Fae Hiding

"Control your mate, Seelie. I might just take him on his offer." Sven replies, apathetically. "Aside from that, I'm afraid you'd fail to do so if it came down to it. Killing me will be much harder than it seems." He warned before rubbing his chin with one hand. "Though, I do wish to know why your uncle is after you. Seelie usually aren't as hostile as you seem at the moment."
Nadeya dead-panned for a moment before recovering, "You know who I am, and yet you do not know why my uncle wishes me dead?" She slipped her bow over shoulder again, she wasn't going to be using it now. "That seems very unlikely if you were here to capture or kill me. And as for my mate," she looked back to Roarke desperately hoping she wasn't blushing when she said that, "you should know killing him isn't going to be very easy as well." She turned back to the Unseelie, "Nor am I." She reigned in her glamour, the slight purple aura disappearing.
Roarke chuckles, instead of his normal happy laugh it was a dark maniacal laugh "Come on then!" he takes out his knives, he was in fighting mode now. It wowuld be hard to take him out of it.
It was true though, Sven hadn't the slightest clue as to who she was yet she threatened him which was the reason he was willing to take her on, but she had sheathed her weapon now, why? This Seelie confused him but found them both of interest. He had to admit, the girl had moxie, that didn't mean he had to like it. The other Seelie, the male had caught his attention just as he was about to reply to the female.

"Why start a fight you won't win? Stalemates are a waste of my time." Sven replied, hand still at his sword in case the Seelie couldn't control himself.
Roarke growls, "This is why I do what I do, I'm the best at killing people, because I will do what ever it takes to make sure my enemy dies." Roarke takes a step forward standing tall
Nadeya reached out, her hand gripping Roarke's shoulder...hard. "Do not disobey a direct order. That will not be tolerated in this war." Her purple eyes furrowed in anger and annoyance, "He is not worth it, his words are hollow." She turned and started walking in the oppositte direction of where they were staying, this wsa not the kind of thing she needed to be wasting her time on for the god's sake!
Lily was asleep, curled up net to Zane and she was moving restlessly and making "Mm" noises in her sleep, she was having a nightmare. In the dream the house they were currently in was in ruins, She wandered out side and saw Nedaya and Roarke dead on the ground she went to run towards them but someone grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to them, she jumped and looked over her shoulder and saw Zane who smiled, a red glow to his eyes "Did i scare you, my sweet?" he asked in a deep scary tone sh had nodded and he smiled and kissed her cheek "I am so sorry then" another voice spoke up and she looked forwards to see a girl that looked much like her, with Zane's hair and eyes laughed cruelly "Father, this is no time to be smooching, we need to get rid of those too'" Lily screamed and cried out loud as she watched Nedaya and Roarke burn In a bonfire.
Lily started to cry as the warped zane in her dream hugged her a her and said "Whats wrong, love?" she wimpered in response and he craddled her and the girl, her daughter she supposed looked at the two and scrunched up her fetured "No pda please!" the zane laughed and kissed her, she struggled and said "No! let me go" the zane laughed and said "your mine"
Zane shakes her again "Lil what's wrong?" he gets up and fills a bucket up with cold water "Last resort if you don't wake up right now."
Lily cried more hysterically and let out a shrill scream as she watched her loved ones destroy others. She, imbetween her sobs said "No, Zane! don't . . .. please!" she let out another sob
Lily bolted up straight with a shiver and saw zane, latching onto him and sobbing quietly. "I think we are having a girl." she stated imbetween her sobs "I hope she doesent turn out like tbaf . . . . " she said to herself, stil clinging to zane
Lily sobed and said "Bad dream." once her sobs quietened down she said "You and our daughter, i suppose it was were evil, you killed Nedaya and roarke and burned them infront of me" she huccuped "Your eyes were red and you still loved me but it scared me"
"I would never kill Nadeya.. Arya wouldn't kill anyone either." he kisses her head lieing back down patting the spot infront of him
She sits next to him and leaned onto hm, she noticed ue said h wouldn't ki nadeya but nothing about roarke. She shrugged and said."i ment the baby in my stomach."
Lily laughed and kissed his eyelids before lying there, content. she thought about everything, The war, their baby, her past . . ."

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