Fae Hiding

He slides his mask off he had a scar acros his right eye he wipes her tears and smiles "What ever happens
E kisses her cheek and grabs a blanket he covers her then sits o the arm of the couch next ro her
she felt the movement and opened her eyes squinting slightly. She see's Zane and smiles a little, he slept without his mask. she thought and slowly got up as not to wake him up.
Her getting up woke him up he looks at her and grabs his mask "Im sorry i usually sleep with my mask on.." he looks at her and smiles lightly he looks around and sees no one is around he leaves his mask off
She sighs and crosses her arms "So much for not waking you up." she says and then smiles "Don't be sorry, It's fine, progress actually." she said picking up her mug "Coming to the kitchen?" she asked
Zane follows her and smiles he appears next to her and leans down and kisses her cheek "Ill go where ever you want me to." he unconciously felt his scar
Lily thought about that and said "That's Sweet but don't listen to me when i'm angry, especially at you, i say things i don't mean." she told him walking to the kitchen, him at her side
She puts her hands on her hips and looks up at him "Mmmmm?" she asks with one eyebrow raised then she goes to open the highest cupboard but that is about all she can do, she can't see in or grab anything. and muttered to herself "This isn't helping my case at all."
She pokes him and laughs a little grabbing the muffins down. and getting one out, then putting the container on the bench. She then takes a bite of her muffin and waited to be put down
She cocked her head to the side "What is so funny?" she asked him, taking another bite of her own.

blueberry muffin
He kisses her forehead then jumps up sitting on the counter next to her "Nothing i just enjoy being so fast
She laughs and says "Ah." she takes another bite of her muffin and remembers something, jumping up, on the bench and opening a cupboard taking out a breakfast, two muffins and drinks and such. She quickly took out some of the chocolate and put some down, she wanted to surprise Roarke and Nadeya she shoved it outside, far enough so it would be seen but at a distance, so that they don't accidentally knock it over. "I wanted to thank Nadeya." she explained jumping back up on the bench

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