Fae Hiding

Lily's eyes had widened with fear at first, but when Nedaya whispered to her she tried to calm herself down, not doing a good job
Nadeya forced herslef to fall forward, barrel rolling awy and popping up onto her feet. She lunged in at Zane, her knife in her left hand, her right arcing out to strike him in the jaw. Watching these two fight, both with their incredible speed would be akin to watching blurs.
Zane ducks and grabs her by the throat, a knife appearing in his right hand, he lets himself get hit in the jaw and he takes his knife cutting down her arm
Nadeya hissed lightly, bringing her knee up to Zane's gut. She quickly swung down with her other fist as well. His fighting technique was sloppy, it left him to open to attack, but it was effective.
Zane laughs, it wasn't his normal one. It was the laugh of someone who lost his sanity long ago "a normal person would be dead."
Lily was filled with fear and stood, trying to see if his eyes were red, if theu were she would tell Nedeya to stop. She would NOT let him fight like that,where everyone was in a thousand times more danger.Including her and their baby.
Zane appears infront of Lily and kisses her head lightly "Sit down." his blue eyes look down at her before he disappears again
Lily sighed in releif and smiled at him, pecking him back quickly as she sat back down, and she wondered where the laugh came from. She knew he had been torchured but was it to the degree it effected him when he was not fully ... out of it? She watched him carefully, a small fond smile was set on her face. Lily still felt the tingles where Zane had kissed her and she wondered why. She wasnt his mate, His had been killed.....
Nadeya waited for Zane, looking reassuringly to Lily, "Hey, take it easy. This is just practice." She glared grumpily at nothing for a moment, "Even if I had to use a dirty tactic to jump start it." Her purpleyes softened lightly, and put your feet up."
Lily pulled her legs upp and crossed them "No, no I was seeing if his eyes were red . . . . He doesent care who he hurts then." she said, smiling reassuringly at Nedaya
Roarke comes up behind Nadeya and wraps his arms around her waist kissing her neck softly hoping toget her to let her guard down
Nadeya sighed relaxing her stance, "Hello." Her voice was soft and she bowed into the touch. She brought her hands up to lightly grip Roarke's arms and sighed lightly, leaning her head back on him. Her eyes moved over to his, "So, I've decided that this training was slightly useless." She pecked him on the cheek, "Although your skills are admirable."
Roarke blushes slightly and kisses her again "Thank you." he spins her and tackles her to the ground pinning her hands down and using his knees to hold her legs down
Nadeya chuckled, her eyes glaring playfully at Roarke, but she did not resist, "Yeah yeah, what? You think that you're going to get sugar from me?" She grinned at him before bringing her head up the limited distance she could to kiss the tip of his nose.
Lily walked over to Zane and smiled, standing on her tippy toes to ruffle his hair, and only just able to reach "Did you have fun?" she asked
Nadeya sighed, rolling her eyes, "For today, yes." She leaned up on her elbow, leaning over Roarke and rubbing his chest with her free hand. She grinned at him softly, "You work me over to well. Come here, you owe me a kiss." She gripped the cloth on his chest, pulling him towards her for a strong passionate kiss.
Roarke laughs and kisses her softly before pulling back, he was just going to tease her a bit "There." he smirks mischeviously

Zane smiles and kisses lilly's forehead "Yes, I guess so."
Nadeya huffed, but didn't pout, she was above that. What she did do was to lightly punch Roarke's shoulder, "...You're no fun."
Zane smiles and hugs her then pulls her over to Nadeya "It's getting dark." he lies down and pats the ground between him and Nadeya

Roarke smiles and lies next to her, ignoring Zane "Let's just watch the stars."
Nadeya smiled, waving her hand at a nearby tree, it suddenly blooming pink buds, falling i the wind. She sent them to swirl around Zane and Lily, smiling as she lay back next to Roarke. She lay her head on his chest, content to watch the stars.

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