Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Lysander Connell

Location: Float-making area

Lysander blinked as he watched Sora take off, as if an idea had suddenly taken hold of her. Not like he could have responded anyway, she was long gone by that time. His eyes fell onto the heaps of glitter and ribbons on the floor. The glitter he would leave there, since it was downright impossible to neaten glitter anyway. One could only hope that they would drift off on their own, since they were almost impossible to completely sweep up. The ribbons he would need though. He still needed to complete his part of the float, and perhaps help her on hers until she came back.

He picked up a few ribbons and resumed his work on the float. A few times, a smile drifted to his face as he recalled her reaction when the ribbons and glitter flew all around them and onto them. At that time, he had simply stared in stunned silence, unsure of what he should do, not even daring to laugh for fear that it would hurt her feelings, while at the same time concerned that the glitter was burning her or something. But... on hindsight, it had been pretty funny. She had looked like a cat then, swiping at the ribbons like one would. Those cat ears certainly fit her, and perhaps he should get her a pair of cat ears for her birthday. Though he was not sure if Maya or Clair were getting her cat ears as well, and if he ended up getting her the same present as someone else... well... that would probably be disappointing for both of them.

He soon lost himself in his work, and before he knew it, Sora was back, holding out a takeaway cup of apple pie milkshake out to him. An instinctive disappointment welled up in him. He had hoped that he would be able to treat her to milkshakes, as he had wanted to the day before, but once again, she had taken the initiative. And she had treated him to pastries the day before as well! He could not help feeling ashamed of himself then. He was so lousy at romantic relationships apparently, that Sora had to do all the work for him.

But... he could not disappoint her, not when she was looking at him so expectantly with that look on her face! "Thank you, Sora," he said instead, a grateful smile on his face, as he accepted the milkshake. "Yes, it was the apple pie milkshake. I'm glad you remembered!" And at the same time he was genuinely grateful and pleased. An apple pie milkshake; a rare treat for him since he very rarely came to Magnolia. Of course he would enthusiastically accept one. Next time round though, it would be his turn to treat her. He would make sure of that.

Talon shrugged. "Sure games are fun." He replied and then felt Ferras hand ripped from his own. He whipped around to see some guy running of wth a struggling Ferra and 2 others blocking his way. His eyes flashed angrily as a wave of water rushed towards him. He snarled and sent a horizontal arc of fire at the wave, dissipating it, followed by a charge at the attacker. He aimed a flaming fist at her head. @Mitchs98

Sora Marvell - Magnolia Festival

The blue haired dragon slayer tilted her head, watching his reaction curiously. Joy rose on her face as he confirmed that she'd gotten the flavor right which only allowed the small breath she'd been holding to be released contently. " I jumped the gun, didn't I? " She spoke sheepishly, knowing that she had practically stolen his idea for their previous date and made it a reality which in turn possibly made him feel a little disappointed. A slight apologetic smile was offered, a hand reaching out to rest upon Lysander's that was grasping the milkshake cup. " I'm sorry, I'll let you do the honor next time. I guess I just got too excited... it's hard not to be so sporadically enthusiastic around you. " Sora added in the last bit in a quieter tone, eyes falling momentarily to gaze into his before they averted themselves off to the side.

Sora felt slightly guilty and found it painfully difficult to maintain eye contact, something she was particularly masterful at, though this didn't seem to be one of those times. It was arduous for her to not want to spoil him or give him things since she wanted to make the most every minute they had together. Jewels were truly no issue to her but in the end she realized it wasn't about the money as much as it was the thought behind each action. The more she did, the less he was able to, and that in itself probably didn't make him feel too swell. Everything was still so new to her but she hoped she'd fall into the correct limbo of how relationships seemed to work. At least he'd managed a smile and that was enough to warm her heart and bat away the conflicting thoughts flying wildly within her mind.

A soft smile of her own mirrored Lysander's, hand giving his a small squeeze before she clambered up onto the float and laid down upon its surface, head hanging off the ledge to peer in his direction from an upside down position. Her hair draped itself neatly over his shoulder as she turned to survey him curiously, stray pieces of it brushing against his cheek. Sora didn't even seem to be aware of how close her face was to his as her mind was distractedly consumed to dwell on a few questions that surfaced. " So, tell me more about Lamia Scale, how you came to join them, and how you like it there. And oh, who in the world would you say is your mentor and why? " Her eyes drew to a tranquil close, fingers interlocking as her arms came to a hanging stretch in the air, awaiting his answer in a relaxed yet peaceful manner. Admittedly she knew very little about the guild since Maya never seemed to speak much of guild matters with her. All she knew was her small chaotic family in Fairy Tail and a few people outside of it.

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Mizuki was startled when the blonde girl moved from Alfie to her. She seemed much to close for comfort and it made Mizuki was to dock this girl here and now. However the last time she had hurt someone in front of Alfie he tried to kill her, and she couldn't have that happen again. So instead of punching Kelica her arms folded over her stomach tightly and she awaited this torture to end. "What is she doing Alfie?" She asked, glaring down at Kelica. The space between them was little and very uncomfortable. Mizuki took her shadowy arms out and picked up Kelica, moving her back a foot or so.

She seemed to know Gilad from the previous day, but the part that confused her was the hugging part. Gilad didn't just go out and hug strangers let alone people in his guild. The only person Mizuki could ever see Gilad hugging was Alicia and that was still a rare chance. The little weasel caught her eye. Though it was a small rodent it had a strong magical aura, as if it was an actual Mage. Perhaps it was her guardian and transformed into a dragon when the blonde girl was in danger. When introductions were being made the dark Mage didn't feel like saying her name. But she knew that Alicia would do it for her.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord

Aurelie had spent the day doing a lot of social activities, so she wasn't particularly prone to getting back to it so fast. Sure she could deal with it, but her energy was quickly depleted in the process. All those drunkards in the city seemed more like toddlers to her, and the very thought of dealing with that sort of stress was less than appealing. But from what she gathered, it was the last day of this festival, and thus the last day to document such activities for her cohort. By now, the twilight hour had passed; thus she didn't have to remain here. It was a shame, as she enjoyed the excuse to neglect her responsibilities. But she could brave the town once more and hope she didn't get in the middle of something. Later, she would need to find out where this Sabertooth guild was in order to do anything with them.

Speaking of, she was mulling his proposal over for a majority of the day, distracting her a fair bit from the issues at hand. It may have taken a few accidental bumps here and running into a door there, but she finally decided what she wanted to do. Joining one of these friend circle things might be a benefit to her, so she thought that if the observations went well, she would join them. What did she have to lose? Despite reaching a decision already, she still dwelled on it as she absentmindedly weaved through the trees. Despite having already made her decision, she still felt as though she was unsure. What was the point of decision making if she wasn't set on a decision even if she'd made it? Perhaps it would just take a good night's rest to fully instill the concept into her mind.

On her way out, she walked slowly as she stared blankly at a downwards angle. She missed the squirrel that ran away from her as she trampled a stick, snapping it in half. It was imperative that she focused on what was important anyway. With her inattentiveness at work, she ended up casually colliding with a strange man, snapping her focus back to reality. She didn't know of too many people who would be out here at this time of day, but she didn't have time to question it. "Uhm, excuse me," she said distantly, almost as if it was simply an automatic response at this point. With that, she curved around him and kept heading towards the city. Perhaps during her studies, she would find that Gilad guy and talk to him some more. Though something told her she wouldn't be able to. After all, he did seem important. Once she emerged from the woods, she stopped for a moment and took in a deep breath of crisp air that seemed to welcome her back. She trudged on regardless, determined to get right back into the swing of things and hopefully complete her knowledge on these 'festivals'.

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Talon said:
Talon shrugged. "Sure games are fun." He replied and then felt Ferras hand ripped from his own. He whipped around to see some guy running of wth a struggling Ferra and 2 others blocking his way. His eyes flashed angrily as a wave of water rushed towards him. He snarled and sent a horizontal arc of fire at the wave, dissipating it, followed by a charge at the attacker. He aimed a flaming fist at her head. @Mitchs98
@Embaga Elder

Lackey #22

The womans eyes widened beneath her hood slightly. Well, that wasn't good. She managed to move out of the way of the fist, but just barely. This guy was strong, luckily Noah didn't seem to be taking the 2 on 1 route; yet. This gave her a bit of a chance. Very small, but it was there. She had to act fast and hope he was somewhat off balance from trying to punch her. "Water Shot!" She shouted, facing her palm outwards towards him. Immediately following three sharp looking tendrils of water shot out towards Talon at extremely high speeds.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was startled when the blonde girl moved from Alfie to her. She seemed much to close for comfort and it made Mizuki was to dock this girl here and now. However the last time she had hurt someone in front of Alfie he tried to kill her, and she couldn't have that happen again. So instead of punching Kelica her arms folded over her stomach tightly and she awaited this torture to end. "What is she doing Alfie?" She asked, glaring down at Kelica. The space between them was little and very uncomfortable. Mizuki took her shadowy arms out and picked up Kelica, moving her back a foot or so.
She seemed to know Gilad from the previous day, but the part that confused her was the hugging part. Gilad didn't just go out and hug strangers let alone people in his guild. The only person Mizuki could ever see Gilad hugging was Alicia and that was still a rare chance. The little weasel caught her eye. Though it was a small rodent it had a strong magical aura, as if it was an actual Mage. Perhaps it was her guardian and transformed into a dragon when the blonde girl was in danger. When introductions were being made the dark Mage didn't feel like saying her name. But she knew that Alicia would do it for her.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Alfie had been mentally face palming through the whole thing, just waiting for Mizuki to burst and tear a certain blonde apart... but was surprised when all she did was lift her up and drop her a few feet away. He had assumed her question was rhetorical but decided to answer it anyway. "Um, you'll have to forgive her... neither Kelica nor Chris, who for some reason decided to take the form of a weasel, are familiar with the concept of personal space. Speaking of which," he paused to turn to Kelica and her sidekick, "We'll have time to talk tomorrow. As of now, I"m slightly busy..."

@Zuka @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:

Lackey #82

Lackey #82 grit his teeth. Yeah he wasn't going to win this at all. Not a single chance whatsoever. Oh well, at-least he'd tried. He quickly ran over the various options he had, which weren't too various. He could either continue to fight and invariably lose, seeing as fire would just continue melting his ice at any and all turns. Run, and more than likely get caught and arrested..which honestly compared to what his boss would do to him didn't sound all to bad. Give up and arrested with less chance of getting his ass further handed to him. Lie or bribe her and hope she took it. Or expand upon the whole 'run' idea. There was no way his boss would be coming to bail him out of this either, thus he was completely alone on this in all aspects.

He tensed when she spoke of ending it. Plan..whatever letter expanding on running was. "I don't think so." He replied. He outstretched his palm, quickly saying "Ice Make: Wall" as he did. A moderately thick wall of ice forming between him and Tanari in hopes of blocking her attack long enough for him to run. He ditched Ferra, the extra weight would only slow him down, and thus he ran down the street. If he escaped this was the last time he was doing a job without any intel.
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Streets of Magnolia

She tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for the man to do something, hoping that he would do something to spice up their little relationship. After a few moments he finally made his move and conjured up a large wall of ice between the two of them. With a click of her tongue the small orb of fire rapidly expanded to engulf her fist as she charged forward. One well placed punch was all it took to smash her way through the barrier of ice as she again pointed her fist towards the fleeing man. Unfortunately he slipped into the crowd, if she had fired at him now the risk of hitting innocents was just too high. She quickly looked down at the girl lying on the ground and then back at the ever-fleeing masked man. She bounced slightly in place, debating what to do all the while knowing her target was getting further away.

"Screw it!" She opted to leave the girl behind, figuring she would be fine with so many bystanders keeping tabs on her. With so many people around she couldn't afford to use her usual boost of speed and was forced to give chase on foot. Using her agility she deftly weaved her way through the crowd as she hunted down her prey. She was closing the gap when the man rounded a corner, and while she was quick to follow suit she couldn't find any trace of him. Her eyes darted around frantically, looking for any trace of the masked individual only to turn up empty. "Damnit!" She kicked at the ground as realization sunk in that she had lost track of the man. With a frustrated sigh she turned around and made her way back towards where she had left the unconscious girl.

Upon returning to the scene of the fight she noted some passer-by's kneeling around the girl, checking to see if she was alright she assumed. As she approached she unceremoniously shoved a man aside with a simple 'move it', replacing him by the girl's side as she checked her condition. She wasn't exactly a doctor but as far as she could tell the girl was simply asleep. Even so someone with actual know-how on the subject should take a look at her. Looking around for a moment she decided to handle it herself and scooped the young girl up into her arms, making sure she had a secure grip before taking a few steps forward. After those few initial steps she came to a halt realizing she had no idea where, exactly, to take the girl.

"Well I don't really want to get involved anymore than I already am..." She mumbled to herself as her gaze slowly drifted to the famous Fairy Tail guild. As mages they could probably handle her newfound baggage well enough and so she set off towards the guild hall, ignoring the minor protests or questions coming from the more outgoing onlookers.
Honoka Redfox

Welp, there's gonna be a dead body

Honks listened to her sister intently, stuffing a bit of sushi into her mouth and chewing. Her sisters day sounded wonderful to her, though it may just of been the though of reading that much. They did have a few things in common other then just genes. Her food was half done by the the end of Haruhi's story, she was getting full which was a rarity now a days. She looked over at Donald, they just came back for my the market, but all the things that they had gotten where safe away in her pocket dimension. She had to empty it out before she met up for their date, so most of her weapons where home expect for the two scores in her back pocket.

Honoka was about to answer her twins question, but not before Haruhi passed out. She stood up about to shake her sister awake, but she froze when three men popped out of nowhere. One of the men, presumably the leader, pick up Haruhi(A feat of its own) and ran off. The two others stood there, One faced her. They put stretched both their palms as they exclaimed "vortex". Honoka was sent flying by the attack, landing onto of a table a few meters ways. The attack took the wind right out or her, quickly she regained her composure and jumped of the table.

" A wind Mage? Shit I need my violin." She held out her eighth hand, only to be greeted with a harsh turn back of magic. 'Crap my PD is out of instruments.' She took a deep breath in, her chest seemed to expand to a new size. After she had her lungs full she screamed. Not just any scream, no, one that could be herd from miles away. China and glass chipped and cracked, shock waves of pure energy were shot at the wind Mage. To be completely honest , if he doesn't move he will break a rib or two.

@Kayzo @The Dinkster
Mikado Saris - Malba City

She made her way through the city streets, her head downcast and obscured by the combination of her scarf and cap. Her hands were shoved into her jacket's pockets as she did her best to avoid any unnecessary contact with those she passed by. For the most part those wandering the streets paid her little attention, far too absorbed in their own routines to care what some small girl was up to. As she made her way down the city streets her gaze was carefully examining her surroundings. While she was discreet she made sure to check every nook and cranny, seemingly searching for something that would be hidden in one of the many back-alleys.

After a rather lengthy search she came to a stop in front of an empty alley. Or, at least, empty save for the group of four men crowding around a girl with her back against the wall. She looked to her right and then her left, the street she was on was emptier than the alley she was standing before. Turning her focus back to the group she calmly strode forward, only stopping a few paces from the closest man. Her actions did not go unnoticed as the men turned to look at her, the largest of the four stepping up to her with a rather upset look on his face. Tilting to one side slightly she looked past the man to the girl against the wall. She was the epitome of terrified, tears streaking down her face as all she could do was bawl like a baby.

The four men glared down at her as she gazed up at them from beneath her cap. As the group looked her over their anger-filled expressions softened and were replaced with toothy grins. The leader took this opportunity to take another step forward, speaking up in a rather loud voice. "Well well, look what we have here." Despite his intimidating presence she held her ground, seemingly unfazed by his actions. Instead she simply removed her hands from her jacket pocket, pulling a majestic looking necklace out along with them. She silently extended her hand holding the necklace and as she did so the leader's grin grew even wider as he threw his arms to the side. "I knew you'd find it! As expected of Lamia Scale!" He took the necklace from her grasp and quickly spun around, presenting it to the weeping girl. "See Jenny! She found it just like I said she would! See!" The man excitedly held the piece of jewelry before the girl, her cries slowing as a wave of relief swept through her as she snatched the necklace out of the man's hands. "Oh thank you! Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done if you didn't find it!" Her tears renewed, although this time they were ones of joy.

As the group confessed their gratitude she rose a hand to the tip of her cap, pulling it down slightly to further hide her face as she gave them a small nod. The leader dug around in his pockets before pulling out a rather large wad of Jewels and holding them out before her, a beaming smile plastered on his face. "Thanks again, Miss. You really saved us a lot of heartache. Here, you deserve it." She reached out and took the money, immediately realizing that it was slightly more than they had agreed upon. That must be what he was referring to. She gave the group another nod before pocketing the money in her jacket and turning to take her leave. As she exited the alley she could hear the happy chorus of relief from the group as the girl continued to cry tears of joy.

Exiting the alley she turned to head towards the train station. Normally this wasn't the sort of job she would take but hey, she had been passing through and may as well right? Even so she figured she should keep such diversions to a minimum if she wanted to get back home anytime soon. At the rate she was going nobody would even remember who she was by the time she got back. This thought caused her to turn her gaze skyward, observing the wispy clouds floating through the blue sky high above. It really had been a long time. After a few moments of introspection and appreciation of the sky she turned her gaze back downward, pulling her scarf slightly higher and back into position before resuming her trek to the station.
Livian Azul

Livian offered a small frown at Alice as she messed up the finale of her dance, obviously seeing it was his fault for doing it. Clearing his throat he offered a apologetic smile, "I apologize for surprising you and causing you to mess up your dance." He paused for a moment to look around, feeling her emerald eyes on him from behind her hair. Finally he added, "Ah, I see, trying is half the battle after all." Offering a smile he took a step toward her, the heel of his boot making a loud sound as he did so.

As the two minutes went by Livian watched Alice with his midnight blue eyes, seeing her shift from foot to foot and her blush, as was stated, more than a hooker. He shook his head and smiled, "No, Miss Alice. Dancing is not one of my forte's. I am not bad at it, but I am not good nor all that experienced..." He paused, "Why?"

rbshinichi said:
"Yeah, I think you're right." he replied. I hope you're right Sera. "I was just new in town and I don't want to be the one driving a wedge between you guys with all these misunderstanding. I wish we could all get along, right? That would be for the best."
As they were waiting, the door cracked open and emerged a fresh Lavender, "Pardon our intrusions milady, but I believe that line is for us to ask. Would we be by any chance disturbing you or something? We just came here wishing you to be a part of our evening walk around the festival. I wanted to try the food and the games here so I invited Sera out, it came to me that coming with you will be a much better idea. We could have fun, all three of us." said he with those puppy round eyes.

"No you are not disturbing me." Said lavender, smiling warmly before he had pretty much asked if she wanted to join them on the festival and how he thought it would be fun to invite her. Lavender wanted to resist but she wanted to go too. But her doubtful heart was keeping her from really saying anything. Third wheel just kept echoing in her mind. Sera tried to reassure her that it wouldn't be awkward cause they wanted her to come along and join the walk. With a soft sigh, lavender spoke "I guess it is alright that I may join." Lavender was still unsure about the whole situation but if they really wanted her to come, she would "do you both really want me to come with you?" She asked @Mitchs98 @rbshinichi
Kelica Zefara

Kelica blinked rapidly as some weird shadow arms sprung out of seemingly no where (to the unobservant girl) and lifted her straight up to plonk her down a foot away from the sour dark mage. Emerald eyes returning to look to Mizuki.

"Ohhh is that part of your magic? That's pretty nifty! All I can do is talk to animals and plants and do some healing... though no one really likes my healing as it amplifies the pain..." Not realising, of course, Mizuki might find an interest in her healing specifically for that very reason.

Kelica turned to face Alfie with a big oblivious smile. "Oh? Busy with what? Maybe Chris and I could help you!" When the pink haired mage mentioned Chris being in his weasel form she suddenly lost that smile she just had, peering to the ground.

"Chris had to take a smaller form because we had an incident yesterday.... some of the townsfolk started throwing rocks and hurling things at him, worried he would hurt them...savages..." Referring to the townsfolk who had bullied him in a dark hissing tone, reaching up to her shoulder to scoop up the weasel and curl him into her arms like one might a baby.

"We actually disappeared to his family's farm for the night, we would have stayed but didn't want to miss the Fairytail Parade... so we had to go incognito and till it starts we pretty much have to stay in here... At least Fairytail doesn't treat Chris like some sort of uncontrollable beast!"

For the first time Mizuki and Alicia may have seen the fierceness of Kelica's protective side, after all even for being a bubbly, hyperactive blonde thing she took her Forest Guardian role very seriously. And didn't much like people hurting her plants or animals.

@Kayzo @Isune
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss

The shadow mage watched a girl run up the stairs at Raa's request, he knelt down and unceremoniously dumped the man's body on the ground, face down to allow her to heal his spine. Luckily for the man he stayed unconscious. Valken wasn't going to allow him to go anywhere, so it was more for his benefit he stayed unawake.

"Thank you... " He offered the girl a genuine smile. She had healed this stranger without a question afterall and just like that was gone again. Valken hoisted the spy back onto his shoulder and stood once more, eyeing Raa's retreating back and idly listening to Ryu and Raa's bickering. This was between members of the same guild... he didn't understand this Fairytail lot at all.

Gilad ruled over Sabertooth with an Ironfist, Lloyd kept a strict but flexible Guild where respect and manners were absolute paramount. And yet this Fairytail mob just seemed to run around like a classroom being taught by a substitute teacher. Ophelia had her work cut out for her to try and tame them, then again that was Fairytail's reputation so she knew what she was in for when she signed up as Guild Master....

Mental questioning aside Valken couldn't help but grin when Adrian balked at the mention of Gilad inside the room. "You know you should both treat your own Guild Master with the same admiration and respect as you do Master Arcturus... in fact everyone your superior in age and Class should be dealt with as such. Do they not teach that here?" Here Valken asked not in an aggressive tone but more a questioning one, always one to question and find out all the facts.

Oddly Valken didn't mind these two before him. The Arcane Mage seemed intelligent and his magic seemed interesting, while the one mage called Ryu seemed to have at least a half way descent idea of respect. He at least offered his full name when Valken had asked for it.

"Hmm I should inform the Guild Master's of this little development with our spy friend, but perhaps when the meeting concludes I can join you both for the parade? This whole serious business is driving me half way crazy and I desperately need an Ale and some fine food... "

Here he took a deep bow as he always did when greeting new people (circumstances permitting), almost hitting the spy's head to the ground as he did.

((Next post I'll have Valken walk into the Secret Room with spy))

@Metaphysics @HuorSpinks
"No, I treat all Guild Masters with equal respect. I was just using Gilad as an example. And let's face it, of the three he'd probably be the worst to show up. And Fairy Tail doesn't really have any age or Class boundaries. The Class system is just that--a way of measuring someone's magical power and/or skill. It doesn't necessarily imply that one person is more deserving of respect than another. If an S-Class wizard is a complete ass to everyone around him, even a C-class will tell him exactly how he feels. Conversely, C-classes, despite their low magical power, can garner respect even from S-classes through things like leadership, tactical skill, or just being a good person. In other words, by default we treat each other how we would treat a friend or acquaintance, not necessarily a superior or inferior, and based on what a person does or says we'll treat them better or worse."

"Oh, and feel free to join us! I'm actually going to be in it myself. I've got a pretty interesting routine planned, I'm dying to show it off," Adrian said, beaming.


"The parade is starting at 10 PM. Oddly enough, it's the first time they've done it at night to my knowledge, and I intend to take full advantage of that for my act."
Sabrina(School/AP/Finals suck)

Sabrina followed Kelica as she led her and Chris the Weasel into the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. She was honestly surprised at the fact that Chris could actually turn into something as small as a weasel, given the fact at how big and powerful he was. Sabrina's mind wandered as she was being dragged around by Kelica through the town, daydreaming about random ass things, like an alternative universe/multiverse/omniverse where derpfishes ruled over the world, where the supreme leader of the derpfishes was just a larger derpfish riding a chariot pulled by four derpmoosefish. She daydreamed of another universe, where physics as we know it today is completely screwed over. A world where magic and all of the mystical magical creatures don't exist, but science and technology has taken over the globe. Tell the truth, Sabrina thought, it wouldn't hurt to live somewhere like that...a world without magic but filled to the brim with wacky science and mindblowing technology...ahh...if only...Sabrina signed, both inwardly and outwardly as she continued daydreaming about that world. She snapped out of her daydreams when the three of them stopped inside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and Kelica started socializing with a couple of people who she either didn't recognize or were faintly familiar. She stood a little back from the group and continued to daydream...

@Zuka @Isune @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @people I haven't pinged
Mizuki nodded slightly she asked if the arms were part of her magic. She thought that the answer was obvious and simple, and that there was no reason to really ask that. In fact she never even thought about the possibility of it being a friendly approach. "Yes... This is part of my shadow magic. Master Gilad likes it as I'm his favorite apprentice." The dark Mage wasn't one to boast about titles or things of that manner, but she thought that if Kelica knew of her high standing with Gilad that she would respect her more.

Just as Mizuki was starting to lose her patience with Kelica and her Weasel friend until something she said caught her attention. Healing that amplified pain. A sudden, happy thought popped into her mind and she began considering keeping the blonde around her as she did Alfie. Could you imagine? Alfie uses his ribbons to wrap around her tightly, the blades cutting her up only to be healed by Kelica's painful healing. The true masochist's paradise. The only problem was her personality. It was just absolutely annoying to the dark Mage and she didn't know how long she could go without beating her up. Chuckling quietly and darkly her four extra arms disappeared before she spoke, her two hands rubbing together as if she was planning something. "Your magic makes the pain worse? I like the sound of that. Perhaps you could demonstrate it on me later?" Mizuki asked, taking one step forward towards Kelica. "It would make me so happy."

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Zuka
Talon grinned as the woman dodged. Good, she wasnt some trashy noob. He landed, spun around, and did the limbo, dodging the tendrils of water (Tentacles?¿?¿ O.o ). He slashed them and then faced his opponent again. "that the best you can do?¿?¿" He taunted.
Kayzo said:
Mizuki was startled when the blonde girl moved from Alfie to her. She seemed much to close for comfort and it made Mizuki was to dock this girl here and now. However the last time she had hurt someone in front of Alfie he tried to kill her, and she couldn't have that happen again. So instead of punching Kelica her arms folded over her stomach tightly and she awaited this torture to end. "What is she doing Alfie?" She asked, glaring down at Kelica. The space between them was little and very uncomfortable. Mizuki took her shadowy arms out and picked up Kelica, moving her back a foot or so.
She seemed to know Gilad from the previous day, but the part that confused her was the hugging part. Gilad didn't just go out and hug strangers let alone people in his guild. The only person Mizuki could ever see Gilad hugging was Alicia and that was still a rare chance. The little weasel caught her eye. Though it was a small rodent it had a strong magical aura, as if it was an actual Mage. Perhaps it was her guardian and transformed into a dragon when the blonde girl was in danger. When introductions were being made the dark Mage didn't feel like saying her name. But she knew that Alicia would do it for her.

@Zuka @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord
Zuka said:
Kelica Zefara

Kelica blinked rapidly as some weird shadow arms sprung out of seemingly no where (to the unobservant girl) and lifted her straight up to plonk her down a foot away from the sour dark mage. Emerald eyes returning to look to Mizuki.

"Ohhh is that part of your magic? That's pretty nifty! All I can do is talk to animals and plants and do some healing... though no one really likes my healing as it amplifies the pain..." Not realising, of course, Mizuki might find an interest in her healing specifically for that very reason.

Kelica turned to face Alfie with a big oblivious smile. "Oh? Busy with what? Maybe Chris and I could help you!" When the pink haired mage mentioned Chris being in his weasel form she suddenly lost that smile she just had, peering to the ground.

"Chris had to take a smaller form because we had an incident yesterday.... some of the townsfolk started throwing rocks and hurling things at him, worried he would hurt them...savages..." Referring to the townsfolk who had bullied him in a dark hissing tone, reaching up to her shoulder to scoop up the weasel and curl him into her arms like one might a baby.

"We actually disappeared to his family's farm for the night, we would have stayed but didn't want to miss the Fairytail Parade... so we had to go incognito and till it starts we pretty much have to stay in here... At least Fairytail doesn't treat Chris like some sort of uncontrollable beast!"

For the first time Mizuki and Alicia may have seen the fierceness of Kelica's protective side, after all even for being a bubbly, hyperactive blonde thing she took her Forest Guardian role very seriously. And didn't much like people hurting her plants or animals.

@Mitchs98 @Kayzo @Isune
PeteTSs said:
Sabrina(School/AP/Finals suck)

Sabrina followed Kelica as she led her and Chris the Weasel into the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. She was honestly surprised at the fact that Chris could actually turn into something as small as a weasel, given the fact at how big and powerful he was. Sabrina's mind wandered as she was being dragged around by Kelica through the town, daydreaming about random ass things, like an alternative universe/multiverse/omniverse where derpfishes ruled over the world, where the supreme leader of the derpfishes was just a larger derpfish riding a chariot pulled by four derpmoosefish. She daydreamed of another universe, where physics as we know it today is completely screwed over. A world where magic and all of the mystical magical creatures don't exist, but science and technology has taken over the globe. Tell the truth, Sabrina thought, it wouldn't hurt to live somewhere like that...a world without magic but filled to the brim with wacky science and mindblowing technology...ahh...if only...Sabrina signed, both inwardly and outwardly as she continued daydreaming about that world. She snapped out of her daydreams when the three of them stopped inside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and Kelica started socializing with a couple of people who she either didn't recognize or were faintly familiar. She stood a little back from the group and continued to daydream...

@Zuka @Isune @Mitchs98 @Salt Lord @people I haven't pinged
Kayzo said:
Mizuki nodded slightly she asked if the arms were part of her magic. She thought that the answer was obvious and simple, and that there was no reason to really ask that. In fact she never even thought about the possibility of it being a friendly approach. "Yes... This is part of my shadow magic. Master Gilad likes it as I'm his favorite apprentice." The dark Mage wasn't one to boast about titles or things of that manner, but she thought that if Kelica knew of her high standing with Gilad that she would respect her more.
Just as Mizuki was starting to lose her patience with Kelica and her Weasel friend until something she said caught her attention. Healing that amplified pain. A sudden, happy thought popped into her mind and she began considering keeping the blonde around her as she did Alfie. Could you imagine? Alfie uses his ribbons to wrap around her tightly, the blades cutting her up only to be healed by Kelica's painful healing. The true masochist's paradise. The only problem was her personality. It was just absolutely annoying to the dark Mage and she didn't know how long she could go without beating her up. Chuckling quietly and darkly her four extra arms disappeared before she spoke, her two hands rubbing together as if she was planning something. "Your magic makes the pain worse? I like the sound of that. Perhaps you could demonstrate it on me later?" Mizuki asked, taking one step forward towards Kelica. "It would make me so happy."

@Salt Lord @Mitchs98 @Zuka

Alicia: Fairy Tail Hall

A tunnel? Well, it certainly was dark like one. Then he mentioned a wormhole. The heck was a wormhole? She furrowed her brow in confusion, trying to figure out what it was in her head but failing miserably. Shrugging she decided to leave it be. Alfie was somewhat confusing, and honestly she wasn't sure if he was avoiding the question for some reason or not. Alicia looked up to Kelica with a possibly more confused, yet amused, expression as she looked over Mizuki. What the heck was she doing with her? She then spoke of Gilad, and how he'd hugged her. Gilad? Hug a random stranger? From a rival guild? Alicia blinked in disbelief, her confused expression being replaced by a pure 'wtf' expression. That didn't sound like Master Gilad at ALL. "
Wait. What. Master Gilad hugged you?" She asked slowly, absolutely baffled. Kelica then introduced herself. "I'm Alicia Nefaras! Nice to meet you Kelica." She replied excitedly. "You too Weasel Chris!" She added with a giggle.

She liked Kelica, she seemed really nice. She could tell Mizuki was annoyed by her. But she was annoyed by a lot of things, she was just grumpy. She stifled a laugh as Mizuki reluctantly introduced herself. At-least she'd spoken at all, though Alicia was fully prepared to introduce her herself. She honestly couldn't comment on the subject of personal space when Alfie spoke though, her herself having very little or caring very little for others. She didn't mean it in a rude way, she just didn't get the big deal about it. Mizuki would have to be the only person whose personal space she respected when asked, her and Gilad. Everyone else, not so much. Though she was kinda curious as to what he meant by being busy. She didn't see him actually being busy with..anything. At all. Unless he meant talking to them. In which case Alicia didn't mind much at all. She listend as Kelica explained her magic. She could talk to animals? That was actually pretty cool. "
Ooh! I wish I could talk to animals! I bet that's pretty fun!" She told her excitedly. She frowned though as Kelica explained what had happened to her and Chris. She felt bad for them, honestly. Though Kelica hadn't explained everything in detail, that didn't change how Alicia felt. She didn't understand how people could be so mean for no reason, especially to drive two people into hiding. People that kept their town safe and stuff on multiple occassions.

That must of been awful. People are just mean. You guys can hang out with us until it starts if you want! We don't have to much we're actually doing right now." She told Kelica, trying to cheer her up. Of course, then Mizuki started her weird pain thing. Alicia would never understand how she could like pain, but she wouldn't exactly make fun of her or anything for it. Though she wished she wouldn't, as getting hurt usually wasn't a good thing. Though Mizuki didn't mind..which was confusing. She didn't comment on it, instead opting to look at the decorations. She had of course, noticed a few of the pink decorations, and immediately thought of Alfie. "Hey Alfie, did you put part of these up?" She asked, referring to the decorations.

Kelica Zefara

The blonde girl turned as the young girl with beads looked at her weirdly when she mentioned Master Gilad giving her a hug. "Oh yes! We went to the dragon mission at Malina, I was upset because I couldn't save the forest there... I had just wished I was stronger and more capable... But Gilad was super friendly! He told me that the forest would grow back in time and as long as I did all I could then that's all the forest could have asked of me..." A happy little sigh escaping. "He reminds me of my dad a little... serious but very, very insightful...your lucky to have him as a Guild Master! He's almost as nice as Master Lloyd!"

Here she drifted off as she peered to the ceiling with a happy little sigh. Lloyd.. memories of healing his broken leg, and upgrading his bow, and the soft sway as he carried her on his back to where Sera and Sora where, as she napped from Magical Exhaustion.

That seemed like a lifetime ago and another sigh escaped, this time a more sad one. Guild Master's were such busy people, she doubted either would even remember a C-class girl like her. Just another face in the crowds.

Her head drifted down as Alicia introduced herself, smiling warmly to her. And when she asked Kelica about her magic, here Kelica actually bent down in front of her and grasped Alicia's hands, her full attention on her. "Oh you have no idea! Animals are always always talking! They talk about the sun, the smells, the other creatures.... the only annoying ones are the birds who are all convinced they can sing like a super star and sound more like a karaoke bar!" Laughing adorably then, heart felt and warm. "I'd love to hang out with you all!"

Kelica adored being social and being with people. She let go of Alicia's hands and stood, not realising she was probably a bit too touchy feely as well. Afterall most animals communicated by touch and sight even more than sounds.

Kelica looked to Mizuki as she mentioned her healing, an eyebrow raising in a confused fashion. She... liked the sound of that? I mean...it had it's uses. Maybe Mizuki didn't quite understand what she meant? She wasn't aware of her love of pain.

"Well ah... it's doesn't make it worse, I may have worded that badly... I just accelerate the cell's regeneration around the wound site. So in other words, the pain one might sustain over the course of the injury is condensed over the duration of the healing. The more severe the wound, the greater the pain. Obviously a simple paper cut that would heal in a day won't be much... but a broken bone or massive internal bleeding or scarring that would take months to fix, condensed into less then a minute? Yeah it's torture..."

Poor Kelica. Her actual smart words of warning to try and steer Mizuki away from the healing probably only intriguing her further.

As Mizuki stepped closer however, and that look she was giving her... Kelica took in a sharp breath, eyes widening a fraction. Naturally shoulders curling down in an almost submissive fashion.

"But...ah... If...you really want to see it...I...suppose I could show you...though...you'll have to be badly injuried for it... to work.." Stumbling over her own words.

@Kayzo @HuorSpinks (mentioned)
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Alfie only stood with his arms crossed and waited for the conversation to end, seemingly taking its place without him. He had quite a lot less reason to push Kelica and Chris away now, for Mizuki didn't seem to mind the blonde, even wanting her to demonstrate her painful healing magic on her... he chuckled at Kelica's confusion at the dark mage's request. She'd have a fun time learning about the edgy shadow lady, if she learned about her at all. Mizuki was truly a confusing, mysterious, and hurtful force of... Alfie didn't have a word for it yet, but he knew he really didn't mind being dragged around by her.

But that was when he realized that Kelica explained what had to happen in order for the pain of her healing to be at its worst. Poor Mizuki might try and break every bone in her body, or even worse, beg him to do it--just to unbreak the bones and repeat the process. Of course, Alicia might be able to convince her to stop after the first round, or Kelica might run out of energy afterward, but it went against what he thought was right. And unlike most Heart Stones, Alfie actually tried to stick to a side when he knew the difference between right and wrong. "Exactly," he stepped up, folding his arms behind him and taking on a more serious tone, "Which is why I don't quite think we'll need it right now. Or in a few hours. Or tomorrow. Or forever after that. Isn't that right, Mizuki?"

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Zuka @Isune

Mikael La Viere



Mika felt somehow relieved when he saw Lavender almost wanting to go. His years of observing people told him that she was just needing a little push and he was gonna give it to her without further ado. He looked over to Sera and smiled, that smile, it came from his heart and it was so gentle his eyes were smiling with his lips. "We wouldn't be here if we did not want you to come right? So, would you grant us your gracious presence?" he said extending an arm towards Lavender.

@Britt-21 @Mitchs98

@boynextdoor1409; There's always one and only one truth.
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu..." (????????!)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.15a79c90c13d324f3420f5f0686f7884.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/young_sinbad_by_nairchan-d5w1imh.jpg.15a79c90c13d324f3420f5f0686f7884.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Noah Cross

Magnolia Streets

Walking the streets having nothing to do in mind was boring. That is until soon after Ferra suggested the festival games things started to get interesting. First Ferra gets kidnapped then Talon and Noah gets attacked. He looks up towards the thundercloud and jumps back dodging the lightning strike with ease, thanks to fighting Baal when he was younger. He turned towards Talon. Yo Talon, I suggest that we split up. You go after Ferra. A spell circle appeared above him having an icy white glow covering his body. The glow dies down and a burst of cool air was sent through the air. Noah stood in his Ice Djinn Take Over Valefor. While I'll take care of these lackies. He said with a grin on his face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.a31cc246071b350c1dec8bfa64c3eebb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/c205d1b46ee6996d73efd41f9c465911.jpg.a31cc246071b350c1dec8bfa64c3eebb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Mitchs98 @Talon



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Valken Truss

Valken nodded to the two Fairytail mages and with that his serious face returned. He wandered to the meeting door to the room, swinging it open wildly and stepping through his own spell with Spy still hoisted on his shoulder. Once he shut the door behind him he strode right over to the Three Guild Masters and tossed the unconscious Grimore Heart spy onto the table before them all, sending papers flying.

"And so the plot thickens! This gentlemen was caught running around outside attempting to break into your office Master Kaiser... He was the one that destroyed that wall, three of your Guild Members were trying to stop him before I intervened, Ophelia. That Arcane Wizard Adrian figured he was after important documents to blackmail with in your office. The spy reckons he was unaware of this meeting but I thought it might be prudent to check... who would like the honors?"

Here Valken reached down and pinched his noise while covering his mouth, forcing his body unable to breath. Even unconscious the man's eyes fluttered open in a panic, kicking around. Valken let go and grinned down to him.

"Glad you're awake... now... meet the three Light Guild Master's..." Gesturing with a sweep of an arm before his eyes narrowed. "Tell us everything you know... who you're working for, how you got here and what you were after in that office..."

@Salt Lord

@Genon @Rhodus
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Zuka said:
Valken Truss

Valken nodded to the two Fairytail mages and with that his serious face returned. He wandered to the meeting door to the room, swinging it open wildly and stepping through his own spell with Spy still hoisted on his shoulder. Once he shut the door behind him he strode right over to the Three Guild Masters and tossed the unconscious Grimore Heart spy onto the table before them all, sending papers flying.

"And so the plot thickens! This gentlemen was caught running around outside attempting to break into your office Master Kaiser... He was the one that destroyed that wall, three of your Guild Members were trying to stop him before I intervened, Ophelia. That Arcane Wizard Adrian figured he was after important documents to blackmail with in your office. The spy reckons he was unaware of this meeting but I thought it might be prudent to check... who would like the honors?"

Here Valken reached down and pinched his noise while covering his mouth, forcing his body unable to breath. Even unconscious the man's eyes fluttered open in a panic, kicking around. Valken let go and grinned down to him.

"Glad you're awake... now... meet the three Light Guild Master's..." Gesturing with a sweep of an arm before his eyes narrowed. "Tell us everything you know... who you're working for, how you go here and what you where after in that office..."

@Salt Lord

@Genon @Rhodus
Ophelia had waited for quite some time for a response from one of the two, the men being extremely quiet... it was then when she realized how tense the situation was. Poor Lloyd might not have even wanted to remember what Grimoire Heart or whatever evil resided in the west or wherever he came from did to him. She was about to fake a cough until a man came sprawling in onto her desk, scattering all the papers she had neatly organized for Gilad into the mess it was pre-meeting. She hadn't even paid any mind to what Valken had said, instead standing up and bringing her hands to the side of her head angrily. "I just fucking cleaned this!" the girl shouted, a glyph suddenly beginning to form as she instinctively prepared a spell to punish the one that got her to such a steaming point in the first place. A pillar of water had reached over her head at an alarming, blurring speed, heading down on the spy and stopping only an inch over him when she remembered she was in the presence of Master Gilad, Master Lloyd, and that black haired dude who's name she'd forgotten. All three were more than likely to remember this...

With a fluorescent blush, Ophelia cleared her throat and sat back in her seat slowly, the pillar of water inching back into the glyph it was summoned out of. She looked at the spy before her with a stern gaze, preparing her much more professional tone for the interrogation. "So, uh... you. Since this is my office you so foolishly tried to break into, it is me who you'll be answering to. Of course, Master Gilad and Master Lloyd are free to step in if need be... But. Yes. I want answers and I want them now."

@HuorSpinks @Zuka


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