Fae Hiding

Zane cocks his head "I... I don't understand. Why do you trest him so..... Nicely." he had to force out the last word like it pained him
Lily nodded "He's why I'm taken, I would have treated you nicer than i do now, but you attacked Roarke and Nadeya, you need to gain my trust again." she said pointing him to the chair next to hers "You can sit down." she said a small smile on her face
Zane stands and crosses his arms "First of all Nadeya attacked me! Roarke killed the only person i ever trusted or lo- you know what forget it! Forget you!" he grabs the table with one hand and throws it across the room he was stronger then most people the table shatters he walks outside
He laughs when the table hits and shatters. "Oh you broke something please tell me how that makes you seem more angry." he folded both of his hands behind his head.
"I'll be right back" she followed zane and said "Nadeya wouldnt have attacked with no good reason, Roarke may have done so but if you didnt act like this you can trust again. you dont see me going and trying to kill the people who killed the only person i ever loved or trusted." she said to him in a calm tone.
Zane felt warner he was so mad he looks at her and stands there she didnt know him."You don't know me lilly. Im just a coward hiding behind a mask." he folds his arms "And you better watch your little... Mate. If he doesnt watch his tone i will kill him.." Zane lifts his mask and kisses lilly's cheek he pulls his mask back down (Id put a picture but i dont want everyone to know what he looks like yet ill send you a message.) Zane turns his voice empty "Thank you lilly but I shouldn't be around people feel free to follow but i doubt you want to. " he puts his hands in his pockets and walks away he looks down hoping lilly would follow.
Lily had always seen the best in people, even if there was only a little left.That had always been there, it as her 'power' to see the good, but she could always see that bad as well. She ignored it most of the time, usuallt at her own risk She ran forward and grabed his arm "So you think your a coward, and you arn't trying to change that?" she asked him "You arn't good around people? Try, let us help you, yes i said us, you brother has learned to trust, minimally but he has. you can't do it on your own, Zane, so let us help." she said softly but in a determined voice.
"Hey Lily do you know how many volts it takes to stop a heart." he laughed and walked out of the home and watch him run away. "Darn what a shame I was so looking forward to dieing." he started laughing again.
She turned to him a little pissed of "Why are you being so rude?" she asked him "and no i don'y" she added in a ticked of tone
He shifted into his dog for a large dog with long fluffy hair. The hair is golden with black lightning strikes on both sides of his chest and head. He put his between his legs and lowered his head walking back into the house. Then he curled up in the middle of the floor.
Lily sighed and said "I'm sorry." she rubbed her temples and then said to Zane, "Think about it." then she waled inside and knelt next to the dog "I'm sorry, I'm just used to you being nice, and you were cold I didn't understand." she said patting it
Zane looks at lilly his mask back on "Fine. Only because you asked. Ill give it a chance but i will take your boyfriebd dow ." he stands tall he liked lilly that's more then he cpuld say for anyone else "You get one chance." he walks next to her and looks down at her
Lily 'Aww' 'd softly and kissed the top of the dogs head "Whats wrong now?" she asked it and then turned to Zane a huge smile on her face "Thank you! I'll try to help you best i can." she grinned, she loved helping people
Zane smiles under his mask "You know you are very cute and you are fun sized. " he laughs and leans against the wall
Zane pulls lilly out of sight then hugs her picking her up encasing her between his muscular torso and his arms"Thank you ."
Zane's mask had slipped up to reveal a dark red face he pulls it back down quickly "I remember."

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