when we get back to Lamia Scale!" She explained briefly before taking ahold of Masaki and Mikado's hands and walking away from the cathedral. The shorter girl had a sneaking suspicion that her friend and boyfriend weren't connecting as much as she wanted them to, and that there may be some tension between them. Maybe Masaki was jealous about how fast she ditched him for Mikado, but surely he'd understand why. It's been two whole years since she last saw the blonde girl! Plus Masaki did say something about them having the rest of their lives to see one another, which was true. But just to make sure that he was happy Grace leaned up and kissed his cheek before answering the other's question. "Yeah, the whole guild came up here! Even Maya. Don't tell her I said this, but I'm surprised that she hasn't crumbled into dust yet. She's older than Lloyd!"
@Colt556 @LeSoraAmari

Masaki Yamada - Magnolia Streets

When Grace took both his and Mikado's hands and slowly began to lead them away from Kardia Cathedral, Masaki still said nothing and instead let the two girls catch up. Of course it really didn't bother Masaki, he knew that the bond between guild mates was a precious one, and since both Mikado and Grace hadn't seen each other for so long it was only right that they had a chance to catch up with each other. As the trio continued to walk Grace kissed him on the cheek, which caused him to smile down at the smaller girl. She probably felt like he was being jealous or something but he really wasn't. "If you want, I can leave you two to catch up? I'm sure you'd like that after all" he said with a kind smile on his face.


Sora Marvell - Streets of Magnolia/ FT HQ

Sora simply nodded as he spoke of where they might find the other Lamia Scale members. It only made sense that they'd be at the train station since it wasn't as if they'd walk back to Margaret town. However one never knew, Sora herself preferred to fly since trains made her extremely ill. Those slow footsteps came to a full stop for a few moments, taken aback by his question regarding Maya. It wasn't a bad thing, it was simply surprising that he'd inquire about something like that and it caught her off guard. Unfortunately though she was pulled from her thoughts and attempts to gather the words to actually answer him as a ribbon was pulled out and presented to her, his delicate fingers wrapped about it. A tilt of the head was given in response as he explained where it was from and whom it belonged to.


The blue haired girl never experienced jealousy so that kind of reaction would never occur, she simply smiled and redirected them towards the guildhall. "
Yes, Kelica! She's really nice though we don't talk as much since I'm usually out on missions with Clair. " Her hand had subconsciously slid over to rest upon his, visibly quite pleased with this small notion and the warmth that soon embraced her palm. " It's really kind of you to return it to her, I'm sure she will be extremely grateful! " Lysander was so admirable and thoughtful towards everyone around him, even when they barely knew him, and it was another trait that was only added to the growing list of reasons she adored him. Sora leaned against him and began to ponder back on the question that still remained unanswered. Her eyes slowly rose to gaze up at the man beside her but mentally she was elsewhere as images erupted within her mind, all from the past taking her on a trip down memory lane.

The silence remained around them, wrapping almost comfortably until Sora found the words to explain and give him insight on what he'd desired to know. "
Maya and my mother were best friends, basically sisters everyone would claim. Ever since I was a baby, Maya was always around. There's very few memories in my childhood that don't involve her. When my parents and my grandmother passed away, Maya was there for me. She helped me continue my training since that's all I could focus on for some reason. I guess it was my way of coping with everything. Honestly, if it wasn't for Maya I probably would be plagued by a lot of negative thoughts and not be who I am today. She helped me keep my heart open and embrace life, to love and laugh, and to let others in... not push them away. And so I chose to protect those dear to me. I have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to Maya, I'm not even sure she's fully aware of how much she saved me from a darker path but I love her with all of my being. She's a second mother in a sense. "

Sora grew extremely quiet then and she hadn't even noticed that her fingers were curled extremely tightly about Lysander's hand, so much that her knuckles were a ghastly white. A vicious shake of the head sent her hair flying as she tried to shake off the rather gloomy mood she'd probably just instilled upon the both of them. Thankfully the guildhall loomed into view and she was filled with a sense of pride, the building being a safe haven of sorts even though it'd been rebuilt more times than she could count. " I'm not alone though.. " The words were spoken quietly to herself, a reassuring smile slowly following to adorn her face, eyes slightly glistening from how they'd watered from the emotions that dared to overwhelm her. Her footsteps led them inside and it was almost immediate that Chris's spectacle was noticed, the bewildered look on his face only causing instant worry to cross upon Sora's.


An apologetic look was shot up towards Lysander as she released his arm and jogged over to the small group of Hibiki, Lyra and Chris. "
Hey, is everything okay? " A frown tugged at Sora's lips as those hues flickered about to each of their faces in search for a non-spoken answer as to what was possibly wrong. Recent interactions with Chris hadn't been exactly the best but that didn't stop her from genuinely caring that he seemed upset and frantic. " Whatever is wrong, I'll help the best I can. " Her words were directed at Chris and she held back the instinctive desire to put a hand on his arm for some sort of comfort for the man, though one might deem that touch inappropriate so it wasn't acted upon. She looked over towards Lysander and slowly motioned for him to come over, perhaps it was a problem they could solve together.

@LeSoraAmari @Huor Spinks @Isune @Zuka

Mimi was forced to scoot herself over when Leo wanted to get on the same side, which she found off. Though he was odd in general, so she thought she might just let it go. The situation might make it hard for them to talk comfortably though. When he reached for the menu, she glared at him incredulously. Was this all just so he could be flirty again? Even so, she chuckled lightly to herself, unavoidably amused by Leo's constant bizarre antics.

She would have answered Leo's question, and she truly meant to, but she felt it rude to ignore the waitress. Her gaze snapped from Leo to the waitress. When she asked for their order, Leo's silence heavily suggested that she would be the one ordering. It was odd to her that he could be so sociable and flirty, yet have all these intorverted tendencies. She couldn't say that she cared though, as he was perfectly fine for her. But she wasn't one to push him to do what he didn't want to do, so she let it go.

"Yes, I would like a stack of chocolate chip pancakes, and he wants a stack with fruit and cream," she replied with a smile. The waitress scribbled something down and nodded her completion, taking the menus and heading off to the kitchen to fill the order. Mimi looked back at Leo and simply stared for a few seconds, then drew a smile. "You're so weird," she said to break the silence. She chuckled to herself once more and rested her head on Leo's upper arm.

Now they had a little bit of time before their food came out, which was the customary time when they were supposed to have a conversation of sorts. She took a few seconds to think of something, then sat straight up when she got it. "Oh hey, so when were we planning on leaving? And what will we do when we get back?" she asked excitedly, almost happy to get back to it. The festival was awesome, but it was over, and she had to move on. But she wasn't sad, as she still got to see her guildmates and have her own fun. But she hardly knew any of the plans of the day, or even of the week. She looked at him inquisitively, hoping he knew more than her.

@Chat Noir
purplepanda288 said:
Honoka Redfox

Honks starred at the two, her eyes reveling nothing on the subject. She breathed in slowly and deeply, Mabye it she was about to yell? Nope, she just let out a sad groan. " And no ceremony?" She stood and and went to the two, her eyes full of genuine happiness. " Let me plan the wedding! I don't have an concerts to play at out side of Magnolia or Fiore. Wait let me see the rings!" Honoka grabed both thier hands a examined the rings, She moved the rings a bit to examine the luster, cut, color, and the clarity. Dam, they got good gems even when they were drunk. " Don get out of bed you've been asleep since you got drunk last night!"

@Metaphysics @Kayzo @Refaulted
Refaulted said:

Donald Houns

Only A Bit Hungover At The Redfox Residence

Donald didn't want to get up. He had woken up when Haruhi had gotten up, but then he had fallen back asleep a few short minutes later. Those few minutes were only a set of blurry images in his mind. When he woke up the second time, he had just buried his head in the pillow, grabbing the one Haruhi had used and placed it over the back of his head. He groaned into the fabric, wanting his headache to go away.

When Honoka yelled up to him, he just groaned again before reluctantly getting out of the bed. He took a moment to stretch before grabbing the blanket off of the bed and wrapping it around his shoulders. He was shirtless and shoeless, but he was at least wearing a pair of black cloth pants. He sauntered slowly out of the room and made his way down the stairs.

As soon as he was at the bottom step, he looked around, an annoyed look painted on his face. He walked up next to Honoka and placed an arm around her shoulders, leaning his head against hers and grunting. "
You seem to not understand the need of a hungover man to get his sleep, shorty." He wiped his hand down his face, trying to get more awake. "But mornin', I guess..."

He looked between Haruhi and the stranger. "
So...what? You two getting married? Well...I guess that's good? Though aren't you a little young to do something like that? Shit like that takes time, kid." Donald yawned one more time before patting Honoka on the back, his fingers lingering for a moment at the base of her spine before he walked over to a chair to take a seat. He pulled the blanket tighter around him, so only the top half of his head and his feet were visible.

@purplepanda288 @Kayzo @Metaphysics

Kayzo said:
Haruhi stared blankly braced herself for what was to come. Her sister's deep sigh meant that something big was coming. There were no signs of joy on her face which meant only bad things that she should endure. Her blue eyes closed tightly as she awaited the sudden blast of anger, but it never came. Instead she was meant with a question about her ceremony. "Say what?"
Honoka seemed overjoyed that the two got married, which made Haruhi extremely confused. Just like Ciel's sister they both seemed to look past the point that they got married overnight without knowing anything about each other. That was the biggest problem yet the two just seemed to encourage them. "Uh, there was a ceremony. At least I think there was. We have a certificate and everything, so it already happened. Though if we get everything sorted out maybe you could plan is a party? I don't know if this is going to last..." She said with a sigh, shaking her head as Honoka inspected her hand. Soon enough Donald came out looking hungover. She thought that they were sharing similar feelings about waking up in the morning as she still felt like shit, but her iron stomach was helping somewhat. However he seemed to get the problem! They were young and haven't even known each other for a full day! This made Haruhi's face shine just a bit brighter, a smile growing on her face. "Yes! He gets it! We've only known each other for a day! Don't you get how weird this is? Marrying someone you barely know? No offense Ciel..."
Ciel started shivering and looked like she was holding something in. The more she thought about it the funnier the situation looked like. Finally, in a moment of weakness where she couldn't hold it in anymore she let out a small giggle. This giggle slowly escalated to gentle laughter as she finally stopped getting nervous. "Oh my night, she acts like Niur!" She finally said as her laughter died down. "I'm glad that you aren't mad at us..." She told Honoka. She then heard what Donald and Haruhi said. "I agree, it's weird...however..." She started. "Our drunk selves wouldn't be that careless? The only reason that we got married this early might be because something must've happened to make us...well...click together? Am I using that right?"
Kimberly Lock


Kim looked on, her expression taking of that of fear. She tried to stay calm as Eais looked at her with disbelief. Finally she answered, to the poor bubble Mage it might of seemed like sometype of trick. Too god to be true as they say. " Well your always on the road, moving from place to place. I thought mabye you would like to settle down her in Magnolia with me. Mabye even go on some jobs together..." Kim trailed off, mabye this wasn't such a good idea...

Lloyd Kirby

Streets of Magnolia

"Ah... of course... Aria," Lloyd stumbled a bit over the less formal approach to her name. This woman did not seem to like formalities very much, and Lloyd was quite willing to go with that. In fact, he could relate to that, which was why he typically introduced himself by his name and guild rather than his title. Conversations tended to be awkward after that revelation. "Most of them are right here in Magnolia for the festival though, but I do agree, it would be prudent to at least confirm that they are all right. You are more than welcome to join us, and I would be pleased to be of assistance to you in any way." He ignored the small pang of guilt that reminded him that he still needed to check on Kelica. His own guild had to come first now, they were his responsibility. But he would be sure to check on Kelica after ensuring that his members were all right.

He nodded and sent a quick smile to Maya as he felt her hand rest on his shoulder for a moment, before following in her wake. He noticed that they were headed towards the train station but did not feel the need to point out a different direction because he too was quite sure they would find them there as well, or at least nearby. The festival was over after all, and there was no reason to remain in Magnolia, especially since their Guild Hall was in a different city. The fun and games were over, and it was time to head back to work. At least for them. For him though... it was time to get back to the quiet of his office and Guild Hall, Margaret Town and the surrounding rivers and countryside he loved so much after all the hustle and bustle that was Magnolia during a festival.

Sure enough, as they strolled towards the train station, he could already pick out some very familiar faces, and some unfamiliar ones. Ferra was there, along with Valken, Millie and Emmerich, a new guild member who had joined some time ago, who he was as yet not very familiar with. Valken, as usual, seemed to be leading the conversation. Good then, they were safe it seemed, and all in one piece, and quite boisterous too. Lysander was nowhere to be seen though, but he was not even sure if Lysander had attended the festival in the first place. "Hello," he said, giving a cheerful wave the moment he was near enough for them to hear him. "Had fun during the festival?"

@Wyatt @Kayzo @Mitchs98
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

View attachment 287508

The tall dark haired man still had his arms spread wide to show off his dangling dagger belt slipped over his hips and thighs, and while keeping the pose he glanced to Emmerich as he commented on his drunken escapades. "You know I am not even the least bit surprised..." Feeling Emmerich throw his arm around his shoulder Valken actually winced... And to add insult to injury Noah punched his other shoulder making him turn his head to him with a cold glare and a hiss. "...No. No I did not... clearly nerve damage...."

People seemed to be adding tokens all around Valken and he would pay each and every one of them back.... Noah explained Talon and himself to Emmerich while Valken expanded more. "The short blonde is Ferra, and likes her food too much... The boy and the bird I have no clue.. But I already like the bird..." Grinning more as Millie flailed helplessly. He really should help her...

Valken's eyebrow lifted up as Noah challenged him and Emmerich to which he gestured a thumb behind him. "Check out this guy, Frausty.... thinking he can out drink us! Amatuer... The Guild Hall will run out of grog looooong before that..." His face stilling though as he remembered Lloyd detested drunks. "Perhaps... after Guild Master Lloyd leaves the Hall for the day however...."As all the punches and challenges were flying Valken felt like he was loosing his grip on the Totem Pole of the gathering of Merry Men...

That was until finally having chased that bird away his gorgeous Millie with the body to die for finally came over. She was there before him, face focusing so intently on fixing his belt a wide spread cheeky grin filled his face from ear to ear. Yes, Valken was clearly on top of the Todem Pole as Millie's soft, delicate grazed against his hips, even brushing the hem of his pants and the skin where his vest rode up juuussttt a little from his wide spread arms. A deep rumble in his chest now as he shrugged off Emmerich's arm and stepped closer to her, his hands already snaking around her face to cup her ears and cheek while threading his fingers through her long blonde hair.

"Thanks Babe..." Stepping closer as he tilted his head and put his lips to hers, not caring for a second who out of the gathering was watching. In fact, he was half hoping he might get a solid jealous glare from Noah or Emmerich. He didn't even care if they wanted to fight him for her. Millie was his and he was intent to keep it that way. His eyes slipping closed as he deepened his kiss, blocking out everyone except for her.

[QUOTE="Chat Noir]

Leonardo Captor

Morning | Diner

@The Dinkster | @Kayzo | @Wyatt

Yukiko felt like quite the fool. And of coarse, any logical person would come to that conclusion. Her years in the guild had softened her mind and as a result she made many mistakes. The biggest of which being underestimating her target. The brute of a man locked eyes with Yukiko in the crowd, obviously having sensed something from her. She stood still, returning the stare with a large grin. The screen she had open in her hand was still trying to match the mans face with someone in her Archive. God it was being slow. Perhaps the mans face lacked any distinguishable features? Yukiko wouldn't be surprised. He was built well, though. Yukiko noticed another man approach the group, drawing the man's attention away from her if only for a moment. Though Yukiko would not waste this moment. Her magic flared through her for all but a split second, shrouding her presence once more. Yukiko was free to move just a little closer without being spotted. She gently rose off the ground, gliding up on top of a market stall located near where her target was talking to the others. Getting comfortable, Yukiko continued to observe before her screen began to blink. Staring down, it seems a match was made. Valken Truss, Lamia Scale Mage. Yukiko frowned at the results. A name and guild? She could have deduced that herself. She could have analysed the others, but she wasn't going to sit around and wait for more matches to be made.

Yukiko decided the old fashioned approach would work best here. Hopping down from the vendor, she landed a few meters behind Valken before dissipating her magic. No doubt if he'd sensed her in a crowd, then her sudden appearance behind him would also be noticed.

Quite the gathering here. It seems you're the life of the party Valken." She still decided to speak up. Judging by his actions, Valken might have turned around and readied for an attack if Yukiko had just appeared without saying anything. There seemed to be a great deal of others in the group as well, which only served to intrigue Yukiko further. Getting to know them like this would be so much faster than waiting around for her Archive to match their faces with a name.

Kayzo said:
Mizuki stared at Alicia with narrow eyes as the girl started giggling out of the blue. She said nothing that was remotely funding, yet the younger girl started laughing. Her being happy was a great thing in her mind, yet she was curious to know what she was thinking. "What is it you're laughing about? Did I say something funny? Or was it a thought from inside your beautiful mind? Tell me. I won't bite." She said with a small sigh, breaking her intense stare before shaking her head. "And no. Don't pack for me. I can do that myself." The dark Mage didn't bring much to begin with so it would take no time at all. Yet Alicia may be a different story. "In fact, I want to pack for you. My four arms will work much faster than yours..."
Vex: Magnolia Train Station

Vex listened to the conversation around him, people constantly calling him the boy with the bird. It slightly annoyed him, and although he didn't know who was talking, he no longer wanted that title. He very carefully approached Valken, Horus was busy with his shenanigans. "Excuse, um... which one were you? Ferra told me everyone's name but I didn't see who she was pointing at, so you will have to forgive me." He didn't mean to start the conversation that way but at least he would learn who the man was, it was only right if he was going to correct him. "And just so that you know my name is VezieVarks Magona and my faithful companion is Horus." Vex noticed the others talking about drinking, but he didn't address them yet.

Horus didn't get the reaction he wanted from the girl and foiled his plan. He wanted the girl to warm up to him and when she least expected it, he would collect some of her in his mouth and pull on it. It was a diabolical plan and nearly cried if could cry when it didn't work. To advoid being hit by the girl he flew back to his friend.
Last edited by a moderator:
Eias Baole - Life is strange

I-I'm just surprised is all. T-to think that you want me to stay.
Eias said trying to calm down. She took some relaxing breaths in an attempt which did help her heart beat a little slower. She sat back in her chair and held the Orange Juice close to her face. She was lost in thought. Should she take the offer? Why did Kim want her to stay? Did she really need to travel in the first place? Everything was making a little less sense than usual. She took a few sips of juice before looking up and Kim's hopeful yet slightly saddened expression. Most likely from Eias's reaction. I suppose I could. I would need to figure out money though. You said do jobs but does the guild allow outside help like that? Would I even get paid?


Dastun Ronad

Cafe, Magnolia.

@Chat Noir @Rhodus

Dastun had remained silent as he watched the two interact, it was somewhat comedic to him. He offered a nod at Noel as she returned his handkerchief and he put it back into one of hos pockets. He looked over at Lucas as he avoided eye contact with Noel when she said that they were late due to travelling back to Magnolia. While the two spoke Dastun ordered another cup of coffee and gave the waitress an extra tip and a smile.

Dastun took a sip of his coffee before looking down at Lucas from the corner of his eye, seeing that the young boy wanted to interact. perhaps it was from sheer boredom or he was feeling a bit courageous, it didn't really matter to Dastun. Taking another sip of his coffeee and then clearing his throat he replied to Lucas, "I'm not shy persay, I just choose who I want to talk to. Mostly the members that have been with Blue Pegasus longer than the junior members or recruits." He paused for a moment, raising an eyebrow as Lucas had become increasingly red and nervous, "I do take a lot of my time up with certain activities though, so I have little time to converse with every member of the guild."
Kazehana said:

She sure didn't know what was in that dream of his, but it made him quite angsty to say the least. It sounded like he wanted to drink to forget about his problems, and she knew well and good that wasn't the answer to this situation. She frowned at his erratic behavior, as he carried himself quite differently from just a few minutes before. Was he going to be okay?

Alabaster's words drew her attention, and she noted her strive to build a healthy relationship. She was glad that at least someone wanted to make real connections here rather than fight and ask personal information. Well, she probably would, but at least it might not be completely out of the blue. In response, she nodded sternly. "Of course! But between you and me," she began, inching closer to the girl and hushing her voice, "I think Eric might have some issues he needs to work out." Perhaps her guild mate would know already, but she wanted to make sure he was getting some sort of emotional support from a source other than a bottle.

Once their little exchange was done, she perked up and walked up to Eric, hoping her smile would help him calm down a little. "Of course! Let's be off to get Alabaster her food and you your drink," she confirmed, beginning to trudge along. In the moment, she totally forgot that Eric was supposed to be leading them to the bar, and she promptly spun around, marching back to them without breaking her speed. "I totally forgot that I have no idea where we're going. Lead the way," she prompted, much more jubilant that before. Perhaps it was the company they kept that influenced her mood. Did she judge people too much? She sure hoped not, for that seemed rather shallow.

[FONT=Vidaloka]@Jackaboi[/FONT] [FONT=Vidaloka]@Metaphysics[/FONT]
Jackaboi said:
Eric: Magnolia bar

A few moment's later the trio arrived at the bar, Eric noticed that Aurelie had a worried look on her face as if she'd never been to a bar before which probably didn't surprise him, she never looked much like a drinker in the first place. "This your first time Aurelie? If you're worried about the people inside, you shouldn't be, they aren't all ruffians or gangs of the sort. Beside's if anything DID happen, you have two Sabertooth mages to back you up anyway." Eric looked around to see if there would be any trouble stirring up here. Luckily it was fairly quiet, no bar fights, no drinking contests, just people going about their day. "Hmm... Maybe something else worries you?"

Alabaster Bal Magna, Mindfucker

"No worries, I'll see what I can do back at the hall." Alabaster said quielty to Aurelie. She was glad she was making progress at being social and making friends. Usually her overly affectionate actions and mischievousness drove people away from her and this made her feel horrible. The bar, she noted, was a bit too...rowdy but she wasn't about to complain in the company of friends. "Barkeep I'd like your finest meal!" She ordered enthusiastically as she sat down.
Zuka said:
Valken Truss
Magnolia Train Station

View attachment 287508

The tall dark haired man still had his arms spread wide to show off his dangling dagger belt slipped over his hips and thighs, and while keeping the pose he glanced to Emmerich as he commented on his drunken escapades. "You know I am not even the least bit surprised..." Feeling Emmerich throw his arm around his shoulder Valken actually winced... And to add insult to injury Noah punched his other shoulder making him turn his head to him with a cold glare and a hiss. "...No. No I did not... clearly nerve damage...."

People seemed to be adding tokens all around Valken and he would pay each and every one of them back.... Noah explained Talon and himself to Emmerich while Valken expanded more. "The short blonde is Ferra, and likes her food too much... The boy and the bird I have no clue.. But I already like the bird..." Grinning more as Millie flailed helplessly. He really should help her...

Valken's eyebrow lifted up as Noah challenged him and Emmerich to which he gestured a thumb behind him. "Check out this guy, Frausty.... thinking he can out drink us! Amatuer... The Guild Hall will run out of grog looooong before that..." His face stilling though as he remembered Lloyd detested drunks. "Perhaps... after Guild Master Lloyd leaves the Hall for the day however...."As all the punches and challenges were flying Valken felt like he was loosing his grip on the Totem Pole of the gathering of Merry Men...

That was until finally having chased that bird away his gorgeous Millie with the body to die for finally came over. She was there before him, face focusing so intently on fixing his belt a wide spread cheeky grin filled his face from ear to ear. Yes, Valken was clearly on top of the Todem Pole as Millie's soft, delicate grazed against his hips, even brushing the hem of his pants and the skin where his vest rode up juuussttt a little from his wide spread arms. A deep rumble in his chest now as he shrugged off Emmerich's arm and stepped closer to her, his hands already snaking around her face to cup her ears and cheek while threading his fingers through her long blonde hair.

"Thanks Babe..." Stepping closer as he tilted his head and put his lips to hers, not caring for a second who out of the gathering was watching. In fact, he was half hoping he might get a solid jealous glare from Noah or Emmerich. He didn't even care if they wanted to fight him for her. Millie was his and he was intent to keep it that way. His eyes slipping closed as he deepened his kiss, blocking out everyone except for her.

@Talon @Mitchs98 @Wyatt

Emmerich nods as Noah introduces people to him. "Name's Emmerich, though Valks 'ere's already mentioned it." At Noah's challenge and Valken's reaction to it the man grins, "I could do wif another drink or two," he states, though it's quite obvious that he intends to go for far more than just one or two. Emmerich then yawns and stretches at around the same time that Mille comes over for a snog fest with Valken, something that Emmerich simply ignores. He might not have know the other man for long but he's at least learned that the man loves PDA and that there's nlt much point in either trying to stop him or taking too much notice of it. Regardless, his attention is taken by the appearance of their guild master, Lloyd, who greeted the group with a wave an an inquiry about whether or not they had fun during the festival. Emmerich grins and waves back, "I got kicked outa no less than seven bars for destruction of property, and I got cut off in at least twelve," he announces, quite cheerfully and with a hint of pride.

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