Fae Hiding

Lily smiled and Zane and kissed his cheek "Yes, you showed your face thats enough" shd said proud and she hugged him around her neck and kissed him "No. No violence." her checks were still stained from her tears
He pulls his mask back on and smiles under it feeling safer again

"Why not." Roarke sighs and looks at lilly and mutters under his breath "Geez babby him some more."
Hearing his sentance Lily blew up again "Its not babying him if he flinches almost every time i touch him, its not babying if i just dont want anybody hurt! Roarke, we camwe to help not to fight." lily turned to Zane and said "Do you want to fight,?" she asked him in a calm tone, the smile under the mask made her happy, as long as he was
Zane clenches his fists "I want to hurt Roarke. If you dont want me to i wont." Roarke growls and takes a step forward "Zane is nothing against me he wouldn stand a chance it wouldnt e fair."
As soon as she finished the sentance roarke was pinned and zane was hitting him

Roarke rolls ontop of zane and chokes him hittin him he wasnt as fast but he was stronger
In a blur of motion Zane kicks Roarke off and he lands next to Lilly Zane appears holding a knife to Roarke's throat his arm shaking slightly as he sets the blade agaisnt roarke's throat he probably wouldnt kill him
elLily covers her eyes, she didnt want anymore death and she wimpered knowing somone could hear here"please, thats enough" tears formed thinking of anymore death and pain, to her friends and her boyfriend
Zane and roarke both heard her Zane kicks Roarke onto the ground Roarke stands up and turns he hits Zane "You made her cry nice job."

Zane grabs his chin and growls he looks at lilly his eeyes turn from dark red eyes of a killer to light blue soft eyes when he looks at lilly he grabs her hand and takes off his mask he puts it in her other hand and stands there next to her
Lily squeazed his hand and then let go, instead hugging him, she had seen the change in his eyes and hoped the others dd to, it ment he wouldnt hurt her. "thankyou" she whispered burring her head in his neck, "I just cant stand anymore pain." she said enjoying thr hug
"Just like how you used to make skylar cry. It's your fault she is dead." Roarke smirks standing across the yard his eyes were still red he couldnt control himself

Zane sits down and covers his ears "no.. No. I didnt i couldnt stop myself. No..." he starts shaking a little a tear runs down his face as he remembered the night he had a accidently killed their sister. He looke at lilly he never told her about his sister he hoped she wouldnt think it was his ex girlfriend
Lily pulled nadeya into roarkes veiw hoping it worked and she crpuchrd next to zane "Zane, babe, its ok, whatever it is dont listen to him while his like that" she knew skylar wasnt his ex they had mentioned her name before.
Zane looks at her he wipeshis eyes "It is my fault i killed her. " he lies down on the ground an whines "Im so sorry skylar." tears run down his face into the dirt next to him

Roarke smiles and walks over to nadeya returning to normal "What did i miss?"
Lily layed down beside him and said "Zane it will be fine" she turned to roark and said "what did you say?" she askee wiping hus tears. she sat him up sat om his lap and let him lean on her, hugging him rocking sode to side
Roarke looks at her "Whaat. Diiid. Iiii. Missss." he smiles slightly

Zane looks at her "Will you promise me something lilly..." he looks at her and smiles lightly
"If my eyes are red calm me down or hide. It used to scare skylar because

I will attack anyone when im like that."
"Thank you babe. I l-i love you." he smiles and forces himself to hug her back she should be able to tell he was still a bit scared about being touched and the fight didnt help
Zane relaxes as she kisses him "Can we go back inside now"

Roarke looks at nadeya "You seem bored. We can go do something. " he smiles at her and looks around
Nadeya shrugged, "I'm not bored I've just apparently been out longer then I thought. I really don't know what's going on."

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