Fae Hiding

She tried to keep her face straight but failed miserably and burst out laughing, "Oh my gods, your face! Its-so-fu-fu-fu-funny-ny-y-y-yyy!!!!!"
She rolled her eyes, "You didn't make me sad, you made me laugh so hard I snorted." She turned away and pouted.
Roarke kisses her then picks her up and throws her into the water "You are too cute to be a killer. You may be losing your touch." he winks and laughs
She popped up out of the water sputtering and threw a rock at his head, "My cuteness is an act to aid me when I assassinate people!"
She threw another rock, "Whatever, you're mean and if you don't learn how to swim by the end of the day I won't talk to you for tomorrow!" She huffed playfully.
"I so sorry... I alread know how to swim though." he smiles and kisses her "Im a quick learner ."

Zane hears a familiar voice "Roarke." he looks at lilly "Be back one second." he sprints over and sits on the rock in the middle of the lake "Well hey guys."

Roarke growls "Zane."

"I so sorry... I alread know how to swim though." he smiles and kisses her "Im a quick learner ."

Zane hears a familiar voice "Roarke." he looks at lilly "Be back one second." he sprints over and sits on the rock in the middle of the lake "Well hey guys."

Roarke growls "Zane."
Roarke growls "Stay here." he gets out of the water and grabs a knife

Zane smiles he reappears infront lf Roarke "You killed alicia!" he rushes him and kicks his knee shattering his leg

Roarke tries to stand and he swings at zane

Zane side steps and hits Roarke knocking him down
Zane watched her (What it looked like to him) slow kick he laughed and grabbed her leg and pulls her head back setting a knife against her throat

Roarke tries to stand hurting hit leg farther
Nadeya grabbed his arm and flipped him over her head and ran towards her clothes grabbing her katanas turning towards him while creating complete copies of her with her glamour.

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