Fae Hiding

She looked up at him, relizing he was alsleep and smiled, fondly." she checked his head for a temperature, he didnt have one so she just hugged him back hoping he'd calm down?
His eyes snap open and he almost hops to his feet but sees lilly and stops he looks at her "Ummm.... Morning?" he smiles weakly
He looks at her "Umm yeah." he seemed a bit shaken up but it woul dbe hard to get him to admit it he looks at her "I'm fine. how ar-are you?"
He hugs her and kisses below her ear trying to distract her "I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm fine nothing is wrong.. nothing at allll......" he smiles weakly
he turns dark red and looks at her "U-umm n-no just ummm nightmares. Yeah. I'm not scared of anything. I'm not scared of anything....​ he looks at her he got really quite as he finished the sentance
Lily pulled hm back onta the couch and said "everyone is afraid of somthing, you are arnt you, well to make you feel better im scared of loosing you too" she hugged him tight an said "I think its cute" she said into his ear while rocking them side to side
He coughs violently and looks at here he falls unconcious an hits the ground hard he eventually comes too and looks around he tries to stand up "Roarke did that." he coughs a bit weak "Alright let me go cook." he stands and almost falls
Lily kneels by his side and when he gets up she grabs his arm and asked "how did he do that?" she asked softly dragging him to the bedroom they were in before and pull the covers over him "stop stressing. ill get us somthing to eat" she does and sits at the top of the bed and putting his heading into her lap and playing with her hair and singimg to him

(I wont give up on us)
"Well Roarke and I are linked. We can use magic by using our own energy. He is stronger with magic so he can somehow use my energy to use his magic." he yawns and looks up at her "Im fine i think." he kisses her cheek then lies back down and yawns looking up at her
"I love you." he falls asleep holding her hand his head still in her lap he snuggles closer to her and smiles
Zane squeezes her a bit rtightly "No..." he grumbles more about "Leave her alone." he whines "Stop please." tears run down his face hw as still asleep
Lily bends over him and kisses his cheek and caresses it "Zane dont wake up but im here babe, im here no one is hurting me" she whispered kissing his forehead and cheeks to calm him down.
Zane takes her hand and smiles a bit he was still asleep "Im here." he smiles

Eventually Zane wakes up he looks around a bit wondering if lilly fell asleep

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