Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Talon grinned and started for the city. "Alrighy then lets get us some grub!¡!¡" He exclaimed, relieved that she wasnt mad at him. A they entered the city streets Talon spotted Noah heading in their direction. "I see Noah coming towards us." He told Ferra and waved to get Noahs attention. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Talon said:
Talon grinned and started for the city. "Alrighy then lets get us some grub!¡!¡" He exclaimed, relieved that she wasnt mad at him. A they entered the city streets Talon spotted Noah heading in their direction. "I see Noah coming towards us." He told Ferra and waved to get Noahs attention. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
@Embaga Elder

Ferra: Magnolia Forest > Magnolia Streets

Ferra nodded at his words, a smile on her face. Honestly she was just happy he was alright from his fight. She'd definetely have to find Tanari later if at all possible and apologize for everything. She was honestly really grateful she'd helped her, there was no telling where she'd of ended up otherwise, even if she did kind of almost end up having to maim Talon. Although it was Talons' fault for overreacting and not explaining things. Soon enough they reached the city, and Talon spotted Noah. She soon saw him too as Talon pointed him out. "
Hey Noah! Over here!" She called out to accompany Talons' waving.
Kyuubey said:

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia

Lyra pulled Hibiki closer as she stood up with him, arms so messily tangled about him that she probably look like a disheveled and overly emotional lover of sorts. The feeling of him pressing her hand against her chest remained though it'd grown to a weird flutter of sorts. A flutter? Lyra was much too used to conflicting emotions that didn't always delve from the 'positive' pool so this was surprisingly new, even if she'd felt it before in the past with him, she could finally hone in on it.

Thank you, Hibiki... You're all I'll ever need in this life. Even if people hate me or treat me like I'm a monster, if I have you... I think I'll be okay. No, I will be okay. We're a duo, right? I will do my best not to disappoint you again and prove you can rely on me. " Her voice sounded ghastly, eyes resting upon his to help keep her voice steady. Something about the boy always kept her grounded; rooted. The white haired woman's arms slowly withdrew from his frame, fingers brushing past his jacket as if wanting to linger there. Perhaps it was all the emotion that was building up inside of her, entangling around her heart to squeeze and make her act so rash, but hopefully Hibiki wouldn't push her away.

The moment the words I love you too escaped his lips, Lyra's hands had hovered upwards to cup his cheeks in an extremely delicate fashion. She searched his eyes that were so purple and surprisingly confident yet sad like her own, tears still having stained themselves upon both their faces from the moment they had shared. Subconsciously it all drew her in, her own lids falling to a tranquil close as her lips pressed themselves gently upon his. It wasn't passionate or filled with fervor; it was soft and warm, a way to express the endearing emotions that she'd held in her heart for years. Her lips brushed off to the side to plant a more definite kiss upon his cheek as she withdrew leaving only a tingling feather-like feeling against his skin.

Lyra's entire frame shook momentarily as she cupped her hands behind her back, fingers weaving together in an attempt for personal moral support.
Both eyes remained closed and she stood incredibly still, unsure of what the atmosphere would be like after she'd taken such a bold and invasive action with Hibiki. The silence was almost enough to make her wince or want to abruptly apologize but she bit her tongue and refrained. She didn't want to take back what she'd done even if it did make him want to get away from her.

After-all, Hibiki was the one thing that remained constant in her life. He was the one person she could always count on, lean on, and be herself with. Even if things got out of control or she begun to lose a grip on the satan souls within her, Hibiki had always been the one to be there through it all. Through the pain, the tears, the shame, the guilt, and most of all... the loneliness. That is why she loved him; he had perpetually been everything to her since she could remember and he never wavered from that.

Hibiki Dreyar - Kardia Cathedral

When Lyra thanked him, a smile found its way across the males face almost instantly. However, things then took an unexpected turn when Lyra kissed him. No words were spoken from the two as she placed her hands onto his cheeks gently. Any negative emotions the two had housed completely fading out, seemingly dying for that brief moment as the only thing they could potentially feel was warmth and maybe even love. When she had finished, Hibiki looked at her. His purple eyes staring directly into hers until suddenly, he was kissing her too. To Hibiki, it didn't feel weird at all, instead ot felt calming, gentle, and... Nice. Holding Lyra as he continued to kiss her, the male slowly withdraw from the kiss and then stood there quietly. A smile everpresent on his face even now, Hibiki then said the words, "Let's get back to the guild" Before wrapping an arm around her and walking with her towards tge guild hall.

Kayzo said:
Millie hadn't moved a step since she entered the store, her blue eyes fixed on Maya. She was moving too fast for her and it actually made her a little dizzy. All the teleporting she was doing and the bombardment of clothes was all too overwhelming for the blonde. She decided to take a deep breath in, calm herself, and start again. At the mention of buying lingerie for Sora the busty girl found herself blushing. The girl was only 16 and still looked like a young child! Surely that wouldn't have been very appropriate, though she didn't dare say anything bad against Sora. Millie valued her friendship with Maya almost as much as she did her relationship with Valken. The older girl was so fun, kind, and caring and she would hate to lose her blessing over a stupid comment about her precious Sora. So instead she just nodded and smiled. "She would've looked very cute in that. Kinda a shame you didn't, but it's probably for the best." She said, hoping that it would t trigger the older girl.
Millie smiled when asked to look for something that would look good on Maya. If she did happen to make Maya mad what she said next surely would've regained her blessing.
"But Maya, we'd have to buy the entire store. Everything looks good on you!" She said, giggling softly and walking through the aisles of clothes to find something nice.

Grace nodded as Masaki spoke of walking around Magnolia until they found something that sounded good. Her hand locked fingers with his and she leaned slightly into his side. She was glad that he had a plan all figured out for them and saved her the time of doing so. Besides, she was a princess, and this princess doesn't do the plan.
"Yeah, I guess we could walk around. Or you could be the best boyfriend in all of Fiore and carry me!" She said with a big grin, glancing up at Masaki before taking back what she said. "I'm just kidding. Someone who loses to a girl probably couldn't carry one."

Her teasing came to an end when they entered the main part of the city again, Grace sticking extra close to Masaki as she didn't want to get Seperation. Though it wouldn't be a big deal as her hair was like a land mark or she could just shoot up fireworks. The three options that he listed sounded good, and were actually pretty tough to choose from. Milkshake shop was out of the question as she didn't want to be seen in some rundown building. The pizza place sounded really good too, but she also had a bit of a sweet tooth right now. "Let's get some pizza. That's much more fancy and romantic than some bakery." She said, reaching up on her tippy toes and kissing his cheek. "And thanks in advance for paying. You're too sweet."
Maya Morne - Clothes Shop.

The woman was still darting around the room in search for the prettiest gown when Millie had started to speak. At first she complimented Sora and then secondly she complimented her, what Millie said was definitely true, they'd have to buy everything in the store as in Maya's eyes everything was beautiful and would suit her perfectly. However... That was exactly the issue. Maya had come to realise that she has in fact probably purchased one of each item sold in this store, they were all probably hung up in her large wardrobe. Chuckling, Maya grew to a halt as she then turned to face Millie. "Thank you my dear, however I do think that's already the case. I should really take you to my house sometime..." As the older woman brushed her fingers through her long, brown, and wavy hair, the woman smiled once more. "If you want to keep looking for yourself then we can, however if you're done looking then we can pay for the ones already chosen for you."

Masaki Yamada - Magnolia Street.

As Grace proceeded to tease him yet again, Masaki couldn't help but sigh and emit a slight chuckle before teasing her himself. "Well, at least I got to the finals." He said with a smirk on his face as he teased the girl before quickly picking her up and continuing the walk in what seemed a blur. "You're actually pretty light. I suppose it's because you're small or something.." Was what the S-Class Mage said as he picked up the girl and continued walking. Eventually, the two got to the pizzeria and found themselves seated almost instantly, the staff being most hospitable. With a smile Masaki opened up his copy of the menu and scanned it in search for the ideal pizza. "Pick anything you want, I'll pay for it all." He said, a smile on his face as he looked into Graces eyes, the male could swear that he could get lost in those forever, her orbs so enticing, so beautiful.
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara
Fairytail Guild Hall

Kelica's gaze was fixated to a point on a far wall. Her face devoid of emotion, cold and unfeeling. Her necklace was almost flicking now in it's soft glow, flecks of bright green then cascading shadows of dark. The rumbling of the Earth that sounded a great distance away now slowly getting louder. Closer. Like a siren almost, a subconscious call to arms.

There were swirls of grey in her eyes as she was losing her pupils, drinking and drowning in that pool of magic she had only every licked at gentle like a kitten. The very life essence of the thousands of creatures and plants of the forest. Gilad's words falling on deaf ears, as did Chris's. It was not she couldn't hear... it was that even a mile or more from the forest on the outskirts of town she could hear the whispers, the endless noises of the creatures and animals. The thousands of conversations, of animal packs, families, tree circles. Thousands of whispers, cries and calls.

She should have not been able to access or hear the forest this far away... but she had come to learn when in distress, when she was panicked, when her adrenaline spiked she could tap into the wealth of power the forest held for her. Meaning distance meant little for the girl attuned to the forest.

There was a clattering then on the roof of the Guild Hall as flocks of birds appeared, landing on the tiles, or the window siles, talons tapping in an uncomfortable, uneasy fashion. Wolves howled on the outskirts of town, a dangerous roar of bears. All still on the outside of town.

She was calling them to her, subconsciously, asking them to help her, defend her. And if left for any more time the animals would start pouring into town, destroying everyone and everything in their wake..To protect the girl they saw as their queen.

She felt a strong set of arms around her, holding her in, holding her close.

And although her necklace seemed to almost lose that shadow for a moment her gaze still looked dead.

"Lloyd promised me he would help me fix the forest at Malnia...

He promised.

And he lied.

You say you will love me and protect me, Chris.

I protected Lloyd. I saved his life. And what did he do in return?

Nothing. He took for his own selfish greed and gave nothing back... A spinless, low life, terrible excuse of a Guild Master..."

Her eyes focusing in now as she struggled and ripped herself free from Chris's grip.

"IF A LIGHT GUILD MASTER CAN'T EVEN KEEP HIS PROMISE, CAN'T EVEN HELP THOSE UNABLE TO HELP THEMSELVES, THEN WHO CAN! If I can't even trust a Guild Master, the one person we should be able to trust, THEN WHO CAN I TRUST! You're lying! You're lying Chris!"

Clutching at head now, screaming, eyes pressed together as tears streamed down her face.

Even before they could react, Kelica's legs were shaking and she had already spun on her heels and was running for the backdoor of the Guild Hall.

@HuorSpinks @Isune @Colt556 @Mitchs98 @Genon @Rhodus @Salt Lord
Isune said:
Chris Lengheart(Kelica...)

Chris watched as Kelica went through another one of her fits. Fearing that she may lose it again, Chris stood up and wrapped his arms around Kelica before pulling her deep into his chest. "Kelica..." Chris said with a warm tone "You know-That no matter what-I'll always-Love you-And protect you-Never forget that." He continued to hold her tightly, not wanting to let go of her.

Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

It seemed his words went unnoticed as the magic around the girl continued to swirl eerily. Even the actions of her own comrades fell flat as the girl continued her rant. Hearing Lloyd's name elicited a raised eyebrow as the girl seemed to blame him for her woes, or at least some of them. It seemed Master Kirby made a promise he could not reasonably keep to a girl that could not reasonably understand. As her tirade reached a crescendo the girl quickly bolted for the exit. He closed his eyes and brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, a small sigh escaping his lips as he did so. There truly was no greater band of unruly misfits as Fairy Tail. As much as he disliked the idea of cleaning up their mess he was not about to let some little girl's tantrum threaten the festival-goers. Taking a deep breath he allowed his hand to drop back to his side as he turned slightly in the girl's direction. He raised his other hand, pointing at the girl as she neared her exit. With a small movement of his finger the girl was violently slammed to the ground, the force of the impact creating a small crater as it shattered the floor beneath her.

The force weighing her down prevented all but the most minuscule of movements. With his target firmly pinned to the ground he slowly strode towards the girl, ignoring the crowd of mages around them. Upon reaching the girl he came to a stop, standing over her with arms crossed and a cold glare in his eye. With more effort than he would care to admit the maelstrom of magic connecting her to the creatures of the forest vanished from existence, freeing the animals from the girl's thrall to return to where they belonged. While the imminent threat of her rampage was dealt with the fact remained that she was clearly a very disturbed individual. That, however, was the concern of Fairy Tail and not him. He held his glare on the girl for a few moments longer before turning on his heel and making his way back to the front of the guild. As he strode past the group of mages that had been near the girl when she begun her tantrum. His gaze focused on one mage in particular as he came to a stop, giving Chris the same cold glare he gave Kelica. "It is our duty as mages to safeguard the people of Fiore. Even from our own comrades. The very fact that an outsider had to step in is truly disgraceful."

Not bothering to wait for any sort of response he continued on his way and while the message was clearly directed at Chris he spoke loud enough for all the mages to hear. The force holding the girl to the ground would release as he exited the Hall and made his way back out into the bustling streets. Once free from the confines of such a horrid place he let out a small breath, casting his gaze skyward as he saw a massive flock of birds in the distance flying through the night sky. Just a few more hours and he can fetch that spy and be on his way back to Crocus. He would have to endure until then. With another sigh he made his way into the crowd to bide his time until the parade had finished.
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Kimberly Lock

The fuck was that?

Kim was utterly amazed at the little light show that Eias made. The way the color moved around while still keeping the Fairytail guild Mark intact was incredible. " You've really out done your self this time." Chimed out Kim. She smiled as she saw Eias jumping up and down in excitement. She looked utterly confused as the bubble holding the light popped, leting the light fizzle out of existence. She herd the small " Oh crud." That Eias called out as she fell. Kim didn't have enough time to actually reach to catch her, but with a lift of her hand Eias stoped in mid fall. " Sorry, should of warned you about that." With a small grunt Kim lifed Eias to the center of the flower. " Man, I've never lifted a person before. Eias that's was really cool."

Kim jumped for a second, goosebumps crawled all over her body. Magic, there's powerful magic that's being used. Her right eye started to emit a violent purple light, she used her hand to cover up her eye. With so much magic being used at once it was an incredible amount that Kim had to absorb, her head began to burn up. As soon as it had stated it went away, she felt the connection sever. Flux and magic stared to go into an equilibrium, at last the glow had disappeared from her eye. " Who was using that magic?"

Eias Baole - powerful magic?

Eias has closed her eyes waiting to meet hard ground. After a few moments... She opened one of her eyes slowly. She was floating in mid air. Well, she was levatating closer and closer to Kim. Once she was over the flower, she regained control of her movement.

She patted herself off and was red from embarrassment. Of course se had to make herself look like a fool. She looked back to see Kim looking pained. She went over to her side to see if she was alright, only catching glimpses of purple from beneath her hand covering her eye. She didn't even have a chance to speak before it was over. With Kim's question, she looked around. She didn't see a single person. Could it have been the flower?
Colt556 said:
Gilad Arcturus - Magnolia City: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

It seemed his words went unnoticed as the magic around the girl continued to swirl eerily. Even the actions of her own comrades fell flat as the girl continued her rant. Hearing Lloyd's name elicited a raised eyebrow as the girl seemed to blame him for her woes, or at least some of them. It seemed Master Kirby made a promise he could not reasonably keep to a girl that could not reasonably understand. As her tirade reached a crescendo the girl quickly bolted for the exit. He closed his eyes and brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, a small sigh escaping his lips as he did so. There truly was no greater band of unruly misfits as Fairy Tail. As much as he disliked the idea of cleaning up their mess he was not about to let some little girl's tantrum threaten the festival-goers. Taking a deep breath he allowed his hand to drop back to his side as he turned slightly in the girl's direction. He raised his other hand, pointing at the girl as she neared her exit. With a small movement of his finger the girl was violently slammed to the ground, the force of the impact creating a small crater as it shattered the floor beneath her.

The force weighing her down prevented all but the most minuscule of movements. With his target firmly pinned to the ground he slowly strode towards the girl, ignoring the crowd of mages around them. Upon reaching the girl he came to a stop, standing over her with arms crossed and a cold glare in his eye. With more effort than he would care to admit the maelstrom of magic connecting her to the creatures of the forest vanished from existence, freeing the animals from the girl's thrall to return to where they belonged. While the imminent threat of her rampage was dealt with the fact remained that she was clearly a very disturbed individual. That, however, was the concern of Fairy Tail and not him. He held his glare on the girl for a few moments longer before turning on his heel and making his way back to the front of the guild. As he strode past the group of mages that had been near the girl when she begun her tantrum. His gaze focused on one mage in particular as he came to a stop, giving Chris the same cold glare he gave Kelica. "It is our duty as mages to safeguard the people of Fiore. Even from our own comrades. The very fact that an outsider had to step in is truly disgraceful."

Not bothering to wait for any sort of response he continued on his way and while the message was clearly directed at Chris he spoke loud enough for all the mages to hear. The force holding the girl to the ground would release as he exited the Hall and made his way back out into the bustling streets. Once free from the confines of such a horrid place he let out a small breath, casting his gaze skyward as he saw a massive flock of birds in the distance flying through the night sky. Just a few more hours and he can fetch that spy and be on his way back to Crocus. He would have to endure until then. With another sigh he made his way into the crowd to bide his time until the parade had finished.
Alabaster Bal Magna

Alabaster spotted her guildmaster from far away and approached him since she had nothing better to do. "Rough day sir?" She asked concerned about her better and senior. This was the beloved and highly adored and respected Alabaster, dashing female roguelike figure, Mindrazer of epic proportions and fucker of minds. "I hope I'm not intruding on your quiet time sir..." She added hastily. "The festival is an impressive feat...if only their mages were well behaved." She added quietly.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.207f1eb78dcdc23fa48a19555d50b7c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.207f1eb78dcdc23fa48a19555d50b7c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Streets

Noah heard a voice that sounded like Ferra. He stopped walking and looked around for her. He spotted both Ferra and Talon waving towards him. He smiled and jogged over towards them. He looked at Ferra. So you seem okay, are you okay?? He looks at Talon. She's okay right??? He asked sounding concerned. @Mitchs98 @Talon



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Talon grinned and nodded. "Ya shes good." He replied and then explained what had happened. "What about you?¿?¿ I hope you found out why those guys attacked us and kidnaped Ferra." He said as they walked no where in particuliar. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
@Mitchs98[/URL] @Talon
Talon said:
Talon grinned and nodded. "Ya shes good." He replied and then explained what had happened. "What about you?¿?¿ I hope you found out why those guys attacked us and kidnaped Ferra." He said as they walked no where in particuliar. @Mitchs98 @Embaga Elder
Ferra: Magnolia Streets

Ferra smile back at Noah and nodded when asked if she was okay. "Yep! I'm fine. Some girl saved me from the guy that took me. A whole buncha misunderstanding ensued and well..here I am." She replied before shrugging. She looked confused at Talons' question, "Wait what, you guys were attacked?" She asked. No wonder Talon had thought Tanari was an enemy, she had no clue of the other people that'd fought Talon and Noah.
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall Corner

Kelica wasn't sure what happened, she was trying to run away, away from all the noises in her head, the voices that swirled and screamed at her, but in a blur she slammed with such force onto her back on the ground a huge gasp escaped. In fact the pressure was so strong it was almost impossible to breath. She could barely have the strength to open her eyes though she did.

Her emerald eyes falling on Master Arcturus as a halfway strangled cry left her lips.

And then... silence. She heard not a single sound of the creatures and the forest, and instead just the slow beat of her relaxing heart.

It was almost deafening how quite the world was now. And like a newborn wrapped tightly in a blanket the girls panicked eyes started to soften.

She took as deep a breath as she could with the heavy pressure on her chest. Collecting her thoughts. Regaining her old self once more.

Just what was that all about?

She had started getting cranky when Chris mentioned what difference could one person make. Then memories resurfaced. Malnia. The dragon. The dying forest. And Lloyd.

Before Gilad walked away, she gave him a soft little smile. Strange under the circumstances. Almost to say, thank you for calming me. Thank you for stopping me lose control. Still pinned to the ground, she closed her eyes now.

Still, silence in her ears.

And then the pressure lifted as Gilad left the building.

Slowly, just now feeling the aching of uncontrollably tensed muscles, she sat up, her mind still a half daze. Staring to the ground by her knees.

Her powers were getting out of control..It seemed the more she tapped into it, the more she lost control. She wrapped her arms around herself, tugging herself in close as her head bowed.

Maybe she should return to her Father's forest. Recieve more training in her magic. Or just be away from people who she just couldn't seem to understand. Animals certaintly made no promises. They did as they pleased, they helped when they deemed necessary and in the moment.

She felt cold as she was kneeling against the ground, arms about herself. A soft sigh escaping.

@HuorSpinks @Isune @Colt556 @Rhodus @Mitchs98 @Genon
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Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Health insurance? Heh, I doubt that covers the undead," he chuckles "Seeing the two of you are nurses I would assume someone else will be a doctor? Or are you two not having one? I don't know much about health services out of my lack of a need for any. I would more likely be buried then helped. Trust me on this, digging yourself out of a grave is never fun," he looks to Sora. "It seems fine, it does seem a little short but if your not cold I doubt it would matter. Don't want to be catching a cold you know," he shrugs. He begins to scratch his head, "So, are we just waiting for the parade to start then, or we going to be doing something?"

@Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey

-Ryu Miyamoto-

Fairy Tail Guild Hall


Ryu let out a sigh of relief as the tension in the room slowly subsided. The large man he'd spoken to briefly, Gilad, had exuded a suffocating presence when he'd entered the room and ended the argument that had gone on between two members of Fairy Tail. He felt a tightness in his palm and looked down to find that his right hand was wrapped tightly around the hilt of his sword. He supposed that he had grabbed the hilt of the sword purely out of reflex, and he let go, clenching and unclenching his fingers to relieve the stiffness. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, taking a minute to slow his heart rate down to normal. He'd felt an urge to intervene in the events that had transpired, but he'd had no real way of doing so. He knew next to nothing of the two people involved, so he had no way of knowing what would've been the best course of action. He sat back down at the bar and looked around the guild hall again. Gilad's entrance had quieted the room significantly, and the noise was still a good deal lower than its usual din. He sighed again and ordered a drink from the bar, wanting to calm his nerves.


He crouched down with a catching tool no his hands. He scoot over the pool of water with swimming fishes everywhere. His eyes squinted and the burning of his passion can be felt from a mile away. With one swift strike a fish ended up on his basket and his dip was still in tact. Several more tries and his basket was full. The kids around the pool stood there watching him go. As they were saddened by the fishes gone from the pool. Mika carefully pour his haul back into the water. "There you go kids." and the poor little kids gathered and went along with it. With a smile he turned around and jumped at another stall.

The night breeze was filled with sugary scent as he got near a booth where they sell cotton candy. "Three of these please." he went ahead and asked for one for each of them. He then distributed each of their shares. One for Lavender and another for Sera. "A firework display would be a nice end to this night don't you guys think?"

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

(Been gone for days.. Sorry. Life.)
Lavender Gray

Time had went by so quickly that Lavender hadnt noticed how late it had gotten. Mika had led them over to a cotton candy stand in which he had ordered three of them. Once she was handed hers, she carefully took a bite out of hers and then smiled a bit before being asked about fire works. Lavender glanced at Sera and then back at him "I believe fireworks will go off sometime soon." she said "I do not know when but I do know it's towards the end of tonight." if that had made any sense at all.

The wizard then took another bit of her cotton candy as she held the teddy bear in her other hand. She looked adorable holding the stuffed bear.

overdue homework is OP

Sabrina stood in awe in the backlines as she watched all the crap that just unfolded. Kelica freaking out and all. She quickly rushed over to Kelica and nearly tackled her with a hug.

"K-K-Kelica! A-A-A-Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell? Is there anything I can do?" Sabrina stuttered, worried out of her mind for Kelica's well being. She continued to hug Kelica tightly, shutting both eyes, almost as if to squeeze out the negative energies trapped inside Kelica's body. "Kelica...I'm worried about you..." Sabrina said in a small voice.


overdue french HW sucks
Chris Lengheart(I...no...)

Chris watched the entire thing unfold and yet did nothing. When Gilad told Chris that just by having an outsider step in was very disgraceful. He clenched his fist tight and bit his lip. Gilad was right. Once he left Chris relaxed a little and approached Kelica. His expression seemed to be a mixture of multiple emotions including anger and sadness. He silently pulled Sabrina off and helped Kelica up before guiding her to the bar. He sat her down on one of the stools and looked at the bartender. "Some water for her and the strongest whiskey you got for me." He said in a almost silent voice. He took out his jewels and paid for the drinks as the bartender gave Kelica her water and Chris a average sized glass of whiskey. He took a sip from it and grimaced at the bitterness before continuing to drink, not even looking at Kelica.

@Zuka @PeteTSs
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall Bar

The blonde girl continued to stare to the cracked floorboards as she knelt, she was trying to work out what was worse, hearing thousands of screaming voices or hearing nothing when you constantly hear voices.

She felt the presence of someone almost tackling her in a hug, Sabrina's stuttering coming to her ears, but try as she might she just couldn't focus. Like the world was shroud in darkness.

Then, the pressure let up only to feel a different presence wrap around, halfway familiar and warm.


Her feet moved of there own accord, to where he lead her, sitting against a stool. Chris taking his seat beside her. She didn't even respond when a glass of water appeared before her, didn't question when Chris ordered the strongest whiskey he was able to.

The girl's green eyes dull and lifeless now.

The only response she made now was reaching for the water but instead of drinking it she meerly pushed it away. As if to say, no thanks. Head hung with shoulders slumped. Defeated.

Chris and Kelica now sitting side by side but not saying a word. Close, an arm's width away.... And yet she felt like there was a huge black wall between them.

And Kelica completely blamed herself for it.

@HuorSpinks @Mitchs98
@femjapanriceball @Britt-21 @Metaphysics @Kayzo @Wyatt @The Dinkster @HuorSpinks @Britt-21 @rbshinichi

"That was awesome! If the parade was that good I bet the fireworks will be even better." She cheered. "I toldja it was worth coming to see with us." She told Lavender, gently elbowing her in the side with a grin on her face. She was glad she was able to watch this with the two of them and that they'd convinced Lavender to tag along. She was really excited for the fireworks, they were bound to be good if the parade was any indication.

Ferra: Parade Grounds

@Talon @Embaga Elder

"Ooh! You were right! There are gunna be fireworks! Awesome!" She told Noah, looking around at the sky despite the announcement saying they weren't starting yet. She wasn't going to miss a single one. "Was the parade as good as last time you saw it?" She asked him. "I thought it was pretty cool. Needed more sparkly effects though. And lights. Lots more lights." She told him. "What about you Talon? What did you think?" She asked.

Alicia: Parade Grounds

@Salt Lord @Kayzo

"Can you put me down now Mizuki? I'm getting kinda dizzy." Alicia asked. Currently she was suspended in the air by one of Mizuki's shadow arms. Why? She was too short to watch the parade and thus asked Mizuki for help. It was either sit on her shoulders or this, she chose this. Setting aside her fear of heights it was the best place for her to sit to watch the parade by far. Though said fear was currently setting back in and she wanted down.

Ophelia Kaiser -- (Almost) Empty Parade Streets

The young guild master had had more than her fair share of 'interrogation time' with the spy that broke in earlier. She didn't exactly want to go over the details, but she could certainly say that the poor guy wouldn't be leaving the office on his own. She'd have to find a place to bury him later, but when no one was around to notice... That being said, she was fully aware of how rudely her guild members had been acting in front of Gilad and would be more than happy to get them into shape even if he would not be around to notice. The problem was, would anyone actually take her scolding into consideration without the use of magic...?

Right now was not the time to think about it any longer. Ophelia had fireworks to help out with, and the float she had made completely from water earlier was not just for driving through the streets. A clear, crystalline-looking railway cannon sat on the road, fully still at the moment as the float driving had ended a while ago. The Guild Master stood firmly on the glassy, engraved barrel of the cannon, gazing up into the lit sky and preparing blasts of her own. With a swipe of her hand, a golden glyph would form at the base, and when the float shot into the air, a great blast of light was shot out. Moments after, the shot would explode into many other shots, littering the sky with golden streams of wavering light as well as countless drops of rain over the town. Water magic wasn't useful just for fighting.

Alfie Roderick -- Parade Grounds

Alfie looked down at the small, golden pocket watch he had taken out of his vest before cringing and dropping it back in. He'd fortunately been able to swoop away during the float show to gain the needed energy then and there. Now that he had returned, he could spend time with Mizuki and Alicia as long as he wanted. Well, at least for the next few days. That was when he and Ophelia would have to dispose of or at least beat away his crazy sister. Not necessarily wanting to think about that at the moment, he took a look up at the girl suspended by one of Mizuki's shadowy arms and let out a faked chuckle. He was so good at faking things that they came out involuntarily. Did that mean he was good at realing fake actions...? "Do you want to sit on ribbons? I'd like to think they're more stable and comfortable than shadows," he said plainly yet realizing Mizuki might take offense. Or something.

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Valken Truss

Fairytail Guild Hall/Streets of the Parade

The dark haired man watched idly as Lloyd mentioned something about needing a conversation, his eyebrow remained high in a questioning manner. But it wasn't his business what the Guild Master did in his spare time so, he took his leave.

He wandered down to the Fairytail Guild Bar, ordering a Stein of Ale and downing it pretty much instantly, putting a hand on Ryu and Adrian alike. "I would love to stay and see what you are both up to, but I have to check up on two lovely ladies from my Guild. If I venture into Magnolia I'll see if I can find you both..."

Here Valken looked down to Ryu specifically with a half grin. "Next time I'd love to see you in action with that blade... so, if you would like, a Duel next time we would meet? I'd like that..." Tilting his head in a respectful manner. Then he turned to the Arcane Mage. "You're doing a show with fireworks yes? Don't ask.... I just know... Please don't have a misplaced magic missle fly towards my Guild Members... I don't really want to be back to cut you up..." His face deadly serious for a moment before his cheeky grin returned.

He took a step back and did his normal deep bow, hand crossed over his chest. "Till next time!"

As he turned he looked to Chris and that blonde girl Kelica with an expressionless gaze. He stepped over to put a hand onto Chris's wide shoulder, voice steady. "I apologise Master Arcturus had to step in..." Glancing to the lifeless girl on his right. "I hope she breaks out of whatever groove she is in...If it's any consolation, Lloyd the Lamia Scale Guild Master is around the festival but... I'm sure not sure if that is good news or bad news... I just bring news..." Squeezing his shoulder one last time before having one last look at Kelica and strode away.

As he exited the hall he took a huge deep breath, peering at the dark sky above. His hair and clothing blending him so he was mostly unseen.

Using his devious and spy-like abilities, Valken found Maya and Millie in no time at all, coming up behind them and throwing his arms around them both. Poking his head between the two. "Now, why are two gorgeous young ladies all by themselves in the dark?" Grinning to Maya specifically for the young comment, but as he held Maya's gaze he had already moved the hand around Millie, sneaking down to wrap his fingers around one of Millie's assests. Giving her a gentle squeeze over her top.

Millie was far too innocent for his personality.

@HuorSpinks @Kayzo
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Chris Lengheart(Zzz....)

If a person were to see Chris they'd think he was just a man who had a bad day. Granted, that was true. But another thing people would assume is that he was awake. This however, was not the case. The giant of a man was basically out cold. Even when Valken came in and said whatever it was he was saying, Chris was still fast asleep. If one were to look close enough, there was a pyramid of around ten glasses directly in front of him. He had obviously had plenty to drink and was trying to sleep it off.

Mizuki was rather unimpressed by the parade and its fireworks. She never really was one for parades and festivals and didn't exactly understand why people liked them so much. However it made Alicia rather happy and that made her happy. Or at least close to it. The small girl's voice was heard as she asked to be let down, the dark mage's shadowy arms slowly lowering the girl into her normal arms, her deep eyes staring down at her. "Do not get sick little one. I don't want you to be in pain." She said, but secretly wouldn't mind. If they got to stay a few extra days in Magnolia then she could stay with Alfie. Her hand soothingly ran through her hair only after she tapped her nose gently.

Millie was walking down the street with Maya, one hand filled with bags of clothes while the other rested by her side. The two girls had finished all their shopping and were walking out to see the fireworks. She had thanked Maya over and over again for everything that she had done and desperately wanted to repay her. However she couldn't think of much to do except thank her.
"Thanks again Maya, for everything. You're so sweet and lovely." She said with a soft smile, patting her shoulder gently. Her mind drifted back to the lingerie that she bought which soon drifted to Valken. She couldn't help but wonder where her lover was right now. He had disappeared all day for who knows what reason and she still hadn't been able to find him. But as they say, speak of the devil and he will come. The blonde her suddenly felt an arm around her shoulder and a deep, sexy voice in her ear that was unmistakably Valken's. Her face lit up brighter than the fireworks that were currently going off above them, her head turning back and nuzzling him gently. "I've missed you so much Valk-Oh!" Her words were cut off as she felt a hand suddenly squeezing one of her mounds, her face burning a bright red. It was one thing to do it in public but right next to Maya!? "V-Valken! Not in public. If you keep doing this you won't be able to see what I bought you..."


@Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @LeSoraAmari
Kelica Zefara

Fairytail Guild Hall < Courtyard Behind Fairytail

Kelica spent a few minutes in silence, staring at the glass of cold water. Not really concerntrating on it, idly focusing on Chris in the corner of her eyes. One drink, two, three... He seemed to be going for some kind of record it seemed. Within an hour, he was passed out. Kelica closed her eyes slowly and took a deep breath out before she slowly slipped from her stool and started walking with a heavy pace to the backdoor she was trying to escape earlier.

As she came outside she took a deep breath of the cool night air, and subconsciously her feet moved her to the single tall tree in the courtyard behind the Fairytail Guild Hall.

She had come to love this Singular Tree, had come here alone when her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The tree Chris and her had their first meeting, where he had showed her his magic. Slowly slipping to curl up it's base, her back resting against the rough bark of the tree, legs pressed to her chest and arms around her knees.

Her voice a soft whisper. Like she were talking to a Diary. At least the tree's always listened... they couldn't move away, afterall.

"Hello, again, Willow..." Reaching up with a gentle hand to let the tendrals of a branch slowly slide closer and curl about her fingers. As a friend would grasp another's hand. "Yes yes... I'm ok now... I think..." Giving the branch a half smile. Then she frowned. "I know, ok, I didn't plan on it..." Here Kelica's eyes widened. "Birds you say? Hundreds around the hall? And wolves on the outside if town?..."

Kelica's grip on the plants branch dropped before she curled her arms around herself, shaking half cold and half worried. "I just... I thought about Malnia and...No Willow! It was my fault ok!! I'm a Guardian of the Forest, I should have protected them! I should have been their earlier, had more power! Father would flicked a wrist and-... I don't know!... I'm not talking about this now Willow!" Curling up and wrapping her hands over her ears to silence her, her eyes clenching down now. Missing the parade. Probably going to miss the fireworks too lost in her own troubles.

@HuorSpinks @Isune
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Lloyd Kirby

Courtyard behind Fairy Tail

Kelica's words were still ringing in Lloyd's ears as he slowly, reluctantly, made his way through the back door of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. She had called him spineless, among others, and he had to admit that he deserved that entirely. While it was true that he had attempted to meet her at the forest, he had been too late, but now he realised that he should have at least wrote her a note or something, rather than keep silent like he had. In all honestly, he still could not comprehend that he had been that important to Kelica in the first place. He had simply assumed that she had gone on with her own life. He had considered writing a note, but decided not to because he had assumed that Kelica had forgotten about it. Apparently not. And now he was learning never to assume things.

Throughout the whole of Kelica's breakdown, he had simply stood there in silence, shocked that he was the cause of the breakdown. That she had been that upset by his disappearance after Malnia that it would come out in such a terrible, destructive outburst. It was a huge relief that Master Arcturus had been there to calm her down otherwise... he did not want to think of the consequences that such an outburst would have done to Magnolia. And it would have been all his fault.

What he should have realised, really, was that his actions as a whole were going to impact his Guild, especially as Guild Master. If he failed to keep a promise, it was not just his reputation that would suffer, but Lamia Scale's as a whole. If word got out that Lamia Scale's Guild Master was not trustworthy then... the perception of the guild would suffer as a whole, like it did just now. He had no doubt that in the eyes of quite possibly every Fairy Tail (and Sabertooth) member, Lamia Scale's reputation had taken quite a beating and his word would not be as strong, as trusted. And he deserved that. He was a horrible Guild Master. He could not help wondering if even Master Arcturus ever screwed up on such a massive scale.

He needed some time to think of what to do and say next. Confronting Kelica would definitely be necessary, but he was not even sure what he would say to her, other than a massive apology. After that blow up, he was not sure how Kelica would react at the sight of him. He was not even sure if he was only making things worse by the sight of him but... he had to make amends somehow. He just had to. Already he was feeling a tremendous amount of guilt and regret. And now nervousness because he did not want to end up causing widespread destruction by his mere presence.

He opened the door and slipped quietly out, shutting the door soundlessly behind him. He had a good idea where Kelica might go in order to seek refuge; he was planning to head out of the city towards the surrounding forest in the hopes of finding Kelica there but as it turned out, Kelica had not even left the city. For he had merely taken a few steps before he had already seen her outline silhouetted by the moonlight, huddled beside a lone tree. He took a deep breath, braced himself for... whatever would come next, before making his way to stand some distance behind her.

"Erm... Kelica?" He said finally, the nervousness in his voice made extremely obvious by the hesitance in it.


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