Fairy Tail: A Fandom IC

Chris Lengheart(Considering options)

Chris watched as Alfie jumped behind his couch, as he checked behind it to see where he had gone it was obvious he had teleported. He only shook his head as he slammed the door shut and muttered,"Why am I not surprised." He then began to think of what to do. Regardless, he'd have to get dressed. Chris only silently stepped into his room as he began to change. He kept the tanktop on as he put on a pair of simple shorts. His hair was a mess, but he really didn't do much with it. He just straightened it up a bit before putting on a pair of sandals and stepping outside. Maybe he would go and talk to Kelica. But not now, instead he placed a note on the door that said "Not home right now, sorry. Kelica, if you're reading this, all of your things have been moved back to the guild, I just can't talk to or see you right now. I'm sorry." and began walking down the streets. Maybe he'd head to the beach, but he chose that the woods may not be the best place to go. Chris was worried he may run into Kelica there. For now, he just wanted some peace and quiet.

@Salt Lord (Mentioned...I guess?) @Zuka (Same thing for you)

@Unknown Falling

Lyra Maelstre - Magnolia FT HQ

Lyra stared at the scene from over Unknown's shoulder, holding onto him with ease. She started adding in dramatic noises to the whole scenario which probably wasn't helping the situation. She used one hand to steady herself whilst the other rummaged into her hat, throwing fistfuls of confetti all over the place. " Hoorayyyy! We're all getting along and it's so great! " Clair was getting heated and she'd probably destroy something at this rate, though the small amount of chaos surrounding them only caused Lyra's grin to grow even wider. " Clairrrrr, everyone is fat compared to me! I can't help it. I'd take some of your body weight if I could. " That grin turned into a cheesy smile, eyes sparkling with a slight tone of mockery. " You're gonna make Sora mad if you destroy stuff. " She chimed in, coo'ing in a taunting manner before throwing more confetti on the other woman. Lyra dropped down from her high perch on the man, feet barely touching the ground before she darted off and hopped onto the bar counter, arms spread as she twirled about to make a fascinating announcement to the people of the guild hall. " Would any kind soul like to take Clair home and make her feel beautiful? Her confidence is at an all time low! I'll start the bid at three rabbits! " Yes, rabbits. She was probably going to die for this but that didn't wipe the cynical expression on her face off.

@Mr Swiftshots

@anyone else in the guild hall ;D

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Colt556 said:
Tanari Varos - Magnolia City: Ring 8

She quirked a brow at the boy's comments before falling into a fit of laughter. Of all the things to focus on he focuses on that? It was like dealing with some awkward little boy. "Oh yeah, you're totally adorable!" She did her best to stifle her laughter, trying to bring herself back under control. She continued the barrage, soon coating the entire bottom half of the arena in one big inferno. She watched as the boy took to the sky, avoiding her blazing heat caused by her trap. As she continued to throw out fireballs she had been making her way towards one of the corners of the arena, her eyes glued to her opponent as she went. She could tell by the flow of battle, by the flow of magic that something big was coming and she fully intended to meet it head on. "Although being adorable doesn't mean much in my book." As with before the flames engulfing her body rapidly expanded, filling the entire arena with a stifling heat.

As she suspected the boy began to channel his magic in much the same way she was. The inferno surrounding her began swirling in towards her fists, it's color shifting from the orange-red into a deep blue as it was condensed in her fists. While she channeled the magic into her fists she did not interlace them and aim them at the boy as she had before. At this point that cocky grin was long gone, her expression one of the utmost concentration. She never liked using her magic in this way but in such a confined space she had little choice in the matter. Blue-flames ignited around her feet as she lowered her stance, leaning forward slightly as if at the start of a race. The moment the boy called out his spell she kicked off, the the flames jetting from her boots. The force of the ejection caused her to rocket forth towards the underside of the boy.

Upon reaching her destination below him she held her arms out in front of her, emitting a similar stream of flame to slow herself before quickly kicking up into the air towards her opponent. This was the hard part and she knew she'd have to time everything perfectly to pull it off. As she approached her target at a blistering pace she reached out and grabbed onto the wings sprouting from the boy's back. In one fluid motion she kicked her legs into his back and leaned back, using his own body as a shield against the explosion. The blue flames that engulfed her fists suddenly expanded, racing along the boy's wings as she drove him towards the inferno below.
Hibiki Dreyar: Harvest Festival Tournament - Ring 8.

Hibiki wasn't expecting to be used as a shield to block his own attack, however it didn't bother him so much. His training sessions with Lyra were always brutal, and they both made sure that they were fairly resistant to each other's magic and their own for that fact. Shrugging off the majority of Soul Extinctors receding explosion, he grit his teeth. The fact that the girl got in so close annoyed him. However, what happened next enraged him slightly. Tanari had sent flames course all over his wings, Hibiki could feel the flames licking his wings and in turn slowly begin to burn them up. Flapping then rappidly he managed to shake off the flames, but the pain was still there. Should the attack have been left any longer then Hibiki knew that he wouldn't be able to fly for the duration of this battle.

Realising that the girl was within close proximity, and actually grabbing him, he kicked backwards in an attempt to shake her off. Then, he turned and made a grab for her. Hands on the girls chest, electricity began to charge up as he then called out, "Evil Spark!" And with that sent a demonic electricity coursing through the hot red heads body with an agonising level of voltage to it. Hibiki then flew back up into the air again, wings fully expanded as he hovered there, waiting to see what the girl would do next.

PeteTSs said:
Sabrina---Battle Tournament
Sabrina saw the crystal spikes coming her way. Interesting... She closed her eyes and opened them. "Draco Adrenaline Rush," she said. Her speed increased dramatically as she continued her charge at Masaki. Seeing the fact that Masaki could encase himself completely in his crystal, she knew that her attacks would be practically useless against him, but she had a plan in mind. She threw one of her larger bottles, this one containing a pure black liquid (aka petrol) together with a explosive vial. after this attack, she started to pellet Masaki with more explosive and petrol bottles, flying ever closer to him.

(Sabrina just knows that petrol is extremely flammable but nothing else. She's going to suppress Masaki down with continued attacks, forcing him to encase himself in his crystal, and at the same time 'boiling' him inside his crystal encasement with the flaing petrol)

Masaki Yamada: Harvest Festival Tournament.

Charging. That's all the girl seemed to do, charge and barrage, were they the girls battle tactics? Who knows, all Masaki realised was that she didn't fully think through her strategy. As the Fairy Tail Mage threw a selection of both explosive vials and then a vial which was undoubtedly petrol, Masaki knew that the girl planned to burn him to defeat should he encase himself in his crystal dome. However, the S-Class Mage was no fool, and so he began his counter attack. Masaki's crystal magic was unique due to it's ability to create constructs out of nothingness, and manipulate pre-existing material created with the magic. Or, any existing crystals in the earth or on things such as jewellery. However, its main strength was in its offensive capabilities. Masaki knew that his defence wasn't even that strong, but the fact that Sabrina couldn't break through it only made things easier for him to plan out.

A grin on his face, Masaki did in fact create a dome to shield him from her attack. The petrol vials covering the crystals as the explosive crystals collided with the dome and set it alight. However the crystals didn't burn away or shatter. Instead the dome just kept on spinning. Masaki poured his magical power into the dome not only to strengthen it, but to keep it intact and much more sharper than the other crystals. It was then that he initiated his planned attack. With a clap of his hands the dome shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces except this time, each shard was coated in flame all thanks to Sabrina's petrol and her explosions. Directing his palm towards Sabrina he sent a barrage of the flaming crystals towards her in an omnidirectional assault, he then slammed his hands onto the ground as he called out, "Crystal Formation: Piercing Swords!" And with that, swords made out of crystals hurled towards Sabrina in unison with the flaming crystal shards. Masaki then jumped back to gain distance between the two and began charging up magic in his hands, ready to combat her next move should that attack fail. His facial expression was blank and a look of sheer concentration was on his face. Masaki was fighting seriously now, and he'd be sure to take the victory for Sabertooth.
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Mika took a stool and offered the seat to the Lavender. He sat himself beside her. The bartender noticed them and went over to them. "Hi Lavender dear, ooooh, who's your cute new friend there?" she leaned in towards Lavender and teasingly giggled to her ears. "So? What's your poison of choice?" she asked.

"Excuse me miss, I would like to have a beer and cocktail for the lady I presume. " he said. The bartender walked up to him and flicked his nose. "You really are cute honey, though are you sure you want a spirit? I don't want to lose my license serving you up kid." Mika covered his nose and looked at Lavender. He smiled at her reassuring her it was alright. "Ahm, honey? Trust me, I would like to have that beer. I may not look my age but I could swear on all of your gods that I am pretty much way older than any of you here." he reached for her hand and kissed the back of it. "No offense my dear."

Kelica - Intensive Care Infirmary

Kelica sat on the bed for a very long time. She felt a warmth on her back that was comforting, but the rest of her was numb. There was a lacrima screen in the corner of the room, showing the battles still going on but she took no heed of it. She needed to move, but she couldn't. Physically, yes, but she was heavy in a sense she just could not be bothered. Her green eyes seemed distant, the sparkle that almost always doned them now gone, like she was some sort of cyborg or robot. She felt literally nothing. She just stared, blankly, at her fingers. What the point in it all anyway? She couldn't save Malina's forest, even after the Dragon's had been slain, Lloyd had never returned to help her rebuild it. None of them had, Sora or Sera. No one cared about the forest or animals but her. She had helped Chris control his beast form....but the more she thought about it, the more she realised it hadn't been her. It had been Alfie and Sora....Sora was the one who killed the dragon, Sora was the one who stopped Chris and controlled him...Sora was the one who saved her and healed her. Sora Sora Sora, while Kelica did absolutely nothing. Her father had protected her in his safe forest when she grew up, not her, the past week or so it was Sabrina and Chris always protecting her. She couldn't protect a single thing, not even the flower at her bedside.

She was weak, and useless. What was her purpose in Fairytail anyway? A walking punching bag for foes? She pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. For the first time in her life she was alone, not a single person, animal or plant to talk to. She should just...go away. She doubted anyone would miss her now.

Slipping her feet to the ground, slowly taking her own weight, she stepped to the door to open it, hearing only the echo of her own footsteps. No voices of the forest. Just thud...thud...thud. She weaved around people as if she was invisible, head held low, hair covering her face. She left the infirmary, walked through the streets, away from the heart of town. Maybe she would go away, maybe forever. Her steps led her to the nearby forest, but there were no sounds. No animals greeted her. It was as lifeless as she felt. Like a zombie she kept on walking with a drag in her step, no purpose in her life at all.

@Kyuubey @Isune @Salt Lord
Midnight Seras-A Class-No Guild

FT Guild Hall

Plucking the Violin from its case, I gently place it on my shoulder and draw the bow across the strings slowly at first building into an ever increasing melody. The music swells around the hall slowly silencing the hall some as it grows more complex as I pour my emotions into the song.


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rbshinichi said:

Mika took a stool and offered the seat to the Lavender. He sat himself beside her. The bartender noticed them and went over to them. "Hi Lavender dear, ooooh, who's your cute new friend there?" she leaned in towards Lavender and teasingly giggled to her ears. "So? What's your poison of choice?" she asked.

"Excuse me miss, I would like to have a beer and cocktail for the lady I presume. " he said. The bartender walked up to him and flicked his nose. "You really are cute honey, though are you sure you want a spirit? I don't want to lose my license serving you up kid." Mika covered his nose and looked at Lavender. He smiled at her reassuring her it was alright. "Ahm, honey? Trust me, I would like to have that beer. I may not look my age but I could swear on all of your gods that I am pretty much way older than any of you here." he reached for her hand and kissed the back of it. "No offense my dear."

Lavender smiled at the bartender "This is Mikael, Mika for short." she said with the smile still upon her face as Mika jumped in asking for a Beer and cocktail for Lavender. Watching his actions, her stomach flipped as he kissed the bartender's hand and kissed it. More manners that made her happy! He was surprising the young wizard left and right. "Please, do get him a beer. If anything i'll be glad to take the blame and make sure you dont lose your license." for a young boy, he was mature, maybe too mature and it made her think that maybe he was older. Just possibly something went wrong with his growth spirt.

Before she knew it, everyone was taking cover and she sighed as she looked at one of the wizards unleashing power in the Guild Hall. Sighing, Lavender raised from her seat "It seems no one has manners in this hall but us." she said as she got up "Hide as well, Mika. I do not need a innocent boy getting hurt." she then started walking towards Clair "Clair! Stop this nonsense! You're going to demolish the whole hall if you explode in here."@rbshinichi @Mr Swiftshots @Unknown Falling
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Ever since Mika and Lavender got into the guild hall he noticed a bunch of he presumed mages from the guild having fun talking pretty loudly. After all, it was a bar, so he paid them no extra attention, how could he? He's being escorted by a gorgeous girl and a couple of rowdy chit chats would be the last of his concerns.

He took the wooden mug and chugged it down like it was one of the golden goblet from the mansion. "Say Lavender, is it always this lively here? Please don't get me wrong I do love lively surroundings, it keeps my mind at ease but these guys..." he swayed his head towards the group of people conversing louder and louder by the minute, "they seemed to be opposite of you..." before he could even finish his inquiry the loud conversations turned into something else entirely. It quickly became a riot of the smallest scale.

He watched Lavender rose from her seat and confronted the red headed lady who's involved in the ruckus. She told him to hide but that would not be something he would do. Confettis and some debris flew past him and with grace he dodged them all. His hand fell unto his sheathed sword while his fingers were tapping its handle, getting ready for anything he might be needing it for.

@Britt-21 @Kyuubey @Mr Swiftshots
Lavender Gray- FT Guild

Lavender paused her walking as the power became stronger. Clair didnt seem to be letting up anytime soon and was probably willing to destroy the Guild Hall just because someone had said something to her. By the sounds of it, someone either called her something or made fun of her for something. Either way, Clair had to be stopped. Though, before Lavender can take full action, Clair fell to the ground, passing out. "Too much magic energy I presume." the warrior then began to approach the limp body of Clair and crouched down becide her "This is what happens when you let words get the best of you." with that said, Lavender picked her up in a bridal style

she looked at Lyra "If you had caused this to her, i suggest you say sorry when she awakens. You could have had her ruin the whole guild hall!" Lavender scolded the girl with a sigh. @Unknown Falling @rbshinichi @Mr Swiftshots

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown noticing Clair now glowing yellow nonchalantly leans towards Lyra and whispers, "Is her hair going to grow spiky and blonde. Just curious." Casually watching what Clair was doing, he takes a glace out the front door, "Huh, it's getting cloudy today..." Then looking back at her, he said "Is she going to do anything, because she is just standing there acting like a light bub?" Of course Unknown might have cared a bit more and realize what she was even doing if he could see through the ceiling. With everyone's worried and having scared expressions he thought they were just a bunch of sissies and a toddler could scare them. Then Clair collapsed on the ground, and after she was picked up by Lavender, Unknown said "Well, I don't know about you guys but I think that was a clear victory for me."

@Britt-21 @rbshinichi
The place started getting darker. Mikael sensed that something of great force was started towards the guild hall. He suspected it was the red headed lady who summoned or casted something. Either way he was getting ready to terminate the threat agent. His eyes started to turn blaring red and he was about to unsheathe his sword when the girl fell down the floor of the guild with a thud. He relaxed and let go of his Senketsu.

He started towards where they were and looked at the girl unconscious but seemingly sleeping soundly. From their position at the bar he could hear clearly what they were talking about and what started the altercation. A delicate and sensitive girl meeting a full blooded bully, with their brains drenched with alcohol.

"True as it may be, that victory of yours was as shallow as your words." Mikael said straightly looking into the man's soul through the beads of reality he called eyes. "Though she was a bit of nuisance it shouldn't have escalated like that if you haven't provoked her like that." he continued.

@Britt-21 @Kyuubey @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots
Genon said:
Adrian watched as his differentiation attack hit home, and the clone reverted back into his opponent's normal state. He really would have rather not done that (if it weren't for the arena's enchantment, and that Adrian purposely avoided the chest and head area, Aiden could have died), but reading your opponent's mind was the ultimate in douchebaggery. Everything, from Adrian's brightest moments to his darkest secrets to his sexual fantasies were all in the mind of another now. And honestly, he had no idea whether the memories Aiden read were still in the Celestial Wizard's mind, but Aiden's tactic was low, extremely low. Up there with nut shots and throwing dirt in your opponent's eyes. And as they say, karma's a bitch.
But then, Aiden split into two and began casting an incantation. It was Urano Metria! Adrian knew that his barriers would do nothing against an attack like that, and Aiden had shown considerable tenacity so far, figuring out how to avoid most of Adrian's tricks. And with two of him, he doubted that he could actually interrupt them fast enough, or if they would even stop casting it if he hit them both.

But Adrian had a technique that was both faster than Urano Metria and did about the same amount of damage. It would use up a good chunk of his magical power, but he would have a few more techniques left in him. Aiden likely didn't have much left if he was resorting to such a powerful spell this early in the fight. It looked like he would be spent after that attack. It was a Death or Glory tactic, and if Adrian could survive it, he won.

Adrian's body began to glow purple, as a powerful aura coalesced around him. It began increasing in brightness until it was almost completely white, and then the entire arena was bathed in hellish purple-white light. "HELLSTORM!" Adrian shouted as the burst of arcane energy enveloped the arena, straining the enchantment that kept the arena intact. This would be enough to hopefully win the match for Adrian.
The eyes of the original Aiden widen, he no longer had any of the thoughts or memories for his opponent. This was bad news for him. The middle of the incantation it had to be on the middle of the incantation that he cast that hellstorm spell.

Shen stopped chanting, although Aiden continued. The snake had had the memories from the when Aiden copied Adrian. He studied his spells incase he would be summoned. Hell storm had started and Aiden ripped of the eye patch the hid the magic circle. As the hell storm took effect multiple stars had already appeared, he had ran in front of Aiden. Shen took this opportunity to summon that last line of defense they had.

" Sānjiaoxíng Yī Ér Sān!" A bright glowing triangle encased Aiden, this would hopefully protect him from the blast. If not then he would lose the fight

rbshinichi said:
The place started getting darker. Mikael sensed that something of great force was started towards the guild hall. He suspected it was the red headed lady who summoned or casted something. Either way he was getting ready to terminate the threat agent. His eyes started to turn blaring red and he was about to unsheathe his sword when the girl fell down the floor of the guild with a thud. He relaxed and let go of his Senketsu.
He started towards where they were and looked at the girl unconscious but seemingly sleeping soundly. From their position at the bar he could hear clearly what they were talking about and what started the altercation. A delicate and sensitive girl meeting a full blooded bully, with their brains drenched with alcohol.

"True as it may be, that victory of yours was as shallow as your words." Mikael said straightly looking into the man's soul through the beads of reality he called eyes. "Though she was a bit of nuisance it shouldn't have escalated like that if you haven't provoked her like that." he continued.

@Britt-21 @Kyuubey @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots
@Mr Swiftshots[/URL] @Kyuubey @Britt-21 @rbshinichi

Lavender Gray

Lavender narrowed her eyes at Unknown "You, Sir." she stated as she began her words after Mika had finished his "Sir Mika is right, your victory was as shallow as your words." clearly, Lavender hated people like these, or well...despised them. "People who consider this a victory are people I despise because of how shallow they are. If you were to pass out now, it would be my victory, right? I dont think so. Claming something just because the person passed out doesnt mean it's victory. This poor girl used all her magic energy to the point where she passed out. Have some consideration."

Turning her back to him as well as Lyra, the warrior walked over to the bar and got the Barmaid's attention "Please, get some water please. Thank you."

@rbshinichi @Unknown Falling @Mr Swiftshots @POSSIBLY ANYONE ELSE
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Somewhere in the stands where ferra is

(sorry for the crap post brains on fumes right now)

Cinla spots ferra and says" There's not doubt that muziki is strong but i sense several other strong auras here as well, so it's anyone's guess who will win but i'm curious who do you think will win ferra".

Unknown Falling:

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Unknown let out a chuckle, "She started accusing me of something I didn't do, she planed to attack me and passed out due to being extremely drunk. Not, because she "used all her magic energy". Also if your opponent loses consciousness they can no longer fight, making it the person left standings victory. So yes, if I passed out it would be your victory. Unless, you prefer fights to the death where you would have to slit their throat while their unconscious. But, that's not my style as it's unfair if your already dead." he chuckled to himself again.

He points to Mikael "But it might be yours? Would you rather have me attack her while she is glowing? Would it be not be shallow then? To hit a drunk girl because she can't handle her emotions? I can see by you're face that your the type too." he had a big smirk on his face, "All the living dead have are their, sight, hearing and emotions. It's makes use very good at sensing people's emotions. Similarly to a blind man having better hearing then most."

@Britt-21 @rbshinichi @Mr Swiftshots @Kyuubey
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Sabrina---Battle Tourney

Sabrina took the full brunt of the attack. Most her vials exploded in midair and she fell down in a flurry of fire and crystal shards, and she landed on the ground with another explosion as the rest of her vials exploded. She knew she was outclassed, but she didn't expect to be defeated this easily...The pain was overwhelming and she was literally burning up, but she suddenly felt extremely tired. She closed her eyes, mind blank, as everything faded to black...although something was off. Did she just see her arms move on their own right before she closed her eyes...?

Something moved within the charred blob where Sabrina had landed. Something suddenly stood up, wobbling a bit. It looked like Sabrina, but if you look closely, it wasn't her. The figure was still on fire, most of the body burnt black. The thing was extremely lizard-like, with scales running across its body, a long tail, a set of jagged teeth and reptilian claws. The only distinction was the the long horns protruding from the back of its head, and the wings. The thing dashed towards Masaki at an extreme speed, looking like something flying down from space and burning up in the atmosphere. The thing was running completely on adrenaline, and could probably last only a minute like this. It reached Masaki extremely quickly, and slashed down at him, long claws extended, and only the word 'kill' can be seen in her eyes.

Chris Lengheart(Why am I going to regret this?)

Chris continued walking until he saw Kelica run by. Well, now would be better than never. Chris followed behind, making sure he wasn't seen. He then used his draco form as a way to track her when she was out of sight. He eventually found here, a forest...of course. The massive beast finally came face-to-face with Kelica. Instead of saying anything, he simply walked over to her and curled up at her side. Maybe the two could just talk things out?


Auren Sol - Tournament Ring

"I...I did it..." Ren said quietly to himself. He actually managed tow in a match! Master GIlad would be so proud! Or maybe not. Probably he latter Ren looked upon Lysander and couldn't help but feel bad. His burns looked pretty painful but he shouldn't be severely injured. After all, fighting of that sort wasn't allowed in this type of tournament. He didn't expect the man's last attack to be so powerful. If he hadn't pulled the spell off in time Ren would've been a goner. He had the urge to go up to lysander and try to heal him but decided to let the medics do their jobs as he was led out of the ring.

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Midnight Seras-A Class-No Guild

After watching the darkness rise out of the girl and all that happened afterwards, I watch stunned for a moment in time then placing my violin back in its case I recall what I was ordered to do forever ago when I was young.

"Midnight, I want you to destroy the Fairy Tail Guild where it can never be formed again. If you we will allow you to join us, even if you're a freak" A man in a heavy cloak that dances in the wind, whispers to me. "It's what we trained you for, you are a tool and nothing more" The man laughs as he walks away and his minions surround me, inflicting more and more pain upon me.

"No... No.... No..... Not again...." I mummer as the darkness that was here before forces the past upon me once more, my gold eye glowing brightly and the silver one beginning to shine through the cloth covering it, my body begins to tremble as the magic inside begins to fluctuate.

@Everyone in the guild hall
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Kelica - Forest outside Magnolia

Kelica was staring at her feet so intently, watching every step she made, hearing the silence. It was almost overwhelming. And then something unexpected.. She felt a warmth come up beside her, her fingers reaching out to run along his fur like did she had done so many times before. Her body naturally leaning into the strong form even as her eyes were dull. She didn't say anything but she started to choak up, a hitch in her throat as her eyes filled with tears. "I'm...sorry... " she said meekly, before turning into his body and burying her face into his fur, her arms wrapping around his neck, drawing him in. Even after all the damage he had done to her, all the rage, he still made her feel safe.

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Tournament Medic Thingy

The match between Sera and Valken had been deemed a tie seeing as both contestants had passed out and were unable to continue. The match between Ren and Lysander had also been decided. Afterwards all four contestants were quickly called over and/or rushed to the infirmary. Sera was, thankfully, given a white t-shirt to cover herself up as well.
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Tournament Stands
Ferra had been watching the entirety of the fights, slightly depressed that she couldn't enter for the sole fact of her magic being entirely useless without consuming materials prior. Though, she technically could of, she wasn't about to spend a ton of money on materials due to the fact she didn't stand a chance at winning either way.

Sera's match was..interesting..to her to say the least. Mainly do the fact she was two seats over from Millie and got a front row seat to her boob show, which she regretted..but still. Soon after Cinla came over asking her who she thought was gunna win. "I dunno. Hopefully Grace does, it'd be awesome if Lamia Scale won the tournament." She replied.


@Kayzo @HuorSpinks @Drakerus

Tournament Medic Thingy

The match between Sera and Valken had been deemed a tie seeing as both contestants had passed out and were unable to continue. The match between Ren and Lysander had also been decided. Afterwards all four contestants were quickly called over and/or rushed to the infirmary. Sera was, thankfully, given a white t-shirt to cover herself up as well.
Cinla smiles and says" Oh yeah she was in the lovers spat which is now sorted, i don't really know grace so i can't really say much but i don't mind if she wins but i sure as hell don't want to lose to any normal members of st of ft if i can help it". " But in the mean time to you want something to eat i haven't eaten in a while and i gotta admit it's catching up on me".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Cinla smiles and says" Oh yeah she was in the lovers spat which is now sorted, i don't really know grace so i can't really say much but i don't mind if she wins but i sure as hell don't want to lose to any normal members of st of ft if i can help it". " But in the mean time to you want something to eat i haven't eaten in a while and i gotta admit it's catching up on me".


Asking Ferra to eat was like asking a homeless man the same question, answering the rest of Cinla's statements flew out of the window at the question of getting lunch. "Of course I do! Where do you wanna go? Wanna try one of the stands?" She asked her excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat for emphasis. She hadn't eaten anything for the past hour herself, so she was practically starving.
Mitchs98 said:
Asking Ferra to eat was like asking a homeless man the same question, answering the rest of Cinla's statements flew out of the window at the question of getting lunch. "Of course I do! Where do you wanna go? Wanna try one of the stands?" She asked her excitedly, bouncing up and down in her seat for emphasis. She hadn't eaten anything for the past hour herself, so she was practically starving.
Cinla giggled at ferra's reaction then says" Sure i don't mind the food stands i'm not a fussy eater after all and wow your sure hyper have you always been like this just out of curiosity".

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