Fae Hiding

He stood up on his hind legs as his hind legs started to elongate as well as his claws. He started growing larger standing on his hind legs. The black lightning bolts on his fur started to disappear and he rose his snout in the air and howled. Xeron the continued to run atop of the clouds.
Lily smied and said said "dont please" she looked him in the eye and grabbed his hands and laced their fingers together "he didn't hurt me" she lied
He starts running toward the site with every step lightning would fall. Once he was above he fell down in a gigantic flash of lightning turning the ground below his feet black. He howled and stood on his hind legs again as the wind started to pick up.
(I am so so so sorry for leaving, my phone internet was playing up and then died)

Lily would wince at the loud noises and say "I know, but I'd feel worse if i did that to him." she admitted, taking his mask of
He returns to his all fours stance and looks up toward the black sky and howls. He runs toward the building slowly turning into the size of a mastif and his black bolts returned. He jumped knocking down the door and put his paws on Lilly's chest licking her face.
Zane's mask appears back on his face as the door falls he clenches his fists and looks at the dog and mutters "You had your chance."
Lily laughed and stukbled bqck into zane she hugged zeroncand tyen asked him "you do know whats going in rught?" sge felt his fists clench and reached back and un clenched his fingers
Zane unclenches his fists and looks at her he smiles a bit under his mask and looks at her not angry at her he mumbles quietly "What exactly is going on...."
Zane looks at her and Pulls his mask up so it covers his face but not his mouth he kisses her lightly then pulls back fixing his mask. "Yes." then he whispers to himself "He had his chance. What will happennow."
Lily smiled at him and then heard this and said "Yeah, he did, but I want to make sure he understands" she said. She grabbed his hand and palyed with his fingers.
She really had hoped he did, she didn''t want to explain, it would make her feel really really bad. she sighed and sat down, on the floor.
The bolt completely disappeared from his fur and his fur changed from its bright yellow to a light brown. His eyes were no longer yellow but a dark brown. He looked around the room looking up at the two people and barked and growled backing into a corner.

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