Fae Hiding

Zane holds her up and pecks her on the nose lightly "Hey watch your step."Roarke smiles and hugs her leaning against the wall
Nadeya smiled holding his side, leaning her head on his shoulder, "Et da mihi osculum, suavitas ego hac nocte. Sicut ventus spirat eius flatum vita mea. Excitatus es parte meorum. A facetiarum. In mea somnia." She quietly hummed the melody, the sound echoing earily in the chamber.
Roarke smiles "What is our plan for when this is all over?" Zane smiles "When this is all over you'll stay with me right?" he puts a hand on her stomache
Nadeya's face blanked, "I had always thought that when we won I would take over as rightful ruler to the throne..." She blinked uup at him, "I always just assumed I would pay the people who had helped me, and hadn't thought much after that..."
Roarke sighs "Oh, alright. Have you thought about it? I mean if you haven't or I mean if you don't want me to stay. I mean,." he sighs and swallows hard
Nadeya lightly punched him in the shoulder, "Of course I want you to stay,I just can't promise how much time we'll be able to spend together though." Her face scrunched in thought, "I mean I have to get the kingdom back in order and everything..." She she dropped her head on his shoulder again, "I'm just glad you'll be there with me."
Nadeya blushed lightly, inwardly freaking out, gripping his shirt, "Were you about to say married?" Her voice wavered as she said this.
(3 Kishi, Roarke, and myself)

Lilys eyes lit up and she kissed him deeply "You really think so?" she was a little young but she didnt mind sh loved him, it was his child in her stomach and she loved it as much as she loved him
Nadeya kissed him back, "I love you too Roarke." Her pale skin was red and her purple eyes were sparkling. (Yup, I'm the 'mod' so you can put you info on here and everything, but if Roarke or Lily don't want to accept you I will take their opions into account.)
Roarke smiles as he hears something in the cave "What was that?"

Zane smiles "I'm positive." he laughs and hugs her lightly

(I'm fine with it.)
(me too) Lily smiles she couldnt have been happier and hugged him tightly "Oh my . . . " she was practically glowing with happiness
Nadeya turned around confused, but pulled out her dagger from her hip none the less, "Nothing every used to get in here." Her ears twitched as she listened.
"Probably just a animal." he smiles and sits there leaning gaisnt the wall

Zane smiles and kisses her "I lov you." he kisses her head."
Lily smiled and said "I love you too" she put his hamd on her belly and left it there "it feels nice" she blushed slightly and said "so many things to think about" she said and then said "Like names"
Nadeya nodded, and slowly put away her dagger, warily looking at where he had heard the sound. She went and sat next to him, "So...you want to get married?"

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