Fae Hiding

Zane looks at her he slips his mask off he knew he could get it back on in half a second literaly so he wasnt worried
Lily throws the ball and looks at zane, gasping a little "I still stand by what i said, Come back when your ready." she said
Zane's mask appears back on his face he nods andnlooks at her "Ill be outside." he walks out leaning against the wall
Lily hears a banging noise and goes to investigate, leaving the sleeping puppy on the chair, she see's Zane hitting his head and was instantly concerned. "Zane, what's wrong?" she asked him, placing a hand on the small of his back.
Zane shivers a bit he looks at her "N-nothing im fine. " he takes his mask off and looks at her his eyes turn from red to blue to green "Im fine." he frowns
Lily grabbed his sholders and says "you were bashing your head against a wall, you are not fine. Please tell me what is wrong" she said looking into his eyes
He looks at her and stumbles over his words "N-nothing i eh um. I just you um. I..." he blushes and pulls his mask back up slowly to cover his face
Lily was a little happy he was showing emotion, it ment he trusted her, even if only a little. "Please." she said "Tell me."
Zane kisses her there was a passion behind it but under the passion was an abyss filled with fear and hate and sadness he pulls back and pulls his mask down "Im sorry!" he turns to leave quickly
Lily was shocked at the emotion in the kiss and felt sonflicted. On one hand she did care for Zane, and she had liked the kiss but on the other she did like Xeron and loved spending time with him. She grabbed Zanes hand and pulled him back and just hugged him and said "I just don't know anymore!"
Zane hugs her "Shh shh. It's okay. It will all be okay. You will be happy in the end no matter what you do. Ill be here. Through all of it." he looks down at her not wanting to let go
Lily was standing on her tippy toes and she nodded but whispered "Either way I leave someone else in pain." she said refering to him or Xeron. "I-i don't want to have to choose" she said
He take his mask off "I trust you lilly." he smiles and kisses her cheek "Everything will be okay."
While he was in the chair he did some sleep barks and was running laying down. After awhile he started whimpering.
Lily sighed and said "Thankyou" she kissed him on the cheek and then said "thats all you going to get untill i decide" then she heard his wimpering and pulled Zane back inside
Zane smiles brightly "That's okay." he puts his mask back on then he leans against the door "Im going to go get some food " he reappears with an apple
Lily laughed an shook her head then picked up the sleeping puppy anf dat on thr chair "Im sorry, I just dont know" she whispered to it

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