Fae Hiding

Lily nodded and said "Yeah its a pretty name, if its a boy can we name it after my father? his name was Jaxon, with an x" she smildd at his enthusiasnm towards them having a chid it ment he ared he wasnt to scared and would run of
Nadeya nodded, reluctant to leave the comfortable position. She stood and stretched, her short tunic lifting to reveal creamy skin. She turned back and grinned at Roarke before heading towards the mouth of the cavern, checking her weapons, making sure they were secure. (post your character info and then we'll see)
Roarke sprints and jumps off the mouth of the cavern falling and vines wrap around his waist,seemingly appearing from no where, and lower him to the ground safely
Nadeya called down to him, "Well if its showing off we're doing-" She jumped off the lip of the cave mouth and suddenly disappeared, leaves and an assortment of flower petals taking her place. They swirled in a spiral fashion until they reached the ground. When they did finally land Nadeya was suddenly standing there with a giant grin on her face.
Name: Sven Blackwell

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Fae

Court: Unseelie

Personality: Sven can be cruelly cold and unforgiving. He has no mercy when he gets to the point of hatred for something. Sarcasm is a big part of Sven's attitude, not to mention arrogance. He isn't into emotional things so as soon as that stuff is brought up, he will completely block you out. Sven isn't really as mean as he seems; he just doesn't feel like others are worth his good side. Once he's obligated on something, he keeps to it and is loyal, as unbelievable as it may seem.


(Anything I should add or change?)
(oh...you're unseelie...this might not end well....but none the less..ACCEPTED! MWAHAHAHA FEAR MY MOD POWERS!...of which I actually have none...read the rp back a ways to get what's going on, but read the very first post, it'll help a lot.)
(All I've read so far is a lot of "mushy-mushy" "kissy-kissy" schtuff. Where are they? In a cave err...something?)
Zane smiles and kisses her head. "They are on their way i belive."

Roarke pulls her inside and sees Zane. His muscles tense.

(If nadeya doesnt like him neither will Roarke. That being said. ifRoarke hates him Zane will love him.))
(Nadeya is a Seelie fae..or basically summer fae, Sven is Unseelie, or winter fae, they are like natural enemies. They are all in the house. but they will notice if you're around in the area.) Nadeya put a hand on Roarke's shoulder to calm him before smiling at the two, "Hello you two, how has your morning been."
(Nadeya's Uncle has the Unseelie court and Seelie court under a complete...dictatorship? I don't know so Seelie court has rule over the season.)
Roarke clenches his fist

Zane smirks widely "It's been eventful." he looks at lilly then at nadeya "Tell her."
Lily looked at Nedeya shyly, she didnt know how nedaya would think of this sotuation, wether it was good or bad and said "well me and zane are pretty sure im pegnant, i dont wanna not help you i still do . .. . .but yeah"
Nadeya stared blankly at Lily for a moment before glancing down at her stomach then back up at Lily. Then a giant grin spread across her face, "This is wonderful!" She practically ran to Lily before scooping her up in a hug.

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