Fae Hiding

Roarke kisses nadeya and bites her ear playfully

Zane smiles and kisses her cheek he lies down his back hurt from carrying her
Lily smiled and said "I never gave you that massage do you want it now you seem sore" she smiled softly and lay down next to him and rolled him over gently massaging his back
Nadeya's eyes narrowed in a mock glare and bit Roarke's lip, immediately craddling her head into his shoulder so he couldn't get her face.
Roarke tickles her and laughs "You arent safe!"

Zane smile "Sure." he lets out a deep breath and lies ther
Lily smiled and massaged the areas that were not covered in scars, she smiled and asked "Is your back feeling better?" she hoped it recovered soon she didntvwajt him in pain if any kind, the thought made her worried.
Roarke laughs and looks up at her he smiles

Zane smiles and grabs her so she was leieing down next to him he lies there and closes his eyes eventually he starts snoring quietly
Lily awwd softly she hugged him with one arm and she lifted the other and stroked his cheek softly, shevkissed his forehead and said "I love you"
Nadeya stopped her assualt on Roarke and smiled back at him, "hey." She flopped down next to him and snuggled up next to him, "Its really great being back herewith people I care about." She poked his side, "Especially you."
Nadeya rolled over and rubbed her eyes blinking at the sun, "Morning." She smiled and stole a quick kiss before rolling out of the bed, "Be back in a bit." She went outside to the glade and got into the beginning pose of her prayers.
(It said Kishi replied there . . . )

Lily smiled and kissed his forehead and put her head on top of his, she could feel his breathing on her neck and she smiled.
Nadeya's mind couldn't quiet like it usually does when she's focused, she kept thinking about how close she was to her uncle and how she was about to bring war to the fae world. She slumped down leaning against a tree after finishing, "What am I doing?"
Roarke walks over and opens the door "Hey zane and lilly come eat and stop lieing around doing.. Things." he snickers and walks awayZane throws a pillow at roarke "out!" he laughs

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