Fae Hiding

Nadeya heaved herself up and headed inside in time to hear that lovely encounter and smiled heading towards the kitchen smelling something delicious coming from there. She righted one of the chairs and sat down resting her face in her hand.
Zane sighs "Do we havveee too." he kisses her and laughs lightly he picks her up and recoils slightly as a sharp pain shot throgu his back he carried her into the kitchen and set her downRoarke walks out with plates of food for everyone "Eat up." he smirks
Lily laughed and said "yyyeeesss" as he recoiled she saud "Love, your back still hurts put me diwn, Babe! Zane!" but the more she struggled the tighter he held she kissed him once she was set down nd said "your too selfless"

*walks down a path mt shirt cut up badly bleeding and looking like i had fire blown all over me*wispers:no, the legacy of the three must not die out, i cant let myself loose this fight, if the order of maglir recovers it will mean death*trips and falls*
Lily smiled and said "Love, don't lie, I can tell when you do." she gave him a quick pec on the cheek before eating "Mmmm" she said once she had swallowed "This is really nice" She took another bite and rested her head on his sholder.
Roarke looks at Zane "I still don't like you." Roarkesits down and growls Zane sits and clenches his fists "Good, Idon't like you either." Zane pushes the table into RoarkeRoarke gets up and stands tall "Lilly keep your dog on a shorter leash."Zane stands tall over Roarke
Lily stood up abd yelled "HE IS HUMAN BEUNG LIKE YOU I DONT OWN HIM, BUT I LOVE HIM SO ID APRECIATE IF YOY NVER SAID THAT AGAIN" sge took a deep breath and sat down "Zane please stop" she added. Lily needed to calm down, but just couldnt
Nadeya grabbed Roarke's shirt and pulled him back down to sit, "Was that really neccesary?" She turned to Zane, "Same goes to you, I feel like I'm baby-sitting three year olds with you two now knock it off." Her eyes flashed angrily as she stood up and went to the door turning to look back at the two when she did, "If you don't I will be forced to leave you three behind, I can't have children fighting in this war with me." With that she turned and walked out the door shutting behind her. She started setting up a perimeter and scouting the sorrounding area.
Zane sits down his fists and teeth clenched "Sorry. lilly." he squuzes the edge of the tableRoarke walks outside after Nadeya "Sorry." he growls and crosses his arms
Nadeya turned to Roarke and wrapped her arms around his waist craddling her head into hi neck and murmured something unintelligible.
Lily smiled and said "I am, but for some reason, not at you" she breathed slowly and it was calming her down, the hug. She relaxed a little and said "I didnt like what roarke said at all . . its discusting, I am proud though that you didnt attack him."
Zane kisses her and smiles Roarke holds Nadeya close and stands there "You aren't mad?" (So temted to try to get Nadeya and Lilly to turn on each other because of Roarke and Zane fighting.)
"You look beautiful Lilly." he cups her chin stroking her cheek with the side of his thumb

Roarke kisses her head lightly "It will be okay Nadeya."
Zane reaches into his pocket "I have something for you..." he pulls out a box and opens it in the box is a silver necklace with a dark green emerald in the middle "you like it?"
Nadeya smiled at him, "I know, its just nothings certain." She softly ran her hand across his chin, "I just don't know."
Roarke kisses her "I will make sure it is safe, no matter the cost." He kisses her cheek and smiles lightly

Zane smiles "It's magic, the closer you sre to me the brighter it gets, and if I'm ever hurt or in danger you will know."

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