Fae Hiding

She shakes her head and kisses him once more "Not that i know of"

(Later that day . . idk maybey cause she only half fae she develops the baby quicker?)

(So like she could get sick or other symptoms)
Zane smiles and laughs just lieing in bed, he slips his fingers in between hers and looks up at the celing
Zane shakes his head "Something feels odd about you.. Your life force isn't as strong as usual, are you feeling sick?"
Lily shook her head and said "No but i have the craving for strawberry milk" she looked kinda confused, she rarely craved anything and usually it was chocolate. She stretched and took his hand and led him to the kitchen and looked around to find strawberries to substitute her craving and she found some and took a bite of one before making a face " what is wrong with me? strawverries are my favorite fruit these tast like uhhg"
She smiled and kissed him back "you dont think . . . " she trailed off and looked at her stomach as if to see if she could se a bump, which it was much to early if she even was, she was probably being paranoid, right? "but we only just . . . it cant be that fast. . .. " she looked up at him waiting for his answer/reaction
(woah...time loop fast...me not in it...lol pretend this happened last night?) Nadeya chuckled, "I left because I seriously doubted my ability not to kill something."
"You are a fae." he smiles lightly and looks at her and kisses her lightly "even if you are is that so bad lilly?"

(Last night for Roarke and Nadeya) "Fine let's just sleep okay?"
she wraped her arms around his neck an nodded "we are about to go into a war and im only half fae, i dont know what will happen, any other time . . . " she trailed of and rested her head on his sholder
Zane smiles and kisses her cheek "You can stay back from the fighting, aslong as you are safe." he smiles
She kisses his and said "But i want to fight, sure im good at hiding and stuff like that, but still .. . . " she trailed of and shook her head, they couldn't even tell . . . . ..
Lily giggled and said "why nnoooootttt? if its the pregnant thing we dont even know if i am and it is unlikely .. . " she said looking up at him with big eyes, now that the subject had arisen she really wanted to conferm it .. . somehow.
Zane sighs "fine. in a few days I will check to see if there is something else feeding off your life force, and if there is no fighting for you." he smiles and pecks her on the cheek
Zane sighs "You aren't going to be useless..." he smiles lightly

Roarke sighs and falls asleep.

Roarke wakes up and rolls over kissing Nadeya's neck lightly "Wake up.
lily hugged him and pushed him up into a sitting possition and sat on his lap "I would though imean if i cant fight, what can i do?"
Zane smiles "You will be safe and be protecting our child." he smilss

Roarke smiles "Sorru for acting like an ass last night."
Lily grinned and kissed him 'that's now what i mean .. . I mean . .. Nedaya needs help with this . . that's why stayed and i cant just not help her . . ." she pleaded for him to understand.

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