Fae Hiding

Roarke frowns "I dont know. Lilly will tell you let me get her." he starts taking zane's energy so lilly would get ma and come over there

Zane shakes his head "Too weak. Can barely move."
Lily turned to see him fall and said "karma, and are you ok?" she stood up and pulled zane up and dragged him inside laying him on the couch
Roarke looks at her "Umm. Hello. My name is Roarke who are you?"

Zane sighs "I think Roarke lost his memory... Again."
Nadeya blankly looked at him for a second, "Umm, I'm Nadeshka, but you call me Nadeya?" She helped him up, "Come on let's get you inside."
Nadeya had brought Roarke inside, "Hey you guys, can you help me, I don't think my healing is going to help him."
Zane hits one of Roarke's pressure points and he drops like a rock "He will be healed when he wakes up our bodies heal themselves. I siggest we all get some rest. We need to move tomorrow ive seen scouts around."
Nadeya twitched lightly as she glared at Zane, then picked up Roarke dragging him to the living room. She started gathering her hidden weapons and started gathering food. After she had done that she laid down next to Roarke and started making the ceiling glow wiht stars.
Lily frowned and said "gentle id frek if anyone did that to you" she said and then hugged him "but thanks for being the bigger man" she said and kissed him on the cheek
Zane smiles he looks around then his eyes stop on the couch "Go lie down. Looks like I'll be taking watch." he takes off his shirt showing his muscular torso he slips a black shirt on that had a black hood he walks out of the room and changes into black pants he pulls his mask on and goes to walk out the door "Any objections to me taking the first watch alone?"
Zane stands leaning against the wall of the house looking into the dark woods he was shivering because it was pretty cold he had a knife in his hand he sat like that for hours refusing to go wake anyone up he owed everyone something Roarke he owes from trying to kill him nadeya he owes for her letting hi stay and lilly for being so nice to him. He couldnt put any of them in danger... Well maybe Roarke... Never the less he stood there
Before she went to beg she had a hot shower, cleaning herself off anf brushing out her hair, when she steped out and into the towel she felt alot better. She changed into a pair of shorts that reached her mid thigh and a hoodie. she decided to check on Zane and bring him somthing warm to drink, as it was freezing. she made a hotchocolate and walked out. "Hey. Just wanted to give you this before i go to sleep."She said and handed it to him
Zane tripped her but then realizing it was her he grabs her amd the hot chocolate before they hit the ground "Thank you. " he took off his shirt and wrapped it around her "Hey it's cold out here i dont want you to get sick.." he takes a sip welcoming the warmth of the drink he hears a noise and his arm holding the knife twitches slightly
She was shocked at first but stood up, blinking and she gave his shirt back "I'm only gonna be out here for a minute, to say goodnight." she rolled her eyes, she thought it was seet but when she heard the noise she whispered "Act as if it isn't there butkeep an eye out, pretend it was an anima, be discrete" she kissed his cheek and said "Goodnight" and walkined inside, tense. The last thing they needed was the enimy to know they were there
As she kissed his cheek she would have seen a flash of red in his eyes he looks at her as she walks inside he smiles and disappears for a seccond throwing his shirt were she was sleeping then he runs into the forest there was a sliggt rustling of leaves a muffled yell and then complete silence Zane walked back to the house his chest and arms covered in blood some his own suprisingly there had een a group of three people and they were pretty fast for humans but he killed them he sips the hot chocolate trying to stay awake so no one else would habe to go on watch

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