Fae Hiding

Nadeya had her a silver arrow knocked, her bow not drawn yet but at the ready. She paused as the presence disappeared, the cold blinking away being replaced by the calm warmth of the woods. She growled quietly as she came up to where the presence had blinked out. She warily looked around, drawing the bow string back calling out, "Come out and show yourself. I have no time for your dirty underhanded Unseelie tricks..." She slowly circled in her spot.
Roarke watches Nadeya from a bit away, he just wanted to make sure she was safe. He would do anything to make sure she was okay.

Zane smiles and sits next to her "I'm getting all mushy I need to kill someone and get back to my regular self."
Lily looked at Zane and rested her head on his sholder "Neither one of us can afford to loose one of you, i cant especially not now" she said picking up his hand and placing it on her stomach . . ." i cant take that chance"
Zane laughs "I wouldn't be the one that died. Roarke can't beat me and he knows it, so does everyone else." he holds her lightly and leaves his hand on her stomache
Lily looked up at him and said "No uncle is as bad as no father, Zane Nedaya would be cut up, i dont want to see her like that, shes so strong normlly ... " she lent inyo him
"A horrible uncle is as bad as no uncle Roarke would resent the kid Nadeya would try to make him be nice but he wouldnt" Zane sighs and sets his head on hers
Looking down at the hopelessly confused and obviously heated Seelie, Sven couldn't help but examine her. She didn't look half as strong as her aura seemed. Strange fae, he thought to himself before speaking in response.

"Tricks? Do you really believe me to be that deceiving?" He chuckled in an echo before appear and disappearing once again in a completely different area. he covered his presence once again.
Nadyea fired an arrow, quickly reaching at her left hip to grab and re-knock it. She glared, "I am not in the mood Unseelie! I have more important things to do then deal with you..." She turned towards Roarke, slightly pissed that he had followed her...she respected his privacy...
She kissed his sholder "I admit you have a point there, babe, but Nedaya . . . I wish there was a way for ou two to work it out without the death"
Zane laughs "Roarke won't let that happen, neither will I." he yawns and leans his head on her shoulder

Roarke smirks lightly and sits back, he was going to let them fight it out. "Go ahead."
Nadeya glared at him before looking around again. She didn't want him to be there and get caught in the cross fire of their fight, "Unseelie...do you fight for my uncle? Or do you just pass through these woods?" Her voice held the authority of her birth.
Lily rested her head on his and sighed, her thoughtswere drifting betwen death her child and their mission. She closed he eyes and hoped for th best
If I did work WITH her uncle, what makes her think I'd tell her? Letting out a chuckle, Sven held out his hand towards her weapon, knocking it out of her hand as a cloud of smoke whisks it away. The Seelie seemed almost confused and scared for a second when she mentioned her uncle. He could feel the sliver of fear inside her even if she hadn't felt it. This brings a smirk to Sven's expression before he appears, shaking his head.

"Your Uncle? Maybe I am...maybe I'm not? What are you to do about it? I could have an army of Unseelie on their way right now for your throat and you wouldn't have the slightest clue. And what?" He looks over at Roarke.

"You have him?" He chuckled. Her energy intrigued him which was why he wanted to get her angry.
Nadeya glared at the bow on the ground, "Dirty glamour. And I would have to kill you then move on." She smiled, a sudden smell of rain and flowers coming over the area, a surge of glamour swelling around her, "Although why you would work for a dirty traitor like him I don't know. Much less a Seelie one, but he does seem to have you all so wrapped around his little finger." She didn't bother with the katana strapped to her back yet, her hands relaxed at her sides, she nudged her head towards Roarke, "And please, he's just a pawn in my army. Kill him if you wish."
"Killing me off would have to take a lot...I doubt you could do anything more than leave a scratch on my face." Sven replied with a shrug, noticing the glamour surrounding her. He then looked over to Roarke, shaking his head with a chuckle before looking back to her.

"You take me for a fool? I know he's obviously much more than a, as you've stated, "pawn". I feel it." He did and it disgusted him.

"If I were to work for your uncle, you'd know it's for the payment. You know us Unseelie's and our conniving ways." He replied.
Nadeya shrugged, she was confident in her power, and if it came down to it, she would force Roarke to run. Her blood was strong and wasn't new to using it, she sighed turning to where the voice had come from, "So you have no pride for your court? You enjoy summer all the time?" She didn't like when she was so easily read, she used to be able to hide her feelings better...she would have to work on that again.
Roarke laughs and hops from the tree landing almost silently between both of them, he slides his knife out of its sheathe and he looks at Nadeya it wasn't about protecting her, it was about pride now "Well, if we are so week why don't you see if you can handle me." he takes a step forward "Come on, let's go."
Nadeya grabbed Roarke by the shoulder, her purple eyes silently telling him to stop, "Ignore him, he's a little rash." She smoothly stepped out in front of him, "As I said, I am confident in my power, if you wish to fight, then that is your decision to die."
Roarke looks at Nadeya and gets infront of her pushing her back "I'm just a pawn right? Come on. Fight me." he growls and spits at the male fae's feet
Nadeya sighed before smacking him upside the head, "And I am also in command. Stay back...that's an order." Her voice had taken an icy tone to it, a tone of power and control. But she really felt bad for what she had called him..she didn't want him to be a usable target against her.

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