Fae Hiding

Zane smiles as Roarke walks out Roarke stands watch leaving nadeya inside

Zane walks in and showers washing all the blood off himself there was a bad gash on his arm from an axe he wraps it up not wanting to bother lilly he picks her up and lies down setting her infromt of him he holds her. Her head had fallen on his chest he closes his eyes and finally gets a restful sleep. (Time skip?)

;Lily wakes up the next morning smiling in her sleep, she see's she is ontop of zane and puts her chin on his sholder, not moving. "Aww" she said and kisses his nose.
He crinkles his nose still asleep and rolls over revealing cuts and bruises on his back and arms and the bandaged cut on hos arm he snore softly and smiles in his sleep
Lily frowns and wriggles out from underneath him, she gets antiseptic cream from her bag and rubs it softly into his back, covering all the cuts.
Zane smiles as he wakes up he streatches and yawns but then notices lilly isnt next to him "Lilly?" he didnt even reallize she was rubbing the cream on his cuts
Lily nodded and laughed, finishing on his cuts "That's me." she said and placing the first aid kit next to the bed she asked "Was there any trouble?"
Zane smiles and kisses her cheek "None at all." he had taken his mask off because it had some

Blood on it he looks at her and leans in to kiss her his skin was cold to touch from him being outside most of thr night
Lily smiled and kissed his cheek back before kissing him. "Zane, your freezing." she said and wraped the blanket around his sholders
He sighs she was always taking care of him he honestly was puzzle as to why she did it he smiles "Im fine. " he hugs her lightly and then sits there looking at her
He smiles and kisses her "I love you." he lies his head in her lap and yawns he had oly slept for about an hour
"I c-cant *Yawn* how will i know you are safe?" he yawns again and sighs lookin up at her he cant help but smile a bit
She smiled and took his hands, bringing them up near his head and she smiled and said "I wont leave, I'm sure you'd wake up if anything happend and i was right here." she said drawing circles on his had with her thumb

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