Fae Hiding

Nadeya led the way to a nearby glade, her long hip length white hair swaying. She kept the pace somewhat slow, for Lily, but she didn't look back at the boys. She stopped at the edge of the glade and started to remove her weapons. Obviously the others were meant to do the same.
Roarke drps his weapons to the ground

Zane looks at Roarke as he drops his weapons "Me and you Roarke. No weapons. You can maim but not kill."
Lily grabbed her bottle of healing stuff and followed them, sitting on a rock and writing on a peice of paper, glancing up eventually
Nadeya stepped between the two, "no, we will be playing by my rules. Zane and Roarke.." She smiled sweetly at them, "You will be tag teaming me. You have five minutes to have me down. No death, no weapons, otherwise, everything else is a go." Her purple eyes twinkled in mischief, oh yeah, this was going to be fun. She jumped up, a swirl of leaves and flowers in her wake. "Begin!"
Zane appears behine her almost instantly "Hey, forget about my speed?"

Zane disappears in a flash of light and Roarke appears in his place "We have learned to take each other's places."
Nadeya grinned, "That's good, I didn't think you could work together so well, but did you forget my glamour." Nadeya brought her hand up towards Roarke, white light shining in the palm of her hand as she struck out. If he would have looked closely he would have noticed that she had grabbed a leaf from the ground, before something went flying at him, a silver shuriken. She grinned, that should surprise him.
Nadeya barely even rolled her eyes at the fallen Roarke, the shuriken returning to its original form of a leaf, but the damage still there. She glanced around warily for Zane, "That's half a minute, remember in battle every second counts! You have hardly four minutes left!" She crouched lightly, her muscles loose and ready.
Zane appears infront of Nadeya

Roarke sneaks behind Nadeya and warps his arms around her, trapping her "Don't let your enimies behind you." he kisses her neck, trying to mess with her.
Nadeya foot connected and she felt a twinge of gilt but easily pushed aside. She twisted her body, attempting to use Roarke's greater weight against him in order to throw him off and over.
Nadeya didn't let that faze her, "Zane, time is of the esscence here! Three minutes left!" She rolled her eyes at Roarke, knowing he was fine, before she brought her arms upin a defensive position bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Zane smiles, he suddenly dissappears

Roarke hops up and smiles "Well, come on? " he looks at her and smiles

Zane appears next to Roarke
Nadeya sighed, he needed to take this more seriously. She shook her head at the two and stood straight up crossing her arms across her chest. f they would not take this seriously, neither would she. But if they didn't make the time limit then there would be hell to pay.
Nadeya rolled, so that he couldn't pin her, but still did nothing to take this seriously. That was fine with her, they were showing how much this meant to them. She disentangled from Roarke and rolled to her feet., back to them.
Nadeya turned and glared at him, her burrowed brows making the scar cutting the left one in half even more pronounced. She then moved to fst for Roarke to follow and had him pinned in less then two seconds, "this is what happens when you 'can handle yourselves'." She let him go and turned to Zane, "Now come at me and be serious about it this time, because my Uncle's men will not take it easy on you becasue you 'can handle yourselves." There was fire raging in those purple eyes, "Zane, if Lily were to be attacked," She suddenly moved towards Lily, grabbing her knife from the pile on the ground and holding it the girl's neck, "what are you going to do?"

She was holding Lily by her hair so that her neck was fully exposed, and she leaned down to Lily's ear, "Sorry, about this."

(sorry for the god mod, I had to get a point to the characters with her.)
Zane's eyes narrow and he suddenly appears hitting Nadeya rather hard, he tackles her to the ground the knife somehow found its way into Zane's hand and against Nadeya's throat. he had it pressed against her throat, drawing blood "Watch it. Im not Roarke. I will kill you."
Nadeya smiled, a dark chuckle escaping her mouth, "Good." She brought her legs up to Zane's stomach, her toes digging into his gut and kicked him off. She rolled back and over, her knife glinting in her hand, "And while I'd prefer not to leave Lily without a beau, and your child without a father....But do not think that I will hold back to you."

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