Fae Hiding

She smiles and says "Breakfast, In a way I'm sucking up for something, I'm gonna ask her for advise, cause she's the only other girl, and another because she looked after me, she was gonna give herself up, i know it was more for Roarke than anything else but still." she said
He frowns when she says Roarke and he touches his scar but he jerks his hand away and looks at her "Oh." he shivers a bit
She notice's this and the hand on the scar and asks "Did he give you that?" she ran her index finger over the scar, softly
She frowned, and pulled back, looking him in the eye and said "I realize that was cruel, I don't know the details, and don't want to, but he has Nadeya now. She wont let him kill me, and you wont either. and he knows how it would feel now." she said trying to reason with him.

Her hands on his cheeks
Xeron was lost in the middle of the forest feeling very drained. He laid down in the grass as a thunderstorm rolled in from above and lightning started to strike his body. With every strike his small dog body would shake and whine it couldnt take all of the pressure.
Lily smiled at Zane huggng him bqck then she heard the lightning and paled knowing what happened "Zane, I know your not fond of him but i have to maje sure he is ok, you said you were fast pleease" she beggedvhim
After many lightning strikes his eyes glowed and he looked like a timber wolf with the same color pattern. He went up onto the clouds in a flash of lightning running along the black clouds that appeared bellow him every step he took lightning would strike and he was growling making a long roll of thunder.
He started running toward the camp area making the storm come closer to the site. His steps quickened and the lightning strikes faster.
Sh had gatherex that he was getting closer "never mind he is coming i think" she said grabbing his hand and dragging him to a window
He ran his eyes glowing yellow and he ran above the area running in circles now. The lightning striked all over and he howled as winds started to pick up moving in circles.
He stops the spinning of the clouds but still howls as wind starts to pick up and the dark clouds spread. The wind started breaking branches of trees and lightning struck everywhere. Several trees caught fire being struck by lightning.
He continued and the wind started to get faster and one of the trees cracked and fell over. He barked several times making it thunder and followed up with several strikes of lightning.
Lily shook her head and cuddled ito him "he cant help it, that is how ue gets energy" she explained "and why?",she asked

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