Fae Hiding

Nadeya nodded before going after Roarke, "Roarke! Stop for a moment!" She caught up to him, "You need to stop this," she grabbed his hand in both of hers, "if not for me, at least for Lily. She is young and she cares for him." She tucked her hair behind her pointed ear, "And for this mission, we are only as strong as our bond. With you and Zane at each others throats we don't have a chance and most likely will all die." She hugged him then. "Please."
Nadeya let him go suddenly, "For the love of the gods! Nevermind Roarke." She let him go angrily before walking back outside and jumping through the trees. 'If he is going to be like that then fine.' She suddenly flew at a tree, her hand glowing purple and punched it, felling the tree. It made a resounding crash as it hit the ground and Nadeya stood there lightly panting.
Nadeya walked over to the part of the tree that was on the ground and flopped down on it, "I apologize great one, my quarrel is not with you." She said this while running her hands over the tree, flowers growing where her hands had touched.
(I didn't see Kishi's post the "I guess" was Zane to lilly, oh well)

Roarke growls and walks into his and Nadeya's bedroom he slams the door and sits on the bed "She doesn't understand, but if she wants to over-react that is fine." He hits the wall putting a hole in the wall, and splitting his knuckle open.Blood poured down his hand onto his white shirt as he lied on the bed.

Zane sighs and kisses Lilly lightly as he hears the crash from the bedroom "Sounds like Roarke is angry?" Zane laughs lightly just enjoying being able to spend time with Lilly. If things went badly on the mission either Roarke or Zane would die, now he had to decide who would he rather have be happy, him and Lilly or Nadeya and Roarke?
Nadeya was ashamed, after all she is 159 years old, she shouldn't have thrown a fit like that. She lay back on the fallen tree humming nothing to herself as she thought. She currently was unarmed besides the two daggers she always carried at her side and in her boot and she felt exposed, she sighed sitting up deciding to go back.
Nadeya peaked inside the door and looked around before chiding herself, 'Nadeshda compose yourself!' She stood tall and managed to take a few confident steps before she broke into a run, fleeing to hers and Roarke's room hoping he wasn't there. She flew in shutting the door behind her and turned around...to see a bloody Roarke, "What happened?!" She rushed to him kneeling next to the bed.
Roarke stands up and takes off his shirt slipping on a different one "i'm fine. What do you care?" he regretted saying that as soon as the words left his mouth
Lily smiles and kisses him back, she nodds frowning, she was thinging they wern't the best team at the moment, and especially when they needed it most, they could be caught anythime and if they were . . well things would go to good.
"lilly. If we do fail and things go bad, I want you to run. Run as fast as you can, even if im not running with you i want you to be safe. Even if it means me dieing." he swallows hard and looks at her just hugging her lightly "Promise you will."
Lily looked taken aback and nodded "O-okay I will, I promise, but please don't die" she sat on his lap facing him and hugged him tightly "I don't want you to go" she said, she loved him she didn't want him to die, she didn't want to let him. Lily would feel it was her fault (OMFG i just had an idea! I'll PM ya)
Zane smiles "I more then love you, I admire yoh. You are amazing." he smirks "Want to get in bed? it's getting late."
Nadeya's face immediately went into shadow, "I do care Roarke, but-" She stood frustrated with how things were going. Then she laughed and sat back down still laughing, "I just realized something, nothing that I've ever been given that makes me happy stays."

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