Fae Hiding

Zane shoves Roarke "Shut it Roarke. Nadeya what is the plan?" he tilts his head slightly

Roarke balls his fist tempted to hit Zane
Nadeya grabbed Roarke's arm and pulled him back by the waist, "There's no need for that either of you, and if you don't have a good spot, I have a spot but the problem is, it's on the outskirts of my 'uncles' kingdom." She sighed and leaned her head on Roarke's shoulder, "That bastard."
Roarke hugs nadeya around the waist standong behind her he sets his head on her shoulder "Sorry."

Zane smiles "Wow. Of all the people you are the one who finally broke Roarke." he laughs
Lily smiled he was adressing Nadeya, being around Roarke without his mask on (it was in her jacket pocket) and smiling if happiness was fireworks no where in the world would be dark.
nadeya chuckled as she relaxed into Roarke for a moment, "He's nice when he's not trying to kill you." Sighing she broke from Roarke after a quick kiss gathering her stuff, "We better head out, that smoke is going to be a beacon for them to come for, plus this is probably the best time to move to the house next to my uncle's perimeter." She turned to Roarke with a smile, "It's a really nice place, my siblings used to go there when my parents were stuck in delegations."
Zane smiles "If they are coming you go ahead. Just tell me where it is and ill meet you there?" he was asking to stay to fight. He knew lilly would say no if she did e would go with them
Lily nodds "Sure, just dont let anything happen to ypu" she said she didnt know he was going to fight and didnt want him hurt

She embraced him one more time before she left and she whispered "remember to come back, dont leave like he did" she said shakily remembering him
He looks at her "I wont." he hugs her and smiles "I dont need my mask. They get to see the man who kills them."

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