Fae Hiding

Nadeya smiled at the two, they were cute and she was glad that Lily was happy. "Blugh." She swatted away a very brightly colored bug, "We shouldn't be far now, we're starting to reach the border, if you haven't noticed the fauna around is..brighter? More colorful? Anyway we should be there soon."

(I son't know when I'll be able to post, school started and I'm uber busy. So sorry in advance guys.)
Lily smiled and said "Feel better?" she hoped so the last thign she needed was him to feel sick or sleepy it was the last thing ANYONE needed.
Lily raised her eyebrows and said again "Feeling better? or it is your back" she asked and climbed around so she wasnt on his back but facing him.
Lily laughed and said "Hiya, i was making sure your back didn't hurt, You look bored do you think you could run FAST without leaving Nadeya and Roarke?"
"With out leving them? No but we could run ahead and relax a bit." he sprints ahead until they are i a small clearing alone
Nadeya watched them run ahead, she didn't mind and there weren't to many dangerous animals in this area. She looked at Roarke, "What to you think?" She gestured around the area. They should be there any moment.
Nadeya playfully punched Roarke on the arm, "Thanks, I just grew up around here." She grinned as she walked up on Lily and Zane, "You two are adorable." She kept walking forward and pulled away some overgrown trees, showing a somewhat decrepit but once beautiful two story house. "Welcome to my old summer home, don't mind the vines, they like to grow here."
Nadeya ran inside all the stuff she was carrying bouncing around as she let go. She ran up the stairs and down the hallway to the last room, "And this is my room, you can't have it!" She giggled as she went in and shut the door. This all happened in a matter of maybe ten seconds. The room was how she left it too, just dustier. She dropped all the stuff on the floor and flopped on the bed, coughing lightly as she inhaled the dust.
Roarke jumps and lands on the bed dust poofing up around him "Isthis my room too nadeya?" he smilesZane pulls lilly into a room "Is this our room i guess?"
Nadeya smiled at him and mocked thinking, "Well I suppose if you must." She snuggled towards him the faded blue walls of her room a reminder of what once was.

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