Fae Hiding

Nadeya quickly disentangled from the little group hug before walking back to Roarke and nudging him with her elbow, "Isn't there something you would like to say?" She glared at him, her eyes telling him to be nice.
Nadeya managed to contain her retort before turning back to Zane and Lily, smiling like an idiot, "We're both very happy for you, and Lily I would be honored if you chose me to be your mid-wife. Now if you'll excuse us-" She grabbed Roarke by the elbow and started leading him up the stairs.
Zane chuckles "uh oh."

Roarke looks at her and decided to make her less mad "yes my dear?" he kissed her deeply
Nadeya pushed his chest to get some space in between them, "No, you are not going to try and smooch up to me. I get that you hate Zane, but He and Lily are having a baby, your niece or nephew. You should be more supportive."She ran her thumb along his jaw, before going on tip-toe and kissing his nose, "Wouldn't you want Zane to be happy for you if you had a child?"
Nadeya blushed realizing what she had just said, "Well good..." She kissed him deeply, thankful for the distraction.
Lily stood shocked for a moment and then broke out into a grin she nodded and turned around and hugged Zane "that went extreamly well . . . well from Nedaya I didnt know howvtelling Roake would go . . . " she shrugged and kissed Zane lightly
Zane smiles hugging her lgithyl. "You want a boy or girl?" he smiles

Roarke smiles and pulls her back out to lilly
Lily thought a while and said "I want a baby boy . .. I don't know but I've love a girl too but a boy if i have a girl later and we cant protect her, someone can" She said smiling, her eyes actually glee-full for only the second time since coming here the first time was when she first kissed Zane, without being confused as to who to choose . ..
Zane smiles and hugs Lilly close, he was actually happy it was such a new feeling to him he was so used to being hated and ignored. "Ah, a boy. I think a boy would be just fine." he smiles, he wanted a girl but she didn't ask so he wasn't planning on telling
Nadeya leaned against the doorway for a moment, "I agree, a big brother is usually very protective of their younger siblings. Especially the girls..." She frowned for a moment remembering her own brother before she clapped her hands together with a smile, "I think this deserves a feast, or at least what I can throw together. Today is something to celebrate!"
Lily smiled at zane and beamed at Nedaya "Im so happy right now" she said hoping nothing ruined it at least for a while. She looked at zane again and said "and what do you want" she asked turning around and wraping her arms around his neck and looking him in the eye with the happiest look she has ever had
Zane kisses her lightly "I want a girl." he smiles lightly hoping she wouldnt be angry for some reason

Roarke walks in and taps Zane shoulder "W need to go. We have a job."
Nadeya peeked her head out of the kitchen, eyes curious, "Be careful! I plan on making enough food to feed an army, and I need you two here to help eat it." Secretly she wanted to know what they were going to do.
Roarke pulls Zane outside "We've got David and Arya to help us." he hands Zane a knife an they start walking away making sure no one was following
Sven stomped on the last sparked flame of the residual fire from earlier, putting it out of it's pathetic attempt to grow. His eyes wandered to the slight light peeking through the clouds, narrowing his vision as a few birds flew by before slowly beginning to walk again, pulling his face mask up to the bridge of his nose. His hand slid down to the hilt of his sword by his side as the silence grew on his expense.
Lily smiled and kissed his cheek on his way out "Be safe . . " she then turned to Nadaya and fiddled a little "I need something to do with my hands . . . I cant stay still"
Nadeya peeked out of the kitchen again, "Too bad, stay there while I cook." She had sensed a new prescence and she didn't want Lily to see her with her weapons at hands. Best not to stress her.
Zane comes back with blood down his shirt he waves to a girl that was standing outside "Goodbye." he smiles and hugs her lightly hoping lilly didnt notice. "Be safe. Go back to the city it is too dangerous for you to stay here."

((Zane is not cheating on lilly. She can think he is, There is a story behind it though'))

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